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The Pub trade is dying - Minimum price for Alcohol?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,739 ✭✭✭✭starbelgrade

    ardinn wrote: »
    He called me stupid :mad:

    And we were - but being accused of being a liar when I am not on 2 occasions gets you a little upset. I am explaining something i am very aware of and I am being shot down by someone who clearly isnt. As I said, my apologies.

    The people posting here are giving their opinions & advice on the pub trade.

    You may or may not like what is being said, but it is invaluable & free customer feedback for you. You need to take it all on board & take it on the chin.

    Calling other posters twats is no way of going about trying to improve your business.

    But if you want to stick your head in the sand, then that's fine - it's exactly what all pub owners seem to be doing & exactly why so many of their businesses are failing.

    After all, it's easier to blame the customer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,593 ✭✭✭Sea Sharp

    Is it possible for pubs to be supplied beer from a source where the Irish price fixing laws don't apply?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,138 ✭✭✭snaps

    The day they bring in a minimum price is the day i start shopping back in the North. (Drink is already over priced down here)

    I also see many publicans around here shopping in Tesco for drink and then selling it for over 4 times as much!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,587 ✭✭✭Pace2008

    Dionysus wrote: »
    You appear to be seriously deluded about the popularity of British soccer in Ireland if you think it's anything like a majority interest. It's firmly a minority interest. It's only the constant thump-thumping of British channels into the little heads of soccer supporters which gives the impression that all of Ireland is interested in that commercialised incessantly-overhyped nonsense masquerading as "sport". The people who get all into it and bore the rest of us to tears with the latest goings-on of some overpaid soccer player are sad little shítehawks of the highest order. Once again: we're not interested in your silly little "sport" so please stop insisting that it should be rammed into our ears, eyes and conversation in every pub in Ireland.
    In a lot of pubs, the volume level when the football's on isn't particularly intrusive. I'd say it's more that your apparent pathological hatred of the sport is distracting you from any conversation through its mere proximity.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 34,567 ✭✭✭✭Biggins

    As I said in the other thread on this topic (in case you missed it):

    The vintners tried this calling stunt before.

    Its NOT to just set a minimum, its to stop other drink sellers OUTSIDE of the vintners association, those who refuse to join their mafia style org', under cutting in on their higher drink prices.
    If a legal minimum is set, the vintners win double so, as they can then report their competition if a cheaper bar is anywhere in their locality to one of their members, for selling cheaper drink!

    As a great deal of FF members in the Dail alone, has previously been shown to be bar/leisure industry related (see here), they are just trying to cover their proverbial asses and cut out the competition!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 44,080 ✭✭✭✭Micky Dolenz

    Right, relax will ye.

    No more flaming from anyone.

    saywhatyousee, don't post in this thread again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,872 ✭✭✭✭Zebra3

    ardinn wrote: »
    Alot of people go to pubs to watch the match and have the craic with rival supporters and enjoy the game - the TV doesnt have to be blaring either and in my own situation there are plenty of nooks and cranny's where you have no tv or speakers and can enjoy a private, quiet chat.

    You cannot blame a pub for catering for the majority (which at big match times are the supporters). But most pubs do have a quiet corner in fairness.

    Unless it's a seperate room, it's not actually a quiet corner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭ardinn

    I never claimed to know anything about the pub trade, however I do know a little about business. I have run my own business for the last ten years and despite 70% of my competitors going out of business in the last 5 years, I'm still operating & doing very well. In fact, I expanded it on 2010.

    I managed to do this by changing how we operate, by adjusting our business plan & business model to suit the current market place.

    The pubs are failing because they haven't done the same. That's simple economics. Calling for protectionist measurements is clear evidence that your industry federation - the VFI, or whatever the fuck they are called - are incompetent and inept.

    And instead of recognising that problem & addressing the real reasons why your & your competitors businesses are failing, instead of opening your mind to suggestions from other business owners as to how to address your problems - you seem more content to invest your energies into calling my posts "moronic", calling me a "hypocrite" and telling me that I'm talking through my arse.

    Well, that's where I will leave this discussion, because it is clear that you are incapable of having a debate without resorting to name calling.

    And it is pointless trying to discuss business sense with you as you have clearly not even learned the first & most basic rule of any business - which is to be nice to those you meet on the way up as you are just as likely to meet them on the way down.

