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Understanding BlazBlue - tips etc

  • 20-01-2011 11:47pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10,212 ✭✭✭✭

    hi thought this would be a good idea considering theres a sticky for sf4??

    i really wanna learn how to play this game any tips or advice from those that uinderstand the BlazBlue games?

    also would this be possible to have as a sticky if enough interest is shown?

    thanks guys,



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    Use whoever character suits your playstyle.

    I'm a combo whore so I play Noel. Plus she has guns which she throws at people which is pretty damn awesome.

    But yeah, experience with the cast, play whoever you enjoyed the must and screw tier lists

    Do some combos in challenge mode to get an idea of the character's combos, look up tutorials on youtube, and when you're ready, head onto dustloop to look at your character in greater depth.

    I only started playing for a few weeks so I still have ****loads of learn myself but that's what I would advise anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,212 ✭✭✭✭DARK-KNIGHT

    HI fergus, just received my collectors edition of continuim shift so gonna get into it at the weekend methinks..

    i had the calamity trigger game played it for about 2 days and never gave it the chance i should have so now i wanna learn the game from an outsiders point of view as i really know nada about this gameplay but WOW its a pretty game imo of course

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    It is a pretty fun game.

    Make sure you do go over the tutorial, I know it's a bit boring with the basics like moving and blocking but the later tutorials are essential so make sure you sit through it. (I wouldn't even know about rapid cancels and instant blocking if it weren't for the tutorial)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,212 ✭✭✭✭DARK-KNIGHT

    will do ill have a look for some tutorial vids and post em up maybe?

  • Moderators Posts: 8,678 ✭✭✭D4RK ONION

    I'm not sure if you know this or not (sorry if you do) but CS has a tutorial in the game itself which walks you through all the mechanics of the engine and the game. That's the one Fergus was talking about there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,966 ✭✭✭Scavenger XIII

    The later tutorials do have some handy little bits of info that are easily missed.

    For example I never noticed the little icons below a blue beat telling you where the breaks were, just never really looked at it until it was pointed out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 165 ✭✭TVSAdamwest

    Fergus hit the nail on the head try the whole cast see who suits you most then stick with your favourite. The road ahead will be paved with defeats but a good pasting is the best experience and you will learn more from a loss than a win.
    Try to get to cauals and tourneys i have been to one of each and have noticed a significant improvement in my game because of it the whole community is extremely helpful.
    Alot of what you need to know will just come over time like spacing, how well your character does against the rest of the cast and how to time techs and bursts.
    Again as it has been previously mentioned the in game tutorials and challenges are a big help

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Voa

    With the inclusion of the Beginner - intermediary - Advanced tutorials, a lot of what we can talk about is mainly stuff in specific match ups or general good gameplay, which carries over from a lot of what's said in the SF thread's first page; stuff like understanding zoning, footsies and the more BB specific stuff (tech rolling and bursting) is stuff you'll only really learn in matches.

    Like, I COULD say, either don't tech roll or do a down tech next to my Tager when I bring you in with Atomic Collider at the end of an AC loop, or I'll 720 you, but until you actually do it in a match and I mention it, it's likely you won't really think about it.
    Though I will say that mashing tech is a terrible thing, one most of us are massively guilty of. Tager's love to hear you mashing tech, since it sounds just like free AC/360 resets.

    Also, this should help you significantly level up. Read it a couple times a day, try to take something new away from it each time, or some kind of new combo idea, or a new reset/bait idea. I've only recently found out that I could 4D my 2C, making it a viable grounded bait move that WON'T get my face pushed in if I miscalculate/use it.

    Afterthought; ALSO; things to do when you start out!
    Pick a character. Try them all, and settle one the one that you like the look/playstyle of.
    Learn 1 combo. 1 decent, moderate damage combo, for something between 2.4-3.3k. The challenge missions are good for that.
    Learn how to do ALL your special moves. Some are useless for the most part, but learn them anyway. May as well use all your tools, right?
    Learn what move you have that's a good AA option; for most of the cast, that's their 6A (forward + A). Some have SRKs that combo, and that's cool, other's can't really combo their AA, and that's cool too; it's a tool to stop them getting free jump ins.
    Learn what move you have causes Fatal on counterhit; your Fatal combo is always your strongest possible combo (think of it like an ultra you can do at any time if you predict your opponent correctly and they're vulnerable to it). You don't need to learn you Fatal combo right from the word go, for people like Tager or Mu, their full Fatal combo is a long mess of circumstance, but you can still nab a strong bit of damage off it for free with a smaller version.
    And finally, (this is the bit I'm still struggling with) don't get annoyed if you're getting frustrated. You WILL get frustrated, trust me. Just try to relax after it, take a break, try to understand what's catching you and why. Ask the guy you're fighting (in casuals) what you're doing wrong, see if you can talk out your mental block on it.

    AND ONE MORE THING; This is a really useful place to get more info on the basics of your character of choice, as well as advanced information on that character.

    Remember, a lot of what I talk about assumes you've played the tutorials to advanced, but have yet to really lock down some match experience.
