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Sqit squats, pork ropes & swimming with the fish.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Good session. Caffeine helped. X cuse the typing, using phone.

    Snatches, no complaints, need to work on where to cue myself to make them faster but with good technique.

    Cleans and jerks were easy peasy and got a good few praises.

    Twas a short workout, got in late but it felt like cardio cuz kept rest times very short.

    Did intervals on treadmill, not too much just enough to sweat. A couple of knee exercises and Ms supp's torture hip/quad stretch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    too tired to capitalise my letters. oof those doubles at the end of each lifts are a killer.

    let's see, snatching was ok, consistent enough. i felt like i kept thudding when down hard, but its just probably all those cakes i've been baking since im off the booze.

    c&j's were good, except for the 38kg, was tired by then, 40kg went up easy enough though afterwards.

    squats, were ok, 54kg felt really easy, even easier than the first sets of 45kg but somehow got stuck on 58kg, we tried the 58 again went up ok. ms supp was trying to give me advice on the squats, but i was interrupted:rolleyes:. need to solicit her help again without the prying eyes & ears.

    gonna try to get to hercs tomorrow, snorkies on sunday morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Went off plan, did a bit more weight than normal, ssshhh don't anyone say anything to Tommy.

    25kg - 3 reps
    27kg - 3 reps
    29kg - 2 sets of doubles, did one snatch then 2 OH squats
    30kg - doubles 3 sets with 2 OH squats
    35kg - ended on this instead of the usual boring 32kg, went up ok even after those 30kg doubles that I'm not used to.

    Wanted to work on adding in the OH squats while I had the weight up, we might be testing that 40kg soon again and I want to stand up this time dammit. I tried to add in 3 OH squats on the 30kg but 2 was all I got.

    I also tried playing around with putting myself off balance while I was in the hole to try to ascertain the best way to adjust myself if I don't land in an optimum way. I can hear Tommy saying I'm over thinking again.

    C & J (again went up a kg or 2 here & there)
    33kg - triples
    35kg - triples
    37kg - doubles
    38kg - 3 sets of doubles (knackered on the last one, my right arm did a press up while my left was ok)

    I tried to clean 47kg which I've done before no probs but was just too tired. It might've been too big of a jump for me between sets, need more incremental jumps maybe, but ran out of time. What I should've done was my 40kg that I end on then a 45kg to a 47kg.

    Had to rush so skipped squats, rushed through some 3 sets x5 of 10kg plate in front of me squats.

    Got a nice dopamine fix after those weights though, unlike the serotonin fixes I've been getting of late. Anyway that high was then replaced by hunger & annoyance because had to do some household shopping in town. Bah people every where!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    A bit of wind this morning. Didn't do too badly, the 2nd round of going around the buoys was a bit tough, but did better than I thought. Endurance must be coming up, I bailed out a little early and took one of the trainees back to shore. Hard enough giving myself a pep talk.

    But I must've gotten a kick of endorphins again cuz.. while trying to warm up my frozen toes during our apres snorkel coffee meet, I thought about how lucky I am to be able to have 2 hobbies like these. I even can't wait to get back to Hercs tomorrow. Feeling a bit more excited now a days than nervous when lifting, I might even start sounding like Ms Supp (well pre-wrist injury anyway;)).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    We are shaking things up a bit, was getting to happy to lift ya know.

    1st try was to base my percentages on a 40kg (that I never stood up on), er warming up with 28kg the first set was a bit too big of a jump.

    Anyways the rest of the session went:
    2x triples 25kg
    1x triples 27kg
    1x doubles 29kg
    1x 31kg (was a bit slow on this one getting down, Tommy said I threw it up so high, then tried to follow it, instead of dropping)
    1x 33kg (& damn did that 33kg feel heavier than Saturday's 35kg)

    same old same old (hate typing out these numbers like this)
    1x 45kg
    0x 50kg <:mad:insert Mr.L's expletives:mad:>

    Anyway Tommy is changing things, new program tomorrow, gonna add some powersnatches & powercleans to add some speed. He didn't quite understand why the 50 was so hard for me, especially he said the 45 looked light. To be honest I could've sworn I was gonna get it too.

    Anyway my positive thought for the day....


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  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭supposedly

    You can write my training log for me from now on. You are infinitely more interesting to read than I am :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    supposedly wrote: »
    You can write my training log for me from now on. You are infinitely more interesting to read than I am :)

    Ok you help my squats & I'll write for you.

    It's called typing diarrhea, just blah blah about my workout. I'm not really great at expressing myself verbally so it all comes out when I type.

    Speaking of squats, today's went fine. The 58kg felt good enough, I think I had problems before mainly because I would sit & relax at the bottom like I was waiting for someone to get me drink (god I miss wine:().

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Too lazy to dig out & type out new programme. I got a two part programme.