    Fully - I understand your very successful and a great businessman and all that. Yet when you tell me to run my business a certain way and tell me what I should do when you yourself admitted to knowing very little about the trade, it is understandable that I respond with accurate comments and counter arguments, It may not agree with you that someone is arguing with you about something but thats life. The things you have said in many cases (not all) have been false, distorted and media driven.

    I have stated many reasons why me and my competitors are failing, yet these reasons are the the same ones you are agreeing with. You have made statements here that are false - and continue to do so - Mis-informed opinions and such stated as fact, When they are clearly not.

    If you go over to the food and drink section I have a thread there on this very issue - looking for suggestions and informed opinion on whats happening to the pub trade. I have no problem taking advice, feedback, suggestions from informed, sound, business minded people like yourself - yours just dont make sense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 452 ✭✭Jimmyboss

    I bought a 42in LCD TV for the World Cup, stayed in for a few weeks to pay for it....then realised that I wasn't missing much by not going to the pub, not much craic in any of them anymore, only go out now if friends or relations are home, or a work-related session; I'm saving an absolute fortune...........................

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,709 ✭✭✭✭Cantona's Collars

    Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't Wetherspoons meant to open a pub in Dublin but the local publicans screamed blue murder as Wetherspoons can sell drinks cheaper than anyone as people who have drank in one in the UK can testify to.
    An old relative of mine stated years (and I mean years before the boom or any of that) ago that the day would come when the publican would be standing in the doorway begging you to come in.That day has arrived and they have nobody to blame but themselves.Who'd have thought we'd hear ads trying to coax us into pubs.
    Name me an industry that raises prices when trade decreases? They've gouged the drinking man for years and have the temerity to complain when people turn their backs on them due to high costs of a night out.

    On the subject of sport in pubs-it's needed no matter what a few haters say.I have personally seen groups of 20 and more individuals leaving a pub because they weren't showing ESPN. That's a lot of pints to lose out on.The next week ESPN was on the TV.My local shows a lot of sport and a variety of it,the staff are fans so will accomodate any request be it soccer,rugby or the gee gees.It's also a great pub for the craic and live music.It's thriving while pubs around it are closing as the guys running it know their customer and how to treat them unlike the 'bars' where unpleasant staff sell you overpriced slop.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭ardinn

    Biggins wrote: »
    As I said in the other thread on this topic (in case you missed it):

    The vintners tried this calling stunt before.

    Its NOT to just set a minimum, its to stop other drink sellers OUTSIDE of the vintners association, those who refuse to join their mafia style org', under cutting in on their higher drink prices.
    If a legal minimum is set, the vintners win double so, as they can then report their competition if a cheaper bar is anywhere in their locality to one of their members, for selling cheaper drink!

    As a great deal of FF members in the Dail alone, has previously been shown to be bar/leisure industry related (see here), they are just trying to cover their proverbial asses and cut out the competition!

    Hold on just one second - The vintners is an organization that is set up to help publicans with the running of their business - the offer legal advice, (not just in the cases of a problem involving barring a person but to all aspects such as licence renewel, employee contracts and rights, legislation etc etc)

    they are not trying to stop publicans doing anything, or report non-members for whatever - they are trying to protect the industry as a whole. And the biggest threat is supermarkets selling a loss leader. There are nearly (probably) more non members than members at this stage* yet the things they try to get done benifit non-members too.

    When have you heard the vintners lobbying for a law which is subject to VFI members only?

    That comment was a tad unfair!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,700 ✭✭✭fonecrusher1

    Jimmyboss wrote: »
    I bought a 42in LCD TV for the World Cup, stayed in for a few weeks to pay for it....then realised that I wasn't missing much by not going to the pub, not much craic in any of them anymore, only go out now if friends or relations are home, or a work-related session; I'm saving an absolute fortune...........................

    Similar to yourself. I stopped going to my local many months ago because every single time i went in there this was the scene; 2 large plasma tv's showing premiership football, volume on full blast, nobody talking because a. tv is too loud b. everyone becomes a zombie for the match.

    I don't mind football but im not spending 4.50 a pint in a packed noisey zombie-sports pub with zero atmosphere. I can watch sky sports & drink supermarket booze at home for a lot less.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 34,567 ✭✭✭✭Biggins

    As hard as it is for pubs - those that own them have got to realise that its not just about price alone and if they are hoping for some miracle to happen just because a lower final price is set, they are holding out in false hope.

    A successful business and that includes bars, etc float on a number of things.
    Primarily there is four basic contentions to the success of a venture.
    They are the foundation on which a successful venture starts from.

    You can have all the cheapest drink in the world but if the others are not workable in conjunction, successfully - its the leaseholder/owner that will eventually pay the price.

