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Gone in 60 minutes... My 10 mile goal



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Saturday 20/8
    Time of day: 10:00
    Pace/type of workout: Frank Duffy 10mile
    Distance: 10m
    Time: 01:04:33 New PB

    Lovely day for my first 10 mile race yesterday! Really happy with how I ran!

    Like everyone else on boards I found the first mile or so to be quite a chore. I was about halfway down in wave 1 to start, but it took ages to run around the people infront who "underestimated" how fast they can run 10 miles :rolleyes:

    After that it was mostly smooth sailing for me. I set myself a target of 6:30m/m pace so I chugged along at this pace for most of the race. The only time I deviated from this pace was when I caught up with a bunch of runners ahead of me then settled into their pace instead of pushing on at my own pace. Ah well, you learn something new from every race so I wont dot that again!

    I chose not to listen to music during this race and I think it really helped me to keep my pace. I just concentrated on my breathing the whole time and it didnt get boring at all! I definitely wont be listening to music in races in future!

    I'd never run in the phoenix park before and reading on boards made me quite apprehensive about the hills involved. They weren't too bad truth be told so I shouldn't have worried really :cool:

    I was feeling fine coming up to mile 9 so I tried to up the pace to 6:00m/m for the last mile. That went fine until I saw the flags that lined the finish line and I thought I was coming to the end - a quick look at the garmin said I had half a mile left!! :eek: and around then I heard the severely laboured breathing of a runner on my shoulder and he was DYING to overtake me!! He put in some running whoever he was, I've never heard anybody breathing that hard! :eek: I managed to beat him to the line anyway and finished in 01:04:33!!!

    Really happy with my time and had a great day altogether. The only bad part is my time has not been published on the website so I'm not sure of my official time or where I finished. So much for the 'state of the art' timing chips!:rolleyes:

    Other than that I have to say fair play to the organisers for putting together a great event. I will be back next year!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Planned upcoming races:

    05/2/11 - Urban trails series: Tymon Park 10K Finished 9th 42:44
    13/2/11 - Cupids dash - Marley 10K DNE
    12/3/11 - Urban trails series: Marley 10K Finished 9th 43:20
    27/3/11 - Wicklow Gaol break 10K DNE
    03/4/11 - 3Rock Duathlon Ashford Finished 32nd 1:24:26
    16/4/11 - WAR Gledalough Finished 22nd 2:35:39
    17/5/11 - HellFire duathlon: Cruagh Wood DNE
    28/5/11 - WestWicklowROAR Finished 26th 2:05:21
    18/6/11 - WAR Glenmalure Finished 8th 01:47:44
    01/8/11 - DLR Bay 10K Finished 23rd 38:57
    20/8/11 - Frank Duffy 10m 01:04:33
    10/9/11 - Achill ROAR
    24/9/11 - WAR Powerscourt

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Monday 22/8
    Time of day: 15:11
    Pace/type of workout: cycle
    Distance: 19m
    Time: 01:12:15

    Its time to get back to concentrating on the cycling before ROAR/WAR.

    I know I'm a better runner than I am a cyclist, and considering the bike leg is more than twice as long as the run leg in AR's, I figure a small improvement in my cycling will bring a big improvement to my AR times overall.

    So the plan is to get at least 5/6 cycles in over the next week with some running sprinkled in. Ideally I want my 22K cycle time to be around 40minutes, I did a 20k cycle in around 40 minutes at the 3rock duathlon in April, but I was cycling more frequently back then.

    My cycle today was my usual (really have to find more cycling routes!) loop around enniskerry, glencullen etc. I was trying to keep a constant pace and managed an average of 16mph for 19miles.

    Also, as I usually have problems with calf cramp during these races I moved my cleats on my shoes as far back as they will go as that eases strain on your calf's (well thats what the triathlon training bible says). It was a little weird getting my shoes locked in in this position and I kicked the front wheel once or twice cycling around corners, but other than that it was fine.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 23/8
    Time of day: 15:31
    Pace/type of workout: Intervals - 6 x 2mins @ 20mph
    Distance: 8.5m
    Time: Intervals + warm down - 00:31:16 Total time - 01:11:13

    I'm aiming for an average bike speed of 20mph in ROAR/WAR so I had intervals on the menu for today.

