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Cigarrette Withdrawal - 16 days later

  • 16-01-2011 5:27pm
    Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭

    If, like me you have quit smoking for the new year, how's it going? how are you feeling? and how much bigger has your wastline got as you devour everything in sight?!!!! C'mon people, let's talk about this!tongue.gifsmile.gifbiggrin.gifconfused.gif

    Personally, I started off feelling very confused and liable to do silly things like going down to the shop, getting there and forgetting what I went there for, or staying in the shower/bath long after the water went cold or first thing in the morning, getting up ontime but some how managing to spend an hour staring at my shoes before putting them on.

    Oh and the wheezy cough - it wasn't so bad this time, not sure if it was because I spooned a type of flax seed oil into me a few times a day or what but I know that previous attempts to quit left me very breathless with a deep raspy cough!! Anyway, share your experiences people and maybe we can all kick it for good this time!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,016 ✭✭✭Tom Cruises Left Nut

    Am on Day 5 now and its actually ok ! I could never do it before, on the patches this time and seem to be working well, no cravings to speak of so far !

    I made sure I started to coencide with going back to the gym, am counting the calories and exercising daily as I did balloon before when off them ! Have lost weight already in the past 5 days :D

    Actually finding it easier this time but haven't had a drink yet so lets see how that one goes !

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 LostChild

    I'm on day 15 off the smokes and it is getting easier. For the first week I did a mix of patches and electronic cig. My cravings are much weaker than they were before and now I'm just taking a few puffs off the e-cig every day.

    While I haven't broken the habit of smoking, (using the e-cig), the addiction is subsiding. I started exercising last week and so far I've not put on any weight from giving up cigs. I read that keeping active in the first few weeks of quitting will get your metabolism back on track and stop you putting on weight, and that doesn't mean running marathons, just a bit of light exercise should do the trick. That's all I've done and it seems to be working.

    I never thought I'd be able to give up, but to use the old cliche, I'm taking it one day at a time. The real test will be this Saturday, first night drinking since quitting. Wonder how tempted I'll be??

  • Registered Users Posts: 849 ✭✭✭celticcrash

    Too soon for alcohol, A drink and a cig goes hand in hand. Alcohol changes the chemistry in the brain. They have being a few posters on here going on the same path, you dont here from them after their night out. And some
    People on here encourage it, go on they say enjoy yourself, you have
    To do it sometime.
    Yes sometime but not while your starting to break a deadly addiction.
    Do it when your confident some bit say seven or eight weeks down
    The line. I was off the cigs four weeks last time, had a couple of drinks
    And that was it ,bought twenty. Over six weeks this time with no drink.
    Wish you all the best on your stopping smoking.
    Breath in that oxygen into your lungs and know its good to be alive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Bombbastic22

    Yes, the alcohol is a curse!!

    Went a whole day the on the 19th without eating much and then had some wine and met an old friend, who smokes. The booze hit me like a lorry and it wasn't long before I was lighting up, desperate to suck in those toxic but simultaneously desirable fumes!!:D

    I had about four in an hour and had a mad urge to smoke the next day but only had one and had one the next day too!!! Clean all day yesterday though so am confident I'll kick it for a while yet at least.

    Here's what I do when I quit, works for me. If anyone has any tips or comments, please post.

    1. Start the day with freshly squeezed juice composed of Carrot/Apple and Ginger(Ginger is great) and a generous spoon of udo's oil.

    2. Porridge for breakfast with more oil mixed in.

    3. Some dynamic stretches.

    4. An hour long walk.

    5. Around midday take a multi-vitamin to perk oneself up a bit and if I happen to be passing a juice stand I'd get some sort of berry drink(blueberries esp packed with immune boosting goodies to keep away what you might call "quitters flu" which I used to always get).

    6. In the evening have a raw clove of garlic - I find it rather easy but not everyone can stomach it (In supplement form Kwai was the only half decent one I ever found, though raw is way better and cheaper). It makes you feel great.

    7. A good blast of pull ups, Squats and press ups between chairs (3 times a week and bodyweight only) followed by 10 mins skipping - could barely do 3mins the first day.

    Anyway, that's just what I do. It helps relieve the irritability and confusion that seems to go hand in hand with quitting. As a side effect, it makes your libido go a bit banana's too, which can be a bit of a nuisance :D

    Remember: Stay away from alcohol, it's evil! At least for those hoping to quit the ciggies :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 LostChild

    Well after 18 days off the fags I went on the booze last night and ended up smoking a few cigs. I was using the e-cig but lost it during the night out. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I enjoyed the fags, regretted it today, but haven't smoked at all today and haven't really wanted to. Next night out will be my birthday, so that will be a bigger test, but after last night I am hopeful I can not smoke that night. Just better have an e-cig at hand just in case.

    The drink is evil, and your willpower goes out the window. Anyone who gets past the first night drinking is a saint! Keep it up everyone and be stronger than me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Bombbastic22

    Gave up for a year and a half once, pretty much gave up the booze as well though and when I did go out for a pint it was generally with people that didn't smoke so I found I didn't think about it much.

