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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Didn't deadlift yesterday as I moved it to Saturday instead. Was up with some mates in the park and did some "light" training.

    4 rounds of

    "Place two cones 20-40 yards apart. Stand at one end holding a pair of heavy dumbbells. Don't put them down until you've finished the entire routine!

    Step 1: Start at one cone and perform 6-8 reps of a bent-over row.

    Step 2: Walk to the other end and perform 8-10 cleans. Finish holding both dumbbells at your shoulders in the racked position.

    Step 3: Still holding the dumbbells in the racked position, walk back and do a set of 6-8 dumbbell front squats.

    Step 4: Return to the other cone, this time performing 6-8 reps of dumbbell overhead presses. On the final rep, hold the dumbbells overhead and walk back to the start. One round complete! You can now put the dumbbells down and find that lung that leapt from your chest.


    Did it with 2 20kg kettlebells. Absolutely destroyed me. Woke up this morning feeling incredible, as if I've slept 20 hours or something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Quick update. Benching is going well. 5x7 this morning, but only got 6 reps on the last set so I'm gonna retry it again on Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Got the 5x7 but nearly popped something in my back on the last set. Need to keep the arch. I think I should probably stick to between 3 and 4 reps for warm up. I hit 6 on 2 sets right before my work sets and I think it tired me out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Benchin' going well. Deadlift is up, back is feeling great.

    Started doing Powercleans again, my shoulder isn't hurting which is great. Keeping reps at 3-4 for about 5 sets. Squat is going well, need to work on my hip strength in assistance work a good bit more. Heading to Austria this weekend and got told about a couple of cool gyms near where I'm staying. I'll be back and forth so I'll try them when I head over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Dathai wrote: »
    Benchin' going well. Deadlift is up, back is feeling great.

    That's great improvement from your post last month:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Thanks! Yeah, it's an improvement because I've actually stuck to something :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    So sore. Send difene :(

    Need to retry this weeks deadlifting. Failed on the last set of the maxes, and failed on the last set of the speed pulls. My back was feeling it so I passed on the GMs and just lay there.

    Massive empty gym tho.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    This morning:

    Back Squats @ 90kg
    Found a box in the gym to do box squats on. First time actually getting every rep without feeling like I was going to collapse / fall over. Might adjust the pins to be safe next time. Gonna up it by 5kg and see if I can get 5 x 5 at a solid weight again.

    Arched Back Good Mornings:
    4 x 8 @ 70kg

    Hit 5 sets of 10 (each leg) of single legged deads with a 35kg DB. That pretty much finished my legs off.

    Abs - decline sit ups
    5 x 25 @ 25kg plate

    Russian Twists
    3 x 30 @ 30kg DB

    Glad I got it out of the way, travelling at the weekend so it'd be on my mind that I was missing these.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Ended up going for a few pints last night and got rubber after 3. Woke up this morning pretty early and decided to head in to sweat it off as I've a long day ahead.

    It was pretty bad. Just benched a little, cross trainer, rower then sat in the steam room and vegetated.

    Dead lifting at the weekend was pretty cool. I hit all the heavy reps and did an extra speed set and an extra stiff leg set. Going to up the weight by 10kg on the stiff leg deads next week and see how it goes.

    Also, Monster Energy and loads of L-Carnitine makes for deadly lifting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Had a bit of an incident recently (non weights related) and hurt my hands. Let's just say I'm giving thought into taking up the striking class in SBG :)

    Figured I'd update this - as it stands I'm benching 20kg more than I was before - and for 8 reps (newb gains uber alles), deads are going up (can't really say by how much as I haven't tested yet) and squat is good form wise but weights wise it'll go up as my body adjusts to squatting correctly.

    Haven't benched any days this week other than my poor attempt on wednesday. I gave up after 3 sets because I was getting a shooting pain in my hands.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Did lunchtime training today, mainly rowing and stretching. My back, neck and legs are killing me from BJJ last night.

    The rowing is pretty awesome I've got to admit, looking at other people's times on here I'm pretty **** - I average 2.10 for 500m. Going to see how this keeps up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    I've been keeping at the lunchtime training (along with doing the mornings) most of the days and so far I'm feeling great.

    I've managed to work in powercleans, rowing and kettlebell swings within the hour. Feeling a lot less stressed heading back to work and I've noticed some of my lifts in the mornings are getting a bit better also.

    I'll probably start doing the log a bit more detailed after my holidays are over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Went into the gym yesterday and it was packed and most of the stuff had been moved to the upstairs part. Absolute nightmare to train in. Went up to Raw after and got my membership renewed so I'll probably head up there on Thursday when I'm back.

    Yesterday it was:

    Goblet squats
    6 sets of 8 @ 50KG

    Single Leg Deadlifts
    5 sets of 10 @ 25kg

    Russian Twists
    3 x 30 @ 25kg

    Standing Ab Pulldowns
    5 x 30 @ Number 11 (whatever that means?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai


    C/P Week 7 (It's actually like the 9th week or something, but I missed lifts earlier in the program and only continued when I got them).

    Hit all my lifts and got very eager at the 3x3 speeds. I increased it 7.5kg and it wasn't that 'speedy'. I felt great up until the bent rows and then it was on to the arched back GMs which were even worse. I could only manage 60kg and thought I'd leave it at that.

    Sat around for a bit and the gym emptied a little so I grabbed at 25kg dumbell and did 3 X 6 single leg deadlifts.

    Shoulder is still at me even though I've done hardly any upper body training in a while. I'm assuming it's how I sleep or hold my shoulders that's causing it to keep at me. All the band stretching works great, then I wake up the next day not able to move.

    That's it for the rest of the week. I R go holiday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Up in Raw this morning. Did a light session to sweat off the mouldy hangover. Wanted to tear the arse out of the squats and open up my hips. It was pretty simple, just used that 5/3/1 plan and it's pretty sound.

    Got a bunch of stretching done upstairs including body weight squats and some fire hydrants. Mauled my knees with the lacrosse ball and got started.

    Back squats
    1st - Bar x 12
    2nd - Bar x 12
    3rd - 40kg x 8
    4th - 45kg x 5
    5th - 55kg x 5
    6th - 60kg x 9 (All I could smell was booze and had to stop)

    Front Squats
    1st - Bar x 12 (each rep paused)
    2nd - 35kg x 5 (each rep paused at the bottom)
    3rd - 40kg x 5 (each rep paused at the bottom)
    4th - 45kg x 9 (First 6 paused at the bottom)

    Single Leg Deadlifts - 24kg Kettle Bell
    3 sets of 8 each leg

    Goblet Squats - 35kg Dumbbell
    3 sets of 8

    Was going to do some sit ups and calf raises but I felt manky. I think I've sweated out the booze. Gonna try and do a couple of light sessions to get back into the swing of things. I've only been really doing crappy bench sessions and the C/P deads the past while, so I'll try get these done. Felt great to actually have a mirror in front of me to check form too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Up in Raw again. Nice having hardly any people in and a big space to train. I got in just as the bootcamp or whatever it was finished.

    Did a light day to see how the shoulder was, so I'm going to hover around this for the next while and work up when it feels right.

    1st - Bar x 12
    2nd - 30kg x 10
    3rd - 40kg x 5
    4th - 45kg x 5
    5th - 47.5kg x 10

    Close Grip
    5 sets of 6 @ 42.5kg

    Skull Crushers (Kept these light, just wanted to see how the shoulder held up)
    5 x 9 @ 20kg.

    Lateral Raise
    5 x 10 @ 7.5kg

    Front Raise
    5 x 8 @ 7.5kg

    Lat Pulldown - Nearly took a chunk of skin off of my shin from the foot plates beside it!
    4 x 8 @ Number 8

    Some crappy curls at the end.

    I pretty much halved my bench and tricep work today. I'm really trying to keep up with the whole "The phsyio pretty much fixed you and the band work is working fine - don't mess it up again!" idea. So I'm thinking fúck going back to old habits, stick at what's feeling good. I don't compete in anything and I'm most likely going to PR on *most* stuff every week or so (GG newb gains) so keeping myself injury free and somewhat strong is going to be key in the next few months.

    That 5/3/1 plan seems really basic and pretty much what I need atm. I'm going to see how it pans out for the next month or two and hopefully I can get in and out of the gym with my warmups, lifts and assistant work all in a reasonable time. If I'm really aiming for upping my bench, squat or whatever in the next while I'm thinking of just adding an extra day to train at volume (7x5 @ 75% or 5x7 @ 80%) for a week or two.</ramble>

    I most likely won't do the above, but this is the plan of action for the next while:
    5/3/1 for Squat, Bench and Shoulders (going for push press instead of military)
    Coan / Phillipi for Deads (going to do Week 8 for 3-4 weeks after I'm finished)

    TL;DR - Light training day, liking the 5/3/1 format coz I get stuff done in reasonable time, don't want to hurt my shoulder again, I've a stupid idea again for not sticking to my plan that I just came up with (ugh..)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Went up to a mate's place today and got one of those rumble rollers from him. While I was up there I had a look at the new set up he's got. Walked out 160, 150, 130, then did a negative on 120 with my current stance and "form". It's much more difficult now that I've got the mindset to reef my knees out and reach back, instead of letting my knees come in and flying back up. I miss doing heavy sets though :/

    Mauled my back, hams, calves and glutes with the roller and a lacrosse ball, did a bunch of stretches and did some power cleans.

