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Sqit squats, pork ropes & swimming with the fish.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Oh yeah forgot to mention that Wayne decided to toture us with some Irish ballads at the end of the session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Edwardius

    howtomake wrote: »
    Oh yeah forgot to mention that Wayne decided to toture us with some Irish ballads at the end of the session.
    Please tell me there's a video of this!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Dead Ed wrote: »
    Please tell me there's a video of this!

    Ha! That thought never crossed my mind and I'd rather not go through it again. There was only myself and one other witness to this.

    F! Meant torture with the other 'r', silly English language.

    Jees I'm not getting any work done today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Meh don't think I'll be touching that 25kg again until my wrists get stronger. Met with the physio, she suggested maybe wraps are not the best thing for now. But I just ordered some fancy pair:(. But I don't want what happened with my shoulder happen to anything else ever again. Anyway have to work on gripping the bar with a straighter wrist

    Yep right glute needs some major activation, gonna work on that like a Mo-Fo:cool:, even incorporate it into my short yoga sessions. And walking up the stairs at work, since I do that at least 5 times a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    So tired, got in very late last night and had to go to work.

    Oof, think I need to go back to eating at least 6 times a day. This 3-4 just isn't working for me. I was able to regulate my macros (including protein) and portion sizes better at the 6+ times. Not to mention I felt like I had more energy. I'm also not quite comfortable at the weight I'm at from March, I think 5-10lbs less I feel better.

    Takes a bit more planning but gotta do what works, think I'm getting used to hauling myself over to Bray twice a week.

    Speaking of which, hopefully I'll get my program from Mr. Wayne tonight. Pool tomorrow which I've been neglecting and getting yelled at by my D.O. in the diving club, meh :rolleyes: too many people to answer to.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Had a head/neck ache all day, luckily it went away about an hour before the session. Even after I drank some redbull, its beginning to become my crutch I think, but that bus ride is so long, I'd just fall asleep on it. Got my program finally, only took me over 4 weeks.

    Snatches above knee went great, was allowed to do one set with left wrist wrapped for 25kg, the rest were unwrapped. I think doing at least one set of heavy, is good mentally. Seems I need to build up my confidence and trust that I can do heavier. I hesitated a bit more with 25kg, it did feel lighter this time setting it up though.

    Cleans were ok but was tired by the last 2 sets.

    Backward lunges/bulgarians, I'll be doing single leg stuff for awhile I guess.

    F****** no diving again this weekend, gotta get back into this so I can get my 2 star dammit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Got some veggies from Home Organics and some fish from Kish Fish, all and all good quality. I'm trying to ween myself off of Tescos, Dunnes & Superquinn.

    Only did 1 session this week but I have been doing the wrist exercises just about every day, as well as exercising my right hip/thigh.

    Snatches, nothing really to report, still working on hip drive. Gotta work on gripping the bar a bit tighter too, that should help the wrists. Although one day I would love to just do loads of snatching with low weight just to get it ingrained.

    Cleans were ok, only up to 38kg

    Lower body strength exercises. Again nothing great and nothing bad to say about this session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Wasn't able to do any snatches or cleans due to a little incident. Just did some strength stuff including working on my hips/glutes, core, shoulders, etc. Wayne was nice enough to drop me at the bus stop with an umbrella since it was pouring. He also informed me that last, last time I cleaned was up to 45kg. Hopefully work on increasing that next week. Think I'm starting to see/feel a little bit more muscle on the forearms near the wrists. He gave me another exercise I could do while even at work on the grip/wrist strength. Think its coming along. Right hip seems to be getting a bit stronger/stable too. All and all progress except for the shoulder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Just did some strength stuff, my little injury is just about healed. Next week we are doing lots of technique stuff to catch up.

    Did some unilateral leg stuff (while I wistfully watched someone else work on their BB front squat), presses, rows, benching (stupid right shoulder still acting up).

    I've been doing the wrist exercises multiple times a day, added 1.25kg.
    I showed Wayne my up and coming forearm muscle, not sure how actually impressed he was but he did oo and ah. Next week will tell.

    Fcuk this weather today! I'm going to go sprinting tomorrow no matter what. Dive on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Did some home stuff, including assisted chin ups.

    Looks like I'll still be wistfully looking at others working on their FS, tried a few reps at 37.5kg and I'm still ridiculously lopsided coming up, don't want to push it.

    Snatched 22.5kg (non olympic bar) that felt really easy until I tried it a 2nd time and left wrist wouldn't let me finish the pull without sending shocks of pain down my arm. Its fine now but again since I was on my own didn't want to push anything.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Wrist was a little pissy lifting myself up the boat today, think its ok. Been reading, some suggest a narrower snatch grip might help, will ask Wayne. Don't want another stupid injury!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,234 ✭✭✭Edwardius

    Are you icing the wrist at all?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Dead Ed wrote: »
    Are you icing the wrist at all?

    Ya know I was just thinking about that before your post came up, didn't cop on to that until last night :rolleyes:. I'm certainly doing it now. Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Had a brilliant session. Finally got over the mental block of below the knee snatches. Had a few false starts but then 25kg went up like nothing, wish I would've taped (TAPED WTF, haha, showing my age) those last 3 reps.

    And best of all wrists cooperated, Lefty got a little pissy but nothing to bother about. Usually even just OH squats with 15kg woman's bar is enough to make them cranky but didn't feel anything really until we went up to 20kg on the snatches but they are fine.

    Gonna keep doing the wrist exercises. Oh yeah and closer grip wouldn't do me as my arms a bit long. Case closed for me.

    Did bench squats for first time up to 48kg, at 40kg my left hip got cranky but stretched it out in between sets. The big thing was to just concentrate on using my right hip, 45kg and then 48kg were fine, just need to focus on activating right glute.

    Oh yeah and finally got around to working on jerks, we're going to combine the clean & jerk Friday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Oh well I knew my wrists were not completely strengthened. Today's session was just ok, we went up to 25kg quite quickly, but I knew after the 17kg OH squat, my wrist wasn't happy. My arms went stiff again, I discovered that on my own & corrected it weeks ago, but maybe its my arm's way of trying to protect the wrists:confused:. Anyway won't get another session in for over a week. Also need more :mad:aggression:mad: in lifts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Back from a week's long diving. I can definitely say there are some great sites for diving in Ireland. Some sites had lovely big boulders with lots of life around them. I think I was the only one who didn't get to see an eel though :(. I had a couple of meh dives as well, one in particular was blah but so was the weather, nothing but fricking kelp around.

    On average did 2 dives a day plus all the work involved with setting up for diving and rinsing my gear so of course I ate for Ireland. So tired now and didn't want to come back to the city. Didn't quite do any prehab stuff like I said I would, except some exercises for the wrist, getting on and off the boat left wrist was still at me.

    Too hard to return back to normal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Did some on my own at home. The set up isn't exactly pretty but it worked. My only barbell (non oly), yoga mat underneath me so I don't upset my neighbours, used 2 tesco delivery boxes for some height. In light of this set up, decided to keep the weight light (need technique work anyway) & use wrist wraps just in case, my place isn't exactly set up to handle me dropping a weighted bar.

    Practiced below the knee, only hit them twice:p, think I'm getting the feel for it, I'm sure the transition from the 1st pull to the knees could be a bit smoother but just need time. Did about 8 sets, only one set of 22.5kg I was really happy with, got in the zone, hips were snappy and wrists were whippy.

    Warm up from hang snatch
    3 sets 3 reps 12.5kg

    From boxes
    1 set 12.5kg (ridiculously light:rolleyes:)

    1 set 22.5kg (couldn't lock shoulder coming up)

    2 sets 17.5kg (still felt really light)

    4 sets 22.5kg (for some reason the step up from 12 to 22 was too big, but after the 17, the 22.5's felt fine)

    Did some single arm press ups 10kg
    I did notice that I had some difficulty locking out my right shoulder, gotta get that scapula stabilised.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Snuck in a quick snatching session before rushing out to get to my weekly pool session. Managed to 'try' to set up a camera, unfortunately its not my laptop so still some learning to do with it.

