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Girl working it out...

  • 15-02-2011 12:05pm
    Registered Users Posts: 24

    Hi all,
    I'm new to this log business.
    So, to start the ball rolling, my first post will be all about me! I'm a 34 year old woman girl :rolleyes:, I'm about 5 foot 7 tall. I don't own a weighing scales so I've no idea what weight I am.

    I can't afford a gym membership, so my current weekly work out routine consists of a spinning class, a circuit training class(with a great stretching session at the end), at least one 3 or 4k run, sometimes a 5k walk(pushing around a large toddler! He's in a buggy, so it's not as cruel as that statement makes it sound!), and sometimes I'll do a free weights session at home.

    My main sport is cycling, and with the evenings getting brighter my weekly routine will be changing. I'll cut out the spinning class and do 2 50k(ish) midweek spins and one long weekend spin(starting at 50k and working up to between 80 and 100k over the next few weeks) My intention this year would be to improve on last years 26k/hr average speed.

    My goals for the year will be doing a few of the many cycling sportives that are on during the summer...possibly starting with the Wicklow 200(I've not done this one yet and it's an early one, so it'll depend on my fitness level) and ending with the Sean Kelly 160k(I've done this one a few times, so may opt for the 100k, just for the change of scene)

    Another, kind of pipe dream goal, would be to complete a sprint triathlon by the end of the summer. But budget cuts(damn government) has left me with not enough money to afford the weekly pool swim session I had been doing, so I'll wait for the warmer weather before I get into the sea. a couple of cold dips will let me know how much work I need to do...and whether the goal is a realistic one this year.

    Looks-wise, I'm not too bothered about losing weight. I do have a bit of a jelly belly, thanks to two kids, which I am trying to tone up, but I'm a bit of a sugar fiend so I know it's my diet that needs to be worked on here. My main goal is to be fit and strong more than skinny!

    So, long first-time post! I'll take some measurements tonight and then start posting my weekly work outs(am I allowed post my diet here too?) Any advice will be more than welcome. Bring it on!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    trashheap wrote: »
    Hi all,

    Another, kind of pipe dream goal, would be to complete a sprint triathlon by the end of the summer. But budget cuts(damn government) has left me with not enough money to afford the weekly pool swim session I had been doing, so I'll wait for the warmer weather before I get into the sea. a couple of cold dips will let me know how much work I need to do...and whether the goal is a realistic one this year.
    I'm in the sea weekly since Jan 1st.
    I assume you'll be wearing some sort of wetsuit for the water? Once you get swimming in the sea you warm up enough except for the feet, always always freezing and numb. Oh and you get a slight brain freeze but that soon goes away. I'm getting some neoprene socks to go into my boots.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭gymfreak

    Excellent stuff!! I'm looking forward to the variety in this log.:)

    P.S..It's your log, so yup fire away and post your diet if that's what you want!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 trashheap

    Howtomake, I don't have a wetsuit yet so won't be venturing near the water. I'll put the feelers out to see can I borrow one, til funds allow for a new one...although I'd feel wrong peeing in someone else's suit(I'm told it helps warm you up!!:eek:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    trashheap wrote: »
    Howtomake, I don't have a wetsuit yet so won't be venturing near the water. I'll put the feelers out to see can I borrow one, til funds allow for a new one...although I'd feel wrong peeing in someone else's suit(I'm told it helps warm you up!!:eek:)

    Yeah well the peeing would help haha.
    You'll need a suit, although I see many crazy people going in with just their bathing suit (for a few minutes). I'm crazy but not that CrayZee!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 trashheap

    Ok, so yesterday was a spinning day.
    We did a 50 minute class of speed/strength intervals...bloody hard work, I was a sweaty, shaky heap after it.

    Took some stats too:
    Upper thigh: 61cm(realised when measuring that I've v.little fat on my thighs!)
    Hips: 96cm(I'm a pear!)
    Waist: 76cm
    Bust: 92cm(and rapidly heading south!)
    Upperarm: 27cm(am working on Madonna stylee arms...kind of!)
    Put these figures in small, cos I don't know does anybody want to know them...and I don't know if they make me sound like a lump!!

    I think I might keep a food log here too, cos I know that I eat far too much sh*te and maybe writing it down will help me improve my diet.

    So here goes:
    breakfast: porridge w/ff milk, honey/cinnamon/walnuts

    snack: berries w/2tablespoons natural yogurt

    lunch: wrap with cream cheese/avocado/rasher bits/grilled chicken/cheese/lettuce & a kitkat(tch tch tch), coffee

    snack: skipped this cos I was home

    dinner: before spinning I had 1scoop basmati rice with beef goulash, and coffee, and after spinning I had 1slice homemade brown bread w/cream cheese&jam/2biscuits

    bedtime snack: bowl of meusli

    The bedtime snack is pure habit, so I'll make a concerted effort to cut this out. And the spinning class tends to clash with family mealtime so my eating is a bit haphazard on a tuesday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24 trashheap

    So, this is Wednesday's log.

    Exercise: Rest day(would normally go for a run after work on a wednesday but feeling like sh*te today, think I'm finally catching that cold that has been doing the rounds of the house the past few weeks.)

    Breakfast: Porridge w/ff milk, honey/cinnamon
    Snack: 2 oatcakes and hummous/coffee
    Lunch: 1carrot/10 sugarsnap bean/hummous & an apple, coffee
    Dinner: I had a bowl of Primal Blueprint Curried Coconut Chicken Soup and a slice of homemade brown/seeded bread to go with it.(absolutely dee-licious soup, will definitely be making again)
    Snack: Was working late tonight, so feeling very peckish when I got home, so pot on a pot of (airpopped) popcorn. But while this was popping away merrily I finished off a snack pack of tuc biscuits with Philadelphia, the I went and covered the popcorn in melted butter...ok, ok so this log has established that Tuesday adn Wednesday are pretty bad food days for me...I promise to work on that!

    To be continued...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,660 ✭✭✭G86

    trashheap wrote: »
    bedtime snack: bowl of meusli

    The bedtime snack is pure habit, so I'll make a concerted effort to cut this out. .

    I got into a habit of this for a while too, but then I started leaving it in work and having my breakfast there, instead of having the box at home in the evenings to tempt me!:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Before bed is the only time i'll definitely have a protein shake otherwise i wake up at 4am and eat Jaffa Cakes by the crate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 trashheap

    I've often thought about protein shakes, but I don't know if I'm doing enough to warrant taking them! Protein builds muscle, right? So, what happens to whatever is in them(protein and...) if you aren't doing enough exercise?
    Sorry if that sounds like a silly question, but I'm not very au fait with these things!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24 trashheap

    So far today:

    Breakfast: Porridge/coffee
    Snack: Yogurt/berries/walnuts
    Lunch: Coconut chicken soup/slice brown bread
    Snack: 4 brazil nuts(one of which was slightly rancid, eeewww!)/coffee
    Dinner: to be confirmed! Dinner turned out to be left over goulash with mashed spuds, and two biscuits
    Snack: bowl of muesli before bed(I was starving!)

    Circuit training tonight. It's the same routine every week, so I'll write down the circuits and then log how it went afterwards(I apologise in advance if I offend anyone with the way I describe the weights sections, I don't know the terms fully!)

    -10 minute aerobics style warm up, follwed by
    -5 minute jog, with various 'knees up' 'heel-to-bum' steps and direction changes

    circuits, consist of 1minute all out bursts, twice:
    -lungeI added a 3kg weight in each hand for this
    -bicep curl(on a little air-filled rubber disc thingy that's meant to work the core)(10kg)
    -back specific weight lift...will check out the name tonight(3kg)this is called a bent over shoulder raise or somethign like that!
    -plank(I've started adding in 10sec single leg lifts on this one)
    -Tricep bench dips/kickbacks(I do one circuit of each)(6-8kg)
    -sprint(with ladder run )
    -dumbbell row(? like sawing wood with a dumbell?)(6-8kg)
    -overhead press(?lifting two dumbells from shoulder to over head)(3kg)
    -squats(started holding a weight with this)
    -crunches(sometimes on an exercise ball)
    -shoulder specific weight lift...will check out nameomg my memory is woeful, can't remember the name, but you start with weight in each hand in front of thighs and lift the weights up in front of body til you elbows are pointing up the way
    -skipping(love this! Will try the double under skip I saw Transform doing on one of his posts)This double undermove is dangerous, I have welts on my arse from trying it last night...think I'll practice at home before trying it again in public!

    We do a lot of pilates style moves during the stretching session, such as a thing that is like a bicycle lick crunch twist(!), something called the Russian plank/pressup(?), the Superman and others that would take too long to describe! But, it's quite a good core workout.

    Sinn é!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24 trashheap

    Yesterday(Friday) was an 'enforced' rest day...can't shake this head cold and am feeling a bit weak with it, so I thought it was best not to go out in the lashings of rain for a run(plus, I sat down in front of 'Take me Out' and watched it the whole way through for the first time...fricking hilarious! In a cringey, 'I'm so ashamed to be Irish right now' way!)

    I have also decided that I'm not going to log my food intake here anymore. I found I was eating more, but feeling justified in it because I'd be writing about it here...if that makes sense!

    So, hopefully, I'll have something to write about over the weekend :o
