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Sqit squats, pork ropes & swimming with the fish.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Meh... walking to work cuz I gots no money but at least its free exercise that doesn't bother the back too much. Going to see osteo one more time to get the ok to return back to the gym, won't have any moola to pay Hercs anyway till next pay day :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Got bad news, well bad news for now. Won't be able to WL for longer than I thought, definitely no serious training this year. Pain just won't go away this week. Blah blah blah life sucks.

    Went back to Hercs today though. Was too busy nattering away to Tommy and his new trainee, & some other folks, so only got to do front loaded plate squats & some split squats before having to dash out. Legs feel jelly enough, feeling pretty out of shape.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    I actually picked up a bar today and had a workout partner, Tommy's new trainee, she looks like she's having fun with WL which in turned made me more determined to get back into it, without the pain of course. Was very tempting to try a jerk or two with an empty bar, but I'll get to that at another stage.

    Looks like I'm allowed to do very light deadlifts, well Tommy had me doing the clean style deadlifts, only 30kgs though, but its better than nothing. Didn't really feel it in the legs, but think the back prefers indirect work. Did some lunges and just dead hangs.

    Thursday, only quick one as went to a gig that half of Ireland was at. Did band squats and 10 mins running (oof out of shape).

    One of the guys recommended another physio, not sure though, I've already seen 8 different people about this, not sure if I just need more time as apposed to a new treatment:confused:

    Been walking to work every day, 45 mins, the 80 yr olds have nothing on me now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Ribs killing me most of the week. Went to Hercs but could only go on treadmill, added another 5 mins to running, could've done more but other side of ribs was hurting.

    Walked to work 3 times this week.

    Had a good session today, woke up feeling perfect.
    5x5 clean style deadlifts 35kg, felt it more in the legs this time.
    Tommy had me try some side bends, don't buy into it, think it makes the ribs worse.
    4x5 split squats, buns really liked this.

    'nother Osteo appt on Monday, don't know don't know don't know.

    I keep thinking I'll read back on these whiney posts at some stage and say to myself thank frick this is over. But I thought I would be doing this by now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Woke up, ribs at me, but managed to calm them down a bit so went in.

    clean style deadlifts 5x5 @ 37kg (left back got a bit twingy towards end)
    split squats 5x4 (no rests this time) 5kg plate
    band squats 5kg front loaded plate

    So Tommy wants me to train back to 4 times a week, yeah right:rolleyes:. PT says if I insist on WL to try v light weight next month, but only once a week to start. I am perfectly happy to do an empty bar once a week, without any pain.

    PT says my main problem will most likely be when I extend through the lifts, that part will most likely irritate the rib area. Trying to explain anything to Tommy though is somewhat of a challenge though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Ooof last few weeks have been too busy. One more week of random friends and relatives then I can get back into some sort of schedule

    Tues on the treadmill, up to 20 mins running now. Used the cross trainer for only 3 minutes, don't know, think it upset the ribs, woke up in pain & then all day, was supposed to have a session on Wed but didn't.

    Today, felt a bit better & had a training partner.

    6x5 38kg clean deadlifts,
    they actually felt pretty light, so added in an extra set, must remember to squeeze in legs at the top so I can feel it more in my weak hams

    5x5 5kg plate split squats

    Dead hang

    Next week gonna try some of the lifts with just an empty bar, see how I get on. And also back into diving hopefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Got great news, seeing a new Physio (specialises in sports AND freaking desk jobs), best part my insurance covers 8 treatments only 50 yoyos. Hopefully getting new desk arrangement next week, boss ok'd it.

    Tommy has another new trainee. Ribs were at me but not so much so went in,

    CL DL's 40kg 6x5, a bit twingy

    2 x 30 sexs dead hangs
    Anywayz tomorrow going to try an empty bar on de lifts. Er, wonder if I can even remember how to do them.

    Diving Sun too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    So tired, need a nap. Don't remember it being so tiring. But must listen to my prudent side.

    Things were still a bit twingy but I just went for it.

    er.... 4 or 5 sets of triples on snatches

    empty bar of course, using blocks is a bit funny though, not being able to roll the bar in position. even 15kg felt heavy. remembered how to do the basics at least, missing some cues i think, but Tommy was happy enough. was shakey after the first set though, breathing quite hard. um... rib area was so so holding the bar overhead. kept freaking bumping the bar on hip but Tommy said it wasn't pushing the bar out so... Bah, left wrist still weakish so had to use wraps even for 15kg.

    6 sets 5kg plate split squats

    Again nice to have an enthusiastic training partner to work with, think she'll definitely get some notice in comp on Mon. She's already passed me.

    Crap can't get a lift for diving tomorrow, but maybe 1 newly added activity is enough for this weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    What's a foam roller that doesn't roll? Anyway mine doesn't anymore.

    Feeling like crap all week, er felt tightness in back and chest after snatches last Sat, waking up from it.

    Went in today, at least I was on my own, wasn't feeling sociable.

    Messing of 3 sets of triples with snatching on the 7kg bar, too light can't feel anything, but wasn't feeling the best so didn't want to push anything

    Cl deads 42kg 5x5 (had planned for 45kg but meh)

    Came home did lots of mobility and sh8t. TOM is coming soon too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Too much work and no play. Have not been able to leave early enough to get down to Herc b4 ground floor closed. But tried some sort of crossfit WOD at my friends, with a very light weight. Sweated buckets though, really out of shape, can't even remember what they were. Er, there were a few push presses thrown in there that I don't think the ribs liked.Hoping they don't get cranky, want to go to Hercs in the morning.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Sometimes I feel like the tortoise and other times the hare with trying to get back into WL.

    Today I was the hare, even though all week I felt like the tortoise, stupid work getting in the way. That desk job will be the death of me

    5 sets of double 20kg snatches
    5x5 CL DL 45kg

    20kg didn't even feel too heavy, not like the 15kg felt a couple of weeks ago, although ribs were not very steady and I planned on doing triples but found myself shakey, hands were literally shaking, after each set. Tommy even praised my speed on one set, which he never does.

    45 on the DL's, first and last set felt heavy but the others in between were light enough.

    Did some intervals on the treadmill but had to cut it short, as I had an asthma attack and didn't have my inhaler which was pretty silly. Managed to get home without passing out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    4 sets snatches doubles 20kg
    Back was bit iffy, wanted to try triples cuz feel unfit but no go. At least i dont have to use blocks, they are kinda annoying.

    5x5 cl deads 47kg
    Think im almost up to a tough enough weight, hard to say cuz weight is hardest on 1st and last. Suppose i could always use different weights for different sets????

    4 sets split squats w, 5kg plate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    No time for logging really.

    Last week did 2 sessions with my friend on that so-called WOD stuff. Last session ribs seized up from planks though, so cut it short. Reverse planks seem to be fine though.

    No Hercs since last Monday, with stuff going on.

    Not sure about this new physio, was so hoping things would work out. One of the exercises he gave me, made me seize up too.:(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Still not sure about this physio, I'm feeling worse off than a couple of weeks ago.

    Was gonna do light snatching, even just OH squat with an empty bar was too much so I let it go, hopefully on Sat.

    Cl Deads coming along though, thankfully that doesn't bother my back. Got in more volume with warming up since wasn't going to snatch. And just found out Hercs got their downstairs hours extended 7:30

    45kg 1x 5
    47kg 1x 5
    48kg 1x 5
    49kg 1x 5
    50kg 5 X 5

    Didn't even break a sweat this time, 50kg felt light enough too, so at least I can make some sort of progress with something anyway. pfft

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Stupid back at me all night, not much sleep. Was extremely grumpy going in to Hercs, but I dragged my sorry self there. Not going to be able to train in Hercs for a few days so I HAD to get in there.

    Only did 3 sets of doubles on snatching, technique is fine but was just so tired.

    For the heck of hit, tried a couple of cleans and jerks. Tommy said technique was ok, but for jerks I kind of jumped back instead of into it.

    CL deads sucked as well
    47kg 1 x5
    49kg 1 x5
    50kg 3 x5

    Have to work tomorrow and everyone in my diving club is going around saying how lovely it will be tomorrow, have not been diving as much as I would like to this year at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Did another one of friend's workouts, only had to take extra rests, sigh. But better than nothing.

    No snatching for the next week or more. Another Dr :confused:. Got some blood tests and then waiting to see if will be sent to a specialist. Physio thinks there is more going on than just the muskos. If I didn't want to get back into WL, stubborn that I am, I think I would just give up and live with the pain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    oooff, well tried to deadlift over the weekend, got up to 3 sets at 45kg to warm up, but lower back having none of it. messed it up on a work trip to the continent.

    went to old PT (not sure what's going on with new PT) and he kind of fixed the lower back, but upper back and ribs still acting stupid. went in for all sorts of tests as my heart was jumping, but they think its from the muscle spasming around chest area, not really my heart. been sick too, but lost a couple of inches from it, im sure its all muscle too :rolleyes:

    anyway trying things over again for this week. will wait for any type of snatching for weekend.

    gonna get back into yoga too, stiff as a board. flipping hip flexors at me again, stupid planes, sitting & meetings and having to smile and actually be interested in what people have to say.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    And the new word for the day kids, is....

