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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Left knee is fairly ****ed from jitz on Tuesday. I think anything other than getting up out of a chair and putting my feet up on my desk in work is becoming far too much effort. The life of a nerd is harsh one indeed.

    Went clay pigeon shooting yesterday and zip-lining. As much as I wanted to combine both, I was told "for safety reasons", this wasn't allowed. Gayness.

    This morning

    3 sets of 5 @ 70kg

    Bent Knee Good mornings
    1st - 40kg x 15
    3 sets of 10 @ 60kg

    Leg Extensions (knee warmup)
    2 x 20 @ 70kg

    Leg Press
    2 x 10 @ 180

    Leg Extension

    3 x 10 @ 90kg

    Ham Curls
    3 x 15 @ 60kg
    2 x 10 @ 70kg (slow eccentric movements)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Short on time this morning

    OH Press
    3 x 3 @ 35kg

    Close grip bench
    3 x 8 @ 47.5

    Lat pulldown
    3 x 8 @ No.9

    Had to leg it to work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Trained with one of the lads today. Decent session.

    Seated db shoulder press
    3x8 @ 25

    Close grip bench
    3x8 @ 50
    1x6 @ 50 - lost grip of the bar

    30 x 12
    35 x 10
    40 x 15

    Ezbar tricep extensions
    25 x 15
    30 x 15
    35 x 15 x 2

    2 x 10 @ #10
    3 x 15 @ #12

    "we done now?" "nope"

    Vgrip rows
    3 x 15 @ #13
    3 x 15 @ #10

    Db rows
    4 x 10 @ 40kg

    Db front raises
    4 x 10 @ 12.5kg

    Bb shrugs and Db shrugs

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Gave Bjj a miss yesterday, still in a bit of a jocker from the weekend and my mouth is torn to shreds again because of the braces.

    Did a load of cardio and much needed stretching and foam rolling this morning. I can now touch my ear without being in pain.

    1 x 500m
    4 x 300m
    1 x 500m

    Cross Trainer
    30 minutes @ Level 8
    2 minutes casual then 40seconds going all out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    40 x 10
    60 x 5
    72.5 x 4 x 4

    Stiff Deads
    3 x 8 @ 100

    Ham curls
    #8 x 10
    #11 x 10 x 2
    #10 x 10 x 2
    #9 x 10
    #9 x 9

    Had to head to work.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Right shoulder was at me this morning. Pretty much a complete right-off of a session because of it.

    I'll redo today's session on Friday.

    Saturday was daycent.

    1x5 @ 170
    5x5 @ 160
    2x5 @ 140

    Stiff legged deads
    4 x 10 @ 120 - Felt great after regular deads.

    Chest supported t-bar rows
    1 x 10 @ 50
    1 x 10 @ 60
    3 x 8 @ 70
    1 x 10 @ 60
    1 x 10 @ 50

    Ham Curls
    3 x 10 @ 75kg

    DB Bent Rows

    3 x 8 @ 45kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Hit the gym across from work for a bitta cardio this morning:



    Just wanted to break a sweat and stretch this morning. Woke up a bit late so got in late.
    Down 4kg this week. Class.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    1st - 40kg x 5
    2nd - 60kg x 5
    3rd - 70kg x 5
    5 sets of 3 @ 75kg

    Stiff Deads
    1st - 80kg x 8
    4 sets of 6 @ 110kg - Was only doing 110 as a warm up to 130 for 3x8, but my lower back was FUUUUUUCKED.

    Ham Curls
    1st - No.9 x 10
    3 x 10 @ No.12

    Cable ab crunches
    1st - No.10 x 30
    2nd - No.15 x 25

    Dead late for work so had to run. Decent session, defo taking tomorrow off. Haven't really had a rest all week and I'm knackered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai


    1x5 @ 172.5
    4x5 @ 160
    2x5 @ 140
    1 x 15 @ 120

    Stiff legged deads
    1 x 5 @ 80kg
    1 x 5 @ 100kg
    3 x 10 @ 122.5kg
    2 x 12 @ 100kg

    Chest supported t-bar rows
    1 x 10 @ 50
    1 x 10 @ 60
    3 x 8 @ 70
    1 x 9 @ 60
    1 x 8 @ 50

    Ham Curls
    3 x 10 @ 80kg

    Leg Extensions
    4 x 10 @ 90kg

    When I get to below my knee when deadlifting I just shoot straight up with it. I think it's from all the stiff legged deads. The initial pull from the floor still sucks, so I'm gonna have to just keep at it.

    Serious brick arse on my yesterday.

    This morning

    Wea bit of cardio

    1 x 300m
    5 x 200m
    1 x 300m

    10mins cross trainer.

    Just wanted to stretch and foamroll this morning. Was in work early so it was a handy option.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    BJJ yesterday - North South position, and some drills.

    This morning:

    Shoulder rehab stuff. Racks were taken so I waited and got started.

    1st - 40kg x 5
    2nd - 60kg x 5
    3rd - 70kg x 4
    6 sets of 2 @ 77.5kg

    Stiff Deads
    3x6 @ 110
    1 x 5 @ 80kg

    Had to head to work. Didn't really go too mental this morning, lower back was feeling a bit tired from yesterday.

    Gonna do some deadlift assistance work at the weekend anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Right shoulder is pretty sore. Getting a lot of the same shít as before (twinges and sharp pains). Did all the rehab and stretching stuff before but it didn't do anything. Think it's just a matter of doing a few sets of light front and side raises before I do anything after the shoulder warm up.

    Close grip bench
    2 x 8 @ 40kg - shoulder said no to any more sets

    Seated DB press (felt grand)
    3 x 6 @ 27.5kg

    E-Z Bar tricep extensions
    3 x 12 @ 35kg

    3 x 15 @ No.14

    DB Curls + EZ Bar Preachers
    3 sets of 13 each

    DB Front Raises
    3 x 10 @ 12.5kg

    Cable Side Raises
    2 x 10 @ 20lb
    2 x 10 @ 30lb

    DB Side Raises
    3 x 10 @ 10kg

    2 x 10 @ No.8

    Gonna do a light enough back day on Sunday I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Hungover to bits.

    Hit the gym at 10. Did a few rack pulls at low shin. Nearly failed 120, then 130 and failed 160. Did 4 reps of 140 and 4 reps of 130.

    2 sets of 5 Sldls @ 100kg

    Some rows then I bailed. Gonna eat and drink a load of water and hit the gym again in the morning.

    Serious case of the heebie-jeebies today. Glad I at least sweated some of it out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Upper body shít yesterday and watched some mutants bench all the plates in the gym.

    Right shoulder is back acting the maggot, so I'm gonna have to do something about it (again).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Right knee is a bit gammy from bjj on tuesday, clicking and all that.

    3x5 @ 72.5

    3 x 5 @ 130

    Cable Ab crunches
    2 x 20 @ 60kg
    3 x 20 @ 75kg
    2 x 20 @ 85kg

    My shoulders are FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED. I really need to find something to sort out the tightness when squatting. I've been doing band dislocations and pull aparts before lifting, dunno if I need to do more or add something else in.

    4x4 @ 75kg next week on squats. Handy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Myself and two of the lads trained local today.

    Left knee is still a bit dodge, bizarre because it was the right one I hurt!

    Worked up to 170 x 3
    Dropped to 140 x 8
    Dropped to 120 over hand for grip: 40seconds, 37seconds, 45 seconds.

    Tried the GHR, bitched out and got off :(

    3 x 8 @ 130

    Cable ab crunches
    4 sets of 20 @ 75kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Close grip bench - index on smooth part of the bar.
    Worked to 3 reps @ 52.5kg. Right shoulder gave out.

    Incline bench (worst set up ever)
    1st - 30kg x 12
    2nd - 30kg x 8 - shoulder said no.

    Single arm Hammer Row
    3 sets of 12 @ 40kg each arm - up it to 50 or 60 next week. Didn't know how the shoulder would handle it.

    4 sets of 12 @ No.8

    DB Shrugs
    3 sets of 10 @ 30kg

    DB Curls
    4 sets of 10 @ 12.5kg

    Didn't want to go mental this morning, only had an hour or so to train. Probably gonna stick to a WS4SB format for the next while because I'm not really arsed doing any heavy stuff. Falling apart :-/

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Got word back from the chiro about my shoulder. Turns out I've a decent bit of inflammation in a tendon and a bursa (apparently this is like a cushion that sits under some of the tendons) along with a bit of wear and tear in the shoulder joint itself. Have to get a referral to a guy in the Sports Surgery Clinic and let him do some rain dance to fix my shoulder. Time to go back and eat all the nurofen and ibuprofen I can get my hands on.

    Anyway - this morning:

    Warmup - Stretched out my hips and barse - COH admired as he passed.

    1st - bar x 5
    2nd - 40 x 6
    3 sets of 5 @ 60 ( + bar = 80 th_trollface.png )

    Few high ones, but I just focused on trying to get my hips back rather than just sitting down into the squat.

    Single Leg Curl
    1st - No 7 x 10 each leg
    2 x 10 @ No 6 - had to jump off, machine was getting fixed.

    45 Hyper
    1 x 10 @ BW
    3 x 10 @ BW + 20KG

    Ab crunch
    1 x 15 @ No 8
    3 x 15 @ No 12

    Had to leg it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭howtomake

    Stupid inflammation always ruining the party. Shoulder is a b*tch to fix!
    Hope you don't have to have surgery :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Yah, I'm hoping it doesn't come down to getting surgery!

    This morning:

    DB Bench
    1st - 17.5 x 15
    2 sets of 15 @ 22.5kg
    2 sets of 12 @ 22.5kg

    Lat pulldown
    3 sets of 10 @ No.8

    4 sets of 14 @ No.7

    DB Military Press
    1st - 17.5 x 12
    3 sets of 10 @ 20kg

    DB Shrugs
    3 sets of 10 @ 38kg

    Some db curls and preachers.

    Didn't get any tricep stuff done today was really short on time. I'll probably add it in on Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai


    3 sets of 10 @ 125

    One Arm Seated Row
    4 sets of 15 @ 60kg each arm

    Ham Curls
    4 sets of 15 @ 75kg

    45 Hypers
    1st - BW x 10
    3 sets of 15 @ BW + 20KG

    4 sets of 10

    Cable Ab crunches
    5 sets of 15 @ 90kg

    I went out that night and successfully lost about 6lbs from alcohol related retardedness. Still in an awful jocker - got 2 hours sleep last night and no training this morning.

    Would do it all again though :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Close grip Bench
    Worked up to 57.5 x 4 - hopefully get a few more reps out of this next week.

    Incline bench
    1st - 30kg x 15
    2nd - 30kg x 10 - hopefully get 15+ on each next week.

    Seated Row
    4 x 12 @ 50kg - shoulder held up well. I'll up this to 60kg next week.

    4 x 15 @ No. 7

    DB Shrugs
    4 x 15 @ 30kg

    Supersetted with:

    DB curls
    3 sets of 12 @ 12.5

    Tricep pushdowns
    3 sets of 20 @ No.10

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    This morning:

    Warmup. Shoulder stuff (side raises, band pull aparts, band dislocates).

    40 x 4
    55 x 3
    65 x 4
    3 sets of 4 @ 72.5
    72.5 x 5

    Single Leg Curls
    2 x 10 @ No.6

    Back Raises
    1 x 10 @ BW
    1 x 8 @ BW + 20KG

    Had to head to work. Wasted too much time fannying about doing shoulder warm ups.

    I should really start including the weight of the bar, but meh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    DB Bench
    1st - 17.5 x 15
    4 sets of 15 @ 22.5kg

    Lat pulldown
    2 sets of 12 @ No.8
    1 set of 8 @ No. 8

    4 sets of 12 @ No.7

    DB Military Press

    4 x 12 @ 17.5 - shoulders weren't feeling too good so I just went with this. Grand.

    3 sets of 12

    2 sets of 20 @ No 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai


    Deads - Worked up to 170 for 5
    RDLs - 3 x 10 @ 120
    Reverse Grip pulldown - 3 x 10 @ No. 15
    Cable Ab crunches - 5 x 20 @ 90kg
    Facepulls - 5 x 15 @ 40kg

    Probably start doing a heavy set of 3-5 on deads then drop to a few sets of triples of speed deads. I'm knackered with work and college so I'm gonna just make small increases over the next while.

    This morning:

    Close Grip Bench
    Worked up to 6 reps of 57.5kg

    Incline Bench
    2 x 15 @ 30kg

    Seated Row
    4 x 10 @ 60kg

    3 x 15 @ No. 8

    DB Shrugs
    3 x 15 @ 38kg

    Lying tricep extension - up to 30kg
    2 x 20 @ 25kg

    Did light tricep extensions instead of curls.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Tried squatting this morning and my shoulders nearly exploded. Forgot to take any anti-inflams this morning so they were destroyed.

    I got about 3-4 sets in and just said **** it.

    Did a few single leg ham curls, 3 sets of 12 on 45-back raises, then a few sets of cable ab crunches.

    Really thinking of doing it again on Friday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    DB Bench - didn't really feel right. Chest and shoulders were REALLY tight.
    3 sets of 15 @ 22.5kg
    1 set of 12 @ 22.5kg

    Lat pulldown
    4 sets of 12 @ No.8

    3 sets of 15 @ No.8

    DB Military Press
    2 sets of 12 @ 22.5
    2 sets of 10 @ 22.5

    DB Shrugs
    3 sets of 15 @ 38kg

    DB Curls
    3 sets of 10 @ 12.5kg

    E-Z Bar Tricep extension
    3 sets of 25 @ 30kg

    Tricep Pushdown
    1 set of 25 @ No 10

    Had to leg it to work. Gonna be doing 13 hour days from today until Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Been doing mental hours in work this week. 13 and 14 hour days while living off cans of coke and curry.

    This morning:

    Worked up to 165 for 4 reps

    3 x 5 @ 110

    Seated Rows
    Couple of sets

    Single leg ham curls
    3 x 10 @ no.5
    2 x 8 @ no.4

    45 back raise
    4 x 10 @ bw

    DB shrugs
    3 x 15 @ 36kg

    Some ab stuff.

    Fairly knackered. Glad I got something done today. Probably up the deads to 170 x 5 and do more reps on the RDLs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    This morning..

    Squats - All I'm gonna say is that I need more ibuprofen and shoulder dislocates. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

    Single Leg Curl
    No. 5 x 12
    No 5 x 10
    No 5 x 8
    No 4 x 10
    No 4 x 10
    No 4 x 8

    45 Hypers
    BW x 12
    BW + 10kg x 12
    BW + 10kg x 12
    BW + 10kg x 10 - back pump unzzzzzzzzzzz

    Cable Ab Crunches
    No.13 x 20
    No.15 x 15 x 3

    Off work for a week starting tomorrow - yus!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Close grip
    40 x 15 x 2
    40 x 12 x 2

    Reverse grip pulldown
    3 x 12 @ 10
    2 x 8 @ 10

    Load of upper assistance - shrugs, tricep extensions, pushdowns, lateral raises, Db shoulder presses, face pulls.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Deads and loads of assistance. Treadmill for 25 mins walking.

    This morning
    Max upper body day, load of assistance. 20 mins on the treadmill trying to walk.

    Tri's are still sore from Friday. Hams and lower back are destroyed.

    Probably gonna run Coan/Phillipi @ 180 max for deads.

    I ate a sweet potato and whole chicken after training yesterday, then had 3 chicken breasts for dinner. Pretty much the same thing today. Love being off work!
