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Ronnie Runs Riot



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    wow, just caught the win. outstanding - great time too!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭KielyUnusual

    Great win Ronnie. When I read you starting off with a 5 minute mile (downhill or not), I thought it was going to be a disaster of a race. Sounds like the other lads were the ones pushing it though and you had plenty in the tank. Great time. Must be a big confidence leading up to Dublin.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Just catching up... Congrats on the great win. Quads must have been killing you afterwards?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Just catching up... Congrats on the great win. Quads must have been killing you afterwards?

    +1, delighted for you

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Thanks everybody oh and krusty surprisingly enough it was the calfs that were in tatters for a few days after, well one of them for weeks after. Have being staying away from here because the last week has being extremely frustrating. Last Friday, just as I was getting back into the swing of things, I had 6 x 1 mile @ tempo planned, done 2 bang on pace 5:45 then into the first lap of the third rep felt the left calf tighten right up. Thought it might be just cramp but after some stretching it wasn't easing out and decided the safest thing to do was to hobble on home. A weekend of stretching, foam rolling, tennis balls and the by Tuesday decided to give it a go. Another Long run missed. So the week went as follows:

    Tue: Am 4 miles easy @ 7:08 m/m - just a tester, no reaction from calf.
    Pm: 6.2 miles easy @ 6:59 m/m - Felt ok, calf still good, game on

    Wed: Am 13.4 miles easy @ 7:01m/m - A real battle, felt like stopping after 7 or 8 miles, battle on home.
    Pm: 3.95 miles recovery: A little stiff and sore after this mornings struggles.

    Thurs: 10.13 miles @ 6:48 m/m : Pace picked up but still a horrible run, felt bad even when I slowed down so just kept a decent pace to get home.
    Pm: 5.14 miles recovery: Probably not the best idea to do this run but was getting itchy feet, felt ok althoough any rise in the road had me blowing.

    Fri: 4 miles incl 2 @ tempo :(: And it all falls apart, struggling to hold 6 min miles, finished the first 2 mile section, legs like jelly, near enough my house, just thought to myself this aint right and walked home.

    Very frustrated at the moment, every run is like a battle, I'm miles behind where I wanted to be, having serious thoughts of throwing in the towel for Dublin. Then there still is over 11 weeks left and I normally have at least one bad week in my normal 12 week marathon cycle. Thinking of trying again tomorrow with the tempo run, hopefully a low milage day today gets me out of the rut and a long run on Sunday should see me back on track. If that doesn't work out I have some serious thinking to do. At least the calf cleared up :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    Sorry to hear about that, but here's something worth thinking about... Due to illness and holidays, I only started following the JD plan for London, 12 weeks out from the race. You're a damn site faster than I was back then. So even if you only consider this weekend as your starting point you're still in really good shape.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Ah just annoyed with myself for letting things slip, that week off after the race really didn't help and probably contributed to the calf niggle as I never did anything to loosen them out when they were stiff, well apart from drink pints, again didnt help. I know things will click soon enough just having a little moan ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sat: 10.05 miles easy @ 6:53 m/m

    So after my little whinge things seem to be improving. I ditched the plan to try again with the tempo run, just in case of an other abandon which might push my fragile confidence over the edge at the moment. So met up with one of the clubmates for a hilly enough 10 miler.An early early start didn't help with the first mile, about 7:20 or so but when the legs woke up we were just cruising along, at times having to tell each other to ease back as the pace was getting a little hot. Felt pretty strong on the hills, never going out of my comfort zone, a big big improvement.

    Sun: 20.0 miles @ 7:03 m/m

    Ah yes,real improvement. Had company for the first 14 miles of this which helped alot. We were saying keep the pace in around the 7:20s or so but as usual we picked it up as it went. Again the first mile or two were a little tough but we were into the wind, on grass with a few rolling hills. Afterr the third mile we were back on the roads and feeling great, comfortably trotting along with the miles ticking off nicely. At about 10 miles we hit a couple of hills were there was a little push, neither of us wanting to be the one to ease off but still feeling pretty good. We made it back to the cars at 14 miles and after a quick sip of water I was on my own on the grass for the last 6. Picked the pace up slightly without noticing to the 6:50s still feeling good and even a few rolling hills didn't bother me even at this stage. Made it back to the car with 19.75 miles on the watch, only one thing to do, run around in a big circle to make the 20 miles. Satisfying run, first in a while, hopefully back on track now.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    thats a super 20m run.

    Whats your race plan for the coming months?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    thats a super 20m run.

    Whats your race plan for the coming months?
    I entered the Dingle half months ago, a little in 2 minds at the moment but I think I'll give it a shot. Going to do the Moone Kilomarathon and Athlone 3/4 marathon but use them for the 15 mile MP runs in the plan. Will probably race the Donadea 10K and then start a 2 week taper from there, maybe sneak in another 10K alone the way if one suits but no real panic if I dont, thats the plan so far anyway.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: am 3.9 miles recovery

    A little niggle in the left hip-back, had problems there before so something to keep an eye on. Otherwise no real fatigue after yesterdays long run.

    pm: 8.0 miles @ 7:03 m/m

    Met the club for this. The first 3 miles were pretty slow then the rest of them turned off only doing 6 miles leaving me all alone on the 8 mile loop we have. Pace picked up after that, feeling pretty good. Still a little niggle in hip but not as bad, stretching out every chance I get seems to be working.

    Tue: am 4.77 miles easy @ 6:57 m/m

    Love running at 6 in the morning, well kinda. The first mile was painful, legs didn't want to wake up, 7:30 pace felt like 6 m/m. A slight niggle in the hip again at the stage but that disappeared as I woke up and the speed also picked up nicely.

    Pm: 9.08 miles easy @ 6:48 m/m incl strides x 6

    Again the first mile or two was tough, didn't push to hard and was soon back in the grove. Feeling pretty strong now, big improvement on last week. Threw in a few strides at the end to get the legs moving again, session day tomorrow, going to be a tester.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Wed: 13.92 miles incl 4 x (1 mile @ T, 1 min Rec), 5 min E, 3x (1 mile @ T, 1 min rec)

    Mr Daniels likes making things a little complicated, even writing that session was hard work. Big confidence booster though. Jogged down to the track not knowing what to expect after a couple of fails and after a two mile warm up got down to it. Decided to slow the pace down from the 5:45s I used to aim for to ~ 5:50s just to be sure of getting this done. The first rep I didnt feel great, although I did do my usual trick of doing the first 200 at near enough 5K pace but soon found the right rhythm. Finished up breathing a little heavy, thinking this is going to be hard work. Fairly simular story for the next rep and the 1 min recoverys seemed to go in the blink of an eye. Started to feel more comfortable in the next rep and then into the 4th and I actually started to enjoy myself, with my pace picking up slightly and the going feeling easier. Could have kept going with the 1 mun recoverys but took the full 5 mins. The first 200 of the next rep was a little tough again as I struggled to find a rhythm again but once I did I was flying. The last two reps were the fasted which I'll take as a good sign then ended up running loads of laps cool down when a few lads arrived down to do their sessions. Good day :D

    Splits ( 5:48, 5:46, 5:46, 5:47) (5:45, 5:44, 5:44)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Thurs: am 4.04 miles recovery

    Tired tired run. Legs very heavy and never got going at all, will put it down to the early hour plus tough day yesterday. 8 m/m were feeling tough so I'm definitely not going to record my pace for this one :o.

    Pm: 8.0 miles easy @ 7:00 m/m

    Much better this evening. Met up with the club and planned to take it easy and surprisingly after this mornings struggles this felt very comfortable. Spent the 8 miles chatting and never felt like I was pushing it. Was tempted to push on and do 10 miles but thought better of it trying to hold onto some freshness.