    We all know we can sit at home (or friends home) cheaply with alcohol and enjoy the 'craic' while watching Sky Sports latest game - its what pubs also subsequently bring to the drinking market that will ultimately decide if a drinker is going to venture outwards for that next pint.

    Bars in this country seriously need to up their game. So far I have seen very few that have done so - and just asking for fixed cheap price drink legislation is not going to cut it with the public. They are backing a sinking ship if they are putting their hope on that vessel of possible rescue.

  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭Trhiggy83

    ardinn wrote: »
    Fully - I understand your very successful and a great businessman and all that. Yet when you tell me to run my business a certain way and tell me what I should do when you yourself admitted to knowing very little about the trade, it is understandable that I respond with accurate comments and counter arguments, It may not agree with you that someone is arguing with you about something but thats life. The things you have said in many cases (not all) have been false, distorted and media driven.

    I have stated many reasons why me and my competitors are failing, yet these reasons are the the same ones you are agreeing with. You have made statements here that are false - and continue to do so - Mis-informed opinions and such stated as fact, When they are clearly not.

    If you go over to the food and drink section I have a thread there on this very issue - looking for suggestions and informed opinion on whats happening to the pub trade. I have no problem taking advice, feedback, suggestions from informed, sound, business minded people like yourself - yours just dont make sense.

    A good point was made in earlier posts and is still relevant regardless of the situation - if any business (not only a pub) cannot adapt to current market conditions then it will fail.

    I think you need to look at your business model if you cant make money in the current climate because clearly you have made wrong decisions somewhere. This could be maybe paying too high rent, targeting the wrong market, lack of promotions, too many staff etc, but at the end of the day if a pub cannot survive then its fairly simple that something is being done wrong. There is no point trying to defend the price of drink on here as everyone knows rip off ireland is truly dead and gone.

    The problem with this country for the last 15 years is that everyone has been ripping each other off. The now famous 'recession' has corrected this and people have woke up and started asking questions. If there is one good thing that came out of the recession it is that it made people more aware of getting value for money and for that i am greatful.

    The VFI are another bunch of cowboys and everyone knows their motives as was explained in previous posts also. The problem is this country has been ran too long by people who took things for granted, now its all falling apart and they dont know what to do next

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,739 ✭✭✭✭starbelgrade

    ardinn wrote: »
    I have no problem taking advice, feedback, suggestions from informed, sound, business minded people like yourself - yours just dont make sense.

    What bit of advice have I given doesn't make sense?

    I can't put it simpler than this... if your business model is failing, it needs to be changed and if price is the main issue with customers, that is the main problem that needs to be addressed.

    How do you do that? I don't know. That's for you & your federation to decide. But it is clear to even the dogs on the street that so far, your industry has failed miserably to do this.

    However, I do know that calling people's posts "moronic", telling people they are talking through their arse & calling other posters "twats" is not the way to go about it.

    If that's how you react to customers in your pub, I'm not surprised you can't get bums on seats. If you were the publican in my local, I wouldn't drink there, because your attitude stinks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭ardinn

    zerks wrote: »
    Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't Wetherspoons meant to open a pub in Dublin but the local publicans screamed blue murder as Wetherspoons can sell drinks cheaper than anyone as people who have drank in one in the UK can testify to.
    An old relative of mine stated years (and I mean years before the boom or any of that) ago that the day would come when the publican would be standing in the doorway begging you to come in.That day has arrived and they have nobody to blame but themselves.Who'd have thought we'd hear ads trying to coax us into pubs.
    Name me an industry that raises prices when trade decreases? They've gouged the drinking man for years and have the temerity to complain when people turn their backs on them due to high costs of a night out.

    Im not sure about weatherspoons but in fairness they wont be selling it that much cheaper over here if they did arrive and if they do it would be below cost as the vat rate here, rates, would soon learn em - but when all the other pubs close around them and their prices go up to normal levels your stuck with them. But as with any multi franchise agency they would be fairly/very competitive.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭HellFireClub

    Have just been listening to some utterly deluded gobshyte from the Vintners Assocation asking for a minimum price to be set on the Six One News. Isn't it funny though how every other private sector industry can lower their costs and regain their competitiveness, but these saps want either compensation in some form or another or else they want someone to step and artificially alter the market to adjust it for their inability to compete in it.

    No wonder the country is in absolute bits when this mindset is what passes for healthy competition and good business management. Have to say, I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing many more of them going out of business, it seems like only yesterday that my local had some unprofessional muppet on an ego trip standing at the door blowing smoke into my face telling me "not tonight mate, regulars only..."!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    theres too many pubs anyway, time to trim the fat!

    one thing I hate about pubs in Dublin(and some other counties) is 'bl**cks in the jacks', I dont hate the people doing that job but I hate having to feel uncomfortable while doing natures business and being obliged to pay a euro to have a paper towel handed to me. Im sure theres alot of people who feel the same, why do pubs insist on having someone standing at the sink when theres no real need for them there.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 34,567 ✭✭✭✭Biggins

    ardinn wrote: »
    Hold on just one second - The vintners is an organization that is set up to help publicans with the running of their business - the offer legal advice, (not just in the cases of a problem involving barring a person but to all aspects such as licence renewel, employee contracts and rights, legislation etc etc)
    ...And that all well and noble.
    ardinn wrote: »
    ...they are not trying to stop publicans doing anything, or report non-members for whatever - they are trying to protect the industry as a whole.

    Absolute cobblers!

    There was a case last year alone where a man who owns his own bar and was selling drink, was visited one day by two higher ranking members of the VFI and told without question, to raise the price of his drink.
    This he refused to do. Apparently other VFI local members had been put out by him selling cheaper than they - so they complained - thus the men in suit visit.
    Long story short, he refused to bow to their demands. He told the men to wait at the bar till he returned. He went to his office and grabbed a cheque he had made out. He brought it back to them, showed it to them and then proceeded to rip it up in front of them.
    He told them "That was my next membership payment for the VFI" - he then told the two men in suits where to go and never darken his door again!
    ardinn wrote: »
    When have you heard the vintners lobbying for a law which is subject to VFI members only?
    I never said that - please show EXACTLY where I have stated that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭The Orb

    Should there be a minimum price, no there shouldn't, why should the pub trade be protected. For years now the price of drinks in a pub was usurous, people had money and publicans exploited that, maybe more fool us for paying. Times are different now, there isn't the same money to spend, people don't want to spend €5 for a pint when you can buy a tinny for €1.80. It is simple economics, if pubs go the wall because they can't drop their prices then so be it,I don't want to see businesses failing and people losing their jobs, but punters can't spend what they don't have. The vintners had it all their own way both financially and politically and many of them made plenty of money, it's time they faced up to reality like the rest of us have had to do. The pub trade mirrors the developers, they thought the good times would last forever.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 34,567 ✭✭✭✭Biggins

    ...However, I do know that calling people's posts "moronic", telling people they are talking through their arse & calling other posters "twats" is not the way to go about it.

    If that's how you react to customers in your pub, I'm not surprised you can't get bums on seats. If you were the publican in my local, I wouldn't drink there, because your attitude stinks.
    Hear, hear!
    Post of the day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭ardinn

    What bit of advice have I given doesn't make sense?

    I can't put it simpler than this... if your business model is failing, it needs to be changed and if price is the main issue with customers, that is the main problem that needs to be addressed.

    How do you do that? I don't know. That's for you & your federation to decide. But it is clear to even the dogs on the street that so far, your industry has failed miserably to do this.

    However, I do know that calling people's posts "moronic", telling people they are talking through their arse & calling other posters "twats" is not the way to go about it.

    If that's how you react to customers in your pub, I'm not surprised you can't get bums on seats. If you were the publican in my local, I wouldn't drink there, because your attitude stinks.

    The post made calling that person a twat was a mistake - yet you seem to keep highlighting it to make my arguments less valid - I have apologised to you, to the recipient and to all involved in the thread, I wont do it again.

    I have responded to about 30 different people here i'd say - and not called any posts "moronic" or accused anyone of talking "out there ar*e"

    Just you.

    We seem to have gotten a little wayward and you've taken a disliking to me - thats fine, but I stand by what was posted previously in relation to your comments. you have posted inaccuracies and I have argued them - if you dont like me arguing them then discontinue the discussion.

    I am personally a very laid back person but if I have a debate I have a debate - if someone's statements seem moronic then I tell them - if they find mine the same tell me and argue the point. When someone tries to tell me about business plans and Business models then states that I should sell all my product below cost then .... what do you expect?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,758 ✭✭✭✭TeddyTedson

    If the price of a pint was 3euro I think you'd see the put a lot busier with the younger crowds at the weekends.
    Almost everyone has to buy drink in off licenses before heading on a night out to keep the cost reasonable.
    The price of shots ect in night clubs is f'ing crazy too, unless we're talking a midweek special somewhere.
    A lot of people are now bringing their own sneaky bottle of vodka in nightclubs because they're just too expensive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,420 ✭✭✭Dionysus

    Biggins wrote: »
    Absolute cobblers!

