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Gone in 60 minutes... My 10 mile goal



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Thursday 21/4
    Time of day: 20:00
    Pace/type of workout: 6-7min/mile
    Distance: 6m
    Time: 40-42ish

    It has taken my legs 5 full days to recover from WAR! I was in agony the day after the race, walking down stairs was my nightmare!

    So I was pretty excited to be gettin back out for a run last night. Thought I'd take it easy around the 7min/mile mark but I found it hard to slow down to that pace. Had to stop a couple of times to stretch as below my calf was getting really tight, probably an after-effect from WAR.

    Feckin watch froze after about 5miles too! :mad: Thats a few times its after happening, really hope I dont need a new one. Downloaded new firmware, so I hope that'll sort it.

    Ordered nuuns from wiggle so hopefully that'll be the end of my cramp in adventure races.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 22/4
    Time of day: 16:00
    Pace/type of workout: intervals - 5:30min/mile pace
    Distance: 1.25m
    Time: 7mins

    Noticed my running is naturally drifting towards 6min/mile pace so I thought I might aswell take advantage of this and push on even quicker... and i suppose it can only help with my 10 mile goal :p 5:30 is a big jump from 6 so I found these intervals quite tough. Only did 5 X 400m to ease myself into the pace. Feckin calf is still stiff as a board after WAR. :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Sunday 24/4
    Time of day: 13:00
    Pace/type of workout: long cycle
    Distance: ?? 25miles(ish)??
    Time: 1:45:00

    Out on the bike today. Got out on the hills up past Johnny Foxes. Great day for a spin. Have to spend more time on the bike and start doing some intervals when I get the chance. Thinking about joining a cycling club (Sorrento) in the summer. Must cycle up to the Wicklow way some time and get a good brick session in too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Sunday 1/5
    Time of day: 16:30
    Pace/type of workout: long cycle
    Distance: 21m
    Time: 1:28:45

    No time for much exercise these days as Im studying for exams. Singed up for west wicklow roar, cycling is still my weak-point in AR's so Im using what little exercise time I have to concentrate on that.

    Got up into the hills around cruagh earlier. Got a bit lost, I was tryin to find the cycle route for the hellfire series but I couldnt figure it out (damn lack of road signs). Did 4 x 20 second sprints on the way home.

    No more exercise till next weekend either (damn exams)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Thursday 5/5
    Time of day: 20:00
    Pace/type of workout: jog
    Distance: 6m (ish)
    Time: ??

    Had time to get out for a bit of a jog last night. All this study and exams are really taking it out of me but its probly good that I still get some exercise in. Didnt have the wach on so ive no idea of what pace I was doing, but it was good to get out running again :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 10/5
    Time of day: 20:00
    Pace/type of workout: 7:30min/mile
    Distance: 3.5m
    Time: 26:00

    Its funny how unfit you get after only a couple of weeks with no running :( That last run I did really hurt the next day wasnt expecting that so I went out for a shorter run today just to keep up some level of fitness. Not sure if I'll be able to get back to where I was in time for ROAR now :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Thursday 12/5
    Time of day: 21:00
    Pace/type of workout: 6:30min/mile
    Distance: 2.7m
    Time: 17:38

    Still struggling to get back the fitness I lost while studying. My muscles seem to be able to do what I want them to do but my lungs are putting up a serious fight!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 13/5
    Time of day: 10:00
    Pace/type of workout: 6:45min/mile
    Distance: 5m
    Time: 33:00

    Took a long route home for this run. Lungs are still not back to normal - maybe I need to go for a longer slower run so my lungs get used to the work.

