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The Continuing Adventures of Catweazle



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Once you're wet you're wet and cowering in a bush is no good to you. Probably caused your legs to seize up. HTFU! :D

    Good job I didn't ring you. :eek:

    I bet you have been waiting to tell me that since I insulted you on that 70.3 thread. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    LOL...don't worry, I would have collected you and enjoyed ripping the pi$$ on the drive home :D

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,076 ✭✭✭Rawhead

    catweazle wrote: »
    Think I met you so, were you a member of the Swinford club, I was one of those guys looking for your name (not the woman or the French guy). Nothing to shabby about a 1.15 time though!

    Awful weather alright - I was sent out to collect the bouys in the boat after and I would swear I was seasick for a while after it.

    That was me, thanks for all the help. Didn't mean to sound smug about my time, I was happy enough with the time considering. I was just not "up" for this race like I should have been and never really got into it. Callow lake is usually like a mill pond and I had never swam in conditions like yesterday. Overall it was a very well organised race and they even make allowances for clowns who show up late. Look forward to meeting you in Swinford next July. Good luck with the training over winter and I'll be following your log.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hiding in bushes CW :pac: that's not what has got you were you are today! What PGibbo said ;) Have you a plan of attack for the winter dude? Any specific type of training that you will focus on or any races you will look to?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Hiding in bushes CW :pac: that's not what has got you were you are today! What PGibbo said ;) Have you a plan of attack for the winter dude? Any specific type of training that you will focus on or any races you will look to?

    I have major plans for next year that have just passed the preliminary approval stage (albeit with major caveats) by Mrs C. But I will get DCM done and dusted before I will start looking at how I will get them done. How I cope with the new addition in the new year will also have a major bearing I am guessing on any plans

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    catweazle wrote: »
    I have major plans for next year that have just passed the preliminary approval stage (albeit with major caveats) by Mrs C. But I will get DCM done and dusted before I will start looking at how I will get them done. How I cope with the new addition in the new year will also have a major bearing I am guessing on any plans

    Get the approval in writing and be sure to reminder Mrs C that she was happy with it at the time! :D Just my 0.02c ;)

    Seriously though, with some good time management and consideration for family life, it's possible to keep training. The first few weeks adjusting to the lack of sleep are the toughest. Once you get used to that you'll be fine.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    A better weeks running for me - with a bit of guidance I changed my schedule a little bit to include a decent run midweek as well.

    Monday - 600m swim - working from Castlebar on mondays up till xmas so mondays will be a rest day from now on. I did sneak into the old gym pool in Castlebar but they have changed ownership so I wont be able to do that again.

    Tuesday - With the rest day on monday Tuesday will hopefully be a decent distance day. Ran 10 miles at 9.00 pace, nice and easy but enjoyable. Want to keep this around the 2 hour time from now on.

    Wednesday - An easy run of 5 miles

    Thursday - The plan was 3 x 2 miles at race pace but I was advised to bin the recoverys and do just one decent run at race pace. I went off on a route that gives me 8 miles but was struggling after 6 so I said stick to the plan :o So 6 miles at 7.48 and two easy miles home

    Friday - An easy 3 miles.

    Saturday - Nothing, was working in Dublin for the day. Mrs C decided to come along for the spin and she headed off to Ikea, now shes talking about hiring a truck :eek:. My plans for a new years TT bike treat have may well just come off the rails.

    Sunday - The plan called for a 1/2 marathon race but after blowing up during last weeks 18 miler, I wanted to have another go. With an eye on a 20 miler next week I decided to drop the pace on this one and just get the distance in the legs. So headed off at 9.00 minute pace. Met a new runner along the road who went by me - doing Dublin but that's all I could get out of him, I reckon I am the only chatty runner around these parts.

    I was feeling good after 9 miles so I picked the pace up gradually and finished running near 8 minute pace. Running low on gels so I tried two gels I got from races, a GU vanilla bean and a Kinetica Cola flavour - they were lovely much nicer than my blackberry sis. Finished off the 18 miles in reasonable shape legs were stiffening up a little but i felt strong and home in time to cheer on the dubs 18 miles @ 8.44 pace

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday - Rest Day

    Tuesday - 10 miles at 8.55 minute pace - I need to be hitting 2 hours out on these runs but didn't have the time.

