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Too much noise from no insulation?

  • 13-03-2011 1:09pm
    Registered Users Posts: 34

    Hi folks

    I'm renting an apartment at the moment, and I can hear EVERYTHING. I can hear my neighbours talking quietly to eachother, every single word, and i can even hear them going to the toilet! There are three small apartments in the block, over a restraunt that is currently being renovated (I can hear eveything from there also), and I'm in the middle one. Not only can I hear everything, but during the winter I would have the heating on full blast all through the day, and as soon as it gets turned off the place is ice cold in minutes.

    I haven't a clue what to do, do I complain? If so who would I complain to? My landlord's very tight, and it's difficult to get him to do anything that involves putting his hand in his pocket, unless it's absolutely necessary, but is this the case? I don't want the hasstle of finding a new place, then moving out yet again, so is there anything I could do? Any help much appreciated!
