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Mammy Hardbody



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Methven wrote: »
    Well done on finishing the programme! I'm sure you look fab with all those muscles and the new fringe :) I still have a week to go as I'm only back today. Hope your knee holds up. My hubby has been banned from running at the moment and has been advised to cycle and use cross trainer instead - will have to drag the latter out of the shed!

    Best of luck in the race!

    Sorry to hear about your dh's injury. I think mine would go loop-de-loop if he couldn't run. Good weekend for the athletes here, dh did a savage time of 1:24:29 in the half and then ds did a 600m cross-country and came in 5th of out 26.

    Went for a run this morning and knee was ok for most of it, I did some foam rolling and will continue to do that every day

    Yipee, once you start you will feel more motivated. Just do it :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    Sorry to hear about your dh's injury. I think mine would go loop-de-loop if he couldn't run. Good weekend for the athletes here, dh did a savage time of 1:24:29 in the half and then ds did a 600m cross-country and came in 5th of out 26.

    Went for a run this morning and knee was ok for most of it, I did some foam rolling and will continue to do that every day

    Yipee, once you start you will feel more motivated. Just do it :)

    Sounds like a very succesful running weekend - well done to all your men! Hope your own running is ok with the knee problem. DH has loads of exercises to do every night so hopefully that will help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Went out today and did 4km of the race route, was pelased I managed to go at the race pace we're aiming for but I did need to stop at 3km for a breather..:eek:

    Here's my run

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Great day out for us. A pb for raycun, I couldn't keep up with our super-star son and had to set him free :eek: He smashed it , 25:12 we're super proud of him.
    Happy enough with my 26:20 as I've done hardly any running in the last 6 mths and was called off the bench for this, only 25 secs more than my pb at same race last year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    Great day out for us. A pb for raycun, I couldn't keep up with our super-star son and had to set him free :eek: He smashed it , 25:12 we're super proud of him.
    Happy enough with my 26:20 as I've done hardly any running in the last 6 mths and was called off the bench for this, only 25 secs more than my pb at same race last year.

    Well done! Glad the knee held up and you put in such a good time. Very impressed with your son's time too - looks like speed runs in the family :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Met with p.t this morning to get a new programme, yay!! Excited to start. My goal is just to get strong as poss so he has me on a wave training 5/3/1 programme. It should all become clear when I start next Monday I hope.

    He offered to do a body fat/skin fold test on me too - he tests 10 points and we were both thrilled with the results - down 26mm since I last got tested one year ago :) The best result was on the umbilical point (thank you paleo!). And do you know how much weight? Only half a kilo - so it's truly body comp changes, yayyyyyy!! Screw you scales, what do you know!

    So October is going to be awesome - starting a new programme *and* a Whole30. Bring it!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 422 ✭✭Methven

    Well done on the results - you've worked hard.

    Good luck with the new programme - just googled it there and sounds interesting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Day 1 of my Whole30
    and Day 1 of my new programme, it's fine, seems very light on volume, any of the info I've seen on Wendlers 5/3/1 have more....hmmmm.

    DAY 1 reps 5/3/1

    DB Bulgarian Split Squats 3/5/7.5
    Close Grip Bench Press 15/18/22
    One Arm DB Row 5/7.5/10

    I'll be adding another heavier wave in 2 weeks so I guess it'll be ok then. It's a bit of a pita gathering all the diff weights together but sure I'll manage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Day 2

    (Elevated) Back Squats 10/15/20..................15/20/25
    Assisted Pullups -50/-45/-40 ................ -45/-40/-35
    Assisted Tricep Dips -50/-45/-40 .............. -45/-40/-35

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Wow long time no update.....So I finished my whole30 and was happy with the results

    Result stats - I feel/look slimmer so was intrigued to do some measuring this morning.

    bf - same
    bust same, belly -1inch!, hips, -0.5inch

    I had a really good W30, a nut butter free one!! I also had much less fruit than previous rounds too and really saw the difference.

    and I have finished my Wave 5/3/1 programme was fine, nothing mad EXCEPT I managed to do 1 unassisted chin-up on two seperate occasions, a huge goal for me and am thrilled with that.

    Will be back later in the week with my new programme which I'm excited about, a modified version of this GetStrong one

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    I don't know why/how I managed to include this news too...
    I've been feeling very "stuck" recently so I decided to do
    this 2 day basic movements course and I had my 1st session last Sunday out in BHAF in Sandyford. It was great. Really good trainer and he spotted immmediately that I have really poor mobility in my ankles & hips so I will be doing intensive mobility drills from now on. Learnt some great technique tips and did some DL'ing together. It was so nice to do it with someone helping you out with tips as you go as I got up to 60kg x 3 which is the most I've lifted in ages.
    Not ready for proper squats until mobility is improved so we worked on box squats with empty bar and goblet squats with 8kg - I can see how both will really help my technique.
    Today I did upper body which was just as good, did presses, bench press, body rows, all deadly...and more mobility exercises to take away too.
    Would def. rec. the course to anyone who is feeling any way unsure about their form.

    So I'm all fired up now! I'm starting a modified version of the programme I mentioned above tomorrow and I'm pumped!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Day 1, Workout A

    Lower body mobility drill x 2

    Goblet sqauts , 7.5kg - 5x5 (this was supposed to be 3x5, I misread!) Was really pleased with the depth I got, must do them sideways to mirror next time to make sure I'm not leaning fwd....

    Benchpress , 5x20kg warm up, 5x5 @ 25kg (again was only supposed to be 3x5), challenging enough. Used 10kg plates under my feet which definitely helped ground me.

    Remembered I should have done upper body mobility. Tried doing shoulder dislocates with lightest bar but it's too short, will buy band asap.

    Jumped on to bodyrows, 3 sets of 5, on Smith, set to 8. Felt good on these.

    3 x 10 Pilates roll up

    and full set of stretches

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Day 2 Workout B

    lower body mobility drill x 2

    box squats - warm up with body weight, 2 x10. With 18kg bar 3x5. Used bench for first 2 sets, too high...used the step up box structure for last set, better.

    Db press 3x5 with 6kgs

    Deadlift - 10x35, 5x35 to warm-up 5x45kg

    Negative Chin-ups. Figured out how to set them up - smyth machine set to 18 and then a low box underneath allows me to jump to above bar and then lower down swinging like a flippin monkey (How do I stop swinging? Does it matter? apart from being a bit embaressing). 3 sets of 3 reps.

    3 sets of 10 pilates roll ups (for LBD season!)

    full set of stretches.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Day 3, Workout A

    Lower body mobility drill x 2

    Goblet sqauts , 10xbw to warm up. 7.5kg - 3x10

    Benchpress , 5x20kg warm up, 3x5 @ 27.5kg

    Upper mobility drill x 2

    One arm rows, 5 each side, 3 sets with 7.5kg

    3 x 10 Pilates roll up

    and full set of stretches

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 2 workout B

    lower body mobility drills x2

    Box Squat - used lower box today, a standard box on highest setting
    warm-up 10xbw. 3x5 with 18kg bar

    warm-up 5x35kg. 5 x 47.5kg

    upper body mobility drills x2

    DB Press , 3x5x6kgs

    Negative chin-ups
    4/3/3 - last 3 ISet the bar a bit higher @19 and this works better

    3x10 pilates roll ups

    full set stretches

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Week 2, Workout A

    Lower body mobility drill x 2

    Goblet sqauts , 10xbw to warm up. 10kg kg - 3x5

    Upper mobility drill x 2

    Benchpress , 5x20kg warm up, 3x5 @ 30kg - this was challenging, won't add more weight next time..

    Bodyrow 3x5

    3 x 10 Pilates roll up

    and full set of stretches

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭cmyk

    Good work...would you change some of the set and rep ranges?

    You could switch up your core work too, currently all the same movement, open to suggestions?

    How are your ankles?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    cmyk wrote: »
    Good work...would you change some of the set and rep ranges?

    I did on the goblet squats, should I do it on all the movements?

    You could switch up your core work too, currently all the same movement, open to suggestions?

    Yes, as long as they're not too hard & hurty :D

    How are your ankles?

    Bendy(ier) - definitely further away from wall now ifykwim

    Thanks for checking in :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,882 ✭✭✭WHIP IT!

    What's does your Lower Body Mobility drill consist of, Dolly, if you don't mind me asking?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Hip Flexor Wall rock X 10 each leg
    Bird Dogs X 10 each side
    Ankle Wall Taps x 10 each side
    Ankle Squat/Soleus Stretch x 10

    All aiming to stretch out my tight ankles & hips so I can sqaut.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭cmyk

    I did on the goblet squats, should I do it on all the movements?

    Let me have a think about how best to mix that up.
    Yes, as long as they're not too hard & hurty

    They kind of ought to be a little challenging though don't you think ; )

    You're 3 X week I think, so I'd shoot for something like this...

    Mon: Some form of rollout (rings/straps/swissball), technique is important here, I usually start people with knees on the ground elbows on swiss ball first. Do these against a wall so the object you're won't run away from you and move back from the wall as you get better. Youtube is your friend here, if you don't feel it in your stomach and obliques you're doing it wrong, and only if you've got a decent front plank first?

    Wed: Pallof presses (I think you said you had bands in the gym so you could start with those.) Youtube it again, start with your weaker side, you can use the cable machine or bands. Resisting the rotation, again ought to feel this down your sides.

    Fri: Side planks/bridges. Keep good alignment in all planes, ie. hips in line and head in line with feet...add 5 seconds or so each week.
    Bendy(ier) - definitely further away from wall now ifykwim.

    Bendier is good :) Keep at them, even in between leg work as active rest and then using that new range.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Cool, is this a good example?
    (at 1:44)

    and this?

    I don't deal with ab pain well :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭cmyk

    Cool, is this a good example?
    (at 1:44)

    and this?

    I don't deal with ab pain well :eek:

    More like this for the rollouts and your other one looks good, stick to the horizontal press though. (Bear in mind I can only see those at the moment, no audio)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    cmyk wrote: »
    (Bear in mind I can only see those at the moment, no audio)

    Oh they say, "reward yourself with a muffin and a latté after 3 sets", that's ok right? :D;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,357 ✭✭✭cmyk

    Oh they say, "reward yourself with a muffin and a latté after 3 sets", that's ok right? :D;)

    Yup just call it a re-feed. Seems to be the thing to do. ; )

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Didn't make it to the gym on Friday because I was out Thursday night and went for a "nap" that ran to 4 hours :eek:
    So headed down this morning, wow it's a diff place on Saturdays, busy and I was the only woman in the weights area. And a lot more ignorant non-tidy-uppers too!

    Lower body mobility drills x 2

    Box squats - 10xbw, 5x3x18kgs

    Deadlift - 10 x 22.5kg, 5 @ 50kgs

    Upper body mobility drill x 2

    Db press 5x3 x 7.5kgs

    Negative chins - 3 sets of 3

    3 rounds of bridge followed by side planks for 30 secs each.

    Full set of stretches

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,882 ✭✭✭WHIP IT!

    And a lot more ignorant non-tidy-uppers too!

    Honestly, it should be a hanging offence... and I always find it's the people who should know better who're the worst offenders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    WHIP IT! wrote: »

    Honestly, it should be a hanging offence... and I always find it's the people who should know better who're the worst offenders.

    Yeah they must have used all their energy grunting they had none left to put their sh1t back!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Argh the week is not going to plan...didn't get to gym yesterday as home with sick kid - 2nd time with tummy bug in a month!
    Just stuff on every day! :mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,934 ✭✭✭Dotcomdolly

    Between sickness (kid & me), school activities, hangovers :o I have not gotten to the gym once this week, and my nutrition has certainly taken a bit of a putting down a plan for the next couple of weeks for my own reference.

    Sat 22nd - Workout A @11am
    Mon 24th - Workout B at 8am (gym open to 3pm)
    Thurs 27th - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Workout A at 8.30am
    Sat 29th - Workout B @11am
    Mon 31st - Workout A @8.30am (gym open till 3pm)
    Weds 2nd - Kids off school but oh back at work, maybe 5k run after oh gets home? Think gym will be too mental in the evening. Oh maybe circuit class at 6.20pm
    Friday 4th - another run? OR maybe Zumba at 6pm?
    Monday 7th - kids back to school, normal service resumes :) Workout B at 9.30am. Day 1 of Whole30

    So there it is in black & white. Game on. Ho ho ho :cool:
