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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    4x4 @ 60
    1x 2 @ 70
    1 x 2 @ 77.5
    1 x 10 @ 60

    45 hypers
    1 x 12 @ bw
    4 sets of 12 @ bw + 15kg

    Single leg ham curls
    3 sets of 12 @ no5
    2 sets of 10 @ no 5
    2 sets of 10 @ no4
    2 sets of 8 @ no 4

    No 17 x 20
    No 17 x 20
    No 17 x 20
    No 17 x 15


  • Registered Users Posts: 7,146 ✭✭✭COH

    Dathai wrote: »
    4x4 @ 60
    1x 2 @ 70
    1 x 2 @ 77.5
    1 x 10 @ 60

    Didn't you used to squat 140+kg :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    I've a vid of a 145 squat I did about a year ago. Knees buckling, chest caving. Got pulled aside and was told "you're gonna kill yourself" Ended up starting over. Have been just trying to hammer home good form for the last while.

    Gonna run this for a few weeks and work up to 110.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    This morning - no shoulder pain :D

    Close grip (Bar felt a bit heavier and thicker than the one last week, assuming its still 20kg)
    60 kg x 12
    60kg x 10
    60kg x 9
    60 x 8

    Reverse grip pull down
    No 9 x 10, 9, 8

    4 sets of 12 @ no 8

    Db military press
    20kg x 12,10, 10, 10

    Db laterals
    4 sets of 12 @ 5kg - nom

    DB shrugs
    4 sets of 15 @ 32kg

    Db curls and preachers

    Tricep push down
    3 sets of 25 @ no 10
    1 set of 15 @ no 10

    Treadmill for 25 mins - heart rate ~130

    I think from now on my week is gonna be:

    Day 1 - Max effort upper
    Day 2 - Speed deads + loads of assistance
    Day 3 - Repetition upper
    Day 4 - Max lower + über assistance stuff

    Just wanna get my squat up as my DL is way in front since I've been just working on form. I should probably start counting the bar again. Bit unsure of what bar weighs what sometimes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Monday: Only decent thing that happened was that I got a massive burger after the gym. It was definitely a good investment.

    This morning:

    'Speed' Deads
    Warm up..
    4x4 @ 125kg

    45 Back Raises
    BW x 12
    3 sets of 12 @ BW + 15KG - Up this to 15 reps next time.

    Single Leg Ham Curls
    No.5 x 12, 10, 10, 8
    No.4 x 12, 10, 10, 10, 8

    Seated Calves x Many

    Double Leg Ham Curls
    No 11 x 15, 15, 12, 10
    No 10 x 15, 15, 10, 8 - ow.

    Cable Ab Crunches - Bit useless this morning.

    Fairly rubbish session. I'll probably do RDLS instead of back raises next week and leave the back raises for squat day. I'm gonna drop in tomorrow and just to a **** load of core work I reckon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Monster + 2 packs of Animal Rage = Near heart attack

    Close grip (index on the flat)
    60kg x 16, 12, 12, 10

    Reverse Grip Pulldown
    No. 9 x 12, 10, 6 - Right bicep felt dodgy.

    Face pulls
    No. 8 x 15, 15, 15, 15

    Shrugs, Curls, Tricep extensions, push downs.

    Thread mill - 40mins. Long strides coz my legs are still ****ed from during the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    4x4 @ 85
    1x2 @ 92.5
    1x2 @ 102.5
    1x9 @ 85

    Single leg ham curls
    3 x 12 @ no. 5
    2 x 10 @ no 5
    2 x 8 @ no 5
    2 x 12 @ no.4
    2 x 10 @ no.4
    1 x 8 @ no.4 FUUUUUUUU

    45 back raises
    1 x 15 @ BW
    2 x 15 @ BW + 15kg
    2 x 12 @ BW + 15kg
    1 x 6 @ BW + 15kg

    Ham curls
    3 x 15 @ no. 10
    2 x 12 @ no 9
    2 x 10 @ no.9

    Leg extensions
    3 x 20 @ 15

    Leg press
    80kg x 20
    120 x 20
    140 x 20
    160 x 20

    Leg extensions
    3x15 @ 16

    Calves, abs, side bends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    ibuprofen + warm up.

    Incline bench
    50kg x 16, 13

    Seated Hammer Row
    60kg x 12
    80kg x 12,10

    No.8 x 15, 15, 10

    37.5 x 15, 15, 12

    Had to head to work.

    Not working at the weekend so I can do two decent sessions and chill out after and enjoy the sun.

    My plan is this:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Pretty woeful session.

    Slightly quick deads
    4x4 @ 130

    Single Leg Curls
    No.5 x 15, 15, 12, 10, 8
    No.4 x 10, 10, 8

    60 x 8
    80 x 8, 8, 8

    Might do core and calves tomorrow because I couldn't fit them in today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Upper repetition day aka An la swoleacht.

    CG bench
    60kg x 17, 12, 10, 8

    Lat Pulldown
    No. 9 x 12, 10, 10, 9

    Db shoulder press
    22.5 x 12, 10, 8, 8

    Db lateral raises
    10kg x 10, 10, 8
    7.5kg x 12, 10, 10

    DB shrugs, preachers, Db curls, Tricep extension, Tricep push downs.

    Incline threadmill press x amrap in 20mins

    Threadmilled the **** out of that session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Ate some dodgy chicken last night I think. Was feeling really drained and the sweat was pouring off me today. Stomach is well cramped too.

    60kg x 8
    80kg x 10, 10
    100kg x 10, 10, 10, 10

    Single Leg Curls
    No 5 x 10, 9, 8, 8
    No 4 x 12, 10, 8, 8

    45 Hypers
    BW x 15
    BW + 15 x 10, 10, 10, 9

    Leg Extension (just to warm up the knees)
    No. 10 x 20, 30, 20

    Leg Press
    80kg x 20
    120kg x 20
    160kg x 20, 20

    Leg Curls
    No 9 x 15
    No 10 x 12, 10, 10

    Some calves. Fairly drained after that.

    Also, who do I talk to about getting the stick man in the last pic of this as my avatar?


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭grimloch

    Hitting legs after a night involving dodgy chicken is a brave, brave move.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Mega DOMS in my legs. Nom.

    This morning:

    Narrow Grip Bench
    Worked up to 82.5kg for 2 reps.

    Incline DB Bench
    2 x 12 @ 22.5kg - probably switch back to incline bb bench next week.

    Seated Row
    3x12 @ 60kg
    1 x 8 @ 60kg

    Shrugs and facepulls.

    Knackered this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Upper repetition day

    Db flat benching
    25kg x 15, 12, 12, 10

    Lat Pulldown
    No 9. 12, 12, 10, 9


    Db shoulder press
    22.5 x 12, 10, 8, 12 - was hoping for 12s all sets.

    Lat raise
    7.5 - 4 sets of 12

    Shrugs, Db curls, preachers

    Tricep extension - used ez bar and just loaded plates

    22.5 x 15, 12, 12, 8
    20 x 10, 15

    Tricep pushdowns
    10 x 20, 16, 14 - drop to 9 next week and aim for 20+ on every set. Seem to have stalled.

    Walked on the treadmill, long strides. My legs are still destroyed from Monday. Tomorrow is gonna be good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Holy ****. Mutant session. Nearly puked twice.

    85 x 4 sets of 4
    92.5 x 2
    102.5 x 2
    85 x 9

    Single leg curl
    No. 5 x 15, 15, 12, 10, 8
    No.4 x 15 , 12, 10, 8

    60 x 8
    80 x 10
    90 x 3 sets of 10

    Leg curl
    No. 10 x 15, 12, 12, 10, 10, 8
    No. 9 x 12, 10, 8

    45 back raise
    2 sets of 10 @ BW

    Leg ext
    3 sets of 20 @ no 10

    Abs, side bends, calves n other stuff

    Currently awaiting my loyal steed to join me in Counter Burger for a feast.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Legs have just about returned to normal functionality. I've been using the disabled toilets in work because I'm sure I'll go straight through the porcelain without the hand rails.

    Stretched and foam rolled my upper back, hams, quads and calves.

    Stretched at home, got out the stick and mauled my legs.

    This morning - Max upper day.

    Narrow grip bench (index on the flat)
    Worked up to 82.5 x 4

    Incline bench
    50kg x 17, 16

    DB Rows
    45 x 12, 8 - Body said no.

    Facepulls, DB shrugs, DB curls and Preachers.

    Knackered. If anyone wants to sponsor me as a professional eater, that'd be well sound. I'll promote your business and definitely work hard at my job of eating becoming the greatest power-eater of all time. My stomach capacity exceeds my will.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 117 ✭✭Raven_Melody

    Dathai wrote: »
    Legs have just about returned to normal functionality. I've been using the disabled toilets in work because I'm sure I'll go straight through the porcelain without the hand rails.

    This was me yeterday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Think I broke my little toe :/ Can't really walk too well on that foot, so my calf is bunched up to **** because of it.

    This morning:

    Crappy speed deads. Need to sort out posture.

    Couldn't really do anything else, I'm fairly knackered. Gonna try and get an extra meal in today.

    The state of this pretty much sums up this morning:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Broke the cable pulldown doing crunches. Beast mode achieved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Quick session, in work early today.

    Narrow Grip Bench (index on the smooth part of the bar)
    Worked up to 82.5 x 6.

    Incline bench
    50kg x 18, 15

    Tricep Pushdown
    No.9 x 25, 20

    Had to run.

    Gonna try for 8 on the narrow grip bench next week. Then probably try doing regular benching for 4 weeks.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 117 ✭✭Raven_Melody

    Dathai wrote: »
    Broke the cable pulldown doing crunches. Beast mode achieved.
    That was you?!!

    I couldn't use it yesterday because of that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,146 ✭✭✭COH

    Dathai wrote: »
    Broke the cable pulldown doing crunches. fat camp achieved.

    How am I supposed to do my high cable curls now you prick

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Use the other one and put a dumbbell in your handbag. Problem solved!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Legs have just about recovered from Sunday. Consuming around 1.5 chickens a day, 2 steaks, 3 sweet potatoes and 300g of protein. Body is sore and hungry.

    This morning - quick one.

    Single leg ham curls
    No 2 x 8
    No 6 x 15, 12, 10, 8

    45 Hyper
    3 x 12 @ BW

    Leg Curl
    No 9 x 12, 12, 10, 10, 8

    Attempted cable crunches, back pump said no. Probably not able to train at the weekend, have to work and dunno my hours, so I'll probably do core and stuff tomorrow.

    So fat, gonna have to find someone to do a diet for me after this program is over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Haven't really eaten or slept properly in the past couple of days because work has been so hectic. Didn't really feel up to squatting today so just did the usual assistance.

    Might film my RDLs in future just to check my back isn't curving too much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Bench (Little fingers just inside the rings)
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 5
    70kg x 3
    80kg x 3
    85kg x 5 - Tried to get as little bounce as possible.

    Incline Bench
    30kg x 8
    50kg x 20, 17 - both sets were quite fast, just wanted to bust out the reps. All reps touching chest, very little if any bounce on every rep.

    Seated Hammer Row
    60kg x 12, 12, 10

    Shrugs n db curls.

    Happy enough with the bench, I could have gotten 2 more reps I'd say. First time I've actually benched without a close / narrow grip. Hoping to go for 87.5 for 3+ good reps next week. I reckon it's doable. No shoulder pain either - noice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Attempted to dismantle myself this morning. Tried to degunk my shoulder with some dislocations and some pec stretching.

    Single Leg Curl
    No.5 x 5
    No. 7 x 10, 8, 8

    45 Back Extension
    BW x 15, 12, 10
    BW + 10KG x 10, 10, 10, 10

    Leg Curl
    No 10 x 12, 12, 12, 10

    DB Sidebends
    30kg x 12, 12, 12, 12

    If I don't hit 9+ reps squatting on Sunday, I'm gonna go full retard with the assistance the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Upper Repetition Day

    DB Bench
    17.5 x 10
    25 x 15, 15, 12, 14

    Stretched again - lats mainly.

    Lat Pulldown
    No. 9 x 12, 12, 11, 8

    Face pulls

    DB shoulder press
    25kg x 10 - went too heavy. Shoulda stuck at 22.5
    25 x 6
    22.5 x 10
    22.5 x 6 :(

    Lateral raises, shrugs, curls

    Tricep extension
    4 sets of 15
    1 set of 12

    No 10 x 25, 25, 20, 15
    No 9 x 20, 18, 12, 10
    No 8 x 12. Died.

    Daycent session.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    Very poor session.

    Ended up quarter squatting 112.5kg for 2 reps. Squats were pretty poor in general today actually.

    Did some single leg curls @ no 7 then dropped to 6 for a few then to 5 for a few.

    RDLs were shíte too.

    Back to double leg curls and a few sets of 45 hypers.

    I'm off Wednesday and Thursday so gonna go full retard and see what happens when I re-attempt this again on Sunday.

    Bodyfat was tested today too. You know something is wrong when your bodyfat is higher than your IQ :-/
