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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Dathai wrote: »
    I signed myself up for a Crossfit Intro to Barbell techniques (or something along those lines). Basically an intro to correct squatting, cleans, clean + jerk, snatch etc. Looking forward to it!

    There was only 2-3 people in the gym this morning, including myself. About 5 minutes before I was about to finish, two guys came in and pretty much did this

    It was actually the most awesome thing ever. I'd pay to see it again :pac:

    I could do with some correction myself on a few exercises. Have you gone yet?

    <insert firstname> Wayne is so :D:p:D! Er, yeah, what part of Europe were they referring too, do you think?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    It's in May (4th?), check their website, I reckon they've got some places still going. Was reading a review of it on here and it sounds daycent.

    I reckon it's probably one of those techno / house music obsessed countries that have taken glow sticks to a new level. I'm fairly sure that workout was invented by TechnoViking :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Dathai wrote: »
    It's in May (4th?), check their website, I reckon they've got some places still going. Was reading a review of it on here and it sounds daycent.

    I reckon it's probably one of those techno / house music obsessed countries that have taken glow sticks to a new level. I'm fairly sure that workout was invented by TechnoViking :D

    I'll check their site, thanks. Is it the Blackrock one or the Sandyford??

    Waving those glow sticks for 12 hours takes a lot of endurance;). And TechnoViking just freaks me out a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    howtomake wrote: »
    I'll check their site, thanks. Is it the Blackrock one or the Sandyford??

    Waving those glow sticks for 12 hours takes a lot of endurance;). And TechnoViking just freaks me out a bit.

    It's the Sandyford one, handy enough as the LUAS is only 5 minutes from their entrance. The date is actually the 8th of May.

    This morning:

    Bench Press
    1st - 27.5 x 9
    2nd - 32.5kg x 8
    3rd - 37.5 x 6
    4th - 47.5 x 5
    5th - 57.5 x 4
    6th - 57.5 x 4
    7th - 65 x 4
    8th - 65 x 4

    Close Grip
    1st - 42.5kg x 5
    2nd - 42kg x 5
    3rd - 42kg x 5
    4th - 42kg x 5

    Skull Crushers
    1st - 27.5kg x 8
    2nd - 27.5kg x 8
    3rd - 27.5kg x 8
    4th - 27.5kg x 8

    Tricep Pushdowns
    1st - 62kg x 10
    2nd - 65kg x 8
    3rd - 65kg x 8
    4th - 65kg x 8
    5th - 65kg x 6

    E-Z Bar curls

    5 sets of 8 reps @ 37.5kg

    Russian Twists
    4 sets of 30 (15 each side) with a 20kg kettlebell.

    Keeping my legs elevated on the Russian Twists is horrific, but at the same time they're definitely working. Got told to try move my legs in and out to make it more difficult. Might give it a go on a 16kg one. I've 24kg, 28kg and 30kg at home that I'll start doing the RTs with at the weekend. Currently just using them for swings, cleans and presses.

    Didn't really think too much of the curls, I'll probably up the weight to 40kg or more the next day I train.

    Really felt strong on the lifts today. I'll try stick to the weight scheme on each exercise each week that I fail. IE: if I fail to get 4 sets of 8 one week I'll try get the 4 sets of 8 the following week on the same weight. I seemed to try and rush myself and was getting nowhere. But it's kind of all coming together now.

    Wont get a lunchtime session in today, I've to go to a work lunch thing (for some reason :/ ), but I'll head down tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,333 ✭✭✭✭itsallaboutheL

    Dathai wrote: »
    Had the most mental dreams last night.

    I had a dream last night that i was a groomsman at a wedding and had to go train during the reception, i ended up outside on a running track surrounding a field, Snatching in a Singlet, Top Hat and Suit Pants... :confused:

    Almost as good as the time i had a dream i was going out for a third attempt snatch in the Olympics, i wanted to take 200 but Jim Wendler and thedrifter were trying to make me go for 197. lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Jesus. That's actually a pretty impressive dream.

    I had one last night that I was a dog with worms. I kept having to scoot everywhere because it was so itchy. But I had a job and it was impolite to scoot across the carpet in the office, so I had to get on with my paper work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Haven't trained since Wednesday afternoon. Back has been feeling pretty tight and I just didn't want to do anything to hurt myself. Been doing stretches and some bodyweight stuff at home.

    Wednesday afternoon:
    Clean and press x 5 each arm
    Goblet squat x 10
    Swings x 15

    4 rounds with a 20kg KB.

    This morning
    Forgot my notepad so this is from memory:

    1st - 85kg x 5
    2nd - 120kg x 5
    3rd - 145kg x 5
    4th - 165 x 5
    5th - 175 x 5
    6th - 182.5x 4
    7th - 187.5 x 3
    8th - 187.5 x 1
    9th - 187.5 x 1

    5 sets of 8 reps with 25kg

    Russian Twists
    5 sets of 20 (10 each side) with a 20KG KB

    Standing Ab Crunches
    6 sets of 15 @ 60kg

    The last 3 sets of deadlifts were class. I got this ringing in my ear and went deaf for the time I had the weight off the floor until I let go and stood back up after resting it on the ground. Not sure if that's a good thing, but I could hear music in the gym, then it was like there was interference with it, then it all went muffly, then everything went quiet.

    I figured it was because I hadn't exhaled when I reached the top of the lifts, but I had on the last two sets and the same thing happened.

    My back wasn't feeling as sore, so I'm pretty happy with it. Was gonna try get some rack pulls in but most of the calluses had been torn off my right hand on the last set of deads.

    Diet has sucked the past few days due to work and college stress. Although, I did manage to get a lb of burger and a mountain of sweet potato chips for lunch yesterday and I'm currently eating a whole chicken. Nyom.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    I've actually heard of that happening to people before, myself I've never lifted anything quite heavy enough for my relative strength since I usually train alone with sub-par equipment. I'm only guessing hear (oops, no pun intended there meant here) but could be your breathing, blood pressure, or etc?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    I actually think it may be because of my rest periods and blood pressure. I usually only take about 1 minute breaks in between lifts and setting up the bar again. I'm always getting corrected on my breathing when training with Kettlebells, so I should probably try and make sure I'm getting enough air into my lungs when I rest, and increase my rest times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Back Squats
    1st - 57.5 x 6
    2nd - 67.5kg x 6
    3rd - 87.5 x 5
    4th - 105 x 5
    5th - 120 x 5
    6th - 135 x 4
    7th - 137.5 x 4
    8th - 137.5 x 4

    Front Squats
    1st - bar x 10
    2nd - 35kg x 6
    3rd - 55kg x 5
    4th - 65kg x 4
    5th - 75kg x 4
    6th - 80kg x 3

    Calf Raises
    5 sets of 15 @ 180kg

    Standing Ab Crunches
    5 sets of 15 @ 65kg

    Russian Twists with 10kg medicine ball
    5 sets of 30 (15 each side)

    My left knee is at me today. It feels like it needs to crack or pop. I've done everything to stretch correctly today and it still feels weird. Didn't really hinder my lifts, everything felt good. I just need to work on opening up my hips on the back squat.

    Back squat
    Was moving the weight no problem, just kept trying to hit that spot at the bottom. I had asked one of the rugby coaches would he check out how far I'm going into it he said (in an awesome Scottish accent) "Pretty fúcking deep pal". Still felt as if I had more at the bottom, but I don't want to push it. Until I can video myself squatting I'll probably still have this mindset. Gonna try go a bit heavier next week but just sink it below parallel.

    Front Squats
    Found my groove. Found the best place for my wrists and for the bar to rest. Felt hardly any pain in my wrists and kept sinking them down. Really only stopped because I was getting a bit dizzy and there were women on the crosstrainers in front of me distracting me :pac:.

    Standing Ab crunches
    These are pretty awesome. My back is strong, but the abs aren't so hopefully keeping these up at a heavy weight will sort that out.

    Leg extension and curl machine were b0rked, so I just went and stretched.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Dathai wrote: »
    I actually think it may be because of my rest periods and blood pressure. I usually only take about 1 minute breaks in between lifts and setting up the bar again. I'm always getting corrected on my breathing when training with Kettlebells, so I should probably try and make sure I'm getting enough air into my lungs when I rest, and increase my rest times.

    Yoga is good for practicing breath control, I need to do that for diving anyway. But I know its not as 'manly' as lifting heavy sh*t around ;), but I'm sure there are 'manly' ways of working on breath control. Do you know if you breathe very shallow, or maybe something is blocking you from fully breathing? Could be around your ribs, diaphragm or chest, etc.

    Nice going on the deep squat compliment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    howtomake wrote: »
    but I'm sure there are 'manly' ways of working on breath control.

    Fairly sure I know a few ways :pac:
    Do you know if you breathe very shallow, or maybe something is blocking you from fully breathing? Could be around your ribs, diaphragm or chest, etc.

    I was told to push out my stomach rather than my chest when I breathe during lifts. I do this, but I think it's just me holding my breath and then forgetting to let go at the right time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Bench Press
    1st - 27.5 x 9
    2nd - 35kg x 8
    3rd - 45 x 6
    4th - 55 x 5
    5th - 65 x 4
    6th - 67.5 x 4
    7th - 67.5 x 4
    8th - 67.5 x 4

    Close Grip
    1st - 45kg x 4
    2nd - 45kg x 5
    3rd - 45kg x 4
    4th - 45kg x 4

    Skull Crushers
    1st - 30kg x 8
    2nd - 30kg x 7
    3rd - 30kg x 8
    4th - 30kg x 6

    Tricep Pushdowns
    1st - 65kg x 8
    2nd - 65kg x 8
    3rd - 65kg x 8
    4th - 65kg x 8
    5th - 65kg x 8

    E-Z Bar curls

    5 sets of 8 reps @ 42.5

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Pretty poor day today. Everything felt really heavy. My diet has been crap the past few days as I've been so busy in work. Like yesterday I had a protein shake and bran flakes at 8am then nothing until about 6.30pm (albeit, I did eat a lb of meat, mixed veg and 2 sweet potatoes). Been getting very little sleep the past few nights also.


    1st - 80kg x 7
    2nd - 120 x 5
    3rd - 150 x 5
    4th - 170 x 4
    5th - 180 x 4
    6th - 180 x 4
    7th - 185 x 1
    8th - 185 x 1

    1st - BW x 10
    2nd - 25kg x 8
    3rd - 25kg x 8
    4th - 25kg x 8
    5th - 25kg x 8

    Reverse Lunges
    4 sets of 8 (4 each leg) with 45kg barbell

    Standing Ab crunches
    4 sets of 15 @ 45kg (back wasn't having any of it).

    Russian twists
    5 sets of 20 with 20kg kettlebell

    Had two big bags with me heading into town this morning and I was knackered after all the walking. Dropped my stuff into work and headed to the gym. Knew as soon as I stepped in the door it was gonna be a crap day, just felt wrecked.

    I think I'll stop doing the standing ab crunches, and replace them with regular weighted ones. Need to get some good morning stuff in at some point too.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    :( Hate when I don't feel I've done a good enough workout, but least you showed up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Back Squats
    1st - 57.5 x 6
    2nd - 70kg x 5
    3rd - 90kg x 5
    4th - 110 x 4
    5th - 130 x 4
    6th - 135 x 4
    7th - 137.5 x 4
    8th - 137.5 x 4

    Front Squats
    1st - bar x 10
    2nd - 35kg x 6
    3rd - 55kg x 5
    4th - 65kg x 4
    5th - 75kg x 4
    6th - 80kg x 1

    Russian Twists with 20kg KB
    3 sets of 20 (10 each side)

    Trained in a different gym today and was told that my squatting was disturbing the people around me. Bear in mind the woman that told me this referred to herself as a "gym bunny" during this conversation. Make up your own mind about that.
    Wasn't making noise, wasn't doing anything out of the norm. Very weird.

    Feeling exhausted today. Got very little sleep last night and pretty poor food intake yesterday to boot. Didn't want to wreck myself today as I want to get home tonight and have a good rest for tomorrow.

    Heading up to the new SBG city centre gym at lunch for my first BJJ class. I'll only be up for about 40 mins as it's my lunch break. I'll try get one of the evening classes in and a weekend class before I make up my mind. Handy spot. I kind of want to put this strength training to something useful. I've no interest in just being some lad in a gym that does sweet fa outside.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Just back from my first BJJ session (and like a nerd, I'm posting about it on the internet). Pretty awesome I've got to say. Got schooled and realised that all that squatting, deadlifting etc etc means fúck all when you've got some bloke trying to choke you out and you're scrambling to get him off you. Definitely heading back on Thursday and (hopefully, if I'm not too hungover) Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Yeah grapling people is a lot different to grapling weights, although I have not been in a fight since school, funny how everyone always winds up rolling around on the ground.

    What exactly did you do in BJJ? A real nerd would've given more detail :D. I'm pretty much clueless about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Just back defense with some leg thing. You've got your opponent sitting between your legs facing away from you. You've got your right arm over their right shoulder and left arm coming under their left arm. Hooks in, they press back and you lift their left leg with your left and twist to the right with your hips. Your objective then is to get your left leg over their left and then in and under their left leg and subsequently to roll and mount them.

    I'm actually surprised I managed to remember all that. I've been trying to google it but there's about a million vids on bjj back control. Feeling it today anyway :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Back Squats
    1st - 57.5 x 6
    2nd - 70kg x 5
    3rd - 90kg x 5
    4th - 110 x 4
    5th - 130 x 4
    6th - 135 x 4
    7th - 137.5 x 4
    8th - 140 x 3

    Front Squats

    1st - 20kg x 10
    2nd - 35kg x 6
    3rd - 55kg x 5
    4th - 65kg x 4
    5th - 75kg x 4
    6th - 82.5kg x 3

    Russian Twists with 20kg KB
    3 sets of 20 (10 each side)

    Weighed myself this morning - 97.4KG. Kinda hovering around this mark lately, but definitely less of a gut, more muscle and my strength is up. Touch wood it stays like this for a while. Gonna hit some BJJ classes in the evenings, saturday was deadly and I want to learn more. Gonna try head back to muay thai at some point too (after an incident recently, I'm regretting that I stopped going, regardless of using the time to study). Feels good to use all this for something at last.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Shoulder has been in bits most of the week, it was feeling decent enough yesterday and this morning so I hit the gym.

    1st - 80kg x 6
    2nd - 120 x 5
    3rd - 150 x 5
    4th - 170 x 4
    5th - 180 x 4
    6th - 180 x 4
    7th - 185 x 5
    8th - 185 x 5

    1st - 40kg x 8
    2nd - 60kg x 6
    3 sets x 4reps @ 75kg
    2 sets x 4 reps @ 85kg

    Standing ab crunches
    5 sets of 20 @ 55kg

    Russian Twists
    4 sets of 20(10 each side) @ 25kg

    Didn't want to do any pressing so I kept it short. Feeling alright. Did some back and leg stretches for about 25 minutes and felt great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Back Squats
    1st - 57.5 x 6
    2nd - 70kg x 5
    3rd - 90kg x 5
    4th - 110 x 4
    5th - 130 x 4
    6th - 135 x 4
    7th - 135 x 5
    8th - 135 x 5

    Front Squats
    1st - 20kg x 10
    2nd - 35kg x 6
    3rd - 55kg x 5
    4th - 65kg x 4
    5th - 75kg x 4
    6th - 80kg x 3

    Leg Extensions
    4 sets of 9 @ 75kg
    1 set of 9 @ 80kg

    Russian Twists
    5 sets of 20 @ 20kg

    When your diet sucks, your lifts suck. BJJ tonight, should be good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Knackered this morning and I just wanted to get some stuff done. I should have been benching but all the benches were taken as soon as I got in (Gym opens at 7, I was down after changing at 7.10)

    1st - 40kg x 8
    2nd - 60kg x 6
    3 sets x 4reps @ 75kg
    3 sets x 4 reps @ 85kg
    1 set x 2 reps @ 90kg

    Upright Rows
    4 sets of 8 @ 45kg

    Weighted Situps
    4 sets of 20 with 20kg

    Russian Twists
    4 sets of 20 (10 each side) with 20kg

    Got on the threadmill for a 10 minute cool down.

    Finding my abs getting much stronger and my back getting less fatty. My neck has gotten bigger from all the grappling and chokes. Need to keep to my weights routine as it'll compliment the BJJ.

    BJJ tonight, might give Saturday a miss so I can get some deadlifts in. I'll get 3 BJJ sessions in this week regardless.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    First Benching session in ages.

    Bench Press
    1st - 27.5kg x 6
    2nd - 35kg x 7
    3rd - 45kg x 6
    4th - 55kg x 5
    5th - 65kg x 4
    6th - 70kg x 4
    7th - 75kg x 4
    8th - 75kg x 3

    Close Grip
    1st - 55kg x 6
    2nd - 55kg x 6
    3rd - 55kg x 6
    4th - 55kg x 6

    Skull Crushers
    1st - 35kg x 8
    2nd - 35kg x 8
    3rd - 35kg x 8
    4th - 35kg x 8

    Tricep Push downs
    1st - 75kg x 8
    2nd - 75kg x 8
    3rd - 75kg x 8
    4th - 75kg x 8
    5th - 75kg x 8

    E-Z Bar curls
    5 x 8 reps @ 50kg

    Definitely impressed with the increase here. Gonna try and get a couple sets of push ups at the end next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai


    1st - 80kg x 6
    2nd - 120kg x 6
    4 sets of 5 @ 145kg

    4 sets of 8 with 20kg

    Barbell Reverse Lunges
    4 sets of 6 reps each leg w/ 45kg

    Russian Twists
    4 sets of 20 (10 each side) with 25kg kettlebell

    This Morning:

    Back Squats
    1st - 60kg x 6
    2nd - 70kg x 5
    3rd - 90kg x 5
    4th - 120 x 4
    5th - 140 x 4
    6th - 140 x 5
    7th - 145 x 5
    8th - 145 x 5

    Front Squats
    1st - 40kg x 6
    2nd - 60kg x 5
    3rd - 80kg x 5
    4th - 80kg x 5
    5th - 85kg x 4

    Russian Twists
    4 sets of 20 @ 20kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    My right shoulder is at me today, so I did what I could. Didn't try the skull crushers as I knew they'd put pressure on my shoulder.

    Bench Press
    1st - 27.5kg x 6
    2nd - 40kg x 6
    3rd - 45kg x 6
    4th - 55kg x 5
    5th - 65kg x 4
    6th - 75kg x 5
    7th - 75kg x 5
    8th - 75kg x 3

    Close Grip
    1st - 55kg x 6
    2nd - 55kg x 6
    3rd - 55kg x 6
    4th - 55kg x 4

    E-Z Bar curls
    5 x 8 reps @ 52.5kg

    Tricep Push downs
    1st - 80kg x 8
    2nd - 80kg x 7
    3rd - 80kg x 8
    4th - 80kg x 6
    5th - 80kg x 7

    Arm Bike Machine
    3 minutes @ level 17

    Did a load of stretching afterwards and some shoulder flexibility stuff. Gonna have to see someone about it, it ain't good!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    1st - 50kg x 8
    2nd - 65kg x 7
    4 sets of 6 @ 75kg
    7th - 60kg x 5 (died)

    Push Press
    1st - 30kg x 6
    2nd - 45.5 x 6
    4 sets of 5 @ 50kg

    Lat pulldowns
    5 sets of 8 @ No.11 of 25 (No idea what that means!)

    Upright Rows
    5 sets of 8 @ 50kg

    Weighted situps
    5 sets of 20 with 25kg plate.

    Did loads of warm ups and some decent stretching afterwards. Got given a bunch of cool shoulder stretches to do which seem to have loosened the tightness in my right shoulder.

    Didn't want to go too heavy on the weight, so I just tested what felt good. Happy enough with this morning. BJJ this evening too. I'll get a good sleep tonight :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    1st - 70kg x 5
    2nd - 90kg x 4
    3rd - 120 x 2
    4th - 150kg x 5
    5th - 150kg x 5
    6th - 150kg x 5 (barely made the last rep)
    7th - 150kg x 4

    Reverse Lunges with Barbell
    4 sets of 6 each leg, 45kg barbell

    4 sets of 8 with 20kg plate

    Did some bodyweight stuff after, along with some of the bjj stretches and agility stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai


    Back Squats
    1st - 60kg x 6
    2nd - 70kg x 5
    3rd - 90kg x 5
    4th - 120kg x 4
    5th - 140kg x 4
    6th - 145kg x 5
    7th - 150kg x 3
    8th - 150kg x 4

    Front Squats
    1st - 40kg x 6
    2nd - 60kg x 5
    3rd - 80kg x 5
    4th - 85kg x 5
    5th - 85kg x 5
    6th - 85kg x 5

    Leg Extensions
    1st - 70kg x 10
    2nd - 75kg x 9
    3 sets of 9 @ 82.5kg

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Bench Press
    1st - 27.5kg x 6
    2nd - 40kg x 6
    3rd - 45kg x 6
    4th - 55kg x 5
    5th - 65kg x 5
    6th - 75kg x 5
    7th - 75kg x 6
    8th - 75kg x 5

    Close Grip
    1st - 55kg x 6
    2nd - 55kg x 6
    3rd - 55kg x 6
    4th - 55kg x 6

    E-Z Bar curls
    5 x 8 reps @ 52.5kg

    Tricep Push downs
    1st - 80kg x 8
    2nd - 80kg x 8
    3rd - 80kg x 8
    4th - 80kg x 8
    5th - 80kg x 8
    6th - 80kg x 8

    Arm Bike Machine
    2 rounds 3 minutes @ level 17

    6 sets of 8
