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ALDI for Callan - again!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    There appears to be no news at the moment, unless of course our now infamous objectors have seen some wisdom and have withdrawn whatever objection they had.
    Somehow I doubt these few stalwarts of the past have the integrity to realise the rest of the world want's to move on.
    I am sad to have to go to Clonmel to buy our christmas fare, I would dearly love to spend the money in Callan, but our one and only supermarket is just not up to it.
    We have no other shops, my exceptions are our Baker, almost a national treasure our billy, the butcher and of course florist come greengrocer Joe, yes they provide a service that no supermarket can hope to attain and we should patronise them.
    I would not criticise our Supermarket it does the best it can in the space it occupies, though at sometime it is going to need up-grading.
    Aldi will bring a modern 21st century shopping experience and don't expect the same standard of staff customer relationship, discounter's are there for one purpose to sell, food is their business and they know how to tempt you. Just look at their christmas catalogue.
    So once more a plea, we love Callan as much as you but we want to get Callan as a place to visit not avoid.
    Please, please give our town a chance

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,273 ✭✭✭bloopy

    There appears to be no news at the moment, unless of course our now infamous objectors have seen some wisdom and have withdrawn whatever objection they had.
    Somehow I doubt these few stalwarts of the past have the integrity to realise the rest of the world want's to move on.
    I am sad to have to go to Clonmel to buy our christmas fare, I would dearly love to spend the money in Callan, but our one and only supermarket is just not up to it.
    We have no other shops, my exceptions are our Baker, almost a national treasure our billy, the butcher and of course florist come greengrocer Joe, yes they provide a service that no supermarket can hope to attain and we should patronise them.
    I would not criticise our Supermarket it does the best it can in the space it occupies, though at sometime it is going to need up-grading.
    Aldi will bring a modern 21st century shopping experience and don't expect the same standard of staff customer relationship, discounter's are there for one purpose to sell, food is their business and they know how to tempt you. Just look at their christmas catalogue.
    So once more a plea, we love Callan as much as you but we want to get Callan as a place to visit not avoid.
    Please, please give our town a chance

    So are you going to patronise them then. Or go to Clonmel?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear Bloopy
    Nice one, however, I do most day's, but as you are aware, we do not have a toy shop, we do not have a book shop, we do not have an optician, we don't have a camera shop, you cannot buy organic chicken or portions thereof, we cannot buy fresh fish, though Supervalu do sell a brilliant Irish Kipper, would recommend it. they also do free range and organic eggs at a reasonable price.
    One cannot get Angus Beef. I would not rate the ice cream available.
    Then we come to prices, which are very important to an awful lot of people as well as myself.
    As much as I enjoy Billy Keogh's bread it is not cheap, there again one has to look to see what the quality of other bread is, okay so some supermarkets sell bread from over the border at very cheap prices, with two or three children one needs as much help as possible and the same goes for vegetables they might not necessarily be Irish.
    If you can afford to buy in Callan do so, but I do not blame anyone for going to either Kilkenny or clonmel.
    So dear bloopy perhaps this puts your mind at rest, it is certainly quicker for us to go to Clonmel than Kilkenny from south of Callan.
    One other point, tourist's flock to the little villages in the UK and elsewhere, they do not want to see massive sheds for a supermarket,
    take a good look at Callan, nobody but nobody wants to see Bridge Street it is a disgrace, it looks like Ireland in the fifties. Okay so Aldi might not bring architectural quality but at least we won't have another derelict site looking us in the face, what it will do is show Callan moving forward to the future with confidence.
    Thank you and kind regards, Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Still no news from the objector's, however this is probably not surprising given the effect on the people of Callan.
    I was in Clonmel at the end of the week, the new Iceland has opened, the place was overwhelmed, apparently they keep on running out of stock such is the demand.
    I was also in our local supermarket on Saturday afternoon, very few customer's, loads of unsold bread on the shelves and a lack of anything really happening, so where were the Callan shopper's?
    Clonmel, Carlow or Kilkenny.
    Just think, we in Kilkenny have no Tesco, no Iceland and no M&S, we have a lovely castle, a superb Mayors Walk and what can best be described poxy parking.