    I have to remind myself that I only really had 2 coaching sessions where I was pulling the bar off the floor, its going to take time of course to get it straight. My hang snatches are better because of course I've been doing them longer. Makes perfect logical sense while I'm writing this, but just a bit frustrating when I'm before the bar. Ah well, and not to mention I think I have to break down what I need to work on better, instead of worrying about the entire lift at this point. If my hang is ok and I'm incorporating the 1st pull, stands to reason that I just need to work on the actual transition.

    Attack the weak points one by one, need laser focus!!!!!!!!!!

    I also reminded myself that this time last year I couldn't even raise my right arm above my shoulder, still needs some work though. I'm incorporating a few exercises around lunch time at work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    So I had time to do a nice warm up with breaking down the snatch. The breakdowns help ALOT as a warm up, as well as having time to focus. Even made some recordings.

    Ah I am just not sure about pulling off the boxes, my set up doesn't feel right but maybe its actually ok, it doesn't look too bad on the vid. It is far from perfect. Unfortunately I can't really see my feet because those boxes are in the way. I was playing around with feet position when pulling from the boxes, still not sure how far apart is best, too close and I don't feel stable enough and too far apart I then squat too wide.

    My hang snatch pull (I think that's what you call it, where you just work on the pull)is pretty ugly, just can't wrap my head around how it should feel. Next time I might just try the snatch pull from the boxes since that is actually where the fuzzy area is for me.

    Hang snatch looked fine, but that slight jumping back is a bit of a pain. I know Wayne has said to me its only minor but...

    Snatch from boxes (22.5kg) were ok I think, I'm just trying to get used to them. The transitions looked a little smoother, still tapping off my knee at times but at least I'm not banging them anymore.

    I can still feel myself corkscrewing up a bit, but the right hip does feel like its getting stronger and more stable.

    I ended with hang snatches for 25kg, first one was fine but then I ran out of gas, I'm MARVIN!!!!:pac::pac::pac::pac::pac: gonna go eat

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Ok now I think I know the meaning of momentum. My last snatch set with 25kgs, I actually managed to get really airborne, its all about trusting myself that I can land properly. Anyway we stayed with the hang snatches since Wayne hasn't seen me in 2 weeks. I sent him my ghetto video, we'll see what he thinks.

    Next week new program. Worked on jerks as well. My benching, or well my shoulder with benching is still being a b*tch, unlike my right hip which is improving. Went up to 8 reps of 50kg on bench squats, felt easy enough except on my shoulders. Right glute is behaving much better.

    Uh yeah did something stupid on Sat at a hotel gym. Got all excited and did way more snatch pull shrugs than I should have with a weight I wasn't used to. Head and neck ache all week. Gotta stop doing stupid things outside of what I'm supposed to do.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Fricken dozy from antihistamines and feel all 'cracked out of it' like Whitney Houston from stupid inhaler, this should be an interesting session tonight. (Ah I shouldn't make fun of her, poor thing). Wish the inhaler's steriods actually built some muscle instead of giving me the shakes. Moan moan moan moan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 983 ✭✭✭Frogdog

    howtomake wrote: »
    Fricken dozy from antihistamines and feel all 'cracked out of it' like Whitney Houston from stupid inhaler, this should be an interesting session tonight. (Ah I shouldn't make fun of her, poor thing). Wish the inhaler's steriods actually built some muscle instead of giving me the shakes. Moan moan moan moan.

    Likewise! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Oof! Got the shakes all the way thru snatching, heart rate was going a mile a minute. My right hand was shaking like mad even just doing OH squats. But somehow the snatching went better than I thought:p. I got up to 27kg, a new PR, although I'm hesitant to call it that. But heck it IS the most I've ever snatched, the 1st set didn't go so well but got it on the last rep.