    1st: the snatches are the same as yesterday, then some powercleans (I'll type out the weights later), the biggest change are the squats.
    52kg 6 x 3 reps

    Did the above tonight. I'm still finding that I don't drop fast enough on the lighter weights but the 31kg & 33kg I certainly do. Ah need to start building up the wrists again too, finding the catch sometimes a bit painful but no biggie.

    2nd: powersnatches (numbers later) & then the usual C&J routine, which would've actually changed had that motherF 50kg cooperated. Once again the 52kg 6x3 squats. This one on Thurs.

    Mmm hopefully those 52kg will add some nice strength & hopefully some size on my legs. I've been drinking my ickley sweet Myprotein powder, just to get something portable in quick. Made some yucky muffins out of it too that I choked down, but it gave me enough energy to get through tonight's session even though I was yawning & gazing stupidly around in the beginning of the workout.

    11 minute interval work on the treadmill, I'm noticing I have to run for buses more & more. Knee exercise & that horrible hip/quad stretch thingy.
    Oh yeah had the first session of pilates at lunch. Definitely something different to weightlifting, a lot of work for little. Anyway when I got back to work I was actually paying more attention to my posture & it got me out of the office so no complaints.

    Plan tomorrow is yoga & pool, we have to do our annual swim test, hold breath & towing exercises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Pool, don't know where the extra energy came from, I was dragged kicking & screaming to the pool, but got into a good few lengths, messing around & tumbling pretending to be a mermaid. My immune system must be fully back by now, killed off the weak cells.

    Ms Supp looked at my squat, nothing much wrong with it, which is good, I just wanted to make sure. Got a couple of exercises to add in just to get the glutes fired up, I know I need more muscle back there, got enough cushion. Hmm, my usual ab work won't cut which is fine, wasn't mad about what I was given before anyway.

    I'm marvin now! Still want some wine, been complaining since Dec 31st, I must truly be a lush.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Actually got there early enough to throw in those extra 3 sets of doubles after each lift. Took a couple of reps to get into powersnatching again, but man alive, I hardly needed any rest periods for those, made the session go faster, was finished before anyone got a chance to kick me off of the ground floor.

    C&J, first set felt a little off balance after jerking, but Tommy pointed out that I've been looking at the ceiling, er think I've been doing that on the snatches too:rolleyes:. Anyway all the jerks felt steady after that.

    Had a bit of knee pain but some how I magically was able to transfer this onto an unsuspecting soul <insert smiley devil face>, came back after squats though. Squats were ok, yeah think my abs need some extra stabilizing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Don't know what happened to me. Went in there fine, the snatches felt really solid, then I don't know just lost focus on the 5th set. They all still went up, except one, but eh, regained a little focus for the last set. Then on to powercleans, which are kinda boring for me at the weights I'm doing them on. Squatting, the first set felt heavy but by the 4th set they felt light all the way to the 6th set.

    Somewhere in the middle the ANTI-endorphins kicked in:(:(:(, I guess there is only one word that describes my feeling now. Eh I guess it just happens, although I can't fathom why this session.

    Tomorrow's plan is to just do some doubles with extra OH squats on the snatches.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    I think our cycles are synced.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    I think our cycles are synced.

    Thing is, this is supposed to be my 'happy' part of the cycle, end of next week I had it scheduled in to be all emo. Was gonna listen to emo songs , stare blankly at emo art work and use razors to etch emo poems on myself. Ah well the best laid plans & all that. Or maybe one just can't plan for emo?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Was able to drag myself out to Hercs. My will & body had other ideas but after my sensible side had a talking to them, figured out body didn't really have any major complaints, and the will finally came to me when I thought about getting back to that 40kg soon, & then working towards the 50kg snatch.

    Still needed some external help with deep heat, a hot shower, a caffeine pill, banana & The Pixies. Also I was coachless so I got to do what I want to do, like add in some extra OH squats & just work on my doubles that I didn't get to do on Mon & Tues. Had a nice surprise though, we had a visitor I have not seen in awhile. And boy after looking at those snatches, do mine seem sloooooowwwww.

    breakdown bar warm up (really achey & tired)
    20kg triples
    25kg triples
    27kg triples (started to perk up)
    29kg (5-6) sets of doubles with 2 OH squats on the first rep of each set

    32kg triples
    34kg triples
    36kg (4-5) sets of doubles (god dammit forgot to not look so high at ceiling)
    I was going to go for 38kg but just felt too knackered

    Got a nice tip of perhaps releasing the hook grip for the jerk so I'm not squeezing the life out of my thumb.

    Squats (barless):

    Using Ms Supp's suggestion of using a band around the knee, I added holding a 5kg plate in front of me just for giggles. Anyway..
    1 set 10 reps
    3 sets 8 reps
    Really really like the band idea, could really feel it in the glutes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    You can rack a clean with the hook still in?

    I hate you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    You can have my little girly weak wrists if ya want. They are no good for snatching.

    Today just went to park & walked around, active recovery or something. Too many people and not enough dogs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Ah was feeling pretty blah all day, got off the bus for Hercs even felt a bit wobbly, shakey & dizzy, really thought I was going to have some emo moments. So banana & caffeine pill I took.

    Glad I was only doing powersnatching, warmed up after the 3rd set finally and started to feel better. But still felt disconnected during powersnatching, but C&J felt fine.

    I was even able to rack the bar a bit better for jerks, surprised myself on how some felt easier after that, think I'm getting stronger holding the rack.

    That 52 6 sets of triples on the Squatzers felt extremely light, compared to last week.

    Then did 2 sets of those band squatty things & some hip/quad stretchy thingies. Think I felt the old hip flexors relaxing a bit on the 2nd round of stretches, still painful to get into the position.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Fricking back was at me all last night, hardly got any sleep. Maybe I'm not so strong in the racking position as I thought, I must've tweaked my old nagging issue. Been awhile since it has been at me.

    Ooof maybe I'm just feeling my age today of all days. Even skipping pilates, but going to see her for some NMT, my usual physio is away. ...Mommy:(:(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    What a sh1te bday, spent it lying on the floor whimpering. Went to PT, he did some work that helped, but once I had to get back home, started hurting again. Anyway I have an appt with Dr to get a referral for an MRI.

    I guess sh1t just happens, suppose I'm to make lemonade or some sh1t like that :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭supposedly

    Happy birthday. I agree you should make lemonade. I reckon the main constituent of your lemonade should be alcoholic in nature. Get better soon! x

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Happy Barfday Mom

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Ugh Doctors!!!! Why is it they seem to know nothing about body mechanics. Last time this happened the Dr I went to see didn't even ascertain that it had to do with the thoracic part of my spine. Dr said no to the MRI (suggested my a PT I saw), that it'll clear itself up, but yes it will probably happen again and there's not much one can do about it, yadda yadda here some crappy pain killers that don't even work yadda yadda. No explanation or advice on prevention etc. mad.gif I just don't except that.

    Got some relief from a PT who also wants me to get an MRI, he thinks there might be a few things like a that's causing the pain. Anyway onto part 2 of trying to find some relief next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 512 ✭✭✭supposedly

    Bloody hell. Sounds like your doctor might be a donkey. Just turn up at A&E in screaming agony and you'll get your MRI quick enough!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Edwardius

    Why are docs so reluctant to send people for scans/procedures?

    Hope you get it sorted soon anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Dead Ed wrote: »
    Why are docs so reluctant to send people for scans/procedures?

    Hope you get it sorted soon anyway.

    Hmm well my Dr started to say that "they" don't even want to look at any mid back complaints for scans, neck & lower back "they" would:confused: So sounds like to me "they" and the Dr's must communicate with each other about what they think money should be spent on. I don't know that's just my guess.

    I mean usually mid back complaints do work themselves out, compared to neck/lower back but my PT is just concerned because it has happened this bad before & even through out the years it niggles me.

    And my PT understands that I got some weights to lift, dammit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Sigh... No snorkies or lifting, guess I can just use my imagination for awhile

    I'm never going to complain about not doing a perfect snatch ever again, I will always just be happy to do one ;-p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Jaysus what's going on with all the logs moving.

    Back still f*cked beyond belief, can barely get out of bed. Finally getting an MRI on Wed. Was recommended to an osteopath that has given me some relief. Finally got a Dr to give me some proper pain medication & they are practically doing sweet f*ck all. Still can't sleep or do any normal bodily functions without the constant pain/spasms.

    Can only think of how to get by hour by hour. Don't even know why I'm posting anything. That's me for awhile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 771 ✭✭✭Red Cortina

    Sorry to hear you are in a jock:(
    Get well soon...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Sorry to hear you are in a jock:(
    Get well soon...

    Thank you:). Probably going to have to rethink a few things about training/goals once I get on the right side of this pain.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Nothing came up on the MRI on the thoracic spine, some degeneration on the lumbar though. I know osteopath kinda thought maybe the lower back was affecting the upper, as well as my lopsided pelvic area. Osteo helped the 1st session but the 3rd, I don't know, hurt worse. I have quite a bit of hypermobility in the T-spine, surprise surprise, except of course where its stuck. Going to see him again Mon, new Dr is back in the office next week too.

    Finally got some pain killers that work, I try not to take them unless I have to, they make me woozy. No definite answers yet. All the pain seems to be in the ribs, chest & stomach area now, with twinges in the back.

    Been doing some light stretches & mobility stuff, basically nothing too much and nothing that hurts, like those wall slides I tried earlier:rolleyes:

    Might try one of those anti-inflammatory diets just to help things settle. One good thing about this whole mess, my goal of giving up sugar for Feb (except fruit & tiny amount of honey) has actually been quite easy. Also can only get just enough food down my stomach between spasms, ah I betcha there goes what little muscles I have.

    Might ask Osteo if I can at least go on those awful leg extension & curl machines. Can't even do a body squat at the moment. I might check out this place soon...
