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Mike Cubbard



  • Registered Users Posts: 9,286 ✭✭✭WesternNight

    Even if he was a member of FF, surely it'd be a good thing that he'd have left the party?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,885 ✭✭✭PomBear

    Although the allegations of him being former FF, he was at a meeting in richardsons the others day discussing left alternatives with the other left candidates apart from Trevor Ó Clochartaigh who couldn't make it.

    So he's left wing now or so he says!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭Amhran Nua

    Dan_Solo wrote: »
    Sorry, but you have registered solely to post on this so I'll have to completely disregard everything you say. That's just the way it is.
    He is asking legitimate questions however, that do need an answer.

    Mike Cubbard has indeed gone on record as saying he's not currently associated with any party, while dodging the question of previous party involvement, so the question of his former associations still remains open. He does say he was never a member of any party however, so that puts My View in the wrong on that point.
    Firstly, to answer the question posed as to whether I am 1) Independent Fianna Fail, 2) Independent Ex-PD, 3) Independent future Fianna Fail or 4) Independent Marxist Socialist. I can confirm I am none of the above. I am “Independent Mike Cubbard” and will remain that way throughout my campaign and throughout my spell in City Hall if elected. I will not, regardless of what The Insider believes, be joining a party. There is enough time wasted in the Galway City Council because of the cross party antics of certain members at present, this is why we need to elect more Independents this time out. We must learn from our mistakes.

    To clarify, I was never on course, or “courted” as your writer believes, to be a future Fianna Fail candidate. I laughed when I read, “It is widely known that Mr Cubbard was being courted as a future Fianna Fail candidate.” If I was, certainly nobody told me. Again, this is a cheap shot by a certain councillor whom I’m led to believe wrote this piece.

    Secondly, I was in no way dumped by any party in favour of anybody else as I have never been a member of any political party. Not Fianna Fail, not Fine Gael, not Labour, not Green not PD, not Sinn Fein, nor any other party in Irish politics. So again, the information your writer based his information on is without base and certainly lacking actual fact.

    I can confirm I took part in the Lisbon treaty canvass last year and canvassed the Westside and Dangan areas. I took part in this canvass with two personal friends of mine, one of whom happens to be a member of Fianna Fail. I did so as I am known in the area and believed in a “Yes” vote being in the best interests of the country. The party did not directly contact me to do so; it was a personal friend who asked if I would help out. Does this make me a member of the above-mentioned party? No. Does this put me on course to stand for Fianna Fail in an election? No.

    I think it is absolutely ridiculous and out of order for any member of the current council to brand me, or anybody else for that matter, with a toxicity level. It is nothing short of hypocritical for any of this council to do this in the fashion he has done. It is clear to me that somebody is threatened by the “Independent voice” and feels that he must attack us Independents at every opportunity. The message I would send to this particular councillor is to take a long hard look at yourself before casting your “vote” on me and brandishing me with a toxicity level.

    As I have mentioned, I am an Independent candidate. I will remain an Independent candidate. I will represent the people of Galway city to the best of my ability as an Independent councillor if elected, promoting unity and progression in the council chamber. I will not be jumping ship, contrary to what last Thursday’s “Insider” believes.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 10,087 ✭✭✭✭Dan_Solo

    Amhran Nua wrote: »
    He is asking legitimate questions however, that do need an answer.
    OK, my original reasoning for ignoring him was flawed, but ultimately I was correct to do so.
    A quick Google search of any sort turns up Cubbard's flat out denial of party membership. Why would anybody register here solely to say otherwise and give no evidence to back it up? You'd think a "one-issue" poster would have something concrete to bring to the discussion.
    My Views stinks of inside job.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭Amhran Nua

    Dan_Solo wrote: »
    My Views stinks of inside job.
    He does, but he's not the only one asking questions. You can't expect people to seriously support putting Cubbard in a very well paid and powerful job on the strength of a few vague newspaper headline type policies.