    There was a case last year alone where a man who owns his own bar and was selling drink, was visited one day by two higher ranking members of the VFI and told without question, to raise the price of his drink.
    This he refused to do. Apparently other VFI local members had been put out by him selling cheaper than they - so they complained - thus the men in suit visit.

    Would you have a reference for this anecdote, Biggins?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭ardinn

    Biggins wrote: »
    ...And that all well and noble.

    Absolute cobblers!

    There was a case last year alone where a man who owns his own bar and was selling drink, was visited one day by two higher ranking members of the VFI and told without question, to raise the price of his drink.
    This he refused to do. Apparently other VFI local members had been put out by him selling cheaper than they - so they complained - thus the men in suit visit.
    Long story short, he refused to bow to their demands. He told the men to wait at the bar till he returned. He went to his office and grabbed a cheque he had made out. He brought it back to them, showed it to them and then proceeded to rip it up in front of them.
    He told them "That was my next membership payment for the VFI" - he then told the two men in suits where to go and never darken his door again!

    I never said that - please show EXACTLY where I have stated that!

    Maybe I mis-interperated you, It seemed that was what you are saying.

    And where was this case exactly? I didnt hear of it(not saying its false i just didnt hear of it) doesnt really go with what the vintners does, I find it hard to believe but if you could get me a link or something i'd be really interested in reading it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,547 ✭✭✭Agricola

    Ireland's relationship with the humble pub is changing, it doesnt suit the people who control the pub trade, so this is their answer! Could there be a more Irish solution to an Irish problem. It reminds of the health service. The last thing to be addressed would be internal issues, better to load some more cost on the long suffering pleb in order to prop up a bloated expensive regime.
    I dont want to hear about the cost of doing business in Ireland, utility costs, VAT charges or anything else. The bottom line is, even when you omit the generally sub-par experience most pubs provide these days, the actual cost of having a drink in this country is beyond ridiculous. There are many reasons for this but one of the main ones is the simple economic principle of charging as much for your product as the market is prepared to bear. Drinking is so deeply ingrained in our culture that up until now, especially during the boom, it was assumed that you could almost charge whatever the hell you like for alcohol, because we were going to fúcking buy it no matter what. Im glad to say that this might be about to change, even though its an enforced change due to a recession. Value for money is a concept that a lot of people associated with the pub trade seem to have forgotten.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,816 ✭✭✭✭mfceiling

    Never mind a minimum price....what about a maximum price??

    What about pubs that put up the price of drinks every hour on a saturday night.

    I was in a bar in dublin last wednesday night.....2 glasses of white wine, a 7 up and a pint of heineken.....€21.30....ridiculous

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,246 ✭✭✭ardinn

    What bit of advice have I given doesn't make sense?

    Most of it to be quite honest.

    Such as selling products below cost?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,912 ✭✭✭HellFireClub

    ardinn wrote: »

    I am personally a very laid back person but if I have a debate I have a debate - if someone's statements seem moronic then I tell them - if they find mine the same tell me and argue the point. When someone tries to tell me about business plans and Business models then states that I should sell all my product below cost then .... what do you expect?

    To my mind, the definition of moronic is to keep doing things in the same manner but somehow expecting the outcome to change... How do you expect people to be able to afford to drink in a pub when the price you charge just keeps going up and up and up, in an economy where people are having their disposable income slashed??? It's not up to me or anyone else on here to solve this particular issue for you, it's up to you as an entrepreneur to either solve it for yourself and keep your business going or else go down the same road that many other people are being forced to go down and shut up shop. I should add that there is nothing special about your business above the others that have to close, that warrants any kind of state intervention in relation to the pricing of products in the market.

    Should the government also come out and fix the price of the potatoes in the market in order to keep the Roma Take Away's and the chippers in business???

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 34,567 ✭✭✭✭Biggins

    Dionysus wrote: »
    Would you have a reference for this anecdote, Biggins?
    This particular incident was reported at the time in a local newspaper. It was subsequently picked up as a small story by one of the nationals, shoved in as a filler piece during the media "Silly Season".
    The matter only came to my attention because my best man happened to work in the bar at the time and mentioned it to me.
    I then last year mentioned it in another thread based around the alcohol industry.
