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Tales of a Tortoise



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    well done on the long run today. Great pace there for the last couple of miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Nules10 wrote: »
    well done on the long run today. Great pace there for the last couple of miles.

    Thanks Nules, its always nice to set a new distance record in training. God knows how I'm going to cover 20+ mile runs in a couple of months for Dublin marathon training . Even besides the aches I have from the run today I'm totally drained lying out on the couch for most of the the day (although I did have enough energy to munch through some easter eggs :rolleyes:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Concerned2 wrote: »
    On the downside my hip started hurting around mile 9 which doesn't bode well for when my marathon training starts to ramp up. I'm sure I could suffer the sore hip for the last bit of a half but I wont be able to finish a marathon if it flares up only 9 miles in.
    Given your history of ITB problems, I would be very careful about this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Given your history of ITB problems, I would be very careful about this.

    I think with the ITB problems I've had I'm not cut out for long distance training but I'm determined to give the Dublin Marathon a fair shot this year. If I follow my training plan it will be pretty obvious long before actual marathon if I'll be able to complete it in ok shape. To be honest I'm not worried about doing any long term damage , I've had ITB problems in some shape or form for the last 6 years so I've kind of learned to live with it :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    No training to report today but I've seen this nifty stats table in some people's logs so I've decided to add it to mine

    Month|No. of Runs|Miles Run

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭BrokenMan

    Concerned2 wrote: »
    No training to report today but I've seen this nifty stats table in some people's logs so I've decided to add it to mine

    Month|No. of Runs|Miles Run

    You need to get those miles up on the 1000 mile challenge :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Plan for today was 3 easy miles followed by 5 miles @ 1/2 marathon pace (around 7:40 min/mile pace).
    I found this session much tougher than it should have been for a number of reasons NOTE: these are not lame excuses!:rolleyes:
    I think the legs were still a big fatigued from the long run at the weekend...
    A tooth must have shifted slightly in my jaw yesterday evening because my jaw was throbbing going to bed.Anyway after about 2 hours staring at the ceiling I got up , took 2 ibprofen , gargled a bit of water mixed with salt & went back to bed. Around 2 hours later the pain had gone but I was wide awake , done think I slept at all last night :mad: ...
    I cant run after a heavy meal so before I went out for my run this evening I cooked dinner for the family , popped mine in the oven & headed out for my run. Oh God I was really really hungry before I got home. Its bad enough having the legs complain when you're out for a run but when the stomach joins in its awfully hard to hold a decent pace.

    Anyway the first 3 miles were done at a very easy pace (9:52 min/mile avg hr 128). The last 5 miles were done @ 7:39 pace but I was closer to 8 min mile pace for the initial 2 miles , I found it harder than I expected to get the pace down to 7:39. Avg hr was 159 , I expect this to be slightly higher over the course of a 1/2 marathon. The hip was a bit sore at the finish so I've been icing it & using the foam roller like mad all evening.

    Month|No. of Runs|Miles Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Wednesday was a rest day so I decided to gt a bit of physio done on the ITB bands. The treatment wasn't too bad but on Thursday the bands were very sore so instead of a fast session I did an easy 5 miles @ 9:33 min/mile pace with an avg hr of 136.
    On Friday I did another easy run , 4 miles on the football pitches in UL. Kept the pace very easy @ 9:39 min/miles with an avg hr of 140. The weather all week has been fantastic for running. Hopefully the good weather lasts until Sunday for the 1/2 marathon I'm doing in Limerick.

