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Gym stuff



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    Forgot to add I actually measured myself today, when ever I tried before I always got far too distracted playing with the kitten using the tape, it's adorable:o

    Using fitday to record it and on my arms and legs I used right on both.

    neck 33cm
    bicep 31cm
    forearm 24.5cm
    chest 98cm
    waist 79cm
    hips 98cm
    thigh 61cm
    calf 38cm

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    Bad day today, I was feeling low today and it took me ages to get to the gym. When I eventually got there the place had a fair few people in it, I'm not fond of crowds and with an already low mood I felt fairly uncomfortable.

    warm up
    bike 10min lvl4 (gonna move up a lvl)

    chin up 45kg x? x8 I normally do overhand but decided to try underhand on the last 3-4 (I started to feel a bit crap at this point)
    lowrow 30kg x20 my head started to fill with a what's the point attitude
    decline obique crunch, feeling even worse but on the second set was the highlight of the day
    Walk up to bench, woman points to ground "that fell out of your pocket" I pick up two euro "Oh, that's odd... I don't have any pockets:confused:"
    Went downhill from there

    Someone was still in my little spot where I like to do the other crap, so I had to go around and look for space and the other step thing, looking for that wasn't too easy without any glasses or contacts

    step x20 each leg
    press up against step 15 felt sick at about 13 first time since the first day to drop to my knees
    shoulder press 5kg dumbbells x15 the only bit beside the two euro I liked, I stopped thinking about things except for lifting them right

    The people moved to I took the spot did about 7 of those step things and realised that if I stayed I'd just end up crying on the threadmill and looking like a loon. I sat down for a little, drank some water, made sure I wasn't going to cry while walking out of the gym. Almost didn't make it and I'm sure I looked like I was going to start, if anyone had of said anything to me it would have been awful but I got to the gates and then started.

    Then of course I go to the supermarket and the first thing I pick up is a lindt bunny. But I got healthy things too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K


    bike 10min lvl6

    step x20 each leg balance is still crap
    push up (against the step) x15
    shoulder press 5kg x15 x13
    crunches x30 (haven't tried to do sit ups since the ab class)

    skipped the chinup/lowrow/upside thing, if I had of done them it would have been like the day before and I wouldn't have got to the cardio

    x trainer 10min lvl6 (5min forward,5backward, still don't see the point)
    treadmil 10min walk/run programme
    threadmill 5 min incline8% fastish walk

    Thursday, was all set for going an hour or so after lunch but ate the wrong thing and ended up not being able to stand without a pain:( (gone by 8-9pm but by then it was too late)

    Today, was a little embarrising at first, last night I started drawing/painting on myself with ink, and it wasn't until the next morning that I realised it doesn't come off too easy. I drew on my left arm, right leg and belly, only my arm was visible in the gym but one of the guys(with full slieve tattoos) said something like how's the tattoo. I had to tell him I was just drawing on myself:o I'm sure he thinks I'm a bit of a loon now and he was talking to someone else (that was a neighbour of mine) and both were looking over at me:o, I was just really paranoid. And in the changing room I realised I drew a pic of my cat who was naturally quite ugly on my belly, covered up pretty damn quick. Sometimes I wish I could not look like a loon.

    bike 10min lvl6

    step x20 each leg balance is still crap, nearly fell backwards
    press up against step 15 struggled but I seem to be getting lower to the step
    shoulder press 5kg dumbbells x15 I decided to stick to the 15 since he was there
    30 sit ups the first one I did about 4 crunches but I lost count so I may have done too many sit ups

    Chin up 45kg x? Trying different hand possisions, I think I've a bit of a mental block with this, I think I can do better
    lowrow 30/35kg?x10x10 40kgx8? The first one I stopped after 10 not because I was tired but I was just feeling whats the point but got out another 10 the second lot I realised that he had gone to I upped the weight and got out as many as I could 8/9/10?
    decline obique crunch, didn't get stuck or fall on my ass getting out but there was some cursing when I thought I was going to

    cross trainer 10min 5forward 5back lvl6, will probably go up to 7 next week
    threadmill 10min walk/run programme lvl6 I'm getting better at this, I was delighted, the running felt alot easier than before, still tough but easier.
    threadmill 5min fast incline walk incline at 8.5%(didn't mean to go over but wasn't paying too much attention) speed 6ish

    I cycled home got my normal bag and cycled to my heavily pregnant friends house (she lives in a nearby village) it took me about 35-40min to get there. Got there before someone that was driving:P. I ate like a pig while there, chips, ciabatta bread, rashers, cheese, triple choc muffin, choc chip icecream, sweets, more icecream, lilt, coffee and half a pizza! We only went out for lunch but stayed long enough for me to get sunburnt on one side:o (moved my chair to the other side of the garden to try balance it out)

    Then I had to cycle home, which seemed to have a few more small uphills but pretty damn flat overall.

    Overall even though I ate like crap, I feel good, I think I needed to just relax and have a laugh with good friends.

    Oh, two more things, while in the gym I noticed the guy that did my programme showing someone how to do a squat my first thought was "That b****rd, whys he showing her that" then I noticed the weight on the bar was fairly light. I'm just going to have to tell him I want to be bulky:o

    And while in my friends house I saw a weighting scales, couldn't help myself. After a load of food I got up on it and I was 68kg, doesn't really mean anything to me, I should just stick to the one scale. At least it wasn't a crapload over 70kg so I'm happy, except I'm worried I lost muscle as well as fat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    Decided to go to the gym tomorrow instead of today but, I was heading to the shop and went on an impromptu 10k cycle, nice weather and all. I'm still píssed off at the idiot in a car, I was gaining a nice bit of speed when a car comes along beside me and turns left:mad: right in front of me! I had to slam on both breaks with feet on the ground and the bike starting to go sideways just so I wouldn't cycle into them. I doubt they even noticed too and all to save them 1 or 2 seconds while going home. Other than that it was a good cycle, met a woman jogging/running while pushing two young babies in a pram I think she had the same route as me but the other direction, if she can run/jog about 10k a few months after having twins, and doing it while shes looking after them, I don't think anyone else has a good enough excuse.

    Other than that I'm getting a big dinner tomorrow so I'm going to be up early to the gym and then I think I have to 'help' with the dinner. Going to try avoid too many potatos, not an easy task when this person always has twice as many cooked then they need, and never enough veg, and then the turkey will probably be far too dry:(. Don't have high hopes for this dinner and 'dessert' will probably be boring and not even worth eating. I'm not really looking forward to this, I found it hard enough to let go of what I was eating on friday(didn't want to be awkward for my pregnant friend) now I have to do it again. I've a feeling this dinner will just turn into a mountain of salt with some food:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    Went to the gym in the morning half an hour late but time worked out good in the end.

    bike 10min lvl4 was at lvl5 for 2-3mins but realised I wasn't able to keep it up for 10mins, even the cycle to the gym was a bit worse than normal.

    Step x20each leg
    push up
    against the step x10-12
    on knees against floor x3-5 (15 in total)
    shoulder press 7kg dumbells(I did say I would do 7kg at some point this week) x12 could nearly move onto 8kg and do 8 reps, I was fairly delighted with myself, it was easier than I thought.
    sit ups x30, not one crunch

    step up decided to make it more interesting and I picked up the 7kg dumbells I used for the shoulder press, could've and probably should've gone heavier x12 each leg (I think my right leg didn't feel great before even going into the gym, so I didn't do as many reps as I could've)
    push up, much the same as the last one, little disappointed that I'm having to go back to the knee one but I'm sure I'm lowering myself more on the one against the step, just had the idea of trying some ordinary ones, maybe.
    shoulder press 7kg dumbells x10(while smiling like a loon:o)
    sit ups x30 still no crunches

    chin up 45kg still crap at these, tried the neutral grip, meh, (it's likily that I'm going to get mixed up with the names of the other two) overhand grip I can't do many of and underhand I'm best at.
    underhand grip x8
    overhand x2ish
    neutral x3?(don't remember)
    lowrow 30kg x20 after about 12 I wondered why I didn't go heavier
    decline obique crunch x20 I didn't fall out thank god because I did catch a guy looking at when I tried.

    next set was much the same except I tried less weight on the chin up and failed and low row I went for 35/40?kg x15

    I was fairly bet after that and could barely move on the cross trainer

    cross trainer 10min lvl6 5minforward+5back
    threadmill 10min preset at lvl5 I was too wreaked to do lvl6
    threadmill 3min incline 8.5 speed 6 left out last two min because my right leg just started going weird.

    I also really looked like a loon today as well as smiling like one, and my normal thing of making weird faces because I don't have glasses or contacts in, when I started jogging I had to grab onto my boobs because they just hurt:(. I've been putting off getting a new sports bra but I think I need to now.

    There was also a disscussion about my weight and how much I go to the gym. EVERYBODY is thinking I'm going for vanity reasons, while sure it'll be nice to look good, it's not my main goal, and neither's having a healthy body (second on my list of goals) I was getting a little fustrated until one said if it was her with the amount of time I put into the gym and the amount of weight I've lost she'd give up all ready, I also told her about body fat %, she said she didn't care about that it was the scales that mattered to her, I just let the rest go in one ear and out the other. She's also now convinced I've a bad metabolism, and she's a great one. I just couldn't stop thinking yeah your a smaller size than me but I bet I'm stronger and more flexible, with the added posibility of having a smaller body fat% but it's only the scales that matter:p (I should add that the only excersice she gets is frantic cleaning and going for a walk, she's a dieter and they are kinda crash diets)
    Nice little rant over with.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭gymfreak

    Orla K wrote: »

    There was also a disscussion about my weight and how much I go to the gym. EVERYBODY is thinking I'm going for vanity reasons, while sure it'll be nice to look good, it's not my main goal, and neither's having a healthy body (second on my list of goals) I was getting a little fustrated until one said if it was her with the amount of time I put into the gym and the amount of weight I've lost she'd give up all ready, I also told her about body fat %, she said she didn't care about that it was the scales that mattered to her, I just let the rest go in one ear and out the other. She's also now convinced I've a bad metabolism, and she's a great one. I just couldn't stop thinking yeah your a smaller size than me but I bet I'm stronger and more flexible, with the added posibility of having a smaller body fat% but it's only the scales that matter:p (I should add that the only excersice she gets is frantic cleaning and going for a walk, she's a dieter and they are kinda crash diets)
    Nice little rant over with.

    TBH, it sounds like you enjoy going to the therefore it really shouldn't matter what other people think and I really wouldn't pay much attention to them either.

    Yeh, I go to the gym to look good nekkid..nothing wrong with that:)but I also go cos it's my outlet and it gives me a bit of me time...also, if I didn't go I would be highly irritating to all around me..I find it extremely hard to sit still.

    With regards to the weight loss it very simple comes down to diet and exercise. Make sure your on top of your diet and that your consistant with your exercise (which you are)!

    So keep it up and enjoy what your doing:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    gymfreak wrote: »
    TBH, it sounds like you enjoy going to the therefore it really shouldn't matter what other people think and I really wouldn't pay much attention to them either.

    Yeh, I go to the gym to look good nekkid..nothing wrong with that:)but I also go cos it's my outlet and it gives me a bit of me time...also, if I didn't go I would be highly irritating to all around me..I find it extremely hard to sit still.

    With regards to the weight loss it very simple comes down to diet and exercise. Make sure your on top of your diet and that your consistant with your exercise (which you are)!

    So keep it up and enjoy what your doing:)

    It was just fusterating that there was no talking to her, I haven't lost much weight but my body fat has gone down and I'm starting to need new clothes now too:o, I just found her stance on 'only the scales matter' funny and fusterating at the same time. She just would have given up because the weight loss wasn't quick enough for her. The start of the conversation was about how I'd lost weight too.

    Have to add that she was horrified when two of us agreed that her scales are weighing about 5kg too light. She's probably going to go on a diet now.

    I'll be honest, I'm going to the gym for my mind, using fat loss as a goal (it's a goal that will be clear when I reach it) I've been very depressed for the past few years, from about sept/oct last year to december/jan I barely got out of bed, I barely did anything, at one point I was sleeping for about 3/4 hours wake up for half an hour and just drop off again. So I needed food that I could cook and eat in that time(if I bothered eating). Not the healtiest time I didn't gain much weight(maybe half a stone?) but what muscles I had went and body fat went up.
    As a result my main goal is not to feel like crap, I've read (and continue to read) alot on lifestyle and depression. I've changed my diet, trying to include as much oily fish as I can eat(not easy when I don't like it that much) trying to cut down on sugar and carbs. I eat fruit and veg, try to avoid things like sweets, potatoes, bread. I've found they can effect my mood (the carbs just make me sleep and I end up feeling down a while after I wake up). So my diet, while I have 100% cleaned it up, it is a huge improvment, I've also been consintrating on what to eat(protein and good fats) rather than what not to.

    As for the gym, when I do heavier weights with smaller reps I'm finding I'm in a better mood that lasts longer. I haven't found a reason for it yet.

    Went on a little too much but it's the first time for me to say it 'out loud'

    In short for me
    not feeling like I want to die>looking good nekkid
    If I can I'll take both.

    I don't want to go to the gym today so I'm thinking of a walk/jog/run for about 40min-1hour, maybe down by the river rather than around and around a boring pitch, that way I can also jump through the bushes and avoid going around town in a tracksuit

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    So I ended up doing nothing on monday, except getting far too grumpy and being forced to stay up far too long.

    Tuesday only out of bed at two and had to force myself to go to the gym

    bike 10min lvl4

    step holding 9kg db x12 each leg I don't think I had my back straight enough, I know I've gotten the habit of sticking out my ass
    sit up most against the step some on floor knees bent x15
    shoulder press 8kg db x10 quite happy with this because the 7kg and down dbs you can clearly see a difference in size, it starts to get harder to tell at them appart at 8kg. I also had a guy stare at me while I did this, I got a little too aware that I forgot to shave my underarm:o
    sit up x30 (no crunches)

    chin up don't remember how many of these I did but I still struggle with it.
    low row 40kg x10(about that) I have to say when I got off this I embarrissed myself, I hadn't realised that there was a guy behind me doing his warm ups so when I turned around I got a startled and made a strange noise:o The worst thing was it's the guy thats good to look at too, so now I look at him too much and I make weird noises(as well as forgetting to shave)
    decline obique crunch x20 still don't like this, I've gotten a little paranoid that I have too much of a decline on it but as far as I can see the next settling is practally flat.

    cross trainer lvl6 10min 5front 5back, my legs were pretty dead couldn't seem to got too fast.
    treadmil 10min preset prog lvl5 (probably should've gone for lvl6 but I was worried my legs would be too tired)
    threadmill 5min incline 8 speed 5

    20k cycle, I thought before I went that it would be about 15-17k, until I saw a sign post saying the town was 5k away. My knee was a bit sore I didn't go that fast and forgot to time myself again but it took about 1hr30min.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    bike 10min lvl4

    step x20 both legs (no weight)
    push up x15 against step
    shoulder press 7kgx13
    sit up x30

    First set went well, second set not so much, I started feeling a cramp in my back during the sit ups

    chin up 40kgx?(not very many maybe 8) this is where that cramp turned into a slight pain
    lowrow 30kgx20
    All during the lowrow I couldn't feel anything but I knew it was still there I stood up and lifted my right leg, I could do it but not without the pain getting worse.
    If I had of kept going it would have felt worse, so I just had a very awkward and slow cycle home.

    So that was it for the day:( resting now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    Leg is still buggered, it seems the more I use it the worse it gets, so no gym for me. The worst thing is I'm ment to be looking after my brothers cat for the weekend, gotta cycle back and forth to feed it, let it in/out. Also the doctor decided to take a 4 day weekend which means that it will probably be wednesday/thursday before I get an appointment.

    This sucks:(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    I went back at the gym today.

    Took it easy enough, my leg is still kinda sore and I'm on a waiting list to see someone about it but I've been on that waiting list for the past few years.

    Bike 10min lvl4, I was on it thinking I've gotten so bad at it rpm was lower than before.

    push up x15 most against step some on my knees
    shoulder press 5kgx15
    sit up x30 (some crunches in there)
    skipped the step ups in case it made me worse

    I also skipped the other set of stuff, figured today was only a tester to see how my leg would feel didn't really want to over do it.

    xtrainer lvl5 10min 5min forwards 5min backwards this felt ok, I could still fell my leg but it was mainly my muscles in my right leg which got really tight and never loosened up, my knee felt fine.

    treadmil 5min incline 8 speed 5.5 kept it easy just in case.

    That was it, got to have a proper shower:), instead of mine where the temp gets so extreme I can't tell if it's too hot or too cold, or my brothers which is as weak(seriously it just felt like the shower was just drooling on me)

    I'm going to get a new programme, maybe a weight/bodyfat check, which after a few weeks doing nothing and slowly going back bad habits won't look good.

    Got to go and cycle to my brothers place and look after the cat, since he's gone to see qotsa (there's no jealous smiley)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    I got my programme done and had a bit of a weigh in, which was at least better than the first one, but it's still crap.

    The good news is I actually got to the fishmonger early enough today to get some oily fish. Two salmon darnes and two pieces of trout(I think it's trout) I get to have fresh fish this week. All I got to do is figure out a way to cook them.

    As for the programme, it was a different guy again today, the other guys weren't working. This guy is seriously a giant of a man, I felt tiny beside him, and what amuses me most is he's a south african called Paddy.

    As soon as I went in I told him about my knee/leg, going to the doc, and getting tablets. He got a little worried that if he gave me a programme and my leg/knee got worse then they'd be in trouble, which is fair enough so next time I got to get a doctors note saying I can exercise(which he did tell me but they want it in writing) For now he just took some of the leg exercise out of the resistance training which was basicly just the step thing, I still do the press up just not on my knees, only against the step or against the dumbell stand if the step gets too hard. He's upped the cardio a little.

    He was also asking about my diet, most of the stuff I already know from here. It just took me a while to get it all going right then it pretty much all fell appart when I wasn't at the gym.

    Bike 15min lvl3

    press up x20(he moved these up don't know if that was on purpose or not)
    shoulder press 5kg x20 I felt so weak doing these(again I do 5 more of these)
    sit up x30
    all x2

    chin ups 45kg x20 still very bad at these I was switching from overhand to underhand I find overhand much harder so try to do as many as those first. I only got about 10 or 15 total out on the second go
    lowrow 30kg x20
    decline oblique crunch x20 I still don't like being upside down.
    all x2

    xtrainer 10min forward, 10min backward lvl5
    treadmill 10min programme 5 lvl5 took it I was a little aprehensive about this but it felt grand
    treadmill 5min fast walk 6/6.5? speed incline 8%

    He made sure to write in big capital letters FULL BODY STRETCH.

    I got the impression that he's a personal trainer as well as a fitness instructor, and he took my number down, don't know what to make of that. I'm wondering if I don't turn up to the gym will he end up ringing me.

    He also told me I've a nice smile:o:D which I already knew but I don't think I heard it in a while so that was good.

    I'm also quite pleased with myself today I put in what I ate so far in fitday and it looks like
    Protein 45%
    fat 43%
    carbs 12%
    but still got dinner to go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭gymfreak

    Orla K wrote: »
    I got my programme done and had a bit of a weigh in, which was at least better than the first one, but it's still crap.

    As for the programme, it was a different guy again today, the other guys weren't working. This guy is seriously a giant of a man, I felt tiny beside him, and what amuses me most is he's a south african called Paddy.

    Bike 15min lvl3

    press up x20(he moved these up don't know if that was on purpose or not)
    shoulder press 5kg x20 I felt so weak doing these(again I do 5 more of these)
    sit up x30
    all x2

    chin ups 45kg x20 still very bad at these I was switching from overhand to underhand I find overhand much harder so try to do as many as those first. I only got about 10 or 15 total out on the second go
    lowrow 30kg x20
    decline oblique crunch x20 I still don't like being upside down.
    all x2

    xtrainer 10min forward, 10min backward lvl5
    treadmill 10min programme 5 lvl5 took it I was a little aprehensive about this but it felt grand
    treadmill 5min fast walk 6/6.5? speed incline 8%

    Is this the new programme? It looks nearly identical to what you had been doing..or am I missing is a friday..and I'm tired:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    gymfreak wrote: »
    Is this the new programme? It looks nearly identical to what you had been doing..or am I missing is a friday..and I'm tired:)

    It is basicly the same just minus the step and extra cardio, he didn't really want to get me to do much different without a doctor note. I wasn't doing it for to long and had a long enough break that my body isn't used to it, I struggled a bit today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,793 ✭✭✭gymfreak

    Orla K wrote: »
    It is basicly the same just minus the step and extra cardio, he didn't really want to get me to do much different without a doctor note. I wasn't doing it for to long and had a long enough break that my body isn't used to it, I struggled a bit today.

    Oh, okay..I thought I was missing something:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    I went to the gym today, I'll post about it tomorrow but for now with a belly full of roast chicken, wine and kopparberg I need sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    Bike 15min lvl3

    press up x20 (x10against step x10against rack)(x15against step x5against rack)
    shoulder press 6kg x12 after the press ups my arms were really tired
    sit up x30
    all x2

    chin ups 45kg x19 (x11 overhand x8 underhand, I normally do less over hand and more underhand, I was happy with that but a bit annoyed that I couldn't get that last underhand one out) x14(x7overhand x7under)
    lowrow 35kg x15(I think)
    decline oblique crunch x20
    all x2
    I was feeling very wreaked, and it was taking me ages to get through everything so far. I also got up from the decline obique crunch too fast and the room started spinning:(

    xtrainer 10min forward, 10min backward lvl5 I was so tired doing this
    treadmill 10min programme 5 lvl6 the first 30secs of the run was fine after that I struggled it 5x50sec run/jogs I did three and I couldn't do anymore I just kept with walking fast. Decided to skip the 5min walk, since I already did one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    bike lvl 3 15min

    push up x20(x20against step) (x15against step x5 against rack)
    shoulder press db6kg x12ish
    sit up x30

    chin ups 45kg x20 x16ish(a combo of overhand,underhand and netrual)
    decline oblique crunch x20 (someone was on the lowrow so I did this first)
    lowrow 35kg x15 x12

    This so far seems to take me nearly an hour, I think I sould be able to cut that time.

    xtrainer 10min forward, 10min backward lvl5
    For the first ten minutes I was driven mad my two women having a grand auld chat on two other xtrainers, I so wanted to say to them if your able to chat you need to work harder. I also begain to notice that the room was fairly packed, I don't do too well with crowded/noisy rooms:( I got quite agitated and I had to put my head down and my hands up blocking out the room, because I was agitated and just wanted to get out of there I went faster than the last few days I was up to 125/130rpm+ by 17.5min in I just couldn't physicly keep it up slowed to 100-110rpm

    Treadmill 10min programme5 lvl5 after getting so tired on the cross trainer I didn't want to chance lvl6, even at lvl 5 during the jogging I could feel the skin on my arms getting hot, seriously I was bright red and covered in sweat. (and to top it off I then noticed someone on another threadmill that will go away and bítch about me, one good thing was since I was already red I didn't go read when I saw her:o)
    another 5min walk speed 6ish incline 8% I also realised that I can add time onto the end of the 10 min and it doesn't include the fast/slow pace.

    I also had to walk there and back (too windy to cycle) and crap it took ages(compared to cycling) also I've a blister on my heal:((just my feet telling me I need new shoes)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    I'm going to keep this short enough


    bike 15min
    decided to keep it just cardio today, extra 10 minutes on xtrainer
    xtrainer 10min tried a preset programme lvl6 (not easy)
    xtrainer 20min 10min forward 10min backward
    treadmil 10min preset lvl5
    treadmil 5min fast walk

    wednesday morning
    bike 15min
    push up x20
    shoulder press db7kg x10ish
    sit up x30

    chin ups 40kg x?
    lowrow 40kg x?
    decline oblique crunch x20

    xtrainer 10min forward 10min backwards
    treadmil 10min program lvl6 didn't go well, couldn't keep it up and ended up with a stitch

    Then my day went to crap, was so stressed/worried that I felt like getting sick so didn't eat anything, I'm actually still feeling stressed today so as well as missing yesterday in the gym I was too groggy this morning to get up. (when I'm stressed I sleep, and sleep)

    I'm going spinning later and I'm thinking tomorrow I should just try and relax, maybe go shopping.

    I've also decided that when I get the letter from the doc that I'm going to get a different program I've found that I'm not getting excited about this one. I know I won't be able to keep it up for 3 weeks let alone 6.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40 caterpillar101

    Hi Orla,

    Hope you dont mind me writing here - newbie. Just wanted to say I was reading your log, and can relate to it. In post #38 (I think) you outlined your reasons for exercising - ditto. Mind and mood first, physical benefits an added benefit.
    Keep up the good work!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    I'm back and I've a new a new program, I've been a bit all over the place with stuff, some of which included baking a house cake(I made it look like someones house,including their cat sitting on the wall) banoffee and real southern fried chicken, along with the gym that day followed by alot of drinking, I was tired for days after.
    I'm thinking about changing this around a bit so I have 3 days with weights and maybe for the other three do abs, might start a thread on that because I wouldn't be too sure about it and I'm not sure if there's a point to some of the some stuff in this. I also think I'll change the sets and reps to 5x5 or at least do 4x5-8 aiming for five

    I've already done some days, but I'll post up the basic week first

    Day 1

    treadmill/bike/crosstrainer 10min

    Chest press(machine) 4x8-12
    Chest press(other machine thing) 4x8-12
    Bench press (barbell) 4x8-12
    supine fly 4x8-12

    Rowing (it's a concept2) 10min lvl10 I try to do intervals 1min slow 30sec fast
    Bike 5min lvl3 keeping the speed above 90
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    treadmill how ever long I want, I seem to be picking 0min so far, might do 10min intervals and then 5min slow

    Day 2

    treadmill/bike/crosstrainer 10min

    Lat pulldown 4x8-12
    Low row 4x8-12
    Low row (other machine thing) 4x8-12
    Single arm row 4x8-12
    back extention 3x20
    abs machine(with weights) 3x20
    plank 3x30+seconds

    Rowing 10min lvl10 Intervals 1min slow 30sec fast
    Bike 5min lvl3 keeping the speed above 90
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    treadmill how ever long I want

    Day 3

    treadmill/bike/crosstrainer 10min

    Leg extention 4x8-12
    leg curl 4x8-12
    leg press 4x8-12
    squats (it says with plates:confused: I'm going to presume that he ment the barbell and not squatting while holding a plate) 4x8-12

    Rowing 10min lvl10 Intervals 1min slow 30sec fast
    Bike 5min lvl3 keeping the speed above 90
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    treadmill how ever long I want

    Day 4

    treadmill/bike/crosstrainer 10min

    bicep curl (cables) 4x8-12
    tricep pushdown 4x8-12
    bicep curl (dumbbells) 4x8-12
    tricep dips 4xfailure
    back extention 3x20
    abs machine(with weights) 3x20
    plank 3x30+seconds

    Rowing 10min lvl10 Intervals 1min slow 30sec fast
    Bike 5min lvl3 keeping the speed above 90
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    treadmill how ever long I want

    Day 5

    treadmill/bike/crosstrainer 10min

    Shoulder press (he said machine but I prefer using the dumbbells, going to stick with them) 4x8-12
    lateral raise 4x8-12
    upright row (it says shoulders out, he's not Irish so I'm guessing that he means elbows, if not I'm lost on how I stick out my shoulders) 4x8-12
    Frontal raise (dumbbells, which were wrote dumpells:o, he's much better at speaking english than writing, this again says shoulders out:confused: and I've just realised it says soulders not shoulders) 4x8-12

    Rowing 10min lvl10 Intervals 1min slow 30sec fast
    Bike 5min lvl3 keeping the speed above 90
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    treadmill how ever long I want

    Day 6
    What ever I want to do, follow the cardio of the program or do a class of some sort.

    Here's what I've done I don't remember the reps but they've been somethere between 5-12

    Day 1 (tried bodypump for the first time two days previously I had bad doms doing this)

    treadmill 10min

    (It was painful, I could barely move my arms)
    Chest press(machine) 4x8-12 30kg, 25kg, 15kg (felt really weak)
    Chest press(other machine thing) 4x8-12 10kg had to move down to 5kg (felt even weaker)
    Bench press (barbell) 4x8-12 10kg had to go down again to 5
    supine fly 4x8-12 4kg I could move up if I did fewer reps

    Rowing 10min lvl10 I try to do intervals 1min slow 30sec fast
    Bike 5min lvl3 I was getting distracted by the new program so I wasn't going as fast as I should
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    treadmill I skipped, I was going to be late for something

    Day 2

    treadmill/bike/crosstrainer 10min

    Lat pulldown 4x8-12 25kg
    Low row 4x8-12 30kg(can go heavier if I lower the reps
    Low row (other machine thing) 4x8-12 This was a bit comical since my arms were too short to grab the handles, I need someone to help me so I can have a good grip 20kg
    Single arm row 4x8-12 10kg
    back extention 3x20
    abs machine(with weights) 3x20 30kg
    plank 3x30+seconds only got to something like 16sec on my last one but I'm just counting slowly in my head

    Rowing 10min lvl10 Intervals 1min slow 30sec fast
    Bike 5min lvl3 keeping the speed above 90
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    I don't remember my excuse for skipping the treadmill for this day.

    Day 3

    bike 10min

    Leg extention 4x8-12 30kg
    leg curl 4x8-12 20or25kg this one was a little sore I could go heavier when it feels better to do
    leg press 4x8-12 never used this before so started with 30kg moved up to 40kg moved up to 50kg and I felt it then
    squats (it says with platesconfused.gif I'm going to presume that he ment the barbell and not squatting while holding a plate) 4x8-12 I was just trying to do it right so kept to 10kg, I'm going to try grab one of two guys to show me, I also think I need help with lunges, I'm seriously bad at them.

    Rowing 10min lvl10 Intervals 1min slow 30sec fast
    Bike 5min lvl3 keeping the speed above 90
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    treadmill 0min again.

    Day 4 Bad day


    I decided to try some chin up while I waited for the cables, I want to be able to do one without anything to help me 2x5-8? 35kg
    bicep curl (cables) 4x8-12 couldn't get at them
    tricep pushdown 4x8-12 15kg last set I had to move to 10kg
    bicep curl (dumbbells) 4x8-12 6kg I could probably do 7kg with fewer reps
    tricep dips 4x all around 15 while looking out the window and wanting to curl up on the grass
    Forgot about my back

    Rowing 10min lvl10 Intervals 1min slow 30sec fast got to about 4min and I just had to go or I would've made a scene and there were quite a few people to make a scene infront of.

    As for today I think I'll use my day 6 today and do a spin class or something

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    My leg wasn't feeling the best yesterday so I decided to use my rest day yesterday.

    Today I actually managed to get fresh tuna, not an easy thing to find in kildare, I got the guy to hold onto to for me until I finished the gym(didn't fancy keeping that in the locker)

    bike 10min

    Chin ups 3x10?/8/5 35kg I really want to do some without any help, it's not in the program but I'm adding it in maybe every second day

    Shoulder press (dumbbell) 4x10ish 7kg could go higher but I think I slept funny didn't want to do too much

    lateral raise seated 4x8-12 4kg didn't seem too bad, I think I'll try the 5kg db next time

    upright row 4x8-12 10kg used the cables I could go one heavier I think that might be 12.5kg

    Frontal raise two of us(gym instructor) couldn't figure out what he ment by shoulders out so he just showed me a seated frontal raise 4x8-12 4kg I found this one harder than the lateral raise

    I got one of the instructors to show me the proper way to do them he started by giving me two 2kg dumbbells, I did my usual thing of telling him I've a kitten that ways more, luckily this guy laughed. I got him to show me squats too he got me to hold two of the plates he decided to pick up two 20kg plates because I complained earlier, they were slipping from my hands and I managed about 2 bad and one good squat, all that stuff is made for people with bigger hands than me, but I've stupidly small hands.

    Forgot these the last time so did them today
    back extention 3x20
    abs machine(with weights) 3x20 30kg
    plank 3x30/16/16 I was keeping my hips really low and found it really difficult
    I think I might look for floor exercises for the abs and do those instead of some of these. Swap it around on the different days

    Bike 5min lvl3 keeping the speed above 90 (one rower didn't give time and someone else was on the other so I went of the bike first instead)
    Rowing 10min lvl10 Intervals 1min slow 30sec fast (She eventually got off it, I did waste time doing stupid stuff, I was just going to do an interval on the treadmil but she got off it)
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5
    Skipped the treadmil again, I really don't like it

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    Sunday (in the morning after a night out, for some reason)


    Chest press(machine) 4x? 25kg?
    Chest press(other machine thing) 1x?x10kg 3x?x15kg
    Bench press (barbell) 4x?x15kg
    supine fly 4x?x6kg(I felt like I could go heavier but at this point I could see my arms shaking slightly)

    Rowing 10min lvl10 of very mixed up intervals
    Bike 5min lvl3 speed around 85-95
    Crosstrainer 5min lvl5

    I normally do my leg stretches on the floor, I got out the mat went on my back and started falling asleep, there were a few seconds were everything driffed off:o

    As for today I'm not going, I really need to go to the dentist, my mouth, jaw, throat, ears are sore, eating and drinking is difficult. I don't fancy going to the gym while barely being able to drink water.

    As for food I'm going to try have most the calories at one meal, just so I don't have to eat much, so it's pizza(which will be quite thin so I don't have to open my mouth wide) I'm making the base with almonds too, it's a new one for me to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,462 ✭✭✭Orla K

    I'll admit I haven't done much in the past few days and my diet has been a little crap, I was having withdrawls from lack of almond butter and the supermarket has started to stock it now, it actually just went on the shelf, they couldn't find the price for it so they made one up, I got it for half the normal price I pay, a similar thing happened when they stocked coconut oil, I bought it before they put the price up. Far too much almond butter over the past few days.

    Tuesday was the only day I did anything and that was a spin class, which at one point could've been embarrising (a certain part of me was a little tender and the instructor noticed me being figgity on the seat, for once I was also surrounded by guys) The climbs I can do, I kept adding the resistance on but the sprints killed me, I only seem to have one speed.

    Completely unrealted to me but a friend has been going to the gym alot recently and she entered this thing there call 'the biggest loser' now it's more of a bootcamp style of thing with a winner/biggest loser at the end. My friend won it, I'm delighted for her, I can't remember what weight she lost but it was 17 inches around her body.
