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Loungers on the run: Couch to 5k to marathon and beyond



  • Registered Users Posts: 68 ✭✭BlueValkyrie

    Newbie here - Wk1 Day2 of Couch to 5k completed today - 5k feels a long way off!

    Does anyone else struggle to decide where to run? I hate being interrupted by crossing roads etc, but living in Dublin City Centre there's not much option (not near Phoenix Park). I'm considering running (or wheezing, which I do more of really...) in a nearby cemetary - anyone else do this? Any thoughts? I would obviously avoid funeral parties - would hate to offend anyone...

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Does anyone else struggle to decide where to run? I hate being interrupted by crossing roads etc, but living in Dublin City Centre there's not much option (not near Phoenix Park). I'm considering running (or wheezing, which I do more of really...) in a nearby cemetary - anyone else do this? Any thoughts? I would obviously avoid funeral parties - would hate to offend anyone...

    Might be better off heading out on the Luas/46A towards the Phoenix Park or the Dart out to Clontarf, tbh. City centre is pretty crap for running - Stephen's Green is one of the few spots where you won't have too many interruptions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    Week 8 done :)

    I did my first ever run on a threadmill, someone had told me they are "easy" compared to road running but I didn't think so :eek:

    I think the difference is that on the road you adjust your speed etc to your conditions and how you are feeling. I kept the threadmill at a steady 6k/h and didn't slow it down and by the time I finished I was soaked. Never been like that before even on a run in the good weather.

    Can't believe I am starting Week 9. I have stopped and started the plan 4 times over the past few years and kinda thought I would do the same this time. I'm really proud of myself for keeping it up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    I've my 20min run Monday :eek:

    The 8min today was ok.

    Well done Lemon :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭JimmyCrackCorn

    Some progress.

    Ran 8k Thursday. Died for the last 3k
    Then went to the pub.

    Died Friday morning, resurrected late Friday afternoon...

    Gym Saturday.

    Out today for another run after work will aim to start slower and keep it a consistent pace...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    Started Week 9 today :eek: I'm running just over 3k in the 30mins which I suppose is alright.

    Going to work on increasing my distance to the 5k once I have finished the week as
    I'm thinking about entering a race in mid Dec to keep me focused.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    Completed my 20min run tonight, can't believe I ran solidly for 20 minutes. :D:D:D I covered 3.8 km in the 30 minutes even though strava didn't record :mad:

    Eviltwin defo sign up for a run, I am doing one next month and it's great motivation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 716 ✭✭✭lemon_sherbert

    Everyone's doing so well, keep it up!
    Well after some knee problems materialising after the race and my one other run last week, I brought myself to the physio today, and lo and behold, I've got tendonitis :mad: Oh well, physio said I could keep running, just knock back the long runs, but on the plus side, my runner's knee has almost completely corrected itself. So I took myself out for a leisurely 35 min, really beautiful afternoon for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 930 ✭✭✭poeticseraphim

    Well done you guys.

    Oh Lemon welldone..sorry to hear it about the knee ..take care and i hope it improves!

    Anyone know some nice runs on the southside?? Near D16 ish??

    Or anywhere in Dub....long runs

    Maybe we could make a list.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭JimmyCrackCorn

    Went out on the beer friday.

    By the time id recovered Saturday it was late and the Gym was closed.
    Did 5k before i packed it in and ran walked another 5k home.

    Feeling unbelievably tired today but it is 31 degrees and muggy.

    Knee was complaining this morning but seems ok now.

    Managed to keep consistent pace and was happy enough considering.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    Finished the C25K today!!! :cool:

    Not sure where to go from here, I'm still only running about 3k in the 30 mins so I suppose working my way up to the 5k is the best thing to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭ultra_other

    Well first race complete! I was in at the Run in the Dark this evening, and obviously ran the thing and survived.
    My timing chip did work! It just didn't deliver the text til the middle of the night, so it was 34.08 - which I'm reasonably pleased with, for a first attempt, onwards and upwards.
    eviltwin wrote: »
    Finished the C25K today!!! cool.png

    Not sure where to go from here, I'm still only running about 3k in the 30 mins so I suppose working my way up to the 5k is the best thing to do.

    Hi lemon_sherbert and eviltwin,
    Well done lemon_sherbert on your first race that is a good time. I would have loved to run in the Run in the Dark race.
    eviltwin congratulations on finishing the C25K :D:D. You have said in the past that you have struggled to finished C25K before so very well done for keeping with the program. I am sure that you will get to the 5K quickly. Just like you I am not near the 5K either. It just good to be able to run 30 minutes :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭ultra_other

    Well I was away with work the last 2 weeks or so, missed all the "lovely" weather in Ireland, what can I say running in 15 C with the sun shinning, just lovely.
    While I was away I brought my running gear and I managed to get in a Week 9 runs while there. So finished C25K :D:D.

    I then ran in the parkrun in Malahile on Saturday as my first 5K run. I did a good time of just under 34:20, very very happly with that, mind you very uneven pace, slow at the start and I really pushed it in the last 500 m or so. I would have liked to get under 34:00, but that is my next goal!.
    If anyone is interested in the parkrun, its free and run every week, they can check it out on and go from there.
    FYI there us also a thread on the parkrun in the Sports -> Athletics / Running

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭ultra_other

    I want to thank eveyone on this thread, thoes who have given me encouragment and advice, such as Cork_girl, JimmyCrackCorn, brainyneuron, ArtOfEscape, Hermione*, eviltwin, lemon_sherbert and others, sorry if I missed anyone else. Previous posters in this thread thank you as well.
    rainbow kirby thanks for staring the thread it's very good thread for an introduction to C25K

    I want to thank eviltwin, lemon_sherbert, ArtOfEscape and brainyneuron for being my "virtual running patners", you really helped me a lot with the program, and it was good to know others were doing the program at the same time, as it can be quite lonely at times.

    I found this program great, when I started the program I began to notice other people running then walking and then running again, so there are lots of other people doing the program. It has introduced a bit of fitness into my life which is good for a male 40+.
    I do inted to keep up the 30 mins runs, next thing to do is to tackle my crap diet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    I want to thank eveyone on this thread, thoes who have given me encouragment and advice, such as Cork_girl, JimmyCrackCorn, brainyneuron, ArtOfEscape, Hermione*, eviltwin, lemon_sherbert and others, sorry if I missed anyone else. Previous posters in this thread thank you as well.
    rainbow kirby thanks for staring the thread it's very good thread for an introduction to C25K

    I want to thank eviltwin, lemon_sherbert, ArtOfEscape and brainyneuron for being my "virtual running patners", you really helped me a lot with the program, and it was good to know others were doing the program at the same time, as it can be quite lonely at times.

    I found this program great, when I started the program I began to notice other people running then walking and then running again, so there are lots of other people doing the program. It has introduced a bit of fitness into my life which is good for a male 40+.
    I do inted to keep up the 30 mins runs, next thing to do is to tackel my crap diet.

    Its a great feeling isn't it :D I've got the running bug, I used to look at people out in all weathers and think they were nuts but now I get it. Its been one of the best things I've ever done for myself and I am excited to see how far I can take it. Looking forward to sharing the journey will everybody, the support here has been invaluable for me. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,691 ✭✭✭JimmyCrackCorn

    I want to thank eveyone on this thread, thoes who have given me encouragment and advice, such as Cork_girl, JimmyCrackCorn, brainyneuron, ArtOfEscape, Hermione*, eviltwin, lemon_sherbert and others, sorry if I missed anyone else. Previous posters in this thread thank you as well.
    rainbow kirby thanks for staring the thread it's very good thread for an introduction to C25K

    I want to thank eviltwin, lemon_sherbert, ArtOfEscape and brainyneuron for being my "virtual running patners", you really helped me a lot with the program, and it was good to know others were doing the program at the same time, as it can be quite lonely at times.

    I found this program great, when I started the program I began to notice other people running then walking and then running again, so there are lots of other people doing the program. It has introduced a bit of fitness into my life which is good for a male 40+.
    I do inted to keep up the 30 mins runs, next thing to do is to tackle my crap diet.

    Congratulations epic effort.

    If you are looking for running partners have a look for a local running club. Its not a bad for the social life either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    Ran my first ever, fully running 5k ( did one a few months back but ran/walked it:o ) I took my time becuase running at any kind of high intensity has my calves burning by the 3k mark. I wasn't really focusing on the time, I just wanted to complete the 5k :) Did it in a time of 55mins which gives me a base to work on, really chuffed I can acutally run for 55mins :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    Just wanted to add this for anyone who might be interested in the North Dublin area. Its a weekly, FREE!!!, timed 5k in Malahide Castle. Great idea, might be tempted to try it myself one of these days :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Parkrun is a brilliant idea. Haven't done the new Malahide one yet, but I've done the Hampstead Heath one (nightmarishly hilly 2 lap course) and enjoyed it. Very well organised and can't argue with a freebie :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭ultra_other

    eviltwin wrote: »
    Ran my first ever, fully running 5k

    Well done eviltwin, good to see you ran the 5K :D
    You should try the parkrun in Malahide, nice course, flat and no hills!, and with the parkrun you can keep track your times.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭ultra_other

    Congratulations epic effort.

    If you are looking for running partners have a look for a local running club. Its not a bad for the social life either.

    Thanks JimmyCrackCorn, I may try the fit4life in Galway in January

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    Well done eviltwin, good to see you ran the 5K :D
    You should try the parkrun in Malahide, nice course, flat and no hills!, and with the parkrun you can keep track your times.

    No hiills, that's what I like to hear :D! Not too far from me either so no excuse...

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    I ran 4km last night :) Looking forward to my 5km run on Sunday. I have also signed up to a 10km in March, it's the only way to keep me motivated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 716 ✭✭✭lemon_sherbert

    Brr it's cold these days isn't it! Good motivation to keep going though - if I stop, I'm going to freeze.

    Well physio has cleared me to returning to normal running again, for the past week I was back down to 30-35 min at a time, so looking forward to building that up (very gradually this time). I think it'll be a while before I do another race, but the Malahide park run seems like it'll probably be the plan. Hoping to do a 10k at some point in the new year, but trying not to rush headlong into it and acquire yet another injury!

    Congrats to everybody who's persevering in the cold - and ultra_other and eviltwin, for finishing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Well physio has cleared me to returning to normal running again, for the past week I was back down to 30-35 min at a time, so looking forward to building that up (very gradually this time).

    I'm pretty much in the same position - back injury is *still* tempremental, so I'm keeping my runs to less than 40 mins. Frustrating, but not much I can do about it apart from keeping up the physio work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 716 ✭✭✭lemon_sherbert

    I'm pretty much in the same position - back injury is *still* tempremental, so I'm keeping my runs to less than 40 mins. Frustrating, but not much I can do about it apart from keeping up the physio work.

    It is super frustrating - I spent so long getting fit enough just to finish each run, and now I am fit enough to continue and have to stop to save my legs. That said, was out today and forced myself to stay slow, added a couple of minutes and so far, no problems touch wood.

    Just wondering ladies, where are you buying your running clothing? I'm on the lookout for a long sleeved running top that doesn't cost the earth, anyone have any recommendations? (Preferably in Dublin) And it's looking about time to get a new pair of runners too, I've worn a hole in the heel of my current ones - expensive, this running business!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,404 ✭✭✭✭Pembily

    I completed my first 5k run in 37minutes :)

    I'm finishing my couch to 5k and then starting onto 10k and I've signed up to a 10k already :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,495 ✭✭✭✭eviltwin

    It is super frustrating - I spent so long getting fit enough just to finish each run, and now I am fit enough to continue and have to stop to save my legs. That said, was out today and forced myself to stay slow, added a couple of minutes and so far, no problems touch wood.

    Just wondering ladies, where are you buying your running clothing? I'm on the lookout for a long sleeved running top that doesn't cost the earth, anyone have any recommendations? (Preferably in Dublin) And it's looking about time to get a new pair of runners too, I've worn a hole in the heel of my current ones - expensive, this running business!

    I got all mine in Lidl, have to say the quality is fantastic. And cheap, top were about 11 euros I think. They don't do them all the time though which is a pain, but they seem to come out every so often, I would imagine in the New Year they will have some for all the new years resolutions :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 85 ✭✭Maggiesims

    It is super frustrating - I spent so long getting fit enough just to finish each run, and now I am fit enough to continue and have to stop to save my legs. That said, was out today and forced myself to stay slow, added a couple of minutes and so far, no problems touch wood.

    Just wondering ladies, where are you buying your running clothing? I'm on the lookout for a long sleeved running top that doesn't cost the earth, anyone have any recommendations? (Preferably in Dublin) And it's looking about time to get a new pair of runners too, I've worn a hole in the heel of my current ones - expensive, this running business!

    I got some running tops in sports world in heatons, they do long and short sleeve tops, brand name is karrimar. They are good quality and comfortable and they were 12-14 euros.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭ultra_other

    Just wondering ladies, where are you buying your running clothing? I'm on the lookout for a long sleeved running top that doesn't cost the earth, anyone have any recommendations? (Preferably in Dublin)

    I am guy and I have gotton long sleeved running top in Sports World in Heatons, very good value got them for less than €10, also TKMAX in Blanchardstown I picked up a few in there for €18 to €20 in the active ware section, so I am sure they will have a selection for ladies. (I would get escorted out of shops if I was checking the ladies section :rolleyes:)

    Also looking to get a new pair of runners too
    expensive, this running business!
    But oh so worth it :D