    HellFire is a no-go at this stage :( I'd be lucky if I got my fitness back in time for ROAR

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Sunday 15/5
    Time of day: 18:00
    Pace/type of workout: Av 7:30 m/m (Beach/hill run)
    Distance: 7.6m
    Time: 57:23

    In prep for ROAR I ran down to killiney beach so my legs get used to running in sand. Then I ran up killiney hill and up the steps, havent done that in over a month so it was quite tough. Lungs are feeling like they're gettin back to normal which is a good sign - 2hr bike ride today should sort them out once and for all! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Monday 16/5
    Time of day: 14:00
    Pace/type of workout: Cycle
    Distance: 11m
    Time: 46:48

    Did Johnny Fox's up and back. Wind was a bitch on the way up but great fun on the way down! :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 17/5
    Time of day: 21:00
    Pace/type of workout: Beach/hills
    Distance: 6m
    Time: 47:28

    More prep for the ROAR run. Down to kiliney beach and up killiney hill. Got a blister on the way home so had to walk the last 1.5m home :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Wednesday 18/5
    Time of day: 15:00
    Pace/type of workout: Cycle
    Distance: 21m
    Time: 1:33:57

    Out on the bike today. 21m up to the viewpoint in cruagh and back. Must do a longer one on the weekend

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Planned upcoming races:

    05/2/11 - Urban trails series: Tymon Park 10K Finished 9th 42:44
    13/2/11 - Cupids dash - Marley 10K DNE
    12/3/11 - Urban trails series: Marley 10K Finished 9th 43:20
    27/3/11 - Wicklow Gaol break 10K DNE
    03/4/11 - 3Rock Duathlon Ashford Finished 32nd 1:24:26
    16/4/11 - WAR Gledalough Finished 22nd 2:35:39
    17/5/11 - HellFire duathlon: Cruagh Wood DNE
    28/5/11 - WestWicklowROAR
    14/6/11 - HellFire duathlon: Masseys
    18/6/11 - WAR Glenmalure
    24/7/11 - Dublin 10K
    10/8/11 - Achill ROAR

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Thursday 19/5
    Time of day: 16:30
    Pace/type of workout: 8x400m @ 5:30 min/mile
    Distance: 2m
    Time: 11:00

    Trying to get back to where I was speed-wise before I got bogged down with studying for my exams. Dunno if it was a good idea to try and do 5:30's, maybe I should have done 6:00 and worked my way up in a couple of weeks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 20/5
    Time of day: 13:00
    Pace/type of workout: Cycle
    Distance: 11m
    Time: 46:20

    No time for a long cycle so I just did my usual 11m up to Johnny Fox's and back

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Sunday 21/5
    Time of day: 15:00
    Pace/type of workout: Beach/hill run
    Distance: 7.6m
    Time: ???

    Down on to the beach and up hills/steps in prep for ROAR. I think Ive done all I can for this race with the time Ive had, I cant get any fitter/faster in the space of a few days so time to cut down on the miles and take it easy... Bring on ROAR!!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 24/5
    Time of day: 14:20
    Pace/type of workout: cycle
    Distance: 10.5m
    Time: 42:00

    Took an old route that I hadnt done in over a month. I used to think this was a bit of a slog but my time on the hills must be doing something for me because today's cycle was a doddle :D I was taking it a bit easy as ROAR is on Saturday. I'm usually dreading the cylce in these races but I cant wait now! New Garmin 305 is cool too! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: wednesday 25/5
    Time of day: 15:20
    Pace/type of workout: 7m/m
    Distance: 3.3m
    Time: 22:44

    Last jog before the Roar. Just a light 3m around the park with a couple of strides thrown in. Really hope the weather gets nicer for roar ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Saturday 28/5
    Time of day: 11:00
    Pace/type of workout: Adventure Race
    Distance: 26.4m
    Time: 02:24:13

    This race was a mixed bag for me. Some parts went very well, others went shambolicly bad.


    About 2 minutes into the race, this is where things started to go wrong :(. Got down to the kayaks and grabbed the first person I saw to buddy-up with. We got in the kayak fine but in trying to turn to the right we tipped the kayak and we fell into the water! The water was freezing cold... Ive never felt anything like it. I nearly panicked - I'm not a good swimmer. The boat was capsized and we couldnt set it right so the speed boat came in and dragged us to shore. Right, Take 2. Same feckin thing happened again! :mad: Got back to the shore and was told that if I couldnt complete this section I'd be out of the race. So I got back in. By now the rest of the competitors were well ahead of us and we had no way of catching them. We finished about 5 minutes later than everybody else. Once back on shore I was told to watch for signs of hypothermia once I got back to the transition. Didnt know what signs to look for so I got running back to transition and onto the bike :cool:.