    Decided I'd do 6 x 2 minute intervals @ 20mph. I found it hard to think of a quiet, flat stretch of road/bike track that wasn't cluttered with pedestrians/dog walkers or traffic. In the end I picked a cycle track that was flat/hill/flat.

    I found it no problem to get up to and beyond 20mph but obviously my speed drifted off when I came to the hill so I got up out of the saddle to keep up the speed (dont think I managed 20mph going uphill though!). After the hill the aul legs were burning so it was a struggle to hang on to 20mph for the rest of the 2 minute interval.

    Did this 6 times then took a spin down to Dun Laoghaire to warm down.

    It was a bit of a boring session truth be told. I kinda wanted to pack it in after the second interval. But I know how effective these sessions are so I'll have to lump it I supppose!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Wednesday 24/8
    Time of day: 15:21
    Pace/type of workout: Run/bike brick session
    Distance: Run - 2m, Bike 1.45m
    Time: 00:18:15

    I remember saying to myself after WAR Glenmalure that I need to do more brick session before adventure races so that I'm comfortable beginning the cycle leg after a tough run. So today I did a little warm-up on the bike and went down to the running track in Killbogget.

    I had planned on doing 3 miles around the track, but after 1 mile of running I was so bored (no music) that I decided I'd just do 2 miles. Kept my run at a constant 6:00m/m. Just as I was finishing my run it started spitting rain. By the time I walked over to my bike it was a torrential downpour:eek: I had only planned on doing a 10 mile spin on the bike but I was soaked from head to toe and freezing cold so I just cycled home as fast as I could :(

    Did some squats and hamstring weights to make up for the loss of a cycle.

    After a quick shower I stuck my head out the window and the sun was splitting the stones! This stupid country... :rolleyes:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Planned upcoming races:

    05/2/11 - Urban trails series: Tymon Park 10K Finished 9th 42:44
    13/2/11 - Cupids dash - Marley 10K DNE
    12/3/11 - Urban trails series: Marley 10K Finished 9th 43:20
    27/3/11 - Wicklow Gaol break 10K DNE
    03/4/11 - 3Rock Duathlon Ashford Finished 32nd 1:24:26
    16/4/11 - WAR Gledalough Finished 22nd 2:35:39
    17/5/11 - HellFire duathlon: Cruagh Wood DNE
    28/5/11 - WestWicklowROAR Finished 26th 2:05:21
    18/6/11 - WAR Glenmalure Finished 8th 01:47:44
    01/8/11 - DLR Bay 10K Finished 23rd 38:57
    20/8/11 - Frank Duffy 10m Finished 247th 01:04:47
    10/9/11 - Achill ROAR
    24/9/11 - WAR Powerscourt

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Thursday 25/8
    Time of day: 20:44
    Pace/type of workout: Hill repeats
    Distance: 1.37m
    Time: 00:15:41

    Had planned on making up for Wednesday's aborted brick session but it pissed rain for the afternoon so that was the end of that :mad:

    My girlfriend has signed up for Roar, she's never done an adventure race (and only started cycling last week!) so I took her to Killiney for a hill session to give her an idea of what she'll be facing on the Roar run.

    We ran up Strathmore road (0.15m long and 100ft high), rested, and repeated x4. To finish we ran Strathmore road, up Vico road and then up Victoria road to Killiney village (0.8m and 320ft high).

    A short but good session. And its nice to have a running partner sometimes:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 26/8
    Time of day: 11:11
    Pace/type of workout: run/bike brick
    Distance: 2.5m run + 30.5m cycle = 33.06m total
    Time: 02:22:07

    This brick session has been along time coming but I finally did it today.

    Started with a 2.5m run @ 6:00m/m around the park and back to my apartment. Jumped on the bike and headed out for a spin.

    Took the long route through enniskerry, kilmolin and around cruagh wood. Started to piss rain about 10miles from home, I was lucky because I remembered to bring a long sleeved top and gloves in my bag. Chain came off then :mad: first time its happened on my new bike. Dont think I changed gears any differently to how I usually do, so I'll keep an eye on it in training as I dont want to have to be fixing a chain during a race!

    This was a tough aul cylce, there were alot of hills but it was good prep for Roar as Roar will have around 1,092 ft of climbing and my session today had 2,326 ft of climbing! :eek:

    I didnt brink enough fluid with me for this session. 400mls just isnt enough for a 2hr cycle. Also I got quite hungry towards the end so I defo should have brought a snack of some sort.

    I'm knackered now...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Congrats on the 10mile time at the frank duffy race. Sub 60 is a tough target... I'm slowly edging down that way.... Very slowly, but i'm about a minute behind you!

    The time you achieved is equivalent to maintaining roughly 4min kms, which is great going over a 10k distance, never mind 16 odd km as you just achieved. Glad you enjoyed the race!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Thanks a million! I'm nowhere near your level (my longest run to date is about 13 miles) so I've got a long way to go before I can get to your standards!

    Cheers though, you made my day!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,526 ✭✭✭Killerz

    Thanks a million! I'm nowhere near your level (my longest run to date is about 13 miles) so I've got a long way to go before I can get to your standards!

    Cheers though, you made my day!

    But you're on the right track! Happy running!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Sunday 28/8
    Time of day: 13:24
    Pace/type of workout: Run/bike brick
    Distance: 5m run + 14m cycle = 19m total
    Time: 01:27:34

    Completed the Achill Roar race distance today. I started with a 5m run through Killiney. I chose this route as there is a big hill right in the middle of it, so it resembles what I'll face in Achill.

    I ran the first couple of miles at a steady 6m/m pace. Obviously my pace slowed when I got to the hill. I didnt try to power up it I just kept the legs spinning trying to keep a little in reserve. After the hill theres a mile long down-hill bit Where you can really put the hammer down. I usually get pains in my back when I run down hill for a while but today I was fine (maybe those core exercises are helping? Or maybe my downhill running technique is improving?) Felt a little sluggish in the final mile, so I obviously pushed too hard along the way somewhere. Run time - 33:49

    When I got home I was feeling hungry (5 weetabix just doesnt fill me for long) so I had a banana and a gel. The gel was delicious, it was a mocha flavoured GU gel that was over a year out of date!

    Chose a hilly route for the cycle because theres a couple of nasty climbs on the Roar cycle. I'm beginning to rethink my goal of an average speed of 20mph on the bike. Really struggled to get above 18mph on the flat today. Though maybe my legs are a lil tired from Fridays 30mile cycle. I have time for a couple more interval sessions before Roar so we'll see how it goes. Cycle time - 53ish

    Completed the brick session in 01:27:34 which isnt amazing.

    Note to self:
    • Maybe doing the run at 6m/m is too fast to go so early in a 30Km race. Might drop it back to 6:15m/m pace so I have more energy for the cycle.

    End of week summary:

    Cant believe the Frank Duffy was only a week ago. I know I'm almost 5 minutes over my 10mile goal time but it was my first 10m race. And sure I did my first 10k in 42:44 and I can do it now in under 39 minutes so I know I can improve.

    Training has gone ok this week. A couple of sessions were cut short by rain and that long cycle was probably 7 miles longer than I needed. Not happy with my 14m cycle time:(

    Totals for the week: Running-11m, Cycling-73.5m

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 30/8
    Time of day: 19:59
    Pace/type of workout: Hill repeats
    Distance: 7.37m
    Time: 00:58:36

    Took a rest day after my last brick session. Usually after a long/tough session I'm fairly tired the next day, but I was feeling strangely fine after that one. Decided to have a rest day anyway because I was exercising 6 out of 7 days last week.

    With the upcoming Roar in mind I decided that my weakness in the running section will be getting up the hill and having enough energy to complete the rest of the run (at a good pace) after the hill. So I ran to killiney for some hill intervals.