    One in particular - how does he plan to deal with the question of the banks taking into account the ECB, EU, and bond markets? Also how does he intend to reduce the deficit, and finally how can he as an independent have any noticeable impact on any of these issues?

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Amhran Nua wrote: »
    One in particular - how does he plan to deal with the question of the banks taking into account the ECB, EU, and bond markets? Also how does he intend to reduce the deficit, and finally how can he as an independent have any noticeable impact on any of these issues?

    Topic one i'd imagine is more a question for the cabinet, who have a wealth of advisers in each field.

    Same as topic two.... when does one independent deal with an issue that big :confused:

    And question three, i'd imagine would somewhat tie in with one and two. In that he through his voting power could use his vote to the benefit of the majority of the people.

    Being honest, your questions are ones that should be put to a Government department and not one independent with has no intention of running a Government department.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 10,087 ✭✭✭✭Dan_Solo

    To echo the above, detailed policy on issues like that are a bit pointless for independents, though it couldn't hurt to have more specifics in their manifestos.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭Amhran Nua

    Dan_Solo wrote: »
    To echo the above, detailed policy on issues like that are a bit pointless for independents
    Then what's the point in having independents?

    What you're saying is that you support someone becoming a national level politician without having an answer to national level questions? Any party, any politician that wants a seat in Dáil Éireann better have a more detailed answer than "its not my job". It is your job.

    If that's above his pay grade he shouldn't be at that pay grade.

    It's low expectations like these that put a shower of small town barristers, publicans and teachers in charge of a modern European nation, with all the fun that resulted in.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 10,087 ✭✭✭✭Dan_Solo

    Amhran Nua wrote: »
    It's low expectations like these that put a shower of small town barristers, publicans and teachers in charge of a modern European nation, with all the fun that resulted in.
    Nope, it's parties like FF and FG who do that, not low expectations.
    Could Mike Cubbard personally negotiate us a lower IMF bailout interest rate? I doubt it. Do I trust him to do the right thing ahead of any FF, FG, GP or Lab? Most definitely yes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,124 ✭✭✭Amhran Nua

    Dan_Solo wrote: »
    Could Mike Cubbard personally negotiate us a lower IMF bailout interest rate?
    Here's the thing, the IMF were opposed to the high interest rate our EU partners slapped on us, they aren't the problem. This is the kind of stuff I'd expect a national representative to at least be aware of.

    I'll leave it there in any case, since it doesn't appear Mike Cubbard is going to make an appearance. We have a vast array of mediocre options to choose from, I'd urge people to choose the least mediocre and the most helpful for the nation, not for Galway. Its no good jockeying for our slice of the pie when there might be no pie at all unless the big issues are competently dealt with.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 Mike Cubbard


    First of all, apologies for the delay in replying to this thread. As you all know, the campaign has hit the home straight so I am canvassing non-stop.

    Before I talk about policies I want to clarify a few off the wall remarks and personal attacks.

    For anybody to suggest my interest in politics is soley financial disgusts me. I come from a working class background and have seen and continue to see the pain people in my community and beyond are going through on a daily basis due to reckless decision making and systems in place. Not for one second have I ever used a TD salary as my intent to contest this or any election.

    Also, for somebody who does not know me to suggest I am not the brightest or must defend myself on or indeed use my surname to make a smart remark regarding Berti is again, ridiculous and quite pathetic in my opinion.

    I also see The View has decided to join boards soley to have a go at me. I have no problem with that if what you have to say is factual. However, I have catagoriacally denied on many occasion ever being a member of any political party. I am not, nor never been and see no reason as to why I must continue to answer the same question again and again. As a personal friend of mine happens to be a member of a party, one particular FG City Councillor decided to try use this against me in 2009.

    Amhran Nua, you continue to ask for answers, as said above, apologies, been crazy busy.

    I have carefully read every post and the one suggestion which I completly refute is when somebody suggested I may be lazy throughout my campaign. I have spent 6 weeks canvassing to date from 5-9, following a 9-5 job.

    I also have an 8 month old son which at the moment I am not getting to spend very much time with so for somebody to suggest I am lazy is the biggest dis-respect I could have received.

    I totally accept all criticism of website. Unfortunately we went live too early but due to many requests we had no choice. I don't have anything to do with running the site from here and have sent an urgent message to the 3rd party in charge to fix the mistakes which should be amended tomorrow.

    For those trying to e-mail me, please send to or and I will be glad to reply.

    To have a voice as an Independent in Dáil Éireann, it will take the formation of a strong technical group of elected Independents. One that will tackle the issue's of importance and question the political parties once and for all. I attended a meeting not so long ago with a number of other candidates standing as Independents around Ireland and this seems to be the best way forward.

    To make a smart remark using my interest in current affairs as a sole credential as to me contesting is again, pathetic.

    I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I believe a public representative should have the passion and knowledge of what is happening on the ground in order to be able to make key decisions. We often hear a politician say " I know how you feel" or "I understand" when they have never suffered a day in their lives. We need to re-engage people and I feel as a young enthusiastic Independent seeing first hand the people of Galway lose their jobs, batte for their entitlements in health care and be ignored by current representatives I have the credentials to succeed in politics.

    I am not a barrister, property developer, teacher or solicitor but as we have seen - that dosn't always work. Now more than ever we need common sense.

    To give you a summery of the key issues I am fighting my campaign on are:

    1. EU/IMF Loan

    I believe the loan must be renegotiated. We can't pay the loan as it is. As an Independent and with the support of others in the umbrella group would call for a reduction in the interest rate and agree with Europe to hold off on re-payments for 5 years - which has been done in the past. Europe do not want us to default.

    2. Health Service

    Our Health Sevice needs reform. 8 levels of management in any business does not work and it is exactly in this way we must treat our health service, as a business. It must be effective. The closure of wards and beds must be reversed. Also the role of consultants must be reviewed. We can't remain in a situation where a consultant can be paid for 35 hours in UCHG yet only spend 20 hours there and be getting paid for private work in private hospitals in the meantime.

    3. Education

    Two areas in education I feel must be treated as priority are class sizes and prefabs. We must put a halt to class sizes going up and up. Evetually most need reducing but at least in the short term put a stop to the addition of more students under the same teacher. Most prefabs still in use are old, worn and unhealthy. One particular prefab in Galway City has been at 2 degree's since before Christmas and continues to leek in the ba weather. How we can send children into these conditions in 2011 baffles me.

    4. Reform

    I find it rich how all the parties have an opinion on reform this last week yet failed to ask the question when in the 30th Dáil. I believe we need a more transparent system where all salaries and expenses should be declared and published quarterly. For the poster who says I am trying to be elected for the salary, I actually believe it should be reduced to €55,000. We need to look at the Senate. What is the role and value for money as it costs €10.9 million per year? I see it as a talking shop which provides jobs for the lads and fails to support its price tag.

    5. Job Creation

    Every effort from all elected TD's must be put on job creation. Again, I know mnay people leaving our country weekly and we must put a stop to it. We have to create a positive image again and show Ireland is open for business. I feel aboloshing the airport tax is the first step to achieving this. On a local level in Galway I have already made the suggestion that short-medium term contracts be offered to skilled workers to repair and upgrade all social houses left derilict and empty.

    6. Wealth Tax

    I would be in favour of reversing the Universal Charge and bringing in a wealth tax to have those earing over €150,000 pay extra. We can't ask those who don't have it to pay up.

    I have many more ideas and continue to post on my facebook page votemikecubbard so fel free to add me as a friend.

    Finally, I have put my name forward and stand before Galway West as an Independent and am very proud to do so. If any person takes issue with that or has a personal opinion on that I would appreciate it if you come and speak to me on it. I do not appreciate my good name being thrown around boards in an effort by some to damage my campaign. I have joined in an effort to engage as many people as I possibly can before the 25th, alot more than many candidates have done.

    As I said, if anybody would like to ask a question, make a comment or have a go at me, drop me a line to my above e-mails and I will arrange to meet with you before polling day.

    Thanks and chat soon,

  • Registered Users Posts: 334 ✭✭Elohim

    Decent response Mike. If all that was on the website to begin with (rather than vague ideas about cutting here and not cutting there) I doubt most of the arguments in this thread would have started.
    Best of luck anyways.

    Regarding the people suggesting that you're "lazy"; I think they have a fair point. From their point of view all they have to go on is what you submit for them to look at.
    There's a reason why most companies will bin CVs if there are spelling mistakes. It shows a lack of care and attention and that person's priorities lie elsewhere.
    Unfair? Maybe. Understandable? Completely.

    I know that canvassing and looking after your child takes a lot of time but that's not what the majority of people will see or hear of, therefore they won't factor all that into their decision making.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Bosco boy

    Best of luck with the campaign at least you have the balls to put yourself forward! the quality of candidates in Galway west is shocking, most of them have spent the last 10 years screaming at each other in city hall or the county council while the city and county goes into decline. The rest have been building up their property portfolios on state time. It's time to give new people a chance, there seems to be an arrogance developing dismissing independents maybe some parties are getting carried away with the polls and are counting their chickens before they are hatched!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭dolphin city

    don't let the armchair experts get you down - Fair play to you for getting up and going forward on your own - it takes a lot of guts to do it. If all the armchair experts can do is have a go at the spelling, then you are doing a good job. Leave them behind and go for it.

    Good Luck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭dolphin city

    also after reading the other post regarding yourself it got me thinking and I am seriously considering giving you my vote now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 213 ✭✭Placebo Effect

    Fair play Mike....

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 10,087 ✭✭✭✭Dan_Solo

    My View wrote: »
    100% Mr. Cubbard cannot deny his long term associations with Fianna Fáil, I like the way he uses the term "The Government" not Fianna Fáil - OK if it was a short term stint for 12 months helping out, learning how a political campaign works etc, but being an actual member of Fianna Fáil for over 5/6 years. Something to hide for sure.

    He's a sheep that has always followed the flock and will continue to do so.

    If anyone would like to challenge me on the above statement, please feel free to do so or even better question Mr. Cubbard himself.
    You've been challenged and found extremely wanting.
    You are the weakest link in your party's smear campaign.
    (time to re-register and start again I guess :rolleyes:)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 25,234 ✭✭✭✭Sponge Bob

    If Mike Cubbard was never a member of FF as Mike states, and contrary to what My View states, why do you think My View is posting 'on behalf of' FF or indeed any 'party' ??

    I could name a lot more suspects, all of whom are hunting for votes in the City :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,286 ✭✭✭WesternNight

    don't let the armchair experts get you down - Fair play to you for getting up and going forward on your own - it takes a lot of guts to do it. If all the armchair experts can do is have a go at the spelling, then you are doing a good job. Leave them behind and go for it.

    Thing is, they can vote as well.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭dolphin city

    going by some of their posts on here, I wouldn't say they are of the age to vote yet.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 10,087 ✭✭✭✭Dan_Solo

    Sponge Bob wrote: »
    If Mike Cubbard was never a member of FF as Mike states, and contrary to what My View states, why do you think My View is posting 'on behalf of' FF or indeed any 'party' ??

    I could name a lot more suspects, all of whom are hunting for votes in the City :)
    I didn't say My View was posting on behalf of FF, did I? I'm guessing he's voting on behalf of some (very worried) party though all the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,380 ✭✭✭TheCosmicFrog

    Thanks for the reply Mike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25 starship

    also after reading the other post regarding yourself it got me thinking and I am seriously considering giving you my vote now.
    me too:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17 Mike Cubbard

    No problem...

    Fair point about web. I take it on board and appreciate all the comments made.

    There was a similar smere campaign by a FG Cllr. in 2009 so I don't worry too much.

    As I have always said if I am ever elected to Galway City Council or Dáil Éireann to represent the people of Galway I will do so as an Independent. I have no interest in party politics.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 My View

    Excuse me all, particularly Dan Solo I am a working class member of the public who is entitled to air my views as I wish, one must remember Mr. Cubbard like the rest of the candidates are being interviewed for jobs here where people like me and other forum members will pay there wages. Hard work doesn't always mean a specific person should get the job, the sucessful candidate must have the necessary skills and qualifications to actually do the job in a satisfactory manner which obviously has not been very true over the past 15 years with the likes of Fianna Fáil and a very silent opposition. I will also asking similar question of the remaining candidates in Galway West.

    Mr. Cubbard do you deny the following;

    You canvassed very heavily for Martin Quinn Fianna Fáil Councillor during his last campaign? Yes or No?

    You Canvassed very heavily for John Connollly Fianna Fáil during the 2005 local election campaign? Yes or No?

    You canvassed very heavily for Frank Fahey during the 2007 General election campaign? Yes or No?

    You canvassed alongside only Fianna Fáil members for a yes vote in the Lisbon Treaty campaign of 2008? You previously said you supported this campaign however wasn't your support in conjunction with your fellow Fianna Fáil buddies? No other party was involved or walked the streets with you? Yes or No?

    Please explain Mr. Cubbard?

  • Registered Users Posts: 739 ✭✭✭flynnlives

    Here, My view!

    You seem to know alot about FF in galway and you have managed to post negative things about all the other candidates individual threads except Crowe and Fahey!!

    One thing is for sure FF TD's, candidates, supporters and hacks are great at throwing **** around and hoping it sticks!!
    Not surprising really since the FF party is full of it!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭doubleglaze

    Mike, I will not vote for you in a General Election, although I might vote for you as a local councillor.

    You are a young man who, at a time of free third level education, seemed more interested in earning money than in developing yourself intellectually in your youth by doing a third level degree.

    If money were an issue, you could have done a degree at night.

    I question your intellectual stamina.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭dolphin city

    in a democratic society you are allowed to change your mind. To those people who are screaming about someone support ff six years ago - I would ask, are you giving the same tripe to the people who VOTED FF IN six years ago - your friends, family, even yourselves. It all sounds great in hindside but what did YOU do six years ago - they must have gotten in somehow. Didn't see any of ye ranting six years ago about your situation.

    also if you needed help with an issue six years ago - who did ye go to - was it FF. Or were ye protesting against them even then - obviously not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,853 ✭✭✭CrowdedHouse

    You are a young man who, at a time of free third level education, seemed more interested in earning money than in developing yourself intellectually in your youth by doing a third level degree.

    LOL well that bates Banagher LOL

    Seven Worlds will Collide

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  • Registered Users Posts: 171 ✭✭Ray Burkes Pension

    I have carefully read every post and the one suggestion which I completly refute is when somebody suggested I may be lazy throughout my campaign. I have spent 6 weeks canvassing to date from 5-9, following a 9-5 job.

    I also have an 8 month old son which at the moment I am not getting to spend very much time with so for somebody to suggest I am lazy is the biggest dis-respect I could have received.

    I totally accept all criticism of website. Unfortunately we went live too early but due to many requests we had no choice. I don't have anything to do with running the site from here and have sent an urgent message to the 3rd party in charge to fix the mistakes which should be amended tomorrow.

    You will have to work longer hours if elected.

    You can blame a third party for your website all you like. But we can all see from your posts that it is your terrible grammar and spelling mistakes that litter it. Are you gonna shift the blame to someone else like this when you are elected?

This discussion has been closed.