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Post your actual political views.

  • 20-02-2011 7:26pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1,530 ✭✭✭

    I thought it would be interesting to get people to post 10 of their political views and the top five being the ones that matter the most to them.

    1:) I am pro nuclear energy. Preferably 2-4 small plants so if any go offline the others can pick up the slack.

    2:) I think public sector wages are still too high.

    3:) The semi states are a disgrace. The wages paid are utter madness. The waste is unbelievable. I would want to bring in someone from outside the companies and link their wages and bonuses to savings. If they earn 2-3 million fair enough as long as they save 10 times that amount.

    4:) I am pro the legalisation of drugs. The war on drugs has been going on for 30 years and we are in a worse positition now than ever. At least out in the open we can control the quality and tax them.

    5:) Business rates need to come down dramatically

    6:) Im open to the possibility of food stamps or something like that so people on social welfare can't spend any money on drink or smokes.

    7:) Prison sentences in this country are absolutely crazy. If you get 5-10 convictions you should be getting min 2 years in prison so thats why im also for the building of more jails.

    8:) I think its good that the minimum wage was dropped by a Euro. Simply compare the Irish and English minimum wages and there isn't any other option

    9:) I think Irish should continue to be mandatory.




  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,296 ✭✭✭RandolphEsq

    Not necessarily my main views but;
    1. Capitalist; it's possible for everybody in the country to be middle class, and any apparent differences in class are only relative. With the right economic management this is very possible.

    2. Energy; the end of an oil supply will mean that we will require alternative energy suppliers from renewable to non-renewable such as nuclear power.

    3. Crime and punishment; prison only for the more serious of crimes. And prison should be a place of reformation where a stay is determined by the likelihood of reoffending, not a place to hold a person until it is viewed that they have 'served their time'.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    I believe in

    Parliamentary democracy
    The market
    Regulation of the market (see 1929, 1991, 2007 etc)
    Personal choice and social freedoms
    The right to a private life
    The absolute seperation of church and state
    Honesty and accountability of those who hold public office
    The law treating everyone equally and fairly, esp those in white collar positions who are corrupt.
    A diverse mix of power sources both public and privately funded, and public ownership of the power grid.

    and some other stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭Liamario

    Complete removal of party system
    Rewriting of the constitution
    Massive reduction in minister pay
    Massive reduction in living standards in prisons
    Ban on any hunting where the kill is not consumed
    Ban on all non renewable energies.
    Reduction in beef production
    No unemployment benefit for those who have never worked. They must earn their money.
    Overhaul leaving cert. points system (continuous assessment)
    Overhauling of entrance requirements (legal and medical area specifically)

    I could go on...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 55 ✭✭liveline

    I think we should do more to help struggling developers. And I feel very sorry for Ivor Callely. I think Sean Fitzpatrick is a scapegoat and actually a very decent human being. Bertie was the best Taoiseach ever. And I think the carers allowance is far too high.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,314 ✭✭✭BOHtox

    Liamario wrote: »
    Complete removal of party system
    Rewriting of the constitution
    Massive reduction in minister pay
    Massive reduction in living standards in prisons
    Ban on any hunting where the kill is not consumed
    Ban on all non renewable energies.
    Reduction in beef production
    No unemployment benefit for those who have never worked. They must earn their money.
    Overhaul leaving cert. points system (continuous assessment)
    Overhauling of entrance requirements (legal and medical area specifically)

    I could go on...

    There wouldn't be not half enough energy to power the world if that was implemented.
    There's also a huge shortage of food worldwide. Why make that shortage bigger?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭Liamario

    BOHtox wrote: »
    There wouldn't be not half enough energy to power the world if that was implemented.
    There's also a huge shortage of food worldwide. Why make that shortage bigger?

    My points were aimed at Ireland more than globally. One country at a time. Mine first please.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    BOHtox, baning beef won't increase world hunger as only the rich eat beef, indeed the rich eat the overwhelming majority of farmed animal meats. Everone else is mainly on breads, rice, cereals, pulses, fruits, starches.

    Beef production is outrageously expensive on an environmental level.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭Paul.M92

    1. All the old parties NEED to be disbanded and allow the younger generation to take charge.
    2. Any person running for government should be made to take an IQ test so that only intellegent people can get in.
    3. Less posters, more people contact.
    4. There should be more local debates where people can raise their concerns.
    5. Ministers should pay for their own car transport.
    6. Monorails for large cities and electric tram systems connecting smaller towns. This would allow non-drivers in rural towns and villages (Mainly young people) to travel out to towns that have connection to the rail network.
    7. A better rail network needs to be implemented as this will reduce the amount of cars used and comply with the kyoto agreement in Ireland which hopes to reduce our emissions to 13% by 2012. (which at the moment we have no chance of hitting). If we cannot do this we will be fined and our economy will suffer heavily.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,061 ✭✭✭Uriel.

    1. Energy - establishment of a nuclear power grid - movement away from oil. Peat and gas based energy creation.

    2. Political system - a nationally elected president or Taoiseach to run the country with a checks and balance parliament system and vice versa. Similar to the US. (if the presidnt or taoiseach will have the power, than the other office to be abolished). Abolish the Seanad, empower local authorities with responsibility, power and finances.

    3. Prisons - a small number of large penitentiaries. One for each province maybe. Or 1 reserved for the worst of the worst in a centralised location and the rest regionalised. They should be large and can gain economies of scale perhaps. Prisoners should be forced to work on public service contracts - roads, maintenance etc..

    4. Prison sentences. Real minimum sentences and longer sentences. Murder should be minimum of 30 years with on hope of parole until at least the 30yrs are up. Repeat offenders should be handed down long sentences on an incremental basis. I.e. If this is your tenth time charged for robbery, you should get a minimum term of say 5 years plus 1 year for each previous conviction - 5 + 9 = 14 years - serving the full term, no good behaviour etc

    5. Public transport - proper electrified light rail/subway networks in all cities and a move away from buses in the central areas of these cities. Also should be looked at with a view to non-staffed subways -I.e centrally controlled by computer rather than driver operated.

    6. Health care - something like what is being proposed by Fine Gael. Everyone should have access to health care but everyone should pay something towards their care

    7. Social welfare - make it very unattractive to be unemployed. After a period of time, convert 80% of the cash dole payments to food stamps, electricity/oil/gas credits. Reduce minimum wage.

    8. Public sector - reduce wages and most Importanty reduce numbers, re-centralise. I favour a public service campus, where all government Departments have their HQs in one zone, served by light rail transport, where all workers work in one zone and the government can gain economies of scale in practically everything.

    I'll think of more later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,061 ✭✭✭Uriel.

    Paul.M92 wrote: »
    1. All the old parties NEED to be disbanded and allow the younger generation to take charge.
    2. Any person running for government should be made to take an IQ test so that only intellegent people can get in.
    3. Less posters, more people contact.
    4. There should be more local debates where people can raise their concerns.
    5. Ministers should pay for their own car transport.

    Have you any views outside of the election campaigns?

    Do you honestly think national elections should (continue) to focus on local "debate" issues?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,314 ✭✭✭BOHtox

    mike65 wrote: »
    BOHtox, baning beef won't increase world hunger as only the rich eat beef, indeed the rich eat the overwhelming majority of farmed animal meats. Everone else is mainly on breads, rice, cereals, pulses, fruits, starches.

    Beef production is outrageously expensive on an environmental level.
    Liamario wrote: »
    My points were aimed at Ireland more than globally. One country at a time. Mine first please.
    Liamario wrote: »
    Complete removal of party system
    Rewriting of the constitution
    Massive reduction in minister pay
    Massive reduction in living standards in prisons
    Ban on any hunting where the kill is not consumed
    Ban on all non renewable energies.
    Reduction in beef production
    No unemployment benefit for those who have never worked. They must earn their money.
    Overhaul leaving cert. points system (continuous assessment)
    Overhauling of entrance requirements (legal and medical area specifically)

    I could go on...

    Beef is one of our largest exports. We would then have to import it due to less of it being produced here. Our high exports and positive balance of trade are the only good things we have at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,458 ✭✭✭✭gandalf

    1. Reform of the way we elect the Dail via a total list system with reduction of TD's to 100.
    2. Severe reduction of the number of Councils with elected councillors becoming proper paid positions with real local power.
    3. Create an environment where Government nurtures SME's and creates an atmosphere where they can prosper, rather than strangle them with costs and red tape and crazy rent.
    4. Make it attractive for companies to hire people and for people to take up jobs from unemployment.
    5. Health Care reform exactly as per FG's proposals.
    6. Root and file reform of the PS with the flattening of structures so they are the same as any management structure. Reduction in numbers and a system of proper appraisals and responsibilities implemented.
    7. Education removal of compulsory Irish and the addition of at least 2 European languages at primary level and the addition of Chinese and Polish at 2nd level with a five year review to ensure we are covering language skills for all future markets.
    8. A proper incentive for companies to develop our wave & wind energy to meet the countries needs and to hopefully export excess energy.
    9. Remove Motor Tax and replace it with an additional couple of cent on a litre of fuel. The more you drive the more tax you pay.
    10. A review and re-write of the constitution to reflect the changed Ireland of today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭Paul.M92

    Uriel. wrote: »
    Have you any views outside of the election campaigns?

    Do you honestly think national elections should (continue) to focus on local "debate" issues?

    Yes I do but at the moment the election has to be our number 1 priority. Without a competant government we can not advance in any way. We need a government that can resurrect our country or we can never move into the next era.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 144 ✭✭Topper Harley01

    In no particular order, I promise the electorate:
      Double the number of Gardai in the country. Every village to have a minimum of two Gardai, who operate on the 'broken window' theory
    • Major crackdown on public disorder, drunkenness, anti-social behaviour. On the spot fines permitted; parents financially accountable for under-age delinquents.
    • Every Garda station to have a drunk tank, which would be used liberally.
    • Spirits, particularly vodka, to be hit with 90% tax.
    • Fly tipping and rubbish dumping to be cracked down on. Immediate seizure of vehicles permitted.
    • Zero tolerance with criminal gangs.
    • Major investment in Criminal Assets Bureau. White collar crime/fraud to be a prime focus.
    • Change in legislation to permit seizure of personal and family wealth in certain conditions. No more transferring wealth to relations.
    • Jails to be designated low risk, medium risk, and high risk. Low risk to entail Fas courses, education classes, college courses, physical labour.
    • Community service to comprise of council work/physical tasks.
    • Assaults on emergency workers/hospital staff to carry automatic minimum 6 month sentence; seizure of assets if compensation not paid. Right to refuse violent patients.
    • Murder of Gardai or Defence Force personnel=mandatory life sentence.
    • Premeditated murder to mean life without parole.
    • Offshore fishing to be banned off West Coast for ten years to ensure re-stocking of Atlantic supply. Local fishermen rehired to encourage plankton growth by depositing minerals with converted trawlers. Boats tracked via GPS.
    • Review of contract with Shell for offshore production owing to corruption with Ray Burke.
    • High speed broadband rollout to be completed immediately. Low risk prisoners trained to help with installation.
    • Social Welfare card to be replaced with Social Welfare Credit Card (SWCC), which has thumb print, and photo ID encrypted. Topped up weekly with sign on, cash no longer an option. SWCC only valid for household goods. (No booze, gamling, or cigarettes.) Any fraud results in asset seizures.
    • Persistent criminals denied social welfare.
    • Abolish cash-all money to be digital i.e. credit/debit cards. Bank cards to be accepted at checkouts, as in US/Canada.
    • Building of bridge to UK, and high speed maglev train direct to London. Encouragement of British national to live in Dublin, work in UK to encourage property market. Tax relief status for first 2 years.
    • Major investment in renewable energy-Ireland to lead Europe in green energy exportation.
    • Review of objection laws/NIMBY-ism.
    • Prevention of minority status for travellers. Major overhaul of social welfare grants for same.
    • Development of reliable, clean public transport. Transport police to effect zero tolerance for junkies and anti-social behaviour.
    • Etiquette to be mandatory for Junior Cert.
    • Free sterilisation for anyone who wishes-Long term contraception also free. Condoms to be provided free of charge in all social outlets.
    • Removal of children from habitual criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics.
    • Major campaign against sexual abusers, particularly in the Church. Assets to be seized for compensation. Prosecutions mandatory, age no excuse.
    • Instant deportation of bogus asylum seekers/economic migrants, who are liable for costs. Genuine asylum seekers to be fast tracked and granted work status with 3 months maximum.
    • Ghost estates to be developed and given to low income workers; work to be provided by apprentice tradesmen, who also qualify for the houses.
    • Abolish neutrality, join NATO.
    • Immediate departure from EU, but remain within European Free Trade Area. Sovereignty to be restored to Ireland.
    • Re-introduce Punt, immediately devalue.
    • And lastly.....transfer of executive power to self appointed President for life, Topper Harley. Viva el Presidente! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,061 ✭✭✭Uriel.

    Paul.M92 wrote: »
    Yes I do but at the moment the election has to be our number 1 priority. Without a competant government we can not advance in any way. We need a government that can resurrect our country or we can never move into the next era.

    I don't think it was the point of the op to be so narrowly focused though. Tw OP can correct me if I am wrong though

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,662 ✭✭✭elefant

    Two things I'd really like to see are

    1. Legalisation of soft drugs like in the Netherlands. Would earn us a lot of money in taxes and tourism, and is no more dangerous (I'd say less dangerous) than alcohol.

    2. Building of loads of wind farms like in Germany. They have something like 100,000+ people employed in wind energy. We have a windy climate, so we could use this to create jobs and sell excess energy.

    Other obvious things like clamping down on social welfare fraud go without saying I think.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 88,978 ✭✭✭✭mike65

    Topper Harley01, if you ran with that list of commitments you'd probably be the least successful politician of all time ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,848 ✭✭✭bleg

    Fiscal conservative social liberal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭upmeath

    Pro-increasing taxes to fund universal egalitarian healthcare a la Nordic countries.
    Pro-separation of church and state
    Pro-decriminalisation of cannabis
    Pro-nuclear, pro-renewables
    Pro-water charges Discourage waste but don't burden householders, a small fixed annual sum would do the job.
    Anti-GM You are what you eat
    Pro-neutrality, pacifist, but that might be complicated by my stance as...
    Pro-EU federalism If we integrated further instead of clinging to ideas of nationalism we'd have sorted this shíte out sooner - look to the U.S., the show must go on whether California crumbles or Ohio's unemployed, strength in unity.
    Anti-population profiling, state surveillance
    Reduce Dáil to 100 TDs representing 20 amalgamated constituencies of 5 candidates each, reason being that each constituency would most likely return a clear majority verdict in favour of one party/coalition or another each time.
    Pro-United Ireland It's just not feasible until we balance our books and boom again
    Pro-progressive taxation Earn more, pay more, earn less, pay less. Born equal, at least be given a chance to live and die equal.
    Pro-free education
    Pro-party list system the only way to destroy civil war and parish pump politics in this country.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,361 ✭✭✭mgmt

    Reduce the Dail to about 100
    Get rid of PR-STV
    Cull the Civil/Public Service
    Privatise Dublin Bus
    Stop subsidies for wind power
    Reverse all carbon taxes
    Cull foreign aid
    Stop all foreign peacekeeping missions
    Increase naval and customs spending
    Massive increase in prison space
    Force long term prison sentences
    Mandatory privatised health insurance
    Strict CBA for all infrastructure projects
    Allow all Irish passport holders to vote for President
    Privatise the water supply
    Cull the number of county councils
    Strict secular constitution
    No religion in schools with public funding

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭upmeath

    mgmt wrote: »
    Strict CBA for all infrastructure projects
    Allow all Irish passport holders to vote for President
    Privatise the water supply

    Even the Israeli and Russian spies? :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,361 ✭✭✭mgmt

    upmeath wrote: »
    Even the Israeli and Russian spies? :D

    Only the hot ones :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,614 ✭✭✭ArtSmart

    liveline wrote: »
    I think we should do more to help struggling developers. And I feel very sorry for Ivor Callely. I think Sean Fitzpatrick is a scapegoat and actually a very decent human being. Bertie was the best Taoiseach ever. And I think the carers allowance is far too high.
    also, dole scroungers should be shot, liquidised, dyed a soylent green and used as feed.
    plus blind people dont need money - i mean, they're hardly going discoing n stuff. and as for the disabled...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    gandalf wrote: »
    1. Reform of the way we elect the Dail via a total list system with reduction of TD's to 100.
    2. Severe reduction of the number of Councils with elected councillors becoming proper paid positions with real local power.
    3. Create an environment where Government nurtures SME's and creates an atmosphere where they can prosper, rather than strangle them with costs and red tape and crazy rent.
    4. Make it attractive for companies to hire people and for people to take up jobs from unemployment.
    5. Health Care reform exactly as per FG's proposals.
    6. Root and file reform of the PS with the flattening of structures so they are the same as any management structure. Reduction in numbers and a system of proper appraisals and responsibilities implemented.
    7. Education removal of compulsory Irish and the addition of at least 2 European languages at primary level and the addition of Chinese and Polish at 2nd level with a five year review to ensure we are covering language skills for all future markets.
    8. A proper incentive for companies to develop our wave & wind energy to meet the countries needs and to hopefully export excess energy.
    9. Remove Motor Tax and replace it with an additional couple of cent on a litre of fuel. The more you drive the more tax you pay.
    10. A review and re-write of the constitution to reflect the changed Ireland of today.

    I'm voting for Gandalf!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,614 ✭✭✭ArtSmart

    upmeath wrote: »
    Pro-increasing taxes to fund universal egalitarian healthcare a la Nordic countries.
    Pro-separation of church and state
    Pro-decriminalisation of cannabis
    Pro-nuclear, pro-renewables
    Pro-water charges Discourage waste but don't burden householders, a small fixed annual sum would do the job.
    Anti-GM You are what you eat
    Pro-neutrality, pacifist, but that might be complicated by my stance as...
    Pro-EU federalism If we integrated further instead of clinging to ideas of nationalism we'd have sorted this shíte out sooner - look to the U.S., the show must go on whether California crumbles or Ohio's unemployed, strength in unity.
    Anti-population profiling, state surveillance
    Reduce Dáil to 100 TDs representing 20 amalgamated constituencies of 5 candidates each, reason being that each constituency would most likely return a clear majority verdict in favour of one party/coalition or another each time.
    Pro-United Ireland It's just not feasible until we balance our books and boom again
    Pro-progressive taxation Earn more, pay more, earn less, pay less. Born equal, at least be given a chance to live and die equal.
    Pro-free education
    Pro-party list system the only way to destroy civil war and parish pump politics in this country.
    +1 - except i dont think we should reduce Dail representation and the list system is tricky . oh and i'll steal (and revamp)one from Gandalf as well. (below)

    Severe some reduction of the number of Councils with elected councillors becoming proper paid positions with real local power
    but also not allowed to become TDs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,614 ✭✭✭ArtSmart

      • Social Welfare card to be replaced with Social Welfare Credit Card (SWCC), which has thumb print, and photo ID encrypted. Topped up weekly with sign on, cash no longer an option. SWCC only valid for household goods. (No booze, gamling, or cigarettes.)
    but then what's the point of getting the bloody dole???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,362 ✭✭✭Sergeant

    Low tax economy.
    Small government.
    An emphasis on the teaching of mathematics and sciences in primary and post-primary education.
    A drastically reduced welfare system.
    An emphasis on the responsibilities of a person, and the promotion of the concept of self-sufficiency.
    Minimal state involvement in the private life of the individual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,314 ✭✭✭BOHtox

    Why privatise Dublin Bus? It's making a loss. The only reason it's still open is through government funding. If it was privatised, a lot of routes would shut down leading to a shítload more cars on the road.
    You must factor social and economic policy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,361 ✭✭✭mgmt

    BOHtox wrote: »
    Why privatise Dublin Bus? It's making a loss. The only reason it's still open is through government funding. If it was privatised, a lot of routes would shut down leading to a shítload more cars on the road.
    You must factor social and economic policy

    I've discussed this in other threads. Dublin Bus offers a ****e, expensive service atm. Putting routes to tender like in London will offer real value to Dubliners. Look at what happened to the intercity bus market when competition was introduced, WiFi, toilets, lower fares, online booking, online positioning, better more comfortable buses, better timetables...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭upmeath

    Further to previous post...

    Maintenance of 12.5% Corporate Tax rate
    Anti-EU tax harmonisation - If EU federalism is inevitable we should contribute a minuscule amount to sustain a small, directly-elected EU in Brussels but each member state must dictate its own tax rates, as per U.S.. Each state decides where its contribution to Brussels comes from (i.e. whether it's from the income tax take or elsewhere) and each member state contributes according to population and their ability to contribute (GNP).
    Brussels to become an EU federal district a la Brasilia, District of Colombia, Mexico City, Canberra. With the seemingly inevitable demise and disintegration of the Kingdom of Belgium, currently held together using cement and horse whiskers, Flanders and Wallonia look set to go their separate ways, in which event the Brussels Capital Region will become Europe's geographically independent Federal District (with a slight boundary change Walloons want anyway)
    Anti-religious education or management of state-funded schools
    Pro-gay rights, gay marriage, gay adoption rights
    Anti-gender quotas - If we legislate for minimum numbers of female candidates, every minority in the country will have grounds to justify targeted representation. Dividing the population 166 ways, our Polish and Nigerian constituencies are due the representation of 2 TDs each, and the Travelling community 1, and the unemployed 20-odd. It's a bullshít concept.
    Deregulation of the drinks industry - The very idea that central government can dictate the time of day someone can drink at or until is, as George Hook might say, balderdash. "Why don't we put drinking hours back a few hours in winter when it gets dark earlier sure?"
    More personal freedom In the absence of national sovereignty we've a duty to protect individual liberties. Don't throw away your own personal decision-making with regard to when you drink, what you smoke, whether or not you have a child at 17, how your child is educated, so on... I'd describe myself as a libertarian, but I believe certain safeguards are needed to ensure a fairer society. Welfare is needed to support society's vulnerable. Education and healthcare should be egalitarian and universally accessible. In terms of personal choices, the scope for government interference in individual life should be reduced, government should serve people and not vice versa.
