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ULSU Elections 2011 (Voting Thursday March 24)



  • Registered Users Posts: 25 sinaydk

    jenzerr wrote: »
    Just having a look through the printed manifestos and leaflets here. I don't know if it's just me but format, grammar and punctuation really have an effect on me! The English language takes a serious hit in a few of them.

    I completely agree. Some manifestos that I have read have a much higher standard of English than others. A manifesto with a massive spelling mistake really stands out to me too!
    Being able to communicate properly (on paper or not) is extremely important, especially as this is a professional job. Knowing how to spell is not just for the Communications officer!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 jenzerr

    All this talk of cliques is completely irrelevant. Every student is entitled to one vote. The Student Union clique doesn't run over 100 people. That is a fraction of the potential votes available. Attacking this clique is like attacking each candidate's personal group of friends, who are obviously going to vote for their friend. Just because you're a regular at the union doesn't mean that your vote is worth any more than any other student.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 NotMoose

    Everyone is in Cliques, everyone hates Cliques.
    Look I just saved people reading 4 pages!

    I have a question regarding the online voting. UL can't keep the results page up for 10 minutes, is there a backup for when the voting site fails over?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 OleGil

    jenzerr wrote: »
    All this talk of cliques is completely irrelevant. Every student is entitled to one vote. The Student Union clique doesn't run over 100 people. That is a fraction of the potential votes available. Attacking this clique is like attacking each candidate's personal group of friends, who are obviously going to vote for their friend. Just because you're a regular at the union doesn't mean that your vote is worth any more than any other student.

    Well said. People vote for who they know, who they're friends with, being part of a "clique" has no relevance to the election.

    Also, anyone who actually cares about the union, (which would encompass anyone who could be considered a member of such a clique), will assess each candidate on their own merit and vote for the best person for the job.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    sinaydk wrote: »
    I completely agree. Some manifestos that I have read have a much higher standard of English than others. A manifesto with a massive spelling mistake really stands out to me too!
    Being able to communicate properly (on paper or not) is extremely important, especially as this is a professional job. Knowing how to spell is not just for the Communications officer!

    i personlly tink that corect spelin is shudnt b such a big deal lik, wat do it mater in d long run anyways? once u can understand the manifisto lik!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 52 ✭✭lorcanthrope

    isnt that called ''stealing someone else's idea ?????

    There's stuff in Paddy's manifesto (which is quite similiar to his Presidential manifesto last year) that's similiar to my stuff from when I ran for Campaigns last year. Would you accuse Paddy of stealing as quickly? Keep it nice, kids.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,608 ✭✭✭✭sceptre

    Hustings are confirmed to be in KBG12 (that's the Kemmy Business School) on Wednesday 23 at 6pm. The SU facebook election page says Wednesday March 26 but that's obviously incorrect.

    I've added this blurb to the start of the thread:
    sceptre wrote: »

    Come see the candidates speak and offer their views in a public debate! Ask the candidates questions in a public setting! Don't let them wriggle away with just a printed manifesto, come and see whether they're actually worth voting for! Don't be shy about dropping in and out to the hustings when you can, it's up to the candidates to sell themselves and convince you they deserve your vote!

    Wednesday March 23, starting at 6pm in KBG12 (that's on the ground floor of the Kemmy Business School, next to the Schuman building)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 endagallerysu

    Regarding the USI, the membership costs about 10 cent a week per student. Given the amount of bargaining power that comes with being with a membership of 250,000 people this is a small price to pay. One has every right to believe that the USI isn't well run enough for us to join it, however, I think this is burying our heads in the sand. We can't change it from out here. We must be the change that we seek. If you want bargaining strength when it comes to cuts we want to be in the strongest position possible. 250,000 is a far stronger position than 12,000. Here again the membership fee might be a small price to pay.

    If you want to take it on a purely financial perspective, we must also remember the financial benefits and cost savings gained by group purchasing of alcohol for bars and supplies for our shops which is a strong possibility in the future.

    It goes without saying that it would be up to a student vote, I simply think it's the way forward if we want to get some real representation for this, the most educated generation in the history of the state. The other option: keep waiting for it to change to suit us?

  • Registered Users Posts: 986 ✭✭✭DJCR

    UL06 wrote: »
    Firstly, no one can deny that there are ''cliques'' in the student union.

    I've been a student in UL now for 5 years and ever since I arrived I have been on the board/committee for a sports club. In order to get funding for our club we must attend a C&S meeting regularly, and for anyone that has ever been to one of those meetings it is obvious to see that there is a ''clique'' in the Student Union. Friends looking out for other friends.. not saying its a bad thing but if you're not in the clique you're screwed! .

    Take from someone wh has been a class rep for five years and a member of clubs and socs, there are "cliques" in both. However as someone who isn't very "Clique-ay" so to speak I get on very will with people from both. I never made a secret of being an "SU head", infact most in clubs and socs knew that before I suppose you could say I became a "Clubs and Socs Head" as well?!?

    I wouldn't say there are Cliques, more circles of friends which, with a bit of effort are not hard to enter. Class Reps are some of the easiest going people I have met and I can honestly say the same for the Clubs and Socs people I have met this year in the C&S meetings (oh yes I've been to them too.

    However, certain circles don't meet (God forgive me for generalising and probably for being wrong) ie. American Footballers and Chess Players.

