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thyroid misery



  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭chessguy

    henrysgirl wrote: »
    thank you for your replys i called my doctor today and asked him about the symtoms im having and he has advised me to get my bloods done every 6 weeks untill the right dose of eltroxin fits with my body, its extreamly important for me as me and my partner are trying for a baby, any tips of thinga i should or shouldt eat or just general info would be appreciated xxx

    thanks again x

    This link may be useful,
    so basically long as the thyroid is looked after , conception is not an issue.

    see my prev posts in this thread regarding Minerals and vits.may come in handy :)

    Your body temp can be low if hypothyroid , the medication should remedy this ,
    also Virgin coconut oil cold pressed organic (not the cheap stuff) ( good examples Biona , Nutiva. Brands available in ireland) will raise the bodys basal Temp (morning temp, the normal is 2 table spoons a day but starting with 1 tablespoon ,softly melted or eaten on warm/ cold food,

    ask /check at your local health store.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3 henrysgirl

    Thank you chessguy I will take a look at that xxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,162 ✭✭✭Wyldwood

    there appears to be no end to the vicious cycle I'm in. I can't tolerate any amount of Eltroxin. On 25mcg for the last three weeks and feeling hyper again now. Have lost a stone over the last year and losing again at the moment. When I came off for three months in Sept. I ended up in hospital in Nov. with a bowel obstruction (not nice at all) which may have been related to the fact that I was then underactive with TSH 10. Went back on 50mcg but had to come down to 25 after three weeks & then come off again after another few weeks due to hyper symptoms. Back on 25 in early Jan & feeling rotten again now. Oddly when I get bloods done while I feel hyper the results are always in the normal range but go totally high when I come off.
    I'm still waiting for an appointment with the Endo but need to put a push on that now as I can't go on like this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭cltt97

    Wyldwood, I feel so sorry for you, this is horrible and it sounds so familiar. Maybe you should go to my endo - he'll probably think oh no, not another one of these :-) I was wondering though, was you cortisol ever tested or did you ever have an ACTH test?

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭chessguy

    Wyldwood wrote: »
    there appears to be no end to the vicious cycle I'm in. I can't tolerate any amount of Eltroxin. On 25mcg for the last three weeks and feeling hyper again now. Have lost a stone over the last year and losing again at the moment. When I came off for three months in Sept. I ended up in hospital in Nov. with a bowel obstruction (not nice at all) which may have been related to the fact that I was then underactive with TSH 10. Went back on 50mcg but had to come down to 25 after three weeks & then come off again after another few weeks due to hyper symptoms. Back on 25 in early Jan & feeling rotten again now. Oddly when I get bloods done while I feel hyper the results are always in the normal range but go totally high when I come off.
    I'm still waiting for an appointment with the Endo but need to put a push on that now as I can't go on like this.

    HI if I may suggest you visit an Endo and get the panel of blood tests done in my previous posts in this thread I mention minerals and vitamins and if they are not in place >> no amount of medication can work corrrectly ,Period.

    Example vitamin D actually a hormone ,is usually lacking in about 80% of people with thyroid issues,

    Then start learning from this site
    Also when taking the medicine did you take coffe etc with it , did you let it digest circa 30 mins before food,was it taken it at regular times.Approximately.

    was it taken with juice as thiis is a big no no,,,

    are you eating proucts containg soya check ? your breads and chocoate,
    and also avoid goitrogenic foood till 4 hours after medication. like spinach brocolli etc.

    gluten is a big no no


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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,162 ✭✭✭Wyldwood

    cltt97, I don't think I have ever had either of those tests, must ask doc about these.

    chessguy, I regularly have full panel bloods done and never have a problem. I take the tablet first thing in the morning with a glass of water & wait 30 mins before eating. I don't take caffeine (drink decaf tea, no coffee/fizzy drinks). I'm very careful about soya products. I believe my problem is due to an intolerance of the synthetic hormone.

    Really need to get an appointment with an endo in the hospital where I had my subtotal thyroidectomy many years ago when I was only 19. Unfortunately, the surgeon who did the op is long gone:( I've been told the delay is due to trying to locate my history in the hospital archives but I'm going to push ahead with an appointment with or without those records now.

