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Ronnie Runs Riot



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Ok back from the Eastenders plotlines and into training

    Tue pm : 4.78 miles easy @ 6:55 m/m

    Out for the second soaking of the day. Still a little tired but this was the best I've felt since Sunday. Standard enough run, slow start, picking up and finishing pretty fast.

    Wed: am 10.12 mile easy @ 6:44 m/m

    Had this down as a session day but decided to take an extra days recovery and swap around days.Had to take an old pair of runners out of retirement with the two pairs I used yesterday still soaking and flats being saved for the tempo tomorrow. Still pretty heavy legged but surprised myself with the pace as I wasn't paying any attention to the watch and it felt slower although the runners didnt help as they were feeling stiff and dead. Few more easy miles this evening and I'll be happy

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    flats being saved for the tempo tomorrow
    Another 100 mile week this week? Thankfully the last one in the schedule, and life can start resembling something a little closer to normal! Got that tempo session done this afternoon and it wasn't that bad (relatively speaking), though the wind was a pain in the face. Good luck with the session.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Another 100 mile week this week? Thankfully the last one in the schedule, and life can start resembling something a little closer to normal! Got that tempo session done this afternoon and it wasn't that bad (relatively speaking), though the wind was a pain in the face. Good luck with the session.
    Thanks krusty, Yeap 100 miler this week, don't know about you, I'm just going around like a zombie at the moment, eat, run, eat, work, sneaky run, bit more work, eat, bed and repeat. Now where's your log for my target tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Thanks krusty, Yeap 100 miler this week, don't know about you, I'm just going around like a zombie at the moment, eat, run, eat, work, sneaky run, bit more work, eat, bed and repeat. Now where's your log for my target tomorrow :)
    I'm exactly like that. But this week coincides with two days of all-day customer visits (including dinners out and 12 hour work days leading up to it in order to create presentations), plus a wedding on Saturday, and you get a picture of what my week has been/will be like! I decided to start my 100 mile week on Sunday (US calendar!) and ran 20 miles the day after the Athlone half marathon. For the next three days, I have to do all my runs early in the morning before work/wedding. Week from hell. But if I can survive this, I'll be bullet-proof. Don't have time to update my training log/write a race report, but here's the session. The two tempo sections finished up at 20:08 @ 5:44/mile. Anyway, hang in there. The mileage is all downhill from here.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Wed: pm 4.8 miles easy @ 7:14 m/m

    Standard dinner time run, wind picking up again which made it hard work at times.

    Thurs: planned session 2 x (20 mins E + 20 mins @ T (5:45)), 2 miles E

    FAIL, done 11 miles, 1 x 20 mins easy + 20 mins @ tempo, av 5:47, 20 mins easy 5 mins tempo @ 6:02m/m

    Not the worst session in the world and I wasn't particlularly dreading it or anything, the only annoyance was the wind going out the door sure getting used to that at this stage. Felt ok on the first 20 mins easy pace, better than the last few days and then heard the beep to get going. The first faster mile was tough to find a rhythm, nothing unusual there and I was travelling pretty comfortably within my target pace. All going well until about ten mins in and it became hard work, the pace wasn't coming automatically anymore and I was pushing a little harder than I would have liked to hold it. Then for the last 3 mins I turned into a full headwind, probably made a mistake here and tried to push to hold the average below 5:45, didn't work and the last minute or so nearly felt like the end of a 5K race. A slow 20 minutes easy next, feeling tired but I thought when I started the tempo I'd just kick into a rhythm and get it done. Off I went again, struggling at 5:50 pace, then 6 m/m then after 5 minutes I was strugglin to hold 6:10 pace, the breathing feeling grand and under control but the legs just didn't want to play ball, at this stage I was flogging a dead horse, time to call it a day. Even the couple of easy miles home felt tough. I must be still carrying some fatigue over from the MP run at the weekend while the high milage not helping with a quick recovery. A little disappointed but not the end of the world. Not going to double up today and hopefully I'll get back on track over the weekend. Now for a big cup of cappuccino and slice of chocolate cake to cheer myself up before work, cant beat a bit of comfort eating.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    I'm going to give up reading your log and KC's log (when he does update) - just get tired even reading it.

    I'm in awe at how you hold it together..............

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    I'm going to give up reading your log and KC's log (when he does update) - just get tired even reading it.

    I'm in awe at how you hold it together..............

    Ha ha, if you seen me hanging over a fence today cursing this running lark you'd see the truth

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Then for the last 3 mins I turned into a full headwind, probably made a mistake here and tried to push to hold the average below 5:45, didn't work and the last minute or so nearly felt like the end of a 5K race.
    The track or the treadmill... Only place for a session like this in these conditions. Well done for lasting as long as you did. I'd love to have one of those 15 mile PMP runs done and dusted, but next week's Kilomarathon will have to serve for that purpose. Any more races in the schedule?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    The track or the treadmill... Only place for a session like this in these conditions. Well done for lasting as long as you did. I'd love to have one of those 15 mile PMP runs done and dusted, but next week's Kilomarathon will have to serve for that purpose. Any more races in the schedule?
    Think the track would have being the way to go alright, I a creature of habit, a tempo run to do, ah ok my tempo loop it is then kinda thing. As for races I'm getting tempted to race the Kilomarathon, a little unsure if its a good idea or not, going to do the next 15 MP run at the Athlone 3/4 marathon and again tempted by the donadea 10k and start a 2 week taper from there, still a little up in the air, going to sit down this evening and plan out the next 6 weeks and decide which way to go. Whats your plan, are you going to race anything or just concentrate on getting the miles in?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Fri: am - 11.41 miles easy @ 6:41
    pm - 4.79 miles @ 6:52 m/m

    Back feeling somewhat human again. The morning run started off feeling a little tired but as I went felt better and better and was flying at the end. The little bit of hard work must of shocked the body into waking up. The evening run was just the standard dinnertime from work run, good to get a little bit of sunshine again.

    Sat: 8.0 miles @ 6:55 m/m

    Up early to meet one of the lads this morning for a nice handy 8 miler. It took a mile or two to shake the cobwebs out but after that we were just jogging along nice and comfortable chatting away with the miles flying by. Felt good to get 8 miles in before 9 o'clock. 24 miler in the morning to finish off the week, longest training run ever and hopefully 101 miles for the week :cool:

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Think the track would have being the way to go alright, I a creature of habit, a tempo run to do, ah ok my tempo loop it is then kinda thing. As for races I'm getting tempted to race the Kilomarathon, a little unsure if its a good idea or not, going to do the next 15 MP run at the Athlone 3/4 marathon and again tempted by the donadea 10k and start a 2 week taper from there, still a little up in the air, going to sit down this evening and plan out the next 6 weeks and decide which way to go. Whats your plan, are you going to race anything or just concentrate on getting the miles in?
    I'm doing the Moone Kilomarathon next week (as opposed to the Kilcock Kilomarathon the following week!), but it'll be pure marathon pace @6 min/mile. No other races planned, but might do a few 5ks (parkruns) as we get closer to race day, just to stay sharp. By the way, when you sit down to map out your plan, it's only 5 weeks to race day, not 6 weeks. ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    The 6th week is the most important week, that's the eating and drinking week ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sun 22/9: 24.01 miles long @ 7:09 m/m

    So longest training run ever and it went pretty well. I went out and wasn't bothered about pace, just a case of getting around. Had company for the first 10 miles at about 7:30 pace which eased me nicely into it. I ended up doing 2 x 10 mile laps with 2 x 2 mile laps tagged onto the end if each circuit of the curragh running on a mixture of grass and road. Getting back to the start point I always seemed to be meeting somebody getting ready for their sunday morning trot which broke the monotony of the miles. Plodded around with no real issues although passing the car after 22 miles was a little cruel for the last 2 mile circuit. Finished up tired but still feeling pretty strong. 101 mile week ;).

    Mon and Tue: Nothing, had a real drop in motivation (again), a few annoying things in work at the moment but still that should be the time to keep running. Frustrated after such a good week before.

    Wed: 6.2 miles easy @ 6:45 m/m

    Had to have a chat with myself to get out the door and even at that the mind was struggling. I was in a little bit of a hurry home, still I should have got a run in the morning in to make up some miles. Doubts kicking in.

    Thurs: 10.04 miles easy @ 6:37 m/m

    A little better today, still having that inner battle to get out the door but once I did I actually enjoyed this. The legs are fine at the moment just get the motivation right and I'll be flying.

    Fri: 8.5 miles easy @ ~ 7:00 m/m followed by 6 x 1 mile (5:44,5:41,5:41,5:42, 5:41, 5:41), then 2 miles c/d, total 16.86 miles

    Would have liked to do this session earlier this week but the way I was thinking I was afraid it might kill off my short running career. So out for the first 60 mins easy, nothing spectacular just enjoying jogging around at a comfortable pace which finished off at the newbridge track. So told myself to ease into it and just make sure of completing the session. The first rep I felt pretty good, holding myself back if anything then after that I was flying. It felt like I just needed a few quicker miles to kick start again. Finished up strong, feeling like I could have went a little faster but that not what this session was about.

    Sat: 7.97 miles easy @ 7:10 m/m

    Pretty tired on this one but thats no harm, planned a recovery run but dont seem to be able to run slower at the moment, just letting the body get into a rhythm and whatever pace its at I just seem to have to hold that.

    Sun: The big one.

    2 miles E, 4 x 1 mile @ T, 10.2 miles E, 4 x 1 mile @ T, 1.6 miles E. Totat 22.59 miles.

    The first two miles out out to the flat bog road ( track locked up) and I actually felt pretty good. Lucky enough there's a section of road thats just over a mile long and apart from a few slight rises and falls pretty flat. This section of road and myself to become both friends and enemies today. Again the first few repeats I was feeling pretty strong, The last one I had to work a little harder but by no mines struggling to hold the pace, a little to fast if anything. Splits ( 5:41,5:40,5:42,5:39).
    Then to the ten mile run, Just said to myself keep it nice and comfortable, no need to be a hero. A little pitstop back home for a mouthful of water and back to it. Averaged about 7 m/m for this section and coming to the end of this I could feel a little bit of fatigue building in the legs, the next 4 reps are going to be a little tougher. Gathered myself for a minute and shook the legs out and off I went. The first mile wasn't actually to bad once I got used to the change of pace but then the real worked started. The second half of the second rep I was starting to get a little wobbly but gritted the teeth and finished it off, getting impure thoughts at this stage, wondering how I'll do another 2. Gathered myself before I had more time to think and kicked on again. Felt a little better on this one although I was holding onto a wall of a house for the recovery at the end, only realising people were looking out their window at me after the minute, probably wondering what this mad man is at. The last rep I just said to myself get it done, 5:50 pace will do but get it done.Ended up feeling better than the other two and still on target, giving a little yes when the watch beeped. Splits (5:41, 5:42, 5:43, 5:43) A little mile and a half wobble home.

    A bad first half to the week but finished well, 16 miles behind target but the important things done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Had to have a chat with myself to get out the door and even at that the mind was struggling. I was in a little bit of a hurry home, still I should have got a run in the morning in to make up some miles. Doubts kicking in.
    No call for that kind of talk. You're in better shape than me, and I'm in damn good shape. :) The next four weeks are very straightforward. After that it's just a case of running the race and fighting over who orders the first round of beers.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Mon: 6.2 miles recovery

    A nice gentle recovery run after yesterday, a little tired but nothing to bad and improved as the run went.

    Tue: 8.01 miles easy @ 6:59 m/m

    Still a little bit of fatigue in the legs, felt it especially in the first half of the run, felt better after that with the pace picking up as I went. 'Only' a 70 mile week so apart from the two session days there isn't much milage to be chasing, ~ 35 miles in 5 days, if only I'd left last weeks blip until this week, ah well

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Wed: 14.1 miles incl 2 x (20 mins E, 20 mins T)

    I'm getting to a stage were I'd love to just hammer out a few 400s or something but more tempo running in the plan so off I go. Switched weeks as Im donig the Athlone 3/4 marathon which I'm going to do the 15 mile MP segment there so then to this, on paper not to bad a session but the last time I did this one I threw in the towel after 5 mins of the second section, not today. So the first 20 mins done, nice and handy, feeling ok then into the 20 mins. The first mile or so was tough enough going, legs feeling ok but I was struggling with getting the breathing right. Think I was tensing up slighly trying to hit the target pace, would have being better off trying to relax and letting the pace come naturally. So finished this on target , av 5:45 pace but a little bit harder work than I would have liked. 20 mins easy again, felt good just to be trotting around, well until an almighty downpour came down. So 20 more minutes at tempo pace. Again the first mile was a little tricky, feeling a little wobbly or something until I got used to the pace again but after that I felt alot better and more relaxed than the first tempo section. As usual I didn't make it easy on myself with the last mile into a headwind but got it done, just a second average below target, maybe I was to relaxed, avg. 5:46 m/m. Couple of miles jog home to finish off.

    Thurs:L 8.01 miles @ 6:56 m/m

    Another soft day. Nice easy trot around the curragh feeling pretty ok, although again caught when the heavens opened and soaked me again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Phenomenal work by you C, you are flying at the moment, you'll definitely be celebrating in McGrattans:)
    Hope to see you in Athlone, I'm pacing and Mr Stew is racing (well, not racing obviously but he's running his LSR).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Hey marthastew, hope your right, might even be a glass of red waiting for you :p, you racing Dublin or on pacing duties?

    Fri: 8.4 miles easy @ 6:40 m/m

    Oh if you could bottle that feeling, was flying today. The first time feeling strong and fresh in ages, the reduction in miles might be having an effect, hopefully not to soon, think I worry to much.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sat: 6.05 miles easy @ 6:33

    Had to work today so a sneaky lunchtime run. Pace a little higher than it should have being but needs must and it felt comfortable anyway, ticking along nicely now.

    Sun: Athlone 3/4 Marathon

    Picked this to do the last 15 mile MP run, with a bit of race practice, my excuse, well easier than slogging out 15 6 m/ms on my own ( the truth). Drove down and arrived nice an early feeling more relaxed than normal before a race, being a training run and all. Met a few Newbridge clubmates and we wandered up to the start. My plan was run easy for 3 miles, 15 miles at MP then jog home for the last mile and a half or so.
    The first three miles were great, running along, nice and comfortable, having a couple of chats, would have being nice to keep tipping away like that but I had work to do. The watch beeped at three miles and I said my goodbyes to the lad I was talking to and off I went with 6 m/m in mind. My original plan was to set up a workout on the watch, so the average pace would be over 15 miles but forgot to start it so was working off mile splits. The first few miles I was on target, couple of splits slightly slow with the hills but made up for that on the flat, downhills. Feeling great at this stage, catching groups, taking a second to catch my breath and then moving on. After about 5 miles of MP there were no more groups and I was catching people in ones and twos with less cover for them little breaks although I was still going well and on target. 9 miles in and only a Tallaght runner in sight ahead, I was slowly edging up and eventually caught him, running side by side we kept the pace pretty consistant on a tough enough part of the course with a few ramps and against the wind at times. On my 14th mile of MP we hit a sharp drag, probably the last thing I needed at that stage but I pumped the legs, trying to hang on for the last mile, losing my Tallaght buddy in the process. Made the top of the hill and a downhill to make life a little easier finishing off on the flat with a little sigh of relief although I wasn't on my knees or anything. Now all thet was left was to jog on for the last couple of miles, oh no that didn't work, just as I caught my breath another hill appeared, that went on and on and well on. To stop myself from grinding to a halt, ended up pushing again, eventully topping out and the last half mile was a nice downhill run in to the finish, eventually finishing up as I started, nice and relaxed. Delighted how that went, maybe a faster than planned, hopefully no damage done, plus a super race, not one complaint about it.

    MP splits: 5:56,6:04,5:55,5:51,6:05,5:43,5:48,5:59, 5:49,5:54,5:58,6:03,5:59,6:04, 5:56.

    19.66 miles in 2:00:25 for 7th place

    Mon: 6.35 miles easy @ 7:01 m/m

    A standard enough run, feeling pretty ok, a little faster than I wanted, getting sucked in on the club run as usual.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    That runner was Tunguska but it was not a Tallaght vest ;)
    Well done on holding MP on those hills at the end.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Didn't realise that, not really in talking form at that stage ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 19,531 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    The guts of 20 miles at sub 2:40 pace? Yeah, you're in pretty good shape. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Tues: 9.0 miles easy @ 6:40 m/m

    Dont really remember much of this one, one of them runs I just switched off and went around in auto pilot. Must have being feeling pretty good as have nothing to complain about.

    Wed: am 3.85 miles recovery

    Early morning recovery run. Took a while to get going, with thefirst couple of miles a little slow, felt pretty good finishing up, set up for the day.

    pm: 11.4 miles easy @ 6:47 m/m

    Made a mistake of going for a lie down after work, waking up 2 hours later and in no humour for a run. After a little battle with myself got the runners on and out the door. Glad I did after a mile, felt pretty good from the off. Again the miles ticking off with no dramas feeling strong. Things going pretty well at the moment.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Thurs: 7.97 miles easy/ steady @ 6:27 m/m

    Not the smartest of runs especially with a race at the weekend. Was a little late to meet the others from the club so got it into my head to go chasing and then ease up whenever I caught them. After 2 miles I caught the slower group just as they were turning off on a 4 mile route, ok push on, catch the next group, turned a corner and seen them, just as I caught them they turned off on a 6 mile route, so just me left on the 8 mile route, sure may as well keep going. Ran the next few miles good and strong and the last half mile uphill which I pushed up it, still good and strong. So decent run but still not very smart.

    Fri: 4 miles recovery

    Just a nice handy recovery run to try freshen up for tomorrow. felt a little heavy legged although running slower I seem to feel like thatlately.

    Sat: Donadea 10K

    Here follows a report on how to race like an idiot.

    Did about a 2.5 mile warm up with a few strides. Not feeling great at this stage, feeling some fatigue in the legs, especially the calfs. Lined up in the second row telling myself I'll be grand once we get going. So the race starts and soon find myself in a group trailing two leaders. With a few misguided designs on a top five finish I decided to try stay with this group of 5/6 although I was finding the pace a little hot, thinking things will settle down after the first K. No such luck, the first K came and went, still running hard, to hard, getting stubborn now, we hit a short downhill and I started losing touch, the mile alert went off, 5:08, finding it tough but easing back to a more sensible race pace. The next mile was spent on my own, working hard but holding the gap to the group ahead which was encouraging but starting to struggle on the little rises that we hit pretty frequently on the course. Mile 2 in 5:31, happy enough but I was starting to pay for the fast start, struggling to hold any sort of pace on the drags andthe little downhills were spent trying to recover. Heard a few shouts from supporters coming from behind me, a quick glace back to see a Celbridge runner gaining, with my legs nearly giving up. Just as we passed the 5K mark he caught me, turned said we should work together for the next 5k, I muttered "cant" at him and off he went. For the next couple of Ks I surprised myself and held about a 10m gap to him but on a drag up to the 8K mark I was running in treacle, losing him and the sure sign of struggling, looking behind, lucky enough nobody to be seen. From last year I remember the finish was downhill so just said push till 9k and then take it on home, only to be hit by another couple of drags. The turn to the finish and the joy of the final few hundred meters of downhill, about 200 to go spotted the clock and realised a pb was on but would be tight, raised a sprint and crossed the line in 34:30, a 4 second pb. Really paid for that first mile, struggling for most of the rest of the race and a little disappointed not to be closer to a sub 34 but a good blow out all the same and lessons learned. No point in posting the second half splits, all over the place with the tree cover, including a 6:10 mile, I was slow but not that slow. :) A mile cool down jog back to the car with TRR who ran an excellent race.

    10K in 34:30 PB for 9th place

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    ronnie085 wrote: »
    Thurs: 7.97 miles easy/ steady @ 6:27 m/m

    Not the smartest of runs especially with a race at the weekend. Was a little late to meet the others from the club so got it into my head to go chasing and then ease up whenever I caught them. After 2 miles I caught the slower group just as they were turning off on a 4 mile route, ok push on, catch the next group, turned a corner and seen them, just as I caught them they turned off on a 6 mile route, so just me left on the 8 mile route, sure may as well keep going. Ran the next few miles good and strong and the last half mile uphill which I pushed up it, still good and strong. So decent run but still not very smart.

    Fri: 4 miles recovery

    Just a nice handy recovery run to try freshen up for tomorrow. felt a little heavy legged although running slower I seem to feel like thatlately.

    Sat: Donadea 10K

    Here follows a report on how to race like an idiot.

    Did about a 2.5 mile warm up with a few strides. Not feeling great at this stage, feeling some fatigue in the legs, especially the calfs. Lined up in the second row telling myself I'll be grand once we get going. So the race starts and soon find myself in a group trailing two leaders. With a few misguided designs on a top five finish I decided to try stay with this group of 5/6 although I was finding the pace a little hot, thinking things will settle down after the first K. No such luck, the first K came and went, still running hard, to hard, getting stubborn now, we hit a short downhill and I started losing touch, the mile alert went off, 5:08, finding it tough but easing back to a more sensible race pace. The next mile was spent on my own, working hard but holding the gap to the group ahead which was encouraging but starting to struggle on the little rises that we hit pretty frequently on the course. Mile 2 in 5:31, happy enough but I was starting to pay for the fast start, struggling to hold any sort of pace on the drags andthe little downhills were spent trying to recover. Heard a few shouts from supporters coming from behind me, a quick glace back to see a Celbridge runner gaining, with my legs nearly giving up. Just as we passed the 5K mark he caught me, turned said we should work together for the next 5k, I muttered "cant" at him and off he went. For the next couple of Ks I surprised myself and held about a 10m gap to him but on a drag up to the 8K mark I was running in treacle, losing him and the sure sign of struggling, looking behind, lucky enough nobody to be seen. From last year I remember the finish was downhill so just said push till 9k and then take it on home, only to be hit by another couple of drags. The turn to the finish and the joy of the final few hundred meters of downhill, about 200 to go spotted the clock and realised a pb was on but would be tight, raised a sprint and crossed the line in 34:30, a 4 second pb. Really paid for that first mile, struggling for most of the rest of the race and a little disappointed not to be closer to a sub 34 but a good blow out all the same and lessons learned. No point in posting the second half splits, all over the place with the tree cover, including a 6:10 mile, I was slow but not that slow. :) A mile cool down jog back to the car with TRR who ran an excellent race.

    10K in 34:30 PB for 9th place
    Seems more like a report on how to put a negative spin on a pb. Well done, not the easiest course Id say, so you can be well happy. The sub 34 is in the post.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    ultrapercy wrote: »
    Seems more like a report on how to put a negative spin on a pb. Well done, not the easiest course Id say, so you can be well happy. The sub 34 is in the post.
    Ha ha yeah, suppose should be happy with a pb, hard to please ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,003 ✭✭✭ronnie085

    Sun: 18.01 miles long/steady @ 6:38 m/m

    Way faster than I planned, met another lad who was only doing 10 miles and got a little over excited. We started off sensible enough, 7:20 pace for the first mile. Didn't pay much attention to the pace after that and chatting away the pace picked up naturally both of us feeling pretty good, before we knew it we were tipping along at 6:20 miles, still feeling great. He finished up his 10 miles leaving me to battle on for another 8 saying to myself to easy back now. Problem was I was in a nice rhythm at this stage and just kept ticking off 6:30 miles. The last mile I started to feel it a little but I was just home at that point.

    Mon: Rest

    One of them days, seemed to be going around in circles all morning, then planned a dinnertime run in work but was shattered at this stage so just left it.

    Tue: 9.0 miles @ 6:51 m/m

    Calfs stiff enough and the first few miles tough, usual rustyness after a rest day plus a race and a fast long run in flats didn't help. They soon loosened out and felt pretty good after.

    Wed: 8.4 miles easy @ 6:50 m/m

    What a morning, left the house to and as a neighbour was getting into his car who started questioning my sanity, wont lie so was I. Soaked to the skin after a minute or two but at that stage couldn't get any worse and at least it was mild enough. The further I went the more I enjoyed it. Just kept nice and relaxed and felt great finishing up, happy I went out the door.

    Thurs: 13.0 miles @ 6:44 incl 2 x 2 miles @ tempo

    A tail of two halves this one, 2 miles warm up and the ready to start the tempo intervals. Perfect weather after yesterday and in the 'mood' for this. The first mile I was holdaing myself back a little, still going a little two fast,the the next mile turned into the wind for most of it, working a little harderr but still travelling well, finishing up slightly out of breath but I've being worse, 5:40, 5:40 pace. Jack said take 3 minutes recovery so who am I to argue although I was itching to go a little earlier. Again started off a little fast and the watch playing tricks on me for a while, 5:15 pace followed by well over 6 min pace, but that soon settled down as I did into a nice rhythm. The first mile was over before I knew it and again working a little harder for the next mile but still felt strong enough finishing up again straining but not flat out. 5:38, 5:38. Then onto the 35-40 min easy which I struggled a little, especially the first half of this section, think there was some dehydration at play at this stage although I was still tipping along at 7 min mile pace with each mile getting faster than the last.

    Fri: 6.2 miles recovery

    Another damp morning although a nice enjoyable handy trot.

    Sat: 13.7 miles easy @ 6:50 m/m

    A couple of the lads wanted to get this run in today so I said I'd join them. We said we'd take it nice and handy which suited me as I planned on finishing off with 4 MP miles. So off we went just chatting away, miles ticking away nicely around 7:20 pace, the three of us taking tactics for next week, you could feel a little bit of nervous energy creeping in and a few bursts of pace as a result although we kept reining each other in. About 4 miles to go I went off on my MP miles, nobody willing to join me. The first mile was a bit of a creeky affair but the legs soon got used to the rise in pace and tipped along comfortably enough for the rest. 5:57, 5:51, 5:48, 5:51 splits, little fast redface.png. Finished up about half a mile from the cars and just jogged back as a cool down. A slight niggle in my back after today is a worry, hopefully it nothing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 102 ✭✭Huayra

    Best of luck on monday. Thought you were fast enough in Dunshaughlin but looks like you've reached a whole new level in that time

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,685 ✭✭✭RunningKing

    I think your performance on Monday will be the run of the year. No pressure :)

    Try make it to McGrattans so we can put a face to to the legend.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    Best of luck ronnie. Go and spank out the fast time your training deserves
