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Mammy Hardbody



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Hello all,
    I'm back! So since I last posted I spent 6 weeks doing the eplf programme....and didn't progress past beginners module 2 :( My squat form is not good at all at all (mainly forward lean) and so I couldn't "pass" on to the next level. I really worked on them but just couldn't get the hang of it....then I cancelled my subscription because I was going on 2 weeks holidays and didn't want to pay for something I wasn't go to be using. I fully intended to re-sub once I got back but by then it was mid June and I realised I'd only have another 2 weeks before the kids were off school and I wouldn't be able to get to the gym at all (unless I went at 6am or in the evenings after kids bed). So I'm finished there...I will re-asses come September...The p.t's in Carlisle are only €25 an hour now so maybe that would work better for me, I could probably afford once every 4 weeks...

    SO, yesterday I started Chalean Extreme. I got a new set of dvd's on adverts to replace my crappy home-ripped ones and (man Methven is going to be green!) a very kind friend has leant me her Bowflex! :D:D:D


    Did Burn Circuit 1 yesterday, 2 today, and boy is it tough. I haven't exercised in say... 3 weeks (I was off sick with peridonitis and then a wisdom tooth extraction) and haven't lifted heavy in months. I'm looking fwd to seeing the results, especially combined with my paleo diet (I'm currently doing a Whole3021)

    Decide. Commit. Succeed

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    SO, yesterday I started Chalean Extreme. I got a new set of dvd's on adverts to replace my crappy home-ripped ones and (man Methven is going to be green!) a very kind friend has leant me her Bowflex! :D:D:D


    Did Burn Circuit 1 yesterday, 2 today, and boy is it tough. I haven't exercised in say... 3 weeks (I was off sick with peridonitis and then a wisdom tooth extraction) and haven't lifted heavy in months. I'm looking fwd to seeing the results, especially combined with my paleo diet (I'm currently doing a Whole3021)

    Decide. Commit. Succeed

    This popped up in my e-mail at work and I had to reply (sneekily whilst everyone is getting coffee). YES I AM GREEN WITH ENVY!!!!!!!!! So jealous! Why can't I have friends with Bowflex?!!! :mad::mad::mad:

    Glad to see you back doing it - I did Burn Intervals yesterday. Wow I was dripping afterwards! Felt great later on though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Ah I know I'm lucky, and I nearly didn't ask her as it was such a cheeky request so I'm really glad I did, makes it so much easier...But jeez I still can't lift as much as Chalene :( , I want to be able to match her!
    Last Summer I only did the 3 lift circuits but this year I'm going to try do the whole schedule as prescribed...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    I know - she makes its look so effortless too! I'm not at her level either and wish I was but I know its more important to get the form right. Someday....:)

    Best of luck with it anyway and keep me updated. My legs are like jelly today which (perversely) I'm delighted about!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,062 ✭✭✭Dixie Chick

    Ive moved house twice since i did the Chalean programme last...and have lost my set :mad::mad:
    Am very jealous of the bowflex VERY

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Ive moved house twice since i did the Chalean programme last...and have lost my set :mad::mad:
    Am very jealous of the bowflex VERY

    Oh dear, there's a lady on adverts selling it for 15e.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Wow, I am wrecked! Just did Burn Intervals , and for the first time ever, Ab Burner, latter was a bit half-assed but I'll get there! Very proud of myself as I find the 46 mins very offputting, let alone following it with a 2nd workout. It wil be hard to work in to my window of exercising opportunity during the holidays, which goes like this.
    Bring L (age 5) to tennis for 10am, come back work-out while A (age 9) plays on laptop/outside/whatever he wants. Collect L at 11 & drop A at same time. Come home, shower (with L calling through door every 60 seconds), collect A for 12. ......Try not to kill L or A (or them each other) for the remaining 6 hours till OH gets home.
    The joys of parenthood.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    Wow, I am wrecked! Just did Burn Intervals , and for the first time ever, Ab Burner, latter was a bit half-assed.
    Have you tried Extreme Abs yet? OMG! The first half is a killer - I had to just sit there and watch some of the moves!
    Sounds like you'll be a busy Mammy this summer alright - enjoy! Just dropped off my 5 year old for last day of Junior Infants...sob sob! Where did the year go?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    No Haven't tried that yet - which phase incorporates that? I'm pretty poor at ab stuff but really want to follow the programme to a T this time.
    Did Burn Circuit 3 this morning - omg, the sumo squats with calf raise at the end? The sweat was dripping off my face....
    Do you do the Burn if off & Recharge too Methven?

    Last day of junior infants here too, and son heading in to 4th!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    No Haven't tried that yet - which phase incorporates that? I'm pretty poor at ab stuff but really want to follow the programme to a T this time.
    Did Burn Circuit 3 this morning - omg, the sumo squats with calf raise at the end? The sweat was dripping off my face....
    Do you do the Burn if off & Recharge too Methven?

    Last day of junior infants here too, and son heading in to 4th!!

    Haven't done Burn it off & Recharge - must have a look. As you know I'm doing a hybrid and I just looked at the schedule and its not on it. Is it kind of a stretchy one? Have to say I personally am not a fan of those yogaesque stretch workouts - I get soooo bored - I obviously can't relax! Tried yoga a few times and never again! There is a 40 min Stretch class on Turbofire which I avoid like the plague. Much prefer fast paced or strength classes. Think the Extreme Abs is probably part of the Lean phase - must check. The first part is all abs - a killer. 2nd part plank stuff which funnily enough I quite enjoy. By the way how are you with pushups? I find the tricep ones really hard - don't think my body is built the right way!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Burn it off is a 26 min high intensity aerobic workout and Recharge is 21mins of stretcthing.
    I should be doing both today but I'm not sure I'll manage it with everyone around. We're going to the Family Fitness day in Farmleigh shortly, the 1 mile family race is at 10am (stupid early imo).

    not so bad at pushups though I have to drop to knees after 4 or so, I can do the tricep ones because we used to do them in pilates.

    ETA - no chalean today. Ran a mile with daughter at Farmleigh than did (sprint!) orienteering with son so I'm pooped! He did his mile in 7:18 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly


    Plan for week

    Monday - BC 1
    Tuesday - BC 2
    Weds - Rest Day (cos I have to go for a friggin colcoscopy at 9am :()
    Thurs - Burn Intervals & Ab Burner
    Fri - BC3
    Sat - Burn it off & recharge
    Sun - Rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly


    Plan for week 2

    Monday - BC 1
    Tuesday - BC 2
    Weds - Rest Day (cos I have to go for a friggin colcoscopy at 9am :()
    Thurs - Burn Intervals & Ab Burner
    Fri - BC3
    Sat - Burn it off & recharge (will try to do this sat p.m or sun a.m)
    Sun - Rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly


    Week 3

    Monday - BC1
    Tuesday - BC2
    Weds - Rest
    Thurs - Burn Intervals + Ab Burner
    Friday - BC3
    Saturday - Burn it off
    Sunday - Rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 3
    Monday - BC1
    Tuesday - BC2
    Weds - Rest
    Thurs - Burn Intervals + Ab Burner
    Friday - BC3
    Saturday - Burn it off (+ Ab Burner ??)
    Sunday - Rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Travelled to Sligo on Saturday for my gradmothers 100th birthday celebrations, we left so early I didn't get to workout. I had vague notions of doing it on Sunday but I was horribly hungover.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly


    Week 4 Plan

    Last week of Burn Phase :)
    Monday - BC1
    Tuesday - BC2
    Weds - Rest
    Thurs - Burn Intervals + Ab Burner
    Friday - BC3
    Saturday - Burn it off + Recharge
    Sunday - Rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 4 Plan

    Last week of Burn Phase :)
    Monday - BC1
    Tuesday - BC2
    Weds - Rest
    Thurs - Burn it off+ Ab Burner had to switch cardio around due to time constraints today, so I prob won't bother with the recharge on saturday... Last week of Burn, I know I didn't burn any lbs off for sure!
    Friday - BC3 - upped several of the weights this morning as my last hurrah to the burn phase :)
    Saturday - Burn Intervals+ Recharge
    Sunday - Rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly


    Just putting this up while I get a chance...

    Week 5 Plan

    Monday - push circuit 1
    Tuesday - push circuit 2
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - burn intervals + ab burner
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn it off + recharge
    Sunday - rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 5 Plan

    Monday - push circuit 1 This was hard. I am tired out after it physically, my legs & arms feel so heavy...
    Tuesday - push circuit 2 tough going in this humidity!
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - burn intervals + ab burner
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn it off + recharge
    Sunday - rest

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 5 Plan

    Monday - push circuit 1 This was hard. I am tired out after it physically, my legs & arms feel so heavy...
    Tuesday - push circuit 2 tough going in this humidity!
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - My friend took ds for the day so spent my workout time bringing my dd to the park for a picnic instead :)
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn intervals + ab burner I so didn't want to do this, especially the ab burnmer after 45 mins on intervals but I did, feel proud of myself now :D
    Sunday - rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 6 Plan


    Monday - push circuit 1
    Tuesday - push circuit 2
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - burn intervals + ab burner
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn it off
    Sunday - rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 6 Plan
    Monday - push circuit 1
    Tuesday - push circuit 2 It's so hard to train while the kids are around, the pair of them fighting while I'm trying to do one legged squats with 24kg!
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - burn intervals + ab burner
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn it off
    Sunday - rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 6 Plan
    Monday - push circuit 1
    Tuesday - push circuit 2 It's so hard to train while the kids are around, the pair of them fighting while I'm trying to do one legged squats with 24kg!
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - burn intervals + ab burner - skived off again. I will have to re-think my schedule because exercising for an hour while the kids are around & under my feet is not working for me.
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn it off + ab burner sweated buckets!
    Sunday - rest

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly


    So trying something different - dropping one cardio day. Not sure about the scheduling of it but will see how I get on.

    Week 7 Plan

    Monday - push circuit 1
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - push circuit 2
    Thursday - rest
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn intervals + ab burner
    Sunday - rest

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    Week 6 Plan
    Monday - push circuit 1
    Tuesday - push circuit 2 It's so hard to train while the kids are around, the pair of them fighting while I'm trying to do one legged squats with 24kg!
    Wednesday - rest
    Thursday - burn intervals + ab burner - skived off again. I will have to re-think my schedule because exercising for an hour while the kids are around & under my feet is not working for me.
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn it off + ab burner sweated buckets!
    Sunday - rest
    I hear ya - its very hard with the kids around. Apart from the obvious working out early before they are up or after they are in bed I find it good to workout whilst they are watching tv in the evening. Usually hubby gets in a run too so we're all happy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Dh gets up at 6.45 so it'd mean getting up at 6am! I haven't been up at that time since baby feeding days and no plans to return lol.
    Sadly we've only the one tv. For my usual half hour sessions I pop one of them on the laptop but for an hour it just doesn't work out. It's only the burn intervals + Ab burner day that causes the problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 7 Plan

    Monday - rest
    Tuesday - push circuit 1
    Wednesday - push circuit 2
    Thursday - rest
    Friday - push circuit 3
    Saturday - burn intervals + ab burner
    Sunday - rest

    Had to change thing around as I had horrible cramps on Monday. haven't lost any weight, in fact gained some, but feel leaner & the abs are starting to be visible :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    Well done! Definitely can see the abs. I wish I was as brave as you to post photos. Maybe some day:)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Methven wrote: »
    Well done! Definitely can see the abs. I wish I was as brave as you to post photos. Maybe some day:)

    Ah sure I knwo you're theonly one that reads my log ;)