    Bike 1
    As soon as I was on the bike my legs started to cramp from the cold. I was feckin freezing! Having done so poorly on the kayak, I knew the chances of getting a good time were gone so I set myself the goal of pushing myself hard for the rest of the race. My bike would be my weakest sport (eh, after kayaking :p ) so I was really pushing myself here. Caught up with and passed loads of people and I started to warm up eventually.

    The run was good fun. It starts on an incline so there was no chance to get up a head of steam at the beginning. Hill training is really paying of - I must have passed 30 people on the way up to the checkpoint. Coming down was good craic also. The terrain on the beach was pretty treacherous ( a mate sprained an ankle) and it was A LOT longer than was advertised on the website :confused:.

    Bike 2
    Back onto the bike and heading back to the finish. With only 10k to go I was really pushing hard to catch people and make a good time. If I saw someone on the horizon I made it my goal to catch them and pass them then find another guy and catch and pass them. This is where my race ended :( I got so focused on catching the guy ahead of me that I missed a turn and ended up doing an extra 6 miles of cycling.

    Needless to say I was fairly pissed off after the race. Falling off the kayak and missing a turn are two very simple mistakes to make - but I nailed both of them.

    Despite these mistakes I can take some positives from this race. My first bike leg was fast. I did it a couple of minutes faster than a friend of mine and he's a damn good cyclist. Also I did the entire hill run without stopping once and that was a tough run. In the run and bike sections nobody passed me, which I'm quite proud of considering everything. Also I feel Ive developed mentally during races recently. Before I used to rely on my mp3 player to keep me motivated during races, but in ROAR the mp3 stopped working after I took my couple of dips in the reservoir! So I had to keep pushing myself and saying "suffer the pain, dont suffer the regret" to get me through.

    Thats a couple of races were things havent gone well for me. Not sure what the next race is.... Glenmalure could suit but I'll see.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Planned upcoming races:

    05/2/11 - Urban trails series: Tymon Park 10K Finished 9th 42:44
    13/2/11 - Cupids dash - Marley 10K DNE
    12/3/11 - Urban trails series: Marley 10K Finished 9th 43:20
    27/3/11 - Wicklow Gaol break 10K DNE
    03/4/11 - 3Rock Duathlon Ashford Finished 32nd 1:24:26
    16/4/11 - WAR Gledalough Finished 22nd 2:35:39
    17/5/11 - HellFire duathlon: Cruagh Wood DNE
    28/5/11 - WestWicklowROAR Finished 26th 2:05:21
    18/6/11 - WAR Glenmalure
    23/7/11 - Dirty Dozen Challenge
    01/8/11 - Dun loaghaire bay 10K
    10/9/11 - Achill ROAR

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 31/5
    Time of day: 15:30
    Pace/type of workout: Hills
    Distance: 9m
    Time: 01:14:29

    Took a different route than usual around killiney hill today. Took a route that took as many inclines as I could. Damn tough run. Looking at the garmin after the run I found that there was over 1000ft of elevation gain :eek: Have to get more hills into my routine if Im going to stand any chance of doing the Dirty Dozen!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Wednesday 1/6
    Time of day: 15:53
    Pace/type of workout: LSR/Hills
    Distance: 9.5m
    Time: 01:12:26

    Couldnt get motivated to go out for a cycle so I went out for a run instead. Pretty bad idea - yesterdays hill run really took it out of me so trying to do a longer run today was just too much running in a short space of time. I was fine for the first 3 miles but then I tried to take in some steps and hills around killiney. I was fine getting up the hills/steps but once I reached the top of the hill I was wiped! I was only 4 miles in and I planned to do another 6! :eek: Took the pace back a lil to 7:30m/m and woddled the rest of the way home. I wasnt really out of breath at all on the final 6 miles but I didnt really have the energy to do it any faster. Rest day tomorrow is definitely needed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 3/6
    Time of day: 15:00
    Pace/type of workout: Long cycle
    Distance: 27.7m
    Time: 01:52:54

    Getting a bit bored with my usual up-and-back to cruagh cycle, so I took a new circular route through enniskerry and glencree and back though cruagh towards home. Lovely scenery :) and apparantly quite a big/long climb (Elevation Gain: 2,117 ft) but I barely noticed it at the time - felt it after though! :P

    Not sure whether to sign up for WAR Glenmalure :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Saturday 4/6
    Time of day: 14:00
    Pace/type of workout: Intervals (8 X 2 @ 6m/m)
    Distance: 5m
    Time: 30:54

    Im thinking my previous intervals (5:30 m/m) were too fast for me so did these at 6m/m and plan to get back up to 5:30 by the end of summer. Just did 2 laps at a time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 7/6
    Time of day: 14:25
    Pace/type of workout: cycle
    Distance: 16m
    Time: 01:10:28

    Ive been dying with a cold since Sunday, still not right but Im missing training for WAR Glenmalure! So I did a quick search on google and found that its ok to exercise with a cold!

    Didnt want to do anything too strenous with the cold so I did my usual up to Johnny Fox's then went towards Glencree, turned around and did the hills back up to Johnny Fox's. The lungs were giving out for the first 20 minutes but they got used to it and feel much better now for getting in some exercise.

    I had planned to get down to Glenmalure to recce to WAR course but I dont thinks that possible now

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Wednesday 8/6
    Time of day: 16:24
    Pace/type of workout: cycle
    Distance: 14m
    Time: 00:56:15

    On the way home from yesterdays cycle I found a very long descent from Johnny Foxs to Stepaside. I'd heard that the "devils elbow" climb is around this area somewhere so I decided to head up there today and try this climb out (as I need hill practice for the Shay Elliott in Glenmalure).

    This climb is probably about 2 miles long according to my garmin. It was tough, but not too tough (I'd heard the devils elbow was REAL tough) so ive no idea if this was the devils elbow or not. My cold has turned into a chesty cough so my breathing was real raggedy throughout this cycle. Feeling better all the time though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Thursday 9/6
    Time of day: 16:11
    Pace/type of workout: Hills
    Distance: 6.5m
    Time: 00:50:38

    In prep for the WAR Kirikree mountain run I went up around Killiney for a hill session. The mountain climb seems long and gradual, but the hills i did yesterday were short (1mile) and steep. Must try to look for more gradual inclines.

    Lungs still arent back to normal (duh, I'm still training) but planning on getting a few days rest before WAR.

    Note to self: Sign up for the feckin thing!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 10/6
    Time of day: 16:30
    Pace/type of workout: Cylce
    Distance: 11m
    Time: 46:26

    Signed up for WAR! Just did my usual up and back from Johnny Foxs. Looking at my heart rate after - my max HR was 167 whereas my usual HR on a run is around 165. Does this mean I'm not pushing myself enough on the bike??? Must look into that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 14/6
    Time of day: 12:39
    Pace/type of workout: Slow run 7m/m
    Distance: 4.4m
    Time: 00:30:50

    Couldnt get out for any training on Sunday or Monday, this cold will NOT leave me alone!! Race on Saturday so just an easy jog today. Lungs are still not back to normal but after 2 miles they started feeling better.

    Doesnt look like I'll be 100% for Saturday at this rate. :(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Thursday 16/6
    Time of day: 15:43
    Pace/type of workout: Slow run/cycle
    Distance: 3m run/12m cycle
    Time: run: 00:23:25

    The plan was to get out for a cycle yesterday (Wednesday 15/6) but I ended up having to do a few bits and bobs and racked up 12 miles in total over the day so I didnt think doing an extra cycle on top would have done me any good before the race.

    Just did a 5k run today. Tried to keep it around 8m/m but I find it hard to keep that pace for some reason and end up running faster.

    Looks like I'll be still coughing up mucous come Saturday but bring on WAR anyway!!!
