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The Continuing Adventures of Catweazle



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Thursday Lunch: 8k run, took this handy enough, around 5.20ks

    Thursday Evening: 30k cycle with 40 minutes down on the bars

    Friday AM: Had to go to Dublin at short notice so snuck in a 5k run before I went. Did 2x1k at 3.50 pace and the other 3 were handy enough. The 2nd 1k was a real struggle

    Saturday: Went for a run with two of the arch nemesisis, the strong cyclist and the ex marathon runner. 10k up the back of Tonabrocky wasn't keeping pace but it was quick enough. I decided to send an early shot across the bow and announced I was going to do another 10k down the prom if they were interested. Thankfully they weren't Munster Rugby was calling them so I went nice and slow for the next 10k. They are keen to do the Connemara Diamond adventure race in June, I am kinda tempted, never done an AR race but this one sounds ok, no off road on the bike anyways. Although the strong cyclist is a lunatic, impervious to pain so he will destroy me on the assault course as I am a real chicken****. 21k altogether. The heart rate is really low on these runs but my legs are really feeling it towards the end, my run endurance needs some work

    Sunday Morning: Friday was supposed to be a swim but a late night watching the masters put paid to that and I am in Dublin again tomorrow. I decided to venture over this morning, 2600m

    Sunday Afternoon: I really should have headed out today on the bike but with two episodes left of season 4 of the Wire I talked myself into going up on the turbo. 60k - mixed bag but worked out overall 1 hour easy 1 hour hard. I was all set to go out straight for a brick run, even telling Mrs C the mess on the table was my transition area and I got a work phonecall which ruined that idea. Got out 15 minutes later and with Mrs C interested in a walk I got 5k over in Knockmore

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,724 ✭✭✭kennyb3

    Dude, dude, dude - its april, its 20 degrees out and your sitting on the turbo? i dont know whether you deserve a medal or locking up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    There was a bit of laziness involved to be honest, I had the bike in the car ready to go around the Lap of the Mask. I had an 88k cycle planned but slept in for the 9am swim, I had promised to be back by 4 for a barbecue in the mother in laws.

    I left to drive from Tuam to Ballinrobe where I was going to start from, saw 31k to get to Ballinrobe and knew I would be too late. Home to the turbo I am afraid was the safe option as I was in the house at least.

    Bloody golf is going pear shaped for me, I had in my hand a new wetsuit if I hadn't got greedy and laid off Cabrera when I had the chance :mad:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,437 ✭✭✭Izoard

    catweazle wrote: »
    There was a bit of laziness involved to be honest, I had the bike in the car ready to go around the Lap of the Mask. I had an 88k cycle planned but slept in for the 9am swim, I had promised to be back by 4 for a barbecue in the mother in laws.

    I left to drive from Tuam to Ballinrobe where I was going to start from, saw 31k to get to Ballinrobe and knew I would be too late. Home to the turbo I am afraid was the safe option as I was in the house at least.

    Bloody golf is going pear shaped for me, I had in my hand a new wetsuit if I hadn't got greedy and laid off Cabrera when I had the chance :mad:

    I can relate to that alright...siting on the turbo, looking out at the sunshine, but knowing that the planets are a little better aligned, family-wise:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    catweazle wrote: »
    There was a bit of laziness involved to be honest, I had the bike in the car ready to go around the Lap of the Mask. I had an 88k cycle planned but slept in for the 9am swim, I had promised to be back by 4 for a barbecue in the mother in laws.

    I left to drive from Tuam to Ballinrobe where I was going to start from, saw 31k to get to Ballinrobe and knew I would be too late. Home to the turbo I am afraid was the safe option as I was in the house at least.

    Bloody golf is going pear shaped for me, I had in my hand a new wetsuit if I hadn't got greedy and laid off Cabrera when I had the chance :mad:

    Hello??? What's wrong with the roads near where you live? Why go all the way to Ballinrobe for a cycle? Are you nuts? Don't say hills, because I've told you about hills around the area before.

    As for the golf, it made great TV. Poor Rory but it was a cracking event.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Hello??? What's wrong with the roads near where you live? Why go all the way to Ballinrobe for a cycle? Are you nuts? Don't say hills, because I've told you about hills around the area before.

    I had it in my head I was going to do the Lap of the Mask (extended 88k version) that I had downloaded from the Western Lakes website. Remember I am a scenery junkie.......plan A that was shelved was out to Linnane to cheer on the runners

    Problem 1: I was supposed to be at Tuam pool at 9am, it was 10.15 when I got there.

    Problem 2. I continually add up in my head 3000m = 1 hour. This is nowhere near enough time especially when I take the guts of an hour to do 12 x 50 kick :D

    Problem 3. I didnt realise Ballinrobe was circa 30k from Tuam, I thought it would be half that so I had to turn back

    Problem 4. Was Mrs C when I got home, as the only man attending the barbecue I was therefore on cooking duty so could not afford to be late. The safer option was to go on the turbo - I even got a 5k run in after as the mood improved when she saw me going upstairs

    Yes Rory needs to look at potentially a new caddy, this is the second time it has happened to him and the caddy should have seen this coming and been able to calm him down and get his head together. Harrington credits his own caddy for getting his mind back when he started choking in Carnoustie that time. I have always thought of him as a bit of a flash harry with the uber cars but I thought he came across very well after in his interviews. Unlike Tiger who looked like he was chewing a wasp in his post round interview. They say you need to lose a few before you are ready to win one!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    3k in 1 hour - man your swimming really has improved! :D

    I guess if you HTFU and get your ass out of bed you wouldn't have had the other problems that stemmed from Problem 1. ;)

    How was the BBQ?

    Great buzz out at Ma'am cross on Sunday at the finish line.

    You're right though, caddy needed to stand up and be counted but didn't. Hopefully he bounces back from this and more importantly, learns from it and kicks on to win one. :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday Lunch: 8k run, took it easy enough 5.15 pace
    Monday Evening: 20k turbo, nice and easy again just concentrated on keeping the cadence high

    Tuesday AM: Morning swim, was supposed to be 3300m but again left it too late to get in so packed up at 2600m. I seem to swim better in the evenings - it might help if I wasnt half asleep I suppose
    Tuesday Evening: Another 20k on the turbo, 10 minutes easy 10 minutes hard x 2

    Wednesday Lunch: 8k Tempo run - increased the tempo section by a 1k again up to six at 4.33 pace. Was close to quitting at 5.5k but tricked my mind into another .5 to finish it. I am a long way off a sub 45 minute 10k at this stage. But its slowly getting easier. Average HR = 158, max 181
    Wednesday Evening: 30k turbo session - A kind of mix and match session, some one leg drills got boring and it turned into a vo2 max session by the end of the hour, with 3 x 5 minutes all out I got the heart rate in the high 160's on the last one. Usually I cant get it over the 150s as my legs are shot by that stage

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Thursday Lunch: Legs were a bit stiff from yesterday so a slow jog around the local route 8k AHR = 125

    Thursday Evening Swim: Met the Carpetbagger in the lane who was in for an evening swim. The man can talk for Ireland so it was difficult to get the distances in off the prescribed pace without feeling rude. A few young women came into the lane beside us so he quickly lost interest in me and was off chewing the ears off them then. Hes a great swimmer when he gets going though, finally banged out what looked to me like 2000m straight

    Main set was 2 x 400 off 8.50 (8.15, 8.20), 6 x 200 off 4.25 (average 4.10), 6 x 50 off .55 (didn't hold these :() Total = 3100

    Friday: Legs were tired and shoulders were a bit stiff so I took a rest day

    Saturday AM: With me being out for pints tonight the sensible option was to go for the swim today with the probability of me skipping it tomorrow. Packed with kids but no-one was in the members lane. Main set was
    5 x 100 off 2.00 (All in on low 1.50s)
    5 x 100 off 2.10 (All in on low 2.00s)
    5 x 100 off 2.00 (All in on low 1.50s)
    5 x 100 off 2.20 (All in on low 2.00s)
    Total = 3100

    It seems to be taking me a good while to warm up - the 2nd set of 2.00s were easier than the first when i was fresh

    Saturday Afternoon: A 16k route around Salthill - I had hoped to do more but had left it a little late. I was happy enough with this felt pretty easy and the legs were fine all the way through it so the endurance is improving 5.47 pace AHR = 135

    Sunday Afternoon: After a late night I slept in late and was under pressure to come home and entertain MrsC. After some general scheming with my mother I was able to go for a cycle while she covered me saying I was cuttting her lawn. My first decent bike ride outside this year and a lovely day for it, out the Barna road for 25k. I have cycled this route a few times and the headwind was always on the way home. I don't know why I thought I was going against a headwind but I was holding over 30k going out very easily and I was hoping to knock out a quick time on the way back at the turnaround. I swiftly learned at the turnaround point that I had a nasty enough headwind all the way back, my pace went down big time. Need to get out regularly now, I found this hard on the back and was struggling to stay down on the tri bars
    50K Average Pace 2.09 27.7kph AHR=112 Max=141

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday AM: Was down to Cork for meetings so cut short a run as I was cutting it a bit fine so 5k at 5.10 pace AHR=136

    Tuesday Lunch: An attempt to do a tempo run, the plan was for 6 but was finding it tough so I did 2k at 4.35/2k at 5.35/2k at 4.35. 8k Total AHR=147/Max=171

    Tuesday Evening: A long swim session, main set consisted of
    10 x 200 pull-buoy off 5.30, I was coming in at low 3.50s so I brought the recovery down to 5.00 probably should have brought it to 4.30. The 6 x 100 off 2.00 after were a struggle but I got them done in time. Total 4000m

    Wednesday Lunch: 8k run. Took this really slow as I had my eye on a Tri Lakes 20k TT session which they are running every wednesday evening. 6.17 pace didnt bother with the heart monitor

    Wednesday Evening: A little bit mad with myself, it started to rain maybe 30 minutes before I was to leave. I headed off with the bike in the back looking for an excuse to get out of it and met Mrs C driving home who said the roads are like ice after the good weather. That was all the excuse I needed and I headed back to the house :o. The guilt and shame brought me up to the turbo so I did 30k 10 minutes easy 10 minutes hard

    Finally got off my arse and bought the new wetsuit - they are offering these bad boys at a 50% discount to a lot of the tri clubs across the country. Half the country will have one this year i am guessing.

    The more sensible option would have been to upgrade my wheels or get triathlon shoes instead of the road ones I have but shag it I love my swimming!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Thursday AM: 2200m in the pool, it was supposed to be 3400 but needed to be in town for a meeting at 9.30. There was a 4 x 400m in the session off 10.20s which I held easily. Left shoulder is beginning to get at me recently which may be a consequence of the increased distances. I have a few days off swimming now so maybe that's a good thing. The 3.3k sessions have been completed now so I am delighted with that.

    Friday Afternoon:
    A 5k run, wasn't killing myself as I had a big weekend planned. On another note, tried to enter the Spiddal Triathlon....sold out :eek:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Myself and MrsC were out to stay in the grounds of Ballynahinch Castle for the weekend, much to my delight I was given the pass to bring the bike as well as long as I was back before 12 each day. The place is amazing I haven't got the new wetsuit yet so I couldnt go swimming but the apartment was surrounded by a crystal clear lake dotted with Islands. I would hope to get one more weekend out there before Swinford if I am lucky

    Saturday Afternoon:
    After cunningly turning on the mileometer before leaving the apartment, the trip to Roundstone was just over 12k. So after a coffee and a sandwich it was back to the apartment and I headed off to run it, I couldnt wait the day was glorious. With a poor sense of direction I was ordered to bring the phone so with the day that was in it, I took some pictures below

    Nice easy long run, only came tough after 20k.
    24k at 5.50 pace - AHR=131



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,741 ✭✭✭brownian

    Lovely pix.

    Nice run from there is along the old abandoned Railway towards Clifden. Take the back entrance out of the grounds and you'll find the old Railway gate on the right. Seems to be no end to it once you get on the railway - a raised road in reasonably nick across the bog.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Saturday Night was a few drinks in the castle - I asked at reception could she recommend any cycling routes for me. She took out a map and handed it to me - 4 cycling loops marked out with King of the Hill markings and all, I was well impressed

    Sunday AM: The first plan was to do the route 2 and 4 on the map. Off I went across an old bog road - I was very disappointed with the start. The road was terrible, probably the worst I have ridden and I couldn't believe a road like this was on a recommended route. I had a brief bitch to a sheep farmer who agreed and said the council did nothing to fix up the road after the freeze. Things improved when I got off that road, route 2 was a 14k route along the bay which involved a climb up to the Alcock and Brown monument, for some reason I went wrong and went up that hill again after so I can call it a hill repeat ;)

    Then i switched on to route 4 which was in total a 40k route which went through Ballyconneely and Roundstone. I stopped in Roundstone cafe and was fuming after paying 9 euros for a small cappuccino and a toasted sandwich with one slice of ham and and an Easi single slice, rip off Ireland hasn't gone away. The owner must have been nearly 20 stone, I can well imagine what she would have thought if she was handed that in some other cafe :mad:

    Anyways homeward bound and saw a bit of a horse race up the bog road as I went past. 70k in total



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday Morning:

    Was mad with myself as a little too much wine the night before had me up late. Todays plan was the other 2 routes 1 & 3 through Clifden and Cleggan and a brick run through the castle forest after

    Straight off this route was much more promising on the way into Clifden they had a separate cycling lane which was great.

    Off up the N59 towards Linnane and I turned off for route 1 which was a 14k i think route around an inlet. Surface was far better than yesterday and there was a decent climbing stretch as I had taken the lower sky road, the descent down into Clifden from this direction was hair raising and there were some great views of the town on the way in. Then I took route 3 which was a 33k route out and around Cleggan, again the surface was good although the views weren't quite as good as from Route 1. Alas with my late start the brick run through the forest was a non runner

    65k route and it was much more enjoyable than yesterdays route, would love another weekend out there as I would like to see Linnane, Kylemore Abbey. Back was at me today though, need to do more of these!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Good stuff CW nice to get a pass to bring the bike on the weekend away;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Impressive pics. Cracking weekend and a beautiful location for some training! :cool:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    Lovely pics, and a really nice part of the country! Many of those routes you were on are part of the Tour de Conamara sportive on May 15... shameless plug:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    ronanmac wrote: »
    Lovely pics, and a really nice part of the country! Many of those routes you were on are part of the Tour de Conamara sportive on May 15... shameless plug:D

    You are getting great advertising for that on the local papers, your club pro must be doing a wonderful job ;). Did I read you would be hoping for 1000+ between the three rides :eek:

    I am still looking like I will do it at this stage anyways, will TG4 be doing a feature on it?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭ronanmac

    catweazle wrote: »
    You are getting great advertising for that on the local papers, your club pro must be doing a wonderful job ;). Did I read you would be hoping for 1000+ between the three rides :eek:

    I am still looking like I will do it at this stage anyways, will TG4 be doing a feature on it?

    Eh, I suspect that 1000 is more than slightly over-stating it! Would hope that TG4 do a piece for the new bulletin that evening. After my first experience of a sportive recently, I'm a bit annoyed that I'm missing it myself...

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Tuesday Lunch: Had left my runners in Mrs C car so I had to go out with an old pair that had been demoted to gardening duty, I didnt like the way my knees felt in them and I was wrecked early so cut the loop back to to 5k at 5.00 pace.

    Wednesday Lunch: Local route 8k - it was supposed to be a tempo run but the battery was low in the Garmin so i turned off the gps. Was struggling after approx 3k so slowed it down, things seemed to improve a few minutes later and I worked away at 5 minute pace in the low 140's for the rest of it

    Wednesday Evening:
    I thought the Tri Lakes TT was on but it was the following week, went up on the turbo and did 10 warm up 40 hard 10 warm down. Legs were gone after 30 but i finally got the HR over 160 in the last few seconds, thats as high as I seem to be able to get on the bike. Breathing is labored alright but no feeling left in my legs at that HR

    Other news: The wetsuit arrived, as I was trying to squeeze into it i almost regretted selling my old one. I don't know if I can get into this one without help which might cause problems with the early morning swims. I was surprised Mrs C was so patient watching me trying to get into it without a mention of cop on and get a bigger size or its too small. I eventually twigged why not after seeing her efforts to try to get into a pair of skinny jeans later.

    Suit feels great when I got it on, easy enough to move the arms in it, now to man up and head down to the lake this weekend.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    catweazle wrote: »
    Suit feels great when I got it on, easy enough to move the arms in it, now to man up and head down to the lake this weekend.

    red X to the front / zip to the back yeah ? ;)
    A new suit imho should be difficult to get on - if its the suit Im thinking of - the flexibility in the shoulders when you finally man up and hit the open water - should help things.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    interested wrote: »
    red X to the front / zip to the back yeah ? ;)

    LOL.....You know him too well interested! :D I saw a guy at the TRI3 event in Galway last year with the wetsuit on back to front. I don't think anyone had the heart to tell him. :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    interested wrote: »
    red X to the front / zip to the back yeah ? ;)
    pgibbo wrote: »
    LOL.....You know him too well interested! :D I saw a guy at the TRI3 event in Galway last year with the wetsuit on back to front. :pac:

    I have learned my lesson from my back to front cleats last year, but I will admit the big red x in the front was a big help :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Thursday Lunch: 8k Run - 5.57 average pace 130 AHR

    Thursday Evening:
    First time swimming in a week and it showed, I was going to start another programme of the 3.3k sessions but wasn't going to start it today so did a less taxing 2000m session instead. 8 x 100 off 2.20 in the middle the first 5 were comfortable but was feeling tired by the end

    Friday Lunch:
    8k run - 5.03 pace 141 AHR. Used the Zoots for a change, bounced along in them :)

    Saturday AM: An easy spin said pgibbo the night before, off we went into a tough headwind, and I shamelessly just hung in at the back for the whole route. I began to bonk coming up a hill around the 60k mark but a gel and a tailwind got me somewhat back together on the way home. Back was in bits when I got home to Mrs C waiting for me with the lawnmower :mad: 82k / 26.9k an hour / AHR = 103 Max = 146. Need to do these though

    Sunday Afternoon: Foffed about a bit so had to cut short the run, 16k 5.37 pace AHR = 130

    Nursing a major hangover now so trying to persuade myself to go down to the lake more to try and shock it out of me more than anything else

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    I'm planning another nice easy spin for this Saturday too if you fancy it.

    Your lawn looks well though! :cool:

    How was the TT last night?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,818 ✭✭✭nerraw1111

    catweazle wrote: »
    Back was in bits when I got home to Mrs C waiting for me with the lawnmower :mad: 82k / 26.9k an hour / AHR = 103 Max = 146. Need to do these though

    That's one massive garden but decent time. Sit on mower?

    Nice pics btw

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    I'm planning another nice easy spin for this Saturday too if you fancy it.

    That lawn will be the death of me, there is no compromise with her on when it needs ti be done. Might be dodgy for me this saturday have to bring a trailer up to castlebar.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday Afternoon: Mustered a quick OW swim down in the pier to clear the head. I could feel as soon as I dipped the head under I needed three fillings with the cold. It actually wasn't too bad but I didn't stay long anyways. It was nice to swim with a wet suit again, the bit I did I was rolling fast 200m

    Nothing - Working in Donegal - drove past Mount Errigal where Gaelforce North is taking place - the climb looks savage

    Wednesday Lunch: 8k run in Salthill. Found this tough, HR was high for only 5.30 pace, was tough against the wind and I went a hilly route

    Didnt do the TT, Ballinrobe is just too far away for it. Did 4 x 5 minutes all out up on the turbo instead

    Thursday Lunch: Windy outside so gave the run a miss, only got 30 minutes on the turbo as there were some

    Thursday Evening:
    My swimming has been poor the last few weeks, finally got a decent session in tonight. I was better than I expected main set was 4 x 400 off 9.30 and I got in on 8.00 in all of them Total 2100

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Friday Evening: Fairly busy at work and windy too so thats me not going out side for a run. Decided to put a bit of structure to my turbo sessions so picked one called The Russian Sprint Pyramid from the Turbo Training website. Finally I got the heart rate up to some type of passable level, I was close to passing out near the end of it. AHR=144 Max = 175

    Saturday Morning: Was caught to cut down a tree in Castlebar so had to bring a trailer up, snuck off for a decent run when I got up there before I called over. 20.5k around Castlebar, I havent been down that side of the town in months I was surprised at how many shops had closed since I lived there. AHR =136 Max = 158 Pace = 5.31ks

    Sunday: No way was I going out for a bike with that wind so two hours on the turbo. Again I picked a session from the website which looked for me to be up in the high 120's for most of it. It was going into the 130's near the end so I had to drop a few gears. The shark hunting dvd I was half watching wasn't doing it for me and the Motorcycle diaries CD I found was subtitled so no good when you are down on the bars for most of it so I came across a Chemical Brothers CD which did the job. I found this tough, made me think about what heart rate I will try and hold in Swinford for the 90k. AHR = 118 Max = 137

    With MrsC gone shopping and the grass done since the morning I decided to go up to the attic again after a read of the paper for another hour rather than the OW swim that I had planned. This one was a high cadence session which had me thinking what was I doing going back up again as I was struggling early to hold the cadence. AHR = 118 Max = 139

    Besides that I scored myself a near new pair of Mavic Equipes + Gatorskin tyres for 200 euros so am pleased with that. Thinking of what I will sign up for now, I am in for the Hell of the West and Humbert already. I see there is an offer for past entrants to do The Galway Cope for 35 euros + 20 to charity. I wasnt going to do that race but I might now, a sprint outing the week before the Hell of the West might be what the doctor ordered
