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I can see the sun in wintertime



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Jeez that glamping sounds like fun :rolleyes:

    Agree with WW ^^ and you were sensible not to aggravate the hamstring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Hamstring not strained, yay! Just very very very tight. Physio did a bit of dry needling (which was EXCRUCIATING) and massage. I have to stretch and stick as often as I can. I can run tomorrow, once I stretch beforehand and don't push it too hard if the tightness strikes. Back to her on Friday for another look see. So will assess each day and follow program as best as I can this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Good news and good luck with the hammy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    2.8 miles in 29 mins
    Easy jog to and from physio to have hamstring checked out. Not a strain, just very very tight. She needled and massaged it, and gave me exercises to do. She also told me I could run, once I listened to my body and didn't push into pain. She booked me in for another appt on Friday.

    7 miles in 1:12:58, with 6x100s.
    Leg felt ok. Stretched after 5 miles and gave the 100s a bit of a go - not at full speed but tried them out.

    10 miles in 1:31:53 - 6@LT pace
    This was supposed to be 12 miles MLR. Headed out just after 6 a.m. as Smallest Girl's buddy was coming down for the day and night at 9ish. Wanted to get the run done before that so 6 a.m. it was. Mile 1 ok, mile 2 slightly faster. The idea of making this Friday's LT run reared it's head so I said, fiddle it, I'll have a go. 6 LT miles as follows: 9:11, 8:25, 8:19, 8:21, 8:23, 8:29. Then last two miles easy and home. Very pleased to have a session in the bag before 8 a.m. (And then Smallest Girl's friend didn't arrive till 11ish, typical!).

    2.5 very easy miles in 26:07

    12 miles in 2:04:40
    Another early run - out just after 7 a.m. as physio appt for 10:30 and I knew I wouldn't be able for 12 miles afterwards. So get them done early was the plan :) A grand run, nothing too difficult, 12 miles nice and handy. Then up to the physio for a bit more torture dry needling and massage. She was happy with how the hamstring was handling the miles and gave me the thumbs up for the long run on Sunday.

    5.2 easy miles in 53:32

    19.5 miles in 3:27:18
    Jeez this was hard. Plan was for 20 miles. Went out after 8 with a few gels and a bottle of water and no destination in mind. Got to the end of my road and said to myself, I'll head to Dun Laoghaire. So down to the Quays, across to Grand Canal Dock, through Ringsend and onto the seafront at Sandymount. Booterstown, Blackrock and Coast Road into Dun Laoghaire. Stopped at just under 10 miles in Dun Laoghaire and stretched for a minute or so - hamstring still feeling ok. Ran up and down one side of the pier and then headed for home exactly the way I came out. The sun came out and it was very blinking warm, and I was starting to struggle. Had to dash into the Blackrock Shopping centre for an emergency toilet stop. Stopped in Ringsend for another stretch and started again. Got as far as a garage on East Wall road at 18 miles and bought a sports drink to keep me going for another little bit. Then got to Fairview at just over 19 miles and the body said, nope, can't do any more. Rang OH and asked him to collect me in Marino so jogged up the road a little bit further and stopped at 19.5 miles. A little bit annoyed I couldn't push it any further today.

    Anyway 59.1 miles for the week and I'm properly back on program. So I'm happy with that - and that's the highest mileage week I've ever had. Next week is a slightly lower mileage week, with a long run with a big chunk of MP miles next weekend. 10 weeks today.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Excellent running, well done

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    3.2 easy miles in 32:59 to stretch out the legs after Sunday's long run.

    6 easy miles in 1:01:30

    Supposed to be 14 miles MLR. Absolute disaster of a run. From mile 4 every step was a trudge. It was hot and I was miserable. Horrible horrible run which I cut short at 13.4 miles because I was at the end of my road and there was no way I was going anywhere other than up that bloody road. 13.4 miles in 2:23:07.

    1 mile up to physio for shoulder stuff, and then 5.1 lovely miles in 50:47. Completely different from the day before - typical!

    2.5 easy miles in 26:57

    6.3 miles in 1:03:18. This included 6x100s which were grand. It was very hot and sticky but compared with Wednesday's horror show, it was a breeze.

    Long run with marathon pace miles time :eek: Weather horrible - rainy and windy - but bizarrely I prefer that to the sun so it's never too much of a problem. Had originally intended to do 3 mile laps close to home but headed out and changed my mind. 2 miles warmup, then attempted to start the MP miles. First two were a bit too slow (9:36, 9:25). Next one was too fast (8:35) so I slowed for the fourth one (9:11). Next three were the best (8:52, 8:51, 8:48). Mile 10 (mile 8 of mp) was 9:11. Wheels came off a bit in mile 11 (mile 9 of mp). Had to stop to stretch and it was uphill from the coast to Coolock - 9:45 :( Next one wasn't too bad - 9:12. Then had emergency toilet stop. Last two were 8:59, 9:10. Two miles home as cool down to give me a total of 16 miles in 2:32:13. So reasonably happy with that, considering the conditions and the dodgy tum. I knew I ran some too fast so I consciously slowed down for the next one, which was then too slow, so I sped up again - vicious circle! Anyway it's done :)

    53.6 miles for the week. Next week is allegedly a recovery week - I say allegedly, as it appears to contain 800s. And I REALLY hate them ;) Halfway through the program today. I think I'm happy with how it's going - I've missed one session (18 mile run) because of the hamstring issue, but that's it. Of course the hard work starts now.... 9 weeks today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Wow Rachel, you are racking up some impressive mileage here!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    You like wind and rain :eek: good run, don't mind the rain to much, but clontarf on windy day not so much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    3.2 easy miles in 33ish minutes.

    8 GA miles in 1:19:37

    8.1 miles with 5x800s.
    This was a bit tough :) Warmup of just over a mile to Ellenfield Park. Plan was 800 at 5k pace, followed by 400 recovery. One of the drawbacks of using Strava is that I can't really check pace till afterwards - can't do laps like I used to with the Garmin watch (if someone can tell me how to do this with Strava, I would be eternally grateful!) Anyway, I was aiming to get the pace below 5 min/km, which would give me 800s of below 4 mins and I seemed to achieve this for most of them - after doing a bit of adding and subtracting on the Strava trace, I ended up with times of 4:05, 3:58, 3:47. 3:45 and 3:50. Happy enough with that. Another 3.1 miles around the block to finish off, so ended the day with 8.1 miles in 80:34.

    Supposed to be 5 miles but ended up with 2.4 up to and back from Physio for usual shoulder stuff.

    Thursday's 5 miles today in 51:06

    9 miles in 1:26:13, with 8x100s. Supposed to be 8 miles but misjudged distance on the way home.

    Long run of 14 miles planned. Getting bored following the same routes all the time so headed over to the south side for a bit. Meandered my way over towards Donnybrook and ended up following some of the DCM route - Nutley lane, down by the RDS, back towards town. Hamstring started playing up during the last couple of miles. Had to stop for traffic lights on the home stretch and found it quite hard to get started again afterwards. Got to the end of my road at 13.8 miles so called it quits at that point. 13.8 miles in 2:26:34.

    Total of 49.6 miles for the week, which is high enough for a week that was supposed to be recovery... Will keep an eye on hamstring over the next few days; next week is a big enough week with LT run, strides and a 20 mile long run. Feeling a bit crappy low to be honest; program is going well but I'm knackered and low (of course I am, anyone running an autumn marathon is tired at this stage!) Think I'll self medicate with an afternoon on the sofa and my bodyweight in chocolate ;). 8 weeks today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Yep, as D keeps reminding me, you're supposed to feel knackered around now :p enjoy the chocolate :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    great training Rachel and agree with Annapr, its that time for feeling low & tired in marathon training..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Option for rest day on the plan and hamstring feeling a bit sore, so rest day it was :)

    7.1 miles in 1:11:23 - easy miles with 7x100s. 100s done into quite a strong breeze so they probably weren't as fast as they should be. Still though, the effort was there.

    Supposed to be LT run: 11 miles w/7 @ half marathon pace. Ran first two miles as warmup and then attempted to get to hmp pace. Didn't manage it for first two miles, even though it felt like I was pushing hard. 3rd mile (5th mile in total) came in at 9:21 so it was closer but still a good 40 secs away. Mile 4 absolutely horrendous. Finally got close for mile 5 (7th mile of run), 9:05. Next mile was 8:30. One after that 8:48, which was supposed to be last hmp mile. But because it had gone so badly and I finally seemed to be moving, I kept up the pace, and this mile was 8:40. Final slow mile home to cool down. 11 miles in 1:46:26. A bleurgh run.

    Easy mile or so up to physio and another mile or so back home.

    12 miles in 1:55:17. A grand run, nothing to talk about.

    5 easy miles in 51:22

    Long run time. Plan was for 20 miles. Headed out just after 8 to get it done early before the All-Ireland fun and games start. Didn't really have a route in mind but knew I didn't want an out and back route. So I meandered a bit around North Dublin. Brought a pack of Powergel sweeties with me and took one every 2 miles. They're not as good as gels but on the basis of this run, they don't upset the tum like gels do. It was a bit windy and rainy, and then it was hot and sunny - mad weather. I was starting to run out of podcasts because I've been covering a fair few miles so I've been looking around for other ones. Found a few good ones - true crime stuff, documentaries. Today I had a few from the documentary section of RTE Radio One. One of them was about Slaughtneil GAA club and the club's run to the club finals in camogie and football. Got a bit dusty eyed when the camogs won the final and when the footballers lost to Dr Crokes. This was followed up with two from the archives - an interview with Daniel Day Lewis and another one with Colm Wilkinson about starring in Les Mis on Broadway. It had loads of music from Les Mis, which was pleasantly distracting during the last couple of miles. Anyway hit 20 miles close to home so continued a bit further and finished at 20.5 miles in 3:32:17. No toilet stops, no stretch stops, no traffic light stops, just 20.5 miles of solid running. Definitely one of those runs which remind us that we love running.

    So a total of 57.9 miles for the week - would run a bit further up the road if I'd realised how close I was to tipping over to 58 miles :rolleyes: Happy with how the week finished, even if I'm very annoyed with how the hmp session went. Got my number for next week's half marathon the other day. Currently planning to run it as a tiny bit below MP. Was talking to a friend of mine the other day who ran the route as part of a long run. He said the first half is VERY hilly and to make sure not to push too hard until you pass the 6 mile marker. So will bear that in mind. 7 weeks today.... and up the Dubs....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    That's a great LSR done, Rachel... I love podcasts to distract me too. I wouldn't worry about the HMP session, 7 miles by yourself is a really tough session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Rest day or cross training in program - took a rest day as Smallest Girl wasn't well and needed company at home.

    VO2 max run, 5 x 600s @ 5k pace. Ran to park and did 600 fast, 400 recovery. It was tough but ok, if that makes sense. Cool down home meant a total of 7.6 miles in 1:16:51.

    MLR of 12 miles. A grand run with no drama, 12 miles in 1:59:55.

    Up to and back from physio, 3 miles in about 30 mins. Feeling a bit dodgy, very sniffly and scratchy throat.

    Scratchy throat worse. A bit achy as well. Went out for a few miles to see how I felt before tomorrow's half. Managed 4 miles in 40:26. Still not feeling great.

    So half marathon tomorrow. Plan was to run it at between half marathon and marathon pace. Depending on how I feel in the morning, it might be a slow slog around. But I want to do it anyway - it'll be practice for the big day. Fingers crossed a bit of paracetemol, fluids and sleep will do the job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    So much for "I'm going to give it a go". :( Very little sleep, coughing and spluttering all night. Common sense won out and decided not to do half. Can't really risk making myself worse when the real goal is only 6 weeks away. As Smallest Girl reminded me yesterday, "remember when you were had that cold and cough for ages and you kept running and you ended up with asthma?" Cuts
    To the chase, that child :o Will attempt an easy few miles later and some form of a long run tomorrow - maybe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Looks like you made the right choice! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    racheljev wrote: »
    So much for "I'm going to give it a go". :( Very little sleep, coughing and spluttering all night. Common sense won out and decided not to do half. Can't really risk making myself worse when the real goal is only 6 weeks away. As Smallest Girl reminded me yesterday, "remember when you were had that cold and cough for ages and you kept running and you ended up with asthma?" Cuts
    To the chase, that child :o Will attempt an easy few miles later and some form of a long run tomorrow - maybe.

