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I can see the sun in wintertime



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Back at AT yesterday, she's very happy with recovery. Much more movement and less pain & catching. More exercises and a bit of extra strapping. (She saw me running on Thursday morning and was going to shout from the car to tell me to stop holding my arm so stiffly but she reckoned she'd frighten the bejeezus out of me and she knew I was coming to see her on Friday so it'd wait till then :D)
    So yesterday was a light jog to and from her clinic, nothing too interesting.

    Saturday: 10.2km in 58 mins. Lovely run this morning, really enjoyed it. Up and out while the babas were in bed - OH is away for the next week and while The Boy is 15 and more than capable of looking after his sisters, Smallest Girl gets a bit worried if I'm out too long, An hour is just about ok. Anyway, lsr done on Thursday so nothing to worry about.

    So far this week, just under 65k done. Still saving my stats in miles as well though (and as soon as Berlin is over. I'll be kicking this metric sh!* to the kerb very fricking quickly). Updated my ytd spreadsheet with June and July's totals and it brought me to 943 miles. Went back and checked what I'd done so far in August - 64.8. Which means I ran my 1000th mile of the year during Thursday's lsr :D. Absolutely chuffed with that, especially because it's more than 2 months earlier than last year (1/1/14). Another few kms/miles tomorrow - 6 weeks and 1 day.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    racheljev wrote: »
    Still saving my stats in miles as well though (and as soon as Berlin is over. I'll be kicking this metric sh!* to the kerb very fricking quickly).

    Lol. I switched to Km for a while a few years ago but never really got the hang of it. Couldn't wait to get back to miles.

    Great to see you're more or less over the injury and back on a new running streak.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Weekly update: couldn't do this yesterday because couldn't log itn - typical, I finish a 54 mile week and I can't even brag about it! :rolleyes:

    Got program for 4 weeks from coach last Monday.
    Three key sessions:
    a 90 min run with last 30 mins at strong pace;
    tempo session of 5x4 mins or 6x3 mins @ 5k pace with 2-3 mins recovery & 20 mins w/u & c/d;
    Long run of 2hrs30 - 3hrs.

    So here's how the first week went.
    57 mins with 4k @ mp. 10.2k

    45 mins easy, 7.5k

    16.3k, 90 mins. Started the strong section at 45 mins in rather than 60, so slightly tougher than expected.

    45 mins, 7.8k

    24 mins, 4.2k

    18 min warmup. 5 reps of 4 mins @ 5k pace, followed by 2 mins recovery. 14 min cooldown. All down before 8:30 because I had to go to airport to collect OH.

    Mental family day planned so out at 7:15 for projected 30k run. Lashing rain but I'm not a sugar baby and won't dissolve in the rain so no problem. Did an extended tour of North Dublin: Whitehall, Artane, Coolock, Killester, Raheny, Clontarf, Sutton, Raheny, Clontarf, Fairview, Marino and home. Stopped twice - once to check a text from The Boy's GAA mentor to say match might be called off because of weather (it wasn't) and again to check distance from school in Sutton to home (13k). Brought two gels with me to see how they affected the normally dodgy tummy - they were grand. Lovely run, stopped at the end of the road at 30k, 3hrs 3mins.

    87.2k for the week but because I still think in miles, I'm happier about the fact that it's a 54.1 mile week :) Shoulder playing up and chin scar sore after yesterday's rain bashing but still smiling. 4 weeks 6 days....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Great going, Rachel. Not too long now :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    You're going really well there Rachel. Good Stuff ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Emer911 wrote: »
    You're going really well there Rachel. Good Stuff ;)

    Sssh, say nothing. When I'm going well is normally when everything falls apart. Nothing to see here, move along please....:D

    So this week's update.

    45 mins recovery run, 7.4k. Legs a bit stiff from previous day's exertions but they were fine after a km or so.

    10k w/8 strides to finish, 60 mins. Grand.

    Plan is 90 mins starting with 30 mins easy, then 30 mins steady and finish with 30 mins strong. I can't seem to get the hang of the difference between steady and strong so most of this run was done as almost a progression run. Every km got slightly faster and my overall pace at the end was around PMP. 16.3k in 90 mins.

    45 mins recovery run, 7.5k

    30 mins, just under 5k, nothing special.

