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Swim, Bike, Run....if only it was that simple!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Well dude? How was the week away.

    Well done on the progress over the 3, 2 & 1 mile distances :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks lads. I'm back since Tuesday evening and sleeping a hell of a lot since! Hope to get the log updated over the next two days. In short, a great trip, no injury worries and really enjoyed it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Just to tidy up the last week before I headed to Gran Canaria, a rest/easy week.

    Plan Easy run around Brugges
    Actual Easy run around Brugges

    10k nice and handy around the beautiful streets of Brugges, taking in the canals and the windmills.

    So end of the three Base periods.

    Weekly Summary

    11 Apr-17 Apr|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Weight Watch

    Last Week 85kg
    This Week 85kg

    Missed Sessions Watch

    This Week 0
    Altogether This Block 3
    Overall 14

    So the end of Base period. I suppose if there was one question one should ask at he end of Base Training it is: Do I feel aerobically fit? The answer is yes for sure. This time last year I was dipping into anerobic quite a bit, so I feel I was ahead, a good bit ahead this time last year. I had more races under my belt you see. This year I have more miles, much more. So if I am patient and just start adding those race efforts in, those sessions where I am getting to the depths of my lungs and hurting then I should be nicely set up.

    Weds night training races should defo help this and it all starts this Sunday in at the Boyle duathlon. So just a quick review of each discipline at the end of Base.

    Swimming Still not happy with the amount of sessions I am making. I really need 3 a week and will endeavor to make this happen. I haven't gone backwards, indeed I do feel stronger in the water just not fit enough yet. Will be doing more fast/sprint stuff now as well as drills.

    Bike Feeling stronger this year when it comes to hills. I have decided to keep a hills session every week until taper. Again it will soon be time to add more 45sec max efforts as well as 3 x 5-7k TT efforts. A move back to the turbo at least once a week also right up to taper, I really see the benefits of it especially when time is tight.

    Run Really coming back into form I feel. The Raheny Winter league gave me a focus, my base fitness is solid now, just to add the fast stuff. That is what the track season is for.

    Now I have not tested myself since the end of Base 1 so in two weeks time I will re test myself over all 3 disciplines, just to quantify the improvements.

    A summary of the WWT week to come and also a look at where I am in relation to my goals-reflection time guys.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Arrived on the Tuesday 19th at 16:00, hired a car from the airport, it was small, cheap and just about fitted both bike boxes and our gear, petrol also unbelievable cheap. We weren't sure about the car, extra expense and all that but it was the right decision for sure. It was 9pm by the time we got to our accommodation, got the bikes set up and fed. So it was to bed early. The next morning the training began in earnest. As expected some changes had to be made to the original plan, not much mind you but some tweaks. We found that 3 session days followed by 2 session days worked best.

    Weds Morn

    OW Swim

    Our open water location was suggested by cunavalos, it was about 20k from our accom so the car came in very handy for this and also saved time. It was a safe location and was about 325m from one pier to the other. We did have plans when it came to the OW swimming but tbh we just ended up doing our own thing. Very little drafting practice. I think each of us were just happy to get time on our own and do our own thing. I concentrated on getting a feel for the OW and nice long strong strokes. I stayed bi-lat breathing all week. By the fourth morning I was getting a lovely roll, swimming more on my side, cutting the water and it felt good, effortless and controlled. Sighting was spot on and I was swimming straight anyway, probably due to the bi-lat breathing. My wet suit performed very well as did my new goggles. Thats about it on the swimming, just put in a good few km's over the week.

    Total Dist 2,600m
    Time 45min

    Weds late morning

    Track Session There was a track close to where we were staying, so in we went and did the planned session.

    WU - 2.2km
    Main Set - 10 X 400m, coming in on ave 80sec (lap was more like 410m!)
    CD - 2.2km

    Felt strong through out the main set. Pretty warm, 26/27 degrees but I don't seem to mind the heat that much.

    Dist 11k
    Time 01:15

    Weds Afternoon

    Long Bike
    We made a huge mistake, going by the time on one of the bikes comps. When we set off it said 14:30 but really it was 16:30. We had bits and pieces to do/get in the bike shop before setting off, it was here that we lost all concepts of time :rolleyes: Anyway, we'd pay for that later. Cunavalos had suggested four long bike routes. The man is obviously an absolute animal because this was the toughest bike any of us have ever done...and this was the shortest one! I suppose the 3 of us are still relatively inexperienced cyclists. We headed east towards Puerto Rico, rolling big hills on the coast line and windy, challenging enough but grand. Continued past PR and the headed inland to Mogan. The climb really started there I guess. Just as we reached Mogan village I noticed something wasn't right-front tyre was getting flat. So we stopped and topped up (actually had no coffee stops all week! Just refilling our bottles stops and checking the map stops). It was a slow puncture so I decided to pump it up with a hand pump, should have just changed it at that point. Anyway, onwards and upwards! Climbing then for over an hour. Zig, zag, zig, zag, over and back, over and back. At one stage I looked down and could not believe what we had come up, amazing sight. Then half way up a slope my tyre went. So stop and change, luckily I bought two CO2 cartridges, they are a mighty job. It was now 7:45 and getting cold. Black clouds were rolling in too...and up and up we went. Every conor we where just hoping for the downhill section to begin. Eventually it did, we emerged just below Soria. I am not the best at descending and so it showed, the TT was not happy either :o Tiny, narrow roads zig zagging again this time downhill. My hands were constantly on the brakes, I just wasn't comforable and not at all enjoying it. Funny, I preferred the climbing! Anyway just as major cramps were setting in we approached near the bottom. 9pm and our decision was easy...we had to get a taxi :rolleyes: There was a little hut bar we 3 locals a bar man and a really pretty bar girl, we had a beer, a laugh (the relief was evident) and a taxi arrived 30 min later and brought us the 30k home. We ate well and slept even better! It was only 3hrs 10min and 63k, but the toughest cycle of our lives. I can't get it to load on Connect for some reason but I think the highest point was c. 1,400m.

    We were all delighted that we did this route, and love to do it again but earlier in the day. One bike like this in the week however is enough if you have swimming, running and more biking to do.

    Dist - 63k
    Time - 03:10

    Thurs Morn

    OW Swim

    Dist - 3,300m
    Time - 50min

    Scrapped the planned Max efforts on the bike, no point on those legs.

    Thurs Afternoon

    10 mile LSR

    This was slower than I am used to as we were trying to keep together. It was painfully slow at times but we wanted to stay together until we got to know the area.

    Dist - 16k
    Time- 01:33

    Fri Morn

    OW Swim

    Dist - 2,600m
    Time - 45min

    I then headed to the track for a planned 4 x 800m but the track was closed because it was good Friday, so straight into the next session.

    Long Bike

    Decided to go west towards the airport this time. Beautiful road surface, perfect. Although we didn't get near as high, we found a good 20 min climb and the head winds were very tough. I enjoyed grinding it out against the wind and that 20 min climb. There was a crazy/terrific 3/4k of new road, rolling hills and picked up serious speed here. Then, another puncture! On the way back we worked well together and picked up nice speeds. A very enjoyable spin.

    Dist - 89km
    Time - 03:21

    20 min run off the bike

    Dist - 4k
    Time - 20min

    Sat (Half Day)

    An easy brick planned for today as we had a big day planned on the Sunday.

    So 2,600m swim followed by 10k run. Enjoyed the run as it was aimless, we took turns leading and it was a case of follow the leader, great way to explore!


    Dist - 2,600m
    Time - 43min


    Dist - 10k
    Time - 49min

    Relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day.

    Sunday Morn

    On our bikes for 8am for a 5 hour bike followed by 1 hour run off. Did the same bike route as Friday but went further, a lot further. Again very very windy going out, lots of climbs on the further section but enjoyable. The perfect road surface means that you are not constantly being vibrated/shook. I really got the bit between my teeth as regards climbing. Keeping my momentum right through the hill by hopping out of my seat and powering over hills. Feel like a totally different animal climbing hill this year I'm delighted to say. On the way back in I hit a top speed of 66.5km/h on the flat! With the wind at our back of course ;) Thing is if I had known it at the time I could have pushed more, just to see ya know! One of the lads said we averaged 60+ for 4/5km's!

    Dist - 138km
    Time - 05:05

    55min run off

    This felt tough at first but after 30 min myself and one of the other lads were able to up the pace for 15min or so before bringing it down again.

