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fitness log

  • 04-01-2011 10:03pm
    Registered Users Posts: 32


    I decided to do this to keep myself training and not give up after a week or two. I'm 16, 6ft tall, 67kg. I'm into running, cycling and soccer.

    I'm running schools cross-country in early February and need to keep training until early June.

    Any help/tips would be appreciated!

    DAY 1

    4 mile run. good pace.

    DAY 2

    3 mile run. nice pace.


  • Registered Users Posts: 162 ✭✭fergald

    Hi Padraig,

    I started back a couple of weeks, can manage 5k 3 times a week, just about. The thing is to keep motivated, push yourself a little more each time. I find if i run every night i get soarer, so now i run every second / night and do some light training in between.

    Keep trying, its tough but you will get their.

    Fitness Log