    Perhaps our Callan objectors sit there in wooly jackets rubbing their hands in glee, see what misery we have caused, perhaps they will object to Sunday shopping next. Merry Christmas

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,408 ✭✭✭ft9

    Your posts are a joy to read now Foxy, with the new layout.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear ft9,
    Thank you very much. Such praise is appreciated.
    I hope all our efforts produce the result we would like. None of us will benefit financially, other than being able to choose where we want to shop.
    Checking prices in the discount stores against Supervalu, Dunnes and Tesco shows up some strange anomalies.
    I find the current advertising in Callan a fruitless exercise, to tell me the price is the same as Tesco or Dunnes on some products pointless, we have not got a local anything else to check.
    Permanent price cut's? There is a maxim Caveat Emptor - let the buyer beware, which perhaps better said would be "Don't believe the advertising".
    I honestly believe Aldi would be of benefit to the people of Callan, whilst one knows that Supervalu will have to get it's act together, we must remember the two lads who own the store are trying to make a living as well, Supervalu is only an umberella they do not finance the Callan store.
    From the heart I would ask everyone to support the Callan store and in doing so ensure the jobs of the staff.
    Thank you so much, and of course a Merry christmas to you and your families

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Hindsight is a great thing. I must confess that when the original application for Tesco to come to Callan, I was opposed to the idea.
    The basis of my arguement was that Tesco had decimated so many villages in the UK.
    The traditional village shop had almost died out, that was the last thing we wanted to happen to Callan.
    What shops we have cannot compete not only on price but also the inability to offer a realistic choice.
    Despite these short comings I am sure, none of us would like to see
    any more shops disappear from our small town.
    Aldi announced last night they would absorb the 2% hike in VAT. One assumes permanently but the announcement didn't go that far. Any saving is welcome.
    Another confession, yesterday we went to Tesco in Clonmel, not specifically for saving on groceries and the like.
    However, we did enjoy having an almost unlimited choice, there were of course special offers, there was also a lot of goods the same price as Supervalu, no doubt we might have found some higher.
    There are those amongst us who continually knock Supervalu, please don't
    it is only a small shop, and despite that they do try to stock as much as possible
    I know from experience there are many items I cannot get in Aldi, and will have to go to Supervalu.
    By the way, I hope none of our objectors shop in either Kilkenny, Carlow or Clonmel, no, of course they wouldn't. Happy shopping foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    What a wonderful time of year for both young and old alike, provided one has ones health and of course sufficient funds.
    We are not expecting any movement in respect to Aldi coming to Callan, unless our dear friends change their minds and remove the objection,.
    A New Years resolution - good will to all Callan shoppers.
    Due to the smallness of our Supervalu, so many people are going to either Kilkenny or Clonmel for their Christmas shopping. Our friends are probably asking why would one do that.
    Because the people of Callan want to be able to choose and have access to a greater variety of food etc.
    The one thing Aldi lack is the quality of staff, they do not compare with Supervalu staff in Callan.
    Come on make 2012 a year that Callan went forth into the twenty-first century.
    Someone said about the heritage, oh dear they must need to go to the optician pretty quick.
    I will plead again, our town is important to us as is the people who have to travel for their shopping.
    Please don't hide come out in the open and talk to the people.
    Merry christmas Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I have been looking for any sign of our protester's having a change of mind.
    Perhaps over the Christmas they might well have a change of heart, I do hope so.
    To be honest the change regarding the size of new supermarkets could well be a deciding factor for who comes to Callan. I think people are so fed up with this little band of spoilsports they would at this stage support any of the main stream player's.
    I want to shop in Callan, I want to be able to buy all the groceries I need, when I want them. Trying to do Christmas shopping in a store that does not carry all the lines is a pain, not their fault it just is not big enough.
    We want a supermarket that gives value for money, we had one that was dearer than a corner shop, thank goodness it has gone.
    Who ever comes I will support Supervalu as well, there is room for two maybe three shops. Remember Callan can only grow, and will the "Ostriches" take their heads out of the sand.
    Callan jobs for Callan people should be our prime mover.
    Merry Christmas and thank you for reading the comments.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Would it not make Christmas if our friends could see their way clear to dropping the objection to Aldi coming to Callan.
    I have no idea how many jobs would be created, but at least some might have a much brighter future to look forward to.
    There are "Residents Associations" who may well have objected, the coming of Aldi most certainly will not lower the price of property any more than the banks have managed.
    I hope I am wrong, because it is for the benefit of everyone, if you have enough money not to worry about food prices, I am delighted for you, there are many who do not.
    Not knocking supervalu, who spend a lot of time telling us that they are cheaper than Dunnes, and we have permanent price cuts, the sad answer is that both German discounter's have prices lower.
    On the other side, Supervalu carry items that neither Aldi or Lidl do. So do not run away with the idea you can do all your shopping in Aldi you will still have to go to Supervalu.
    Perhaps when they get round to selling the best made bread in the South East of Ireland we might have to worry, till then my friends as always
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, remember every cloud has a silver lining. Foxy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Someone asked me yesterday why I was promoting Aldi, I wrote back that it was not Aldi, it was the freedom of choice,
    Aldi might, well is the motivation, but it might just as well been Lidl, Tesco or even Eurospar.
    The people of Callan should not be made to shop elsewhere by a few, not misinformed, they think they are right, people, who probably go to Clonmel, Kilkenny or Waterford to shop.
    As I said, if you are not on the bread line the cost of driving to these places is of little consequence.
    These groups or individuals have forced families to spend money they can bearly afford to have a choice of where they shop, and to a degree we are talking prices.
    The German discounter's are acknowledged to be cheaper than Supervalu and Dunnes and to a point Tesco.
    It is not only price, but both Aldi and Lidl offer discounts on a variety of household goods, clothes, toy's etc.
    If you have no alternative but to shop in Callan, there is no comparison with the supermarket.
    This is not about winning or losing, it is about the freedom of choice.
    How many other towns the same size as Callan has such limited shopping facilities?
    We need Supervalu, and it should be offering a much better service in this day and age, it has quality staff, retailing jewels if you like, who look after the customer but we still need an alternative.
    I guess it is nearly the time of year to put away the computer and sit back and relax with family and friends, so until 2012 enjoy the break and do take care. God bless you all. Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    The expectation of Christmas is seldom achieved, however, it is a welcome break from the normal day to day routine.
    One tries to justify the expense, but invariably cupboards still have tins of biscuits, chocolates etc unopened, well they will do for the New Year.
    How on earth do we expect to cram all this food into our stomach's is a mystery.
    I hope our objector's to Aldi enjoyed all the food they purchased in Callan, where else would they have shopped.
    Until they come clean as to who they are, we cannot say saw you in Kilkenny, though I am weary of elderly people wearing hoodies.
    We have had to put up with irrelevent reason's why Aldi should not come to Callan, which is pointless arguement. Now, had these people really given the matter some thought, they might just have come up with a plan to improve things for the younger ones.
    For a teenager there is very little activity, yes I love teenagers, they are the life blood of the country, okay some will try and ruin what we have but in the main it is money well spent.
    The money could have been Aldi's money, it could have been put to them, you are welcome but we want a centre for the youngster's, your future shopper's.
    Aldi might have walked away, no one in Callan would have lost face, or we could be giving Callan youngster's an opportunity, that would be the envy of the county.
    So once more we ask please drop your objections, think of the future, think of Callan, our Town.
    Happy New Year whether you are friend or foe, look to see what has been achieved in the last 800 years, would it not be great seeing parents lining up to get their offspring into a Callan School.
    Come on let's work together for our Town our Children
    As alwsys regards Foxy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,028 ✭✭✭calvin_zola

    very good points and posts foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    dear calvin_zola
    Thank you very much for your comment's, it is greatly appreciated.
    Regards Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Happy New Year to all, yes even you if you are an objector.
    I have been scanning the "Boards" to see if our friends have decided to detract from their course of action, denying the people of Callan an alternative to Supervalu.
    I am afraid no such luck, so it rather looks we will have to wait to mid February for a result. By that time will Aldi have given up?
    We no doubt think our Supervalu staff are the best in the county, what happens when more and more people go to Kilkenny or Clonmel to do the weekly shop. Do convenience stores need that many staff?
    The grocery price war will intensify this year, that is a certainty, both Lidl and Aldi offer significant savings on day to day items.
    What these people are missing is if you go elsewhere for some things one invariably buys most of the items you need for the week, so instead of popping into Supervalu you stock up.
    Come on, think Callan people, Callan jobs, Callans future, forget your prejudice.
    As always Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I am of the opinion that some of the objections stem from owner's and supporter's of the small stores in Callan.
    The heritage of Callan is a red herring, there is nothing to induce visitors to come to our town, had the work-house been turned into a museum we might have stood a chance, in fact it could have been a money spinner, the operative word being "could".
    As painful as it might seem to the objectors to have the question of Aldi, or any other super market chain thrown at them week after week, they will eventually have to admit the day of the small shopkeeper has passed into history.
    We all know there are faults with super markets, the personal touch has gone, they do not let you have goods on the slate, they won't even give you the odd cent off.
    Some of them you would be lucky to get a good morning out of the staff, at least we are blessed in Callan with the Supervalu staff, it is what helps to make shopping a pleasure.
    To a degree if you look at the design of Aldi or Lidl stores they are functional and squeaky clean they waste very little money on frills etc.
    However, if you look at most of the shops in Callan there might be two or three which look pleasant enough, but nothing to rave about.
    Our famous Bridge Street needs to either be knocked or boarded up, but then think about that, what an opportunity to have a picture postcard street, the shops with the mullion windows and twinkling lights, a victorian scene, could bring in the tourists.
    So where does that leave Aldi, it is the future of Callan, moving ahead,
    Hopefully Supervalu will move with the times, if we get Aldi perhaps it will attract other retailers to come.
    Our objectors have got to face facts, you cannot keep on trying to push back the march of time, sooner or later it will happen.
    The quicker it happens the more jobs become available, more jobs means more money available to be spent and despite all the doom and gloom Callan could with your help become a success story.
    Please think of the future of our town, the people, the children.
    As always take care regards Foxy:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Now that Callan has been by-passed there is virtually no passing trade, therefore most of the shops rely on those who either work in Callan or shop in Callan.
    We have three cafe's and a couple of pubs for the want of a better word, all of them would near enough know who was coming in.
    Now, I am not suggesting Aldi in Callan would make a great deal of difference to the amount of trade in the town, however it increases the possibility of more trade for these shop-keeper's.
    Wherever we go shopping, we invariably pop in for a coffee and a scone or similar, also one looks in the windows of shops nearby, I've lost count of the times we have arrived home we items we had no intention of buying before we went out.
    You might say what has this to do with Aldi? A great deal, any new business will invest in footfall count's, how many people walk past a shop and the peak's and low's. If you have ever been to the saturday market in Callan you will be amazed how quiet it can be, then busy and then nothing.
    Aldi will bring in people from not only Callan who go elsewhere at the moment, but also shoppers from villages which are not necessarily that close to Callan, you only have to look at a map to see the possibilities.
    Some of the shops take great care with their window displays, window dressing an art in itself.
    Perhaps it would encourage those who can't be bothered to sit up and take notice, the introduction of more people could well encourage more business to the town, vacant shops no longer an eyesore.
    Hopefully our objectors are taking all this in to account and will say let's do it together, Callan for the present and the future, the past we can do nothing about, what a boost if the younger generation say those people certainly had some vision back in 2012.
    Well to all take great care and many thanks Foxy:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    The first week of the new year, and no news from the "objectors"
    I go and inspect the proposed site most mornings with the hope that there will be a couple of digger's beavering away, so far no luck.
    Another sad morning, I am off to town to shop, Aldi as a matter of fact.
    You might well ask why, our super market doesn't sell Irish Angus Steak or Free Range chicken breast's, though one can now buy a whole free range chicken, which is good news.
    The problem is I end up buying items that I would normally buy in Callan, I am desperate to be in the position of not having to drive into Kilkenny.
    I think of the people whose jobs rely on local patronage, our people, Callan people.
    When near Loughboy, I do tend to drop into Caulfield's Supervalu the shop is always buzzing, if only we could do the same for our "little" store, with everyone's help perhaps we can.
    Please think of the future, what can be achieved by pulling together.
    You might not like them but look at the American scene of shopping malls,
    no not Market Cross, which is another story, they will eventually arrive and Callan has the space but has it the will to go forward?
    Living in the past is for people who have given up on life, we have an opportunity, let's go forward together.
    Have a super weekend regards, and take great care Foxy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Every morning I switch on the computer and hope there is a message which says "we have withdrawn our objection", not much hope.
    I was told when the council passed the planning permission there was little hope of Aldi being built, The objectors had made sure Tesco would not come and would do the same for Aldi, equally if Lidl makes an attempt such efforts will be twarted.
    There comes a time when one has to ask the ultimate question, why are you objecting to these stores coming.
    If they are in the wrong places where would you put them?
    In my opinion we live in a democratic country, okay it is not perfect but we are ruled on the basis of majority opinion, this also applies to local government as well.
    Now our local elected folk decided that these stortes could have planning permission, suddenly up pop's this non elected body, operating through companies so that no one can point a finger at them, objecting to improvements to our town.
    So much so these stores are forced to go to the higher planning authority,
    so it appears majority rule does not apply, we are in fact being led by a dictatorship in Callan.
    These objectors must have quite a lot to gain by such actions.
    So what has happened to our elected representative who apart from an initial disappointment appears to have had little or nothing to say about the matter.
    If you look around Callan at the new estates which has bought new blood to the town and in many ways improved things, not sure what things but as far as I can see not one little bit has been done to the infrastructure, we do not have a shopping centre, oop's we have some new pavements which took so long to do people thought the workers were permanent in Callan.
    Our supermarket appears not to have spent any money updating the store, how many years is it they took over, if it is left much longer we might claim it is a relic of the dickensian era.
    Despite this I will say it again the staff in Supervalu are brilliant, they deserve a medal for their help and humour, no one can compete with them.
    Think about our town, our Callan our jobs, they all depend on the expansion of the shopping facilities, which the "Dictators" are denying to each and every one.
    Callan should be famous, especially on the tourist trail, it isn't so what have we about Coco Cola, not a thing ,is there some sort of memorial to the originators, you know the answer to that one, now what about James Hoban, there is a memorial in Cuffesgrange, I have yet to see a tourist bus there, and of course Edmund Rice he has esxcaped across the by-pass so no mention.
    Where did these people go to school, Callan? So why can't we claim they are ours and have some statues, perhaps the Coco cola company might just provide some funds, and it seems the American President was kept well away from Callan despite poor old James designing the White House.
    It is Sunday so perhaps you will aloow a little lightness into the thread.
    Have a good week and do take extra care regards Foxy:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Continuing in the same vein, I had a great idea, the cost to these firms doing surveys and submitting plans for proposed stores muszt be excessive.
    So why can't we short circuit the whole system?
    If the store went direct to the "Dictators" and asked if they would approve their plans, if it was yes, then they have a green light to proceed through the normal democratic channels, knowing there would not be any objections.
    If the "Dictators" said No, then think of the money they will have saved, plus of course Council time has not been wasted.
    We would of course know these people as they strut around a decaying Callan.
    Have a nice day and thanks Foxy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 164 ✭✭Wimbago

    Every morning I switch on the computer and hope there is a message which says "we have withdrawn our objection", not much hope.

    Just a heads-up Foxy, they are very unlikely to post that here in case you think they were

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear Wimbago
    Thanks for the support, much appreciated, regards Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    It was mentioned this morning that we are critical of the management of supervalu in Callan, whoever came up with that analysis of what we are saying is completely wrong.
    The truth is the two lads who own Supervalu are doing a splendid job, given the size of the shop one cannot expect any more from them. Yes it is looking dated, and one cannot always get what you want.
    One only has to ask and they will do their best to get it.
    The staff, we praise on a regular basis, it is more like meeting old friends than going shopping.
    Do you realise how much we depend on Supervalu? Where would we shop, so my plea is please keep supporting Supervalu with or without Aldi.
    Whilst I am a strong supporter of the supermarket, we do have a few unique shops, Joe Lyons, Farrells, Murphy the butcher and Ray Hackett and of course Billy Keogh.
    If any one of them was forced to close Callan would be a much poorer place, it is no good saying do you remember in a few years time.
    These businesses need your support again with or without Aldi.
    Of course we have a problem "The Dictators", instead of encouraging growth in shopping they are doing the exact opposite, you cannot tell people they can't do anything, by stopping stores coming to Callan people will go to wherever they are, Kilkenny, Clonmel, Carrick on Suir.
    The latest credit union report makes very grim reading there are people who cannot now make ends meet, other's who are just surviving, it shows that Tesco now has the lion's share of bulk shopping, a massive 38% followed by Dunnes with only 20%, Lidl and Aldi come next and then supervalu.
    One of the stores says 100% Irish owned, what about we sell more Irish sourced goods than anyone else. we should be producing more of our own food, remember Irish sugar?
    There is a possibility that we will not get Aldi so what happens to the site, apparently it cannot be used for a supermarket after a rejection, however what about Macdonalds or Supermac, parking in Kilkenny is not good and the Clonmel store is in the main st, it would be brilliant for the younger people, encourage passing trade to stop in the town.
    Though me thinks we might have more trouble with the "Dictators".
    Actually nobody does a milk shake like Macdonalds see you there.
    As always regards Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    When Aldi first got planning permission I was told that there was no way they would ever get to build a store in Callan.
    It appears our "Dictators" will make sure of it by using every trick to stop them.
    Now, you will appreciate my belief in Democracy, so if that is the way these people are going to adopt, then Democracy doesn't exist. We won't mention the reason for the second world war.
    What the majority want is of little interest apparently, so in that context we are really wasting our time writing and asking them to reconsider their objection.
    To be honest we have been served a lot of rubbish as to the objection, but, it would be interesting to discover why these people have no interest in seeing Callan move forward with the times.
    Therefore I have come to the decision to sign off from this thread, but before doing so I thank each and every one of you for your support.
    I would also ask that where possible please support our Supervalu, remember the staff rely on you for their job, and our little shops, if you lose them they never come back.
    So this is Foxcoverteddy saying farewell, take great care and regards as always.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Apparently the date which will decide whether or not Aldi will come to Callan is February 24.
    You are probably as surprised as I am writing this post, well I read part of a report prepared by one of the companies objecting to Aldi, in which they were encouraging shoppers to go to the small retailer's as the money would stop in Ireland that was spent on groceries.
    There was no mention from whom did the small retailer obtain their stock, they glossed over "Cash and Carry", equally they managed to ignore how much of the produce would be Irish.
    At a time where we are struggling to make ends meet, they are suggesting it is perhaps patriotic to spend an extra 20 or 30% on groceries that probably have not originated in Ireland.
    You only need walk round the German discounters to see goods displaying the Irish flag, fresh Irish vegetables, quality meats and dairy products and of course biscuits and bread etc.
    The shelves are well stocked, and what you want is readily available, anyone working does not want to have to go here there and everywhere for odd items.
    As you know I try to support Supervalu in Callan, sometimes it is difficult when they don't bother to restock items that have run out, what do you do, go elsewhere.
    Aldi or Lidl would make management realise they are not the only shop on the planet and hopefully there would be better control of sell by dates.
    Take care and once again thanks, Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Why Aldi, okay if it was Lidl no difference, and even if it was Dunnes, I would be of the same opinion. We need a choice in Callan without having to travel to Kilkenny, Clonmel or Carrick.
    Someone said well you have a small supermarket on West St, yes true, ideal if you need something quick, but I do not do any serious shopping at a petrol station, do you know what is on peoples hands after getting petrol or diesel, do they wash their hands? Say no more, other than it is a grand shop and well stocked plus like Supervalu brilliant staff.
    It is not an anti Supervalu campaign, we need Supervalu, however like the thought of mucky little hands on the fresh rolls puts me off buying them and I love a crusty roll for breakfast.
    Dairy sell by dates is another worry, yesterday I arrived home with an eight pack yogurt drink, only to find it was only a day short of the sell by date, not good enough in this day and age, I packed up buying sausages and packet ham for the same problem.