    Now cleans and jerking off, that was another story. Wayne could tell that I had mentally switched off by then. First set I had to stop myself from trying to snatch in clean position, then after the first set of jerking, I did a half clean half jerk move, WTF was I at!!! We upped the weight on the jerk but not sure when it exactly happened that b*tch of a shoulder decided to act up, agh so sore. Anyway I'm gonna go an roll & ice & everything. Wayne said he'd talk to Emma when he starts my next program. Anyway I arrived a bit late so we skipped the usual strength stuff, poor Wayne has lots of stuff to do before tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Nothing majorly wrong with shoulder, thank gawd. I'd be mad at that jerking off if it interferes with my snatch:p.

    Went to my physical therapist, luckily this happened over the weekend as he is only in Mondays. He also started adding needling to the beginning of his sessions. He worked me over, my poor little infraspinatus is inflammed. Was told to go back and do those boring YTWL's again, I only did them the prescribed amount of time the last time, guess I'll be doing them for life now. Anyway just icing it now.

    And had THE BEST dive in Dublin, ever! Was worth getting up at 630AM on a Sunday. Seriously!! if the sun was out and the water a bit warmer, it was like diving somewhere tropical, viz was GREAT, LOADS of huge fish, saw 2 BIG A** eels, a huge blue lobster that could feed an entire family. LOVE LOVE DIVING

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Did you just say that..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Did you just say that..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Shoulder was still rearranging itself so we did a nice legz and corz session. My descriptions of the exercises are a bit off, but I got nice and sweaty and a bit high.

    Box squats (box about 2 inches lower than knees) worked 5 sets up to 55kg - 6 reps

    2 box bulgarian squats (so 1 leg on one box in front and the other leg on another box in back), ooof those really worked the hips, thought it was getting more even but I still say left hip is about 45% stronger. 4 sets of 8 reps 8kg db's

    2 sets crab crawls w/ bands & 15 squats after each side,
    my a** was on fire after those and got a good head rush

    3 sets of core work: plank, side planks w/ hips up & down, rotating ball taps, & spider crawls (core is a bit stronger than I thought, only felt like puking slightly)

    I really really needed that, although it was a stupid time to forget some sort of protein. Ugh that bus, every 10 minutes me arpse!

    **Oh yeah and my hang snatch the other day was up to 28kg (I can't count). I'm sure if I could really focus on technique 30kg would be ok.**

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Tried to do a quick session at home. Wasn't 100% and it showed, had to take at least 3 anadin max strength to talk myself into doing the session. Could only work with 7.5kgs on the bar, shoulder was not happy with anything over head, but I talked it into the 7kg. Not to mention one of my Tesco boxes went missing so I couldn't find the right height. Warm up wasn't even that good either. Anyway discovered the purpose of the drop snatch drill, not part of Wayne's drills so it was never fully described what its actually supposed to do. Really need to discuss some technique work with Wayne between those two pulls.

    Anyway doing loads of diving this long weekend, a few exercises of underwater tricks that I will be tested on by an examiner in a couple of months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Went to Mayo this weekend (good for them that they won), lots o diving, with terrific viz, each dive got better and better which is very unusual, many times it is hit and miss.

    Might need a break from diving very soon, we were out all day long everyday over the long weekend. And no sun :mad:! I hate the cold! I need to do more sea snorkeling though, the pool sessions just are not cutting it for me.

    I just need a slave to do all the hours of extra monkey work and I just do the diving part. Unfortunately came up twice with nose bleeds and I've had some sort of sinus/neck ache for nearly 48 hours.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    I never quite realised how important breathing is before. Still not 100%, walking around like a zombie and I've had to work all weekend, stupid server dying at work. I'm going to drag my a** to Bray on Friday no matter what.

    Anyway did some YTWL's taking 5 minutes rests between sets to catch the old breath. Got a nice big rubberband to work on wrist exercises, even doing that at my desk. Been doing some yoga too, mainly restorative stuff.
