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NUIG Socs and Clubs Data Leak

  • 15-04-2011 8:48am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 600 ✭✭✭

    It's happened again, anyone who was here in '08 and signed up for a Society or Club has had their details leaked due to a security flaw.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 436 ✭✭Croppy Bhoy

    Oh well, I doubt any spam texts I get will be any less annoying than the ones I got off the Socs anyway :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭LAVADUDE

    Strange, I received an e-mail which contains a link to a survey from someone which claimed they were organisning tutorials for economics next year and for us to take a survey to give feedback on economics and our student experience.

    The survey the asks for information detailed personal information such as student ID and date of birth, if we failed any subjects, if we did TY, how many CAO points we got, details of family members who attended college, accommodation we live in, if we smoke, if we drink, if we have a job, rate yourself on how touchy, creative etc. you are, how many friends we made since coming to college, how many people you can share problems with and then tells you that they may contact you next year to be a part of a paid study group.

    This was sent from a non-NUIG e-mail address (normally in the business school mass e-mails are sent out by the course administrator/secretary) and the information they look for is too personal, did anyone else receive this e-mail and is it genuine.

    Also wouldn't the university have all this information already

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 436 ✭✭Croppy Bhoy

    From Stephen O'Neill? I emailed him ages ago about tutorials, that is his email address and he does co-ordinate them. You would think he'd use his nuigalway address though.

    Also Ger Turley sent around the same link from his email address yesterday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭LAVADUDE

    Thanks, ;) yeah it was from him, just seemed weird getting an e-mail from a person asking for such personal information without them using an NUIG e-mail address and with no way of knowing if it was official or not

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 119 ✭✭click_here!!!

    And a Yahoo address as well? How 1999!

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