    Don't know that's what one of the Drs think I have. I don't know about some of these specialist.

    Was able to walk to work again though, still hurts to sit longer than 10 minutes at a time. Was giving a months' worth of paracetamol to take every 4 hours, but I just can't swallow that many pills, bleh. Rather have wine to numb the pain.

    Anyway so all I've done this week is walking and some yoga. Going to try to get to Hercs tomorrow morning. And because I've neglected a few things in favour of trying to fix this stupid back issue, my shoulder issue is back, infraspinatus is all ouchy again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Had to do lots o stretching and sh8t when I woke up in order to get my body feeling ok enough.

    Yep def lost some weight, scale at Hercs was down 2-3kg I think, and trousers are loose. I hope its more fat than muscle.
    Poor lil muskles that I have:(

    CL DL's
    1 x5 45kg
    1 x5 47kg
    1 x5 48kg
    1 x5 49kg
    5x 5 50kg
    (every 5th rep felt heavy no matter what weight)
    A few little rehab ex in between sets for R shoulder & L back

    2x5 ea Split squats w/ 5kg plate, mainly for some hip flex stretching. Suckers are tight cuz I think they are compensating for something.

    Walk back from Hercs, R lower back was a bit painful. So hungy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Did some really quick rounds with an empty bar:
    A few cleans (rib ouchy)
    A few jerks
    A few push presses (shoulder ouchy)
    A few front squats

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Went to pool, did a few laps.

    So no picking up anything heavy for the next 3 months at least. On a waiting list to see a neurologist. Anyhoo I've been ignoring my usual shoulder exercises and now that's starting on me.

    So that leads me to new programs where I can feel some sort of accomplishment! I got loads of shoulder exercises and stuff though that I can do for the next 3 months. Also going to work on my hams and glutes.

    Never bothered to log any rehab exercises I've been doing but think I'll start.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Err, silly workout took too long trying to read what to do with exercises thing.

    Anywayz the shoulder program is all about alignment, tissue quality and activation. Which sounds nice but he uses the term 'reshaping your shoulder' too much & most of the exercises are zzzz. But I only have to pick of few of them at a time and then switch around in a couple of weeks.

    Did BK's warm up (actually perhaps I should've continued doing that warm up all along instead of .....)

    Breathing exercises
    Posture work
    T Spine foam rolling
    Seated T spine stretch
    Vertical hanging & swings

    Isometric Shoulder Flexion
    Wall push ups

    Using Bands
    *shoulder dislocates
    *push down
    *rows (a bit awkward from the door)
    *internal rotation & abduction
    (boy my right shoulder is more fukked than I realised trying to do the last one)
    *face pulls

    scalp push ups
    scalp pull ups

    split squats (light db's, can't remember the weight)
    combo good mornings w/ lunges
    bb hip thrusts

    a few v light f squats just for fun. tried presses but er will just skip for a couple of months.

    Cool down
    Pec stretch against wall
    Seated Arm lat stretch
    Golf ball rolling

    Waay to complicated but I guess at time passes I'll be able to run through quicker

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Breathing exercises when I woke up

    BK's warm up
    T Spine foam rolling

    Light jog & some sprints in park (F! my hip flexors are cranky)
    Pec stretch against a tree

    Seated T spine stretch
    Vertical hanging & swings

    Isometric Shoulder Flexion
    Wall push ups

    Using Bands
    *shoulder pull aparts (kinda bothers left ribs though, feels like they want to poke out or something)
    *push downs (i like these, feels good around thoracic area & also feel in the tris)
    *face pulls

    :(ok these two, even though I'm right handed the right side was 50% weaker than my left, definitely some issue there.:(
    *internal rotation & abduction
    *rotator cuff pulls

    Cool down
    Seated Arm lat stretch
    Golf ball rolling

    Yay diving tomorrow, been a looooong time. Its low tide though so viz might be crap with everything flowing out of the bay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Blah, was mistake looking back over my log, feeling depressed now, especially reading about the 40kg snatch that almost was.

    Went diving early early this morning, viz was crap but there was no current so leading the dive was quite easy, except for my computer not working for the safety stop. I think the wetsuit was harder on my back/shoulders than the 12 litre tank. Really tired.

    Breathing work
    Foam rolling
    Hangs and swings
    er, yep that's it for the old shoulder workout, pathetic. And have class after work tomorrow. Might see if I can squeeze some band exercises in at work???

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    At work sat with a back brace, think it helps although it didn't the last time I tried it a few months ago. Will see through the rest of the week. Wrist is at me for some reason, think did something to it on Sunday.

