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Swim, Bike, Run....if only it was that simple!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,107 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Helle Frederiksen for me! Big fan of hers ;-) She's a fantastic athlete

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Jesus what has happened my '"training log" since I was gone!! :pac::D They are blessed in fairness, savage athletes all of them.

    Thanks for the well wishes too lads.

    Thurs Afternoon 23rd June

    Bikram yoga this afternoon and feel great after it.

    Time 1:30

    Tomorrow I intend in doing a 45 min swim, easy stuff and Sat 5/6km with some 100m pick ups and that is me then set and ready, as ready as I can be anyway.

    So re post title.....

    I have a little case of athletes foot at the moment so I went into the chemist for "Lamisil Once". I asked a girl working there to help me find it which she did. Then, the funny man that I am ;):p, decided to crack a joke-using my most serious tone I asked " will this clear up tri-athletes foot as well?" The girl looked a bit perplexed and replied "ammmm, god I'm not sure about that mmm let me ask my manager just one tick..." I actually felt awful and stopped the poor girl before she actually went and asked. She then kinda copped it and we had a good laugh :pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    If i do not get another chance best of luck with the race the weekend ElD. Enjoy it and i have no doubt you are going to fly it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    All the best for the weekend race.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Yes good luck El D, hope you have a good holiday after as well

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Good luck dude. Give it wellie. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    New Olympic Dist PB for me today by 8 mins on a very tough course and 30 degrees. 27th in category, delighted with that. In a case of mistaken identity I was then disqualified (I was 98 the person that they meant to DQ was 498), after a bit of frantic scrambling-got sorted and reinstated, phew! Now party time :)

    Will report when I get home on Sat.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Congrats dude. Savage stuff. Enjoy the hoiday! :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Great result ElD, all down to the positive MA no doubt. Well done! Did you get to watch the Brownlees et al :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Finally getting a chance to write my report (there is a reason for the delay)......get a cuppa lads - this could take a while.

    Friday 24th June

    I was hoping to get a 45 min swim session in this morning but after two nights in a row of very poor sleep (soon to be 3) I decided to skip it. This was also the deadline day to have our class tests corrected and uploaded on the system and of course I had only started my correcting on the Weds (worst part of the job, always left to last minute :rolleyes:). So I was up at 7, determined to get them done and dusted by 10, at this point I should also mention I still had to pack my clothes, gear and take my bike apart and box it - had to be in the airport for 3:30pm :o TBH I kinda joke about this sort of sh!te prep but really it isn't on and had me wrecked less than 48hrs before the race.

    Anyway things worked out thankfully and I was on the button with all my weight restrictions-lucky boy. My lift to the airport was 30min late which did nothing for my nerves.

    We arrived in Porto at 8:30pm, by the time we got our rental it was 10:00 more stress here, eventhough I booked well in advance and even rang them to ensure a large enough car to transport my bike-they still f'ed up but got it sorted, and a discount so not all bad. So it was 10pm when we finally hit the road, but, crucially, it was actually 11pm in Spain - where we were headed of course. By the time we found the hotel it was almost 2am and we had not eaten since 4pm. I was so hungry and conscious of just getting some carbs in that I headed out to try and hunt down anything I could eat....anything! The only place open was the little chip vans at a carnival-it was 2:15am and there was nobody left only the Spanish version of tinkers :rolleyes: They had some looking at me, in my shorts, compression gear underneath and my vibram 5 fingers on my feet :o Anyway two burgers and two bags of chips for me and my long suffering misses. To bed at 3am.

    Sat 25th June - The day before the race

    I slept in until 11, I knew I had lots of sleep to catch up on. I got up and off I went:

    Easy 8k Just to loosen out I threw in 8 x 60m stides also.

    Time 40 min
    Dist 8k

    I was shocked at the heat, it was only 11am and already 37 degrees! I was disappointed to have had to miss the elite women's race but I had to as it would have meant being on my feet for 10 hours, in that heat. I also had to put my bike together, register and rack the bike.

    I got the bike together and registered with no hassle. I then headed down early to transition to have a look around. There were little chill out areas playing nice soothing music so I we decided to hang out there. I know from past experience how important it is to keep off ones feet in the days leading up to a big race. So I was in conserve as much energy as possible mode. It actually turned out great because I saw the Q start to form for transition and after about 5 mins I decided to join it - thank God! I was about 20th in the Q, 15 mins after I had joined the Q doubled back on itself and as it happened some people ended up Q'ing for 2.5 hours! In that heat!! Lucky me. The problem was that they were taking way too long checking us all in, they even consulted the rule book re my tri-suit and nearly took my bike apart again! It took them 5 min to just let me into transition-this carried on until they were given a kick up the h0le and by the end they were doing no checks at all! Most in the Q missed the elite mens race.

    I missed the swim myself but caught the rest. I had a perfect spot in the grandstand for the run and yes MCOS, the Brownlee's...what can you say? Alister is still top dog though, he eased away in the last lap after allowing Johnny tag along for 3.5 laps. Conor Murphy had a super race even though he was 50 sec down coming out of the water. I felt really sorry for Gomez who was brave till the end.

    I was in bed for 12 that night.

    Sun 26th June - Race Day

    I was nice and relaxed the morning of the race. I was up at 5am and managed to have my usual breakie (brought the porridge with me ;)) I meet the 5 other Irish lads racing in transition - we were all racked together, most notably Mark Nolan. After a bit of a warm up, nothing like my usual, we were called to the pontoon - that heart beat music started and this was it.

    Race Report


    As is always the case in these races they don't hang around and we were belting off towards the first bouy before we knew it. I went hard for 150m or so just to get my own space, the swim was in a river with little or no current. I was surprised by the fact that the water was salty. Soon enough the 43 strong group split in too, a lead group and a chase group with about 3/4 swimmers caught between groups. I was of course in the chase group and after 700m or so I was feeling comfortable and thought to myself "you only get to do this once so push on". I went after the swimmers in between and caught onto one of them. Things were stringing out now. I got a good draft for and 200m and then went again. For the last 5/600m or so I was on my own. The exit consisted of about 12 steps up a carpeted stairs, I glanced at the watch which read 24:xx, I was very pleased with that. The run to the mat was about 500m so my time read 27:xx

    Time 26:51; Split Pos 30/43 (70%); Pace c.1:45/100 min;


    I was in and out pretty efficiently with no issues

    Time 2:20;


    The bike consisted of 2 laps. The lap breakdown was as follows - c.2km undulating with middling surface, c.7km up hill then with a gradient of 4/5% so not too bad but no point being on the tri bars either then it flattens out a little for a 1km or so just before the turn around. then 10-11k flat, then it's time to have fun :D 7km downhill, I don't have a comp on the bike but some were saying it was 70km/hr stuff although it felt faster I must say. First time down it I couldn't help touching the brakes a couple of times-second time down I resisted touching them. There were no sharp bends nice long gradual turn and great surface-exhilarating :cool: Then back to the 2km undulating, across one bridge take a left down to the next bridge (savage support here) we went left over this bridge staying down on the bars and then onto lap two. I was passing loads going up the hill with 4/5 in total passing me. On the way down 1 passed me but I got a load more. It was hard to tell who was in my wave though.

    Time 1:07:28; Split Pos 20/43 (46%); Speed 35.8km/hr


    No issues in transition here

    Time 1:19;


    This was a 4 lap affair. 600m into the track stadium then 4 laps. There was a big grand stand in the stadium which was packed and each time you came around here you got such a great lift-the Irish support and music was terrific. My running however wasn't. It was hot very hot. Amy Wolfe was there with Mark Nolan and she said my lap splits were very even and indeed they were looking back on the splits (can't find those splits now for some reason). The lap contained a 500m uphill section and an equally long downhill section. Normally I love hills as I pick people off here but this day I really struggled up them. My quads where not happy from the start and never loosened out so it forced me to have a short choppy cadence which is fine. I was in a bad place mentally because of the stream of people passing me on the run, I'm not used to this and it really fcuked with my head. I kept going and all I know is to do my best. Looking back at the numbers it wasn't as bad as I thought.

    Time 42:21; Split Pos 33/43 (77%); Pace 4:14/km (coincidencly that is the pace I am hoping for in Galway 70.3 in 8 weeks :()

    Overall 2:17:58PB; Pos 27/45 (60%) One of my seasons goals NOT attained

    After the race I checked my time on my iPhone. So I knew all my stats, after seeing the result I was actually happy and my run wasn't too bad. First time ever my swim was better than my run - a bitter/sweet thing! I had another look half an hour later and then when having my first pint, when I was all settled I wanted to compare my splits to that of a podium finisher (more on that later). This time when I looked all my splits had a DQ after them about 10 DQ's on one page! I knew that there is only a short window for appeals so I was onto one of the TI managers. They were great, they jumped straight into action. I had to leave my pint :( and get straight over to race HQ trying to rack my brain as to what I could have done to get a DQ! Must be serious I thought! Anyway long story short-they mixed me up for a girl who's number was 498, I was 98. Thank god for technology, the race organisers where agast at how I knew all this, they were fumbling with papers, I just showed them my phone. TI are writting a letter of complaint and are requesting an

    So overall I have to be happy and that evening I was. But something was bugging me - my run, more on that in my reflections post. I did 2:05:xx in Budapest last year but I don't count that as a PB, that makes this my Olympic PB but I fully expect a new one later this year :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    By 1.5hrs after the race I was comparing my splits with those on the podium. By 3 hours I was on the internet searching for programmes/tips/advice on running a sub 35 min 10k! I was doing a bit of soul searching really. I was asking myself some serious questions:

    Why was my run not up to up to scratch?

    I had the answer for this very quickly - why? Because I had answered that question 2 weeks ago! I knew I was under prepared for a good 10k time. Why was I under prepared? Because I hadn't enough 6 x 1km/5 x 1mile/2km sets done. I had plenty of speed work done which was the reason behind my recent 5km PB.

    Conclusion Had I had a triathlon coach perhaps this over sight would not have happened. I will have to include these types of sessions more often myself. In fact I am already started on this. After reading this I know I must first get my 5k time down to around 16 mins, so I will spend the next 18 months trying to do just that:o

    Would I do the ETU AG Champs Again?

    Not unless I think I have a change of a medal. How realistic is that? It's not as unrealistic as people may think. Watching the medal ceremony is a great motivation btw. I compared my times to Mark Nolan who came 3rd, had good chats with this guy and he is a pure gent. So these are the rough improvement I'd need to make.

    Swim - 2 mins (easily doable) Bike - 5 mins (mmm, ya I think given time) Run - 7 mins (savage challenge for me)

    The thing is, I was primed for the Sprint distance and looking at the times I am pretty sure a top 6/7 place would have been mine. Easy say that now and the sprint quality of triathlete is less thanthe Olympic but Nolan used it as a stepping stone as did Conor Murphy.

    Conclusion If I gave myself a 3 year time line then I feel I could get what I desire - a Euro AG medal. I know it's a big statement but....all great journeys started with one step and unless I make that step now then I never will. Nolan decided that this is what he wanted also and started planning 3/4 years ago. That sort of planning is required. A coach on this journey is probably a must.

    and so this all lead me to this question....

    Do I need a coach?

    I think so. Can I afford it? No. I would need to cut back on a lot of things but perhaps a consultation of some short would help to get the ball rolling. However I know nothing of coaches in Ireland, my research is starting soon.

    Just in case this this is beginning to sound like I tormented myself or didn't enjoy it - I totally did! It was very enjoyable and the race atmoshere, even up the mountain was terrific! I loved it. It's just that I feel I am not reaching my potential.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Ok, so I took a week handy traveling around North West Spain and North Portugal, just booking hotels as we went-it was great fun! I got in a couple of short run only, drank every night and ate crap enough :( But I have certainly got back on track this week.

    So roughly the plan is:

    Going back to Base 3 - 3 weeks on 1 week easy/testing, the first of the 3 weeks is more an reintegration week.

    Then a Build Phase of 3 weeks on and then the start of a two week taper.

    Right in the middle there are 3 races on consecutive weekends, Olympic, Sprint, Olympic with a 3 week gap to Galway 70.3.

    I have also planned two training days in Galway on the course - Sat 16th July and Sat Aug 20th, so if anybody is around......

    Tues 28th June

    20 mins easy jog

    Time 20min
    Dist 4km

    Thurs 30th June

    Same as above

    Time 20 min
    Dist 4km

    Then I was back home Friday night late, in bed at 1am. determined to get straight back into it I was up at 7am, put my bike back together and off I went on what will be my key session over the next 7 weeks, the long brick.

    Sat 2nd July

    Plan 70k bike with 3 x5k TT and 20 min run off at 4:15/km pace (intended HIM run pace)
    Actual 75k bike with 3 x5k TT and 20 min run off at 4:15/km pace (intended HIM run pace)

    Loosened out the legs for the first 20k before hitting into my TT efforts, then it was 5k on/5k off and 25k then to roll home. The TT bits:

    1) Time 07:29; HR 147; Speed 40.2km/hr (flat and side on wind)
    2) Time 08:38; HR 152; Speed 34.7km/hr (hilly and head wind)
    3) Time 08:33; HR 154; Speed 34.9km/hr (hilly and head wind)

    Overall ave speed 30.8km/hr

    Time 2:28
    Dist 75km

    The run was tough, very tough I found. Target pace was 4:15, actual pace was 4:20 and this felt tough! I know this will improve but will I be able to hold 4:15 off the bike for 90 mins in 8 weeks?? Remains to be seen I guess.

    Time 20min
    Dist 4.6km

    Mon 4th July

    Recovery jog with Lins, she is starting running again so it was 2k easy, very easy:)

    Time 13 min
    Dist 2km

    Tues Morn 5th July

    Plan 10k easy
    Actual 8.85k easy

    Man did I suffer on this one! Toughest 9k this year! I felt awful. I hope that now that it's out of the system that'll be the end of these runs. I need to get back to longer stuff.

    Time 42:55
    Dist 8.85k

    Tues Afternoon 5th July

    Plan Strength/Core/Rolling
    Actual Strength/Core/Rolling

    A nice session just to loosen out more.

    Time 35min

    Weds Morn 6th July

    Plan Swim Session
    Actual Swim Session

    didn't feel ready to re-join my swim group so I took my self to the NAC

    After a good warm up and drills I did, 100, 200, 400, 400, 200, 100 off 2:15, 4:30 and 9:00. Didn't want to kill myself, it was all about getting a feel for the water again. Enjoyed the session actually.

    Time 1:20
    Dist 2,700m

    Weds Afternoon 6th July

    Plan 3 laps of my hill route on the bike
    Actual 3 laps of my hill route on the bike

    Tough going but the body is beginning to respond now. It's re awakening and the hills were tough but I was able.

    Time 2:06:02
    Dist 52km
    Speed 24.8km/hr
    HR 121/170

    A few pints Weds night and only 6 hours in bed and then a full on day of training :rolleyes:

    Thurs morn 7th July

    Plan Core/Strength/Rolling
    Actual Core/Strength/Rolling

    Time 45min

    Then a trip to the airport before returning to the NAC...

    Plan Swim Session with Drills
    Actual Swim Session with Drills

    A good WU and CD with drills in between

    Time 50 min
    Dist 1,600m

    Thurs Afternoon 7th July

    (A new type of brick - intervals!)

    Plan 45 sec MAX x 6 intervals on the bike with a run interval session to follow straight off
    Acual 45 sec MAX x 6 intervals on the bike with a run interval session to follow straight off

    Bike After a WU (my house to the park) I did 6 x 45 sec MAX/1:15 easy. No's 1,3,5 were against a strong head wind, 2,4,6 it was a good tail wind.

    1) 421m
    2) 525m
    3) 430m
    4) 560m PB
    5) 447m
    6) 554m

    Then to the Polo Grounds...

    Run After some drills, in my vibrams I got stuck into 200/300/400/600/400/300/200 all with same recovery.

    200 - 0:33
    300 - 0:48
    400 - 1:16
    600 - 2:01
    400 - 1:18
    300 - 0:55
    200 - 0:32

    Time 50min
    Dist 22km

    Time 40min
    Dist 6.5km

    Really enjoy this afternoons session, might do this more, we'll see.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭couerdelion

    Good reports and some interesting targets. I'll keep looking to see if you hit them :) I'd be very happy to be any where near where you are now!

    There are several online coaches who will do plans by email and schedule monthly/weekly/daily calls to discuss progress / tweak plans.

    not sure if it's any good for you or works out better value.

  • Registered Users Posts: 583 ✭✭✭NeedsTraining

    Well done El D, great report and some great targets.

    I have no doubt you will achieve all you want to

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,584 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    By 1.5hrs after the race I was comparing my splits with those on the podium. By 3 hours I was on the internet searching for programmes/tips/advice on running a sub 35 min 10k! I was doing a bit of soul searching really. I was asking myself some serious questions:

    Why was my run not up to up to scratch?

    I had the answer for this very quickly - why? Because I had answered that question 2 weeks ago! I knew I was under prepared for a good 10k time. Why was I under prepared? Because I hadn't enough 6 x 1km/5 x 1mile/2km sets done. I had plenty of speed work done which was the reason behind my recent 5km PB.

    Conclusion Had I had a triathlon coach perhaps this over sight would not have happened. I will have to include these types of sessions more often myself. In fact I am already started on this. After reading this I know I must first get my 5k time down to around 16 mins, so I will spend the next 18 months trying to do just that:o

    Would I do the ETU AG Champs Again?

    Not unless I think I have a change of a medal. How realistic is that? It's not as unrealistic as people may think. Watching the medal ceremony is a great motivation btw. I compared my times to Mark Nolan who came 3rd, had good chats with this guy and he is a pure gent. So these are the rough improvement I'd need to make.

    Swim - 2 mins (easily doable) Bike - 5 mins (mmm, ya I think given time) Run - 7 mins (savage challenge for me)

    The thing is, I was primed for the Sprint distance and looking at the times I am pretty sure a top 6/7 place would have been mine. Easy say that now and the sprint quality of triathlete is less thanthe Olympic but Nolan used it as a stepping stone as did Conor Murphy.

    Conclusion If I gave myself a 3 year time line then I feel I could get what I desire - a Euro AG medal. I know it's a big statement but....all great journeys started with one step and unless I make that step now then I never will. Nolan decided that this is what he wanted also and started planning 3/4 years ago. That sort of planning is required. A coach on this journey is probably a must.

    and so this all lead me to this question....

    Do I need a coach?

    I think so. Can I afford it? No. I would need to cut back on a lot of things but perhaps a consultation of some short would help to get the ball rolling. However I know nothing of coaches in Ireland, my research is starting soon.

    Just in case this this is beginning to sound like I tormented myself or didn't enjoy it - I totally did! It was very enjoyable and the race atmoshere, even up the mountain was terrific! I loved it. It's just that I feel I am not reaching my potential.

    What's the weather like where you live?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    tunney wrote: »
    What's the weather like where you live?

    I live in Dublin dude. Are you wondering if the heat played a bigger part than I give it credit for??

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fri Morn 8th July

    Plan Club Swim Session
    Actual Club Swim Session

    So back to the club this morning. Plenty of kick sets :rolleyes: and the main set was 500 x 3 off 11 min (he was going easy on me:)) I was coming in on ave between 9:05 - 9:30. It was the third one that I finally felt good and did my fastest rep.

    Time 1:20
    Dist 2,600m

    Fri Afternoon 8th July

    Plan Run Intervals
    Actually Run Intervals

    Well today was the start of Sub 16 min 5k specific training :o Basically The target for this session is 6 x 1k with 60 sec recovery - target pace 3:08 - 3:10. So as today was the start it was 3 x 1k with 60 sec recovery - target pace 3:08 - 3:10.

    1) 3:16
    2) 3:19
    3) 3:19

    I am assured by my own club and other runners that a lap of the Polo Grounds is 1km, I hope so because my garmin reads between 960 - 990m! I don't think Garmin is too nifty on circular laps - I hope not anyway.

    As ya can see I've a long way to go, but at least it is a start :rolleyes:

    Bike Commute

    Time 35 min
    Dist 13.6km


    Time 20 min
    Dist 5.5km

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Hey ElD you're build up sounded like mine at the Barca HIM....not ideal. The heat could have played a part alright but i would not be to down about the run split.
    They are some lofty goals over the next 3 years but i reckon they are attainable with a lot of hard work as you are clearly a talented triathlete.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,454 ✭✭✭mloc123

    Do I need a coach?

    I think so. Can I afford it? No. I would need to cut back on a lot of things but perhaps a consultation of some short would help to get the ball rolling. However I know nothing of coaches in Ireland, my research is starting soon.

    Just in case this this is beginning to sound like I tormented myself or didn't enjoy it - I totally did! It was very enjoyable and the race atmoshere, even up the mountain was terrific! I loved it. It's just that I feel I am not reaching my potential.

    I don't post in logs much, but...

    Coaches don't need to be expensive. An expensive coach does not mean they are good. Find a coach that enjoys doing it.

    I have seen alot of 'online' coaches that send you a monthly plan and charge stupid money. This is pointless, unless it is two way communication you will get nothing from it. You might aswell follow a generic plan.

    Do some research before jumping in, can you work with them.. do they share the same views as you, do they think they can work with you and help reach your potential. Will you stick to a plan? Will you stick to a plan.

    Unless you can trust your coach 100% and follow the bigger plan it is pointless.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Enjoyable report El D, no-one gets more self analytical than you on those reports ;)

    I wouldnt go so hard on yourself, you are measuring up against the best around in those Euros races. Give yourself another few years like you said and you will have come on even more

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Good reports and some interesting targets. I'll keep looking to see if you hit them :) I'd be very happy to be any where near where you are now!

    There are several online coaches who will do plans by email and schedule monthly/weekly/daily calls to discuss progress / tweak plans.

    not sure if it's any good for you or works out better value.

    Hey dude thanks very much for that, I will be looking into every possibility.
    Hey ElD you're build up sounded like mine at the Barca HIM....not ideal. The heat could have played a part alright but i would not be to down about the run split.
    They are some lofty goals over the next 3 years but i reckon they are attainable with a lot of hard work as you are clearly a talented triathlete.

    Thanks JB. Lofty for sure...but not quite goals yet. Personally I don't believe in talent but I do believe in hard work and....luck! I am willing as always to work hard but I gotta make it smart.

    Hope that savage brick session today went well man!
    mloc123 wrote: »
    I don't post in logs much, but...

    Coaches don't need to be expensive. An expensive coach does not mean they are good. Find a coach that enjoys doing it.

    I have seen alot of 'online' coaches that send you a monthly plan and charge stupid money. This is pointless, unless it is two way communication you will get nothing from it. You might aswell follow a generic plan.

    Do some research before jumping in, can you work with them.. do they share the same views as you, do they think they can work with you and help reach your potential. Will you stick to a plan? Will you stick to a plan.

    Unless you can trust your coach 100% and follow the bigger plan it is pointless.

    Thanks Mloc. I think for me, if I was to go down the coach line, then the biggest thing for me is that I must get the feeling from the coach that he cares about this as much as I do. That I'd imagine is a tough thing to find, impossible almost. If that was the case then, I'll stay as I am, read more and more and get smarter!
    catweazle wrote: »
    Enjoyable report El D, no-one gets more self analytical than you on those reports ;)

    I wouldnt go so hard on yourself, you are measuring up against the best around in those Euros races. Give yourself another few years like you said and you will have come on even more

    Ha, thanks CW. I hope I am not over head doesn't hurt so I'm ok...for now :P

    Sat 9th July

    Plan 80k with 4 x 5k TT with a 25 min run of at 4:15 pace (intended HIM pace)
    Actual 80k with 4 x 5k TT with a 25 min run of at 4:15 pace (intended HIM pace)

    It was 11:30am before I got rolling this morning but when I did the sun was out and I had a most enjoyable day. It was basically Blanch to Trim and back with 10km added to make the distance. So my 4 TT's:

    1) Time 09:10; HR 131; Speed 32.7km/hr (head wind, undulating)
    2) Time 08:29; HR 136; Speed 35.4km/hr (head wind, flat(ish))
    3) Time 08:20; HR 130; Speed 36km/hr (tail wind, flat(ish))
    4) Time 07:58; HR 131; Speed 37.6km/hr (tail wind, undulating)


    Time - 2:38:56
    Dist - 80km
    Speed - 30.1/47km/hr
    HR - 119/145

    The Run

    Off I took with 3 mins of getting back to the house. Within 20 sec I already felt better than last week. I was able to hold the pace and actually better but it was a bit up and down. I hope over the next 7 weeks I will know what 4:15/km pace FEELS like.

    Time 25min
    Dist 6km
    Pace 04:12
    HR 157/166

    Lovely weather and I feel good. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,584 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    I live in Dublin dude. Are you wondering if the heat played a bigger part than I give it credit for??


    No, me asking "whats the weather like where you live?" was an attempt to suggest that perhaps, based on the last post, that you lived some else to others.
    mloc123 wrote: »
    I don't post in logs much, but...

    Coaches don't need to be expensive. An expensive coach does not mean they are good. Find a coach that enjoys doing it.

    I have seen alot of 'online' coaches that send you a monthly plan and charge stupid money. This is pointless, unless it is two way communication you will get nothing from it. You might aswell follow a generic plan.

    I've seen alot of online coaches too. I think that there are two types of distance coaches - those that pile them high, stack them up, deal with large numbers of athletes, and really don't give a sh1t. Then there are those that do care, deal with only a small number of athletes that they can cope with properly.

    I heard of one athlete who did an IM in a very fast time, he approached a coach, signed up for coaching and was paying 120 sterling a month to him and when they discussed goals he said he wanted to go ten minutes faster. The coach insisted that the best he could ever do was a time 30 minutes slower than his PB. He didn't listen to the athlete and didn't want to really put in the effort to make the difference. The coach in question has been mentioned on this thread.

    We all know of other boardsies who have wasted entire seasons with crap coaches. Choose wisely, credentials (particularly the TI ones) nor price are good indicators.
    mloc123 wrote: »
    Do some research before jumping in, can you work with them.. do they share the same views as you, do they think they can work with you and help reach your potential. Will you stick to a plan? Will you stick to a plan.

    This is important. My coach has worked with a number of athletes I know. For most he has got great results, for some fantastic, for two none. Why? One was uncoachable, one wasn't coachable at that time in their life. 100% trust and 100% motivation are a necessity.
    mloc123 wrote: »
    Unless you can trust your coach 100% and follow the bigger plan it is pointless.

    Thanks Mloc. I think for me, if I was to go down the coach line, then the biggest thing for me is that I must get the feeling from the coach that he cares about this as much as I do. That I'd imagine is a tough thing to find, impossible almost. If that was the case then, I'll stay as I am, read more and more and get smarter!

    Asking a question here - are you the type of person who listens to advice when it isn't saying what you want to hear?

    I do thinking coaching is a great thing but people have to be receptive!

    I find people are willing to blow huge amounts of money on things like bikes, wheels, wetsuits, race entries but then won't do or get the things that can make huge differences.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    First El D congrats on the performance and great report.

    Looking at it from the outside i have some observations hope you dont mind me being blunt - basically you ve done very well to catch up so much and put in some good summer performances.

    But basically you ve been playing catch up all along. From what i remember you had a pretty bad winter and sabotaged yourself. Hopefully you ve addressed whatever issue it was and this wont happen again.

    What i know about swimming you could write on a stamp so i ll skip that. But your bike times are savage and you seem to go very well regardless of the level of training as i wouldnt call your bike km's put down as huge. There is room for improvement there still.

    But on the running i think your looking at one thing - your weight! Sorry but as a non professional athlete running 35 for 10k from approx 13.5 stone (???) isnt going to happen esp not with 2 other areas of focus. When i met you i couldnt really see it on you but you must be carrying it somewhere - maybe too much muscle? Look at some athlethes around your height and see where you ve got to be.

    Again i think some of that is a factor of your winter hibernation.

    I suppose this brings me onto my main question and maybe tunney or others could help;

    - At what stage do you take the leap and go with a coach?

    For me i'd want to be doing most things right myself diet, consistent training, recovery etc before id spend the money on one. But maybe this is a bit too idealistic?

    And id plus 1 to what was said above re are you prepared to do what your told even when it doesnt suit?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks for the comments lads!
    tunney wrote: »

    No, me asking "whats the weather like where you live?" was an attempt to suggest that perhaps, based on the last post, that you lived some else to others.

    Still lost Tunney :confused: There is a reason that I never do the cryptic crosswords :pac:
    tunney wrote: »
    Asking a question here - are you the type of person who listens to advice when it isn't saying what you want to hear?

    I do thinking coaching is a great thing but people have to be receptive!

    I find people are willing to blow huge amounts of money on things like bikes, wheels, wetsuits, race entries but then won't do or get the things that can make huge differences.

    I always listen to advice given and tbh I can't really remember getting advice that I didn't want to hear, apart from advice from lads telling me not to do some race because I was ill/injured-which I always listen to and dropped out.

    I would actually love to hear some critical analysis - LOVE to hear, I need it if I'm going to make the improvements I want. So, Tunney, if you have time please, please do-I will listen, I know you are very experienced, I'd be stupid not to.

    kennyb3 wrote: »

    But basically you ve been playing catch up all along. From what i remember you had a pretty bad winter and sabotaged yourself. Hopefully you ve addressed whatever issue it was and this wont happen again

    That's right I did. I made the mistake of taking too long off after last season and I was playing catch up for a long time. But I realised my mistake and have vowed not to let that happen again, I was beating myself up a lot for that so I had to draw a line and move on-which I have.

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    But on the running i think your looking at one thing - your weight! Sorry but as a non professional athlete running 35 for 10k from approx 13.5 stone (???) isnt going to happen esp not with 2 other areas of focus. When i met you i couldnt really see it on you but you must be carrying it somewhere - maybe too much muscle? Look at some athlethes around your height and see where you ve got to be.

    Again i think some of that is a factor of your winter hibernation.

    I suppose this brings me onto my main question and maybe tunney or others could help;

    - At what stage do you take the leap and go with a coach?

    For me i'd want to be doing most things right myself diet, consistent training, recovery etc before id spend the money on one. But maybe this is a bit too idealistic?

    And id plus 1 to what was said above re are you prepared to do what your told even when it doesnt suit?

    You are bang on KB re the weight. I was 88kg in Jan when I started back, I am now 84kg (13.3st). I identified this as a limiter at the end of last season and I had/have a target of a weight less than 80kg for my A races. I didn't make it for Pontevedra and I have now 7 weeks to make it, or get as close as I can for Galway 70.3. The winter hibernation was a very big contributor to this problem.

    There is fat to be lost for sure but feck all really tbh. I am bulky though, stemming from the days when I just did weights for no reason at all :rolleyes:. I need to watch my diet at the weekend especially and also when I am not at home. I don't think I will ever be as skinny as those runners who run sub 35's and I need to be careful as I don't want to jeopardise my power for the bike.

    I agree with you re what position you'd like to be in before getting a coach, I am happy with the consistent training and recovery recovery, my diet does need to be better but I am working on it.

    On the last question KB. If I was being advised by someone with more experience, someone I trusted and had respect for then I would follow instruction like a god puppy dog. But I feel all this talk about coaches is futile...I would need to do some serious number crunching to afford it (even the cheapest I've seen). Great to have some discussion on it however and there will be PM's sent around to certain people to get names, advice harm in looking into it.

    In the mean time I'll keep trying to get were I want to be....even if I never make a 16 min 5k or sub 35 min 10k, what's the worst that could happen? I become the best runner I can be in the process, I'd take that.

    Cheers again lads for taking the time.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12,584 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Still lost Tunney :confused: There is a reason that I never do the cryptic crosswords :pac:

    I may have been asking which planet you lived :)

    I always listen to advice given and tbh I can't really remember getting advice that I didn't want to hear, apart from advice from lads telling me not to do some race because I was ill/injured-which I always listen to and dropped out.

    IMHO one of the recent problems on ART is the lack of critical advice. I know I stopped giving it because any time myself or others suggested that perhaps not everything everyone did was fantastic, and could be wrong/****/bad we got abused, shouted down, or even banned. Any advice I want to give these days is over email.
    I would actually love to hear some critical analysis - LOVE to hear, I need it if I'm going to make the improvements I want. So, Tunney, if you have time please, please do

    Are you sure? :)

    You are bang on KB re the weight. I was 88kg in Jan when I started back, I am now 84kg (13.3st). I identified this as a limiter at the end of last season and I had/have a target of a weight less than 80kg for my A races. I didn't make it for Pontevedra and I have now 7 weeks to make it, or get as close as I can for Galway 70.3. The winter hibernation was a very big contributor to this problem.
    What height are you?
    I don't think I will ever be as skinny as those runners who run sub 35's and I need to be careful as I don't want to jeopardise my power for the bike.

    I've run low 34 for 10km, as have many triathletes I know. Why are light weight and bike mutually exclusive? Look at the ITU lads, sub 30 and serious bikers.
    I agree with you re what position you'd like to be in before getting a coach, I am happy with the consistent training and recovery recovery, my diet does need to be better but I am working on it.

    Emmm coaches, the new power meter, which were the old heart rate monitors.
    On the last question KB. If I was being advised by someone with more experience, someone I trusted and had respect for then I would follow instruction like a god puppy dog. But I feel all this talk about coaches is futile...I would need to do some serious number crunching to afford it (even the cheapest I've seen). Great to have some discussion on it however and there will be PM's sent around to certain people to get names, advice harm in looking into it.
    Whats the cheaptest you've seen? I know some lads getting coached by decent coaches that only charge 40-60 euro per month. Varying degrees of attention from the coaches depending on the coach though.
    In the mean time I'll keep trying to get were I want to be....even if I never make a 16 min 5k or sub 35 min 10k, what's the worst that could happen? I become the best runner I can be in the process, I'd take that.

    Cheers again lads for taking the time.

    I recently cleared out my old room from my parents house, I found a certificate from my first ten km. I kept it back then and still have it and always will. 49 minutes. I was chuffed. I've done 34.

    I think most people can run sub 35. 32 - that will be the next goal.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Well El D. Congrats on the race in Spain. Setting a PB in that heat is nothing to be sneezed at. That was some panic to even get on the plane - your lucky you didn't forget a wheel or something with the rush.

    I'm not qualified to advise on your targets or musings on your performance and what you want to achieve in each discipline, but as you said a few posts ago, you will perform the best that you can be in the process. Thats a good attitude, and attitude is half the battle.

    I think it makes sense to get the 5k time down and trying to use that as a stepping stone to getting the 10k time down too. It won't be easy to take that amount of time off - but I know you will give it a good shot.

    PS, don't be posting 3 big posts in one go like that - I've nearly gone square eyed reading off the screen :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    ^^^^^^Sorry about that Mac, I had a lot of catching up to do, thought it was the best way :rolleyes::o
    tunney wrote: »
    Are you sure? :)

    Ya I bad could it be? :o Go for it, if you don't mind/have the time. E mail address is: [email][/email] you could be my coach! ;)

    tunney wrote: »
    What height are you?
    I'm 185cm

    tunney wrote: »
    I've run low 34 for 10km, as have many triathletes I know. Why are light weight and bike mutually exclusive? Look at the ITU lads, sub 30 and serious bikers.
    Ya good point.

    tunney wrote: »
    Whats the cheaptest you've seen?
    I haven't had enough time yet to dig really deep but €80/month is the cheapest I've seen so far.

    tunney wrote: »
    I think most people can run sub 35...
    I really hope this is true :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weekly Summary This includes the Saturday after I got back from Spain.

    02 July - 10 July|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Weight Watch

    This Week 84.5kg

    Turned out to be a decent week really. Usually I do Mon - Sun but I also included the Sat brick when I got back (I will be using these tables at the end of the season so I didn't want to lose the data). So it was really only a 14hr week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Maybe you could be my coach!
    +1 on this if Tunney ever decides to go into coaching. I like his direct approach and calling it as he sees it plus he seems to be a stats nerd like me....sorry Tunney:)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    I kind of jumped into this then got lost over the busy weekend.

    I'd say you could look at getting to at least 12 stone and even 11.5 or less over time. If you can get withinn at least a stone of some pro's of similar height you wont be bad. Someone like Frodeno is about 12st at 6ft'4 sure.

    Your intensity in the summers is great with plenty of 2 mile and 5k running races, plenty of tri's and so on.

    But i reckon you need a much better base and i think this in turn will sort out the weight thing. I know your not going long but i wouldnt call your volumes huge over the course of the year - although you go through high volume periods. I still think you struggle to fit in long runs and long rides between all the summer races.

    I was about 12 and half stone 2 years ago and had plenty of upper body muscle from years in the gym after i had to give up football. Now i have puny arms and am about 10'13 - so its defintely possible to lose weight and change shape. Long runs and rides and good diet will help this.

    So i think what im trying to say a good winter culd see a huge change in weight and base fitness. The intensity is there, the consistency is prob lacking a bit.

    I'd defo consider a BF % test too to see where you are at.
