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Gizmodo (et al.) Redesign!

  • 14-02-2011 11:16am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭


    WTF is going on with the redesign of the Gawker family of blog sites?!

    Apart from the uber-unfriendly navigation, they appear to have ballsed up the RSS feeds. Jalopnik is fine for some reason but Lifehacker and Gizmodo all direct to the respective homepages, so any attempts to find the story you actually clicked on in your RSS reader will lead you to the current frontpage headline story! PITA.

    Anyone else having this issue with the RSS links? I'm using the Windows 7 RSS reader gadget. Anyone got this issue with other readers?



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,485 ✭✭✭Oafley Jones

    Truly one of the worst redesigns I've seen.

    Used to visit Giz a couple of times a day and I've probably checked it twice since they rolled out the redesign. Have to say I'm glad. Giz was never great to begin with, but in the past two years it's taken a dramatic turn for the worse: between the articles on sex toys, lego, Jesus Diaz's latest idiocy, the repulsive joel johnson and the awful Kat Hannford's two line filler articles (and even at that there's nearly alway typos and mistakes) I can't say I miss it. If gadget sites were newspapers Engadget would the Times while Gizmodo would be The Star.