    Month|No. of Runs|Miles Run

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭BrokenMan

    Best of luck tomorrow, looks like the weather will be pretty near perfect if its anything like today.
    Good call on dropping back to a couple of easy days, will definitely stand to you tomorrow and in the long run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Race day turned out to be nice & dry with a strongish cool breeze from the east. I was freezing waiting for the race to get underway but once we got going the weather was probably near perfect for a fast time. I positioned myself right behind the 1:40 paces at the start & my plan was to track them for as long as possible as I didn't think I was capable of sub 1:40 but knew I should be at least faster than 1:45. The first 2 or 3 miles were quite hectic , the pace was up & down the whole time as the roads were quite congested with runners. There was such a big crowd following the pacers I decided after about a mile I would pass them & run a bit ahead so I wouldn't have to continually adjust my stride in the crowd . About a mile further on I looked up & the pacers were ahead of me , I was like WTF how did they pass me without me noticing ! Most of the race was uneventful enough , I remember thinking at 5 miles in how much better I felt than at the same distance in a 10 mile race a couple of weeks ago. Around 9 miles in I was sure I would break 1:40 as I was ahead of the pacers & I felt great.
    The course was overall very flat but the last couple of miles had a few long drags in them. Around 10 miles in we climbed a drag in front of Thomond park & I was side by side with the pacers here. As we came back onto the Ennis road & faced another long drag in front of the Gaelic grounds things came unstuck here. The strength suddenly drained from my legs & I watch helplessly as a gap to the pacers grew & grew. At the top of this drag they were at least 200 meters ahead of me & I knew I wouldn't be able to close this gap as the legs were now Jelly. I kept plugging away as best as I could & picked it up a bit in the final couple hundred meters as the crowd support near the end was amazing. Finish time was 1:40:27 , it's a PB as it's my first half marathon :)
    My race details are in the table below , details are missing for around mile 7 as I must have hit the wrong button on the garmin for this section. Also some of the splits are for more than 1 mile as I missed most of the mile markers on the course , 1 split is even for 2 miles !

    Split|Time|Avg Pace|Avg Hr|Max Hr|Best Pace
    7|7:38|8:29| | |

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Finish time was 1:40:27 , it's a PB as it's my first half marathon
    Well done that was a great time. Kildare will be no problem to you getting sub 1.40

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Nules10 wrote: »
    Well done that was a great time. Kildare will be no problem to you getting sub 1.40

    Cheers Nules , to be honest I dont think there is much chance of me getting under 1:40 in Kildare. Limerick was very flat & Kildare looks hilly enough on the course map (I though the curragh would be pancake flat !). I dont think there are any 1:40 pacers in Kildare either. Maybe I'll have to follow the 1:35 pacers :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭BrokenMan

    Well done, thats a fantastic result for your first half. Certainly wouldn't write off a sub 1:40 in Kildare this race will put you in great shape for it. I reckon you could come in well under it. If I remember Kildare is your goal race as well so you will be fully tapered for it and have a couple of more good weeks training under your belt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    BrokenMan wrote: »
    Well done, thats a fantastic result for your first half. Certainly wouldn't write off a sub 1:40 in Kildare this race will put you in great shape for it. I reckon you could come in well under it. If I remember Kildare is your goal race as well so you will be fully tapered for it and have a couple of more good weeks training under your belt.

    I doubt the extra 2 weeks training will make much difference to my finishing time. A proper taper will hopefully help but how much of a taper is going to negate the extra hills ??? Without the 1:40 pacers I think I'll have to be tuned in better mentally throughout the race to break 1:40. I noticed when following the pacers sometimes your mind would start to wander & all of a sudden there would be a 20 meter gap to the pacers & you'd work a wee bit to close these gaps , something you wouldn't do without the pacers. I'm still happy enough to be around the 1:40 mark , once I break it it's a long way to 1:30 :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Havn't logged an update in almost a week as training in the last week was very poor. The Monday after the limerick half marathon the legs were quite stiff but on Tuesday they felt great. I had a physio session booked for Tuesday so I did that instead of a run. On Wednesday I went for a easy 5 mile run , about a mile in I got a sharpe pain in the front of my foot. I stopped for a few mins to felx my foot with my hand & though about quitting the session but the pain eased & by altering my stride I finished the run ok.
    Next day the foot was painful at times to walk on & there was also pain in my heel. I did a bit of googling & apparently I upset some tendon that runs from the heel to the front of the foot . I took a few Ibprofen & did no run on Thursday or Friday. I was signed up for a sprint triathlon on Sunday so I went for a small run on Saturday to test the foot. The run went ok so I gave the tri the green light ......

    Arrived in UL around 8 on Sunday morning bleary eyed & tired for a the Joey Sprint tri. Anyone readign this log might have noticed there has been no mention of cycling or swimming as guess what.... I havn'nt done any cycle or swim training for this race. :eek: I've cycled twice this year about 2 months ago & I'm such a rubbish swimmer it doesn't make much difference if I do any training in it or not ! Anyway I had great intentions of training when I signed up for this a few months ago so just to earn the t-shirt I said I may as well do the race.

    One of my gripes with the pool tri swims is how nobody seems to be able to predict what they are going to do the swim in . In each lane we are suppose to decide amongst ourselves who goes sets off first as there is no point having a slower swimmer holding up everyone else . We had a 700 meter swim & I wanted to start at the back of the queue as I knew it would take me close to 18 mins to do the swim, but some others said they would be close to 20 mins so I started in front of 4 others . Half way down the first length & the person behind me is tapping on my feet :rolleyes: I let 3 people past at the end of a length & plodded along at my own pace. I swim like a rock but I could swim all day if I had to so the rest of the swim passed uneventful enough. Finished the swim , crawled out of the pool & got the the timing mat outside in 17:43 about 17 of which was actually spent swimming. I've low expectations on the swim so was content enough with this...
    Transition 1 went smoothly enough & took 2:04.
    Out onto the cycle & the wind was just incredible. The cycle was 23km , 11.5 out & back the same way. We were cycling into the wind virtually the whole way out which made the cycle a real slog. My hip started hurting about 2k into the cycle so I knew it was going to be a long day. Huffed & puffed my way out averaging I guess around 13 mph , when I turned at halfway the homeward leg was a good deal fast with a lot less effort. Finished the cycle in 49:35 avg a little over 17mph which was fine given the conditions & my lack of cyle training.
    Transition 2 was slow enough in 2:02.
    Then out on the run.... its amazing the difference between running in a tri & a regular run race. My legs were a bit fried from the cycle so I couldn't take a proper length stride (at least it felt that way). It felt like I was running a 5k taking baby steps ! Heart rate must have been sky high as well as it was very hard work even though I seemed to be crawling. Still overtook a good few people on the run so nice to know the run training was worth it . Finished the run in 21:59 & I would have sprinted it a bit at the end if I had know I was that close to 22 mins .

    Overall finished in 78 out of 198 in 1:33:21 , swim was ranked 135 :o , cycle was ranked 84th :rolleyes: & the run was ranked 42 :)
    I'd recommend any runner to give a sprint tri a go , they are great fun in a perverse kind of way .

    Happy the foot held up to the abuse . My training plan only has 2 runs pencilled in for this week then there is a few days off to taper for the Kildare half-marathon. Pity it looks like its going to be wet & cold for Kildare :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    well done on the tri concerned2 fair play to you. I am not a fan of cycling but not too bad at swimming... wind and cycling is just cruel. great run though. All set for Kildare then?
    Pity it looks like its going to be wet & cold for Kildare
    I am kinda happy ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Nules10 wrote: »
    well done on the tri concerned2 fair play to you. I am not a fan of cycling but not too bad at swimming... wind and cycling is just cruel. great run though. All set for Kildare then?

    I am kinda happy ;)

    I'm not sure if I'm all set for Kildare but the race is paid for & the hotel is booked so there's no getting out of it now :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Did 6 miles on Tuesday , the first mile was at an easy pace followed by 5 miles @ half-marathon pace. The legs felt the effects of the weekends tri in the first mile & I thought I'd never be able to speed up to half pace but I surprised myself by holding 7:36 pace for the 5 miles. Avg hr was 152 for this session.

    I did an easy 3 miles this evening , excuse the following expletives ..... Jesus Christ it was bloody cold out this evening , has this country nothing going for it at the moment grrr .
    I avg 8:37 pace for the 3 miles which was a bit quicker than my usual slow runs but I was doing my best to warm up. Don't think there was a drop of sweat on me after the 3 miles. Its promised even colder for the weekend & there won't be much shelter from a northerly breeze in the Curragh so I'm not looking forward to the Kildare half-marathon :o

    Month|No. of Runs|Miles Run

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭BrokenMan

    Good luck in Kildare. Some of the best races I have done I went in with no expectations and not really looking forward to them. Think it helps to take the pressure off.
    You have great training done and it will stand to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    This race was on a bit too early to drive up to on the day so I stayed in the Clarion in Liffey Valley. On the morning of the race I just had time to gobble donw a quick bowl of rice crispies , a couple of slices of toast & a cup of T. Awfully hard to stay away from all the greasy stuff that was laid out but I hadn't time & didn't fancy throwing up somewhere around Kildare later so the plain contanential brekkie had to do ! Got to the Curragh shortly after 8. We were meant to be starting the half at 9 but the race was delayed about 20 mins as a lot of people seemed to get caught in traffic. I didn't mind at all because when they were initially herding us out the door around 8:50 it was miserable wet out , by the time the race was restarting the shower had passed & we didn't get a single shower during the race so the weather could have been worse. However I remember the photos of this race from last year , were they bloody photoshopped or something because compared to Sunday it looked like a race from a different country. A lot of the reports I've read said it was perfect weather for the race , surely mild calm weather would have been better than blustry cold conditions :confused:
    Anyways I didn't have a pacer to follow so I positioned myself around half way between the 1:35 & 1:45 pacer. I found it very hard to get up to the required pace at the start . The first mile was mainly down hill but with the crowd it turned out to be a slow enough mile. Mile 2 was flat but straigh into the wind & again I was over my expected pace. The next 6 miles are a bit of a haze really , I just motored along counting down the miles. I knew from the course profile that it would be tough around mile 9 so I had kind of mentally prepared myself for what was in store. Mile 9 sure was tough. Going through Kildare town there was a steep enough drag & I think just outside of town there was killer of a railway bridge. The last couple of miles coming back into the curragh were pretty flat & there was a good breeze behind us so I was pushing along at something approaching 10k pace. When I was a bit from the end I say a big sign for 600 on the racecourse , I though thats not too bad only a lap & 1/2 of a track to finish , reached 500, 400, 300 & then came to a sign for 400m left ! The signs I was looking at were for the horses on the racecourse :( When I hit the finishing straight I could see the race clock was close enough to 1:40 so I put the hammer down & gave it everything I had (hopefully there will be no photos taken at the finish line :o). I was sure the clock had 1:44:57 when I finished , my time on the result sheet is 1:39:42 & the time on my garmin (which should be my chip time) was 1:39:18 so I'm not quite sure what I finished in ! I was under 1:40 anyway so mission accomplished :D

    Distance|Time|Avg Pace|Avg Hr|Max Hr|Best Pace

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    very well done concerned2 on getting your goal. see maybe the colder weather does suit you after all ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭BrokenMan

    Excellent pacing there. Always nice to finish good and strong over the last few miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Ha, I didnt feel good & strong coming into the finish ! Would also like to do at least 1 race where it's hot , just to test if the good weather suits me (or maybe I'm just contrary :D )

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,688 ✭✭✭BrokenMan

    Concerned2 wrote: »
    Would also like to do at least 1 race where it's hot , just to test if the good weather suits me (or maybe I'm just contrary :D ) :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    BrokenMan wrote: »

    Hahahaha Brilliant :D thats should suit him down to the ground :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Just did a few easy runs this week to keep the legs ticking over between the Kildare half-marathon & the start of my marathon plan for Dublin next week. I'm starting the plan about 3 weeks easy to give me a bit of lee-way if I pick up any injuries during the training. If I dont pick up any I'll just repeat a couple of the weeks in the middle of the plan to get the legs used to longish weekend runs.
    Did 4 runs this week , two 5 mile runs & two 6 milers . The first day out after the half-marathon my left quad was quite sore & stiff but its fine now.

    Month|No. of Runs|Miles Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    So this is the the first week of my marathon training plan & no injuries to report yet :rolleyes:

    Tuesday was a Fartlek session , on the plan it was 45 mins running made up of 5 mins easy 1 min @ 5k pace. Overall I did 5.51 miles avg 8:51 min/mile pace , avg hr was 138 with a max of 163 so I wasn't killing myself.
    Wed was an easy run of 5.06 miles @ 9:23 min/mile pace , avg hr was 137 with a max of 152.
    Thursday was an interval session of 800m w/up then 4 * 800m @ 5k pace with 400m easy in between & 800m easy to cooldown. Intervals were supposed to be @ 6:45 min/mile pace , the intervals were done @ 6:41 , 6:39 , 6:39 & 6:42 pace. It was very hard keep a steady effort because it was so blasted windy out. I nearly got blown off the track when I was cooling down !Total distance covered was 4.01 miles , avg hr was 152 with a max of 175.
    Today I did 5.02 easy miles @ 8:48 min/mile pace , avg hr was 147 & max was 169 bpm.
    If I do the few remaining runs on the plan for May I should top 100 miles for the 3rd month running :)

    Month|No. of Runs|Miles Run

  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    4 easy miles this morning @ 8:54 min/mile pace , avg hr was 148 with a max of 160. Lets were a little sluggish starting out but felt fine after about 2 miles. It was yet another dull ,cool windy morning. Can't believe I'm wearing a long sleeved t-short & woolly cap to keep warm on a run near th end of May. Where is the bloody summer :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭Nules10

    Concerned2 wrote: »
    Where is the bloody summer :mad:
    It's in Spain :D
    Another one who has started their marathon training plan... wait for me :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 196 ✭✭Concerned2

    Nules10 wrote: »
    It's in Spain :D
    Another one who has started their marathon training plan... wait for me :D

    No need to panic yet Nules , there is loads of time to get started on the marathon plan. Its hard to imagine starting to train now for a race that won't be on for another 22 weeks :rolleyes:
