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Ronnie Runs Riot



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Wed: 4.0 miles easy
    Thurs: am - 4.75 miles easy @ 6:59 m/m, pm - 4.81 miles easy @ 7:02 m/m
    Fri: 9.03 miles easy @ 7:03 m/m

    Nothing much to tell about these. Planned on doubling up on Wednesday but felt pretty tired on the morning run so decided to leave it. Looks like a good choice because have being flying in the next few runs. No complaints at the moment. Another easy enough week and I should be more than ready to pick things up a little.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Ok fell off the wagon a little last week, a mere 27 miles done :o, although averaged less than 7 m/m for them all. Thats Dublin recovery well and truely done and ready to get back on the horse with some proper training. Dungaven 10 mile is the next target so (very) loosly going to follow the danels plan for that. 9 weeks to go and looking forward to getting into it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: am - 4.75 miles easy @ 6:58m/m
    - pm: 6.2 miles easy @ 7:04 m/m

    Savage morning, nearly the first 2 miles into a gale force wind and driving rain, seriously questioning my sanity, doing all this at 6 in the morning. The turned a corner, wind at my back and my legs could just about keep up with the wind blowing me home. Safe to say I was wide awake for work. The evening run was a little more normal, wind eased up which helped and ran around at a nice comfortable pace.

    Tue: am - 3.4 miles recovery
    - Pm 6.4 miles hill repeat session 4 sets x (short, short, longer)

    Early morning jog just to get going, actually enjoying these pre work silly o'clock runs. No watch but done the route fair few times so know the distance but no idea of pace, should do that more often.
    Then an evening corker of a session. Headed out to one of the sharp short shocker of hills you can get on the curragh and picked out a couple of markers, well trees to run at, very technical. After a mile and a bit warm up down to buisness. First couple of reps were very tough, body was in shck I think plus the last section seemed to be catching a strong headwind which tested the mind as well as the body. Got into a kind of rhythm for the next couple of sets, trying to concentrate on form as much as I could. Started to get wobbly legs towards the end of the last couple of reps of the last set so was time to call it a night.

    Splits (38,38,62) (38,39,65) (38,40, 65) (40, 40, 66)

    Wed: 4.75 miles easy @ 6:51 m/m

    Only did a single today to take a little break. Would have liked to get another couple of miles in but it was Long day at work and had to sneak out at dinner time ao it was about all I could fit in. Not feeling bad even after yesterdays session.

    Thurs: am - 3.75 miles easy @ 7:11 m/m
    - pm 9 miles easy @ 6:56 m/m

    Another monsoon this morning, although the wind not as bad. Took a little while to get going but felt ok and just travelled along comfortably. This evening spent more time tiptoeing around floaded roads than running although when I did get a clear run at it I was flying.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Fri: 10.59 miles incl 6 x 1 mile @ tempo, 1 min recovery

    So session number two of the week. Dont normally like tough days on Fridays, do feel lazy after the week but I also finish an hour early from work, means making use of an extra hours daylight. Wasn't to worried about this, 6 miles at tempo pace, targeting around 6 m/m, tough but with 1 minute recoverys, not to bad, or so I told myself. Little did I realise how quick the recoveries pass, just about catch your breath and your off again. Actually felt ok most of the time, had a little bad patch on mile 4 where I had to dig in a little but otherwise it was a 'comfortably' hard session. 2 miles cool down to finish off, tired but not wasted.

    Splits: 5:54, 5:57, 5:48, 5:57, 5:55, 5:53.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sat: 6.05 miles easy @ 6:50m/m

    Decisions today. Was working so lunchtime run was in the offing, so either a slow recovery run with feck all distance or a faster easy run with an extra couple of miles, went with the faster option. Felt fairly good, although a little tired on a few uphill drags. Could feel yesterdays session in the legs at times but still not bad. I think I picked the right option, long run tomorrow....

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sun: 15.18 miles @ 6:37 m/m incl 5 @ MP

    Perfect morning to get out, very little wind, sun and not to cold. Plan was doing 9 miles easy, 5 @ MP then 1 mile cool down home. From the start knew I was on a good day, legs felt very fresh and even the normally tough first mile I was floating at near enough 7 m/m. The first 4 or 5 miles were very up and down, with a couple of testers of uphills but felt good on them. Cruising along @ 6:50 pace without a care in the world. Hit the 9 mile mark and time to rev it up a little more. First couple of miles a little tough, was on the slight uphill drag to the Curragh racecourse that the marathon finishes on, nothing major but saps the energy. After them couple of miles the problem was slowing down, didn't succeed, ah well. Finished up with a 6:37 'cool-down' mile which felt very easy. Why cant everyday be like this:)

    MP splits: 6:15, 6:16, 6:05, 6:09, 6:06.

    Good week, 70 miles, 2 sessions, 3 if you count today, need to keep that up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: am- 8.19 miles easy @ 7:00 m/m
    Pm - 3.89 miles recovery.

    Felt a little tired staring off today, little bit of stiffness in the legs but soon cleared. Never pushed at all, liking the way crusing speed seems to be at around 7 m/m pace or below. Then out for a jog at dinner time from work, nice and handy again, taking it very easy.

    Tue: 8.88 miles incl 10 x 400 @ R pace (target 76s)

    Real mess of a session this. Plan went astray almost straight away when I jogged down to the track to see the school using it. Better not jump in the middle of that. For a second it was feck it, home and relax crossed my mind, noooo, GAA pitch will do the job. Another mile jog down and then set up the session on the watch. Found it hard to judge the pace and went way to fast, plus the pitch was like a bog in spots, slipping and sliding around turns, not good. On my recovery jog spotted the gate on the soccer clubs all weather was open, now to find a hole in the outer fence, mission complete. Cant beat a bit of trespassing, felt like a young lad again. So now I had a perfect surface, time to concentrate on the session. Still found it hard to find the correct pace for the next couple of reps but then settled into a 74/75 second rhythm, not bad. Completed thhe session feeling pretty good and left the pitch without getting chased away, the perfect crime. Mile jog home to finish off.

    Splits: 72, 70, 73, 72,75, 75, 75, 74, 75, 74.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    You're doing some savage training at the moment. Looks like between you, me and KielyUnusual, we have a bit of a race on our hands in London! We should try and get together for some long runs in the new year in Pheonix Park, or some other central spot. Could probably rope-in some of the Rotterdam-bound lads as well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    You're doing some savage training at the moment. Looks like between you, me and KielyUnusual, we have a bit of a race on our hands in London! We should try and get together for some long runs in the new year in Pheonix Park, or some other central spot. Could probably rope-in some of the Rotterdam-bound lads as well.
    Thanks Krusty, yeah would definitely be up for that, it would be a bit to much of a trek for me to meet up too regulaly but the odd Saturday or Sunday morning could be done. (Just to keep an eye on the opposition;))

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Tue: Pm - 3.41 miles recovery

    Another dinnertime trot. Felt the earlier session in the legs for the first couple of miles but was brand new towards the end.

    Wed: 9.01 miles easy @ 7:09 m/m

    Lovely morning out, bit cool and slippy in spots so had to be pretty careful at times. Felt a little tired today so just floated around at what felt like a comfortable pace. Not going to double up this evening, going to give the legs a little break, till tomorrow...

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Thurs: 10.11 miles easy @ 6:51 m/m

    Feeling fresh again today, propably going to fast but felt good so just weent with it.

    Fri: am- 8.53 miles incl 6 @ tempo

    Mentally I am getting alot better at these. I used to dread going out the door to do tempo runs or long intervals but the last little while I dont give them a second thought. So 2 mile warm up and then down to it. Found the rhythm pretty quick and settled in. Felt good after the first mile when the legs got used to the pace and just re;axed into the session. the 4th mile always seems to catch me for some reason and had to dig in again but soon came out of that bad patch and pusheed on to finish strong. I was in a bit of a hurry so only a half mile cool down to finish off.

    Splits: 6:03, 6:06, 6:04, 6:03, 6:05, 5:59
    pm - 3.44 miles easy @ 7:13 m/m

    Struggled a little starting off on this, could feel this mornings tempo run in the legs but loosened out the further I went. Nearly finding these short runs tougher than the longer ones.

    Sat: 17.01 miles long @ 6:48 m/m

    Just a steady long run this week. Wishing I headed up to the 5K in the park this morning when I seen the weather, perfect. Anyway started off feeling pretty good and after that it was one of them runs I dont remember much of, just zoned out most of the way around in a world of my own. Woke up a couple of miles froom home starting to feel tired, expected that after another decent milage week plus a session yesterday. Despite the tiredness still kept the pace @ ~ 6:50 and then finished off with a lap of the estate to round off the 17 miles.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sun: Rest

    Mon: 6.2 miles eaqsy @ 7:12 m/m

    Nice handy one to ease into the week.

    Tue: 7.5 miles incl 5 x (S,S,L) hill repeats

    The same session as 2 weeks ago, just added on an extra set. Felt alot more comfortable this time around, still a couple of hands on knees moments but finishing up I felt like I could have done more. Splits ended up pretty consistant and faster than the last time around so overall very happy how this went.

    Splits: (37,38,60), (38,38,61),(38,38,62), (39,38,63), (38,38,61)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Wed:6.2 miles easy @ 6:46 m/m

    Left this one late so dark and icy, to the dreadmill. Planned on 15k but I coouldn't take any more mind numbing boredom after 10k so left it at that.

    Thurs:8.2 miles easy @ 7:01

    Quads a little tight today, I blame the threadmill yesterday, had it set at 2% so I assume that affected me. Comfortable run around the curragh otherwise although dark nights are a bit of a pain.

    Fri: 5.5 miles incl 3 x 1000m (abandonded session)

    Started off with a 2 mile jog to the track with the plan on doing 6 x 1000 intervals. Started the first interval on pace but seemed to be harder work then I would have thought. Thinking to myself that I was only warming up, the next one will feel better, wrong, just had no power in my legs. Should have left it there but stubbonness took over and went for another one, not wanting to bable on a session,, but was worse again, slowest interval in over a year and a half and the effort level was way to high. Left it at that. Got my answer when I went home, stomach was like a washing machine and had no energy, lay in bed for the evening.

    Splits: 3:26, 3:30, 3:36:eek:

    Sat: 6.2 miles recovery

    While I was feeling better today and thinking of adding time and pace to this run decided not to, just to be sure of recovering from whatever bug I had.

    Sun: 17.28 miles @ 6:36 incl 8 @ MP

    At the start of the week I planned on doing an MP run with my long run but after friday I wasn't so sure so ddecided just to that this run as it came. First few miles felt comfortable so kept going at a nice clip. Then decided to give a few MP miles a lash, just 2 for starters, felt good, keep going,another 2, ah came this far may as well do the 8. Completed them without killing myself. A couple of miles home cool down, although nearly seen my porridge again just as I was finishing up, lucky for the girl I was passing at the time I held it in , the last thing
    she wanted to see on a sunday morning was projectile vomit from some sweaty weirdo beside her, not a good look. Stomach obviously still not 100%.

    MP splits: 6:15,6:14,6:12,6:12,6:12,6:11,6:09,6:14.

    So an average week, only 57 miles, couldn't get out to do my early morning doubles with all the ice around but 2 good sessions makes up for the abandonded one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: 6.2 miles recovery

    Just a nice handy one to keep the legs ticking over, had a double planned but didn't happen, stupid work.

    Tue: 8.3 miles incl 5 x 1200m (4:10 target)

    Wrapped up nice and warm and slip slided my way on a mile jog down to the track. One of the few advantages of the grass track is a heavy frost is nearly an advantage compared to the sloppy conditions normally down there. Wasn't to sure about this after abandoning the last session so just went for it before I changed my mind. The first two reps felt fairly ok, although I think the cold air was affecting my breathing as I was doing alot of coughing during the recoveries. The hard work started on the third rep although I held the pace. After that There was a little bit of a drop off in times. Didn't bury myself trying to hold the pace, just kept working hard. 2 miles home for a nice hot coffee, ahhhhh.

    Splits: 4:07, 4:07, 4:08, 4:10, 4:11.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Wed: 10.09 miles easy @ 6:50 m/m

    Tjhe first mile I felt pretty stiff but once the legs loosened out I was flying. Sub 7 min pace is feeling very comfortable at the moment, me like.

    Thurs: 10.78 miles incl 6 @ tempo

    One of the days, I was making more excuses not to do this, just felt like lying in bed until work time watching rubbish tele. Swift kick up the behind for myself got me out the door. 2 mile warm up still making excuses, little bit of ice, to dangerous, to close to race at weekend, just take it easy, etc...
    Made a deal with myself, do 2 miles and see how I feel. So into the first mile, actually holding myself back a little, still fighting a battle with myself. Hit the time split on target, into second mile, feeling good here, keep it going, feeling stronger and stronger as I went. Finished up the 6th mile thinking I could do another mile or 2. Settled for a couple of easy miles to cool dow. Delighted I didn't give into the demons in my head today and got this session in.

    Splits: 6:04, 6:05, 5:59, 5:53, 5:58, 5:57.

    Fri: 6.22 miles recovey
    Sat: 4 miles recovery

    Just 2 wind down runs, will call it a mini taper, going to do the Clonliffe 5k tomorrow for a bit of a blow out, no real target just see how I go.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sun: Clonliffe 5K

    So first race back since the marathon, no real plan in mind, just run it and see how it went. Did a 2 miles warm up, running laps of the track with a few strides on the straights to get the legs moving. Headed to the start a little to late and ended up a little further back than I would liked. Off went the gun and after a little bit of ducking and diving around the first bend things spread out and moved through the field pretty easy around the track. Settled into position just as we got out onto the road and found a nice rhythm pretty quickly. The first K done and I was running on my own with a group about 20m up the road to aim at. Realed them in pretty quick and move through looking for the next target. At this stage it seemed to be just people running in ones and twos and I was moving through them nicely. Turned a corner and the wind seemed to be catching us so decided to take a little breather behind a small group. Lost a little concentration at this stage and after a while I had a quick look a the watch and seen 5:50 pace, not good enough so pushed on, 2k do go at this stage. Passed another4 or 5 lads leading up the the finishing circuit on the track and looking at them they seemed to be struggling a little while I was feeling good. Once we hit the track I increased the pace but the footsteps from behind seemed to be getting closer, tried to kick with 200 to go but was passed twice, 100 to go and pushed again but still got passed again. Finished feeling pretty good but my lack of finishing speed cost me around 6 places and a top 20 finish. So what can I take from it, running strong but ran pretty consevatively and the loss of concentration in the middle K and lack of speed at the finish cost me a sub 17 and top 20 finish. Still happy how it went, might sneek in a 16:xx before the end of the year :)

    Splits: 5:25, 5:37:mad:, 5:25 and 0:33 for .12miles.

    17:01 for 26th place.

    Super race, went off like clockwork.
    52 miles for the week with 2 sessions and a race, no long run but cant have everything.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: am 8.11 miles easy @ 6:56 m/m

    Early morning pre work run. Slept like a baby last night and fresh as a daisy this morning. Leg feeling fresh so just tipped around citywest, kingswood and up through Jobstown were things got a little though up a drag against a strong breeze. Soon got payback when I turned back into citywest, mostly downhill into work and flew back, everything feeling easy and set up for a days hard work.

    Pm: 3.89 miles recovery/easy @ 7:23 m/m

    Planned on a recovery run this evening so just ran on feel, again feeling fresh, a little to fresh. Didn't bother checking the watch until I finished and was surprised to see the pace. Felt like a recovery run but 7:23 m/m says easy run, ah who cares :). Just a slight niggle in my left shin, more tightness than anything, something to keep an eye on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Tue: 8.11 miles easy @ 6:53 m/m

    Same run as yesterday morning. Perfect morning for running and went well after I woke up afterf the first mile. Didn't get the second run of the day in, work getting in the way again.

    Wed: 8.0 miles incl (6 x 800) then (4 x 200) all off 200m recovery

    Time to get the legs moving again. Home from work and a mile warm up jog to the track. Another couple of laps and off I went. The first rep was comfortable enough. The bends on the track were very slippy and mucky which didn't help things but other than that conditions were good. The next rep was a little faster although hurt a bit more. Getting dark at this stage so couldn't really get splits on the watch although the times were fairly consistant. Finished off the 800s in pretty good shape so did 2 laps of the track to get a full recovery and hit the 200s hard, trying to concentrate on keeping good form. The first one was surprisingly slow, I was like an old tracter trying to find another gear, just couldn't seem to pick it up but then after that the extra gear slipped in and finished off with 3 good reps. Pitch dark at this stage so tipped on home with a nice relaxing jog.

    Splits (2:46, 2:44, 2:45, 2:46, 2:46, 2:46) (38,36,36,36)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Thurs: 6.2 miles recovery

    Could feel yesterdays session in the legs, quads tight and felt a little tired. Took it nice and handy and improved as I went.

    Fri: 12.16 miles incl 4 x 2 mile @ tempo (5:55 pace)

    What has become of me, finished up work for Christmas, talk of few pints after, nope I've an 8 mile tempo run to do, getting worried about myself. So got home and before I even thought about what I was doing I was changed and out the door. About a 2 mile warm up and into the session. Found a good rhythm nearly straight away and pace was feeling very comfortable. The very easy recovery day yesterday worked its magic. First 2 miles bang on pace and bearly out of breath, things looking good. 2 minutes of easy running and then off again. Same again effort level felt about right although did the first mile a little fast. The last minute or two was a little tough but not killer by any means. 2 minutes recovery again and then flying again. The wind at my back for the most of the first mile which explains the quick split and then back on pace for the second mile, still going well. 1 more to do and off I went. Looking at the splits I think I got a little over excited on this one but the effort level felt about right. A mate out walking his dog shaking a stick at me telling me to get a move on gave me a little boost going into the last mile. Again the last minute or 2 was tough but finished off strong. A couple of miles trot home to finish off, delighted with that session. I think the body is starting to adapt to the 2/3 sessions a week I'm doing at the moment.

    Splits: (5:53,5:53)(5:45,5:52)(5:44,5:52)(5:46,5:49)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Ok, happy new year everybody, time to get this going again. Running wise over Christmas was up and down, missed a few days, got a few easy miles in. A couple of fastish easy runs over the weekend to clear the cobwebs and going to start to get back to more structured stuff from tomorrow.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Must do better updating this. Not a bad week considering I had a bit of a bug, coughing and sore throat most of the week.

    Monday: Am: 6.2 miles recovery
    Pm:4.0 miles recovery.

    Was feeling a little tired today after a couple of faster runs over the weekend and what I now know was the starts of a virus so a couple of recovery runs were called for and went pretty ok.

    Tues: 8.4 miles easy @ 6:51 m/m

    Seemed to be going well until anything got in the way like a hill or the wind and the legs just had no power. Coughing up alls sorts of goop today.

    Wed: am 5.5 miles easy @ 7:44 m/m
    pm:4.75 miles @ 6:56 m/m

    Stupidly tried a 800m session in the morning. First 800 was done in 2:47 and nearly collapsed. Done a slow 400m recovery and said I'll take it slower for the next rep. 200M done 2 seconds slower than normal, legs like jelly, sense returned and I gave up. Nice handy jog just to keep things ticking over. Felt a little better in the evening, still struggling on any kind of rise in the road.

    Thurs: 9.1 miles @ 6:52 m/m

    Bit of an improvement today, pretty fresh all the way around still not 100% though.

    Fri: Am 6.7 miles easy @ 7:01 m/m
    Pm: 5.25 miles @ 6:38 m/m

    Standard enough easy run in the morning, feeling better but still a little heavy legged. The evening run something just clicked and was flying. Seem to be abit all over the place at the moment.

    Sat: 15.0 miles med/long @ 6:48 m/m

    Tale of two halves. First half of the run constantly slowing myself down, at times running at MP. After about 10 miles started to feel it and while I was never really pushing hard it still became hard work if that makes sense. Still not feeling strong but improving.

    Sun: 5.1 miles recovery

    An enjoyable recovery run. Floated around not paying any attention to pace, just feeling very easy. Left calf little stiff for the first mile or two but ok after that.

    So milage wise got 70 in, happy with that for the week. The downside no sessions done, was planning 800m and a tempo but since I wasn't well I wont complain to much. Was going to do a 10K race next week but not sure now. Will do an interval session tomorrow and decide after that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: 9.12 miles incl 4 x 1 mile @ Tempo + 6 x 200m @ R

    First session in a few weeks and looked at the Jack Daniels program I was suppose to be following and this was the session I was due to do this week. On paper it didn't look to bad. So jog down to the track, legs feeling fresh, all good and after a couple of laps started into the tempo miles with 200m recovery between them. The first three felt very controlled then in the middle of the fourth one the heavens opened and wind picked up, running into horizontal hail stones not my idea of fun. Completed it under a little bit of pressure, the missed sessions of the last few weeks coming back to haunt me. Did a lap recovery and then started the 200s with 200 recovery. Felt good to really get the legs moving although the last couple fairly hurt.'Forgot' :o to do a last tempo mile after the 200s, at this stage my hands were like ice and paining me. Slow jog back home and the biggest challenge was getting the key in the door. Happy enough how it went, a little harder than I expected but good to get some quality going. Will do some sort of a 400m session on Thursday to really shock the body back into action. Still undecided about the race on Sunday, trying to decide between that or a long run at the weekend. 10 miler the week after so no long run then either but it would be good to get a race in before, long run Monday maybe, then quality session wed/ thurs confused :confused:

    Splits: (5:56, 5:53, 5:54, 5:56) (36,36,36,36,36,37)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Tue: 11.75 miles easy @ 6:48

    Started off with a little bit of stiffness in the quads but that soon disappeared and was feeling great today. I seem to be going well with the easy running just have to transfer that to the faster stuff. The first couple of miles done at around 7 m/m pace that then picked up to constant 6:40 or so miles, all feeling very comfortable. Finished up feeling like I could do a few more but thought I better not push it.

    Wed: 6.2 miles recovery

    The legs, well mostly quads felt really battered today. really stiff and sore for some reason, going to blame the session on Tuesday. Improved as the run went on, never had that problem before. Plenty of stretches after.

    Thurs: 9.1 miles incl 5 x (400,400,200) 200m rec, 400m between sets.

    An up and down session this. Just over a mile warm up, quads feeling better, or so I thought. Into the first rep and straight away the tightness was back in the quads, nearly felt like I was going to cramp up. Keep going and after doing the third rep they seemed to loosen out, still not a nice feeling. The first couple of sets were comfortable enough although a little slower than expected. A strong head wind on the finishing straight making things 'interesting'. Started to work hard on the third set and the times showed this to. Making deals with myself on the next set, do this and call it a day and all that lark. Finished that, had a chat with myself and dived into the fifth set. The wind really seemed to start gusting, especially on the last 200, just when I didn't need it, turned into the finishing straight and was nearly blown backwards. Tried to pick the pace back up but I didn't have any acceleration at all, usual story. So splits a little slower than I expected but happy to get the session done, things will click back soon I hope, stupid Christmas break.

    Splits: (82,80,37)(81,81,37)(80,83,38)(82,82,37)(81,82,38)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Fri: 9.35 miles @ 6:55m/m

    Lesson for today, the weather is never as bad as it looks from inside. I had to battle a few demons to get out the door on a cold, wet miserable day. Wrapped up with a couple of layers, jacket, hat and gloves. Regretting the extra layer after a mile or so, not as cold as I thought. The rain stopped and even spotted some blue sky at one stage. Enjoyed the run, felt better than I have for a while. Hit a couple of hills, kept the effort level the same but the pace didn't drop to much so looks like some strength is returning. Was nearly going to push it on another few miles but decided to stop while the going was good.

    Sat: 6.15 miles recovery

    Slow enough recovery run. Up early expecting blizzard conditions that was forecast, looked out the window to see a near perfect morning. Trotted around enjoying the peace and quite of a saturday morning on some deserted bog roads, great way to start the day. Decided not to race tomorrow, a long run probably more benifical with starting my marathon plan the week after next. The 10 miler next sunday will only serve as a blow out as still not in tip top shape, will give it a blast all the same.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sun: 17.26 miles long @ 6:44 m/m

    What a difference a couple of days make. I think the slow recovery run yesterday really stood to me today as I felt very fresh. Lucky again with the weather, out the door, little cold but only a light wind so near perfect running conditions. I didn't pay much attention to the watch for the first few miles and was shocked to see an average of 6:50 after the first three miles as they were mostly an uphill drag, plus normally a slow starter anyway. Kept running by feel, just at what felt comfortable and pace kept on picking up. Was tempted to add on a couple of extra miles again but no point in over doing it. Hit my tester of a hill in the curragh camp with less than 4 miles to go and flew up it and recovered quickly over the top, normally breathing heavy for a minute ot two after this one, even after taking it easy. Took it on home with no real fatigue in the legs, signs good, maybe I'm coming back around again.

    Good week in the end, 69 miles with 2 sessions done although they weren't the best.Signs of improvement though plus on a 16 day streak at the moment. Next week will step back a little prior to the Dungarvan 10 miler then starting the 12 week p&d 70-85 mile plan on the Monday, looking forward to getting going at it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Bit of a crazy week last week, 3 days of exams in work, with them and a change of work hours for the week only time for work and running so quick catch up to keep things right.

    Mon: 6.2 miles recovery
    Tue: 8.1 miles easy @ 6:47 m/m
    Wed: 8.4 miles incl 15 x 200m (all 35,36 secs)
    Thurs: 6.22 miles easy @ 7:13 m/m
    Fri: 6.18 miles recovery
    Sat: 4 mile recovery

    Nothing to exciting for the week, mostly just keeping things ticking over before the race, would have liked to get a few more miles in but no harm done as it was a bit of a step back week anyway, the 200s felt comfortably hard, just getting the legs going for Sundays race. Took the plunge and went out with Newbridge AC on Thursday evening, going to sign my life away with them this week :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Dungarvin 10

    Looked out the window in the morning and my heart sank, the worest weather, gale force winds, which didn't help my confidence which was already low after a struggling a little with a few sessions in the last few weeks. Sub 60 the plan and was thinking of using the pacers to shelter behind from the wind. Arrived down in plenty of time and done a nice handy couple of miles warm up, legs feeling pretty ok at this stage.
    Lined up a couple of rows back from the start and got a good clear run in the first few hundred meters and settled into a large group pretty quickly. I was ahead of the pacers at this stage so just said to myself that their not going to catch me. Looked around the group which included the first two ladies, everybody seemed comfortable enough so a good group to stick with. I was a little bit cheeky at this stage and didn't do any work into the wind, just stuck in the middle of the group taking the selter. The miles were ticking by nicely, feeling good and surprised at each milage split. The group stuck together until about mile six where an uphill drag split it to bits. Hung on to the shrinking group for as long as I could but eventually gave in to a little bad patch and dropped off the back. At this stage ended up with the second lady and another lad basicallly running side by side. Started to come back around at about mile 8 and started pushing on again. Running on my own at this stage. Looked up and seen the group with lizzie Lee about 100m up the road so set myself a target of catching them. Slowly closed the gap and ended up going into the last mile with with two other lads. One of the kicked hard and I couldn't react, just pushed as hard as I could holding off the other lad and just finishing 2 seconds behind Lizzie, chicked again :p. Easily my best race perfomance yet. Good to meet a few boardies after taking advantage of the great spread of sambos and cake etc. that was put on.

    Splits: 5:41, 5:56, 5:40, 5:53, 5:56, 5:49, 5:48, 5:45, 5:46, 5:19.

    10 miles in 57:37 for 35th place.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon. 6.2 miles recovery

    And straight back into it, the road to London officially starts today with the start of the 12 week P&d program. Met up with the Newbridge group again for a nice handy jog around. No real ill effects from the race yesterday, well apart from a mild hangover, post race beers :rolleyes:. Starting off with a loose 2:45 target, although that might come down ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Our splits are near identical until mile 6, then we drifted apart. :)
    That's a hell of a final mile. Well done again. Hope you found some good beer down in Dungarvan!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭KielyUnusual

    That's a real impressive time at the weekend Ronnie, especially in those conditions. I really hope that last mile was downhill, downwind and you realised you'd left the oven on. To pull a 5.20 mile out of the bag after 9 miles hard racing is some going. That 2.45 target for London is well since gone. I've a sneaking suspicion, you were always aiming a little higher anyway.
