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Dec's Training Log



  • Registered Users Posts: 821 ✭✭✭xgtdec

    Taking a 4 day break from it all starting tomorrow and heading off for some golf, will be bringing my VIts and fish oils...but no protein shake etc, just 4 days of doing and eating what regular people do and not sure what the damage for 4 days will be but i do feel i need a slight break!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 821 ✭✭✭xgtdec

    SO back from my break and over the weekend i had all intentions of just taking vits and fish oils and that would be that, but when i arrived i decided not to even take them and just have 4 days off..completely and utterly off.

    I ate lots of bad for you foods, chocolate and chips....potatoe waffles....full irish.....all that sorta stuff......i had no regard to what i put in and i did this for 2 days....but 3 days in and i had started to slow down, became sluggish to an extent and didnt really want to be on a break anymore...i just wanted back to my routine and normal diet but i said 4 days and i damn well meant it!!!!

    Day 4 and i couldnt do a full just wasnt in me.....i needed whatever the food version of jack3d is to get through it, since it doesnt exist i reverted to scrambled egg and bacon with now im feeling the effects of white bread dragging through me and ive had enough....Sunday evening i topped off the 4 days with smoked cod and chips...its was the tip over the edge...i used to love all that nasty stuff and to an extent i still do ...but after 4 days of eating what my companions were eating i have to say i felt like complete ****e.....slow and narky and not myself...i cant belive how these guys do it, and bear in mind that they are sinking on average 15 pints a day down them....i dont drink so i spare myself that hassle but it did leave me in wonder at how their systems take it....but some small consolation is that while most of their guts get bigger mine is on the way in all be it by virtue of my chest and shoulders being on the way out:o, April left on build before we hit fat burn on 1st of may.....i was so grateful to be back under a bar this digestive system is still recovering but after my workout im feeling could be a while before i take a break again!!!

    This morning chest and shoulders
    Bench press
    Empty x 30
    60Kg x 8
    90Kg x 3
    100Kg x 2....Barely assisted...but still assisted...hoping to nail this by April end.
    60Kg x 10
    This felt good...i let the bar drop a lot sharper than usual and it gives a great lift feeling back up.


    Incline bench press, partials top and bottom then full

    incline dumbell chest fly
    30Kg x 8
    30Kg x 6, 2 assisted
    30Kg x 4, 2 assisted

    Standing one arm dumbell shoulder press
    15Kg x 10
    17.5Kg x 8
    20Kg x 6
    Last one on the left assisted.

    Seated incline shoulder press
    Empty bar x 12
    30Kg x 10
    35Kg x 8
    40Kg x 6

    Lat raises
    7.5Kg x 10
    10Kg x 8
    10Kg x 6

    2 handed cable lat raise

    TRX strap knee ins
    20,...ouch ouch ouch ouch fooking ouch....these are killers...and i totally went flat on my face midway though 2nd pain and all that:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 821 ✭✭✭xgtdec

    Legs and back this morning

    Bodyweight x 40
    Bar x 20
    60Kg x 12
    90Kg x 8
    140Kg x 6
    170Kg x 4
    180Kg x 3
    I do have desires on 200Kg for 2011, but considering im back to fat burn in May i decided that 180Kg is as far as i'm going for now, i dont really need an injury to screw up my fat burn months so i think sensible is the right approach!

    60Kg x 12
    90Kg x 10
    120Kg x 8
    stoopid grip

    Pullups with jump
    Hanging pullups

    dumbell pullover
    20Kg x 10
    22.5KG x 8
    25Kg x 6

    Lat pulldown

    Seated Row
    45Kg x 10
    47.5Kg x 8
    50Kg x 6

    bodyweight crunch up x 30
    resistence bands crunch up x 30
    elevated legs crunch x 30
    Oblique side bends x 30

    Good workout, at this stage its not that ive had enough of trying to build, its almost like nothing has got bigger as such....more solid...more dense definetly..but not bigger in any noticable way, i can live with this though as i can feel the difference....but at this stage my legs, back and shoulders are decent and realativly fat free, the chest and mid section are the fat zones as expected but with my legs and hips etc looking solid it makes the mid section of fat look even more silly...still...i didnt put it on overnight so presume it aint coming off overnight.....2 more weeks of build and then the hard work startstongue.gif

  • Registered Users Posts: 821 ✭✭✭xgtdec

    Did Biceps and triceps tonight...

    usual selection of curls etc

    added close grip benching fr tri's

    added narrow grip pull up for Bi's

    gym full of twats tonight, i thought the nice evening would keep them away...sadly no!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 821 ✭✭✭xgtdec

    Chest, shoulders

    Bench press
    Bar x 20
    60Kg x 8
    100Kg x 3(first one totally unassisted..this is a big thing for me..the 100Kg monkey is finally off my back)
    80Kg x 6
    80Kg x 6

    Dumbell Fly
    20Kg x 10 x 8 x 6

    incline seated shouder press(smith)
    Partial top/bottom..then full
    20Kg x 10
    25Kg x 8
    30Kg x 6

    incline seated shouder press(rack)
    bar x 12
    40Kg x 10
    45Kg x 8
    50Kg x 6

    Lat raise 10Kg dumbell set with plate raise 15Kg plate

    Crunchups with 10KG bag behind neck

    Fitness ball ab rolls

    coming to the end of building phase, 3rd May is the date for fat burn to start....50/50 looking forward to it and dreading it, guess im worried that the theory of more muscle more fat burn wont apply to me:(.....have to wait and see

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  • Registered Users Posts: 821 ✭✭✭xgtdec

    So i'm finished muscle build..its been a real quick 3 months, im not gonna be updating this for fat burn.....lets just say for the next 8 weeks ill be sweating...that should cover it;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 821 ✭✭✭xgtdec

    So im coming to the end of nearly 3 months fat burning, final measurements in 2 weeks time but i need to get my prep work done for the next 3 months, over all i have dropped 15lbs over the last 3 months, so just over 1lb a week....i gotta be happy with that, good solid natural fat loss, i still have a decent ring of fat around the middle but legs hips chest shoulders and arms are noticeably more defined.

    So now its time to get ready for 3 months of building so i have more muscle to do more burning in 3 months time......the middle ring will go:rolleyes:...or so im told

    So im determined to get heavy as much as i can or is possible to get more muscle it really just a case of lift as heavy as you can while eating as much good food as you can??

    I plan to do the same 5 day as i do now....body part per day with 2 days rest...anyone any ideas?