    Bullet dodged there. Get well soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Didn't get out on Saturday, or Sunday, or Monday. Still not feeling 100% today but got out for 4.5 slow miles. Tomorrow is supposed to be a VO2 max session - 1000m x 5 @ 5k pace. That's probably not going to happen... Anyway plan for this week is to try to get moving without requiring regular inhaler blasts, and hopefully I'll get back to plan next week. I keep telling myself, better to get sick now than in 5 weeks time ;)

    Went to see shoulder consultant man in Sports Surgery Clinic yesterday. He said that yes, there is a tear in the labrum but he's not convinced that surgery is necessary at the minute (YAHOO!). He gave me a cortisone injection and booked me in for another one in 4 weeks. He also gave me a shedload of exercises to do, to get movement back into the shoulder. He said that should help me through the marathon and we can reassess afterwards. So I'm happy enough :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    racheljev wrote: »
    Didn't get out on Saturday, or Sunday, or Monday. Still not feeling 100% today but got out for 4.5 slow miles. Tomorrow is supposed to be a VO2 max session - 1000m x 5 @ 5k pace. That's probably not going to happen... Anyway plan for this week is to try to get moving without requiring regular inhaler blasts, and hopefully I'll get back to plan next week. I keep telling myself, better to get sick now than in 5 weeks time ;)

    Glad you're listening to your body, sounds like its asking for a recovery week.
    You're ahead of your training anyway so no harm in recharging the batteries.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Another rest day to try to get over cold and cough

    A trial run to see if I'm feeling better. 4.5 sniffly snotty miles in 46:16. Breathing a bit all over the place but getting there.

    Plan was for 5x1000 @ 5k pace. NEVER going to happen today. Instead, an easy 8.8 miles in 1:28:52. Feeling distinctly wobbly when this finished but at least I got it done.

    2.5 easy miles to and from physio in 25:05

    Plan was for 12 mile MLR. Dropped Smallest Girl to school and went straight out from there (which meant long sleeved top and capri leggings as Smallest Girl mortified by shorts wearing Mammy walking her to school - tactical error as it actually got quite warm during the morning, d'oh!). Headed over the south side for this. First mile grand, then seemed to get a bit quicker - next mile 9:23. Had it in my head that plan had MP miles for Sunday and I thought to myself, wouldn't it be handy if I got some of them in now? So miles 3 to 14 were as follows: 9:21, 9:03, 8:58, 8:47, 8:35, 8:34, 8:27, 8:23, 8:36, 8:35, 8:35, 8:35. I followed a route that brought me over past the RDS and up past Merrion Centre/ St. Vincent's hospital and then around by RTE, back into town and then a meandering route back home. It was a decent enough route, not really a whole lot of ups and downs but enough to make the MP miles a teeny bit tough. Very pleased with 14 miles in 2:03:46 - and according to Strava, my best estimated 15k, 10 mile, 20k and half marathon effort :D

    5.2 miles in 50:23

    Long run time. 18 miles on plan, with 14 @ MP. Seeing as I'd given them a good blast on Friday, I decided to run this at a comfortable pace. Didn't really use the watch at all, just ran by feel. All except the first two miles were under 10 min/mile pace. In fact most of the miles were closer to 9:30 pace. Ran some of the DCM route for it: up from Arran Quay to Aughrim Street, into the Park, on up into Castleknock, back into the Park and around towards the Chapelizod Gate. Instead of heading out the gate, I continued on up towards the Wellington Monument, and then back towards home via Bolton Street, Broadstone, Phibsboro and Drumcondra/Marino. No stopping for loo stops or stretching required. A Powergel sweety thingy every 2 miles with a drop of water seemed to work. so 18.2 miles done in 2:55:02. Very very happy with this one.