    So you can't really blame people who evidently have similar interests and have some idea of what someone is about not welcoming someone else with open arms who they have (As far as they know) no idea what they are about and it takes more than a week of campaigning to change that (unfortunate but true - Simple Sociology)

    Now Aoife is different, she has already been a part of the ferocius "clique" that is the SU. She obviously has support from within the evil "clique" as she was first elected Business Faculties Officer and then elected as Faculties Officer so by amazing powers of deduction I'm going to make another rash statement and say that she is not being targeted by the sadistic "Clique" that supported her rising o the position that she holds today.

    As if to proove my point:-
    SarahBeep! wrote: »
    Which is exactly why I'll be voting Aoife Kenny!

    (I know Sarah quite well, and I know she is a class rep - Sarah knows who I am too and I'm sure she won't mind me quoting her here so we can get on to what actually matters....... policies).
    UL06 wrote: »
    I know i'm moving away from C&S now but... to come back to the current elections and after reading all the posts, for someone to say that Aoife Kenny is not getting slated here (and im not sure why she is, because she's done nothing wrong) is an absolute ....... (better just stop there). It's all well and good saying at the end '' she's a lovely girl '' but that doesn't take away the fact you're trying to slander her in the mean time. Also, how come no one is talking about the other officers up for election here?? Barry it seems to me you've got a few campaigners helping you out here!.
    bazkennedy wrote: »
    Hi guys,
    I'd just like to respond to some of the claims posted above.

    1) I don't know who salt&vinegar is, he/she definitely not a plant. Having been on boards for a while I'm well able to come on here and explain my side of the argument.

    etc etc etc


    As far as I'm cocerned he/she was the only one doing any slandering and Barry has delt with the issue. Now please move your focus away from poor Aoife, to aoifes great because......... I don't agree with Barry on this position because Aoife would do this etc etc etc

    UL06 wrote: »
    It is my hope that a new face, like Aoife Kenny, could come in with some new ideas. Isn't it what the Student Union is all about??!.

    The students union is about representing the students in their interests and the students alone decide if a new face with new ideas is wanted/needed through their vote. Whats wrong with an old face that knows the system coming in with new ideas? How can somene change a system they know nothing about? This is not a a dig at Aoife as she is on the SU Exec this year and I would assume as someone running for education officer and being someone that has worked within the system that she has familiarisd herself with the system and what needs to be changed.

    UL06 wrote: »
    Aoife hasn't been in the Union for the 5 years like Barry and therefore would she not be in a better position to represent the STUDENTS, whereas i'm only guessing here, but Barry must already have friends within the Union and may be in the ''clique'' as its being called.

    This time I am going to speak up fo Barry as you are writing off all he has done/tried to do over the last few years in that sweping statement. Barry has, much like yourself I'm going to assume (in your C&S role for 5 years) tried to improve things for people over the past 5 years. Barry and yourself (having being in the position you held) were elected to those positions because the students who re-elected you thought you were doing a good job, if they didn't think that you would not have been re-elected. Therefore I I believe that seen as both of you were the students chosen voice in both your individual fields that the students believed that you two were positioned the best/the best capable to represent their views.

    Now the time has come for Barry to leave his "field", the "clique" of his class, the "clique" of other class reps (Both of whom have endorsed him in one way or another through the fact that they like him/think he has done a good job so far - lets face it, if people didn't think he was doing a good job he would not have been elected and someone would have run against him) and put himself in front of the general student populus where people will either accept or reject his proposals on who he was, who he is and what he is saying he will do.

    However, whether he wins or not, I think I can be safe in the assumption that Barry will be remembered for what he has achieved so far much like yourself in Clubs and Socs.

    I could say more but at the risk of being negative I won't, however, I think most will have the intuition to know what I'm getting at and hopefully this will be in Aoifes manifesto.
    UL06 wrote: »
    Quoting his ''resume''
    Barry Kennedy's Experience to date:
    Class Rep since 2006
    Deputy Chair of Class Rep Council
    Worked on Campaigns Working Group,
    Worked in the Class Rep Development Working Group
    Worked on the Electoral/Referenda Board
    Active member in many Clubs & Societies e.g Drama
    Former member of ULTV society

    ... This just further indicates that Barry, although might do a great job...

    In my opinion (which may not be shared by others) - No doubt about it, its not like he hasn't got the ground work done to know whats going on, what he would keep and what he would change if elected.
    UL06 wrote: »
    [In my opinion] it would be in the best interest of not only the students but the current Student Union to have some new ideas and people on board to move forward in the future!!

    It is my hope that new faces arrive in most positions and not just in the Education position.

    4 out of 5 members of the Sabat team will definately change next year so new faces are a certainty around the table and by definition, new ideas or are you totally against anyone who has previously represented students in the SU?

    Ok so I've either added fuel to the fire or extiguised some flames, I hope its the latter. I'm sorry to have been so long windedand picky but it is time to move on, lets put the clique thing to bed once and for all and have proper discussion on the candidates instead of all the sniping - I'm not just talking about Aoife and Baz, there were also comments made on Alans campaign.

    My name is David James Collison Ryan (DJCR - what you see is what you get) and I approve this message.

    Derek for Prez, Baz for Education and SU heads for CSO !! :D:D:D:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 172 ✭✭entropic

    NotMoose wrote: »
    Everyone is in Cliques, everyone hates Cliques.
    Look I just saved people reading 4 pages!

    I have a question regarding the online voting. UL can't keep the results page up for 10 minutes, is there a backup for when the voting site fails over?

    To be fair the results site is down when 8000 people are trying to access it at 9am. Call it a hunch but I don't think the SU elections are going to get that kind of traffic. If we count the amount of people in the clique and add 50% I think we will have the number of voters, I reckon 750 at most if its only online.