    Breathing exercises when I woke up

    BK's warm up (actually couldn't do the plank get ups, cuz of wrist)
    T Spine foam rolling
    Vertical hanging & swings

    Isometric Shoulder Flexion
    Wall push ups

    Using Bands
    *shoulder dislocates
    *push down
    *face pulls
    *rows (a bit awkward from the door)
    *internal rotation & abduction (right shoulder felt a little better on the 2nd set)
    *rotator cuff pulls (these still bother right shoulder)

    scalp push ups
    scalp pull ups

    split squats
    bb hip thrusts

    combo good mornings w/ lunges

    Cool down
    Pec stretch against wall
    Seated Arm lat stretch
    Seated T spine stretch
    Golf ball rolling

    Physio and pool tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Went to pool yesterday, did a few laps. Did some backwards finning too to get the glute & ham burn.

    Feels like I'm coming down with something to took it handy...

    BK's warm up (skipped plank get ups, again)
    T Spine foam rolling
    Vertical hanging & swings

    Isometric Shoulder Flexion
    Wall push ups

    Using Bands
    *shoulder dislocates
    *push down
    *face pulls
    *internal rotation & abduction
    *rotator cuff pulls (felt much easier on right shoulder

    Cool down
    Pec stretch against wall

    **did these last time, just didn't bother to log**
    Seated T Spine Rotation
    Arms crossed lats Stretch
    Rotator cuff Stretch

    Tri Ropeless Stretch (w/ palm faced in & then out)
    Coracobrachialis Stretch

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    BK's warm up (wonder if my shoulders will stop crunching when i do wall slides)
    T Spine foam rolling
    Vertical hanging & swings

    Isometric Shoulder Flexion
    Wall push ups

    Using Bands
    *shoulder dislocates
    *push down

    MY BAND BROKE so had to go do just one arm!!!!mad.png *internal rotation & abduction (r arm)
    *rotator cuff pulls (r arm(

    Cool down

    Pec stretch against wall
    Seated T Spine Rotation
    Arms crossed lats Stretch
    Rotator cuff Stretch

    Tri Ropeless Stretch (w/ palm faced in & then out)
    Coracobrachialis Stretch (this felt great on the left side)

    Anyway looks like I need new bands, a bit stronger, so maybe its the best. That Bodylastic kit looks good, can even do leg curls with them:)

    Hopefully park tomorrow, think last week was the last dive in Ireland this year.

    Actually gonna go loosen up the hipflexors, suckas are tight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Did a light jog and sprints on Saturday, but the legs and buns got a nice burn.

    Only managed to do some shoulder work & stretches all weekend, not really feeling the best.

    Going to go puke I think, except have not eaten anything all day. Skipping pool tomorrow too because have a class:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Tried to go for a bit of a run in the park, damn slippery mud, anyway didn't quite work out, hobbled my way home with some bruised toes. Think I might actually need some sort of trail running shoes if I'm to keep this up over the winter. One too many hot toddys when I got home:o

    Still gots yellow/orange stuff coming out of my noes but I did get a new band from physio. The support has been helping at work but the physio can't seem to explain to me why its working.

    Anyway did this over the last few hours, not all in one go though.

    T Spine foam rolling

    Vertical hanging & swings

    Isometric Shoulder Flexion
    Wall push ups

    Using Bands
    *pull aparts
    *push down
    *internal rotation & abduction
    *rotator cuff pulls (still hurty on the right shoulder)

    Seated T Spine Rotation
    Arms crossed lats Stretch
    Rotator cuff Stretch

    Tri Ropeless Stretch (w/ palm faced in & then out)

    Still thinking about those bodylastic bands, the band I'm using attached to the door just doesn't feel safe.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Scalp/posture work against a wall

    T Spine foam rolling

    Vertical hanging & swings (ribs were actually hurty from this, I have to turn around for half to make sure I get the full swing in front and back)

    Isometric Shoulder Flexion (trying this against the wall now)
    Wall push ups

    Using Bands
    *shoulder pull aparts
    *push down
    *internal rotation & abduction
    *rotator cuff pulls (hmmm, stabilisation seems to be getting worse for this exercise:confused:)

    scalp rows with DB's @NEW ONE IM ADDING
    scalp pull ups
    oops forgot to do scalp push ups

    Cool down
    Pec stretch against wall
    Seated Arm lat stretch
    Seated T spine stretch

    Got a massage yesterday, felt soo good but Im broke the rest of this month I'll just be eating eggs, canned fish & veggies, and what ever is left over in my house for food.