    Plan was 15 min w/u, 6 x 3mins @ 5k pace w/2 min recovery, 15 min cooldown. Couldn't get my garmin to lock on a signal and because it was 7 a.m. and I was buggered if I was going to hang around waiting, I set up a quick workout on mapmyrun on the phone and used that. Much easier :)
    First 3 reps felt ok, 4th rep felt hard, 5th even harder, 6th was grand because I knew it was the last one :D 11k, 60 mins.

    Long run time. Decided to venture over the Southside for this one. Did a quick route check and discovered that Dun Laoghaire Dart station is about 16k from my house. So out I went. Headed towards East Wall, onto the Quays, around Grand Canal, into Ringsend, onto Sandymount, out the Merrion Gates and up towards Blackrock and Monkstown. Into Dun Laoghaire where I stopped for a minute to stretch. Then back the way I came. When I got to the Merrion Gates, there was a train coming so I continued on towards Ballsbridge instead. Felt a teeny bit iffy so stopped in a shop to top up my water bottle. Followed a bit of the DCM route as far as Beggars Bush and then got back to Ringsend and retraced my steps. Had to dig deep over the last couple of kms, kept telling myself just a bit further, just a bit further. 30 k was last week's run and 32 k was this week's goal. Got to 31 and was going to stop but persuaded myself to keep going for a bit more. Got to 32 and was still a good way from my house. Got to 32.5 and stopped for a breather and then went a teeny bit further. 33kms, 3hrs 17mins.

    Very very happy with that long run. It was tough but I kept going and that's good for my confidence as well as anything else. Very happy with my week - 90.1k, 55.9 miles. I think that's my biggest ever mileage week. Ever. Tired, a bit sore, but pleasantly surprised. Happy out. 4 weeks today.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Mid week update :)

    45 mins recovery run, 7.5k. Quite knackered after Sunday's long run (and the emotional roller coaster that was Dublin Vs Mayo). Easy kms.

    Feeling bit better, 10.4k, 60 mins, 8 strides at the end.

    Had to get an attempt at the weekend's long run done - middle girl has gymnastic things, oldest has GAA things, everybody has things that interfere with running :( So, school run done, out the door, on the road. Headed down towards East Wall and the Point (sorry I know it's the O2 or the 3Arena or someother bl00dy name but it'll always be the Point to me ;)) Decided to run the length of the quays to the Phoenix Park. Most of the time it was grand, apart from having to dodge tourists and junkies. Into the Park for a little while and then back the way I came. Did a mini loop around Fairview Park on the way back to increase the distance covered and then home for a rest. Stopped a couple of times to stretch and top up my water bottle but apart from that, a fairly solid run. 27.3k, 2hrs 46mins.

    Legs and body completely wiped after yesterday's long run and last night's no sleep (As an aside, I find I'm sleeping badly after a long run - I assumed that I'd be out cold for the night, no such luck). Very easy kms, 7.3km in 45 mins.

    Tomorrow will hopefully be either a 90 min run with 30 mins strong, or 60-70 mins with 6x3 @ 5k pace in the middle. Tired even thinking about it..... zzzzzzz... 3 and a bit weeks.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Yup, it's the Point for me too :rolleyes:.

    When's the taper madness due to kick in ? :pac::pac::pac:

    You've done some really solid training, are you looking forward to it now ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Bungy Girl wrote: »

    When's the taper madness due to kick in ? :pac::pac::pac:

    You've done some really solid training, are you looking forward to it now ?
    Madness set to hit in approximately 10 days :-). I've one more week of the program and then it'll be taper time. And am I looking toward to it? Hmm, I don't know. I'm a bit afraid to be positive because I've boarded the sub4 bus before and been dumped off. I know I've worked hard but..... Also there'll be so much to do because we're all going over for the weekend. It'll be manic!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    racheljev wrote: »
    Also there'll be so much to do because we're all going over for the weekend. It'll be manic!

    That'll offset some of the taper madness :D

    Nice that you'll have some of your own personal cheerleaders too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Rest of week update :)

    15 min warmup, 6 x3 mins @5k pace with 2 mins recovery, 15 min cooldown.
    Paced these better than last week. Effort felt more even. Still knackered at the end though ;)

    Plan was for 90 mins with last 30 strong. Actual was 12 "peg it and get it done" kms in 62 mins. Middle child had national squad stuff today in Galway but hurt her back in training on Friday night, which meant emergency physio visit on Saturday morning at 11:15. Only time available all day for my run was between 9:30 and 10:45, hence the "peg it" element of the run. Silver lining: 12km at faster than pmp and I felt ok ;)

    Late night at wedding afters and early start for Galway meant no run before we left. And I'm not allowed run in Galway because of the whole "falling 200m away from gym, dislocating shoulder, continuing to run for another 2 miles while ignoring floppiness of arm and then having to drive back to Dublin with very worried child after shoulder relocating in car" incident last year. Honestly. I'm not. Middle child's coach even said to me "you're not going out for a run are you?" when I left daughter in. As if it'd happen again, as if I ever fall :p Anyway, home by 7:40 p.m., on the road by 7:45 p.m. 6.4 kms to finish the week.

    I was feeling a bit disappointed about this week - long run not as long as I would've liked (even though it was over 27km), yesterday's 90 mins ending up as 60 (at faster than pmp). Then I realised that even though I felt like it wasn't a good week, I'd still done 3 decent sessions and run just under 82kms. Jeez, it's all relative isn't it?

    One more week of program. One long run left. And then it's time for (drum roll please).... TAPER MADNESS! This time 3 weeks, it'll all be over...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Just had to post very quickly about this morning's run. Nothing special planned - 45 mins recovery. Haven't been listening to music for the past few weeks while running, podcasts pass the time better. But no podcasts downloaded and I needed something to distract me from the total knackeredness (it's a word, really) so shuffle on and off we go. Song 1 - Happy. Immediately channel MarthaStew's positivity, and smile. Then my old fave, Take That, Never Forget comes on. Ah I love a bit of cheese. Still smiling, pedestrian lights with me so no need to stop at junction. High Hopes, Kodaline followed by Mr Blue Sky. On a bit of a roll now, decide to tackle the hill from the Botanics up past the Met Office. Next song is Defying Gravity from Wicked. Now to be honest that is the whiffiest fromage-iest (it's a word, really) song ever but it got me up the frickin' hill. Next up, Elbow, One day like this. The Boss, Born to Run. Green Day, Time of your life. Big Country, In a big country - the song this log got it's name from. Last stretch home had Time after time, Cyndi Lauper - a song that always reminds me of my Nana; This is the last time, Keane - which reminds me of youngest daughter being born; A thousand miles, Vanessa Carlton - whjich reminds me of middle girl being born; Teenage Dirtbag - which was the teenagers favourite song as a 2 year old. No skipping, no messing with playlists, just a straightforward shuffle (but I did play Born to run twice) Got back to the house and I'm still smiling.

    And the running? 8.05k in 46 mins, with the fastest km being the one I ran up the hill to Defying Gravity :D One of those runs that make me realise why I keep running. Happy out..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Nice playlist :p and wincing at your 'not allowed to run in Galway' story :eek:

    You're in great shape for Berlin! Looking forward to see how you cope with tapering... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Rest of week update.

    63 mins, 10.6k. Supposed to do strides at the end but, ahem, "forgot" :o

    16.2k in 88 mins. This wasn't a great run. I was worried sick about the Boy's junior cert results - the school weren't handing them out till 3 p.m. :eek: Poor kids had to go into school and do most of a days work before they got their precious envelopes. So this run was just a "get out and do it" one. As it turns out, being worried about the Boy and being NOT worried about the run meant that each km was done progressively faster than the last. Ended up at around 5k pace for the last couple of kms. So, better than expected.
    (And I was worried needlessly - the Boy got 6 A's and 5 B's - all in higher level papers. Well, except for CSPE which is common level for everyone. So very proud Mammy :D)

    46 mins recovery, 7.5km

    Very little time, mad morning. 24 mins, 4km

    Last long run of the program. Goal was 3hrs on feet, 30k. Headed towards the Phoenix Park. Ran the length of Chesterfield Ave, came out the Castleknock Gate. Ran up around by Myos, past Castleknock College and Mount Sackville, back into the Park at Strawberry Beds gate. Another bit of a lap, and back towards home via the Quays, East Wall and Clontarf. Stopped at 12k to stretch and 20k for very badly needed emergency toilet stop. Took a couple of gels and wore the clothes I intend to wear in Berlin. Got to my house at 30k on the button, 3hrs 2mins.

    15 min warmup, followed by (3mins @ 5k pace with 2 mins recovery) times 6, 15 min cooldown. Mind over matter for this. Legs tired from yesterday, whole body tired from training. Told myself I'd wuss out after rep 4 but I didn't so happily smug now that it's all done and it's not even 11 a.m. :)

    87.1km / 54 miles for the week. In the last 4 weeks of the program, I've covdered 346.1km / 214.7 miles. I have a 33k, two 30k and two 28k runs done in the last 5 weeks. I probably would've liked another 33k but I'm happy with the amount of kms in my legs right now. Got my number on Friday, the date on the milk is the day before the marathon. This sh!t just got real, it's taper time baby :D:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    great training there Rach, hope the taper is calm and uneventful and best of luck in Berlin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    It's almost time for a last update :eek:

    Monday 14/9:
    6.8k in 40 mins, grand.

    Tuesday 15/9:
    6.8k in 40 mins, as above, grand

    Wednesday 16/9:
    19.5k in 2 hours. Felt very difficult. Legs very achy afterwards. Very tired.....

    Thursday 17/9:
    Woke up with achy limbs, high temp, cough, cold, blah blah blah. 2 days of Benilyn 4Flu, loads of hot drinks with honey, as much rest as is possible in a house which has three kids. No running from Thursday till this morning.

    8.1k in 44 mins.
    6k done at pmp or faster. Feeling ok now. Head still a bit congested and still a bit cough-y but should be ok. Silver lining to the cloud of sickness: at least it happened the week before rather than the day before we fly out. A few more easy runs till Friday and then we're heading off :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Very exciting for you, Rachel! I hope you all have a blast. I was there last year as a spectator and the city was just buzzing and it was great fun. good to get the back to school bug out of the system this week too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Easy 30 mins, legs feeling a bit heavy.

    Another easy 30 mins, mainly to try out my top for Sunday - a sleeveless Dublin jersey (boy's age 13-14 :)) Fits perfectly, no chafing, happy days. And I should be a little bit easier for my cheerleaders to spot. Flying out early Friday morning so last run in Ireland will be tomorrow, probably 20 mins or so.

    Nerves getting very bad now. I'm keeping a decent handle on my taper madness but the butterflies have already started and I'm finding it hard to believe that this time next week it'll all be over. I should probably start thinking about B and C goals, just in case things don't work out the way I planned. But I don't want to. Sub4 is the goal, and has been since the very start of the training program - in fact, since I got the email telling me I had a place in the marathon. My Mam chewed the boots off me the other day, telling me that I was the only one concerned about time, everyone else was proud of me for getting here. It didn't help, or make me change my mind :o Sub4 it is. My number is F5372 if anyone wants to keep an eye on the tracker :) See y'all on the other side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Best of luck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Yes the very best of luck!!! (great outfit choice btw :D)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    The best of luck! You have done such amazing training I can't see you not getting your sub4 - go claim it!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Very best of luck with it, you will have an amazing experience and you're right to go for it!

    We will be tracking so consider that good vibes following you around! Up the Dubs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Good luck but most of all enjoy it.

    You will be alongside some of Ireland's best runners :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    I'll overlook the singlet ;)

    Best of luck Rachel, will be tracking on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Huge hugs coming your way :D:p
    Good luck!

    ...and don't forget to enjoy it! The time will be what the time will be. You've done the training and stayed healthy (fingers crossed!!;)) so you definitely deserve it. Will be tracking with interest.
    Safe travelling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    All the best Rachel. It's such a great event. The crowds will keep you going all the way round. Run well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Good luck Rachel. Enjoy it and I hope you get the time you want.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Best of luck! Hope it all goes well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,902 ✭✭✭Emer911

    Comon Rachel :pac:

    Through 15K in 01:25:31
    Est Finish time 04:00:32

    Keep it steady girl!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Emer911 wrote: »
    Comon Rachel :pac:

    Through 15K in 01:25:31
    Est Finish time 04:00:32

    Keep it steady girl!

    great running, she picked up the pace between 10 and 15k, hopefully can hold it and sneak in under 4 :)
