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Swim, Bike, Run....if only it was that simple!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Saturday 23rd July

    Plan Bike - 70km with 3 x 10km TT pace
    Actual Bike - 74km with 3 x 10km TT pace

    A new route for me today which is always nice. A tour of 3 counties, Galway, Roscommon and Mayo. Similar road surfaces to the Galway 70.3 course - crap! My bike set up is way better now-able to hold the TT position for much longer and it was saving my legs too, but as I've eluded to the last two days or so - I am on very tired and heavy legs. Weather was nice, there was some wind so I was glad to have put on my skins top under my jersey. The TT's:

    1) 18:36; Speed 32.2km/hr; HR 130
    2) 17:55; Speed 33.5km/hr; HR 132
    3) 19:03; Speed 31.9km/hr; HR 126

    The TT's were tough with hills on all 3, the low HR on the 3rd would suggest that I backed off and maybe I did because of the accumulated fatigue over the last 3 weeks.


    Time 02:26:38
    Dist 74km
    Speed 30.2km/hr
    HR 124/153

    Plan 35 min run at 4:15 pace
    Actual 30 min run at 4:16 pace

    Started off well but have 20 mins it really got very difficult to hold the pace that I wanted. I cut it 5 min short as I was passing my house and I decided it was time to give in to my bodies request. Just one more session and then the start of an easy week-never looked so forward to one, then again this has probably been my biggest 3 weeks ever.

    Time 30min
    Dist 7km
    Pace 4:16
    HR 161/173

    If I was asked today if I think I could pull off a sub 90 min half marathon off a 90k bike I would say - no way! But - I will be putting my belief in my race wheels, me being 2kg's lighter and me being fresher on the day itself :)

    Only the LSR left tomorrow :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Bambaata wrote: »
    I dont get that myself! Im generally around 7 to 8k. I know lads doing 12-15 and they say you need that. Im happy enough with where i am though. Swimming 4 times a week could be hard to maintain and i'd need that 4th session to get close to that.

    You get my mail ok last week?

    12-15k :eek: I will be easing back next week as it is an easy week for me.

    I actually didn't get your mail dude, when did you send it??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,107 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Sh!tballs. I must have sent it to the wrong mail. Sent it that night (19 July 2011 00:30). Pm me ur addy and ill try again.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    @ Bambatta: Are you doing Lough Neagh next Sat, 30 July?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,107 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Not this year im afraid. Tri the Lough is next for me on Aug 13th. Lough Neagh is a great race, really enjoyed it last year

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Sunday 17th July

    Plan 1:40 LSR
    Actual 1:45 LSR

    What a horrible run this was, thank god I hadn't planned any HM pace stuff. My legs had had enough after 3 tough weeks, but at least I've gotten though it ok. Both my achilles were sore-first time really this year and hence the very slow pace. My easy week could not have come at a better time.

    Overall Dist 19.3km; Time 1:44:46; Pace 5:26/km; HR 130/157

    Weekly Summary

    18 July - 24 July|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Weight Watch

    Last Week 83.5kg
    This Week 82.3kg :)

    Missed Sessions Watch

    This Week 1
    Altogether This Block 4
    Overall 26

    Bring on resting/testing week :)

    Mon 25th July

    Plan Core/Strength/Rolling
    Actual Core/Strength/Rolling

    My only planned session today, badly needed recovery. Enjoyed the jacuzzi after :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Just catching up on your log now, El D, fair play on Spain, well done. Great analysis afterwards and some really interesting stuff re. getting to the next level.
    Run through of the Galway 70.3 course interesting as well. I saw someone post on the organiser's facebook page that they were delighted with the flat "fast" profile of the bike course... the profile doesn't show the road surface!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,977 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Well I have two routines and alternate them:

    Routine 1

    1. Kick
    2. "Pressing the buoy"* (with/without fins)
    3. Tap the pull buoy at the end of each stroke
    4. Catch up drill with kick board as seen here

    Routine 2

    1. Kick
    2. "Swim Taller"* (with/without fins)
    3. "Swim like a knife"* (rotations, with/without fins)
    4. Shoulder tap drill

    * As in Joe Friels Training Bible

    Dude if you'd like me to go into more detail about any of these just PM me and I'd be happy to. I do 200m of each, some days though I will do extra kick set like 12 x 50m with 15 sec rest. I find the drills really make me think about each part of my stroke.

    Cheers for that. I'm obviously too light on the kick heavy drills - I hate kicking:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tues Morn 26th July

    Plan Core/Strength/Rolling Session
    Actual Core/Strength/Rolling Session

    Time 25min

    Tues Afternoon 26th July

    Plan FTP Test
    Actual FTP Test

    I did this back in Feb and my aim was to improve my input (power) by 15% before Galway. Another crazy objective I stated at the beginning of the year. Next years goals/objectives have to be SMART.

    This is NOT an easy test, I really went for it and the sweat was just pouring off me. I knew my LTHR would not be much different but what I was hoping for was an improvement in my ave speed and distance covered. So just as a recap:

    First FTPw Test

    Warm Up 15 min; 6.4km; Then stretch for 5 mins
    30 min test CALIB to '0'; Slope set to '+1'

    Watt Ave 299 (my FTPw)
    Cad Ave 98
    HR Ave 159 (my LTHR)
    Speed Ave 40km/h
    Dist 20km

    Cool Down 15 min; 6km.

    Tues 26th July - FTPw Test

    Warm Up 15 min; 6.5km; Then stretch for 5 mins
    30 min test CALIB to '0'; Slope set to '+1'

    Watt Ave 306 (my FTPw)
    Cad Ave 90
    HR Ave 158 (my LTHR)
    Speed Ave 41km/h
    Dist 20.6km

    So an improvement of 2.3%. I am happy with any improvement but it could and should have been better. I did no specific power sessions but I intend on doing that come Oct for 6-8 weeks and retesting before the end of the year, this I hope will yield even more improvement. My HR zones on the bike stay the same then and my new FTPw is 306, this is for a T30 test for a T60 that would equate to a FTPw of 298.35. I am confused as to which number to work off - my T30 one or T60?? :confused:

    Total Time 45 min
    Total Dist 27.1km

    Weds Morn 27th July

    Plan Core/Strength
    Actual Core/Strength

    Time 20 min

    Weds Morn 27th July

    Plan Swim - 1,500TT
    Actual Swim - 1,500TT

    6 weeks ago I did this and set a PB of 27:50 so the aim this morning was to top that. Last time I did it coach said I went out too slow and finished strong. So my aim this morning was go hard for 400m/700m long steady strokes/400m hard. This worked well and I may well employ similar tactics in races from now on. So I warmed up and off I went.

    1,500TT 26:33PB; Pace 1:46/100m

    Time 50min
    Dist 1,900m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Cheers for that. I'm obviously too light on the kick heavy drills - I hate kicking:rolleyes:

    I hated kicking too but you have to learn to love it therefore I include it in every session-you will be rewarded for this. Keep an eye on your 50m kicking time, give yourself repeat times and this will focus you, give you a purpose while doing them.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Nice PB there dude! :cool:

    You should invest in Training and Racing with a Power Meter. It's not that expensive and it will answer some of your power related questions.

    Good luck this weekend. Another podium?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Nice PB there dude! :cool:

    You should invest in Training and Racing with a Power Meter. It's not that expensive and it will answer some of your power related questions.

    Good luck this weekend. Another podium?

    Ha! Hardly, it's the National Champs so it will be of a very high standard but I am fully expecting an Olympic PB if I'm being honest :)

    I actually have that book since early this year but never got around to reading it :rolleyes: but I will, I've started making time for reading again lately-means I have to get out of the house and go for a coffee. Ever since getting a 1,000 gig multimedia hard drive and a mate giving me 950 gigs worth of films and TV shows (thats enough for years of viewing!) This has really interfered with my reading :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Eve 27th July

    Plan Swords CC League
    Actual Swords CC League

    I hadn't done this circuit before so I didn't know what to expect. It turned out to be a very fast circuit...just a pitty my balls shrivel up in the wet :o It had been a really really nice day and then on the way out it started coming down. I did contemplate turning around and going home-last thing I want is a fall and injury or worse a broken bike! Especially with training going so well and Lough Neagh Tri this weekend. Anyway I didn't, it's all about getting out of your comfort zone so I pressed on. My aims were:

    1. Stay upright
    2. Try and stay with group 3
    3. Try and help the group with turns at the top.

    I was fine on the main road but on the more narrow back roads were tricky. Every time there was a decent I went out at the back of the grou, losing up to 20m at times, I'd have to work hard to get back on then, but I did every time. Then when we got back to the main road I made sure to do a turn at the front. We never got anything going but I was too concerned with my own personal aims. Did 5/6 turns at the front, worked hard to get onto the group again after decents and corners, wasn't going to challenge any sprint had there been one - that was my story for the night. Sorry to the lads for not having been of more use. Would love to do this course in dry conditions.

    Met Dario after, nice to meet you dude. Thanks again to the marshals and organisers for another safe race. Glad I did it, it's all experience in the bag.

    Stats (includes warm down)

    Time 1:15:31
    Dist 44.7km
    HR 153/179
    Cad 81rpm
    Speed 36/59.6km/hr

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Good stuff going n in this log as usual. Well done on the FTP and swim benchmarks El D. Good luck at the weekend dude and thanks for the comment Mr Motivator :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fri Morn 29th July

    Plan Core/Strength/Rolling
    Actual Core/Strength/Rolling

    Rest day on Thursday was very welcome, back to it this morning however.
    Nice session in the gym this morning.

    Time 30min

    Fri Morn 29th July

    Plan Swim Session - NAC LC
    Actual Swim Session - NAC LC

    Warm up and drills followed by 16 x 100m off 2 min, broken into 4 sets of 4, the aim was to descend these. Next week I will up this to 5 sets of 4 and then the following week it will be 5 sets off 1:55.

    Set 1 1:47; 1:49; 1:45; 1:39
    Set 2 1:49; 1:47; 1:42; 1:39
    Set 3 1:50; 1:48; 1:45; 1:37
    Set 4 1:50; 1:50; 1:47; 1:41

    Pacing was not great this morning, looks like I only had 3 gears as opposed to 4 :rolleyes:

    Time 1:15
    Dist 2,700m

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Good luck with the race, hope you get that Olympic PB!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,107 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Hope Lough Neagh is going/went well El D!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Sorry im only getting back to you now, literally only got your PM, was away off in Majorca, seems the bike race went well enough anyway. Looking forward to the tri report, seems from Mac's log it went great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    Sorry im only getting back to you now, literally only got your PM, was away off in Majorca, seems the bike race went well enough anyway. Looking forward to the tri report, seems from Mac's log it went great.

    No worries Kenny, hope you had a good time in Majorca!

    Fri 29th July

    Plan Test 2.5km - aim 8:15
    Actual Test 2.5km - 8:59

    When I say the target is 8:15 I mean by this time next year :o Todays target was to get under the 9min and every subsequent test (each month) will be to better what I did the previous month. So after a warm up and some drills I gave it a go.

    Dist 2,5k; Time 8:59; Pace 3:36/km; HR 158/173

    What's up with my HR there-the bottom limit of my zone 3? :confused: Certainly not how it felt...mmmmm.....maybe the monitor??

    Time 30 min
    Dist 7.5km

    Sat 30th July

    National Olympic Championships - Lough Neagh

    Up just before 6am....and so it all began :rolleyes::o Late nights, early mornings and sh1te food.

    Met with Bjorn at the NAC, Linda was with me and Bjorns Dad with him and off we went. Nearly half way there and this lunatic in a pick up passes me out and cuts in, I was puzzled when he flashed the hazards....then the club kit came out the window...."o ya, that's Mick's car!" Team Activmulti Sport are go!

    A lovely dry day for racing, the lake was so calm too. A great venue for racing too. Myself and Mick warmed up, Bjorn preferring to warm up during the swim (while coming second out of the water :rolleyes:)

    I had two caffeine gels and 500ml caffeine drink before the race.

    I was fully expecting a new olympic PB, funny thing is I knew I was in better shape for this race than my first A race of the season 4 weeks ago in Spain. Doesn't say much for my prep for that A race, besides it was time I did a decent olympic time, by that I mean - decent for the about of time and effort I put in.

    Race Report


    We all swam out to the start, some went further than that though. The organisers tried, for about 30 sec to get everyone back, they then seemed to give up and without a countdown or anything just blew the klaxon with about 20 guys getting a good 20 metres or time I will be one of them ;) The first buoy was madness, I just kept the pace up and found some feet and open water. I felt really good though, there seemed to be a lead group well up ahead and then a second group which I was part of. Getting out of the water I glanced at the watch - 21:xx, excellent, great start!

    Mat Time 22:22PB; Pace 1:29/100m; Pos 39/250 (16%)


    I have a lot to learn from a mate of mine in transitions. He practices them-I don't. I was out of the swim 30 sec before him, he was out of T2 along with me, what the hell do I be doing?? I just need to practice them. Simples.

    Time 1:14


    Turns out I like the 4 lap format. Road surfaces were pretty good, the course was fairly fast except for one steep hill, only about 50m long. I was pushing it. After the first lap things got a bit congested on the course but the roads were closed so no problems. Half way around the only person to pass me came up along side me - Martin Muldoon (new Irish Ironman record holder), beautiful Cervelo and disc wheel. I couldn't help myself and got involved in a bit of a battle for the next two laps. Then with 3km to go Muldoon decides to go! I wasn't even going to try and keep up. I didn't know it at that point but my run legs were cycled off me :rolleyes: I had two gels and 750ml water with nuun.

    Time 1:01:54PB; Speed 38.7km/hr; Pos 20/250 (8%)


    Time 1:04


    This was also a four lap affair. It wasn't until the run that I noticed the heat. A flatish run course too. Last year I would have ran this in 40/41 mins. But I think I pushed it too hard on the bike and maybe in yesterdays test, but that ok, National Champs or not this isn't an A race so training takes priority. I spotted Mac on the course on my way back to complete lap one, at this stage I was feeling better. Most of lap 1 felt tough. I knew Mac was feeling it too as I shouldn't be gaining on him. I tried to offer encouragement as I went by but I wasn't feeling great myself. On the last lap and I was really really struggling. I was so happy not to be turning around again, instead straight on to the finish.

    Time 44:11; Pace 4:25/km; Pos 68/250 (27%) :(


    Time 2:1044PB; Pos 33/250 (13%)

    So I got my PB by 7 minutes :) I know my run can't be that bad, in the last two months I've ran 18:40 and c.18:30 for 5k's, it's still disappointing though I must say. 2 min slower on the bike may have meant 4 min faster on the run perhaps? A net gain of 2 min, but maybe it's no harm to push it on the bike. Next year I may be able to do a similar time but it will take less out of me :rolleyes: I think in sprint races you can get away with hammering the bike but not olympic.

    There is one exception however...The Brian Boru Challenge tomorrow, a sprint distance only in name, 22k bike, 7k run basically up a mountain or something and back down...must hold back on the bike a bit (which seems to have a nice hill on it too:o)

    After the race I had to leg it back to Dublin for an 8 o clock flight to Manchester as I was going to support Linda's bro at IMUK and our own JB of course. This meant I didn't get to eat until 7 (12 hours after breakie) So it was burger king, I was so hungry anything would do. It was 12 when I got to bed, both of us shattered! Up again at 3:30 to make our way to the lake for the start. I was loving the atmosphere....some day, some day:p It was a long long day but I loved it. My feet were killing me, my body hadn't a chance of recovery. Great seeing and meeting JB and what a marathon he ran-respect.

    It was 12 o clock again when I got to bed and 5am when I had to raise again for flight back to Dublin. More crap ate and now the 3 signs of being worn down were appearing 1) spots 2) mouth ulcers 3) cold sores :(:rolleyes:

    I slept all day Monday and Tuesday. No training done until Wednesday but at least I was feeling better.

    Wed 3rd Aug

    Plan Brick - 1 hour bike, 10 min run
    Actual Brick - 1 hour bike, 11 min run

    Just nice and easy on the bike. Usually I don't feel a race still in my legs 4 days after but my quads were still sore. Ave speed was 28km/hr. The run felt ok, it was just good to be active again.


    Time 1hr
    Dist 28.6km


    Time 11 min
    Dist 2.6km


    Plan Core/Strength followed by an easy swim
    Actual Core/Strength followed by an easy swim

    AS above, felt awful in the pool for the first time in weeks and weeks to be expected though. I find my swimming only goes well if I swim 3-5 times/week.

    Time 1:30
    Dist 2,100m

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Great report, el D. Some fantastic swimming and biking, very impressive. Too good maybe? Your focussed training is really paying dividends this year...

    Best of luck tomorrow, see you there.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Congrats on the PB. I'd say holding back a bit on the bike would of paid dividends but we live and learn. As you say it wasn;t an A race so all about learning really. Good performance off the back off some solid training too. Savage swimming and biking! Well done.

    Good luck tomorrow. Enjoy the hill run! :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    As I said on the day when you told me your finish time - Wow!
    Great result. Your swim and bike were super. And you were running well when you passed me, although you struggled later.
    All the best for the race tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    ronanmac wrote: »
    Great report, el D. Some fantastic swimming and biking, very impressive. Too good maybe? Your focussed training is really paying dividends this year...

    Best of luck tomorrow, see you there.

    I think I now need to aim that focus on running for the winter and whats left of the season....although I dare take my focus off the swimming!

    Never said earlier but that was the highest standard race I think I've been in in Ireland. Looking at the top 10 is a real who's who in Irish tri at the moment. The other thing of note sucks to be in the 30-34 AG! I came 33rd and only 14th in my AG, 7 out of the top 10 were 30-34 :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Was keeping an eye out for you today El D but I didn't spot you. Great racing tho, congrats. I managed to claw back 20 seconds on the run and bike combined but the 2 minutes lost on the swim tells all about what I need to work on!!! Great location for a race and a very very tough course.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Was keeping an eye out for you today El D but I didn't spot you. Great racing tho, congrats. I managed to claw back 20 seconds on the run and bike combined but the 2 minutes lost on the swim tells all about what I need to work on!!! Great location for a race and a very very tough course.

    Hey dude, I knew you were there somewhere but never got to see you. A great location for sure but I can't see myself lining up for this one again too soon! Well done on a great race dude, the swimming will come with plenty of practice.

    Fri 5th Aug

    Plan Short Brick With 'Speed Bursts'
    Actual 6k run with 6 x 100m bursts

    Didn't have time to do the brick so this was the next best thing. Nice easy run around Linda's home place with 6 strides thrown in.

    Time 26min
    Dist 6km

    Sat 6th Aug

    Brian Boru Challenge

    It wasn't the usual 5am raise this morning thank god, the race wasn't starting until 1pm. I didn't sleep very well for some reason so I did feel jaded in the morn. Anyway usual breakie and off I went.

    The town of Ballin/Killaloe is absolutely delightful! I registered and drove out to transition where I was lucky enough to get a parking space. The sun was out and it was getting really warm so I put on the sun cream. I did about 6km on the bike on the course itself and thought nothing of it really except that although part of the course was narrow one could let rip on the downhill bits because it was dry. The surface was poor though in places. Then I did a little bit of the run course, basically ran up to the wooded area and back down.

    I set up for the conditions-dry and sunny. So that meant:

    1) Dark lenses for my sunnies
    2) 165psi in my tyres
    3) My carbon deep section wheels with carbon pads (useless in wet conditions)

    Little did I know that upon exiting the swim conditions would be completely the opposite-wet, dark and windy :rolleyes:

    Race Report


    The swim location was lovely, the lake perfectly still. For the second week running I was caught out at the start as the marshals were trying to get everybody back behind the start line someone blew the klaxon and we were off with about 20 athletes getting a nice 20m head start. I got into a fairly good rhythm after the first buoy. I felt the swim was a little long but kept plugging away. When we turned for home I noticed an orange swim hat about 20m ahead so I aimed for him and caught him just before the exit. The run to transition was long enough. My pace was much slower than Lough Neagh Olympic so was this longer than 750m or was Lough Neagh shorter than 1,500m....or was I just off form? :confused:

    Time 14:10; Pos 40/288(14%); Pace 1:52


    At this stage I knew I had the wrong set up. I considered leaving the glasses but did I really want driving rain straight into my eyes? The Brownlee's don't seem to have a problem with it! I decided to wear them. This meant my visibility on the bike was dreadful as it was already dark. Again, slow transition

    Time 2:39 (50/288)


    Usually I love the bike section as it is time for me to catch up, not today however. I also had in the back of my mind last weeks race were I suffered badly on the run after hammering the bike section. If I did that here today I would be walking for most of the run as the first half was up a mountain basically :eek: Once we turned left off the main road we were on a narrow country road. It was lashing at this stage and made for very slippery conditions. In hindsight I perhaps should have got off and let some air out of the tyres for more grip. I tackled the hill handily enough, just kept a low gear and high cadence and stayed seated for the most part. It was the long, twisty descent on the narrow road in wet conditions and bad surface that really fecked things up for me. I felt the back wheel go from under me a bit and that just left me a nervous wreck on the descent. All that I passed going up the hill flew past me on the downward bit. My brakes were useless and my visibility sh!t. I would have been better on my winter road bike. I was so relieved to get back to the main road :o All this time I was thinking "well at least I will be fresh for the run." On the main road I caught a good few. I then got into a bit of a battle between 4/5 others, after about 1km of each of us passing each other I decided that I wasn't wasting anymore energy and let them off, I hoped to catch them on the run which I did. It annoyed me though that I should be much further up the road by now.

    Time 41:53; Pos 30/288 (10%); Speed 31.4km/hr


    One thing about the race set up I got right was the decision to wear socks. Although they were soaked as were my runners they did provide some cushion, my racers are very light and would feel every stone come through them. The main reason I choose to wear them was for the downhill section, my feet would have come through my shoes had I not! No time given for this transition :confused:


    When I cam out of T2 I noticed the build up of cars on the road, the road we had to cross. There were no marshals there to stop the cars and let you cross the road so I stuck my hand out and went for it, the driver only stopped because I put my body on the line and didn't hesitate. Then there was no marshall to direct you up the hill, I knew where to go but what above those who didn't? At least the run went ok. I passed about 5/6 on the upward part of the hill and 1 on the way down. 2 passed me on the way down. I easing off on the bike was looking like a good decision. So far this year my run (in triathlon) has been way off compared to the swim and bike, not so today :) My feet really hurt after from the 'slapping' they took on the way down.

    Time 29:40; Pos 33/288(11%); Pace 4:13/km


    Time 1:28:33; Pos 31/288(11%)

    When you see the Junior Ire development squad turn up you can always expect to be a bit further down the pecking order than you'd like, 9 of them finished ahead of me! So despite the bike troubles I think I hadn't a bad race really and lessons have been learned-leave my other lenses in transition some where, let some air out of those tyres-it's worth the few seconds it would take. Races with these narrow descents especially in wet conditions just do not suit me so I will have to practice them instead of trying to avoid them.

    Since Sat my sis has been very sick in hospital so I spent basically 3 days in The Matter. Finally she is coming around thank god. So back to some training today.

    Weds 10th Aug

    Plan NAC Swim Session
    Actual NAC Swim Session

    Decided on an easy session to get back into it as swimming has been hit with in-consistancy lately. 100/200/400/400/200/100 after a warm up and drills. 100's off 2 min/200's off 4 min/400's off 8 min

    100 - 1:44
    200 - 3:36
    400 - 7:24
    400 - 7:14
    200 - 3:33
    100 - 1:39

    Time 1:15
    Dist 2,600m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Afternoon 10th Aug

    Plan 2.5hr Z2 Bike/1 hr Z2 Run
    Actual 16km LSR Z2

    I didn't have time to do the planned session so I swapped it with tomorrow's LSR. It's official, I hate running. My quads hurt, my right glute hurt and my groin hurt. God I felt awful :( Twas a long 16km, I hated every minute of it in the pissing rain too. What do I do? What's for this? Only one thing, I've enough experience to know that only there is only one answer for this-more running, hard work and more running until I get my run mojo back. Next week I'm getting back to the running club, I need to be around those elite running guys.

    Time 1:25
    Dist 16km
    Pace 5:24/km:(
    HR Monitor didn't work :(:mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    FYI, full results including transitions at

    I didnt give a est swim time (thought I had) so was sent off in wave 3, so I was over the otherwise of transition from yourself and the rest of the people I was racing against time wise. Prob why I didnt spot you.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Weds Afternoon 10th Aug

    Plan 2.5hr Z2 Bike/1 hr Z2 Run
    Actual 16km LSR Z2

    I didn't have time to do the planned session so I swapped it with tomorrow's LSR. It's official, I hate running. My quads hurt, my right glute hurt and my groin hurt. God I felt awful :( Twas a long 16km, I hated every minute of it in the pissing rain too. What do I do? What's for this? Only one thing, I've enough experience to know that only there is only one answer for this-more running, hard work and more running until I get my run mojo back. Next week I'm getting back to the running club, I need to be around those elite running guys.

    Time 1:25
    Dist 16km
    Pace 5:24/km:(
    HR Monitor didn't work :(:mad:
    ronan pointed out to me in my log that we had a 'triathlon' of bad training yesterday. He couldnt swim, I couldnt cycle, and you couldnt run. :) All this training is working, then. :rolleyes: Personally I think there was a lack of mojo in the air. They are expecting a fresh fall of it over the weekend so we will be fine. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Oryx wrote: »
    ronan pointed out to me in my log that we had a 'triathlon' of bad training yesterday. He couldnt swim, I couldnt cycle, and you couldnt run. :) All this training is working, then. :rolleyes: Personally I think there was a lack of mojo in the air. They are expecting a fresh fall of it over the weekend so we will be fine. ;)

    Ha, thats gas! I hope you are right, maybe this crappy summer weather has something to do with it!

    Thurs Morn 11th Aug

    Plan Core/Rolling/Strength/Stretching
    Actual Core/Rolling/Strength/Stretching

    Really needed this after yesterdays run, my right glute still sore.

    Time 40min

    Plan NAC LC Swim Session
    Actual NAC LC Swim Session

    Met with my swim coach this morning and he and a couple of mates of his were doing a similar session as I had planned so I just jumped in with them. It was great cos he pushed me and it was a very good session. It really does help having better swimmers than you around to push you-I was worried about being lapped so it kept me on my toes. The main set was 3 x 500 off 10 min

    1) 8:48
    2) 8:54
    3) 9:12

    Fell off a bit so I need to pace it better and have them all coming in just under 9 min. Next time it will be either 4 x 500 off 10 or 3 x 500 off 9:30

    Then a sub set of 5 x 100 off 2:15

    1) 1:38
    2) 1:40
    3) 1:42
    4) 1:42
    5) 1:43

    Time 1:15
    Dist 2,600m

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey El D a 41/29 bike run split in BB was good going in the conditions. Especially the run. With it being a NS event the field was deeper too. Your result this year would have landed you a top 10 last year :)

    How Aodh O'Neill ran 23 for that run course (7km and 150m+ climb) is beyond me :eek: and it was after posting one of the the top bike splits too :eek: someone give that man some swim lessons!!!