    What I would be more worried about is someone doing a quick search and seeing how these systems can be compromised.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭highlydebased

    Dismayed there are absolutely no paper polling stations- the SU photocopying room will have a computer to vote on so I gather. Surely there would be volunteers to run a skeleton paper voting system?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,300 ✭✭✭freyners

    Dismayed there are absolutely no paper polling stations- the SU photocopying room will have a computer to vote on so I gather. Surely there would be volunteers to run a skeleton paper voting system?
    sorry if ive missed something but is it not that the results are processed quicker?

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Nagoh

    Hmm, I think I'll miss the tension of the paper ballot count. A cold reading from a computer just doesn't seem right.

    Kids these days and their technology. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,468 ✭✭✭highlydebased

    freyners wrote: »
    sorry if ive missed something but is it not that the results are processed quicker?

    Of course it is, but where's the fun in that?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,300 ✭✭✭freyners

    Of course it is, but where's the fun in that?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭canned_ulkc

    <sarc>Again, my opinion has changed - the SU has been transformed; from a pretty well functioning representitive of the student body which operates in a way so successfull it is the envy of other colleges to a crowd of backslapping, chinwagging, willdoanythingforabuck golfers</sarc>

    But seriously folks, I have to say; are people jumping on the 'clique' thing because they see themselves as not represented by the union or because they have never taken the chance to either get involved or even ASK? I expect a few replies of personal experience - before you add that to the thread, think of this......

    10,000+ students
    approx 2,500 voted last year.

    Do you really think your personal experience is wholy represetitive?

    In parrallel to that thought.... I couldn't say that I've been that involved in the union though I have been heavily involved in C&S (mostly through the kayak club). Ruan is a personal friend of mine and I campaigned with him on his initial run for president. I know KeithO, Ginge, Derek, Enda, Tom, Paul, Liz, Lucy in reception and met Aoife tonight and was very impressed.
    If I were to run next year for a position and you knew the above - does that make me an "SU head" - does that make me part of a "clique"?

    In my opinion - no; it makes me someone who values clubs and societies, and who regards themselves as luck to have befriended such company.

    Every time this clique thing comes up it appears to do 2 things (I seem to be getting fond of putting things down to 2 things - if I do run for anything, expect it to be a short manifesto!):
    identify those who are quite simply jealous of not having such distinguished company or
    Do not understand the fact that support comes from those you KNOW and who have confidence in YOU

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5 Busby_Babes

    There's stuff in Paddy's manifesto (which is quite similiar to his Presidential manifesto last year) that's similiar to my stuff from when I ran for Campaigns last year. Would you accuse Paddy of stealing as quickly? Keep it nice, kids.

    Of course Paddy would use some of his ideas from last year. Paddy had a very campaigns, services and entertainments based manifesto last year. Which shows he is much more suited to the Campaigns & Services Officer role! What harm is there in using manifestos from Campaigns & Services Officers from previous years, I would hope that who ever is elected would continue on the great work that has been done by Vivion Grisewood this year! With out having a dig at anyone who has lost in previous years, i'm sure that an officer who is looking to be elected would use ideas put forward from winning candidates. That would be more feasible.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 coflynn2011

    All the following is Issued by Ciarán O’Flynn, Campaign Manager for Éamonn Boland.

    The Race is on, Back the BOLAND!

    BOLAND Will Be Around When Others Can’t Be Found!

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Éamonn Boland and I'm running for Welfare Officer in the ULSU. I’m from Youghal, Co. Cork and I’m currently finishing up my final year in Business Studies. I really want to try to contribute and give back to UL and its students.
    I believe throughout my involvement in various aspects of UL Student life, as a former Class Rep and ULSU Shop Broad member, I have proven my organisation and coordination ability and have shown myself to be a team player but more importantly I believe I have shown myself to be approachable, reliable and dependable.

    If elected I will work and focus on:

    What Welfare Means To ME, To Help You!

    Empowering students with a new welfare clinic, workshops and an open door policy
    Lobbying for grant reform and better financial assistance for students
    Improving sexual health and alcohol awareness campaigns/services on campus
    Promoting student mental health and well being programs/services within UL Accountability I promise to do my best for you, the student!

    Currently a great proportion of students don’t fully avail of all the services and advice available from the Students’ Union, through the Welfare Officer. To try and improve the uptake of these services I propose to establish set clinic times for students seeking advice or help on a weekly basis. I would also address and help with set issues, at appropriate times, e.g. in week one I’d run workshops where students could come and get advice on renting issues. In conjunction with these new initiatives, I’d keep an open door policy a priority.

    As we all know Ireland is currently in recession, and with it comes financial hardship for many students. At present most students who apply for a grant to help the finances, will know how long and tedious the process is. Reform of the grant system and better financial assistance for students is needed. If elected, I’d lobby the government and local councils for change, with focused student lead campaigns.

    Improving or protecting ones sexual health can only be done, before the deed is done, if you get my drift! To address this issue most students use contraception. Most of the time the contraception and protection comes in the form of a little rubber friend, the condom. Right now the Students Union provides them free of charge through the Welfare Office, but due to cost they provide Mojo branded condoms. I’d change this to Durex as they have a greater range of product and are better known to most students. Hence improving ones choices and maybe who knows enjoyment!
    With regards to alcohol awareness campaigns on campus, I feel more needs to be done to get students to events during the colleges drink aware week. Most students drink and most students over drink at times, myself included. Students, I think would be more likely to attend, a drinks testing outing rather than being told to cut back. A bit of imagination needs to be brought to the table to get people involved. I feel I could do this.

    Right now, UL is a leader with regards to student mental health and well being programs/services from the ‘First Seven Steps’ program to ‘Connect’. The only way I can see to improve these facilities is to get you, the student, using them more. More marketing and promoting of these programs/service would be a priority if I were elected.

    If I’m elected to the position of Welfare Officer, I’d react to what you, the students, ask, wants and needs of me. I’d work to the best of my ability at all times. To ensure I keep and stick to my election promises and polices and put them in action throughout my tenure, I’d post monthly status reports on my office door, online and in An Focal, for all to see.

    If you agree,
    Vote No.1 Eamonn Boland for Welfare.
    Issued by Ciarán O’Flynn, Campaign Manager for Éamonn Boland

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 coflynn2011

    Beidh Boland timpeall nuair a bheidh an chuid eile i bhfad imithe!

    A chairde,

    Beatha agus sláinte.

    Is mise Eamonn Boland agus táim ag cur isteach ar Oifigeach leasa san ULSU. Is as Eochaill, Co.Chorcaí mé agus táim i mbun mo bhliain dheireanach i staidéar gnó. Teastaíonn go géar uaim cúnamh dearfach a thabhairt thar n-ais go UL agus a mhic Léinn.

    Bhí mé fíor-ghníomhach i rith mo thréimhse anseo, agus creidim go paiseanta go cabhróidh sé sin go mór dom; bhí mé i mo bhall don ULSU shop broad is sheas mé do mo rang chomh maith. Le linn na hoibre sin, thaispeáin mé mo scilleanna eagraíochta is go bhfuilim in ann a obair go rathúil ar foireann. Ach an rud is tabhachtaí ná gur thaispeáin mé gur duine so-shroichte, fáilteach, muiníneach mé.

    Cad is brí le Leas domsa? Cabhair a thabhairt duitse!

    Má eírim, díreoidh mé ar na nithe seo a leanas:

    Ag tabhairt cumhacht do mhic léinn le oifig leasa nua, ceardlann agus 'open door policy'.

    Ag cur brú ar an rialtas chun an córas deontais a fheabsú agus níos mó cuidiú airgid a thabhairt do mhic léinn.

    Sláinte gnéis a fheabhsú agus feachtasaí a chur ar shiúl ag soláthar eolas ar droch-eifeachtaí an alcóil.

    Sláinnte initnne a chur chun cinn le cláracha/seirbhisí nua.

    Sin achoimre ar mo fheachtas, bí i dteanghmháil liom más mian leat!

    Geallaimse do ndéanfaidh mé mo dhícheall duitse, an mac léinn!

    Issued by Ciarán O’Flynn, Campaign Manager for Éamonn Boland

  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭AlwaysRight

    All the following is Issued by Ciarán O’Flynn, Campaign Manager for Éamonn Boland.

    The Race is on, Back the BOLAND!

    BOLAND Will Be Around When Others Can’t Be Found!

    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Éamonn Boland and I'm running for Welfare Officer in the ULSU. I’m from Youghal, Co. Cork and I’m currently finishing up my final year in Business Studies. I really want to try to contribute and give back to UL and its students.
    I believe throughout my involvement in various aspects of UL Student life, as a former Class Rep and ULSU Shop Broad member, I have proven my organisation and coordination ability and have shown myself to be a team player but more importantly I believe I have shown myself to be approachable, reliable and dependable.

    If elected I will work and focus on:

    What Welfare Means To ME, To Help You!

    Empowering students with a new welfare clinic, workshops and an open door policy
    Lobbying for grant reform and better financial assistance for students
    Improving sexual health and alcohol awareness campaigns/services on campus
    Promoting student mental health and well being programs/services within UL Accountability I promise to do my best for you, the student!

    Currently a great proportion of students don’t fully avail of all the services and advice available from the Students’ Union, through the Welfare Officer. To try and improve the uptake of these services I propose to establish set clinic times for students seeking advice or help on a weekly basis. I would also address and help with set issues, at appropriate times, e.g. in week one I’d run workshops where students could come and get advice on renting issues. In conjunction with these new initiatives, I’d keep an open door policy a priority.

    As we all know Ireland is currently in recession, and with it comes financial hardship for many students. At present most students who apply for a grant to help the finances, will know how long and tedious the process is. Reform of the grant system and better financial assistance for students is needed. If elected, I’d lobby the government and local councils for change, with focused student lead campaigns.

    Improving or protecting ones sexual health can only be done, before the deed is done, if you get my drift! To address this issue most students use contraception. Most of the time the contraception and protection comes in the form of a little rubber friend, the condom. Right now the Students Union provides them free of charge through the Welfare Office, but due to cost they provide Mojo branded condoms. I’d change this to Durex as they have a greater range of product and are better known to most students. Hence improving ones choices and maybe who knows enjoyment!
    With regards to alcohol awareness campaigns on campus, I feel more needs to be done to get students to events during the colleges drink aware week. Most students drink and most students over drink at times, myself included. Students, I think would be more likely to attend, a drinks testing outing rather than being told to cut back. A bit of imagination needs to be brought to the table to get people involved. I feel I could do this.

    Right now, UL is a leader with regards to student mental health and well being programs/services from the ‘First Seven Steps’ program to ‘Connect’. The only way I can see to improve these facilities is to get you, the student, using them more. More marketing and promoting of these programs/service would be a priority if I were elected.

    If I’m elected to the position of Welfare Officer, I’d react to what you, the students, ask, wants and needs of me. I’d work to the best of my ability at all times. To ensure I keep and stick to my election promises and polices and put them in action throughout my tenure, I’d post monthly status reports on my office door, online and in An Focal, for all to see.

    If you agree,
    Vote No.1 Eamonn Boland for Welfare.
    Issued by Ciarán O’Flynn, Campaign Manager for Éamonn Boland

    Not to be picky or anything, but above where you meant to say "shop board" you misspelt "board" as "broad".

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,421 ✭✭✭bluedolphin

    Regarding the USI, the membership costs about 10 cent a week per student. Given the amount of bargaining power that comes with being with a membership of 250,000 people this is a small price to pay. One has every right to believe that the USI isn't well run enough for us to join it, however, I think this is burying our heads in the sand. We can't change it from out here. We must be the change that we seek. If you want bargaining strength when it comes to cuts we want to be in the strongest position possible. 250,000 is a far stronger position than 12,000. Here again the membership fee might be a small price to pay.

    If you want to take it on a purely financial perspective, we must also remember the financial benefits and cost savings gained by group purchasing of alcohol for bars and supplies for our shops which is a strong possibility in the future.

    It goes without saying that it would be up to a student vote, I simply think it's the way forward if we want to get some real representation for this, the most educated generation in the history of the state. The other option: keep waiting for it to change to suit us?

    I vowed I'd lurk on the sidelines and just keep an eye on the goings-on, but having read this post I just can't anymore...

    First off, for anyone who doesn't know I'm Aoife Breen; I was Communications Officer in 2008/09. Although I know many of the candidates, I am by no means affiliated or backing any one candidate for any position. I'm gone past that at this stage to be honest and enjoy reading the manifestos and promises of candidates from the vantage point of a wizened veteran.

    However, this USI issue has sparked an interest in me primarily because it seems to be an ongoing issue that sprouts up every couple of years. Enda, what follows is not an attack on you (I don't even know you), but it is, I hope, one side of a constructive debate (perhaps you can provide the other) with some key questions for you about your USI position.

    1. You mention the 'bargaining power' that comes with being affiliated with USI. Can you give precise examples of this bargaining power that USI has that is greater than what ULSU has already? And preferably instances where this exclusive USI bargaining position led to a favourable student outcome? Or perhaps, you feel there are examples of times when ULSU has specifically lost out because of it's non-affiliation? May I remind you that UL students were the first in the country (yes, before any USI-led initiative) to engage in anti-fees protests, as one example.

    2. You admit that USI is structurally flawed but say that we can't change it from the outside. May I ask how you can rationalise spending the money of the students you want to represent on become members of a flawed organisation so that they can fix it from the inside? Moreover, given that UL students have not had any part in USI for two decades, how would ULSU even begin to fix an organisation with which it is not even familiar?

    3. What is your opinion on FUSU, which has the same potential representative capabilities of USI but without the financial burden? ULSU has been a leading member of FUSU and would it not be in your students' interests to strengthen this organisation - in which ULSU already has a strong foothold - first and foremost?

    4. What is preventing you from seeking alliances with other third level institutes extra-USI in an attempt for reduced costs on products? Off the top of my head, I am aware that one of my colleagues procured discounted welfare items in conjunction with other southern universities when I was in office. The other institutes were affiliated with USI; we weren't - it didn't matter!

    5. Given that the SU budget from the University is in decline, can you quantify exactly what each student will gain from the €70,000 fee? I asked this precise question of the USI Southern Area Rep in a Class Reps' meeting in 2007 - to the question of 'what would each individual student get for their €5 contribution', the only response that could be given was 'Posters...and flyers'. (That should be minuted in the CRC minutes if you want to check.) I want to know what you know has changed since then to justify this membership fee. You say that it's only 10c per student per week. That may very well be so, but in this time of serious financial hardship on the third level education sector, what's the point of, in my view, throwing any cents away? Or is it a case of throwing sense away?

    On another related point to emphasise how out of touch USI is, I call on the example of Aaron Porter, President of the NUS, opening this year's USI Congress. Porter will not be seeking re-election - an anomaly in NUS tradition - because he believes the organisation can 'benefit from new leadership' a.k.a SUs are wholly dissatisfied with how he handled the fees fiasco in the UK and feel he was not representative. This is who opened USI's biggest annual conference - someone generally held in a negative light in the UK student movement?

    Again, this is not a go at you. And, as you say, if a quorate referendum demanding rejoining, then of course it would be up to ULSU officers to do the best possible job for students and reaffiliate. However, my personal opinion is, as you may have gathered, that USI offers little, if any, benefit to ULSU. Yes, I think USI has potential (if it overcame its internal structural failings) - especially for smaller institutions who wouldn't have the same bargaining power outside it. However, ULSU is and has traditionally been a strong union and the bottom line is that USI needs ULSU - not the other way around. ULSU can - and has - participated in USI-led initiatives in the past and ULSU sabbatical officers can (or certainly used to be able to in my and my successor's time - not sure after that) attend USI training and workshops to network. It's not a case of 'them' and 'us'; all the of officers in affiliated SUs are still only a phone call or email away and it's easy to organise regional meet-ups or initiatives without handing over €70K of an already decreasing SU budget which could be better spent on UL students' well-being, initiatives, communications, events and representation because, in my view, USI does not offer that key business metric - value for money.

    I would be keen to hear (read?!) your response to this - and any other (presidential) candidates' views, of course (I notice Derek comes from a similar view point as I do).

    EDIT: And now, if anyone wants me, I'll be over there - back on my fence eating ice cream counting the clouds pass overhead.

  • Registered Users Posts: 666 ✭✭✭constantg

    I asked this precise question of the USI Southern Area Rep in a Class Reps' meeting in 2007 - to the question of 'what would each individual student get for their €5 contribution', the only response that could be given was 'Posters...and flyers'. (That should be minuted in the CRC minutes if you want to check.) I want to know what you know has changed since then to justify this membership fee. You say that it's only 10c per student per week. That may very well be so, but in this time of serious financial hardship on the third level education sector, what's the point of, in my view, throwing any cents away? Or is it a case of throwing sense away?

    Hey Breenie :D

    Much sense there. I was there in CRC when Katie Morrisroe was asked that question and then I heard her response and I was genuinely awestruck..... It was like the room held its collective breath and waited for an inspirational response. And waited. And waited.....until some people turned blue from holding their breath so long!

    UL withdrew from USI when in the dark depths of time, USI removed the Southern Area Officer and UL felt that they would not receive the same attention. Of course there was probably a fair deal of infighting and personal issues as well, but we're Irish and that's a given.

    One thing I have never been able to figure out is why is the need to join USI? Look lads, Batt O'Keeffe told ye to go whistle. I can't really see Ruari Quinn telling ye much different. Why should ULSU pay 70 GRAND of their members' cash (of whom they are trustees) to a toothless organisation to merely be given the two fingers again?

    Might as well bring the clique to Cheltenham for the week instead :D

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Mental Health and alcohol awareness are issues incredibly close to my heart and i see them as the two MOST important issues in college.

    I think i can say that i have some authority to make a judgement on what constitutes an important student issue, considering i will be in my seventh year of studies in UL when our next welfare officer is in office, i was a class rep for 4 of them, sat on my faculty board as postgrad rep, been a student guide, mentor and ambassador for years and i have personally taught over 500 students in the University in my role as a Tutor giving me increased insight. And having been first hand witness to the tragic outcomes that poor mental health and alcohol abuse can result in i know that effective campaigning and services in this area can actually go as far as saving lives of individual and avoiding pain and destruction for those around them qualifying to me that these are the most important issues in this election.

    I would like to put the question to all of those running for welfare to respond to. What are your plans in relation to these two interconnected issues. And do you agree with my opinion that these are the most important issues in this election?

    So far i have found through facebook the following:
    Mental health:
    College is without doubt one of the most stressful times of your life. Everyone has, or knows someone who has suffered from periods of stress or depression during college. If you elect me to the Welfare Office I pledge to work hard to improve mental health services and help ease the burden on students.

    Helping your friends through Mental Health awareness:
    If elected I will produce a downloadable PDF in conjunction with UL Counselling Services on what to look out for amongst your friends and how to help someone who is feeling stress and anxiety from the pressures of college.

    Stress Management, FYP, Co-op and Erasmus support:
    I will attempt to provide extra supports for students going through their most difficult times in college by organising peer to peer information and support evenings for students about to face the stresses of Co-Op, Erasmus and the FYP.

    Body Image and awareness:
    This is something which is often forgotten about or passed over for both men and women. If elected I will run a body image campaign with professional speakers which may help those suffering in silence to seek help.

    I like the issue of body image being mentioned but the exclusion of alcohol awareness is shocking. Student counselling already have vast ammounts of information available to students what difference will this downloadable PDF make, and is the purpose so students can spot signs of mental health problems in their friends and try and solve them? The initial section i find quite vague.
    Thomas Cranley
    In terms of Mental Health, I think it’s important people know they have someone to talk to, whether its coming in for a chat in the Welfare Office or being directed towards UL’s counselling service, I’ll be there to help.
    Not to mention things like punch bags or free hugs around exam time to relieve the stress that has built up!

    Need to talk?
    I promise to have not only an open door policy, but I will also arrange drop-in hours at various locations, including the North Campus so I can come to help you!
    Don’t want to talk in person? I would set up an anonymous method of communicating with me using a range of technologies, for example an iPhone app or text service.

    I do enjoy a free hug, never paid for one yet. I really like the idea of anonymous method of communication through a phone app and i know tom has great experience in development in this area so i wouldnt brush it off as unrealistic. THe open door policy is great of course, but how do you plan to promote this to the students and have you any other ideas?
    Disapointed to say again i didnt see anything on alcohol awareness here
    EAMONN BOLAND on alcohol awareness
    With regards to alcohol awareness campaigns on campus, I feel more needs to be done to get students to events during the colleges drink aware week. Most students drink and most students over drink at times, myself included. Students, I think would be more likely to attend, a drinks testing outing rather than being told to cut back. A bit of imagination needs to be brought to the table to get people involved. I feel I could do this.

    I will be perfectly honest, i would have rather not seen anything about alcohol awareness than that. Are you basically saying that you need to give students free drink to get them to attend anything where alcohol awareness is raised? I think this decidedly lacks imagination. I dont believe 'being told to cut back' is what alcohol awareness is about..... in fact im being polite, that is a complete misunderstanding of the issue and what an "awareness" campaign is. I see that you over drink at times, glad you included that piece of information, but i was wondering about the relevance of it and how it relates to your policies on alcohol awareness? Im i too interpret that because you drink irresponbily that you are more qulaified to promote responsible drinking? Because it gave me the opposite impression.
    EAMONN BOLAND on mental health
    Right now, UL is a leader with regards to student mental health and well being programs/services from the ‘First Seven Steps’ program to ‘Connect’. The only way I can see to improve these facilities is to get you, the student, using them more. More marketing and promoting of these programs/service would be a priority if I were elected.

    A massive budget has been allocated to the "First seven WEEKS" initiative (which i assume you were referring to when you said 'first seven steps') and its promotion, how can you add to that and will you be using the welfare budget to do so? Also i would like to point out that it is aimed at decreasing college drop out rates and not is a mental health initiative, and i can say that with some confidence having been an integral part of my departments working group on the 'first seven weeks programme', however i can see how without doing proper research into the area you could make this mistake.

    I make the same point in relation to 'connect' and it being a University initiative with its own budgets... are you saying you would be offering to assist them financially and otherwise with their marketing and promotion? Finally do have you any ideas of what YOU might actually do in relation to mental health?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,014 ✭✭✭Hulk Hands

    No one in their right mind would run for a Sabbat position "just for a job". Speaking from my own perspective, the hours are long, the work is difficult, in some cases beyond frustrating and pretty thankless (not to put Aoife and Barry off running :D). Last semester I advised over 600 students, this semester I'm at 285 as of Friday. Nobody would take this job because they want a job and to imply that is a little bit insulting to those of us who have spent two years serving the students of UL as best we could. I ran for this position because I cared and because I wanted to make an impact and I hope I did that. I had an unconditional place in a Masters last year and I deferred it for a year to be here.

    As for the wage part and to echo Viv - the future Mr. Aoife Finnerty (AKA boyfriend ;)) works in a supermarket and he makes more than me..

    I'm sorry if I upset you, but i'm not going to be naive enough to think that people are taking the job as basically a charity exercise to try to "do some good". The jobs have serious benefits. It looks great on your CV, you get to stay around the college you love for another year, you get to work with students, I expect your boss or supervisors are fairly easy going, i'm sure the job is good fun at times unlike many jobs. Also I thought the pay was around the €21,000 mark a year for the senior positions? Hardly pocket change, although I do grant that some of you could make more elsewhere.
    UL06 wrote: »
    Firstly, no one can deny that there are ''cliques'' in the student union.

    I've been a student in UL now for 5 years and ever since I arrived I have been on the board/committee for a sports club. In order to get funding for our club we must attend a C&S meeting regularly, and for anyone that has ever been to one of those meetings it is obvious to see that there is a ''clique'' in the Student Union. Friends looking out for other friends.. not saying its a bad thing but if you're not in the clique you're screwed!

    I know i'm moving away from C&S now but... to come back to the current elections and after reading all the posts, for someone to say that Aoife Kenny is not getting slated here (and im not sure why she is, because she's done nothing wrong) is an absolute ....... (better just stop there). It's all well and good saying at the end '' she's a lovely girl '' but that doesn't take away the fact you're trying to slander her in the mean time. Also, how come no one is talking about the other officers up for election here?? Barry it seems to me you've got a few campaigners helping you out here!

    It is my hope that a new face, like Aoife Kenny, could come in with some new ideas. Isn't it what the Student Union is all about?? Aoife hasn't been in the Union for the 5 years like Barry and therefore would she not be in a better position to represent the STUDENTS, whereas i'm only guessing here, but Barry must already have friends within the Union and may be in the ''clique'' as its being called.

    Quoting his ''resume''
    Barry Kennedy's Experience to date:
    Class Rep since 2006
    Deputy Chair of Class Rep Council
    Worked on Campaigns Working Group,
    Worked in the Class Rep Development Working Group
    Worked on the Electoral/Referenda Board
    Active member in many Clubs & Societies e.g Drama
    Former member of ULTV society

    ... This just further indicates that Barry, although might do a great job, it would be in the best interest of not only the students but the current Student Union to have some new ideas and people on board to move forward in the future!!

    It is my hope that new faces arrive in most positions and not just in the Education position.

    Phew, brave man. Don't expect too much support around here, seeing as the majority of the posters here seem to be part of this clique. Part of the reason I hate the thanks feature on boards.

    The bit in bold is a great point. I would much rather have someone in office who has spent the majority of their time out around the "average UL student", the type of which has no involvement with the SU and who generally couldn't give a toss about it (about 80% of students id say). Their needs matter as much as anyone's though.

    A point indicative that the SU are out of touch with the majority of the student body was the laughable decision to schedule the elections first and fit the likes of Charity week (the most important week of the year and the SU's main function in the eyes of 80% of students) around it. Like seriously, do you not realise that the majority of students don't care about elections but do care about Rag week?

    Thats part of the reason I wont be voting for anyone who has been involved heavily in the SU before now, such as Daly. No offence Derek, you seem like a nice fella, but I cant vote for anyone who might have been involved in the cock-up of putting Charity week on week 6, especially seeing as you may have the casting decision next year. I won't be in UL next year, but ive friends in 3rd year and I don't want to see them crapped on in the same way as this years 4th years.

    I'll expect a big's as cute the way all the friends rally around each other on an internet forum :)

    identify those who are quite simply jealous of not having such distinguished company

    I honstly hate this phrase but I think it's appropriate....LMFAO :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭bazkennedy

    Surprisingly enough I actually agree with ye. Just because I've been knocking about the Union for a while doesn't mean I look at it with rose tinted glasses.

    In fact I would go further and say that its a lot more than 80% that give a s*** about the union (how many of those 2500 voted last year just to get the "I voted" stamp). For some it’s a lack of knowledge (I've lost count of the amount of times I was asked to explain what the education officer does, yesterday), others simply just don't care.

    My question is how does the Union fix this problem? How do we get the "Average Student" to engage with the union and how do we get the Union to engage more with the "Average Student".

    I have my own ideas on how we can bridge this gap but I’d be more than happy to hear suggestions for positive change. I look forward to discussing this with people as I meet them over the next few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭canned_ulkc

    Hulk Hands wrote: »
    The bit in bold is a great point. I would much rather have someone in office who has spent the majority of their time out around the "average UL student", the type of which has no involvement with the SU and who generally couldn't give a toss about it (about 80% of students id say). Their needs matter as much as anyone's though.

    A point indicative that the SU are out of touch with the majority of the student body was the laughable decision to schedule the elections first and fit the likes of Charity week (the most important week of the year and the SU's main function in the eyes of 80% of students) around it. Like seriously, do you not realise that the majority of students don't care about elections but do care about Rag week?

    So let's get this right.....because there's some seriously interesting math here.....
    prefer a candidate who has spent no time around college (because if you spend ANY there, you know what the average student is like) - approx 80%
    couldn't give a toss about the SU - approx 80%
    no involvement with the SU - approx 80%
    rates charity week as THE most important issue for students in an environment where introduction of fees still hangs over students, grants have been reduced, alcohol, stress and depression are all issues - approx 80%

    Voter turnout for last several years - approx 25%..........

    So it looks like the main of the 25% have involvement with the SU, care about it, value it and it's functions...... but that's apparently wrong!?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 interesteduser

    What a surprise. Hulk Hands having a rant about Charity Week. Like a scratched record at this stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭Dante on Fire

    Hi guys!
    As we start todays campaign i'd like to just say that last night all Campaign Teams/tables were approached to put up a poster for a fundraiser in aid of Cian Cleary on Thursday 31st March

    I will have mine in view but can i ask that no-one see this as a political stunt, yes theres a political party on the poster, but this is a rather important issue so can we have some decorum and respect i'd urge all candidates to have it somewhere on there table. The friends of his were so nice last night that we could'nt say no.

    If anyone has issue with this come and have a chat personally and i'll talk to you but please dont see this as a political move because its not.

    Cheers! i'll be back on in a while to answer any questions


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 172 ✭✭entropic

    Kelly O'Briens Website
    Keith O'Neills Website

    I know earlier in the thread that skynet distanced themselves from affiliation with Keith in the same way that An Focal would never support one candidate over another but this is yet again clearly skynet vs an focal, the battle of print vs online rears its head again.

    I personally am giving my vote to Keith because I think, and have done for quite a while, that the SU need to improve their web presence. The facebook page should not be the main site of the Union, it should be supplementry to the website. The website is now all shiny and new with a pretty layout but is still fairly light on content. The front page is not good, the "tweet tweet" app is the funniest, look at our tweets of our facebook updates. Why not just insert the actual facebook page. (Its Not That Hard)

    If Dave or Eoghan had won last year or the year before I don't think this would be an issue. Just one person of a skynet nature getting in would hopefully get all the nessacary changes in place and, one would hope, leave behind an easy to use system that would make it easy for anyone to keep it running.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 215 ✭✭Ms. Education

    Hulk Hands wrote: »
    I'm sorry if I upset you, but i'm not going to be naive enough to think that people are taking the job as basically a charity exercise to try to "do some good". The jobs have serious benefits. It looks great on your CV, you get to stay around the college you love for another year, you get to work with students, I expect your boss or supervisors are fairly easy going, i'm sure the job is good fun at times unlike many jobs. Also I thought the pay was around the €21,000 mark a year for the senior positions? Hardly pocket change, although I do grant that some of you could make more elsewhere.

    You haven't upset me, it takes a lot more than that to upset me! :) I do not think you are naive, but I do think that that post shows the level of cynicism that makes my job so damn difficult at times.

    Benefits.. hmm ok. Let's look at my Charity Week so - I went out all week, didn't show up to work and had a great time! No wait, I was in work all week dealing with student drop-ins, I was in meetings, out fundraising, up at 7am for estate cleanup, making a sober appearance at most events. I'm sure you think that my job is laden with benefits, but I don't know what they are. I take the point about good on the CV, but I don't of know any legal employment experience that doesn't look good on a CV. As for staying around college.. I am in around 9am each morning because that's when my day starts. Sometimes that extends to after 9.30 depending on if I'm driving back from Cork. If you've ever been outside my door, you'll see a timetable that tells students where I am if the door is closed. Despite what you may think, being a Sabbat isn't like being a student. I wouldn't dispute that it's good fun at times but every job is. I've never had a job that I didn't enjoy some element of but that doesn't mean the work is any less difficult.

    There is a difference between charity and "doing some good". On a daily basis, I "do some good" because I help students with a huge volume of problems (see previous post re: numbers of students). I've never said I do it for free because I get paid, but I have volunteered in the SU for most of my college days through C+S, Class Reps and Exec. Being paid doesn't mean that I'm any less dedicated to doing good and it doesn't mean that what I get paid reflects the amount of work, hours and "good" that I do.

    Essentially, until you have taken a Sabbatical position/gone out with a Sabbatical Office/have been a close friend of a Sabbat, you have no concept of the difficulty of the job and the strain that doing these jobs properly puts on people. I've been in both situations; seeing the SU from the outside and from being inside, you've only seen it from one.
