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  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    hi shellbabe,
    don't be too worried. i thought we would have to cancel too cos my follies were not really growing. on day of collection i only had 3 that had grown enough, but they could only get 2 of those out. then when they fertilised, only one took. therefore on day of transfer i only had one egg. but ...........
    i tested today and got a BFP! cannot believe it! am shocked! thought we wouldn't, on account of having only one zygote!
    so shellbabe, 4 is great! keep up the good work. what day are you on now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Tomtum06 that is fantastic news, Big congratulations :)
    Im really delighted for you :) You better take it easy from now on, ur going to be very busy in 9 months :)

    Today is day 8 stimming, so hopefully i will have better news 2moro.
    You made me feel alot better after hearing about your follies, thank you for that :) Hopefully maybe i could be joining you soon for bfp , fingers crossed

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    Fingers and toes crossed for u! Good luck tomorrow. Let me know how u go.
    And thank you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Hey Tomtum06, how are you doing today? Has the great news sunk in yet ?:)

    As for me ,well i went for another scan and bloods this morning and not sure what to think.
    First my lining was 7 which they said was very good and then i have roughly 8 follies though 1 of them was at 22mm which is
    too big at this stage and then 1 at 15mm and 3 at 11mm and another 3 at 7mm.So the nurse rang me back awhile ago and told me my bloods were 590 on wednesday and today was over 1000, dont know if that is good or bad???
    She was also advising to cancel the cycle at this stage as they thought if i carried on i might only get 4 or 5 follies, i would've thought
    this was good ???? But she said the doctor would carry on if we wanted to so we have decided to carry on and hopefully get some good follies and am back on monday for another scan and bloods and a decision will be made then.They would like to have follies around the 15mm mark
    Have i made the right decision in carrying on till monday, god i hope so.What do you think ????

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    hi shellbabe
    i don't know if those bloods bloods are good or not, sorry. i was never told my blood results.
    what clinic do u attend, if you don't mind me asking? i was at the hari unit. i don't know they are saying cancel. i would have thought they would have taken u in on sunday to scan again and see, especially if one is too big now.
    do u go on the ivf thread? i do and the girls on there are great and some of them have been through this loads of times. they always have the answers! try it and see.
    sorry i'm not more help. but i thought it sounded like your cycle was going well. keep me informed!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Hi Tomtum06,
    Havnt been on that website but might have a look tonight thanx :)
    I thought it was going ok today myself but the nurse doesnt seem to agree.
    I thought they should have brought me in on sunday for the scan but they dont open on a sunday but if you ask me they should be open, that one day being closed every week could easily mess u someones ivf cycle but have to wait till monday so hopefully that one day wont mess it all up,I'll keep you posted and let you know how it goes on monday

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    thinking of you in the morning shellbabe. hope it is positive xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Thanks so much Tomtum06, will update here tommorrow, hopefully with good news, fingers crossed :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Ok so went for another scan and bloods today, god i was so so nervous on the way down and felt sick.So had my scan first and some of the follies had come along ok but nurses were still giving me the impression it might be cancelled and i was asking 101 questions(poor nurses :) ) but they couldnt tell me anything for sure and it depended also on how my bloods came bk.When i left the clinic i was in such a bad mood, my poor dp but he didnt seem to mind my ranting :) I kept telling him it was going to be bad news and knew i was going to be cancelled and he kept reassuring me it wasnt over yet and not jump the gun just yet and to wait till they rang me but of course i wasnt listening to him.
    Anyway they rang me back there awhile ago, was half afraid to answer the call.
    low and behold it was good news :) the nurse said everything looked good and the doctor was looking at doing egg retreival on thursday but he wants me to go back tommorrow first for another scan and bloods just to see if the smaller follies have caught up with the others.Oh the relief i feel is something else, needless to say im in a much better mood now ,
    Was just thinking if i get egg retrieval on thurday then i could possibley
    be back for transfer on the sunday which is mothers day, how good would that be :) That would be a good omen for me :)
    Im so so happy right now ,woohoo :)
    Tomtum06 how are you doing? i hope you have been taking it easy :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    Oh shellbabe that sounds great! Am delighted for u! Are u going for day 2 transfer or day 5? Would be lovely to have done on mothers day! Will they open for that though on Sunday? Ah keep doing what you're doing, cos your little follies are working away! Well done! U could be joining on eumom before long!
    I feel grand. Seeing my gp today to have pregnancy confirmed. Hope the baby hasn't fallen out!! Am really nervous!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Tomtum06 great to hear your doing well.Its understandable being nervous but im sure everything will be fine.Let me know how you go

    Im not sure yet if it would be day 2 or 5 ,dont think i'll know till day of retrieval but im delighted at the moment to think about going for egg retrieval, this morning i was sure it wasnt going to happen.Fingers crossed the little follies are a little bigger by tommorrow :) It would be great if i could join eumom soon:)
    Thanks so much for being so kind and supportive, it means alot :)
    Will be back on here again tommorrow with update of my scan and bloods

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    It's great to have someone to talk to!
    Dying to hear how u got on this am!

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Hi Tomtum06, how did your appointment go with your doctor? Hope all is good.

    Well went for bloods and scan this morning, a few of the smaller follies had got a little bigger.Clinic just rang me a few minutes ago and they are happy to go ahead with egg retrieval on thursday so have to be down there for 8am:) Have to do trigger injection tonight at 9pm and fast from midnight tommorrow night :) Im so delighted especially after the talking of cancelling it
    All i need now is to have 2 good embies to transfer :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    Oh fantastic shellbabe! Delighted for u! Get plenty of rest now! And remember me, I ended up with one fertilised egg and have a bfp!
    Went grand with doc. Baby is still there anyway!
    Fingers crossed for u on Thursday x

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Thats great Tomtum06 :)
    No doubt i'll be a nervous wreck come thursday morning and im sure my partner will too as this will be the hard part for him :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    Hi shellbabe, dying to know how u got on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Hi Tomtum06,

    I got on great today :) Was in the clinic for 8am and brought to theatre at 9.Though have to say it was painfull even though i was sedated but was manageble.Anyway got 6 eggs which im delighted with :)
    When i got home felt weak and started sweating like mad but was grand after awhile and then went for a snooze so feeling ok now.All i have to do is wait till tommorrow morning to see if any of them fertilised, so please god and fingers crossed some will fertilise :)
    The lab are to ring me between 8-9 in the morning to let me know so least im not waiting too long to hear

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    6 eggs! Wow well done! That's great. Fingers crossed you'll have a couple of good ones in the morning! Keep me informed! X

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Well i got the call from the lab this morning and 4 of my eggs fertilised.Im so so delighted and im having transfer done on sunday, mothers day woohoo
    I hope thats a good omen :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,513 ✭✭✭✭Lucyfur

    This is a lovely, lovely thread:)

    Wishing you both the very best:)


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  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Thanks so much Lucyfur :) That means alot :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    shellbabe, that is absolutely fantastic! well done you. am thrilled for ye! and your transfer on mothers day, just like you hoped! how many eggs are you going for?
    sorry only replying now, in london for the weekend and have limited access to the internet.
    thank you lucyfur!

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Hey Tomtum06, in london you lucky sucker, i was there last year and loved it :) I hope your taking it easy and having a great time :)
    Yeah im thrilled with the 4 fertilising and i presume the 4 are still going strong as i havnt had a phone call about them today.Their going to be putting 2 back in and then hopefully freezing the other 2 .Im so excited about tommorrow :) Had my acupuncture today aswell so im nice and relaxed

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Well went for my embryo transfer this morning :) Had 3 grade A 8 cell embryo's :) So have 2 lovely embies on board and fingers crossed they will latch on .Now for the hard part, THE WAITING !!!!
    Im back in clinic on 15th for blood pregnancy test.Woohoo cant wait :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    Wow shellbabe they are fantastic embies! U sometimes wonder if the clinic just want u to cancel so they can get more money out of u. Thank god u continued! Are u prepared for twins?;)!!! With embies like that, anything could happen! Hope the two ww is too bad for u. I had loads to distract me with my new baby nephew, so mine was ok. I am back on 14 april for scan, so we our next steps are very close together! You'll feel in kinda limbo now, have to think that u are pregnant and look after yourself. Stay positive xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Thanks Tomtum06 :) We are kinda prepared incase it does happen and it is twins but we'll be so happy to just have one child :)
    Im dying to test but i know it would be teasing myself cos if i got a positive it could be a false one with taking the ovitrelle trigger injection last week so going to wait it out till next friday.Not feeling any symptoms at all only AF cramp like pains but trying not to read into it.

    Did you enjoy your break away? It must be your 12 week scan next thursday is it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    I didn't even buy any tests until it was 11 days, cos I knew I wouldn't resist! I was supposed to test at 16, but did it at 11 and got my bfp. Felt in limbo though and didn't believe it. So waited til 16 and did again, then celebrated!
    The period like cramps are normal. Don't worry about them. I was told that u could even appear to have a period do to still test.
    My scan on Thursday is back at the ivf clinic before we get discharged from them. So nervous!
    Weekend in London was nice. Would never believe what my mil did though! She had a complete stranger in the house when me and dh were there. So we are all sitting there and she announced I was pregnant with a 4 grand baby cos I had to have ivf! Couldn't believe it! Not only am I only 6 weeks, but we weren't planning on putting it public that it was ivf. Cow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Tomtum06 sorry i thought you were 12 weeks, was running ahead of myself there.Glad to hear you enjoyed your break away and i hope everything goes great at your scan :) Is it 6 weeks you can hear the heartbeat? That will be great if you can :)
    As for your MIL, i cant get over the cheek of her, what a b***h (excuse the language) and infront of a stranger aswell, thats bad plus its not her news to deliver its yours, she had no right doing that.Im sure yourself and DH were livid.

    Not sure now if im going to be able to wait till friday, might test on wednesday :) I'd be 13 days then, just half afraid if i do and its positive i'd get all excited and then go down on friday and get a negative.Oh what to do, what to do hmmm

  • Registered Users Posts: 27 tomtum06

    Well shellbabe, how are u getting on? Did u give n and test? ;) hope the wait is going quickly for u.
    I have a scan tomorrow - I'm 7+4. Am so nervous. Know I have pregnancy symptoms, but what if there us no baby in there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 57 ✭✭SHELLBABE10

    Hey Tomtum, im getting on grand, i didnt give in to testing, i decided to wait for friday :) Least i only have one more day to go :) AF hasnt arrived yet so dat must be a good sign.

    The best of luck with your scan tommorrow, everything will be fine :) its understandable being nervous with it still being early on but im sure every woman is like that till at least their 3rd month.Let me know how you get on ,i'll be dying to know :)
