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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 237 ✭✭DeBunny

    Sorry Torakx. There's far to much speculation there for me. I like things to be a bit more concrete before I come to a conclusion like "Global conspiracy to world government". Beyond speculation, you haven't posted anything to explain how this is a conspiracy or how it could relate to the symbolism, which is supposedly involved.

    The video you posted reeked of speculation and jumping to conclusions. It was an interesting talk for sure, but the guy who made the video, "vaccine truth" is obviously looking for what he wants to see. For example when the second speaker talks about "people with an international security rating equal to the top six people in the world" he's talking about the top six heads of state who's countries have nuclear capabilities. Nothing mysterious there.

    Mr "truth" also says, " This 'foundation' had more money than the federal reserve, IMF, Bank of England put together!" This statement shows a blatant inability/unwillingness to understand what the speaker is talking about. The Lord never says any thing close to that bull shit statement Then, unfortunately, you get thousands of other people reading the bullshit and believing it, rather than listening to what is actually being said.

    There's also nothing suspicious about a speaker in the house of lords being reminded that his alloted amount of time to speak is running out. Standard practice.

    This Mr "truth" guy has problems with basic comprehension and I find it very hard to take it seriously. It's an all too common theme I've seen with the vast majority of conspiracy theory videos.
    Sure, strange things happen behind the closed doors of power but to assume that there is one small group of elites controlling every thing is vastly over simplifying global politics.

    Also, what does this video have to with "illuminati symbols". From what I can see, nothing. I still think it's a meme. There doesn't have to be a 'purpose'. If you try to find the reason behind something that doesn't have a reason then you have to start making stuff up.
    This conspiracy is far too vast for there not to be some sort of paper trail, whistle blowing or leaks. But there isn't any thing. It's based on speculation and opinion which is then touted as "truth".

    I'm going to over simplify things here but, I'll give you this much. I do think that there is a move towards a global government. And, I can even see why it could be mistaken for a conspiracy because I made the same mistake myself.

    Rather than it being a conspiracy it is clearly a natural progression caused by the "shrinking" of the globe. As technologies advance it becomes far easier for people around the world to travel and communicate with each other. This causes an abundance of resources and thus less reason to start wars and more reason to open up trade networks etc.

    For example, Ireland has always been a very tribal nation and it's not until recently that we became more unified. As the road networks and other technologies developed, making resources easier to come by, it made more sense to trade with the neighbouring tribe rather than start a scrap. And so Ireland became less tribal and the boundaries between the tribes began to blur.
    Was this a conspiracy? Clearly not. It's just a natural progression and it's been happening since before the dawn of civilisation. Waring tribes gradually make peace and eventually merge. As do waring nations.
    As technology advances at an exponential rate, so does the rate at which tribes/nations make peace and merge. This can be quite alarming but it doesn't mean there's anything nefarious going on, or that there is a conspiracy.

    Politicians know their history and if the past is anything to go by, then it's obvious that this trend is going to continue. Rather than conspiring to make it happen they are preparing for it's inevitability. Which is a lot better than trying to prevent it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    While i dissagree on alot of that i also agree on most of the last part.
    Its not that i think all things are linked to illuminatti and they are a group similar to bilderberg who conspire to world government.I think if they exist they already have lackies in bilderberg doing this for them.

    For me i can see there is a situation as you said where everything is just a website away,bussiness and politics are going international and so on.
    But this must of been forseen a very long time ago.
    As you took the example of a small country growing and populating its obvious that long ago alot of others people were thinking the same thing,but i reckon its only those who were in a position to take advantage were and are the ones grabbing for the reigns.
    I think there definitely was an illuminati if there was a secret society of freemasons and rosicrucians long ago.

    Wether they died off i dont know, but considering their symbols are pasted on the one dollar bill among many other places i must presume the people doing this especially in the 1 dollar note situation are still floating about somewhere.
    Its been a few years since i delved into the money printing bussiness in the states regarding this symbolism,but im nearly tempted to take a few hours and re-awaken some of that knowledge again out of interest.
    I dont remember who was involved in printing it or even what year it came out and who was president at the time.
    But whoever it was made a serious ode to the illuminati and possibly molok or that "mens club" we all know what im talking about.
    Big owl statue, men running around grabbing each others arses lol

    Why do so many so called important people like presidents their aides,congressmen,newpaper owners,big bussiness men and alot of others with reputations to look out for ruin their own persona in the publics eye by flashing hand signals and showing off masonic and fraternal gestures and turning up to clubs and secret meetings burning giant owl statues and using escorts for body guards etc etc etc
    So many things that are a disadvantage to their political christian persona it doesnt make sense.
    Now i realise im talking about freemasons alot there too.But who else would put an illuminati symbol on one of the biggest currencies in the world? Oh and alongside a statement that world government is coming.

    For me when something is put on a currency i doubt someone would put anything on it without alot of thought before hand.Billions and billions of people would be seeing this after all so i would be a very long time carefully planning it if i was involved and im sure the creators were.

    Do you think the dollar bill thing is just another meme like a picture that doesnt actually represent anythng in the way it was used,just there because it looks cool?

    Another thought, it is possible freemasons put it there and are perpetuating the illumnati symbolism to take some heat off freemasons worldwide.Now that i could see as plausable at first sight.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    WakeUp wrote: »

    I found this video on youtube Im posting it so people can have a look at it and make up their own minds. The symbolism is all over the music industry and it would appear its all over hollyhood too. So if its not conincidence why put it there? considering the vast majority of the population have only heard about the illuminati in a fleeting way and would know very little about its alleged purpose/activities or history. So why is it everywhere?

    Those symbols, especially the Eye in the Triangle, mean lots of things to different people, and to ascribe their placing in those movies as evidence of the 'Illuminati Conspiracy' seems to me to be a case of configuring the evidence to support one's beliefs.

    The 'Eye in the Triangle' in a Scanner Darkly could be a nod to Philip K Dicks gnosticism, for example.

    The uncovering of 9/11 in different movies would fall under the same category. Name any date and I could trawl through thousands of movies and find 'evidence' to support my belief.

    I was having this conversation with a friend last night, who was trying to convince of the existence of the Illuminati, and who tried to find similar, symbolic evidence for me, online.

    I was able to convince him a little of the oft-times innocence of these symbols when I rolled up my sleeve to reveal an Eye of Horus tattoo, in a triangle, on my inner arm, jokingly adding the Illuminati had recently employed me as a disinformation agent, just to muddy the waters.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,693 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    MaybeLogic wrote: »
    Those symbols, especially the Eye in the Triangle, mean lots of things to different people, and to ascribe their placing in those movies as evidence of the 'Illuminati Conspiracy' seems to me to be a case of configuring the evidence to support one's beliefs.

    The 'Eye in the Triangle' in a Scanner Darkly could be a nod to Philip K Dicks gnosticism, for example.

    The uncovering of 9/11 in different movies would fall under the same category. Name any date and I could trawl through thousands of movies and find 'evidence' to support my belief.

    I was having this conversation with a friend last night, who was trying to convince of the existence of the Illuminati, and who tried to find similar, symbolic evidence for me, online.

    I was able to convince him a little of the oft-times innocence of these symbols when I rolled up my sleeve to reveal an Eye of Horus tattoo, in a triangle, on my inner arm, jokingly adding the Illuminati had recently employed me as a disinformation agent, just to muddy the waters.

    Symbols themselves are not inherently good or bad, it's how they are employed by people, be it by individuals or groups.

    To suggest that a symbol has some sort of inherent power all by itself is ludicrous in the extreme.
    Sadly a lot of well meaning people who are trying to "spread the word" about certain topics on Youtube are not always the greatest sources of information on these topics and their efforts often have the affect of making the rest of us look as silly as them.

    May I ask why you have that particular tatoo on your arm?
    What does that symbol mean to you?

    Glazers Out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    nullzero wrote: »

    May I ask why you have that particular tatoo on your arm?
    What does that symbol mean to you?

    I'm sometimes hermeticist (illuminatus), so it has occult meaning for me.

    Truth be told, it's mostly a joke, a la RAW. The meaning changes depending on who I'm talking to.

    Of course, there are the rumours that Wilson was the one time inner-head of the Illuminati, so his words must be approached with caution.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,962 ✭✭✭GhostInTheRuins

    Torakx wrote: »
    Why for example would a government or a government approved agency print this very same symbolism onto their money?


    Its an inside government joke flashing gang symbols aswell just like Jay-z and if so what would the purpose be in the case of the one dollar bill?
    Or is it more likely these symbols represent ideologies and groups that are actually in existance right now?
    Torakx wrote: »
    For me when something is put on a currency i doubt someone would put anything on it without alot of thought before hand.Billions and billions of people would be seeing this after all so i would be a very long time carefully planning it if i was involved and im sure the creators were.

    Do you think the dollar bill thing is just another meme like a picture that doesnt actually represent anythng in the way it was used,just there because it looks cool?

    Of course it has meaning, see where it says "In God we trust"? That's what the eye of providence is there for, it symbolises god's all seeing eye watching over and protecting his people.

    If the Illuminati love leaving their messages hidden in plain sight and especially on currency, and if their purpose is for a one world government then where is the Illuminati symbolism on our Euro notes and coins? Uniting all of Europe with the one currency would surely call for some celebratory in-your-face secret symbols, no?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    If the Illuminati love leaving their messages hidden in plain sight and especially on currency, and if their purpose is for a one world government then where is the Illuminati symbolism on our Euro notes and coins? Uniting all of Europe with the one currency would surely call for some celebratory in-your-face secret symbols, no?

    The arch is a freemason symbol, signifying a degree in freemasonry.

    On the back of the five euro note there is an entire bridge of arches extending from the European continent in the direction of North America, to symbolise the first link in the chain of the New World Order.

    I will find other ones as soon as I've discovered the correct folding sequence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    DeBunny wrote: »
    In fairness W.U you're the one who went "all dictionary" I'm not going over the top at all. My understanding of the word logic is the one found in the dictionary. You're just making stuff up.

    The reason I went all dictionary on you is because in my opinion you were being totally unreasonable and refuse to accept or even acknowledge my way of thinking. I’m not making anything up, youre continuing to argue this point from what I can see for the sake of it, which is fair enough, but I still stand by my understanding of the word “logic” and how it may be used or applied.
    I didn't ask you to prove any thing 100%. Any way, you're the one who is speculating that there's a conspiracy so the burden of proof is on you. Can you explain why you think it is a conspiracy? Just a little something to back up the speculation would be nice.
    Nonsense. This is the conspiracy theory forum there is no burden of proof on me to prove anything and if you don’t believe me I suggest you go read the charter. I haven’t stated anything as fact.
    I think its possible there is a conspiracy going on for the simple reason it is not beyond the realm of imagination in my opinion that a powerful group of people might be or might want to be controlling the world through subversion or manipulation. Truth is often stranger than fiction anything is possible.

    Lots of things are black and white.

    Of all of the comments below the video I couldn't find any that offered statistics to the contrary. Can you point me in direction of some information that disagrees with what Rosling's data shows? I'd be genuinely interested. Yes the rich are getting richer, but so are the poor.
    PM me if you want to discuss this further has nothing to do with the original thread lets stay on topic.:)
    Thanks, thats very reasonable, so even though you've ignored my question and I've already explained my view point I'll explain my self a bit further.

    First of all, just so we're all singing off the same hymn sheet, a meme is basically a self replicating pattern. The word is usually used in relation to human behaviours such as language, rituals, fashion, etc. They can be compared to viruses or genes in that they reproduce on their own and evolve in relation to their environment. Can you see how Cyrillic or our own alphabet or the Wilhelm scream or the English language are memes? They don't require a conspiracy to be used over and over again.

    So . . . the original illumati (which more than likely did exist) were a bunch of powerful men who formed a club or society. Like any club, society or company, they needed a "brand image" which would represent them. Even as children, we form gangs and clubs and and come with symbols to represent our gang. It's part of human nature. When I was a kid we used a skull and cross bones. Does that make me a pirate? Was I conspiring with pirates? (I wish. yarr) No. It just means I had been "infected" by the self replicating meme of the skull and cross bones.

    So the illuminati used symbols which powerful people before them had used. The eye in particular is a very powerful symbol as it is easily recognised by our pattern seeking brain. All the symbols they used represent power, knowledge and wealth. When the organisation faded away, the symbols/memes they used lived on and were used again and again by people who wanted to be associated with power, knowledge and wealth. People like rappers, popstars and record label bosses. And if those symbols have the added value of generating some free marketing via vocal CTers then happy days.

    Just because different people use the same symbols does not mean they have anything to do with each other. If Jay Z is a member of the illuminati then I'm Long John Silver.

    Honestly now, which of our two explanations do you think is more likely?
    Fair enough I accept what youre saying there but I think I’ll keep an open mind on things. Is your explanation more likely than mine? Maybe but who knows for sure after all youre speculating too. Personally speaking I have an inherent distrust of governments, secret societies and the political ruling “elite”. I don’t trust them I don’t believe they have peoples best interests and heart and I certainly think they are capable of being evil b@stards behind their fake ass masks and bull sh!t spin. Are governements, the “elite”, secret societies capable of manipulating media/music/tv for their own benefits/reasons? I believe they might be, so I’m going to keep an open mind on all of this until shown otherwise.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    WakeUp wrote: »
    People who claim to be ex-members of the illuminati say that the reason they put the symbolism in plain sight ...

    Could you point me towards these ex-illuminati members, please?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    MaybeLogic wrote: »
    Could you point me towards these ex-illuminati members, please?

    No I cant. As I said further on in the previous comment I made, youve only taken one line of it and quoted me, I read an article online by a lady who calimed to be an ex-illuminati member. I didnt book mark the page it was a few years ago and I cant rememeber her name for the life of me. That is who I was refferring too when I mentioned "ex-illuminti" members. You can make of that what you will.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    MaybeLogic wrote: »
    Those symbols, especially the Eye in the Triangle, mean lots of things to different people, and to ascribe their placing in those movies as evidence of the 'Illuminati Conspiracy' seems to me to be a case of configuring the evidence to support one's beliefs.

    The 'Eye in the Triangle' in a Scanner Darkly could be a nod to Philip K Dicks gnosticism, for example.

    The uncovering of 9/11 in different movies would fall under the same category. Name any date and I could trawl through thousands of movies and find 'evidence' to support my belief.

    I was having this conversation with a friend last night, who was trying to convince of the existence of the Illuminati, and who tried to find similar, symbolic evidence for me, online.

    I was able to convince him a little of the oft-times innocence of these symbols when I rolled up my sleeve to reveal an Eye of Horus tattoo, in a triangle, on my inner arm, jokingly adding the Illuminati had recently employed me as a disinformation agent, just to muddy the waters.

    Can you explain why the eye and triangle appear to consistently show up in the movies?

    Are you prepared to scrawl through movies looking for a date? Will you take the test you seem convicned you will pass:) Here's a random date for you so..4/27 - US date system as opposed to ours which would be 27/4 genuinely interested to see if you can come up with anything. To be honest the 9/11 stuff in that video would be the least convincing for me again as I pointed out in a previous comment thats not why I posted the video. The reason I posted the video was for the alleged symbolism.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    WakeUp wrote: »
    No I cant. As I said further on in the previous comment I made, youve only taken one line of it and quoted me, I read an article online by a lady who calimed to be an ex-illuminati member. I didnt book mark the page it was a few years ago and I cant rememeber her name for the life of me. That is who I was refferring too when I mentioned "ex-illuminti" members. You can make of that what you will.

    I can find a guy named John Todd who claimed to be an ex-illuminati member who exposed the demons in the music industry in the 70's, who has been thoroughly debunked, though his legend lives on.

    There is also alleged ex-member who writes under a pseudonym, Svali, detailing the devil worship and child abuse practises of Americas ruling elite.

    Are these the ex-members you refer to?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    MaybeLogic wrote: »
    I can find a guy named John Todd who claimed to be an ex-illuminati member who exposed the demons in the music industry in the 70's, who has been thoroughly debunked, though his legend lives on.

    There is also alleged ex-member who writes under a pseudonym, Svali, detailing the devil worship and child abuse practises of Americas ruling elite.

    Are these the ex-members you refer to?

    Unless John Todd is a closet female-was a womans story I read- well then it wasnt him and the name Svali no it wasnt her either. She had a christian first name I dunno maybe Svali is a christian name but I dont think it was her.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    WakeUp wrote: »
    Can you explain why the eye and triangle appear to consistently show up in the movies?

    Could be any number of reasons.

    It could be to do with the popularity of Robert Anton Wilson, who lived in California, and is a favourite of joint-smoking creative types.

    Individual directors could have their own individual motives.

    Personally, I would place the possibilty that a ruling elite is somehow convincing people in Hollywood to contain these symbols in movies as way down the list of probabilites.
    Are you prepared to scrawl through movies looking for a date? Will you take the test you seem convicned you will pass:) Here's a random date for you so..4/27 - US date system as opposed to ours which would be 27/4 genuinely interested to see if you can come up with anything. To be honest the 9/11 stuff in that video would be the least convincing for me again as I pointed out in a previous comment thats not why I posted the video. The reason I posted the video was for the alleged symbolism.

    Not really practical, but a quick google gives me this.

    An AC Shelby Cobra 427 was featured in the 1980 movie Hollywood Knights (427 being my number of signifigance, and the Hollywood Knights being a reference to the ruling hollywood elite, and the cobra representing the snake, another gnostic symbol, or whatever signifigance my belief system leads me to attach or form around the data my brain is receiving)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    WakeUp wrote: »
    Unless John Todd is a closet female-was a womans story I read- well then it wasnt him and the name Svali no it wasnt her either. She had a christian first name I dunno maybe Svali is a christian name but I dont think it was her.

    Apologies. I missed the female reference.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    MaybeLogic wrote: »
    Could be any number of reasons.

    It could be to do with the popularity of Robert Anton Wilson, who lived in California, and is a favourite of joint-smoking creative types.

    Individual directors could have their own individual motives.

    Personally, I would place the possibilty that a ruling elite is somehow convincing people in Hollywood to contain these symbols in movies as way down the list of probabilites.

    Why might it be down to Robert Anton Wilson I dont really know anything about the man but why him? individual directors having their own individual motives I suppose is fair enough. If that is indeed the case why do you think that all these directors appear to share the same individual motives?
    An AC Shelby Cobra 427 was featured in the 1980 movie Hollywood Knights (427 being my number of signifigance, and the Hollywood Knights being a reference to the ruling hollywood elite, and the cobra representing the snake, another gnostic symbol, or whatever signifigance my belief system leads me to attach or form around the data my brain is receiving)
    Interesting:) Can you find any other movies with that date anywhere to be found. Did you check to see if there was a screen shot of a cobra 4/27 maybe focusing for a second or two and actually showing the number on screen.? Its probably not practical like you say Im not expectin miracles but interesting none the less.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    MaybeLogic wrote: »
    Apologies. I missed the female reference.

    No probelm all good:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    WakeUp wrote: »
    Why might it be down to Robert Anton Wilson I dont really know anything about the man but why him?
    Just one possibilty, amongst an infinity of possiblities.

    (he's the inventor of the '23 enigma' incidentally, another of his jokes to highlight how people will attach signigance to arbitrary data, in support of a belief system)
    individual directors having their own individual motives I suppose is fair enough. If that is indeed the case why do you think that all these directors appear to share the same individual motives?

    I don't know, and without any substantial proof I remain agnostic about the matter.
    Interesting:) Can you find any other movies with that date anywhere to be found. Did you check to see if there was a screen shot of a cobra 4/27 maybe focusing for a second or two and actually showing the number on screen.?

    No, it just features the car, here...

    Notice the devilish features of the front of the car, and how the mouth seems to be open, as if this representative of the elite is about to gobble up anyone who gets in it's way.

    Edit: I should have included a reference to the Knights of Malta, as per the film title, alleged Illuminati, and infiltrators of the Freemasons.
    Its probably not practical like you say Im not expectin miracles but interesting none the less.

    I'd have to start watching entire movies to catch any further reference to the 427 enigma.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    Robert Anton Wilson is a legend :)
    You should defo check out his rantings,alot of his philosophies i hold to myself so when listening to him i couldnt help but agree lol
    One of his noteable sayings would be that the word "is" should not exist.I tend to agree with the idea behind that.
    He speaks about freemasons too i think but i believe he is very nonchallant about the whole thing and likes to joke alot.
    I thought it was very funny maybelogic said he is popular with the weed smoking creative types haha
    *looks around nervously*

    With regards symbolism in films and music.I still believe half the directors are putting this in because they know people are looking for it and they probably like to joke at this stage.

    An example would be the film "state of play" i think at the very start you see a masonic pillar for no apparent reason
    Then half way through Russell Crowe is in his kitchen and a coffee mug/flask is sitting on his worktop with a big square and compass facing out,quite obvious to me and if you ever see that film after readng this you might spot it too.I think there were a few other little things also.This is an example to me of people purposefully putting stuff into movies.
    Possibly in this case because of the story itself but why subliminal?
    By subliminal i mean just beyond the thrshold of most peoples perception.although the flask to me was like a slap in the face and i sat up and laughed haha.

    There are some i thnk who might actually be freemasons and want to put their groups mark out there.
    Kind of like people who tag buildings or artists who write their name on the actual front of their paintings!
    Glory hunters lol
    With the masonic symbols the glory is within the group like an inside joke that most of the outside world doesnt catch on to.
    Maybe its an inside game between freemasons in the movie industry.OR its a government secret group (C.I.A types) using hollywood to create the opposing movement to the new world order as a masonic/illuminati plan to steer all forms of politics and activism.
    Consider how they hijack and create riots out of peacefull protests.
    I see this as possible with the new age movement too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,462 ✭✭✭MaybeLogic

    Torakx wrote: »
    Robert Anton Wilson is a legend :)
    You should defo check out his rantings,alot of his philosophies i hold to myself so when listening to him i couldnt help but agree lol
    One of his noteable sayings would be that the word "is" should not exist.I tend to agree with the idea behind that.

    The English without the verb 'to be', known as e-prime, he expounded upon, came from the general semanticists Korzybyski and Bourland.

    It leads to a more precise use of language and disallows one from stating opinion as fact, which would be a welcome addition on online forums. :pac:

    Wilson wrote some of his later books entirely in E-prime, including Quantum Psychology, which he wrote while living here in Ireland, in the eighties.

    A little trivia, and apologies for going off-topic.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 237 ✭✭DeBunny

    WakeUp wrote: »
    The reason I went all dictionary on you is because in my opinion you were being totally unreasonable and refuse to accept or even acknowledge my way of thinking. I’m not making anything up, youre continuing to argue this point from what I can see for the sake of it, which is fair enough, but I still stand by my understanding of the word “logic” and how it may be used or applied.

    Just to explain, I'm not arguing for the sake of it. If it was any other word I'd let it go.
    Logic is a clearly defined branch of philosophy which has served us well since it was established. Logic was used to make the computers we're communicating through, it helped figure out how the human body works. To redefine it, or make up your own version of it, is entirely unnecessary.

    Just out of curiosity, what is your understanding of the word logic?
    WakeUp wrote: »
    Nonsense. This is the conspiracy theory forum there is no burden of proof on me to prove anything and if you don’t believe me I suggest you go read the charter. I haven’t stated anything as fact.
    I think its possible there is a conspiracy going on for the simple reason it is not beyond the realm of imagination in my opinion that a powerful group of people might be or might want to be controlling the world through subversion or manipulation. Truth is often stranger than fiction anything is possible.

    Fair enough, but I'd still be interested in any thing beyond speculation to indicate that the illuminati exist. Is it unreasonable to ask for that much?
    Speculation is often stranger than fiction, but when it comes down to, truth is very rarely stranger than fiction.

    Is any thing possible? Yes. But, a much more useful question to ask is, is any thing plausible? No.
    Is it plausible that a small group of people would like to take control of the world? I would say yes.
    Is it plausible that this is actually happening? I would say no.

    WakeUp wrote: »
    PM me if you want to discuss this further has nothing to do with the original thread lets stay on topic.:)

    I think it has everything to do with original thread.
    If there is an illuminati conspiracy to enslave and generally make things worse for humanity then a link to statistics to show this to be the case would, I'm sure, still be on topic.
    Even if it's not, I'm sure no one would mind if you posted such a link here, considering everything else is on topic.
    WakeUp wrote: »
    Fair enough I accept what youre saying there but I think I’ll keep an open mind on things. Is your explanation more likely than mine? Maybe but who knows for sure after all youre speculating too. Personally speaking I have an inherent distrust of governments, secret societies and the political ruling “elite”. I don’t trust them I don’t believe they have peoples best interests and heart and I certainly think they are capable of being evil b@stards behind their fake ass masks and bull sh!t spin. Are governements, the “elite”, secret societies capable of manipulating media/music/tv for their own benefits/reasons? I believe they might be, so I’m going to keep an open mind on all of this until shown otherwise.

    I think it is possible that all the governments or elites of the world are controlled by a small nefarious group.
    It's just not plausible.
    I'm keeping an open mind as well. If I see valid evidence of an ancient Illuminati conspiracy then I'll believe it. Yes, I'm speculating but, unfortunately it's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist. All I can do is point out the lack of evidence.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    DeBunny wrote: »
    Yes, I'm speculating but, unfortunately it's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist. All I can do is point out the lack of evidence.

    You don't have to prove "something doesn't exist" you are asked to prove that something stopped existing.

    If you are not aware that the illuminati did in fact exist then your knowledge on the subject is woefully lacking and you need to do your homework on the subject to be frank.

    Can you prove that something which existed, and which is documented fact simply went away?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46 AnonoMouse

    An interesting article about the ubiquitous Illuminati symbol, the Eye in the Triangle, and how it only came into existence during the printing of the 1935 dollar bill....

    First of a 3 part video discussing the same...

  • Registered Users Posts: 781 ✭✭✭Cartel Mike

    I admit i havn't followed all the posts in this thread but the question is always there.

    If such an elite group were to exist how would they actually manage to remain so selfless?
    By that comment i mean knowing that ,in their specific lifetime they had failed, failed to achieve or remotley establish a 'new world order'.
    Not only that but knowing that their children/apprentices will also most likley fail in their liftimes also just as their fathers/masters have continually failed before them.

    To me its the question that continuously knocks this whole theory/concept people buy into down.
    In fairness after 300 years wouldn't they just think 'shag it' sure this just isn't working 'im exhausted with this crap'?

    Imagine going through your whole life then at the end of it thinking 'what was all that about' or 'why did i waste my time with that bollox'?

    Don't get me wrong . There are most certainly 'old boys' clubs in the world where people are highly connected and 'help' each other out similar to the way mafia groups do but lets face it most of the time conspiricy theories are .... well conspiricy theories .

    And of all the things this 'elite' are sometimes branded for and no one has ever bragged or whistled?...ever? Imagine the thousands of people involved at any one time and the dedication needed yet these 'events' have never seemingly hit snags and nobody has ever whistled?
    911, the recession, kubric etc etc etc (endless list). You know if such a group 'exist' and their that bloody good maybe they actually deserve to rule the world.

    And this new world order would mean the eventual banishment of actual countries right?.
    Think about it , that means no World Cup football. Does anyone really think the world would stand by and let the 'Illumunati' abolish world cup football?

    Fifa v's Illumunati- only one winner there (laugh).

    Anyway sorry if i posted this in the wrong thread. I found this forum on a google search even though i've been on boards for a while.
