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The trial of miles

  • 11-04-2011 10:18pm
    Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭

    Ok, have decided to start this as a way of keeping track of just how much and what running im doing.

    Background - One year ago today decided to cop on and sort out diet and excercise. Was seriously overweight (6 or 7 stone:eek:) but have lost (most) of it now and am looking to step up the miles (and lose the remaining love handles too!)

    Started running about 7 months ago! Do between 10 and 20 miles in a typical week but no real structure. Best times in training (according to my Garmin) are:

    3 miles - 20 mins 33 secs
    5 miles - 36 mins 46 secs
    10 miles - 1 hour 20 mins even

    Longest single run I have done is 11 miles and definitely plan on hitting a half marathon soon enough.

    Typically I run 5ish days a week but no structure really just up, shoes on and run . After a minute or so I decide if I'm going long and slow, short and fast (well fast for me anyways!) or somewhere in between.

    Doing exams this week so will only be short runs to wake me up in the morning this week!

    Ideally want to up to the miles and speed (both gradually) and am hoping that a proper record will help me be consistent. Any wisdom, comments or advice will always be welcome!


  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭BrendanCro

    update 1!

    1 week in and the training was as follows:

    Wednesday: 3 miles - 23:59
    Friday: 3.5 miles fartlek - 26:33
    Saturday: 5 miles - 38 mins even
    Monday: 5 miles - 38:13
    Tuesday: Yoga

    Happy with 16.5 miles for the week. Want to bump up to 20 in next few weeks and see how the body reacts.

    Away for 4 days over Easter so unlikely to have a great week! Gonna try hit a similar mileage starting with 5 miles in the moorning and add in a few fast (or at least fast for me!) 1.5 mile runs home from work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭BrendanCro

    Ok followed the worst running week in months (none!) with my most enjoyable and my first race!

    took a break after exams and went on holidays for 4 days so plenty of booze and kebabs.

    back to work then and had a great week of running but decided to leave the Garmin at home and just run by how I felt. Kept to just below threshold pace so never uncomfortable till near th eend and have never enjoyed a weeks running quite as much. Did the following:

    Wednesday 3.5 miles
    Thursday 5 miles
    Friday 3.5 miles
    Saturday 3 miles + 2 hours yoga
    Sunday rest / 1 hour cycle
    Monday : 1st 10k race in Phoneix Park in 45:44 :)
    Tuesday: recovery 3 miles and yoga

    Over the moon with the time and really enjoyed it. Have signed up for Sportsworld 5 miler and am certain races will become a regular habit now.

    Hamstring is quiet tight so gonna have a couple of rest / swim days - really want to run but know I need the break.

    Have decided I'm gonna focus on training towards 10K's for now with 1 weekly longer slower run. Looking forward to next race already!

  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭BrendanCro

    Really wanted to go for a run last night but knew I should give my legs another nights rest. Spent about 3 hours last night reading other people's training logs instead and enjoyed them immensly. Really inspiring to follow other people's struggles and found I was rooting for people to beat a planned time like I was reading a novel! I may or may not have cheered out loud at one point! :o

    Managed to take 2 rest days form running with a little bit of cycling and 1st ever pilates class thrown in. Thankfully everyone in the pilates class is from my work as otherwise being the only guy in the class would be a little embarrassing!

    Did 6.25 miles pre work this morning (so approx 10k) in 49.01. Had to force myself to slow down a bit in mile 2 and 3 as I'm trying to take on board the advice I keep reading of running a decent bit slower than race pace on training runs. Happily found 7.50 pace quite comfortable for the uphill second half of my route.

    Few pints tonight and Bootcamp in the morning to work em off. Signed up for Bootcamp with others in work as was a cheap deal and should be fun / uusefull cross training! Hopping it will be relatively easy so I can jog the 3 miles home after! Already looking to forward to going for a run on Sunday and gonna try my 1st ever interval session (after reading loads more logs for inspiration!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭BrendanCro

    Is there any thing better to do on a Sunday evening than hitting the roads?

    After plenty of booze over the weekend (slept through the planned Bootcamp on Sat morning :o) and a day spent mainly on the couch watching football, I laced up and made it out the door.

    Had no plan and went by feel. Ended up doing 5.53 miles in 41.21 (7.29 min pace). Enjoyed the run more than I can describe. It just felt right. Never out of breath, never uncomfortable at what is a very decent pace for me. Completely refreshed afterwards and the perfect antidote for pre work Sunday night blues :).

    An easy short run in the morning followed by Bootcamp tomorrow night.

    Have decided I'm gonna look towards a half marathon in September - either Dublin Half or Cliffs of Moher half. Gonna get more focused and start training rather than just running for fun. Reading training logs has inspired me to see what progress I can make. Sportsworld 5 next weekend and then put a plan in place after that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭BrendanCro

    Strange week. Gentle 1.5 mile jog to work and Bootcamp after work on Monday. Bootcamp was tough but was probably as fit as anyone there and definitely the most comfortable runner. Enjoyed the feeling of being faster than others if needed and definitely felt like a runner for 1st time. Got a strange backhanded compliment from the instructor saying "ye don't look like a runner but ye sure can run" Thanks.... i think!

    Legs weren't loving the twisting and turning though. Very sore groins/thighs/hips for 3 days after so rest of week was relatively easy:

    Tuesday: Yoga and gentle 3 mile cycle
    Wednesday: gentle 5 mile cycle
    Thursday: Pilates and gentle 3 mile cycle
    Friday : 1.5 mile jog to work (with 1/2 mile quick) , 1.5 mile jog home (with 1/2 mile quick)

    Legs began to feel normal so did a gentle 3 mile on saturday in prep for Sportsworld 5 mile on Sunday (my 2nd ever race). McMillian predicted 36.21 based on my 10k of 45:44 two weeks ago and my best ever 5 mile in training was 36:46. So i figured 7.15 min miles was the target and if I felt great maybe sneak in sub 36 mins.

    Slept in and had to cycle the 5 miles to the start much quicker than planned - quick jog to help the legs adjust and in minutes the race began. Started too far back and spent 1st 2 minutes trying to get by people. Went out a bit faster than planned in 7.08, and 6.58 opening miles. Decided then to just go for it and give whatever I had fully expecting to blow up in mile 4 or 5. Surprisingly kept the pace approx 7 min miles and with an all out last 800m managed to finsih with 34:44 on the clock. :D Over the moon to break 35 mins and smashed my training pb by over 2 minutes!. Already feel my 2 week old 10k pb is soft now and am gonna have to remedy that!!

    Enjoyed the race immensly and well and truly have the bug. DOnroe Harriers 5k in the Park in two weeks here I come.

    Busy week ahead so plan is some light running (mainly in and outta work) with one 10k during the week and another or slightly longer at weekend.

    And a big thank you to everyone in Sportsworld for such a well run race - need new shoes so think its only fair ye get my custom!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 504 ✭✭✭maria74

    BrendanCro wrote: »
    Had no plan and went by feel. Ended up doing 5.53 miles in 41.21 (7.29 min pace). Enjoyed the run more than I can describe. It just felt right. Never out of breath, never uncomfortable at what is a very decent pace for me. Completely refreshed afterwards and the perfect antidote for pre work Sunday night blues :).

    LOVE that feeling! And for me its even better when it happens on a Sunday, kind of sets me up for rest of week.:)

    Well done on race yesterday, great time. Have you signed up for half yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭BrendanCro

    Thanks Maria. No haven't signed up for half yet -think I will on next payday! Did sign up for Docklands 8k in June and may do Donroe Harriers 5k on saturday (if only to give me an excuse to stay off th ebooze on friday night)

    Rubbish week of running :( and poorish diet. Sore after race on Sunday so bit of gentle recovery running on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was UEFA cup final and Thursday began and ended with heavy drinking. Weekend was spent recovering at home with the folks and no running! I'm developing a bad week / good week trend and a weekend on booze / weekend off booze trend - gotta aim for better than 50% good!!!

    Very very busy week ahead so gotta focus from tomo morning. Run in the morning and see how the body feels. Get food back 100% (been slipping bit by bit last couple of weeks so gotta nip that in the bud).

    Work hard, eat right, train hard!

  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭BrendanCro

    rubbish enough couple of weeks. Working very long hours and boozing too much at weekends.

    Ran in and outta work most days (only 1.5 miles each way). Only stretched two runs out (3.5 miles and 5.5 miles) 2 weeks ago and only one longer (5 miles) last week.

    Did 6 miles last night at a reasonable pace though and felt good. Helped me recognise I need to focus - only 2 weeks left in work till study leave so gonna be very busy and then its gonna be a lot easier once not in work for 10 weeks!

    Aim for next two weeks has to be to keep ticking over - not gonna aim too high as will be working joke hours:

    - get 3 runs over 3 miles in the morings per week
    - get one longer one in next weekend - 7 or 8 miles depending how I'm feeling
    - Do Dublin Docklands 8k on 21st to give sense of where my fitness is and set a programme to take me through the exams and onto a half marathon!
    - above all = eat clean for next two weeks (food has been much better apart from when hungover so need a couple of good weeks!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭BrendanCro

    last weeks hasn't gone great - lots of physio on groin and heel tendon so ltd running. Mainly just light jogs to work and a couple of lunch time 3 milers.

    Got the all clear to go for the Docklands 8k though. Wasn't over confident and was running with a friend with better fitness/running background. My 5 mile PB from few weeks ago is 34.48 but felt that was outta range of current fitnes sso aim was to run 7.15 miles and finish with a 7 min mile.

    Started raining as got to start line and I pelted off too fast to get out of the crowds. Mile times were

    7.17 (garmin display gone by now so just going at pace i think i might be able to sustain!)

    Official chip time was 35:19 which I'm delighted with (although my mate managed 34:49 grrrr!)

    Foot sore now but easy 1.5 mile this morning helped.

    On study leave now, for 10 glorious weeks, so as long as the body is willing the miles will be put in as no excuses re work late etc! Physio has given me loads of stregthening and stretching excercises so 30 mins of that a day + as much running as I can!