    So a total of 53.2 miles for the week, very pleased with that after last weeks general sickness and crappiness. Thinking quite strongly about doing the Simon 5 mile next Saturday - plan is looking for a tune up race of 8-13k so this would come in at the bottom end of that. Will decide later today and see what happens. 5 weeks today... jeez it's getting close...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Looks like that break didn't do you any harm, Rachel. You were looking very fresh when we saw you toward the end!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Program says rest day, so rest day it is.

    Plan is for 8 miles with 5x600s @ 5k pace. Started off with a few miles to warm up. Wanted to do the 600s in a park rather than on the main road, so worked my way around to Griffith Park. It's a bit up and down but it has nice even paths for the 600s. The only problem was there was a big group of students from (I'm guessing) St. Pats who appeared to be doing some sort of nature trail thingy, so they kept wandering in front of me. Apart from that, got the 600s done and then headed home. 8.1 miles in 1:15:16.

    11 miles in 1:51:28. Grand, no fuss, no drama.

    Another rest day listed. Had to go into town and legs felt quite sore and DOMS-y so took the rest.

    Plan was 4 miles w/6x100 strides and that's what pretty much happened - 4.2 miles with strides in 40:23.

    Saturday - Simon Home Run
    Signed up for this last week and wasn't too stressed about it. Program requested a tune up race and this fitted the bill. Headed up to the Park early and got parking in the Visitors Centre. Jogged over to the registration tent to collect number and tshirt, jogged back to the car to leave the tshirt and then jogged back again towards the start line. Lots of people around, school groups, work groups, nice atmosphere. It wasn't too cold, just a bit rainy. But it was windy. That didn't bode well for the course. Anyway, start was a couple of minutes late and we headed off about 5 past 10. First half mile or so was fairly congested but it opened up as we hit the main road. I had sub40 mins in my head, I reckoned that would be a decent enough time for the second half of marathon training. So if I could keep my pace to below 8 min miles, all would be good.
    Mile 1 was 7:53, all grand. Mile 2 took us past the Ordnance Survey offices, still felt ok. Legs grand, breathing grand, all grand :) Mile 2 was 7:39. Mile 3 headed down the Furry Glen, the usual pace calculations started around here. I knew that the last mile was up the Khyber but I was a bit ahead of where I wanted to be so that was good. Mile 3 7:23. Mile 4 had the S bends and the Military Road. My breathing was getting a teeny bit ragged but legs were ok. I feel at this stage that I was passing more people than were passing me, so that's a good sign. Mile 4 in 7:21. And then came the Khyber :eek: The wind was in our faces going up the hill which made things a good bit more difficult. I started talking to myself - every step is a step closer to the end. Concentrated very hard on my arms and taking smaller steps. Eventually got to the top and I could hear the loudspeaker so I knew we were fairly close to the finish line. And there it was and I could see 38 something on the clock - all of a sudden I thought wow, am I on for a pb?? PB was 38:58 from Raheny in (holy crap) 2012. I managed 39:20 in Terenure in May. Jeez could I break 39? Pegged it with as much energy as I could and crossed the line, hit stop on my watch and it said.... 38:24!!! Yahoo! PB alert! I probably hit it a tad too early as my chip time said 38:28 but still. A very decent (and completely unexpected) PB. Another half mile or so to cool down and headed home. Very happy Rachel :)

    Long run time. Plan for 17 miles. Headed out before 10 without any real plan of where to go. Ended up on an extended tour of the Northside. In Baldoyle, took a wrong turn and ended up having to stop at Sutton Dart station, waiting for a train to pass - but that was the only stop, no loo or stretch stop required. Got to Sutton Cross and followed the coast the rest of the way home. As a result of the wrong turn, ended up with 18 miles rather than 17 but not too worried about that. 18 miles in 2:54:17.