    Started with a 2.5m run to killiney. Then I did 5 hill repeats @ 7:30m/m (the hill is .15miles long and 100ft high) with a bit of break in between. To finish I completed that hill again followed by a climb up to killiney village (.8miles long and 350ft high) @ 8-9m/m.

    Rounded it off with a 2m jog home. Good session and a good test.

    ****************************************MY NEW GOAL*********************************************

    To anybody out there reading this "10 mile goal" log I know there hasnt been alot of focus on improving my 10 mile time. And, considering I'm starting 4th year in college I wont be able to run as much so I'll try and get back to that goal next year, but for now my goal is improving my adventure race performances.

    I'm currently in 6th place in the Multi-Sport Adventure Ireland (MSAI) standings. I was in 4th position at one stage! Link here.

    Heres how the points system works: There will be 10 events in both the Sport and Expert Sections with seperate points awarded for each and mens and women's races assessed seperately with 100 points for 1st, 99 for 2nd, etc. Your best 5 results will count so the more races you do the better chance you have to improve your series ranking and allow your worst results to be disgarded

    So I'm currently in 6th place overall with two races left (Achill Roar and WAR). I wont make it to Sea2Summit :( So my goal for the rest of the summer is to finish in the top 20 in Roar and WAR and hopefully that will give me enough points to finish in the top 10 overall in the MSAI Sport standings.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Wednesday 31/8
    Time of day: 18:04
    Pace/type of workout: IMRA Mountain Rescue Benefit Race / brick session
    Distance: 19.35 mi
    Time: 01:42:12 - IMRA race: 32:29

    Well this was a bit of a spur of the moment thing! Found out on Wednesday morning that there was an IMRA race on that evening. Ive always wanted to do an IMRA race but they never seem to fit with my schedule. So I had a look at the elevation/distance etc involved in this race and it seemed to be perfect prep for Roar so I decided I'd go for it.

    Left my house to cycle up at 6 o'clock. Decided to take it real easy on the bike on the way up to ticknock but after about a mile I could feel the lingering effects of last nights hill session in my legs. About 4 miles into the cycle there was along drag of a hill between carrickmines and the golden ball. At this point I was kinda thinking of turning around and going home as my quads clearly hadnt recovered from the last training session. Pushed on anyway rightly or wrongly and hopped off the bike and walked for that last b*tch of a hill in ticknock.

    After I got registered for the race I was feeling quite drained so I ate a banana and a gel I had in my bag. Did a small warmup/stretch and got over to the start area.

    The start of the race went great. I kept a decent pace and climbed steadily. It was single-file for about the first K but after that the trail widened and I was able to pass 4-5 lads ahead of me on the uphill. Got to the top of the hill in about 10th position and I was feeling good. The down hill was fast and furious and I felt like I was running like the wind but one guy who I overtook going up breezed past me. The downhill got gradually steeper and more dangerous ( I found out later that this part of the trail is called The Boneshaker!!) and I got that same pain in my stomach that I did in WAR Glendalough when my feet hit the ground. This really slowed me down and I moved to the side of the trail to let a runner past. The trail flattened out after that and I tried to speed up but I couldnt shake the runner behind me. Went over on my ankle TWICE in about 50m so that slowed me down further :( Ended up taking a wrong turn (D'oh!) and by the time I got back on the trail I'd lost another 2 places. I could see the finish line approaching as another runner was breathing down my neck, he (a junior) finally overtook me with about 100m to go. Got across the line in 32:29 and 14th place overall!!! :)

    Really enjoyed this race even though I didnt run great. Too bad its the last race of the season as I'd love to do some more. Great price too only €10!

    I treated this race more as a training session than a race so I'm not disappointed with dropping 4-5 places toward the end. I think what I learned from today will stand to me in upcoming races. I got an insight into the psychological mind-set needed to race. At one point last night there was a guy chasing me for about 10 minutes. Every time I sped up, he sped up, I just couldnt shake him and eventually I slowed down and let him by. Maybe it was the fact that I was tired from my last hill session or the fact that I cycled to the race, but I'm going to have to toughen-up mentally because I'm bound to be in that position again.

    After a bit of a rest I hopped on the bike and cycled home. Didnt push to race pace but I tried to keep it fast all the way home. No sign of cramp which is a good thing! :D

    At 19.35m and 2,108 ft of climbing I'm hoping this session will be perfect prep for Roar. I just hope I didnt leave it too late to see any benefit!!! Im super stiff this morning. Have been putting ibuprofen on my ankle and wearing compression socks aswell. Today will definitely be a rest/recovery day!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Planned upcoming races:

    05/2/11 - Urban trails series: Tymon Park 10K Finished 9th 42:44
    13/2/11 - Cupids dash - Marley 10K DNE
    12/3/11 - Urban trails series: Marley 10K Finished 9th 43:20
    27/3/11 - Wicklow Gaol break 10K DNE
    03/4/11 - 3Rock Duathlon Ashford Finished 32nd 1:24:26
    16/4/11 - WAR Gledalough Finished 22nd 2:35:39
    17/5/11 - HellFire duathlon: Cruagh Wood DNE
    28/5/11 - WestWicklowROAR Finished 26th 2:05:21
    18/6/11 - WAR Glenmalure Finished 8th 01:47:44
    01/8/11 - DLR Bay 10K Finished 23rd 38:57
    20/8/11 - Frank Duffy 10m Finished 247th 01:04:47
    30/8/11 - IMRA Mountain Rescue Benefit Race Finished 14th 32:29
    10/9/11 - Achill ROAR
    24/9/11 - WAR Powerscourt

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 2/9
    Time of day: 17:35
    Pace/type of workout: Slow jog 8m/m
    Distance: 3mi
    Time: 00:24:23

    Took a full day of rest after the IMRA race. My legs/back were really sore after that one. Just did a small jog last night to loosen up the legs and get a first run in my new trail runners.

    I took it quite slow but sped up on the uphills/downhills to test out my new runners. I must have really over-done it in training recently because I was truly drained after this 3 mile jog :confused: On top of that my new runners feel a little too big :mad: (I really have to stop buying runners off the internet - fcuk the savings...)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 2/9
    Time of day: 17:35
    Pace/type of workout: Slow jog 8m/m
    Distance: 3mi
    Time: 00:24:23

    Took a full day of rest after the IMRA race. My legs/back were really sore after that one. Just did a small jog last night to loosen up the legs and get a first run in my new trail runners.

    I took it quite slow but sped up on the uphills/downhills to test out my new runners. I must have really over-done it in training recently because I was truly drained after this 3 mile jog :confused: On top of that my new runners feel a little too big :mad: (I really have to stop buying runners off the internet - fcuk the savings...)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Saturday 3/9
    Time of day: 11:09
    Pace/type of workout: 10 miles slow (uphill), 10 miles fast (downhill).
    Distance: 20mi
    Time: 01:21:16

    Probably my last longer-than-race-length cycle before Roar. I was still a bit tired from Wednesday's race during this cycle. About 4-5 miles in I could really feel it in my quads. I just took it easy though and didnt notice the tiredness from about 7 miles onward. This route has a few long/steep climbs, I didnt want to overwork so I just stayed in the seat, picked a low gear and kept my legs turning at a fast cadence.

    When I turned around at the 10 mile point, I had a few miles of downhill ahead of me so I picked up the pace and shot home. I got out of the saddle a couple of times but I didnt over-do it. Legs felt rejuvenated after.

    Hmm.. gotta get thinking about a costume for the Roar after-party now! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Sunday 4/9
    Time of day: 20:05
    Pace/type of workout: 6:50m/m average
    Distance: 4.9mi
    Time: 00:33:32

    Bleugh... This was one of those runs where nothing went right and I was uncomfortable for the whole thing:mad:. Things got off to a bad start when I decided to get out for a run at 8, when I'd only finished my dinner at 7.

    Tried to do it at around 6:15m/m but a heavy head wind and stomach cramps really made me work more than I had to. So naturally the pace slipped off and eventually I got too pissed off to run and I slowed down to a jog. Splits: 06:23, 06:11, 06:44, 07:10, 08:04.

    End of week summary:

    This week didnt go according to plan, but maybe thats a good thing? For this week I had 6 separate sessions planned out, and I think I only did 2 of the 6. The IMRA race was the reason I didnt stick to the planned sessions. But I always feel that races are the best training sessions and I always see the most gains after a race. Only 6 days until Roar so I guess I'll see then how the IMRA race has affected me.

    Totals: Running - 19m, Cycling - 36m

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Monday 5/9
    Time of day: 13:28
    Pace/type of workout: Run/bike brick
    Distance: 19.28 mi - 2.5m run - 16.8m cycle
    Time: 01:23:59

    Felt alot better out on todays run compared to last nights. Just did 2.5m around the park, tried to keep it at around 6:15m/m. Back in the house I jumped on the bike and got up to Stepaside. Had planned on doing hill repeats on that hill connecting Stepaside and Glencullen, but as soon as I started my first interval the heavens opened and I was drenched in seconds :mad: Thank jeebus I had a spare top and gloves with me :eek:

    Anyway, it was kind of a good thing, I didnt really have it in me today to be slogging up a hill over and over so I just did the hill once and then got the hell home!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Tuesday 6/9
    Time of day: 20:28
    Pace/type of workout: Mixed intervals: 2k@ 6:30, 1m@6:15, 800m@6:00
    Distance: 4.7m
    Time: 33:02

    I enjoy mixed intervals, they are more interesting than normal intervals at one set speed and they are more structured than fartlek training.

    Planned on doing 2k@ 6:30, 1m@6:15, 800m@6:00 but it was so windy my pace wasnt decided by me but by the wind. Also it gets dark by 9oclock so I couldnt monitor how fast I was going.

    I felt fresh for the first time in a while though. I think that IMRA race really took it out of me and Im only getting back to normal now. Bit of rest before Roar and I should be flying!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Thursday 8/9
    Time of day: 16:45
    Pace/type of workout: Slow run/bike brick
    Distance: 10.5m (2.5m run, 8m cycle)
    Time: 00:56:24

    I had planned on doing this session the day before (Wednesday) but I didnt have the time. So I rested Wednesday and did it Thursday instead.

    Took it reeaaaaal easy. Just a slow 2.5m jog around the park @ 8:30m/m then a slow enough 8m cycle to dalkey.

    I had planned on getting 2 full days of rest before Roar, so I hope this last minute tinkering with the plan doesnt throw me off on raceday. Really looking forward to the race, didnt get much sleep last night coz I was too excited :D

    Goals for the race: I would love to finish in the top 10 on Saturday. I finished 19th last year and I know I'm much fitter now. But I'm sure alot of people that are doing the race are saying that about themselves. So I'm sure it will be tougher this year to finish in a good position. My minimum goal for this race is to beat my time of last year - 01:52:52

    Bring on the Roar!!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Saturday 10/9
    Time of day: 12:00
    Pace/type of workout: Achill Roar Adventure Race
    Distance: 8k run, 22k cycle
    Time: 01:30:06

    Well well.. that was interesting! A really good race in some of the worst weather I've ever seen!!! :eek:

    Because of the bad weather the swim/kayak section was cancelled (the weather was that bad). So there was just a run and cycle in this race. I was supposed to go in the first Sports wave at 11:30, but because the kayak section was cancelled the waves were rearranged. So the first Sports wave left at 11 while I was finishing my last drop of tea!!! :mad: But I had no idea that a sports wave had left and so I just got ready to leave in the 12 o'clock wave.

    The run was extremely windy but thankfully it was mostly side-on. I led the field on the run until the bottom of the hill when a local chap caught up and overtook me. I caught back up with him about halfway up the hill and put some space between us. The hill was tough going. I did this race last year and it was a lot tougher than I remember! Im glad to say that I ran most of it only walking for short steep parts of the hill. The down hill bit was good fun though and because I was leading I got some encouraging words from people heading up the hill :) the rest of the beach run was fine except for the wind! Run time: 37:27

    In transition I changed my shoes and got running with the bike as quick as I could. It took me a minute but I realised that I didnt have my helmet on me! So I dropped the bike and ran back to where it was racked, obviously the helmet had been blown off my bike by the wind. Helmet on, I ran back to the bike and checked out of transition. T1 time: 01:42

    On the bike was where I really noticed the weather :eek: About 200m into the cycle I was completely blown of the road and into a field! Cycling in that weather was extremely dangerous. There is no way I would have done a training cycle in that weather! On the bike I was leading the field and really trying to push hard to get further away from the people chasing me. The wind was so strong I had to cycle leaning into the wind to remain upright! Made it to the halfway check point and the marshall asked me what wave I was in. It should have dawned on here me that a Sports wave had left at 11, but it didnt :o, I just got though the check point as fast as I could and assumed that because there was no-one in front of me that I was winning the entire race. So I kept pushing on. About 18k into the cycle I dropped my water bottle with nuuns in it and I was going to fast to stop and go and retrieve it. Maybe it was physical and maybe it was mental but after I dropped my nuuns I started getting a creeping hint of cramp in my calf's :( It wasnt that bad though and I have certainly felt alot worse. 20k into the cycle I was still "leading" and ignorantly thinking that I was going to win the race. At one point I did think to myself that I'm not the strongest cyclist and surely someone would pass me but I quickly got those negative thoughts out of my mind and concentrated on finishing as fast as I could. Back at transition I racked my bike and ran for the finishing line. There was no other racers at the finish line, so surely I won, right? Cycle time:50:57

    Knackered and sitting on the ground at the finish line I got chatting to some lads who finished after me. It was then that someone mentioned that a wave had left at 11. "Sh*t", I thought :( Theres no way I could have won because all the fast racers would have gone in the 11 oclock wave. Deflated I handed in my dibber to get my finishing time. I finished 14th Total time: 01:30:06

    I know 14th is good and I should be happy, but when you spend half the race thinking that you are going to win, finishing in 14th isnt much consolation. Its my own stupid fault though :( I should have realised that a wave would have left at 11, I should have realised that I shouldnt be able to lead a race relatively unchallenged, and especially on the bike where I am quite week. The thing is if I had gone in the first wave I think I would have done a quicker time because I would have been chasing some very fast racers instead of going at my own pace.

    So, I'm pleased and disappointed with this race. I'm pleased with how I ran and cycled, and the fact that I led my wave for about 95% of the race. But Im disappointed that I let myself think I was doing better than I was. Oh well... onwards and upwards as they say! WAR Powerscourt is in two weeks so I better get training for that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Planned upcoming races:

    05/2/11 - Urban trails series: Tymon Park 10K Finished 9th 42:44
    13/2/11 - Cupids dash - Marley 10K DNE
    12/3/11 - Urban trails series: Marley 10K Finished 9th 43:20
    27/3/11 - Wicklow Gaol break 10K DNE
    03/4/11 - 3Rock Duathlon Ashford Finished 32nd 1:24:26
    16/4/11 - WAR Gledalough Finished 22nd 2:35:39
    17/5/11 - HellFire duathlon: Cruagh Wood DNE
    28/5/11 - WestWicklowROAR Finished 26th 2:05:21
    18/6/11 - WAR Glenmalure Finished 8th 01:47:44
    01/8/11 - DLR Bay 10K Finished 23rd 38:57
    20/8/11 - Frank Duffy 10m Finished 247th 01:04:47
    30/8/11 - IMRA Mountain Rescue Benefit Race Finished 14th 32:29
    10/9/11 - Achill ROAR Finished 14th 01:30:06
    24/9/11 - WAR Powerscourt

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Monday 13/9
    Time of day: 15:18
    Pace/type of workout: Hills
    Distance: 7.7m
    Time: 58:54

    Took 2 days of rest after Achill Roar. I'm feeling a lot more positively about my Roar performance now ;) Finishing 14th having started in the 2nd Wave is pretty good I reckon.

    Anyway, it felt good to be back out running with a vengeance yesterday :D Did my usual hilly route around killiney and dalkey and did the steps off vico road for some quad-blasting fun!

    In other news, after my Roar performance I am now up to 5th in the MSAI sport standings! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Wednesday 14/9
    Time of day: 15:15
    Pace/type of workout: hilly cycle
    Distance: 19m
    Time: 1:15:58

    First cycle since Roar. The bike got full of sand in achill, so I rinsed it with a hose prior to cycling. But I could still hear the *crunch of sand in my gears after so I fiddled around with my multi-tool and tried to loosen out the gears/derailler. Job done I tightened everything up and jump on the bike for my spin.

    Just did the usual hilly route to Glencullen via Enniskerry. About 5 miles in I noticed that I had severely cocked up my gears when I was messing with them :mad: 1st/8th gears made a horrible clicking sound and I couldnt get onto the big ring at all!! :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Friday 16/9
    Time of day: 12:52
    Pace/type of workout: Bike/run/bike brick
    Distance: 4m/3.2m/7.7m
    Time: 1:13:10

    With WAR in mind I got out and did a brick session today.

    Started with a 4 mile cycle to killiney taking in 200ft of uphill. Locked up the bike at Killiney dart station and ran from there up strathmore rd, vico rd, victoria rd and then up killiney hill. From there I cut down to vico road and ran the steps back up the hill (The sugarloaf has 787ft of climb :eek:, this run had 644ft of climb). The hills done with I ran back down vico road and collected the bike. Did a 7.7m spin through Dalkey into Glenageary and Deansgrange and then home.

    Tough session. I think the important thing for me to remember in WAR is not to go out too hard on the first 6km cycle. Im just gonna try and take it easy and keep the leaders within 30 seconds of me (well thats the plan anyway:p)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Sunday 18/9
    Time of day: 10:29
    Pace/type of workout: Sugarloaf recce
    Distance: 2.27 mi
    Time: 29:29

    Got up after one too many the night before and headed out to run up a mountain (as you do! :rolleyes:)

    Me and the girlfriend headed down to checkout the route of WAR Powerscourt, specifically to run the sugarloaf. Found the race start area no prob and drove the cycle route to the sugarloaf, the first cycle looks ok but it has a slow climb towards the end that could be tricky so ealry in a race. We drove up to the sugarloaf carpark and got ready for the run. We realised then that we didnt print out a detailed map of the run route :mad: we only had the map that they give ya on race day.

    Anyway got running at a gentle pace and followed the map as best we could. Got completely lost running around the back of the mountain, we went completely off the trail and had to clamber up rocks toward the summit. The wind at the summit was fierce!! Worse than in Achill last wkend :eek:

    Bit of a waste of time really, didnt learn anything about the run course as we had no idea where we were going :( One thing I did learn is that this is going to be a very tricky run. Sugarloaf has lots of loose rock and scree that would be easy to twist an ankle on.

    In other news, woke up this morning to find that my girlfriends bike had been robbed! ****ing scumbags are everywhere. So she'll need a lend for WAR :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Monday 19/9
    Time of day: 16:03
    Pace/type of workout: 17m cycle
    Distance: 16.93 mi
    Time: 1:03:55

    Cycled up through kilternan then stepaside, taking in the long climb towards glencullen. The point of this cycle was to keep a good pace on the long hill of 2.2m before belting home on the down hills :D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,225 ✭✭✭DogSlySmile

    Day: Wednesday 21/9
    Time of day: 19:31
    Pace/type of workout: Mixed Intervals
    Distance: 2.43m
    Time: 14:38

    I'm in the process of easing down the mileage for WAR, so I had a complete rest day yesterday (Tuesday). I like mixed intervals, they are challenging and a bit fun! I cycled as quickly as I could to the track (because WAR starts with a cycle) and then did 1m @6:30m/m, 1k @ 6:15m/m, 800m @6:00m/m, 400m @ 5:45m/m. Everything went well and I was surprisingly fresh in between the intervals. When I was finished I jumped back on the bike and sped home.

    Woke up today (thursday) with a bit of a cold, my nose is a runny mess and I've no energy :( I'm whipping the lemsips into me so hopefully I'll be ok come Saturday. Fingers crossed!