    Fri: am 3.9 miles recovery

    Forgot to bring the watch into work with me but this felt good again. I've a feeling it was done faster than a normal recovery run but wasn't pushing myself so same effect.

    pm: 9.22 miles hill loop @ 6:37 m/m

    I found a good loop to do a bit of hill work, a decent hill, ~ 1k, with a turn off to the left just over half way, the steepest part of the hill, then the second half not as steep but still testing with a turn to the right at the top to loop aroud. Took it in turns, the left turn a shorter loop with less recovery so drove up it hard, looped around, then to the top of the hill to the right with a longer loop taken more at tempo, or slightly more than tempo effort with a longer recovery. I say recovery but I still kept running hard, just trying to getting my breathing under control. Tough but enjoyable session and felt pretty strong troughout altough the last two times up the hill I was startng to get a little wobbly. A mile and a bit cool down after. Sign of a tough session, sat down to watch the worlds and fell asleep for an hour. A bit of a confusing explaination but I know what I did:p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sat: 7.97 miles easy @ 6:57 m/m

    Nothing much to say about this one. Tried to keep it pretty comfortable with a tough day coming up. A little bit of tiredness from the bit of hill running, otherwise pretty ok.

    Sun: 19.43 miles @ 6:47m/m incl 4 x 1 mile @ T, 1 min rec, 1 Hr E, 2 miles @ T.

    Another complicated session and one I really wasn't looking forward to. A little bit of a cheat at the end, should have being 3 @ tempo but what ye going to do. Started off with 2 miles warm up, feeling ok then into the first of the tempo sets. These went very well, just kept telling myself to relax and not push which seemed to work as I knocked out some nice splits without killing myself, even getting a few gasps off a couple out for a cycle that I passed :D.

    Splits: 5:43, 5:43, 5:40, 5:44.

    Then onto the hour easy. The first mile was a little tough getting back into an easy rhythm but soon was going pretty well, maybe a little to well as the last 5 miles were done in the low 6:40s. In hindsight I probably went a little hard here and paid for it, even tiring towards the end of this 'section'. So after about 9.5 miles I arrived back to my tempo road for the planned last 3 tempo miles. Picked up the pace but the quads were burning at this stage, 5:45 was the target but couldn't hold that, The first mile done in 5:50 but it was way to much work. Getting stubborn I said to myself 5:50 is the new target, hold it whatever happens, which I did for the next mile but I was really straining and probably not getting any good out of it anyway ( thats my excuse) so decided to call it a day. A two mile tired jog home to finish off. Even though I didn't fully complete the session I was happy enough with a good tough long run.

    Tempo splits: 5:50, 5:50.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: am 8.39 miles easy @ 6:50 m/m

    Felt surprisingly good after yesterdays long run. Went from home oout to the Curragh, a little loop and back through the town. Where I'm living seems to be in a hollow as every road seems to be a drag out making the first coupe of miles a little hard, no matter which way I go but after that the legs loosened up and the few hills aI did go over I felt good and strong.

    Pm 3.9 miles easy @ 3:57 m/m

    Dinner time run from work. Again feeling pretty ok, usual story with these short runs, only getting going when I finished up. May find another 4 mile route around Citywest, this one getting a bit boring.

    Tue: 3.97 miles recovery

    Payback for not taking it easy yesterday. Was shattered.The plan was 8, then changed to 6, then 4. Just seemed to have no energy. Was eating like a horse all day but couldn't seem to fill myself, maybe that was something to do with the bad day. Didn't double up today anyway, the body was trying to tell me something.

    Wed: 12.4 miles inc 2 x 3 mile tempo, 3 min rec, 2 miles tempo

    Tough enough session, had a little bit of the fear heading out the door after yesterday but felt ok on the 2 mile warm up.Inton the first 3 mile section of the tempo, the first couple of miles were tough as usual for me but then got into it with a decent 3rd mile. 3 minutes of easy running and back at it. A strong enough headwind made things a little tough and I probably pushed a little to hard into it, making the last two miles of this rep a little harder than they should have being but hit the target times, there or there abouts. Another 3 mins recovery and into the last two miles of tempo running. I felt the most comfortable of the lot on these ones, even holding back slightly at times in the first mile, the last mile was a mental tester into the wind again, although I had a target of somebody down the road running which helped having somebody to aim at. Finished up just as I caught my 'target' tired but not shattered and a two mile easy run home to finish off.

    Splits: (5:47, 5:50, 5:48) ( 5:49, 5:46, 5:48) (5:48, 5:46)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    ronnie085 wrote: »

    Pm 3.9 miles easy @ 3:57 m/m

    Dinner time run from work. Again feeling pretty ok, usual story with these short runs, only getting going when I finished up. May find another 4 mile route around Citywest, this one getting a bit boring.

    nice run ;) I'll send you a PM regards running in citywest

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    TRR wrote: »
    nice run ;) I'll send you a PM regards running in citywest

    Ha ha no wonder I was bolloxed on Tuesday

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Thurs: am 13.58 miles easy @ 6:44 m/m

    The tempo run yesterday must have shocked some life into my lazy legs. Flying today, holding myself back at times, if only you could bottle that feeling for when you need it. As the weekly milage builds the first couple of miles of every run seems to be a little bit of a struggle but the first mile was sub 7 minute so I knew I was on a good day and just went with it without pushing to hard. Even got some cheers from a few boys outside a country pub, well for some at 11 on a thursday morning. Was going to chicken out of the hill on the Curragh camp and skirt around it but changed my mind and pushed up it, feeling strong. Took it on home from there.

    pm: 3.9 miles easy @ 7:05 m/m

    The standard dinner time run from work, still feeling pretty good although it took a little longer to get going than this morning.

    Fri: am 6.17 miles recovery, pm 5.14 miles recovery

    The rest day of the week, well if you could call 11 miles a rest day. Just took it nice and handy for both runs, not paying attention to pace at all. Very comfortable recovery runs although pace was a little higher than expected for the effort I was putting in when I checked, all good.

    Sat: 6.14 miles steady @ 6:33 m/m

    Called into work today so got out into crokagh park on my break, although time was a little tight so I pushed the pace a little. Actually felt pretty comfortable at that pace, never really breathing heavy or pushing to hard, a nice blow out. Left it at that for the day with an MP run to come.

    Sun 17.1 miles @ 6.27 m/m incl 12 @ MP

    Felt pretty confident about this after a good week a some good tough tempo runs completed in the last few weeks. Decided to do laps of the road I use for tempo running for handyness sake. 2 miile warm up, legs pretty ok and no messing, straight into it. The first mile was pretty comfortable with a slight wind at my back. Then I had towork a little harder with a headwind for the next couple. I was telling myself to try and relax as I normally tighten up when I'm aiming for a pace, even in races I tend to run in bursts so on MP runs I normally struggle a little. The first 7 miles passed very quickly, feeling pretty good, sure this is easy. The eight mile into the wind I started to tighten up a bit, into the wind I was pushing a little to hard to make the mile split, going through a mini bad patch, still never had any thoughts of quitting so mentally in a good place. Came right again in the middle of the 9th mile and things were flowing well again, just 12 minutes of work left, and the next 10 minutes were pretty ok, hurting but nothing I couldn't handle. The last 2 mins were different, I just went bang, head down and dig it out, which I did and the watch beeped for the twelfth mile, hard work done, pretty shattered and the usual how the hell am I going to do another 14 miles of that, dont mind that at this stage. 3 miles of a tired jog home to finish up. Good week down. Big 100 mile target next week :eek:

    Splits:5:57,5:59,5:59,5:59,5:59, 5:56,5:56,5:58,6:02,5:58,5:58,6:00

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Thurs: am 13.58 miles easy @ 6:44 m/m

    The tempo run yesterday must have shocked some life into my lazy legs. Flying today, holding myself back at times, if only you could bottle that feeling for when you need it. As the weekly milage builds the first couple of miles of every run seems to be a little bit of a struggle but the first mile was sub 7 minute so I knew I was on a good day and just went with it without pushing to hard. Even got some cheers from a few boys outside a country pub, well for some at 11 on a thursday morning. Was going to chicken out of the hill on the Curragh camp and skirt around it but changed my mind and pushed up it, feeling strong. Took it on home from there.

    pm: 3.9 miles easy @ 7:05 m/m

    The standard dinner time run from work, still feeling pretty good although it took a little longer to get going than this morning.

    Fri: am 6.17 miles recovery, pm 5.14 miles recovery

    The rest day of the week, well if you could call 11 miles a rest day. Just took it nice and handy for both runs, not paying attention to pace at all. Very comfortable recovery runs although pace was a little higher than expected for the effort I was putting in when I checked, all good.

    Sat: 6.14 miles steady @ 6:33 m/m

    Called into work today so got out into crokagh park on my break, although time was a little tight so I pushed the pace a little. Actually felt pretty comfortable at that pace, never really breathing heavy or pushing to hard, a nice blow out. Left it at that for the day with an MP run to come.

    Sun 17.1 miles @ 6.27 m/m incl 12 @ MP

    Felt pretty confident about this after a good week a some good tough tempo runs completed in the last few weeks. Decided to do laps of the road I use for tempo running for handyness sake. 2 miile warm up, legs pretty ok and no messing, straight into it. The first mile was pretty comfortable with a slight wind at my back. Then I had towork a little harder with a headwind for the next couple. I was telling myself to try and relax as I normally tighten up when I'm aiming for a pace, even in races I tend to run in bursts so on MP runs I normally struggle a little. The first 7 miles passed very quickly, feeling pretty good, sure this is easy. The eight mile into the wind I started to tighten up a bit, into the wind I was pushing a little to hard to make the mile split, going through a mini bad patch, still never had any thoughts of quitting so mentally in a good place. Came right again in the middle of the 9th mile and things were flowing well again, just 12 minutes of work left, and the next 10 minutes were pretty ok, hurting but nothing I couldn't handle. The last 2 mins were different, I just went bang, head down and dig it out, which I did and the watch beeped for the twelfth mile, hard work done, pretty shattered and the usual how the hell am I going to do another 14 miles of that, dont mind that at this stage. 3 miles of a tired jog home to finish up. Good week down. Big 100 mile target next week :eek:

    Splits:5:57,5:59,5:59,5:59,5:59, 5:56,5:56,5:58,6:02,5:58,5:58,6:00

    That's an amazing session - but I bet you were tempted to make that last mile a 5:59!!

    on a more serious note, regarding your mileage, do you do anything specific to manage recovery or does it just happen naturally for you??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    That's an amazing session - but I bet you were tempted to make that last mile a 5:59!!

    on a more serious note, regarding your mileage, do you do anything specific to manage recovery or does it just happen naturally for you??

    Ha ha and just looked at the garmin split 5:59.7, missed a trick there ;). As for recovery nothing to special, some stretching and rolling, not as much as I would like, just try to eat fairly well, most importantly plenty of sleep seems to be the key for me, over an hour nap after today and an early night soon enough. Sometimes I crash and burn like I did on Tuesday but on days like that I'm learning to do as the body is saying, slow down and cut the day short ready for the next day. Dont bother with protein shakes or anything like that, sorry I've no big secrets to tell I just keep it simple

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: am 4.78 miles easy @ 7:07 m/m

    Early morning run around citywest/ kingswood with no real ill effects after the run yesterday.The first mile was a little tough but not paying attention to the pace I ended up running way faster than the planned recovery run bt still feeling pretty good.

    pm: 8.0 miles steady @ 6:33 m/m

    Stupid stupid run this. Planned on a pretty easy run after a tough one yesterday plus a big milage week coming up but got dragged into a little bit of a tear up with another lad from the club, with both of us to stubborn to slow down. Started off gental enough in the mid 7:20s or so but we soon lost touch with the rest of the group chatting away and the pace was soon picking up to the 6:30s then 6:20s finishing up with a 6:10 mile, not really a recovery day then. Still felt good at that pace and didn't feel like I was over stretching myself, still pretty fresh when we finished up, hopefully I wont pay for this later in the week.

    Tues: 13.49 miles easy @ 6:49 m/m

    Not feeling as good today, a little bit of stiffness in the legs, especially for the first few miles, which included a few hills which didn't really help. Even though I was telling myself not to push to hard up the hills I couldn't help myself and drove up them. Finding it hard at the moment to pull back and take it easy, just seem to be getting into a rhythm of pushing things but cant slip down a gear especially on hills or against a wind.The usual pick up of pace as I went and finish up strong enough.

    Wed: Am 3.9 miles recovery

    At last a normal recovery run, nice and slow which was needed as the legs were feeling tired this morning.

    Pm: 12.49 miles inc 2 x 3 miles @ T, 10 mins easy between.

    On paper this was an easier session that the ones over the last few weeks, the only worry was I was feeling pretty tired going out the door. The first 2 easy miles confirmed this, feeling very creeky, half thinking of postponing this but with a 100 mile week planned there not much room for messing around so just went for it to see what happened. As it turned out it went pretty well. The stiffness that was in the legs cleared after a few hundred meters and I was holding the tempo pace pretty easily.The end of the middle mile was a little tough but the boost of only one mile to go perked me up and finished up the last mile a little fast if anything. 10 minutes easy and feeling pretty good at this stage. The next set of three miles was very simular in feeling and timings, just out of the comfort zone but not to fair out of it, think I was hitting the sweet spot for tempo running today. A few miles cool down showed I still worked pretty hard as I was fairly tired and the last railway bridge before my house I was pretty wobbly going up but job done and miles on target for the week to.

    Splits: ( 5:43,5:44,5:41)(5:44,5:45,5:41)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Back online after a near fatal illness to my laptop. So since the last update I've completed my first ever 100 mile week and felt pretty good with it, finishing off with a strong 22 mile long run. The next week I went slightly off plan. Ran the Dingle marathon so had a slight taper down with the only session 3 x 1 mile @ around 10K pace, 5:35,5:33,5:30, which I felt pretty strong

    Dingle Half Marathon

    Down to Kerry for the second time in a month and feeling pretty strong this time. The b&b I was staying in was right beside the start so a little trot down and the a good warm up of a couple of miles including a few strides. Lined up at the front, feeling pretty confident.

    Miles 0-4

    The usual quick start and I was with a group of five that pulled away from the rest pretty quick although after the first half mile I was finding the pace a little hot myself so eased back slightly and lost touch with the group. We turned a left at this stage and hit the first hill of the day which seemed to settle things down. I was holding the gap to the group of four ahead with nobody gaining from behind and feeling pretty ok. The status quo was held for the next couple of miles when we started climing again, a long drag over a mile long, split the leaders into 2 groups of two with me holding the gap with the second group and the two leaders pulling away slowly. The slight restbite from this was ruined by a freezing downpour with the 4th place runner falling back quickly and then stopping as I passed.

    5:45, 5:39, 5:51, 5:50

    Miles 5-8

    Dont really remember much about these, just that they were all uphill miles, just a long drag, nothing really killer but still uncomfortable. The two leaders were nearly out of sight but I was still holding the same gap with the third place runner, working hard and near enough into the red at times, just couldn't seem to dig deep enough to start closing the gap.The end of this long drag kicked up steeply for the last few hundred metres with a couple of photographers waiting to cruely catch the pain.

    5:46, 5:49, 6:00, 6:06

    Miles 9-12

    A nice downhill at mile 9 but I couldn't find another gear to push on, I was jusst thinking try and recover, hold the gap and go for a big push in the final two miles for third place. Up and down for the next couple of miles, both with myself and the terrain. The road the turned sharply to the right and the wind hit straight in he face, just as I was preparing for the final push I was taken back but put the head down and pushed on. The 12th mile was a real toughie, up a steep hill into the wind, but I was gaining with every stride on third. Telling myself to keep pumping the legs, taking shelter wherever it could be found, coming to the top of this dig I was the legs were screaming, over the top I was within 5 yards then I couldn't seem to transition into downhill running, the legs just turned to jelly, he pulled away, the race between us done.


    To finish:

    He got his gap of about 30-40 meters back pretty quick and I gave up slightly. The legs came back and I pushed on slightly but it was only a token chase, giving up with about half mile to go with nothing to fight for. Tough day, at the finish I was a little disappointed but thinking back now it is a tough course and the wind didn't help with the fact of it being a point to point and net uphill we never got any benfits the wind or uphills.

    4th in 1:17:27

    Decided to enjoy the night out on Sat without worrying about running on Sun, bit of a mistake. Woke up Monday morning with a creek in my neck and when I tried running got a shooting pain into my head, to p[ainful for anything until wednesday. Being tipping away nicely since then with a 20 miler with 15 @ Mp in the wind and rain on Sunday, av 5:57 m/m for the MP miles being the highlight.

    So this week so far:

    Mon: am 8.39 miles recovey, pm: 4.89 miles recovery
    Tue: am 9.01 miles easy @ 6:51 m/m

    Very tired on monday, feeling the effects of Sunday. Better today although still some stiffness in the legs, more to come later, phew

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Being tipping away nicely since then with a 20 miler with 15 @ Mp in the wind and rain on Sunday, av 5:57 m/m for the MP miles being the highlight.
    Fupping hell. Best run of the two week period and all it gets is a single sentence! Nicely done. You're in extremely good shape.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Can't be giving you to much info krusty ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Can't be giving you to much info krusty ;)
    I don't think you've anything to worry about from these quarters. I expect I could keep up with you as far as Crumlin! Besides, if there's a few of us planning on hitting around the 6 minute/mile mark (like the guy I ran the half-marathon with in Athlone at the weekend), we'd be better off forming a posse and tackling those windy section together. Plenty of time to decide placings from the entrance to Trinity College onwards!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    I don't think you've anything to worry about from these quarters. I expect I could keep up with you as far as Crumlin! Besides, if there's a few of us planning on hitting around the 6 minute/mile mark (like the guy I ran the half-marathon with in Athlone at the weekend), we'd be better off forming a posse and tackling those windy section together. Plenty of time to decide placings from the entrance to Trinity College onwards!

    I can see it now, hand in hand to the finish. Ronnie becomes the new Kiely :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    menoscemo wrote: »
    I can see it now, hand in hand to the finish. Ronnie becomes the new Kiely :)
    From the full-time pacer? Doesn't get much more handy-holdy than that. ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    menoscemo wrote: »
    I can see it now, hand in hand to the finish. Ronnie becomes the new Kiely :)

    Ssssh you'll make kiely jealous

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,642 ✭✭✭TRR

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Ssssh you'll make kiely jealous

    I can see it now, yourself and krusty passing the Molly Malone statue at the bottom of Grafton street, hand in hand waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. Then suddenly, the sounds of joy are broken by a lover betrayed. Kiely comes flying up behind the two of you with his 3 hours pacer ballon in hand ranting and raving demanding an explanation from krusty as to why nothing more came from their London bromance and questioning how he could move on so quickly.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭KielyUnusual

    TRR wrote: »
    I can see it now, yourself and krusty passing the Molly Malone statue at the bottom of Grafton street, hand in hand waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. Then suddenly, the sounds of joy are broken by a lover betrayed. Kiely comes flying up behind the two of you with his 3 hours pacer ballon flag in hand on his back ranting and raving demanding an explanation from krusty as to why nothing more came from their London bromance and questioning how he could move on so quickly.


    The rest of it is probably a fairly accurate interpertation of how things will pan out.

    Getting back to the main point. That was some session Ronnie. Really looking forward to the after race banter in the pub already. Yourself, KC and trr will be well settled by the time I get there;).