    Dist - 11km
    Time - 55:10

    Monday Morn - Last Day

    OW Swim

    Dist - 3,300m
    Time - 50 min

    20k LSR

    Horrible run, but myself and one of the other lads are evenly matched so we took it out. The other guy is IM training and he was happy out training it and his marathon pace. We ended up in a dead end after 9k, a really off road, dusty place, again great for exploration! Just like yesterday we picked it up in the second half, negative splitting the run.

    Dist - 19.5km
    Time - 01:38

    And so ended our terrific week. We kept to the plan more or less, none of us picked up injuries and we are totally motivated for the season ahead. Most of all we enjoyed it. I wish I had time for a more detailed report but I don't. Also I had hoped to upload my garmin stats, maybe once I sort it out I will.

    I prepared a 24 page document on this trip, everything from getting there to the schedule and planned routes. Thanks so much to Cunavalos who so kindly took the time and effort to put together all the info he had on the area. Anyway I am now going to update my doc and anybody who wants it is welcome to it forward and all that. Here are the numbers...

    19 Apr-25 Apr|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    What I have done since returning....

    Thursday Afternoon

    A nice pool session with drills and some descending sets.

    Dist 3,200m
    Time 01:05

    Fri 28th April

    Plan 40k bike/2.5k pacey run off
    Actual 40k bike/2.5k pacey run off

    Legs felt sluggish on the bike but ok on the run. Kept a 4min/km pace for the run but was dying after it!

    Sat 29th April

    Plan 60k bike/2.5k run off
    Actual 63k bike/2.5k run off

    Really windy out there and cold too! Took it handy on the run as I have the Boyle duathlon tomorrow, 5k - 20k - 2.5k.

    Phew up to date now, still need to have a look at where I am re my goals and objectives. And more importantly need to see where all you guys are at ;):cool:

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,387 ✭✭✭cunavalos

    Glad everything went well for you and you enjoyed the week. I suppose the most important question i have is would you go back and do it all again given the chance. feel free to pass on any of the info i gave you to anyone else. i am particularly happy that the ow swim location worked out well. best of luck for the season ahead.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Sounds great, where do I sign up for one of the WWT weeks?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Macanri wrote: »
    Sounds great, where do I sign up for one of the WWT weeks?

    I was actually thinking about this for next year. I have a villa in Turkey and if there was enough interest from the tri heads on here i was thinking of organising a week early in the year. It can hold up to 8 comfortably and the only cost will be the cost of a flight and probably a minibus rental for all the bikes/kit.
    I will see if there is any interest towards the end of the year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    ... ah, Ari Handsome Teammate, my new best friend!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    A beautiful Sunday morning dawned and it had a real race day feeling. This is what I love. All the prep the night before and the morning rituals, checking and re-checking that everything was in order. No forgetting my bike shoes this time I felt fitter and more confident than my first outing of the season and in truth hoped for a top ten and, having a pretty good idea of the course, a time of 1:05:xx.

    Race stragey strategy was to run the first 5k as if there was nothing to follow and cycle the bike course as if...there was nothing after too. So all out really. My goal was to be running very uncomfortably on the second run, in Z5c type stuff, oxygen deprivation. Why? Well it's now time for the body to be re-introduced to this state and get used to it, learning once again how to race when it hurts.

    This time around I was going to be there in plenty of time and do a proper warm up. Into transition I went and tried to find the best position for my bike. There were already a few bikes in there, the
    Sligo lads (fine big men that they are! Must have spent the winter in the gym and on the juice ) they seemed to have cornered off the best location in T (basically where you would have little running to do with your bike in hand). However they were extremely generous with the space they were giving themselves! I said to myself "feck that...." I landed in and easily squeezed my bike in, waiting to see what the on looking Sligo lads might say. Nothing as it happened, I was up for it anyway Then I headed over to Ronanmac and his beautiful new bike. We chatted and had the craic for a bit and then it was time for a warm up. When I saw Ronan there I decided that if I could keep him in sight on the first run then I would be doing well (he's a strong runner). Warm-up was a simple 2.5k jog followed by 6 or so strides and 30 breaths on the power-breathe.

    Race Report

    Run 1

    So off we set, after only 300m we were heading straight up a sharp incline, heart rate sky high straight away. A lovely trail run through the woodland. After 2km things settled and those who blasted past me at first were gradually coming back to me. That stopped though when Ronan was the next runner ahead, he keept it steady and so do I, I couldn't reel him in but was happy to be about 10/15 meters behind.