    1st - 5 @ 40
    2nd - 3 @ 50
    3rd - 3 @ 55
    4th + 5th - 3 @ 57.5

    Didn't bother doing any more because I've got deads tomorrow and I'm keeping it sane on working the shoulder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    C/P Week 7 (I've repeated one or two weeks because of missed lifts)

    Left my notepad up in the gym by accident. This is from memory, don't remember the exact weights of everything, just the percentages.

    Repeated last week as I'm determined to get next weeks without fail. Got all last weeks and this weeks, but I just wanted to hit an extra set and get all my assistance done at higher weights.

    2x2 @ 90%

    Speed Deads
    3x3 @ 80% (was supposed to be 75% but I got these up quick enough)

    Power Shrugs
    3x5 @ 125kg
    I haven't really been able to get these from the ground then to shrug, so I've been doing them off pins at a lighter weight (I suck at shrugs).

    Stiff Legged Deads
    3X5 @ Can't Remember. These were manky. Just barely got passed my knees.

    Bent Rows
    3x5 @ Can't remember. I think it was 67.5 / 70. Absolutely woeful attempt either way.

    Good Mornings
    3x5 @ 60kg. My back was about to snap. I knew I couldn't do anymore.

    3x5 @ No.17 (whatever that means?)

    Got a diet plan done up by a friend's sister who's a nutritionist / dietician. Basically told her I just want to put on weight, predominately muscle. I got 3 different diets / meal plans that I can alternate between over the next two months for gaining and I've 2 others that are just for regular eating when I want / feel I need to cool off. The 3 diets are ~3000 calories a day and the others are 2500 (I think). I've to go back to her in 6 weeks time and see how I'm getting on.

    I've dropped stupid amounts of weight that I'm not happy about - mainly down to crap training, hardly eating, getting sick and just being lazy.

    That's it until tomorrow. First time training shoulders in ages.. not looking forward to it :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Possibly the gayest training session ever.

    Everything was light and I felt like an absolute spa - but I didn't get any pain, pops or tension in my shoulder so I guess that's a plus.

    Push Press
    1st - bar x 12
    2nd - 20kg x 5
    3rd - 20kg x 5
    4th - 22.5 x 10
    5th - 22.5 x 5

    Incline Bench
    1st - bar x 12
    4 sets of 8 @ 17.5

    Skull Crushers
    4 sets of 8 @ 22.5kg

    Face Pulls
    4 sets of 8 @ Number 7

    Bent rows
    4 sets of 8 with a 25kg dumbell

    2 sets of 8 with 30kg dumbells

    Felt like a sap doing the incline, especially since the guy behind me was repping out 140kg like it was nothing. It's the first time I've done it in I don't know how long and I knew it would be one of the main exercises to do damage to my shoulder. I kept tight and just did the reps and everything felt good. I'll up it to 20 / 22.5 next week depending on how it all feels. I'll up the DB for the rows to 30 I'd say, no soreness in the shoulder and they were pretty easy.

    Shrugs suck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    I'm never drinking Monster energy drinks again. Had a massive breakfast and a can of the green Monster drink on my way in and I nearly puked in the gym. I was wringing with sweat after about 30 minutes too. It got to the stage where I was trying to do half turkish get ups and was feeling myself getting sick and was sticking to the foam - Mank.


    Jumped on the rower and did 300m. Went upstairs and did a load of stretching.

    Back Squats
    1st - 40 x 10
    2nd - 47.5 x 8
    3rd - 50 x 3
    4th - 57.5 x 3
    5th - 65 x 9
    6th - 65 x 8

    Sweat was getting in my eyes on the last two sets

    Front Squats
    1st - 40 x 10
    2nd - 42.5 x 3
    3rd - 45 x 8
    4th - 45 x 7

    Single Leg Deads - 24kg Kettlebell
    3 sets of 8 - i'll up this to 27.5 or 28 next week. Might have to use a DB instead.

    Attempted some incline sit ups, but I got a horrible sharp pain in my lower back so I bricked it and got off.

    Goblet Squats
    4 sets of 6 with 40kg - I'll try for another set or two next week.

    Half Turkish-Get ups - 20kg kettlebell
    2 sets of 6 each arm.

    Felt like I was going to puke here, so I got up and left. Mouldy.

    Squats felt good today, knees were lashed out and I had no pain in the shoulder at all either.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Deadlifting today. I went up in sets of 1 then hit 105% of my supposed max, 2 weeks of C/P to go. Looking good :D

    Worked up to 2 reps 120kg sumo deads after and then did the assistance work. Upped the weight on all the assistance bar the pulldowns because my hands were just shredded.

    Had a massive feed. Need sleep. Will update again Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Light shoulders again.

    Push press
    1st - bar x 10
    2nd - 20 x 3
    3rd - 25 x 3
    4th - 25 x 11
    5th - 25 x 7

    Incline Bench
    1st - bar x 10
    2nd - 25kg x 8
    3rd - 25kg x 8
    4th - 25kg x 10
    5th - 25kg x 8

    Skull Crushers
    4 sets of 8 @ 25kg

    Bent DB Rows
    4 sets of 8 @ 27.5

    4 sets of 8 @ Number 7

    Pretty crap session, but no pops, grinding or pain in the shoulder. Hopefully this keeps up.

    I'll up everything a little bit next week and see how it feels. The incline felt way too easy even considering everything else was practically sponge.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Crap benching this morning - no shoulder discomfort though so progress is progress.

    2 x 3 @ 40kg
    1 x 3 @ 45kg
    1 x 10 @ 50kg
    2 x 5 @ 50kg

    CG Benching
    4 x 5 @ 45kg

    5 x 8 @ number 10

    Lateral Raises
    5 x 10 @ 8kg

    Front Raises
    5 x 10 @ 8kg

    5 x 8 @ 70kg

    Might do some t-bar rows or seated machine rows if I get the chance next benching session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Pretty crappy morning. Was absolutely melting in Raw too.

    Back Squats
    1st - 40 x 5
    2nd - 45 x 5
    3rd - 50 x 5
    4th - 55 x 5
    5th - 62.5 x 3
    6th - 67.5 x 9
    7th - 67.5 x 5

    Front Squats
    1st - 40 x 5
    2nd - 42.5 x 3
    3rd - 47.5 x 9
    4th - 47.5 x 5

    Single Leg Deads
    4 sets of 10 @ 24kg

    3 sets of 8 @ 40kg

    I'll try for 4 sets at the goblets next week. Just ran out of time today. The last set on the back squats was dodgy - I just wanted to do the reps and had the bar on my back a little bit wonky.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Massive brekkie - 6 whole eggs and 3 egg whites, 4 slices of toast, bowl of cheerios, beefcake (1 truemass, 3 MP Whey Isolate), 500ml apple juice, 4 slices of turkey, 4 hand fulls of mixed nuts, 2 pots of yogurt.

    Hit the gym.


    Deads ( 2 sets of 1 @ 110% my supposed max! Deload next week perhaps)
    Speed Deads (Not bad, touch and go and pretty quick)
    Stiff Legged Deads (Nice)
    Shrugs from pins (Not nice)
    Bent Rows ( Not too bad, DB rows and lat pulldowns are helping here)
    Reverse Pull Downs ( 5 sets of 5 @ Number 17 - which means F.A)
    Seated Rows (machine 6 x 5)
    Seated Rows (V-Grip Pully - 6 x5 )
    Russian Twists (Loads)

    I'm predicting nasty DOMS tomorrow. Weighed myself: 104.5KG - mainly my gut I'd say. I've T-Rex arms.
    Gonna eat half an animal and sleep.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Alright session this morning. Elbow was giving me a bit of gip on the skulls. Felt a bit of pain in my right shoulder on the incline, but it was down to shít form - ie, not keeping my shoulders tight.

    Push Press
    1st 20kg x 5
    2nd 25kg x 3
    3rd 27.5kg x 10
    4th 27.5 x 5

    Incline Bench
    1st - 30kg x 8
    2nd - 30kg x 8
    3rd - 30kg x 8
    4th - 30kg x 8

    4 sets of 8 at 25. Elbow was at me, didn't bother upping it after the warmup.

    DB rows
    4 sets of 8 @ 30kg. I'll up this next week.

    4 sets of 8 @ Number 9. I'll up this next week.


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    You train in RAW??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Some mornings yeah.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    Dathai wrote: »
    Some mornings yeah.

    Ah, the 'AM' part of the day.. that explains why I have no idea who you are!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Yeah, much handier for me in the mornings. Couldn't be arsed with evening sessions. There's usually F.A people in during the mornings apart from a couple of monsters. So it's dead handy.