    Thanks for all the support, it makes a difference when you can talk to people who understand. My family are very concerned but can't empathise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭Grayfox

    Can anyone make sense of these, are they normal?

    Free T4: 21.8 pmol/L
    Free T3: 6.9 pmol/L
    TSH: 0.03

    I take 200/micrograms of Eltroxin a day, and i still do have symptoms! The last visit to the Endocrinologist was very dissapointing, they wouldn't listen and told me to go elsewhere if i had a problem.

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭rOBeRt frETt

    Grayfox wrote: »
    Can anyone make sense of these, are they normal?

    Free T4: 21.8 pmol/L
    Free T3: 6.9 pmol/L
    TSH: 0.03

    I take 200/micrograms of Eltroxin a day, and i still do have symptoms! The last visit to the Endocrinologist was very dissapointing, they wouldn't listen and told me to go elsewhere if i had a problem.

    Hi Grayfox,

    It's no wonder the Endo told you to go else where because your blood is telling him that you are absolutely fine - and since they are not really concerned with what you, say you shouldn't be surprised.

    Your Free t4 is at the top end of the scale- meaning you have a good supply of T4 unbound ready to be converted to T3 - active hormone

    you free T3 - unbound active hormone ready to be delivered to tissues is better than good also.

    you TSH the stimulating hormone secreted by the pituitary is almost suppressed at 0.03

    so as far as an Endocrinologist is concerned 'you're fixed' - hooray!

    Unfortunately for a huge swathe of hypothyroid suffers this is not the case
    we continue to feel exhausted, have chronic pain, cold, and feel physically about 20 years older than you should- in these cases, when you've been diagnosed and treated (with Eltoxin mostly) the most unhelpful person you could care to meet would be an endocrinologist- as you have just experienced.

    I wish I could tell you what the problem is or why some of us don't bounce back after starting thyroid meds and some do - and often feel better than ever, but the difference alludes me in my own case.

    Here are a few treatment approaches apart from the almighty TSH test that you may want to consider.
    1. Try switching to a Natural thyroid product that contains both T3 & T4, T2, T1.
    2- Adrenal fatigue - if you adrenal glands have been working over time while you thyroid issue went untreated- there are some who think thyroid meds will have no efficacy while this is left untreated (the catch- medical science does not conform to this hypothesis, so you will need to contact a naturopath who will do a 24 hour saliva test.

    3. Have all your vitamins and minerals levels checked as the Thyroid hormone works in tandem with some and the thyroid gland needs a good supply of some also.
    the top supplements are
    Vitamin B12
    Vatamin D

    check out this websites

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭cltt97

    Grayfox, what are your symptoms, out of interest. have you ever had Cortisol tested? Like Rob says, adrenal fatigue can play a role - and a good indicator is the saliva test which is done 4 times a day to establish your rhythm, but a morning Cortisol test can give at least some indication as this is when it should be highest. A lot of thyroid sufferers report that they feel better on a gluten free diet, or also lactose free diet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭Grayfox

    Thanks for the Replies guys. I haven't had my Cortisol tested yet and wasn't sure where i could get that done, but i will give a naturopath a try.

    I'm not sure if im hyper or hypo at the moment, I have had problems sleeping for the last 3 months now...It has been all over the place.

    Paranoia, Anxiety, Bi-Polar/Mood swings, Depression have been there too, and the constant brain fog. Some of this comes and goes along with other small things.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭cltt97

    This may sound a bit weird, but I would try and reduce the meds a bit if I was you. paranoia, sleeplessness and anxiety sound very much like hyper. I'd go down to 150 and give it at least 6 weeks to see if it levels out.... your levels are quite at the upper end/lower end. any weightloss as well?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,162 ✭✭✭Wyldwood


    given that you're in Cork I'm assuming that your bloods were processed in CUH. If so your results are out of range for that lab

    TSH Range 0.4 - 3.8, yours at 0.03 is is suggesting hyper.
    Free T4 range 12 - 22, at 21.8 you're on the high end
    Free T3 range 3.9 - 6.7, at 6.9 you're high.

    You're results suggest you're hyper & I agree with cltt97 that you should talk to your doc about reducing dosage to see if symptoms improve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭Grayfox

    My weight has remained fairly much the same in the last 4 years, I have that thin gene i guess. It has dropped slighty since i was last weighed in the hospital by about 0.4kg (67kg total).

    I normally have those mental side effects to some small extend but they do seem more severe recently, so i think i will drop my meds slighty.

    What complicates things for me is that i have had cancer and need to keep my TSH suppressed. I managed to see some other results also, but it was only last september i has RAI for the second time. So seeing a TSH of over 100 for then wouldnt have been unusual since i was of my meds at that point. As you know it takes a while to kick up also, and ive been dealing with that until recently.

    I think i need to find a new doctor first Wyldwood, when i brought the Dessicated thyroid with her she became quite hostile and told me i would need to find another doctor because she refused to help me if i took natural thyroid (she actually left the room when i was talking, very rude). The only reason i actually have that Free T3 result is because i wrote it onto the forms myself.

    At the moment i am taking most of the vitamins and supplements that rOBeRt frETt recommends in one form or other.

    My main concern is whether the natural thyroid is effective in treating and suppressing someone whos had the cancer? It was one of the reasons/excuses the endo used to refuse me the dessicated stuff, along with asking for medical journals proving its effectiveness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭cltt97

    Well, the "natural stuff" is not some weird herbal concoction, but in fact dried desiccated thyroid gland taken from pigs. As such it is thyroid tissue and naturally contains T4, T3, but also T2 and T1, the exact function of the latter two is not really known. The proportion of T4:T3 in pigs is slightly different than in men, i.e. there is more T3 than T4, so that needs to be born in mind when dosing. Before medicine was able to produce a synthetic version of thyroxin, this is what they used, together with bovine gland - simlar to cow's insulin they used before they managed to isolate it and produce a synthetic form. So absolutely nothing weird about it, and the dosage can be easily controlled, as the stuff comes from the States and is produced to a homogenised standard. My GP also almost got a heart attack when I mentioned it to him and didn't want to know and was never ever going to prescribe such a thing.

    I am not entirely clear why you need to keep your TSH suppressed though? I know that a lot of Hashi's do that to keep the level of inflammation in check. I'm also not an expert with hyper but I thought RAI was to more or less kill the gland so it would stop overproducing? Do you have graves antibodies and/or hashimoto's?

    In any case, coming to some of the supplements - definitely avoid iodine and algal/seaweed products - the iodine is like blowing air onto fire if there is an autoimmune thing going on or you want your gland to remain inactive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 penderella

    Hello All,
    Boy I'm so glad to have found this group, i have been on FB with STTM for the last month and the information has been great, but our USA cousins just seem a bit too full on for me at the minute. A bit too much information overload which a foggy brain just cannot handle. After 10 years of being on eltroxin for Hypothyroidism things have changed, so it's either my body or the way the drugs are working. I had a major Hypo crash just after Christmas 11, total fatigue to the point that i did not have the energy to shower, hair loss, brittle dry nails, so cold all the time, memory loss not able to concentrate, there has been no sex drive for years so thats not new, weight gain at the rate of 2lb per week, and that's with a very healthy balanced 1600 cal intake, just about what my BMR requires. OK so i just could not exercise.
    In addition to the results below my ferritin level is very low, 2012 =10 2011=15 2012=16.
    Cholesterol is very high 7.42 and has been for the last 4 years.

    Well my problems are just about to start; my GP who for general issues has been a great family doctor for the last 6 years, but he has said he does not know enough about thyroid issues to treat me effectively, so packed me off to the mater to see an Endo my hopes were up as i had meet this guy in the coombe during my second pregnancy, and had gone to see him in 2008, when TSH was 15.1, as you can see below things stabilised until 2010, but i did not take an active role in my health management at that time. Well Endo was useless talking at me not listening to me, then he wrote to my GP to say "i was not convinced that her symptoms related to her marginal thyroid abnormality." so don't want to waste my hard earned cash on that P***k.

    so now for the big fight back, i want a better quality of life than i currently have, that is health wise. i am not prepared to sit back and allow myself to be treated ineffectively with the never ending "wait and see" approach from the Irish health service.

    I will explore all options and at what ever financial cost to me, to get myself well. i have read in this tread about a support group, great idea, i am not much use on the computer, it has taken my one typing finger over an hour to write this, but i would be willing to do what i can, as i fear that as this condition seem to run in my family, it is just a matter if time before my kids will need help.

    sorry about the ramble.
    going to the GP this week to review the last set of results, any input from you guys would be greatly appreciated. What should i be asking him to do next.


    lab range**** 0.2-4**** 9-12 **** 2.6-5.7***** 1.3-3.1 *****<5.6 [/B]
    date ******** TSH******Free T 4*****Free T3*****Total T3*******ATP ****
    18/08/2006**** 0.193 ****18.3**** not tested**** 1.61 **** not tested
    21/09/2007 **** 3
    15/07/2008 **** 15.1 **** 12.8
    19/09/2008 **** 0.039
    28/01/2009**** 0.515
    11/06/2009 **** 0.066 **** 21.5
    13/08/2010 **** 2.782
    27/04/2010 **** >100 **** 5.2
    20/10/2011 **** 0.148****19.4 ******** 4.7
    19/01/2012 **** 9.642****not done**** not done** not done**** 307.9

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,162 ✭✭✭Wyldwood

    Welcome to the club!
    you have my sympathy for the roller coaster you're on. Take some comfort from the fact that there are other sufferers here.

    All I can suggest to you is to get recommendations from some of the other posters here who are in Dublin and can recommend a good sympathetic endo who will listen. I'm in Cork so can't help with that.
    Hang in there & be persistent, living with thyroid problems is awful & doesn't seem to be understood by many doctors.

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭rOBeRt frETt

    This you tube animation is well weird, but sez it all in regard to hypothyroidism.

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭cltt97


    What dosage of Eltroxin are you on - was this consistent over the years for which you have given results, as it seems a bit up and down. Have you changed this at all recently, since your levels from October last year have deteriorated so much to Jan 12. Do you take anything else such as vitamins/minerals or other supplements and when and how do you take your medication.
    Your iron levels are very low and you should take supplements. Have you also had B12, Folate, Vit D tested? Renal profile, bone profile, cortisol?

  • Registered Users Posts: 193 ✭✭treecreeper

    hi both of us being referred to an endo in beaumont.
    we both have movement disorders and autoimmune disease coming out of our ears.
    twin has become very lehtargic and unresponsive to much, she has a dx of parkinsons but with hypothyroism its hard to say what is causing this.
    we just dunk our eltroxin with our morning meds after breakfast and forget about it.
    we blame our fatique on everything but hardly ever think of the thyroid.
    i am very hyper in personality but more likely find my bloods indicate underactive tyroid, whereas twin very quiet can be told she is just right or hyperthyroid, which surprises her, the juggle with meds is tough but we can google everyting but rarely the thyroid!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 penderella

    cltt97 wrote: »

    What dosage of Eltroxin are you on - was this consistent over the years for which you have given results, as it seems a bit up and down. Have you changed this at all recently, since your levels from October last year have deteriorated so much to Jan 12. Do you take anything else such as vitamins/minerals or other supplements and when and how do you take your medication.
    Your iron levels are very low and you should take supplements. Have you also had B12, Folate, Vit D tested? Renal profile, bone profile, cortisol?

    1. current dose Eltroxin 100mg 4 days, 50mg 3 days per week.
    Oct 2011 was on 100mg 5 days, 150mg 2 days, this dose had not changed since, July 2008, was on 100mg prior to that. Old Dr. lost all my records before 2006.
    2. only started taking some supplements about 2 weeks ago, floradix 20ml per day, selenium 100u per day, omega 3,6,9 1000mg per day.
    3. also went native and got some homoeopathic remedies.
    4. B12 = 484 range ( 187-833), folic acid 4.4 ( 3.1-20), Vit D not been tested, renal profile all in range, bone profile not done, cortisol not done.
    5. i moved back to bed time to take the eltroxin, so 4 hours after eating, as now taking supplements in morning & afternoon.

    thanks for any feedback.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14 penderella

    This you tube animation is well weird, but sez it all in regard to hypothyroidism.

    thanks that put a smile on my face. :-) :D:

  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭cltt97

    current dose Eltroxin 100mg 4 days, 50mg 3 days per week.
    Oct 2011 was on 100mg 5 days, 150mg 2 days, this dose had not changed since, July 2008[/QUOTE]

    This is a bit strange - why was your dose lowered, as your levels from October 2011 were quite good? Your down by about 35mcg a day (on average) which is enough to send you hypo if the previous dose was quite good (and I'm mainly looking at the (only) FT3 value there).
    What is also puzzling me is why you suddenly had this peak of TSH >100 from 2.7 in 2010 - while on the same dosage (100/150) did anything happen around that time? Did you stop taking eltroxin or anything?

    I would suggest you get a new set of tests with FT4 and FT3 to see where exactly you are now, Cortisol and Vitamin D, and bone profile.
    I don't know where you are based, but not all hospitals can test FT3, so ring ahead and check - for example James doesn't but Tallaght does.

    I would also enquire with your GP if he would be prepared to prescribe Armour or Erfa - these are unlicensed here but can be prescribed on a per name basis (i.e. you go to your pharmacy and they order this stuff in for you specifically).
    As this contains also T3, you could push your FT3 up slightly without increasing the FT4 too much. It also contains T2 and T1 - the exact function of which are not known, but my attitude is we don't produce them for no reason, so we should have them!

    I would further try and exclude gluten and go on a low carb diet - you need to do this for several weeks though, you won't notice any difference from just doing it a few days.

    That's my two cents;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭chessguy

    penderella wrote: »
    1. current dose Eltroxin 100mg 4 days, 50mg 3 days per week.
    Oct 2011 was on 100mg 5 days, 150mg 2 days, this dose had not changed since, July 2008, was on 100mg prior to that. Old Dr. lost all my records before 2006.
    2. only started taking some supplements about 2 weeks ago, floradix 20ml per day, selenium 100u per day, omega 3,6,9 1000mg per day.
    3. also went native and got some homoeopathic remedies.
    4. B12 = 484 range ( 187-833), folic acid 4.4 ( 3.1-20), Vit D not been tested, renal profile all in range, bone profile not done, cortisol not done.
    5. i moved back to bed time to take the eltroxin, so 4 hours after eating, as now taking supplements in morning & afternoon.

    thanks for any feedback.

    Hi I see , your numbers are all over the place and a vitiman D test never done , B12 needs to be in the upper range , Vit D also needs to be in the upper range too , best taken with oil based drops sublingual , as the bioavailibility is optimal, with oil based drops.

    Important get TPO tested and FT3 with FT4 together as they reveal a lot.

    Magnesium needs to be checked ,best taken in a chelated version , see my prev posts in this thread,

    Selenium from organic Brazil nuts is important,and its the best source say 3-4 a week.They are extremely rich in selenium.Thats my dose.

    Potassium and sodium both need to be in mid range as they balance each other.
    Often they say take less salt but the reason is often not enough potassium to balance it,
    if you are short on potassium and reduce your salt intake you are in big trouble.
    some how they do not "think" of this..

    good sources of potassium Like beets apricots banna's

    Take your temps on waking up (say for a week) if they are low good idea to include 2 spoons of virgin coconut oil organic , cold pressed brands like Nutiva or Biona are good and available In Ireland,

    low temps and high cholesterol are a sure way to know the thyroid is not treated optimally,Your Endo knows this #these are absolute clear indicators of treatment which is not optimal.

    Ok cholesterol has 4 "basic units " for now.

    lets take a closer look.what is this cholesterol stuff is it really a baddy.

    Firstly they are called total cholesterol when put together.

    triglycerides basically bad we want this down.

    To lower these stop sugar ,Basically all carbs affect this, Period as sugar directly raises this,
    bread and potatoes pasta, wheat,. are sugar yes they are sugar..
    only thing they have diff. shapes .But they are bad.

    Some carbs like healthy walnuts chessnuts, and veg are great.

    All juices are bad, fruit should only be eaten whole.

    Even the" innocent" brand are gently pasteurised what a joke pasteurised
    LMAO , means it it is flash superheated and kills ALL its nutrients, period.And you are then left with sugar, in a fancy carton.Innocent my A@@X&quot;

    green veg is important for thyroid issues, only eat cooked goitrogenic foods circa 4 hours after medication.Watch out for products with soya, Avoid them.

    Hmm do your fish capsules contain soya just check..

    Hdl good cholesterol is raised with casual exercise ,Not hard exercise,
    say a 30- 40 min walk a day.

    Now LDL
    this has good and bad in it it has small fluffy cholesterol which is bad

    it also has large fluffy cholesterol which is good,and helps us.

    so a doc in Ireland see's high ldl as bad but that is incorrect as in Ireland the real cholesterol test is not readily available.They do not define the large or small.

    the small ldl cholesterol jamms in the vein walls and it stops and disrupts electrical signals basically, causing bad blockages, and ruptures.

    But why Simply because you ate too much sugar and hydrogenated fat and margarine ,

    Normal Organic butter and animal fat (unless deep fried) can never cause this affect,they actually help with good veins.

    so how do we convert the small bad LDl to friendly large fluffy balls,

    hmm fish oil , they all say..

    well lets have a closer look.

    good fish oil lowers triglycerides , but but but it also >>>it raises bad lDL cholesterol.unless taken with say crushed garlic,(bet it does not say this on the Bottle :)

    this fish oil I take is great no waste and nitrogen flushed so it does not go bad , bad fish oil like seven seas etc, sells well but does more harm then good,

    Keep fish oil in the fridge if you absolutely must buy capsules do a bite test if it tastes fishy or rancid throw it away,
    Good fish oil never tastes fishy.

    the product content in this is ideal.I have no afiliation with this product, But compare it to the thousands of products on say and see if you come up with the same results.

    Aldi do good red salmon not the pink salmon thats not as good but okay too. , the salmon is tinned and is real wild salmon which is great.

    Say with a garlic dressing with corriander or parsley leaves , lots of important vitamin A in them

    Yes Important for the thyroid

    Special note on corriander it carries bad heavy toxic metals out of your body so if you have never had corriander leaves before , do not have it say more that 3 times a week, if you do you may experience tingle sensations this is the toxins leaving you body and passing through your blood,but may just feel weird,

    Its like say from eating a very bad diet and switching to an excellant diet , its a big change for you.


    vitamins A, D, E, and K are called fat-soluble vitamins best taken with some kind of fat,if you want teh benefits.
    Only buy oils in dark glass bottles more about this another day.

    virgin cold olive oil dressing ,Ideal for this .Lets say mixed with organic creme fraiche.

    Salmon or mackeral none smoked should be eaten ideally 3 times a week.

    aVoid farmed salmon even when it says ORGANIC . THEY ARE FULL OF LICE ARE FED PINK DYES, google it if you want.

    the only real wild salmon in Ireland is tinned,

    Organic just means the salmon is farmed it is fed crap on a fish farm.

    The omega 3 in free range eggs helps reduce cholesterol

    but how because eggs are high in cholesterol ?

    it is the choline effect it carries bad cholesterol away, cook them softly in organic coconut oil.Keeps yokes soft.Eggs contain good cholesterol it goes bad if you deep fry and use margarine etc..

    Try to eat free range as much as possible it is important for people with Endocrine issues.
    Its to do with the natural omega 3.

    Grass fed lambs liver is good for this clears bad cholesterol
    stop all margarine, and all marg mixes.
    Twica a month would be ideal.

    Most cholesterol is made in the body very few people are affected by cholesterol in food,unless they have a a particular gene apoe 4 combination.

    mothers milk is mainly cholesterol we need cholesterol,

    Our brains are full of good cholesterol.

    see this video called food revolution

    Throw your teflon pots away this is not overkill , I am not joking ...

    yes correct scientific studies prove teflon is also implicated with the thyroid issue without doubt.
    Use stainless steel not plastic and not aluminium,

    see about vit D here

    Vit K" should also be taken too.

    When the above is in balance , Which is easy to do
    your Endocrine issues will be easier to manage with the help of a good Endo,

    If the above is not optimal the rules of chaos will rule, and the outcome wil constantly change.

    best of luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I think (and its my own opinion) that alot of the information on some of the websites like Stop the Thyroid Madness is not only misleading, but it can be downright dangerous IF people don't know anything else. Any website that is purporting to give people medical information whose homepage says:
    Well, here’s the skinny. Globally, informed hypothyroid patients have come to a unified conclusion that for 50+ years, they have been subjected to a thyroid treatment which didn’t work, leaving their lives compromised with lingering thyroid symptoms, besides adrenal stress and low levels of important vitamins and minerals. Could you, a friend or a loved one be a victim of this poor thyroid treatment? You betcha.
    should not be trusted. End of. It says things like one of the long and pathetic symptoms of having hypothyroidism is:
    Inability to hold children for very long
    One of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is an increased risk of miscarraige. There is a big difference between the two.

    There are far better sites out there. For the record I take levothyroxine (eltroxin which is t4) and sodium liothyronine (t3) so I don't have a straight forward problem with my thyroid. I have met unsympathetic doctors and endos: but not all are. If your not happy with either your doctor or your Endo get a new one.

    Yes my thyroid tablets have had to be adjusted lately, but only because I'm pregnant. I have normal blood test results: in all vitamins etc and yes that is really important: but not just because you have a thyroid problem, but because they should be in normal levels anyway. More importantly since I went in the sodium liothyronine I feel great.

    The best advice I can give anyone who has any problems with their thyroid (that aren't solved by eltroxin: most peoples are)

    • decent endo/gp
    • make sure your vitamin and iron levels are normal
    • be careful with what advice you take from websites or the internet
    • sometimes it just isn't your thyroid. Just because you have a long term illness does not mean everything is interconnected. It may play a part, and it might be causing it but don't always assume.

  • Registered Users Posts: 163 ✭✭chessguy

    this post has almost 20. 000 views,
    it reflects concern over ones Thyroid Health concerns,

    Everything read on a website should be cross referanced with Medical published articles as I point out in my prev. posts

    Also all medical opinions should be cross referanced too , Doctors are ony human too.
    I pesonally prefer to use pubmed , for cross referance.

    Many doctors are way behind on optimal treatments for Diabetes and Endocrine issues , their principles are primative and most concerning.

    at times absolutey negligent,

    A friend of mine recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetres was advised by the diabetes clinic of a major Hospital. to eat weetabix and juice for breakfast ,here in Ireland .

    this is absolutely toxic for a diabetic,

    Now what is amazing he is not alone

    try ask any diebitic clinic today In Ireland, and they will recommend cereal and juice for breakfast, perhaps with baked beans too.

    IT will send his triglycerides sky high then he will be put on a statin for the raised cholesterol, and blood pressue,which will be caused by directly by this bad diet,
    Instead of using a diet like dr Bernsteins, the "Godfather of diabetes".


    the video the food revolution (on medical advice...

    NOw while one is on T4 only(Eltroxin) and may "feel well" ones health will for sure deteriorate you can check this on pubmed ,there are no exceptions unfortunately.

    These are certified published medical articles.

    as T4 is a storage conversion hormone not an active hormone like T3.

    Many people turn to forums to share experience ideas and concepts,
    and assist each other much like this forum, if a particular site has a mistake or something out of context , ideally it should be pointed out to the site owner, for rectification, this would be a posotive action.

    I can clearly see your concern with the statements on STTM, site
    such errors should be pointed out to the site Mod.

    I would also like to say if it was not for sites like this one many would not have their minerals or free T3 tested as it is not the norm.
    see previous posts some have not even had their vit D tested which is an actual hormone and crucial to Endocrine systems.

    This reflects absolute lack of clear vision on the medical staff concerned.

    So these forums can open a can of worms.

    I think its best to be in the know.
    And there will be errors but these need correcting, rather than avoiding the sites.

    good luck

  • Registered Users Posts: 92 ✭✭Grayfox

    cltt97 wrote: »
    I am not entirely clear why you need to keep your TSH suppressed though? I know that a lot of Hashi's do that to keep the level of inflammation in check. I'm also not an expert with hyper but I thought RAI was to more or less kill the gland so it would stop overproducing? Do you have graves antibodies and/or hashimoto's?

    The TSH is suppressed to prevent reoccurance of cancer, If there are remnant thyroid cells in the body TSH could stimulate them and cause them to grow once again (This has happened once 3 months ago and recieved RAI for a second time). The goal for a cancer patient is TSH is <0.1 mu/L which may be lower than a sufferer of different thyroid problems. I've never had any personal experience with Graves or Hashimotos so i dont know?

    My medication and dosing has been strange for the last several months, previous to the RAI 3 months ago i was on 1500mg a week (200 everyday, 300 on friday). I was taken of my meds and placed on T3 alone running up to an uptake scan which was positive :(. After the RAI coming back up on the Eltroxin i got to 1400mg a week (200 a day) and seem to have become hyperthyroid which confuses me since i was on less eltroxin before.

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭rOBeRt frETt

    Hi Grayfox,

    T4 (Eltroxin) has a half life of 7 days so you could actually build up a lot in the serum, how do you measure your symptoms - i.e. what symptoms are you getting that you class as hyper symptoms? - also- how did you feel on T3 only- any difference?

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭rOBeRt frETt

    cyning wrote: »
    The best advice I can give anyone who has any problems with their thyroid (that aren't solved by eltroxin: most peoples are)

    • decent endo/gp
    • make sure your vitamin and iron levels are normal
    • be careful with what advice you take from websites or the internet
    • sometimes it just isn't your thyroid. Just because you have a long term illness does not mean everything is interconnected. It may play a part, and it might be causing it but don't always assume.

    *This is good advice, I am also concerned about some of the sensationalism I read on websites- mostly all of them are trying to sell something too

    with that said, I also have little to no faith in the TSH test as the sole diagnostic when treating hypothyroid patients, the TSH is logical as a blood test but bad science as a diagnostic tool - or even a dosing measure.
    I have a brother and sister who are hypothyroid- when I started to feel unwell in 2005 they took one look at me and said - you're hypothyroid.
    my TSH did not go out of the accepted range until 2010 at which time it was 27.5 - only then was I allowed medication.

    hypothyroidism left untreated can lead to myriad of very serious neurological and physiological diseases/symptoms - left badly treated or unresolved can really effect your quality of life.

    My advice to anyone dealing with symptoms you know to be thyroid related- tell your doctor you want a full thyroid panel - you want copies of your lab results - you want all your vitamins and minerals run- you want your whole endocrine system measured - these are all simple blood tests that are absolutely routine- if Eltroxin is doing nothing for you - Tell you doctor! and insist on a different approach so you can at least try it. One size does not fit all

  • Registered Users Posts: 14 penderella

    "This is a bit strange - why was your dose lowered, as your levels from October 2011 were quite good? "

    The Know it all Endo said that i was going a bit Hyper!!!!

    Good spot yes in early 2011 i just did not have the money to go to the doctor to get bloods & repeat prescription, so i was off medication for about 4 weeks. i know this was madness and have learnt my lesson.

    I'm in Meath and Drogheda Hospital is where blood tests are sent, it seems to change all the time what tests they will do.
    Not sure how the health service works, can i just get a request for bloods from my GP and go to another hospital to have them tested eg Beaumount? thanks for the feed back.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 737 ✭✭✭cltt97

    Grayfox wrote: »
    My medication and dosing has been strange for the last several months, previous to the RAI 3 months ago i was on 1500mg a week (200 everyday, 300 on friday). I was taken of my meds and placed on T3 alone running up to an uptake scan which was positive :(. After the RAI coming back up on the Eltroxin i got to 1400mg a week (200 a day) and seem to have become hyperthyroid which confuses me since i was on less eltroxin before.

    You did say your had symptoms such as anxiety, paranoia, etc if I remember correctly - and I'd say that could have been caused by the T3 only regime. A friend of mine went onto T3 only for a while and went totally mental on it - anxiety, paranoia, sleeplessness, panic attacks, the full works.... How long were you on the T3 only and since when are you back on Eltroxin.
    The dosing seems a bit strange allright, but in any case, your latest results do suggest you've gone hyper, so despite this dose being lower than the pre RAI dose I would suggest you lower it (slightly) and get re-tested in a few weeks. It does take some time though for the levels to come down, so don't get too worried if the "madness" doesn't stop for a while ;)