    The problem is - when you're sitting at the bar all alone and everyone you're out with is out in the smoking area OR if you're out looking to chat up some women, the only place you can talk/hear is out in the very nice smoking area which frequently come equipped with hot babes and nice heaters!! Not to mention that timeless classic of a chat up line "Have you got a light?" - even though you have about three in your pocket that you forgot to give back. That's me anyway - I had this weird reflex thing where I would unwittingly nick peoples lighters and go home with loads.

    LostChild, what's an electronic ciggie like? Does it have nicotine in it? I tried a lot of those nicotine thingys before and got chest pain and stuff and anyway, since nicotine is what you're addicted to, isn't it like a heroin addict putting a heroin patch to break the habit of injecting it??

    Also, I came accross some statistics online and apparently 80 -90% of people who successfully quit do it cold turkey. I think the ad campaigns by these people brainwash you and make it seem harder to quit than it actually is. Just count how many times you hear on the radio or T.V adds statements like "Everyone knows how difficult it is to quit smoking"! I refute this. It is easy!!!!!!!! Don't be a victim of an ad campaign to try and brain wash you into buying stuff you don't need!

    It is easy!!!
    In a few weeks you will start to feel better, you will wake up fresher and earlier in the morning, you will have more energy to burn off those calories that you put on eating to many mars bars as a substitute for ciggies, you will look sexier, feel sexier, your confidence will be better, you will be able to climb those stairs without feeling out of breath, you won't get as many coughs and colds, you will have more money to spend on really nice clothes to have you looking great, you will sleep less and have more free time, you will be better able to concentrate at work and probably make more money!!!!! Isn't is easy to endure a few short weeks of feeling a bit drab and light headed with all the great things you know are coming?

    If you need support, talk to me. Bombbastic22 is here to help, everyone in this thread is helping me too. Let's keep it up!!

    Actually, it would be really interesting to hear why and how people started to smoke!! Let's hear some stories people! I'll tell mine if anyone's interested.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 LostChild

    Well I bought myself a new e-cig to replace the one I lost. Haven't smoked since Saturday night so I don't feel to bad about having those couple of smokes, although I'd rather not have smoked them now with hindsight.

    Bombbastic22 - an e-cig is a personal vaporiser. Basically when you take a drag off it it feels like a cigarette, but without all the crap. You can get cartridges for it in different flavours, and you can get cartridges with nicotine or without nicotine. It's ideal for someone like me who likes the sensation of smoking. All you are taking in is glycerol and water, no tar etc. There is a whole thread on boards about it located here:

    Stories about starting...... Well, I started when I was 13. I stole a cigarette out of my aunties pack of superkings. Smoked it on my own. No peer pressure, I was just very stupid. My whole family smoked except for my mam so maybe I subconsciously wanted to be like them,(I'm the youngest). 15 years later I regret having that first smoke so much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Bombbastic22

    Well, as for me, I guess I just didn't have any interests really. Just didn't have the initiative or persistence to do sports and stuff but at the same time you have a lot of excessive energy that you don't know what to do with so well, I found somewhat unwholesome ways of using that energy.

    There was that and it seemed like something cool people did. Like slash and movie stars. I remember once even seeing some program with Roger Moore and every morning he would go for a run with a big fat cigar in his mouth, puffing away, if that doesn't give the impression smoking does you no harm I don't know what does.

    The imagination is that it's kind of cool and satisfying. The reality is that it rots you from the inside out and makes you age prematurely and makes you tired. It causes or makes worse every disease known to man.

    Was feeling bad and thinking I wanted to smoke but now my will has been fortified. Ahhh, it's good to breath fresh air, even though I feel ill and a part of my brain says smoking will make me feel's good to be part of Smokaholics Anonymous, thanks to everyone for listening! lol :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Bombbastic22

    LostChild wrote: »
    Well I bought myself a new e-cig to replace the one I lost. Haven't smoked since Saturday night so I don't feel to bad about having those couple of smokes, although I'd rather not have smoked them now with hindsight.

    Bombbastic22 - an e-cig is a personal vaporiser. Basically when you take a drag off it it feels like a cigarette, but without all the crap. You can get cartridges for it in different flavours, and you can get cartridges with nicotine or without nicotine. It's ideal for someone like me who likes the sensation of smoking. All you are taking in is glycerol and water, no tar etc. There is a whole thread on boards about it located here:

    Stories about starting...... Well, I started when I was 13. I stole a cigarette out of my aunties pack of superkings. Smoked it on my own. No peer pressure, I was just very stupid. My whole family smoked except for my mam so maybe I subconsciously wanted to be like them,(I'm the youngest). 15 years later I regret having that first smoke so much.

    Oh and that looks great by the way!! Part of me wants to try it! Maybe it's the little nicotine monster!!