    Run 1: Dist-5k; Time-19:41; Split Pos-15th; Pace-3:49/km (according to garmin)


    No problems here, still not the best at mounting but not too worried about that.


    Horrible road in and out of the Forest Park but it is the same for all I guess. I passed a guy preet soon after leaving the transition area. Then set my sights on Ronan. His chain came off at the bottom of a hill, unlucky dude-worst place that could happen. So onto the main road and perfect surface. I was very surprised to see just how far the next competitor was up the road. So head down and do my best time. There was a serious crossed wind that almost caught me off guard a few times. At the turn around I noticed an old rival had re-emerged (not the friendlist of rivalries either). He was only 300m or so behind me, a beautiful trek speed concept and zipp disc wheel under his arse. So I needed no more motivation. I averged near 39km/h on the way back in and had clear day light in T2.

    Bike: Dist-20k; Time-34:23; Split Pos-8th; Pace-35.4km/h

    T2: Nobody in transition with me and no hassle (great support from the crowd too)

    Run 2:

    Pretty unevenfull, I knew my rival was only a minute or so behind so I pushed as much as I could. I was in ox dep for most of the run. Didn't pass anyone nor was I passed myself.

    Run 2: Dist-2.5k; Time-10:18; Split Pos-joint 15th(with Ronanmac); Pace-4:08/km

    Overall: Place-10/180 (top 5%) finishers; Time-1:05:28.

    Happy with that, exactly what I aimed for.

    While I was away training I noticed that my TT bike (not carbon) is quite heavy, compared to others in transition it is a very heavy indeed. I really like the bike anyway but I wonder what a difference a lighter bike might make. That is at least 2/3 years away so I need to forget about it :rolleyes:

    While happy with my performance I would be lying if I said I don't want to do better. Truth is I do. Last year I got used to top 10% finishes but I want to progress. I feel this will happen towards the end of this summer but annoyed now how I let myself slip back so much during the winter, especially with my running. I want to take the next step-podium finishes. Anyway I am were I am now. My biking is fine and I believe it will get better. My swimming, well I am ha[ppy with tech but fitness and speed is not so good, therefore I am going to 4 sessions a week. But it's the running that I am really going to hit hard now. I plan to run at every given chance. Off the bike every time and once the summer comes along I will fit in 60 min sessions somewhere. I am now in the 3rd week of the first build phase and I have to start building now, upping volume and intesity, just for 6 weeks, two weeks taper and then I am on the start line in Pontevedra, Spain.

    Now podium finishes are a long way off in reality and looking back at some of my goals/objectives for this year-well they were not SMART, many of you guys eluded to this in Jan-in a very polite manner it must be added. The running goals are particularly out of my reach, certainly for this year. But, starting today, I am going to get on the path to reaching those goals before Oct 2012. I feel determined, motivated and confident about this and raring to go, bring it on :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    . But, starting today, I am going to get on the path to reaching those goals before Oct 2012. I feel determined, motivated and confident about this and raring to go, bring it on :)

    Thats fightin' talk :D Glad you enjoyed the WWC ElD, some solid work put down there and some pretty fast OW swims too :eek: So, Turkey next year then... nice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    cunavalos wrote: »
    Glad everything went well for you and you enjoyed the week. I suppose the most important question i have is would you go back and do it all again given the chance. feel free to pass on any of the info i gave you to anyone else. i am particularly happy that the ow swim location worked out well. best of luck for the season ahead.

    Hi Cunavalos. Simple answer for this one-yes. I asked this of the other lads and they said the same, I will e-mail them this week to see what improvements they would suggest while it is still fresh in their memory. I personally think 10 tens is the way to go with one easy/recovery day, in an ideal world of course.
    Thanks again dude.
    I was actually thinking about this for next year. I have a villa in Turkey and if there was enough interest from the tri heads on here i was thinking of organising a week early in the year. It can hold up to 8 comfortably and the only cost will be the cost of a flight and probably a minibus rental for all the bikes/kit.
    I will see if there is any interest towards the end of the year.

    That sounds perfect dude. Doing it cheap is the only way to go and it can be done.
    Thats fightin' talk :D Glad you enjoyed the WWC ElD, some solid work put down there and some pretty fast OW swims too :eek: So, Turkey next year then... nice!

    Those swim times are rough, I was thinking back and indeed couldn't be right. The distances are pretty accurate though. Turkey next year, mmmm who knows...what about yourself?

    Tues Morn 3rd May

    Plan Core/Strength session
    Actual Nothing

    Slept in, was wrecked :mad:

    Tues Eve 3rd May

    Plan Club running session
    Actual Club running session

    Just an easy 13km run with a few of the lads as there is a graded meet tomorrow evening. A nice 4:36/km pace.

    Dist 13km
    Time 0:59:55

    Weds is race night from now till the end of summer, the choice tomorrow is: Club League Race (Bike), duathlon in the park or graded run. The graded run is prob the most daunting but in light of my new determination to become a better runner I think I will give it ago-a 1,500m race.

    A side note-weight has to come down, 85/86kg is just too heavy, felt it tonight, I crave being lighter on my feet.

    Seems there has been loads happening on the other logs, races, injuries, progress, disappointments and everything in between. If I ever get a change to catch up that is!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Morn 4th May

    Plan Club Swim Session
    Actual Nothing

    So not going so well this week with the morning sessions. Simply too tired to get up, not going to bed early enough. So I know what to do, get to bed eariler and get up no matter what. Seen as I am in a determined mood I will state here right now that this be my last missed planned swim session of the month of May.

    Giving the 1,500m track race a bash tonight. My PB of 4:51 is certainly not under threat but a sub 5 min and I would be very very happy with that as a marker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Weds Eve 4th May

    Plan Dublin Graded Meet 2
    Actual Dublin Graded Meet 2

    A 1,500m track race tonight. It took all my bloody courage to turn up here tonight tbh with the small amount of speed work I have done, but I wanted to set a benchmark-in my objectives I have set a time of 4:45 for this distance, my current PB is 4:51 from last year. The reason I say it took courage to turn up here is because I know that the level here is very high-even in grade D!

    We had to wait around for ages for our race, usually the D's are off first but they changed it at the last minute-warm-up and eating thrown out the window. I was starving by the time we were sent off.

    Race Report
    Last time I did this race, and only, I set off fast, leading for the first 2.75 laps and everybody tucking in behind me and then picking me off on the last lap (I still got back up for 5th that night). Anyway I wasn't making the same mistake this time and I am not speedy enough anyway to do it. I was very surprised at the speed they went off but I didn't panic, I just did my best. After 400m I was already in last place, but sure what could I do only keep trying. The guy in front of me was always about 5m in front and the guy in front of him a further 2m. On the last lap I got to within 2m but that was all I could muster. So last place (8th out of 8th) but pride still intact :rolleyes: The track is a very unforgiving place, I already knew this, no hiding place, but I didn't feel at all down, I really did all I could on the night. My best was 4:5x, still waiting on result.

    Time 30min
    Dist 5.5km

    Thur 5th Morn

    Got back into the pool for an easy enough session of mainly drills and ended with a 400m for time, 7:30 (I must say my words posted here the day before were ringing in my ears re not missing swimming for a month:o)Didn't feel like doing a tough speed session as I haven't been in the pool for a while. Enjoyed this one though.

    Time 50min
    Dist 1400m

    Thurs Eve 5th May

    Plan Club track session
    Actual Club track session

    12 x 200m tonight. Coming in on between 31-34 sec. Tough tonight with the accumulation of tiredness. One of the lads commented "spikes two nights in a row....I hope you have strong cafs!" He then advised me that if track racing then one per fortnight is enough to wear spikes. After this session I now know what he means, calfs really screaming out from rep 8 on :( Still finished strong enough, times a bit slower than a few weeks ago but I won't be hitting the panic button just yet....must believe in the plan.

    Time 1hr
    Dist 9.3km

    Still haven't been able to sit down and get caught up in boards logsor indeed trying to do something regarding the relay team. TBH I just about have enough time to keep my own log half heartily up to date.

    Fri Morn 6th May

    Plan Club Swim
    Actual Club Swim

    Main set included 3 x 800m descending off 16:30

    1. 16:01
    2. 15:45
    3. 15:25

    Good pace control but still slow. On the positive side felt strong and swim fit (aerobically). We were to do some speed work but coach noticed that I have started to enter my right hand thumb first so he wanted to do drills to correct this. Kick plenty of kick as per :rolleyes:

    Time 1:25
    Dist 3,550mts

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    That's a good pace for the 1500 race; and very close to your PB too by the looks of it. The other lads must have been really moving.

    Where is the track, and are these organised by the club for the club, or are they open for all to enter?

    The Thurs morning swim group are talking about heading to DunLaoighaire (40 ft) for an OW swim on Sat evening 6pm if your interested.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Macanri wrote: »
    That's a good pace for the 1500 race; and very close to your PB too by the looks of it. The other lads must have been really moving.

    Where is the track, and are these organised by the club for the club, or are they open for all to enter?

    The Thurs morning swim group are talking about heading to DunLaoighaire (40 ft) for an OW swim on Sat evening 6pm if your interested.

    Thanks Mac, results posted today and my time was 4:55:42, about 4 sec off my PB. I will have another crack at it in 5 weeks time or so. Actually I finished 7th out of 8th, didn't realise that there was someone behind me :) They certainly were moving dude.

    The Dub Athletic Board run these events during the summer. About 8 meets and switch between Irishtown Stadium and Morton Stadium alternatively.

    See here

    You must be a member of a AAI club, which you are, plenty of Raheny heads around weds night. I really enjoy these, a great test and yardstick.

    Re the OW swim, is that going to replace The Thurs morn session? Sat evenings don't suit me but I love swimming in that location. I plan to do some in the morning actually at 7am if interested :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Thanks Mac, results posted today and my time was 4:55:42, about 4 sec off my PB. I will have another crack at it in 5 weeks time or so. Actually I finished 7th out of 8th, didn't realise that there was someone behind me :) They certainly were moving dude.

    The Dub Athletic Board run these events during the summer. About 8 meets and switch between Irishtown Stadium and Morton Stadium alternatively.

    See here

    You must be a member of a AAI club, which you are, plenty of Raheny heads around weds night. I really enjoy these, a great test and yardstick.

    Re the OW swim, is that going to replace The Thurs morn session? Sat evenings don't suit me but I love swimming in that location. I plan to do some in the morning actually at 7am if interested :)

    Well done, nice work. I'ld say you will crack your PB next time out - I see the next 1500m is on the 23rd June. I might try and get down for the May 19th, 1 mile. I don't have spikes - would the racers do?

    OW Swim: No it won't replace the Thurs morn session. It's an informal enough affair AFAIK. I might text you later about the 7am swim - I have had a head cold since yesterday, and the drugs seem to be working now - so will wait and see how I feel. Where are you doing that swim?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Macanri wrote: »
    Well done, nice work. I'ld say you will crack your PB next time out - I see the next 1500m is on the 23rd June. I might try and get down for the May 19th, 1 mile. I don't have spikes - would the racers do?

    OW Swim: No it won't replace the Thurs morn session. It's an informal enough affair AFAIK. I might text you later about the 7am swim - I have had a head cold since yesterday, and the drugs seem to be working now - so will wait and see how I feel. Where are you doing that swim?

    Ya no need for spikes really. Btw I think you would prob break the 5 mins for the mile on the track-certainly a new PB as there are no drags/inclines!

    I'm thinking the 40ft as you r guaranteed a swim (tides and all that lark). Just a 30 min swim or so nothing intensive, a recovery session really.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,793 ✭✭✭Macanri

    Ya no need for spikes really. Btw I think you would prob break the 5 mins for the mile on the track-certainly a new PB as there are no drags/inclines!

    I'm thinking the 40ft as you r guaranteed a swim (tides and all that lark). Just a 30 min swim or so nothing intensive, a recovery session really.

    No spikes - grand. New PB, hmmm, sounds good; Sub 5, even better.:)

    I haven't shaken this cold. It was a bit of wishful thinking really, I'll have to give it another day or 2 I reckon. Enjoy the swim. You have a few OW swims under your belt already since the WW training camp. Nice one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Fri Eve 6th May

    Plan Turbo Session No. 30
    Actual Turbo Session No. 30 (only 34min)

    Had to cut it short unfortunately. I have noticed this year that my cadence is not as high on ave as last year. I suspect my power is greater this year though....but....why not have a higher power output with a nice, relatively high cadence? So I will do at least one of these turbo sessions per week to bring the high cadence back. I can always get back to FTP work after the euro's when doing my base work again in July.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    The play was a benchmark race today (La Cheile 5k) as I PB'd here last year. I decided not to race however during the week as that would be 3 races in one week and my legs were feeling it. Also I don't need to race it to see were I am, I am still behind were I was last year in regard to my running. There is a 5k in 3 weeks time and I have now set my sights on that.

    Sat 7th Morn

    Plan OW Swim

    UP at 6:30 and made my way to the 40 foot. A 35 min trip, beautiful morning and plenty of the older folk around for their daily dips. Some of these guys get in every day, just for 3/4 min and out again, fair play to them and very friendly too.

    The 12 degree water quite literally took my breathe away. I was gasping but just got straight into swim mode. A serious right to left current so I swam into it for the first bit. This was great sighting practice. I got a head ache with the cold water, should have had 2 hats on and I got dizzy so just did one lap in around 15 min and 600m. Great start to the day.

    Time 15min
    Dist 600m

    Sat Morn 7th May

    Plan Run Club Session
    Actual Run Club Session

    Straight to the club house after the swim. My legs were killing me after two mid week track sessions. So did a really good warm up for 40 min. then did 3 X 1,000m 6 min recovery and 300m X 4 with 300 recovery. The purpose of the long recovery is to ensure good quality and tech on the hard bits.

    The 1,000m: 1) 3:14 2) 3:14 3) 3:12
    The 300m: 1) 0:53 2) 0:54 3) 0:53 4) 0:54

    Time 1:45
    Dist 13km

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Rest day today, legs are still very sore from the track sessions.

    Weekly Summary

    02 May - 08 May|# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance kms

    Weight Watch

    Last Week 85kg
    This Week 85.5kg

    Missed Sessions Watch

    This Week 2
    Altogether This Block 3
    Overall 16

    So two weeks back from my training week and I certainly haven't pushed on. 34 min/16km on the bike this week? No core work for 3 weeks? Not good enough. This coming week should be a resting/testing week. Well I will be testing but not a recovery week. At least I am upping the speed work in running and I am feeling ok about my swimming. I know things will get better and come together for me, just a little frustrating now. Gotta make all sessions this week too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Mon Morn 9th May

    Plan Club Swim Session
    Actual Club Swim Session

    My diet is gone to crap since lent finished. I was never a choc/sweet lover but recently (like yesterday) I have been stuffing myself. So no more choc, sweets, crisps, tarts, ice cream etc... until after the 26th June (Euro Champs Day).

    I felt so sluggish after all the crap yesterday and this was prob the toughest swim set of the year (involving getting out after every 50m for 10 push ups :eek:) On the plus side, I got up and did it.

    Time 1:25
    Dist 2,500m

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Monday Eve 9th May

    Plan FTP Bike Test
    Actual 20 min turbo :mad::(

    Time is an issue these days, mad busy with school stuff and grinds. This evening it only left me with 20 min for turbo. I did 5 min easy and 15 min at 40km/h, keeping an ave cadence of 95.

    Time 20 min
    Dist 11.5km

    Really frustrating at the moment the way my cycling is going. I feel I am on the verge of a breakthrough in the discipline, but no hill work, no interval work (TT's or Max efforts) in the last two weeks. So for this week starting tomorrow morning: In the saddle for 6am and four laps of my hilly route around Strawberry Beds and Phoenix Park. Then club race Weds evening. Saturday c.80km with 3 X 5km TT efforts and next Monday FTP test.

    SO there are only 7 weeks left to the Euro AG Champs. Here is just a rough lay out of what I will be doing (no detailed 8 week plans this year-remember last year? No sooner had I posted 8 week plans coming up to A races then I was struck down with pneumonia and injury!)

    09/05/11 - 15/05/11 Build 1 Week 4

    - 5 Swim Sessions (1 OW)
    - 3/4 Bike (1 Hills/1 Turbo/1 Long with TT's/Race)
    - 3/4 Run (2 club/1 LSR/Race)

    16/05/11 - 29/05/11 Build 2 Weeks 1 and 2

    - 5 Swim Sessions (1 OW)
    - 3/4 Bike (1 Hills(to be replaced on the 2nd week with 'all out efforts)/1 Turbo/1 Long with TT's/Race)
    - 3/4 Run (2 club/1 LSR/Race)

    30/05/11 - 05/06/11 Rest/Recovery Week

    06/06/11 - 19/06/11 Peak Period, starting 2 week taper on the 13/06/11

    - 3 Swim Sessions (1 OW)
    - 3/4 Bike (1 all out effort/1 Turbo/1 Long with TT's/Race)
    - 3/4 Run (2 club/1 LSR/Race)

    20/06/11 - 26/06/11 Race Week

    Above is a rough idea and WILL change from week to week but that is an over view.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Best of luck tomorrow - very jealous, love that course and hill. Enjoy it and you ll find out what real pain is;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    kennyb3 wrote: »
    Best of luck tomorrow - very jealous, love that course and hill. Enjoy it and you ll find out what real pain is;)

    Ha thanks dude. After my training week in GC I don't care about hills in Ireland, there is just no way that they will be worse than what we tackled over there! Pity you are not able again but you are right to re-focus now on the second half of the season. It's a shame as you were flying, I'm going to be super careful when racing now, just in case. Awful sad what happened at the Giro yesterday, a timely reminder of how careful we ought to be and how lucky we are.

    Tuesday Morn 10th May

    Plan 3/4 laps of my hill route
    Actual 2 laps of my hill route

    I was in the saddle for 6:10 this morning, felt winterly enough with a strong enough head wind at times. I concentrated on doing the hills as best and as fast as I could while taking the inbetween bits very handy with a high cadence. Only got in two laps which is better than nothing but thinking about it I should have done this session Thurs morning were I would have an extra 40 min. So the 3 hills - The kyber, Knockmaroon and Somerton Lane. Plan was to see if I could stay in the big gearing for all, do the Kyber seated, Knockmaroon standing and Somerton seated and then standing for the last push when it gets steeper. Did not think I would get to the stage where I could stay in the big gear for Knockmaroon and Somerton but there ya go, I did. The training week really helping with my climbing I'm very happy to say. 2 laps was probably enough as I didn't want to comprimise this evenings run session which will be tough I'm sure.

    Time 1:36
    Dist 36.5km
    Ave Speed 24.3km/h
    Ave Cadence 82
    HR 114/171

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭nomadic

    I drove past you in Chapelizod yesterday. You're very easy to spot with the socks. What sort of ratio have you on the cassette to be getting up them in the big ring?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tues Eve 10th May

    Plan Club Running
    Actual Club Running

    On paper this session looked easy but it was anything but. The howling wind and driving rain did not help either. The main set was 6 X 2 min on/2 min off. I was covering about 590m on each on bit but it was the brisky 'off' bit that got to me. I was also feeling that mornings hill session in my legs.

    Time 1.10
    Dist 12.5km

    Weds Morn 11th May

    Plan Club Swim
    Actual Nothing

    I was utterly shattered last night after the running session, I was asleep by 9:30 but the body did not want to know about it when the alarm went off this morning. After that 'navy seals' like session in the pool on Monday and then two tough Tuesday sessions I had to give in to the body's rerquest. The thought of a tough race tonight was also in my mind. I have one more hill session next week and then it will be quality sessions only, where I will be concentrating on tempo and speed in all disciplines. I just don't feel the speed that I had last year, my legs do not seem to be turning over as fast as they were. I know I have more power and endurance but that means I am a little bit less efficient than last year. So if I could return to a quicker cadence then that should see me in a good position.

    For the race this evening, there will be no heroics, plan is to keep as near as I can to the front of my group and cover any moves made. The move will probably happen on the hill or, even more likey, on the descent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    nomadic wrote: »
    I drove past you in Chapelizod yesterday. You're very easy to spot with the socks. What sort of ratio have you on the cassette to be getting up them in the big ring?

    Hi dude. The crank set is a 34X50, does this answer your question? Can you explain what the different ratios mean if you have a chance please?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hi dude. The crank set is a 34X50, does this answer your question? Can you explain what the different ratios mean if you have a chance please?

    Lower number of teeth on the chain rings and higher number on the cassette makes it easier to climb hills

    ex you have a compact 50/34 and probably a 25/11 or so on the cassette so your smallest gear is 34/25 or 1.36/1 ratio

    Your biggest gear then would be 50/11 or 4.55/1 ratio

    On your TT rig you would probably have a 53/39 up front and 23/12 on the cassette giving you a range of 39/23 up to 53/12 or ratio of 1.69/1 up to 4.42/1

    The lower the ratio, the easier it is to climb steep hills (hence why mtb often have triples). The higher the ratio the bigger the gear and the faster you can potentially go if you can spin it fast enough..

    Hope that made sense :confused:
