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Lunar Disko Records Interview

  • 28-01-2011 9:31am
    Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭


    Since it’s beginnings back in late 2008, Lunar Disko Records has gone from strength to strength with a string of top class E.P.’s from artists like DJ Overdose, Submersible Machines, Mark Du Mosch & Faceless Mind, amongst others. The night, (which is run by Andy Doyle & Barry Donovan) first opened in ’05 and since then, has brought us the west coast sound of Holland over to Irish shores and with it, a new appreciation and enthusiasm in these corners for such good music. Setting up a label to release the music was a natural step.
    The releases on the imprint have often reflected the policy of the club night, with a penchant for all things quality in electronic music be it Electro, House, Italo, Acid and whatever else sounds good. With their latest House Expressions E.P currently hitting a record store near you, we thought it was a good time to ask Barry and Andy a few questions about the label and how LDR has been going so far. We also asked two of the artist from the latest E.P., Lerosa and Automatic Tasty a couple of questions while we were at it.
    MN: One thing that is fairly unique for releases on your label is the many different styles of music pressed. Is there anything you look for when approaching artists for releasing their music or is it a case of releasing what music you’re digging, irrespective of other factors?
    Barry: I think the style of music released on the label will always reflect what myself and Andy have been influenced by over the years, aswell as the music we listen to on a day to day basis. The 7 releases so far pretty much encapsulate the style of music we like, and also the direction we would like to continue with LDR. Initially, when we set up the label, we approached previous guests who we’ve brought over to play in the club. That was the idea anyway, to have guests at Lunar Disko put their music out on the label. We’ve now been lucky to cross paths with unknown artists in the form of Submersible Machines, Automatic Tasty, and Meschi…not forgetting Lerosa of course, who isn’t that unknown anymore! So, its definitely music and artists we’re digging that we want to release above anything else.
    Andy: No, we never look or ask for a particular style / genre from an artist. If we ask someone it’s because we’re into the music they’ve made before. We never went out of our way to put out different styles either. It’s just something that happened naturally, but to be honest I never really thought about, or noticed. These are all just records that we love listening to and playing out – simple really.

    MN: Your 7th record, House Expressions E.P., has recently been released. I’m sure a lot has been learned. What’s the most valuable thing you’ve picked up along the way? Has much changed since the beginning?

    Barry: Yeah we’ve definitely learned alot since putting out the first record with Sneak-Thief, and I’m sure we have alot more ahead of us to learn. I don’t think there has been any one thing or experience that has been most valuable of such, both of us have learned new things along the way and always try to make sure we implement those ideas into the next release as best we can.
    Andy: Patience and planning as far ahead as possible but these things still don’t really happen and probably never will.
    MN: LDR releases exclusively in vinyl format. There’s a long process involved in getting the track from the studio to its sleeve in the local record store. What are the main difficulties you encounter in this process?

    Barry: Well, we release the vinyl first, and then after about a month or so we usually put out the digital release. But yeah, anyone running a label will know it can be a long process, and for the artists it is probably a long and frustrating process!…but it’s obviously worth it in the end when the records are pressed up and released. To be honest, we have yet to experience any real difficulties with our releases, except for delays with pressings etc. but that’s the norm with most labels I’d imagine.
    Andy: Well we actually sell digitally too. I prefer vinyl but if some people want to buy (not steal) the releases then who are we to stop them? And it’s handy sending out digital promos to DJs and getting feedback that way too.
    We’re looking into free mp3 downloads with the record now actually.
    No main difficulties really. Just the organisation of everything – there’s a good bit to juggle before the record lands and of course you have to be thinking of the next release so it’s a constant thing and not just one release at a time.
    MN: I’d imagine running a label is very demanding and time consuming. Have you had to make any sacrifices along the way? It must be a rewarding feeling when you get the mastered record.

    Barry: It can be time consuming alright, but I suppose you don’t really notice it taking up your time because you enjoy doing it. There are days you will spent alot of time doing various stuff with the label, and days were you just don’t have the time due to jobs/college or whatever. But usually if one of us isn’t doing something regarding the label, the other will be, so we get by that way. Yeah, its a great feeling getting the mastered record, was kind of surreal at the start, but think were getting used to it now icon_smile.gif
    Andy: Yeah, it is but I don’t think I’ve made (m)any sacrifices – maybe someone else should answer that for me. It’s something I enjoy working on so it can get in the way of stuff I should really be doing, I suppose.
    A lot of decisions and ideas between us have come at all hours & places. It’s just something that one of us will be thinking about and as I said before it has been a steep learning curve so there’s always room for improvement.

    MN: There have been so many good releases on LDR, each with their own charm. Have you had any personal highlights over the last two years?

    Barry: Releasing some of our favourite producers is definitely a highlight. We’ve been buying their records for years, so to be able to put out some of their tracks on Lunar Disko is a nice feeling. Also, putting out unknown guys like Submersible Machines, Automatic Tasty, and Meschi has been great. I’m sure these guys will be pretty big in years to come, and will have plenty of classic EP’s to back them up!
    Andy: Getting a track picked, from DJ Overdose’s EP, for Surgeon’s Fabric CD was pretty great for us. Also, putting out new talents Submersible Machines & Automatic Tasty, and seeing the good reactions they deserve, has been cool. Hopefully the same will happen for Meschi, like we think it should.
    MN: Any little known facts about the label? What’s in store for 2011 or will we just have to wait and see?

    Barry: Can’t think of any little known facts to be honest icon_smile.gif Hopefully onwards and upwards in 2011. Last year was a good year for us, got some nice reviews and feedback so hopefully that continues with our releases in 2011. We’re excited anyway with what we have planned for the first half of this year, which will all be revealed in good time icon_wink.gif
    Andy: After the House Expressions EP we have an EP with Meschi, then a release from an artist who played one of the most memorable live sets for us down in Kennedy’s and another release from a rising star.
    We hope to put on more parties this year. We let it slip after last summer. We want to do up the website properly and make more mixes too. Hopefully we can get through college and hold down our jobs too but we’ll just have to wait and see icon_smile.gif
    We also caught up with Automatic Tasty and Lerosa, who both feature on the House Expressions EP, to ask them a few questions;
    MN: Did you produce your track for the House Expressions E.P. with the release in mind or was it a matter of choosing a track having been approached by Barry & Andy?

    Automatic Tasty: I can’t really remember, but I think I made it with the release in my head. After they mentioned the idea for the house record, I showed some new tracks I had recorded and thought would fit on there. It was between ‘Welcome Ohm Luv’ & another acidy one called ‘Through A Crowd’. So yeah, I recorded those after the record idea had been mentioned.

    Lerosa: When Barry contacted me about contributing to the EP I was working on a couple of new tracks that I thought he might actually like as they were on that classic chi-house buzz, so I didn’t start the work with the Lunar EP in mind but I finished production knowing it was going to be submitted to Lunar for the EP.

    MN: What have you planned for after this release?

    Automatic Tasty: Not too much, I’m going to have some dinner now in a bit, and I going to
    watch a new film I bought later on.
    Lerosa: The next release is going to be my first LP proper, it’s called Amanatto and will be out on Uzuri around April/May 2011. Very much on a chi-house tip with vocal contributions from Detroit’s Oliverwho Factory.
    Words ByDamien Waters

    Check out the latest review of House Expressions on R.A.

    House Expressions is available now on Rubadub, Clone & Juno. Keep an eye out in the local record store too as this is a release not to be missed. The lads are also throwing a free party in Sweeney Mongrel (formerly Le Cirk) on Friday, February 4th. Lerosa and Automatic Tasty will be playing on the night with support from Kenny Hanlon, who recently had a podcast feature on Bleep43. This party is not to be missed and better still is absolutely FREE. Check it!