    Total of 49 miles for the week. Found myself saying "only" 49 miles a while ago and getting annoyed that I hadn't managed 50 - marathon madness is funny isn't it? Overall, happy with my week. Next week might cause some problems - OH has a big birthday next weekend. There's a family party on Friday night, his actual birthday is Saturday and Middle Child is competing in her last gymnastics competition on Sunday. So at the moment I'm planning on doing Wednesday's 4x1200m session on Tuesday, Friday's 11 miles on Wednesday and Sunday's 20 mile long run on Thursday. That way, I can schedule Tuesday's 7 miles with strides and Thursday's rest for Saturday and Sunday (still with me? Not sure if I am :rolleyes:). Anyway this week will be a bit mix and match. 28 days to go....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    You're far too relaxed about that PB!!!! Woo hooooo... that's brilliant to knock a 2012 one over!!!!! It gives me hope.

    Congrats!!!! :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Day of rest and recovery, legs a wee bit sore from Sunday's long run.

    Wednesday's 10 mile with 4x1200s to be done today. Thought I'd head towards St. Anne's for some of these. Warmed up for 2 or so miles (had turned watch to kms so not completely sure ;)) and then started the first one. It felt tough getting up to 5k pace but once I was there, then it was ok. 600m recovery jog and into the second one, which brought me just to the gate of St. Annes. Recovery 2 and then into no.3. Same as before, tough but ok, wind a bit in my face for this one. 3rd recovery and then the last one - this was mainly down the avenue and back onto Sybil Hill Road. Very glad when it was over :) Looking at the Strava link, it seems I was pretty much bang on 5k pace for most of the time. Easy few miles home to finish off 10 miles in 1:32:34.

    Friday's 11 miles to be done today. Very rainy and windy for this one so was quite glad I wasn't trying to maintain 5k pace :) Did my usual North Dublin tour - out past Ikea via Santry and Northwood, back into Finglas, and home. 11 miles in 1:46:47.

    Sunday's 20 miles today (are you still with me?) Dropped Smallest Girl to school and headed off. Legs were very tired from previous few days but I reckoned a decent 20 miles on tired legs would stand to me later on, anything to help the head has to be appreciated. Had to drop card to mother-in-law in Cabra so decided to go there and then onto the Phoenix Park. Dropped the card and headed towards the North Circular Road. Into the Park and then up to and out of the Castleknock Gate. Originally intended to follow the marathon route around by Castleknock college and back into the Park, but decided to keep going straight. Turned into Roselawn and wasn't completely sure where I was, but reckoned I'd hit the Clonsilla Road soon enough. Sure enough I did. Turned back into Blanch and headed back towards Castleknock and the Park. Into the Park and ran the full length of Chesterfield Avenue. Out of the Park and then wound my way back home via the Quays, Summerhill, Ballybough and Marino. Hit the end of my road at 20.1 with a happy face :) Another run with no loo or stretch stops, just the odd pause for traffic lights. 20.1 miles in 3:16:02.

    (Just as an aside - i know I seem to be focussing a lot on not having to stop for stretches and loo stops. That's because I normally have to stop. I have a dodgy tum, it's been dodgy for years. A too rich meal can wipe me out for a few days. On long runs in previous cycles my head says, oops getting close to 12/13 miles, your stomach is about to play up. And sure enough it does. It's a huge thing for me to run for anything up to 3 and a half hours without stopping. And every time I do it, I feel like I'm beating my head and that's brilliant for me.)

    So that's 41.1 miles so far for the week. Plan is for 4-5 tomorrow, if I can fit it in, and 7 with strides on Sunday before Middle Girl's gym comp. Saturday will hopefully be a day of rest, seeing as OH's birthday dinner is the night before and Saturday is actually his birthday. I'm planning at least one glass of wine tomorrow night - we were out last Saturday for our anniversary and I didn't have one because I was afraid it'd mess up my Sunday long run (see above about the dodgy tum!). OH was happy enough, it meant he could have a beer and not worry about driving :D So that's the week so far. 24 days....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    4.3 easy miles in 43:10, followed by a day of mild panic and house cleaning - would that count as cross training?! OH's birthday dinner was Friday evening and the fun and games eventually finished on Saturday morning around 4:30 a.m. so I was very glad that Saturday was a rest day.

    Plan for 7 miles w/6x100s. Actually ended up with 8 miles with the required number of 100s. So 8 miles in 1:18:53

    53.4 miles for the week. It was a bit of a topsy turvy week but got all the sessions in so I'm very happy with that. The plan for the week ahead has a few 600s, a few strides and a tuneup race. I don't know if I'll manage a tuneup race but I might try to get to a parkrun which would probably help. It's officially taper time now so the madness will begin any day ;) 21 days and counting....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Migraine hit on Sunday night so Monday was a complete write off. Rest day.

    Migraine still hanging around so decided not to chance 600s. Managed 6.5 miles in 1:06:24.

    Plan is 8 miles w/5x600s @ 5k pace. Ran about 3 miles of a warmup and started the 600s. Decided on 400 recovery, simply because it was easier to see on the watch. Incorporated them into my route so some were uphill, some were downhill. They were grand, nothing special (but all around 5k pace). Another few miles home gave me 8.1 miles in 1:14:46.

    I think this was supposed to be a rest day but I fancied a few miles so did 3 in 32:32.

    Plan for 4 miles w/5x100s. Lost count of the 100s but that wasn't too much of a problem as I did an extra one just in case. 4.5 miles in 45:40.

    Plan required tuneup race so a trip down to Fairview Parkrun did the trick. A wakeup jog of 1.3 miles in just under 13 minutes set me up nicely. Met loads of lovely boardsies before the start: MarthaStew, Annapr, MrsMc, Bungy Girl, Mrs KennyG. Weather a bit yucky, wind was very strong. Got started quickly and off we went. Looked at my watch and it hadn't started properly, so pressed it again and it seemed to be ok. I knew I'd be a bit behind whatever the gun time was but wasn't too worried. Really wanted to run this by feel and try to push as much as I could towards the end. I really like the figure 8 of the new route, it meant we got as much wind behind as we had in our faces. Still though.... that wind... Pushed as hard as I could for as long as I could. Towards the last bit I could see MarthaStew up ahead, so I concentrated on getting as close as I could. I knew that this was as close as I'd ever get to her in a race! Finished in 24th place, 4th woman and 1st in my age cat. My watch said 23:07 and I reckoned it had taken me about 15-20 secs to get the watch started so I thought my time should be around 23:30-40. Anyway headed home and said hello to KennyG on the way out of the park. Jogged home, another 1.2 miles. Waited with baited breath for email about time and a bit (actually very) disappointed to get gun time of 24:34, honestly thought it was quicker than that. Sent an email to ask if there was any issue with the timing, and immediately sent another one saying ignore the previous one, I'm an obsessive eejit!

    Long run time. Decided to use this run as a gear check for the big day. Tshirt, shorts and shoes all seem to be ok; no unnecessary chafing. I got one of those flipbelt thingys to try a while ago - I'm not great with stuff around my waist, sometimes it presses on the oul dodgy tum and makes it worse. Anyway this yoke is grand, it sits just below the waist band of my shorts and it seemed to be ok. I put a few of the powergel sweeties in and it's easy enough to access them while running. So that's good.
    Anyway, headed out to the south side for this one. Ended up in Blackrock via Ballsbridge and then headed back through Ringsend, Grand Canal Dock, East Wall, Clontarf and Marino. Got to the end of the road at 16.1 miles in 2:45:28. Another run with no unnecessary toilet or stretching stops.
    43.9 miles for the week.

    Another week of sort of tapering ahead - to be honest, it doesn't feel very taper-y, there's a 1600s session on Wednesday that's scaring the bejeezus out of me and the mileage is still high enough (for me anyway). I'm not sleeping well at all at the moment so that's not really helping me - there's a lot of marathon pace calculations and navel gazing happening in the wee small hours of the morning. I used the Runners World new calculator and that's giving me a projected finish time of 4:08. That wouldn't be a pb but it'd be 20 mins faster than I did NY in 2011 so I'd probably bite the hand off the person who offered it to me. Sleep would be lovely.... this time 2 weeks....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Time seems a bit off for Fairview, for sure. A lot of people say the course is a bit long, and there are a few unknowns ahead of you... might have had some effect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Nice to meet you on Saturday, enjoy last big LR before the off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Best of luck on Sunday Rachel!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Best of luck!
