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You won't be a different person tomorrow.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Wednesday: Had a very different run this am. Was exhausted going to bed last night, and was tired when I woke up this am. Did my two miles but no real energy to the run, and was hardly able for my sprint at the end. Hmm...

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 mavisoc

    Oh poor Walls, that doesn't sound like you. Get an early night tonight and take it easy, you'll feel like a new woman tomorrow.

    I feel pretty wrecked this morning myself but am super pleased with myself - I went out running yesterday evening. I felt soooo good after it. Don't know if I ran a full 2 miles I hope I did. See the first half of the route is all uphill and then there's a real stinker of hill at the half way mark. So up until that hill I was running for 8 mins & walking for 5 mins as per the Couch to 5K. But once I got over that 'stinker' I ran most of the way home - the route is just over 6kms in total so am hoping I ran nearly two miles. Found it very tough though and my breathing technique probably isn't the best (I'm lucky I live in the country - the only ones that take notice of my purple face are the cows in the fields!!). Stretched plenty when I got home but still feel a bit tender today. It's another gorgeous day outside, so hope to go again this evening.

    Thanks again by the way. Was so close to saying to myself yesterday evening ah sure I'll just do a few mins of the workout DVD I used to do. But said 'how can I go back to Walls with that pathetic excuse' I hauled ass outside and felt so much better for it. So thank you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Mavisoc! You beauty!! You did it, you got out there and you did it! Don't you worry one little bit about the distance or the form or any of it, here is the most important thing to remember:

    You did it.

    You actually did 100% more yesterday than you did the day before. One day you did nothing, then you made a change and did something. You got out there, even when you didn't want to, and you did it. You go and be proud of yourself. Nothing removes that achievement.

    Well done girlie.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 mavisoc

    Ah you're as good. Am hoping now stiff legs and all to get out there this evening, the weather alone is willing me out as is how well I slept last night. So will let you know how I get on. Hope you're feeling better for your run tomorrow and thanks again for your kind words

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Thursday:[False grin] And a big old Top o' the Morning to ya here in Dublin! We here in 'Eire' would like to wish you one and all a big ol Happy St Paddy's Day.

    Or some such imported American sentimentality. In our day it was about freezing your ass off watching slightly orange majorettes spinning, and 75 tractors all in a row following FCA men in uniforms that only made it around their beer bellies by the grace of God and some good sewing.

    Anyway. The jogging 'n stuff.

    Up, and I never run well later in the day, but I did my three miles and I got some wind in my hair, and all is good. Am waiting for the immersion to be done, but I feel that I should also point out that I brought out the bins, did a load of washing, did the wash up and just ran three miles and it is not quite 10am. Frankly, with all this and with my looks, I'm damn impressed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Friday: After a night of very bad dreams, I got up and went for the run, but I had no heart for it. It's done, it's the weekend, I'm out till Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Well get me if I didn't just run four miles in 40 minutes. Ruddy heck.

    Edit: Yes, on a Sunday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Monday: Yes, Rebecca Black, it is, and a lovely day to you too. Up and ran two miles, mainly because I ran four miles yesterday, but also because I was up late and even then had a lot to do to make it in on time.

    Right, time to get the week started.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Tuesday: Done - three miles this morning. I am pleased to announce that now that I have better shoes, both my knees now hurt equally, clearly an improvement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Wednesday: Sorry to sound like a hipster, but there are now lots of joggers out there. I did it before it got mainstream.

    I did two miles this morning and it was BLOODY HARD to get up. Got woken up at 5am and found it next to impossible to get back to sleep, so it was so so difficult to get moving this morning. But I did, I got two miles down, and I had a good run. Because of all the runners, it is getting easier to pace yourself against some of them, and I did really well there. So hurrah for me.

    And another pound gone. I'll celebrate with pizza.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Thursday: Yup, did three miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Friday: Two miles done.

    Monday: Three miles done.

    Got passed out by a fat man.

    Lost a pound, which is amazing....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Tuesday: I hit the alarm and went back asleep. I woke up again at 6.24am. Only the fact that I would have to post here about my deciding not to go running got me up and out and dressed and on the road.

    It had seemed cloyingly warm in the flat, but thankfully the skies opened and the following downpour solved that one nicely.

    As I was late, I kept it to just two and a half miles. The fat man was back out there as well, giving it loads. Hmm. Don't want to get passed out by him, but don't want to actually do any hard work, either. Blast. I can see this involving more hard work.

    Got back home after twenty five minutes, which for a two and a half mile run is about ten minutes a mile or so. That is crap, but at least I'm consistently crap, I guess.

    Promise to go to bed early. Hell, I'm asleep in work right now...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Wednesday: Yes, I got to bed early enough last night, but it didn't make a different. I woke up so tired I was stomping around like a grumpy five year old.

    Went out for the three mile run late enough.

    No sign of Fat Man. Ha.

    Did the three miles in 30 minutes, and still made it out of the flat in time for work. And my hair was still perfect.*

    *Your definition of perfect may not match that of the Author's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Thursday: Sweet Georgia Brown its windy out there. Had a very difficult first half of my run.

    And a rather fast second half.

  • Registered Users Posts: 256 ✭✭woggie

    Brilliant thread, have laughed my socks off reading it, you're a very witty woman walls some unintentional alliteration!

    Keep it up missus you're very inspirational, I usually do my runs in the evening as am a lazy ass in the morning but I can see the benifit of getting it over and done with early!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Friday: Its Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...

    Right, well I managed to get up and run three miles, but it took me a whole ten minutes longer than usual. I. Am. Tired. Going to embrace the weekend. See you all Monday.

    P.S. Thanks Woggie, you're a Pet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Monday: Hey all. I have the flu, and can't move from the bedroom. So all I can say is, um.... how are you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Tuesday: Pounding headache, and so no running

    Wednesday: Three miles down. By the way, Cineworld rang. Seems my lack of exercise has provided them with another cinema screen because of the size of my HUGE ASS.

    Honestly, I'm two days off my exercise routine and it has all gone to Hell in a large handbasket. Will struggle on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Thursday: Already, the weekend beckons. The run was only for two miles this morning but I feel marvellous for the run. I finished it in twenty minutes, and what I would like to do is improve that time. The next time I run two miles is Monday. I'm going to try to drop a minute on that time.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Friday: I hit snooze on the alarm button at six am. When it went off again at 6.10, I swear I dreamt someone laughing in delight at my pain. When I looked in the mirror my hair had grown to huge proportions and looked like something belonging to a French fop in a period drama about Marie Antoinette. J'aime le pain, mon ami....



    Mad hair tied back.

    Dressed and out and away we go.

    Amazing sunrise to keep body and soul moving, along with Le Phantom FM, my children. And I ran my three miles, keeping yet again to a steady 30 minutes, but I will work on that on Monday. Feel in an annoyingly good mood, so I do. So here is something to make you laugh:

    Have a nice weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Monday:: Bother and blast, yes it is. I'm up and out and I did my three miles in 30 minutes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Tuesday: Look, don't be made, okay, but I had to go into work to be there by 8am and if I had got up early for a run it would have meant a 5am wake up call. So I....didn't go running yesterday. Can't we just forget the past and move on? Please?

    Wednesday: Yes, I was up at 6am and was out and ran three miles. So I did. You all still loves me, right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Thursday: Up and three miles down. I was criticising myself for only reaching three miles; I've been doing this since January and I've not really increased the length of my runs very much. Then I told myself that I'm not in a gym. I don't have a personal trainer gauging my endurance, improving things like my gait, or able to tell me that now we can increase the length of my runs without any problems. I don't have wisdom in this area, only experience to teach me, and so I stick with one distance until it is clear there won't be problems, and then move slowy on to the next one. Plus I've had a lot to deal with since January (a close relative passed away in February). So any hassle in that quarter can just hump right off.

    Anyway, three miles done, after all that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Friday: Thank God for running. Yesterday was a horrible day, from the bus to the bed and everything in between. Everything.

    So getting up early and going for the run this morning was great. It shook off all the ****e and annoyance of yesterday and got the heartrate moving for the rest of the day. Shure that and a bit of lipstick and yer only grand!

    Plus I am another pound down. Cue Marching band.

    And it is Friday, thank Goodness. So I'm going to rest up and relax (ha!) for the weekend. You all do good, ya hear?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Monday: Morning! Finished three miles. My time was very slow, I think, but at least it gives me some area to improve on, I suppose.

    And I forgot to put the water on, so I now have this slightly sticky intermission to enjoy before the rest of the day can begin...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Tuesday: I ate late last night, so was worried that was going to affect me this morning. I was surprised at myself, I was up, out and running in no time at all. I ran the three miles, and finished it so comfortably I was like Sonia O'Sullivan. I even did a bop to this in my sitting room, until I saw the guy across the courtyard get up from his cigarette with a big grin on his face.


    Anyway, for some reason I've put on five pounds since yesterday, so will go easy on the food today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    Wednesday: Again up with the early. Get me. Three miles down. One worrying thing is I have a pain in my left knee/shin. I'm taking more care over my gait, but still, t'is a worrying development.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 mavisoc

    Hope your shin is ok. Just so you know I'm in complete awe of you... Have only been running 3 times a week the last few weeks since I first started following you. It's not getting any easier. Now my route is longer than yours and the first half of it is all a slow climb uphill with two big hills marking my halfway point. For some reason the first half has got harder for me - as in I have to stop & walk 3 times (once as I get towards the top of the slow climb (probably 1 mile down) and then on the two hills. So while this part has been getting harder & harder:mad:; I'm absolutely flying it home on the flat, some bits downhill - full two miles no bother:cool:. Do the whole 4 miles in approx 40 mins with my excessive bouts of walking.................So after that big rigmarole - when did it start to get easier for you?
    You're doing awesome by the way - just so you know!:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    I think it got easier for me around the third week, but to be honest there was a big event in the fourth that meant I wasn't running, so I'm not clear about progress.

    Four miles is quite a long run, have you run that lenght before? The reason the first hill is hard is that you aren't warmed up at that stage. Can you reverse your route so that you face the flats first?