    Thursday - 10 miles at 8 minute pace was the plan, I was ok up onto 8 miles running at 7.54 pace and then I started to tire rapidly. Parked it at 8 miles and jogged home to finish at 8.03 pace. From looking at the plan this morning I noticed that it should have been a 6 mile tempo run anyways and not a 10 mile tempo run - got my weeks mixed up :o

    Saturday - My first 20 miler and after the relatively feel good run of last weeks 18 miles this was a slog. Deciding I was fed up running around the local loop with the water and gels behind the garden wall. I finally unsheathed my unopened Camelbak that I had planned to use for long cycles around Connemara which never happened. Tucked in two gels into the pocket (should have brought more) and filled it with water with a salt tablet, ignored the sniggers from Mrs C and the brother in law and off I went into the great unknown.

    I ran the backroads out in Corofin, I wont be doing these again, it was practically a straight route out for ten miles when I almost hit Tuam and then turn around and run back. Not good for the mind at all seeing nothing but road stretched out in front of you when you are struggling.

    The Camelbak worked well, quite comfy on the back in fairness. I was holding about 8.44 pace but I started to not look forward to the way back after about 8 miles. When I hit the turnaround there was also a decent breeze into the face for the way home.

    Took a gel at 11 which had me going well and took another one at 14.5 but by 16 miles I was cooked and the pace went arseways. Struggled home finishing at an overall pace of 8.57 with the legs more or less gone from under me.

    I must have looked like a scuba diver on the way back as I more or less had the Camelbak mouthpiece stuck in my mouth for all the way home desperately trying to suck some life into me. Hit with a few jobs then but was delighted to hear Mrs C was going out so feet up watching a movie (Thor - Average enough) for the night.

    Sunday - Nothing - Meant to do a recovery run particularly as monday always has to be a rest day but couldn't get around to it. Legs weren't too bad though in fairness

    This weekend I was going to go off plan and do the Galway Bay Half Marathon but about 18 miles into sundays run, I decided I wont be doing it. Two 18 milers and a 20 miler over the last three weeks I know myself I am cooked and am looking forward to an easier week. I have more or less binned a 3.30 DCM attempt anyways and I dont think running at a race pace of 8.34 per mile (more than likely the 3.45 time that I will go for) Will be of much benefit for me anyways, I should hold that pace for that distance comfortably. So I will go back to the programme and do the 16 miles it has in there for me

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Smart call on the Galway Bay Half. What were you thinking brining only 2 gels. Saturday was damn hot so fair play for getting through it. Can't believe you ran that back road to Tuam from Corofin. Not only is it long and straight but it's fast and dangerous. :eek:

    I hear you'll ahve company on your 22 mile run on Saturday week. :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Not only is it long and straight but it's fast and dangerous. :eek:

    I hear you'll ahve company on your 22 mile run on Saturday week. :cool:

    I have never seen so many women drivers flying by with the mobile phones stuck up to their ears - it must be a Corofin thing!

    Now when I mentioned the lack of chatty joggers around our area, I certainly wasn't including Sean in that, the pace could suffer with the two of us nattering away ;)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    catweazle wrote: »
    Now when I mentioned the lack of chatty joggers around our area, I certainly wasn't including Sean in that, the pace could suffer with the two of us nattering away ;)

    Gave me a good laugh when O told me what you said. :D

    I have a nice 18 mile run that I did locally. It would be very easy to add a few miles to it or drop a few as required. I'll send it on in a mail.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday - Nothing

    Tuesday - Maybe it was the two rest days or maybe the 2 cups of Pgibbos Colombian finest while over wishing him luck for his Ironman. But set off late so swapped the midweek longish run for a 6 mile tempo run, I have been struggling with these lately but not tonight. It looked promising from the start as while waiting for the Garmin to connect, I saw my heart rate was low 40's, haven't seen it at that level in a long while. Off I went at 8 minute pace and instead of struggling to hold on as per usual I kicked the last two miles into 7.30 pace, first run I have been happy with for a long time. Got a tongue lashing from mrs c for not having a high viz on when I got back, darkness came down very quick on me 6 miles

    Wednesday - With me working in Dublin on thursday, I needed to do the long run this evening, I need to get out earlier as I should be running these for 2 hours rather than 90 minutes. 10 miles @ 9 minute pace

    Friday - An easy run 5 miles around 8.50 pace

    Saturday - With me puffed up by tuesdays run, I went out today seeking to hold 8.30 pace which is a bit of a compromise lr pace between a 3.30 and 3.45 marathon. Was running at around 8.26 pace for the first ten miles which was comfortable enough, hr high 130's/low 140's. Started to struggle around the 13 mile mark, not with heart rate but legs were giving out, took a gel and then decided to inject a bit of pace into the last three miles, 8.12/8.01/7.25. Was shagged coming in the door 16 miles at 8.18

    Sunday - Bit cross with myself today. I am sure the early morning for the rugby didn't help but I am shattered tired. Canned the recovery run I was going to do today. This week was a recovery week so I reckon that run yesterday was a bit foolish seeing as I am wrecked.

    22 mile run next sunday :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday - Nothing

    Tuesday - 11 miles at 9 minute pace - looks like at this stage I wont get any midweek two hour run in but I suppose it is better than the 8-10k runs I was doing a few weeks ago

    Wednesday - Small swim - small bike. With the bike back in its rightful place on top of my turbo - its time to finish off the Wire, jsut started on season 5. I have Heroes and 24 lined up for the winter. One of the fish from the swim sessions I am supposed to be doing after Dublin was in the pool, so I hope she didnt see me strugling to 600ms before sneaking off to the jacuzzi.

    Thursday -
    9 miles at 8.00 minute pace. Started off into a strong headwind and was struggling along - glanced at the watch after 1/2 a mile and it comes up as 9.15 pace :(. I thought I was rolling at a much faster pace than that. Got it back to 8 minute pace after 3 and was thinking of excuses and recovery breaks but it seemed to get easier as I went along. Got in the door at 7.54 pace for the 9 miles feeling good so was much happier.

    Friday - An easy 5 miles at 9.00 pace

    Saturday - Nothing - while walking around the Crescent in Limerick I bumped into Redb and kids - tis a small world! After hanging around for ages waiting for Mrs C to finish shopping I finally broke and splashed out on some Whey Protein. I had my hand on Gerry Duffys book as well but decided I have a few baby books that need to be read first.

    Sunday - While driving down to Limerick the previous day I was conscious of all the joggers getting in their last big runs so I knew mine was due tomorrow. Of course it was a horrendous day, driving wind and rain. I put it off as long as I could and watched both rugby matches butI knew I had to get going sooner than later. I may well have timed it well, it was bad for the 1st hour but seemed to drop off and then get really bad for the last 30 minutes but compared to later in the day I got lucky.

    Again I wasn't going well, I was hoping to hold 9 minute miles and that wasnt happening from the start as I was at 9.10 for the first three miles. The Camelbak - I had thrown some energy powder into the water that I had got from some race and it was disgusting, then had some type of Powerbar at the hour mark which wasn't great either.

    Conscious I was constantly looking at the watch which was at 9.19 pace at the half way point and hating the running, I pulled the sleeve over it and just tried to enjoy it thinking this was the last long run before Dublin. I had a gel at 12, 15 and 18 and I could feel great energy from each of them. I will be guzzling them down in Dublin.

    Last few miles while the legs were stiff and the soles of my feet were killing me were the quickest and I brought the overall pace down to 9.14 miles. 22 miles done - an 18 miler next weekend and then I am done and dusted with the longer runs till Dublin

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Fair play for sticking it out in that weather. Progress to say the least - no thoughts of cowering under a bush and phoning home! :D

    Baby books - nothing like on the job learning. The problem with most baby books is that the baby hasn't read it! ;) Leave the reading to herself! :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    ;) Leave the reading to herself! :cool:

    Shes on to me anyways - all the pertinent questions I have asked to impress her have all been in the first 20 pages. I get bogged down on the equipment chapter - Edmund and Tensings expedition to Everest would have less of a list

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday - Nothing.

    Tuesday - 9 miles at 9.00

    Wednesday - Nothing - around the country for work

    Thursday - 8 miles at 7.51 - Found this tough - struggled into a 7.23 last mile

    Friday -

    Saturday - 18 miles at 8.31. I wasn't sure what to do here, last decent length run so I decided to run at 8.40 pace, which is either close to MP pace or a little bit slower. A cracking day and with my first 10 miles in at 8.34 pace I kept it going, around 13 it started getting hard. The Saucony which are my planned running shoes, started causing me pain then. I whacked my big toe off a small coffee table turning the tv off in the dark about a week ago that my niece moved while babysitting. The Lunarglides didnt seem to aggravate it but by mile 15 any downhill section at all was killing me, its not broken just bruised. Will see how it is closer to the date but the Lunarglides might be called up yet. I struggled the last two miles fighting to hold the 8.30 pace so its food for thought for me, could have held another few miles but 8 I dont know. Heart rate was in check, 130's/140's for most of it and shot up to the high 150's towards the end so I knew I was working hard

    The taper starts now anyways so we will see closer to the date how I feel, I am guessing I am looking at between 3.39.59 or 3.45 to have a go at.

    Sunday -
    Was going to have a recovery run but didn't get time

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,977 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I am guessing I am looking at between 3.39.59 or 3.45 to have a go at.

    Good to see your going well. I'm in the same dilemma, not sure at what pace to run. My PB is a soft 3.53 and I was hoping to run with the 3.45 pacers but now I'm not sure. I'm leaning towards running at an even 3.50 pace and seeing if I can give anymore over the last couple of miles. Last 3 weekends have seen 3 long runs of 19/20/19 miles. Did the first 19 at 8.35 min/mile which is close to 3.45 pace but I absolutely died over the last mile;did the 20 mile at a slow 9.15 pace; and did the last long run yesterday at 10 miles @ 9.05 and 7 miles @ 8.40 and last 2 miles @ 9.05. I absolutely died a death over the last 10km last year and don't want to do that again. I'll probably see how I feel on the day. If I can see the 3.45 pacers its going to be had trying to run that bit slower than them, at least for the first few miles:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Good to see your going well. I'm in the same dilemma, not sure at what pace to run.

    Its a bit of a learning curve for me alright - I don't know how much to put down to tired legs. I think in one of the first weeks I did 16 miles in 8.08 feeling not too bad, which gave me high hopes of a 3.29 but nothing I have done since leads me to believe I have improved much.

    I am doing faster than planned pace tempos of 8.00 miles and besides the legs groaning for the first mile or two I nearly feel more comfortable holding that pace than 8.30s/8.40's

    I bombed royally in Connemara as well and I don't want to be walking from 19 miles on again.

    Hows your gel intake - being honest I am not so good at taking them in training runs, only two on saturday, one at 12 and one at 15. I will be armed to the teeth with them on race day

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,977 ✭✭✭griffin100

    I'm holding 7.55-8.00 comfortably enough for 10 miles which McMillan says is good for 3.45 but I don't know! Like you suffering for the last 10km does not appeal to me. Maybe I'll join Izoard with the 4.30 group.

    Gel intake in quite low, I'm surviving 3hrs running on a single gel following a big breakfast which is a surprise when you consider how many I take in IM training. I plan to carry 4 Hi5 isogels with me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    griffin100 wrote: »
    I plan to carry 4 Hi5 isogels with me.

    Save the weight - i thinks that's what they hand out up there on the day - every gram counts. I am looking forward to getting the Camelbak off my back on the day as well, should be good for an extra second a mile :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Hey CW, enjoy the taper dude. Just wondering have you tested the DCM gels on your runs? It's just some can upset your stomach and you end up sitting in a portaloo for long periods of time! Is this your first marathon CW?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Hey CW, enjoy the taper dude. Just wondering have you tested the DCM gels on your runs? It's just some can upset your stomach and you end up sitting in a portaloo for long periods of time! Is this your first marathon CW?

    I did the 2010 Connemarathon El D on an absolutely cracking day. Loved the race and great scenery but died a death after the hill on 18 miles and staggered home. Its a brutal course when the tank is empty.

    I have had the High 5's before but only the Isogels which did nothing for me in Connemara, they are handing out the normal ones, got an email back from the race directors and they are only handing them out at 13, 15 and 18 miles, which seems a bit tight to me. 8 miles from home is a bit far out I would have thought.

    I am out of my SIS gels but am enjoying the Kinetica Cola ones I can pick up in the local Evergreen so I will probably go with them now. I need to go over to that how do you carry your gels thread for tips. Might go with stuffing them down my ipod armband although the Isogels are bulky enough

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,167 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thats funny, I popped a Kinetica cola gel yesterday and I never thought I'd say this about a gel but....yum :) Couldn't believe it. They sent me a box after winning a comp.

    I like using a race belt with gel loops, handy out

    Or what about a tri top with pockets at the pack.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Tuesday: A fast tempo, went out at 7 minute pace and was feeling ok but died a death when I hit the 2nd mile, reigned it right back but started getting comfortable again at around the 7.30 minute mile pace. 6 miles at 7.20.

    Easy 5 miles ran at 9.00 min pace

    Thursday: The plan called for 5 miles easy and 10 miles at race pace, with my pace still up in the air I decided to do 15 miles at the low end of potential race pace. No water or gels and I wasn't one bit comfortable towards the end of it. Chanced the Sauconys again and was feeling a slight twinge with the big toe towards the finish.I prefer the Sauconys to the Lunarglides so I have to decide to run packing a few Anadin or bite the bullet and run with the Lunarglides.Another week to go so it might fix itself yet. 15 miles at 8.30

    Saturday: Much more like it a very comfortable 9 miles at 9 minute pace, heart rate in the 130's all the way round. With the Lunarglides on :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Hopefully catch up with you race morning to put a face to the name of Mr Catweazle :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Hopefully catch up with you race morning to put a face to the name of Mr Catweazle :)

    Quite apt that you're meeting him around Halloween - CW isn't the prettiest creature on God's earth! :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    catweazle wrote: »
    Tuesday: A fast tempo, went out at 7 minute pace and was feeling ok but died a death when I hit the 2nd mile, reigned it right back but started getting comfortable again at around the 7.30 minute mile pace. 6 miles at 7.20.

    Wednesday: Easy 5 miles ran at 9.00 min pace

    Thursday: The plan called for 5 miles easy and 10 miles at race pace, with my pace still up in the air I decided to do 15 miles at the low end of potential race pace. No water or gels and I wasn't one bit comfortable towards the end of it. Chanced the Sauconys again and was feeling a slight twinge with the big toe towards the finish.I prefer the Sauconys to the Lunarglides so I have to decide to run packing a few Anadin or bite the bullet and run with the Lunarglides.Another week to go so it might fix itself yet. 15 miles at 8.30

    Saturday: Much more like it a very comfortable 9 miles at 9 minute pace, heart rate in the 130's all the way round. With the Lunarglides on :rolleyes:

    Enjoy the taper this week. Have you decided on a pace yet?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Quite apt that you're meeting him around Halloween - CW isn't the prettiest creature on God's earth! :D

    Depends on what stage he sees me at, looking sharp with my slimming bin bag at start time, bathed with sweat and tears at 20 miles, or triumphant at 26.2 :D I reckon its a bit too cold at that time of year to be wearing my prized Aldi wife beater singlet, so probably be wearing my black Nike long sleeved top, so I shouldn't look to bad
    pgibbo wrote: »
    Enjoy the taper this week. Have you decided on a pace yet?

    No - most likely going to go out with the 3.45 pacers and see how I feel after 18-20 unless I get some type of running epiphany beforehand.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    catweazle wrote: »
    most likely going to go out with the 3.45 pacers and see how I feel after 18-20 unless I get some type of running epiphany beforehand.

    Sounds like a good plan. The group should help you cruise to that point handy enough given your training and then you've roughly a 1 hour window if you're up for shaving a few more minutes off the 3:45. You should know at 16-17m if you're still in a happy place and then just relax into the last section with no particular pressure. Listen to your body but be conservative until 16m would be my 2c. You're better off coming in happy on 3:50 then pushing early for 3:40 and being in a world of pain with 4-5miles to go. If its not on then just enjoy the day and get to the end where you can soak up the the super atmosphere and the well earned cheers nearer the end. Maybe put your name on the front of your top also so people will cheer YOU on. You know there's plenty of people rooting for you anyway so make it your business to enjoy the run. Best of luck!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,977 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Might see you at the start then CW, I'll be starting close to the 3.45 pacers, but don't know how long I'll be sticking with them :rolleyes:
