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How harsh is the "real" world

  • 14-04-2011 11:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 72 ✭✭

    How harsh is the "real" world it comes with a story this time.?
    Okay at the age of 1 my mom and dad struggled alot
    They went throught serious hardship but supassed it and bulit a home for themselves and me.
    - when I was 6 I seen my mom dance around with a bottle of wine
    - my mother possibly cheating on my dad
    - my dad cheating on mom
    - my mother and father use serious violents against each other continuously till date
    - my mother calling me some child and how she didnt wanna risk her life bringing me to this country
    - I lived with family members who called me a witch and sent me to.different church who resulted to hitting me to get the bad spirit (partly my doing because we wee playing pertend andi took it too far)
    - at 7 I was almost raped by a 14 year old then a 24 year old
    -i was then brought here and the violents continued
    - I missed out on childhood because I was always looking qfter my. Sisters and brothers
    - I had depression since I was 10 but my parents keep me away from doctor telling me suppress it.
    - when my mom gets drunk she out on me
    - am no good at school and have no talents
    - am verbally assulted 24/7 at home
    - my father cheated on my mom and has a kid which we took in ane now he cheating again
    Am I in the "real" world or is it much worst than my life already.
    Dont get me wrong on the outsiding looking we are a lovely famil spoiled kids and well.dressed but am I in the real world yet
    Cause am 17 and am thinking ot living home.
    Repeating my final year
    Then maybe coming back home.
    Sorry for spelling and stuff am writing from phone

    Main point should I do it?


  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    trust me, the ones who lived in hard living life and survived it, are the one who are most successful in their lifes at later stages.. all what you want is a target to a proper life, and you will get it. if you give up, you lose.

    source: ME! yes Me! Im 180 degrees different person and with the life i alway dream about! i spent unbearable 20 years before I saw the light

  • Registered Users Posts: 936 ✭✭✭Fentdog84

    Not sure if this is the right forum for this, but my advice would be hang in there you will be 18 next year and you will be free to make you're own decisions. Have you thought about what you would like to do or what you are good at? e.g hairdressing, nursing, college course. maybe there is someone at your school you can speak to a teacher, a career guidance counseller.
    With your parents, do your best to stay out of the arguments and keep away from them when they are drinking, have you got your own room? I suggest before you do anything you ring the samaritans on 1850 60 90 90 its free, and they are very helpful and they dont pass judgements, they just talk things through with you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,439 ✭✭✭Kevin Duffy

    Hi OP, do you have a way of supporting yourself if you leave home? What situation would you be moving into? If you do leave home, why would you think about moving back after your final year?

    Your situation sounds horrible and you have my sympathies, but leaving home with nowhere to go wouldn't be great either and needs to be thought through.

    You could call Childline, who will be a help in sorting through your problems and plans.

    Best of luck

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭thecookingapple

    No life does not have to be this harsh, there is plenty of people who have been in your position and prospered as adults, dont let the actions of others stop you being fullfilled and stop you from your ambition in life, there is of course not very nice people people out there, but as a whole humanity is alive and well.

    as the op above said contact childline, that will be the first step, you need to take this step and believe me you can have an extraordinary life if you wish too, and everyone has at least one talent but you have probaly been beaten down so much that you have just supressed yours, you will find it and happiness in time, take the first step and you have started the ball moving towards your new goals.

    Good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    OP - i know exactly where you're coming from. My life growing up was pretty ****.

    My parents divorced (very messily) when I was young. The remainder of my childhood was pretty miserable. My parents didn't do much for us - they were too busy scoring points off each other, in and out of court all the time. My mother frequently locked me out of the house, forcing me to take refuge in the shed until the morning when she'd gone to work. Then a friend of mine heard what happened and her parents often offered me refuge if I couldn't get in at home. You know, my mother even moved house whilst I was away on a youth club camp and didn't bother to inform me! It took 3 days to track my family down so I could go back. I had it all - the blame, the beatings, the mental abuse.

    To make a long story short - I left home (was thrown out) at 18, with no money, no job and the clothes on my back. It took time, but I did get on my feet. Got a job, rented a room in a house, eventually bought my own property at the age of 22. It was very hard watching my friends with lovely clothes, make-up, holidays, driving cars and going out every night. It was all I could do to put food on the table!!

    I made it in spite of my parents and my upbringing, not because of them. They occasionally put on the old rose-tinted glasses and tell me 'I did this, and I did that'. It used to anger me, but now I just smile. Because I know the truth.

    Move out as soon as you're able to. You WILL make it. It'll be hard, and often lonely. But you'll get there. And it'll be under your own steam, making your own decisions, and rowing your own boat.

    Good luck!

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