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thyroid misery



  • Registered Users Posts: 18 davdd

    heather2 wrote: »
    Hi ... Thanks so much for this information.
    I think I will look up Dr Wilson and possibly arrange to see him. I would thoroughly agree with Jemizzle about those blood tests.
    I also have high cholosterol which i read can be related to underactive thyorid even though my diet is fairly healthy.
    Great to see such help on these forums. I am new to it and find it so interesting.

    Just picking up on high cholosterol bit- I'm 26 and mine is quite high for my age at the moment. I asked Dr Wilson about it and he said the same thing - that it can be the result of poor thyroid function and that with treatment and a proper diet it's easily managed

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 heather2

    Hopefully that is the reason..
    I have made appointment with Dr Wilson so all going well pg. Hope all worked out for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 heather2

    tigerb wrote: »
    totally agree about educating yourself -have learned loads already.I will start a thyroid diary. My head is relatively 'unfuzzy' today and I am feeling fantastic . Funny how you really appreciate the days when you feel ok.
    I see how there is a thyroid group in the UK -is there anything similar in Ireland

    Yes it's called thyorid ireland and is quite good. I know how u mean when you have good and bad days. I am on eltroxin and feel fantastic this week....the very week that I made appointment with Dr Wilson. I am thinking about changing over to NDT hoping It will get rid of a lot of other symptoms I have. To be honest I know nothing about this medication and hubby thinks I should really check it out before I go down that route. I am scared I may have side effects or damage my health down the line. You would wonder why the docs "seem" to be against it. Anyway that's my story so far. As u said it's so important to educate ourselves.
    Also it could prove more expensive all round but once there's results it's manageable.. .I hope

  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭paddyref

    My wife has also seen Dr Wilson and changed from eltroxin to Westhroid ( NDT) 5 months ago. She wasn't doing well at all on eltroxin and is absolutely flying now. Would 100% recommend him, he really knows his stuff. Thyroid Ireland FB group also a great place for help and support.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 heather2

    paddyref wrote: »
    My wife has also seen Dr Wilson and changed from eltroxin to Westhroid ( NDT) 5 months ago. She wasn't doing well at all on eltroxin and is absolutely flying now. Would 100% recommend him, he really knows his stuff. Thyroid Ireland FB group also a great place for help and support.

    Thank you for that paddy. Is it easy to get NDT then in chemists?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 102 ✭✭paddyref

    She's had no problem getting it from our local chemist, took them a week you find it and get it in. They never heard of it before. Westhroid is even available on medical card, when paying it costs her €27 per month. Boots and loyds good to have it. Her regular gp is now fully on board with her new meds and writes up prescription no problem. She has only seen Dr Wilson once. He is very accommodating to those living far away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 heather2

    paddyref wrote: »
    She's had no problem getting it from our local chemist, took them a week you find it and get it in. They never heard of it before. Westhroid is even available on medical card, when paying it costs her €27 per month. Boots and loyds good to have it. Her regular gp is now fully on board with her new meds and writes up prescription no problem. She has only seen Dr Wilson once. He is very accommodating to those living far away.

    Excellent. That is great. Well I would love to hear how she is getting on again in the future and best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 9 heather2

    paddyref wrote: »
    She's had no problem getting it from our local chemist, took them a week you find it and get it in. They never heard of it before. Westhroid is even available on medical card, when paying it costs her €27 per month. Boots and loyds good to have it. Her regular gp is now fully on board with her new meds and writes up prescription no problem. She has only seen Dr Wilson once. He is very accommodating to those living far away.

    Excellent. That is great. Well I would love to hear how she is getting on again in the future and best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭o1aa

    Great thread!
    *help needed*

    So I had under active thyroid when iIwas a teenager and was on meds for around a year and a half. Ive been doing routine blood checks in Poland every year and this May my TSH levels went up. I need to get T4, T3 and antibodies done to see if I need to be on the meds again.

    What's the best way to get around blood checks- I mean cheapest? I have VHI but ofc they only partially cover GP visits/blood tests.

    If I go to GP and he agrees I need blood test- do I pay extra for the tests or just paying for the GP visit?


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,055 ✭✭✭Emme

    o1aa wrote: »
    Great thread!
    *help needed*

    So I had under active thyroid when iIwas a teenager and was on meds for around a year and a half. Ive been doing routine blood checks in Poland every year and this May my TSH levels went up. I need to get T4, T3 and antibodies done to see if I need to be on the meds again.

    What's the best way to get around blood checks- I mean cheapest? I have VHI but ofc they only partially cover GP visits/blood tests.

    If I go to GP and he agrees I need blood test- do I pay extra for the tests or just paying for the GP visit?


    You shouldn't have to pay for T4 and T3 but I am not sure about the antibodies. To be honest doctors in Poland probably treat thyroid issues better than most doctors here. Could you go back to Poland and get the tests done there?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 53 ✭✭o1aa

    Emme wrote: »
    You shouldn't have to pay for T4 and T3 but I am not sure about the antibodies. To be honest doctors in Poland probably treat thyroid issues better than most doctors here. Could you go back to Poland and get the tests done there?

    I can´t take more holidays this year.... The last time I was in Poland(May) I stupidly never asked for T4 and T3 to be done.

    I'm not sure how the system works here and that's why I'm asking on this page. So If I go to GP and tell him I used to have under active thyroid, I should get TSH, T4 and T3 done free of charge ( I mean included in GP's visit).

    If I could go to Poland and get all this sorted I would go in a flick of a finger! believe me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 477 ✭✭jelly&icecream

    They should do TSH and FT4 for you no problem. Antibodies too shouldn't be a huge issue if they are specifically requested. I have a problem getting them to do FT3 however. Even if the GP requests it the hospital lab often refuses to do it. I've had this issue with the regional hospital in Limerick. It seems to differ depending on the hospital.

    If you're anywhere near Maynooth it might be worth going to Dr. Wilson who others have recommended above. If I don't get further with my GP soon I'm considering travelling to see him. He's not an endo consultant, just a GP who has a special interest in the area so shouldn't be too pricey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,055 ✭✭✭Emme

    Here is a link to an article which suggests that murderer Alan Hawe may have suffered from psychosis due to thyroid problem.

    There are articles in other Irish newspapers on the same topic. I am very angry about this article because it suggests that people who have Hashimoto's thyroiditis are psychotic. I have never heard of anybody having a psychotic episode with Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

    The medical estabishment in Ireland should focus more on trying to treat Hashimoto's and other thyroid disorders properly rather than using them as excuses for vicious premeditated murders.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,646 ✭✭✭✭qo2cj1dsne8y4k

    I am the same, I was so angry reading that article yesterday because I have hashimotos and am currently an inpatient with it being particularly bad and while I may be a bit hormonal from time to time, I've never had the urge to murder my entire family

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 NiceyNice

    Hi Guys,

    I hope I am in the right thread here. I was prescribed 50mcg of Eltroxin a few weeks ago by Merrion Fertility Clinic. My thyroid levels are within normal limits but the low end - don't ask me the exact result, I was just shown it on the screen. Anyhoo, the consultant prescribed it as a precautionary measure as TSH can cause early miscarriage.
    I'm on day 14 now and I feel lousy. About a week ago, my breathing became much shallower. I get breathless walking up a flight or stairs. Walking and talking is difficult. I'm wheezy with a dry cough. I'm an ex-smoker, who worked in smokey bars and nightclubs pre-smoking ban. I am currently a vaper. My breathlessness became so bad yesterday that I ended up in DubDoc last night. After a thorough examination (but no scans or x-ray), the doctor told me that my body is adjusting to the medication. The muscles in my chest are tightening and it's nothing to worry about. He said if it continues after 2/3 months, then maybe stop taking Eltroxin.
    I never thought it could have such a side effect. In hindsight, I have been pretty moody lately too, with a fuzzy head and low attention span. I suffer from general anxiety also, although I haven't been having full panic attacks, I have noticed my anxiety levels being slightly higher than usual.
    And the strangest thing is my mouth and tongue taste raw - and I can feel food and hot drinks passing all the way down into my stomach. I didn't say any of this to DubDoc because, naively, I didn't think it had anything to do with the new meds. I know a good many people on Eltroxin and they rave about its benefits but I just feel unwell.
    I know there is an adjustment phase of c. 6 weeks but I just don't think it is worth the physical pain and exhaustion considering my thyroid was within normal levels to begin with.
    I'm considering stopping the medication. I know it's not advisable but I haven't been on it for too long. Has anyone had any experience doing this? I'm literally dreading taking another pill in the morning. I don't think there is any point in talking to my GP because he didn't prescribe it and all other results that came back from the fertility clinic came back fine, so I don't want to be contacting them for the price of a small mortgage.

    Any advice would be a great help.


  • Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭tanit

    Vapers as far as I know contain nicotine and it affects an embryo growth. Have you told the doctor that you use it? About the rest I would recommend that you go again to the doctor and tell them everything that's going on regardless of you thinking it is relevant or not let them decide that. They are the ones that know

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭njs030

    It doesn't matter who prescribed it you should go and see your GP before stopping any medication, breathlessness can be a side effect so perhaps your GP can lower your dose or alternate it.
    You must have been prescribed it for a reason and that reason still exists - your GP will have access to the test results and the reasons you were put on it.

    Even if you do stop it your symptoms won't go away as it takes a while for it to leave your body so the best thing to do is see your GP.

    Have you told the doctors you are still using products containing nicotine?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 NiceyNice

    tanit wrote: »
    Vapers as far as I know contain nicotine and it affects an embryo growth. Have you told the doctor that you use it?

    Yup, the doctor knows and I hadn't planned on vaping during pregnancy. Not really sure why I put the vaping/smoking stuff into the post. I suppose I thought my chest problems stemmed from that rather than Eltroxin?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 NiceyNice

    It doesn't matter who prescribed it you should go and see your GP before stopping any medication, breathlessness can be a side effect so perhaps your GP can lower your dose or alternate it.
    You must have been prescribed it for a reason and that reason still exists - your GP will have access to the test results and the reasons you were put on it.

    Even if you do stop it your symptoms won't go away as it takes a while for it to leave your body so the best thing to do is see your GP.

    Have you told the doctors you are still using products containing nicotine?

    I was prescribed Eltroxin as a precautionary measure only and the doc in DubDoc told me yesterday evening that new studies show that TSH may not have such a devastating effect on early pregnancy as previously thought.

    For the record, I am not currently pregnant and don't plan to start trying within the next six months at least.

    That's a balls that the symptoms don't clear up quickly, I was hoping that since I'm only on it for a short period, that it would right itself sooner rather than later.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭njs030

    NiceyNice wrote: »
    I was prescribed Eltroxin as a precautionary measure only and the doc in DubDoc told me yesterday evening that new studies show that TSH may not have such a devastating effect on early pregnancy as previously thought.

    For the record, I am not currently pregnant and don't plan to start trying within the next six months at least.

    That's a balls that the symptoms don't clear up quickly, I was hoping that since I'm only on it for a short period, that it would right itself sooner rather than later.

    I re- read your post there and you said it started after a week, that's really fast for symptoms to kick in tbh.
    Definitely go to see your GP, there could be something else going on and it's coincidental.
    Eltrocin comes in 25mg too so the GP can drop you down to that if needs be.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30 NiceyNice

    I re- read your post there and you said it started after a week, that's really fast for symptoms to kick in tbh.
    Definitely go to see your GP, there could be something else going on and it's coincidental.
    Eltrocin comes in 25mg too so the GP can drop you down to that if needs be.

    I was checked out a quite thoroughly last night and was told there were no signs of an ulterior issue.
    The DubDoc I saw is actually the head of the surgery I attend. He's my mum's GP and he has her on Eltroxin too. I trust his opinion. I'm quite sensitive to different medications - codeine even has an adverse reaction.

    Also my company doesn't pay for permitted leave eg. docs appointments and I'd need a half day to get out to them. Add the consultation fee and the €70 I dropped last night. I really can't afford to go.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 76,755 Mod ✭✭✭✭New Home

    But the DubDoc didn't have the full picture, you said yourself you didn't tell them about your mouth and throat symptoms. You really need to go back to your GP and tell them EVERYTHING, and if you can insist on getting a chest x-ray or to get more blood tests done. I know it's expensive, but it'd be cheaper than having to take sick leave down the line, I would say.

    You could also go to your chemist and ask them to give you the leaflet that should come with the box of eltroxin, the side effects and interactions with other medications should be listed in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭tanit

    NiceyNice wrote: »
    Yup, the doctor knows and I hadn't planned on vaping during pregnancy. Not really sure why I put the vaping/smoking stuff into the post. I suppose I thought my chest problems stemmed from that rather than Eltroxin?

    Okay, my apologies but I read the post and I thought you were pregnant. If you are planning to get pregnant and taking any medication for it, it may simply be a problem with the medications.

    To be honest having thyroid issues during pregnancy does increase the risk of miscarriage and some women that have no thyroid issues before pregnancy can develop them during pregnancy. They will go away after in most cases but it's the first time someone tells me about taking Eltroxin as preventative measure if you are planning to get pregnant without having full blown thyroid issues

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 NiceyNice

    tanit wrote: »
    Okay, my apologies but I read the post and I thought you were pregnant. If you are planning to get pregnant and taking any medication for it, it may simply be a problem with the medications.

    To be honest having thyroid issues during pregnancy does increase the risk of miscarriage and some women that have no thyroid issues before pregnancy can develop them during pregnancy. They will go away after in most cases but it's the first time someone tells me about taking Eltroxin as preventative measure if you are planning to get pregnant without having full blown thyroid issues

    I know right? It's an odd one. I'm actually questioning if I need to be on it at all. Other people I have spoken to about Eltroxin can only rave about it so I wasn't expecting to experience any adverse side effects. But I feel awful on it and my chest problems are irritating and painful. I'm hoping that being on it for less than two weeks will ease the bump of going cold turkey. I'm not going to take it anymore. If my thyroid was way off, I'd stick it out but as my levels are within normal levels, I don't see the point of this misery.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭njs030

    NiceyNice wrote: »
    I know right? It's an odd one. I'm actually questioning if I need to be on it at all. Other people I have spoken to about Eltroxin can only rave about it so I wasn't expecting to experience any adverse side effects. But I feel awful on it and my chest problems are irritating and painful. I'm hoping that being on it for less than two weeks will ease the bump of going cold turkey. I'm not going to take it anymore. If my thyroid was way off, I'd stick it out but as my levels are within normal levels, I don't see the point of this misery.

    Well there's normal levels and optimal levels for pregnancy, if you're seeing a fertility expert I'd wonder if they are trying to get your levels from normal down to optimal for conception maybe.
    You don't know what your levels were or where doc wants them to be so it's a bit of a confusing one for you.

    Sure if you want to stop that's your choice, I wouldn't suggest going against medical advice especially when it's for something like that without going in to check but it's up to you :)

    Eta - is there any way you can call your consultants secretary and leave a message? Or your GP?

  • Registered Users Posts: 30 NiceyNice

    Well there's normal levels and optimal levels for pregnancy, if you're seeing a fertility expert I'd wonder if they are trying to get your levels from normal down to optimal for conception maybe.
    You don't know what your levels were or where doc wants them to be so it's a bit of a confusing one for you.

    Sure if you want to stop that's your choice, I wouldn't suggest going against medical advice especially when it's for something like that without going in to check but it's up to you :)

    Eta - is there any way you can call your consultants secretary and leave a message? Or your GP?

    I can see myself being called in for blood tests and ensuing dickery with medication levels. I'm just not too in to a whole load of trial and error. I think it's best to just cut and run before my system becomes reliant on the hormone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,646 ✭✭✭✭qo2cj1dsne8y4k

    NiceyNice wrote: »
    I was prescribed Eltroxin as a precautionary measure only and the doc in DubDoc told me yesterday evening that new studies show that TSH may not have such a devastating effect on early pregnancy as previously thought.

    For the record, I am not currently pregnant and don't plan to start trying within the next six months at least.

    That's a balls that the symptoms don't clear up quickly, I was hoping that since I'm only on it for a short period, that it would right itself sooner rather than later.

    I see an endocrinology consultant and my tsh is so off she's warned me not to get pregnant although she said she doesn't think I would conceive anyway with these results. If they get my tsh and thyroid under control enough that I can concieve I have to automatically have my dose upped by 25% and my pregnancy would be considered high risk.

    This is just my own personal experience, I'm 28. The 25% increase was the first thing she told me in our initial meeting. That's a consultant that deals with hormones and thyroid and all things endocrinology as a specialist. So I would be making double sure rather than take the word of a general practitioner with limited experience in regards to medication for thyroid issues.

    This is not medical advice, this is just my own personal experience.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭njs030

    I see an endocrinology consultant and my tsh is so off she's warned me not to get pregnant although she said she doesn't think I would conceive anyway with these results. If they get my tsh and thyroid under control enough that I can concieve I have to automatically have my dose upped by 25% and my pregnancy would be considered high risk.

    This is just my own personal experience, I'm 28. The 25% increase was the first thing she told me in our initial meeting. That's a consultant that deals with hormones and thyroid and all things endocrinology as a specialist. So I would be making double sure rather than take the word of a general practitioner with limited experience in regards to medication for thyroid issues.

    This is not medical advice, this is just my own personal experience.

    I think it was prescribed by a fertility consultant Lexie which is why I've said not to stop it without checking first.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,646 ✭✭✭✭qo2cj1dsne8y4k

    I think it was prescribed by a fertility consultant Lexie which is why I've said not to stop it without checking first.
    Exactly. Your thyroid needs to be on its best behaviour for pregnancy, apparently. Ideal tsh for women of child bearing age (according to consultant endo I see in a Dublin hospital) is 1. If for example I am well and healthy on 100mcg of eltroxin I will need to up that to 125 if I'm planning on having a baby. She told me that pretty much straight away in my first consultation and explained thyroid of woman is so important for brain development of child.

    For a GP (who is by no means a specialist) to come along and say Ara sure tsh doesn't impact on pregnancy is a bit mad/irresponsible. If that was me I'd be listening to specialists unless I felt better qualified and versed in risks and medication than an actual specialist.

    Either way it's no skin off our nose whether she stops taking it or not, completely her decision, but I think it's quite foolish on her part to disregard anything a consultant has said to her on the back of what a GP she's never seen before said in a brief consultation

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30 NiceyNice

    I see an endocrinology consultant and my tsh is so off she's warned me not to get pregnant although she said she doesn't think I would conceive anyway with these results. If they get my tsh and thyroid under control enough that I can concieve I have to automatically have my dose upped by 25% and my pregnancy would be considered high risk.

    This is just my own personal experience, I'm 28. The 25% increase was the first thing she told me in our initial meeting. That's a consultant that deals with hormones and thyroid and all things endocrinology as a specialist. So I would be making double sure rather than take the word of a general practitioner with limited experience in regards to medication for thyroid issues.

    This is not medical advice, this is just my own personal experience.

    Oh Lexie, I'm so sorry to hear of your difficulties and I wish you every success in your attempts at trying to conceive. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I'm thankful that my experience is different though. My partner and I attended Merrion Fertility just to gauge our chances of conceiving. I'm 36 and he is 34. I suppose we really wanted to know where we stood. Our results were really positive. There were no issues but the consultant said that although my thyroid was within the normal range, it was towards the low end and they wanted to bring it more to the centre. I was prescribed a low dose - 50 mcg of eltroxin but it's just not agreeing with me at all and I don't want to become dependant on it.
