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I can see the sun in wintertime



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    I hear ya on the match day woes ! :( I managed to avoid the worst of the throngs on my run today by heading up towards St.Anne's the long way and back along the coast but still got caught up on the way home and was 'diverted' off the footpath and onto the road more than once :rolleyes:. Then home to find a family of 5 enjoying a picnic from their jeep parked outside my house :rolleyes:. Nice long run yesterday, seems like you're in great shape for DCM!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    I hear ya on the match day woes ! :( I managed to avoid the worst of the throngs on my run today by heading up towards St.Anne's the long way and back along the coast but still got caught up on the way home and was 'diverted' off the footpath and onto the road more than once :rolleyes:. Then home to find a family of 5 enjoying a picnic from their jeep parked outside my house :rolleyes:.

    Haha, that made me laugh! We're just off Sion Hill Road, we get lots of people leaving their cars nearby so they can get to the M50 - we know to time our ins and outs before the final whistle or we'll be stuck for the night :) I should've headed out the coast but I'd been that way yesterday so I didn't fancy it, will know better next time :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    racheljev wrote: »
    Haha, that made me laugh! We're just off Sion Hill Road, we get lots of people leaving their cars nearby so they can get to the M50 - we know to time our ins and outs before the final whistle or we'll be stuck for the night :) I should've headed out the coast but I'd been that way yesterday so I didn't fancy it, will know better next time :rolleyes:

    There's only one left !:D!:D!:D Unless it's a draw :eek:. We don't care who wins in our house so long as someone wins and we don't have to suffer a replay :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    There's only one left !:D!:D!:D Unless it's a draw :eek:. We don't care who wins in our house so long as someone wins and we don't have to suffer a replay :rolleyes:

    :eek: :eek: :eek: wash your mouth out :D

    Your training is going really well Rachel, despite the mid run tackle today!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Firedance wrote: »
    :eek: :eek: :eek: wash your mouth out :D

    Your training is going really well Rachel, despite the mid run tackle today!!

    Thanks very much, the last couple of weeks have been grand - but that normally means that something is about to happen :roll eyes: Sure enough, my already dodgy shoulder is fierce sore this morning after yesterday's tackle. I didn't sleep great last night because it was sore and I could feel it during this morning's "supposedly easy, actually hard" miles. Off to the physio I go :( I'm sure it'll be grand after a bit of dry needling and massage - hopefully!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual: 3.2 miles in 33:50
    Knackered. Easy miles felt hard.

    Plan: 7 mile progression run
    Actual: 6.4 miles in 59 mins
    Had to get this done very early so out just after 6 a.m. Plan was to run each mile 15 secs faster than previous. Ended up about 20-25 secs faster, except for last mile which was the same pace as previous mile - early start catching up on me :) Arrived home at 6.4 miles, had to get the kids up so no time to round up to 7 miles.

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual: 3.2 miles in 33:20
    Still Went to physio to get shoulder checked after Sunday's Kilkenny tackle. She said it was slightly strained, rotator cuff a bit bruised. Got some dry needling and a very painful massage.

    Plan: 9 aerobic miles
    Actual: 9.1 miles in 91 mins
    Thursday mornings seem to be "run into town and collect something, then run home" days. So off I went into town, feeling very smug as I passed all the poor unfortunates in cars because of the bus strike. Ran a round about way to Grafton street, collected my watch and ran a roundabout way home again. Still tired.

    Plan: easy miles
    Actual: 3.1 miles in just over 30 mins
    Nothing special, exactly what it says on the tin.

    Plan: 16 miles
    Actual: 17 miles with 9 @ marathon pace.
    Decided to try some of the marathon route for this one. Headed down towards the quays and ran as far as Blackhall place. Then up Manor Street and Aughrim Street, onto the North Circular Road and into the Park. Started the mp miles just as I reached the North Circular Road - tried to run by feel and not be too dependent on the watch. Got the North Road / Chesterfield avenue bit of the route wrong - came onto Chesterfield ave too late. Not a problem though. Continued on into Castleknock, around by Myo's and up by Castleknock College. Back into the park and did a bit more of the route. Got a bit lost (what's new) trying to get back to the main road. Got to the Wellington Monument at 13 miles so stopped for a stretch and a quick blast of my inhaler. 9 mp miles done at around 9:10 pace. Happy days. Continued on towards home at a slower pace for cool down, which was 4 miles. Got a beep from Cinguetti when I was about half a mile from home, it was a tired arm I raised to acknowledge him :). So a total of 17 miles in 2hrs40mins.

    42.1 so far this week, 5 recovery miles planned for tomorrow. Feeling tired and next week is shaping up to be a very busy one so might try and make it a step back week - my weekly mileage has gone up every week for the past 5 weeks so a step back will be no harm. 7 weeks tomorrow....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual: 3 miles in 31 mins

    Plan: 6 miles, progression
    Actual: 5.5 miles in 53 mins
    Close enough to a progression run but too knackered by early morning start to bother :)

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual: 3.2 miles in 34 mins

    Plan: Aerobic miles
    Actual: 10 miles in 1:43:16
    This had a lot of blah in it. Wanted to stop after 2 miles and forced myself to keep going. Headed out to St. Anne's Park /Raheny, ran some of the 5 mile course and then headed home. Was quite proud of the fact that I stomped it out and got to 10 miles. Treated myself to a large cappuccino and a scone the size of my head. Lovely.

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual: 2.8 miles in 25:57
    Had a very short window to get this run in so it was quicker than intended. No harm, a grand run.

    Plan: 15-16 miles long run.
    Actual: 15.2 miles in 2:30
    A grand grand run. Headed over to the Southside, as far as Blackrock and then came home. No muss, no fuss. Brought some gels with me to get the system used to them again. Took 3 over the course of the run and they were fine (of course that's no indication that they will be fine on Marathon day but hey, you can't fault me for trying...again....) Felt a bit weak when I got close to home so stopped at a local shop for a fruity drink - which turned out to be sugar free and didn't do a whole lot to get me home. Made some choc milk when I came in and managed to spill most of it over my MacBook :eek: Thankfully got most of it mopped up and then left the MacBook propped up so any remaining liquid could trickle out. I'm currently typing this on said piece of equipment and, apart from the odd key being a bit sticky, it seems to have survived, phew :o

    Plan: Recovery miles
    Actual: 5.5 miles in 58 mins
    Took it very easy and slow this morning. Out early enough to avoid most of the All-Ireland fans so no repeats of the shoulder/almost run over escapades of two weeks ago. A grand run.

    So just over 45 miles in a week when I was going to take it much easier than the previous weeks 46, hmmm :confused: Plan for the next week is to DEFINITELY take it a bit easier, half marathon on Saturday awaits. Current plan is to run it at mp and see how it goes. Plan will very probably change every day until Saturday - in fact, it will probably change mid race :rolleyes: 6 weeks and counting....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    great mileage Rachel and all seems to be going to plan. Long may it continue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Very busy week so runs were slotted in wherever they would fit :)

    Plan: easy miles
    Actual: 2.7 miles in 27:09

    Plan: tempo miles
    Actual: 4.1 miles in 34:08
    A couple of quick miles before making dinner for the savages. All ok.

    Plan: easy miles
    Actual: 3.1 miles in just over 30 mins

    Plan: Aerobic miles
    Actual: 5.1 miles in 50 mins
    A quick jog into town and home to collect yet another book for the Teenager.

    Plan: easy miles
    Actual: just under 2 miles in 20 mins
    Wasn't going to go out but legs felt tight. So an easy jaunt around the block to loosen them out was in order.

    Plan: Race Series Half marathon in around 2 hours
    Actual: Half marathon in 1:55:20 :)
    Wasn't in the form for this at all. Knackered tired after a long week and not a lot of sleep. It was a miserable morning. Felt very meh leaving the house this morning.

    Got to the Park early enough to find a space for the car, and met Annapr and MurphD. Chatted as we walked towards the start and Anna and I joined the queue for the toilets. Because the queues were so long, I didn't get the chance to do a warmup but I wasn't actually bothered. I reckoned I could use the first mile as a warmup. Saw MarthaStew and SuperJoe on my way into the start area. MS was carrying the 2:00 balloon so I told her that hopefully I'd follow her.

    The heavens opened just before the start of the race, but it wasn't too bad. Wasn't waiting too long and then we were off. The 2:00 balloons were a good bit ahead of me so I decided to work my way slowly up to them. It was very crowded and a bit difficult to get into a decent rhythm, but still managed to get the first few miles under 9 mins. By mile 3 I was with the 2:00 balloons so I stuck with them for a while. At mile 5 MarthaStew shouted out "45:20, bang on time". My own watch said 44:20 because I'd started so far behind them so I was happy enough. My aim for the next while was to get to 10 miles under 90 mins.

    I caught up with MS just around 6 miles and I decided to push on. She told me I looked strong, I told her I'd probably be back to her in a while :) Things were still ok and I was starting to get a bit worried - folks, you know me; if I don't have anything to worry about, I worry about what will happen next ;) I'd taken a gel at 3 and 6 miles and tummy was still behaving (unfortunately the gel I had for 9 miles fell at this point and there was no way I could pick it back up). Legs felt fine, head still in the right place, breathing ok (had used inhaler at start of race and felt ok). Hmmm nothing to worry about. Only annoying thing was my shorts, which kept slipping down (inhaler and keys in back pocket dragging the back) but that was a small niggle. Because everything was still so congested I didn;'t notice the North Road passing by - and I normally HATE the North Road. Before I knew it, we were turning at the top of Chesterfield Avenue and heading into Farmleigh. Hit 7 miles and felt ok. Crowd spaced out a bit at this point so it felt a bit easier. I was continually calculating my time in my head and trying to work out if I had a chance of a pb - at this point, didn't think so....

    Miles 8 and 9 were fine. Hit 10 miles at around 88 mins so was delighted with that. Starting to hope that maybe a pb might be on - previous pb was 1:56:37 from 2012. I was doing quite a lot of muttering at this stage and got a couple of funny looks - one chap even said "what did you say?" Morto :o Felt like I was getting a bit quicker but I was conscious that the final hill was still to come. Mile 11 was grand and then the hill came up. I focussed on the Mile 12 marker and kept pumping the arms and legs. I seemed to overtake more than I was overtaken up the hill. When we hit the mile marker the chance of a pb became a definite possibility....

    Over the last mile I kept picking a person and trying to pass them. I kept muttering, nearly there, nearly there. 3/4 of a mile left, half a mile left. And then we were on the final straight. And I legged it :) Crossed the finish line in a flurry, and stopped my watch at 1:55:22. And then my chip time gave me back two seconds - 1:55:20.

    To say I'm chuffed is a bit of an understatement. I had a hard week, I was absolutely knackered this morning, I almost didn't go this morning. I certainly didn't think I'd get a pb. So maybe the trick for future races is to not care too much about it, have a busy week and then don't bother with a warmup :)

    Plan for tomorrow is 5 recovery miles. 5 weeks and 1 day...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Well done, result is all the sweeter for not expecting a PB. Bodes well for 5 weeks time!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Great result, R - good to meet you this morning too. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Delighted for you Rachel, great PB.

    All the sweeter as you were so not expecting it,(but hoping you secretly knew training was going well and you deserved it)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,080 ✭✭✭✭Maximus Alexander

    Congrats on the surprise PB!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Excellent running Rach. Haven't been reading the logs lately but following your progress elsewhere and you're doing some great training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Jeez Week 8, how the hell did that happen? Anyway, thanks for the kind words folks, still very happy with how the half went for me. Followed it up with a very slooooow 5 miles on Sunday morning.

    This week was completely mental so runs and miles were grabbed wherever and whenever they could.
    Plan: easy miles
    Actual: 3.1 miles in 32 mins.
    Easy trot around the block, grand.

    Plan: easy miles
    Actual: 3.1 miles in 29 mins.
    A few easy miles after making the savages their dinner and before eating my own :)

    Plan: Aerobic miles
    Actual: 7 tempo(ish) miles in 63 mins.
    Got out of work early so left the car near Smallest Girl's school and ran over as far as Grand Canal. Then had to run back much quicker than intended as I realised I'd be late back to collect her. Hence the tempoish-ness (it's a word, I checked :P) of the run.

    Plan: Aerobic miles
    Actual: 6 miles in 53 mins
    Quick jaunt to and from shop to get FIFA 17 for Teenage Boy, gold star for Mammy.

    Plan: easy miles
    Actual: 5 miles in 49 minutes
    Dropped Teenage Girl and Smallest Child to gymnastics. Smallest had to be collected again in an hour, so 5 miles seemed like an option. Was a bit dark by the time I got back. Don't like running in the dark - #wuss.

    Plan: easy miles
    Actual: 2.1 miles in 21 mins
    In work for 10 so easy trot around the block beforehand.

    Plan: long run
    Actual: 20.2 miles in 3:18:27
    Decided to try some of the DCM route again so headed down towards the Quays and headed up Manor St/Aughrim St to the Park. Into the Park and up towards Castleknock Gate. Quick toilet stop in Castleknock and then on up towards Castleknock College and back into the Park. Around the Sbends, out the Chapelizod Gate. Wasn't completely sure I was following the right route after this but def hit Inchicore and onto Rialto. Headed up towards Crumlin and was passed by the Dublin players on their way to the Children's Hospital (up the Dubs :)) Turned around just before the Crumlin Road and headed back home via SCR. Eventually got down to Pearse St and the Quays again, and worked my way home through East Wall, Fairview and Marino. Hit the end of the road at 20.2 miles so walked up the last few metres.

    Very very happy with how the long run went. I brought four gels with me - isogels - and they caused my normally dodgy tummy no problems at all. They are a divil to open but that's a problem that I can cope with. I took one every 3-4 miles and they seemed fine. My legs are tired now but that's ok.

    So just under 47 miles for the week. September finished with 183 miles, which is basically the same as January, February and March this year :roll eyes: Plan for the week is more of the same, with hopefully another 20ish miler at the weekend. 4 weeks today :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Very quick update on my phone. Good week of training - 2 good 10 mile runs, one of which was a progression of sorts, 3 easy days and a decent long run on Saturday which took in the 2nd half of the DCM course. Unfortunately that's it for this week - Boy Teenager broke his arm yesterday during his GAA match and Beaumont ortho doc decided it needed a plate - he and I stayed there last night with the intention of surgery this morning. However weekend surgery schedules plus emergencies meant his op was postponed till tomorrow. So I have another night in a chair as hard as the hob of hell - not ideal with sore muscles after a long run ;) Hopefully he'll be done tomorrow morning and we'll get him home tomorrow. So my streak ends at 98 days and training goes on the back burner for a couple of days - it could be much worse, I'm definitely working on the glass half full idea with him. 3 weeks today...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    racheljev wrote: »
    Very quick update on my phone. Good week of training - 2 good 10 mile runs, one of which was a progression of sorts, 3 easy days and a decent long run on Saturday which took in the 2nd half of the DCM course. Unfortunately that's it for this week - Boy Teenager broke his arm yesterday during his GAA match and Beaumont ortho doc decided it needed a plate - he and I stayed there last night with the intention of surgery this morning. However weekend surgery schedules plus emergencies meant his op was postponed till tomorrow. So I have another night in a chair as hard as the hob of hell - not ideal with sore muscles after a long run ;) Hopefully he'll be done tomorrow morning and we'll get him home tomorrow. So my streak ends at 98 days and training goes on the back burner for a couple of days - it could be much worse, I'm definitely working on the glass half full idea with him. 3 weeks today...

    oh no, sorry to hear that... I was marvelling at your earlier posts about how you fit your running in around the kids' schedules... no chance you could do laps of Beaumont i suppose?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Week 10 was a bit of a doozy. Didn't get out of the hospital with Boy Teenager till Tuesday morning - he had surgery to plate the arm on the Monday morning but had a bit of a reaction to the anaesthetic/painkillers so they kept him in till Tuesday. So I had 3 nights of very little sleep and no running. When we got home on Tuesday I was exhausted and didn't want to leave him so no running.

    Plan: Just get the hell out of the house
    Actual: 4.1 miles in 41 mins.
    Very grateful to get this run in. Knackered but happy,

    Plan: Progression run
    Actual: 7.5 progression miles (kind of)
    As the miles passed, they got quicker but not by design. It was just one of those runs. It rained. A lot.

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual: 3.2 miles in 31 mins
    A trot around the block while Smallest Girl in gymnastics. Soaked. Again.

    Plan: Long run, 16 miles
    Actual: 15.2 miles in 2hrs31mins
    Crap crap crap run. Hated every minute of it. Tired, hungry, wet, miserable. Had to be done early because we were driving to Limerick for Girl Teenager's gymnastic competition. So I had to go out in the frickin rain again. I don't mind running in the rain but soaked 3 days in a row? Not good for the temper. Got myself home over the last mile thinking of the warm shower when I came in the door. Got home to find Girl Teenager in the shower using all the hot water :mad:

    Plan: Recovery miles
    Actual: 3 miles on treadmill
    Easy enough miles on one of the hotel treadmills. Was going to head out into Limerick city but was vetoed by Girl Teenager who reminded me of the time I went out for a run in Galway while she was doing gymnastic things - yeah, the one where I fell and dislocated my shoulder and had to drive back to Dublin changing gears with my right hand. Treadmill it is, so :D (She did very well in her competition - 4 regional gold medals and 2 national bronzes on vault and floor. Met Emer911 down there and her girlie did very well also - regional and national gold on vault. Good day out all round.)

    So 2 weeks yesterday which means.....It's taper time baby! Yay! (Just as well, I'm exhausted.) Started taper today with 3.2 easy miles in 31 minutes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    well done Girl teenager, but for the next fortnight it is Mam's turn - for shower priority and for supporting!

    Good luck with the taper and the race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Taper time :D. Looks like you may have got all the madness out of the way early so you may even enjoy it! Hope the young lad is on the mend and congrats of course to the shower hogger on the medal haul.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual:3.2 miles in 31 minutes
    A few easy miles to start the taper.

    Plan: Progression
    Actual: 3.4 miles in 29 mins
    Sort of progression. Didn't have a lot of time - had to be fitted in between school run and piano lesson. Not a lot of miles but each was quicker than the previous one.

    Plan: easy
    Actual: 3.2 miles in 32 mins
    Easy trot around the block while waiting for smallest girl to finish school

    Plan: aerobic miles
    Actual: rest
    Bit of a twinge in glute/thigh so I decided that a rest day was in order. No point in going out if it was going to make anything worse.

    Plan: Easy
    Actual: 3.2 miles in 32 mins
    Easy run after dropping smallest girl to gymnastics. Forgot how much I don't really like running in the dark. Felt like accident waiting to happen - very glad that my usual bad luck didn't strike :)

    Plan: Long run
    Actual: 4.8 miles in 47 mins
    No time to get long run done so easy miles instead.

    Plan: Recovery
    Actual: 9.3 miles in 1:30
    Yesterday's longish run done today. A bit of a meh run - it was fine, no big problems, no big issues, just a bit meh. Spent most of it working out mile splits in my head and that distracted me enough that I got to Raheny without even noticing. Turned around and meandered home via the Coast road.

    A bit of a strange week to be honest. Was very busy so runs were slotted in wherever I could fit them. As a result, I felt as if I hadn't done a lot. Yet I ended up with just over 27 miles - which for a last week of training isn't too bad.
    Not completely in full taper madness yet but I can see it coming over the horizon. This time next week, DCM will be done and dusted for another year. And I still don't know what I'm aiming for. When I signed up, my goal was to finish, no matter how slow. Now, I'm not sure. My half marathon time would give me a marathon time of around 4:05 - which would be a pb. So I'm thinking that it might be a plan to go out with the 4:10 pacers and then see how I feel on the day. No doubt that plan will change a hundred times during the week - and several times on the day itself ;) Let's wait and see what happens next week...

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Nice week R. Hope to see you in McGrattans next for some celebratory beverages!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Training has gone great, I like the "going with the 4.10 pacers" plan. Mind yourself over the next week, no more running in the dark, just in case!!!;) You deserve your PB!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Younganne wrote: »
    Training has gone great, I like the "going with the 4.10 pacers" plan. Mind yourself over the next week, no more running in the dark, just in case!!!;) You deserve your PB!!

    I like that plan too. Worked well for me last year... left them behind around the RDS :) ... but would have thought you'd be way ahead of me. at the same time, better to start conservatively.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual: 3.1 miles in 29:30
    Easy miles that were a bit faster than they were supposed to be.

    Plan: Easy miles
    Actual: 2 miles in 20 mins.
    An easy trot around the block while waiting for smallest girl to come out of school.

    Plan: mp miles to try out marathon outfit
    Actual: 4.2 miles in 38 mins
    First mile at 9:30, then the next 3 were faster than intended. And the outfit didn't chafe, happy days :)

    Thursday and Friday ended up being unintended rest days. Thursday, I was a bit snuffly so I decided against a run. Friday, did a bit of walking and had the start of a migraine so no run.

    Plan: easy
    Actual: 2 miles in 21 mins
    A couple of miles just to loosen out the legs before tomorrow. Managed to avoid potholes, kerbs, slippy leaves and a couple of dogs on extendable leads :)

    All ready for tomorrow now. Collected my number from the Expo yesterday - jeez it was busy, I got in and out as quick as I could. Today is all about rest and hydration, so I'm planted on the sofa with a bottle of water and Netflix :)

    Feeling very very nervous now. Number 10619 if anyone is interested. This time tomorrow it'll all be over....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    So... hope to see you tomorrow with or ahead of the 4:10's!!! Best of luck for a great race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    All the best Rachel! Bring it home. H

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    You will be great, I know it !! Best of luck.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Have a great day tomorrow Rachel .