    I need to shop in confidence, therefore my beef is the unelected persons who are stopping any chance of Callan people having a choice, the majority want it so what god given right have they to stop progress.
    We didn't and they didn't ask if we wanted them to.
    Retailing is a cut throat business and anybody who is in to food selling is aware of the pitfalls, one good reason for not wanting competition is it will be a new store, squeaky clean, well laid out and if it is Aldi somewhat lower prices, but this comes at a price their staff are not like Supervalu's,
    if I had a store now I would head hunt the lot of them.
    Anyway thanks a million regards Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    The thought of Aldi or whoever coming to Callan does tend to diminish the problems we have in Callan.
    We have one supermarket which we badly need to keep, in fact it is essential, apart from the financial commitment of the two owner's, we need to support the shop for the sake of the staff as well.
    It is easy to criticise any supermarket, yes even the german discounter's but before you rush off to Kilkenny or Clonmel think what it is costing you to travel and in Kilkenny parking.
    Any money saved by not going would no doubt mitigate items that may be dearer in Supervalu, most of all think jobs, Callan jobs.
    I was thinking that our two owner's would no doubt support Aldi coming, as they would MacDonalds, who wouldn't.
    All businesses need people, customer's you and I.
    On friday afternoon I was doing a little shopping and was very sad to see the car park half empty and very few customer's, why?
    What is achieved trying to get in and out of both market yard and cross very little, frustration perhaps.
    As for the objector's don't ruin our town we didn't ask you and we don't won't you.
    We want our town, note our town not yours, to prosper, you are succeeding in running people away, no one is thanking you for that.
    We can support Supervalu and Aldi, and somebody take a hint Macdonalds.
    Have a nice day, enjoy. Thanks as always and take care. Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Why do we need another supermarket? A simple question, in relative terms the one we have should be sufficient.
    The plain truth is, it is not sufficient. I am not knocking the Management or the staff, they are as good as you can expect to get.
    So what is the problem, firstly the size, it cannot stock everything one needs, secondly it has no competition and thirdly seven day trading.
    I love my food, I also demand that the person(s) selling it must also love it, the food business is not a simple buy and sell job, there has to be a passion, and that is the crux of the matter, which I will explain with seven day trading.
    Keeping a store open seven days a week is expensive, electricity, staff etc, but if you go down that road you must ensure your store is fully stocked each and every day, the displays must be as immaculate as they are on Sunday as they are during the week.
    If you take the foot off the accelerator it is difficult to get back, customer's lost aseldom come back.
    The difference with Aldi/Lidl is the presentation of food, it is not elaborate but it shows what I call the love of food, someone is around making sure it is tidy, empty boxes removed, shelves fully stacked, not perfect but at least they are having a go.
    Now I ask, invite the jokers who have so far stopped Callan moving ahead to go shopping on Sunday afternoon or morning and then tell me you are right.
    I will accept no criticism of management or staff in Callan, you cannot find any reason to do so, as far as I am concerned we need them and badly but we also need competition.
    I will hope each and every one of you if Aldi make it, support both shops.
    I again thank you and ask that if you know the people who are objecting to let them know how you feel.
    Remember it is our town our people and our jobs, Go Callan.
    Regards Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Someone said the objectors cannot back down as they would lose face.
    Sorry, but I think Callan and Callan people come before saving face.
    If anything my worry would centre around the number of jobs Aldi would create, we need them and the quicker the better, it may not be that many but any opportunity must be welcome for our people.
    Apart from the jobs in Callan, Aldi as you know are great buyer's of Irish made food, as is Lidl, and their participation helps the economy.
    Some Irish companies tend to ignore the fact that a lot of their produce comes from the UK, but there is a serious amount of trade between the two countries, so it is a give and take situation.
    However it is a great shame we do not encourage ex-pats to support the old country, Buy Irish, why not.
    I check the site out for any indication of work commencing, though I do know we have to wait until the end of February, wishful thinking perhaps.
    Well as always thanks a million regards Foxy:cool:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I am expecting some sort of notice to appear on the proposed Aldi site, saying "we have saved the people of Callan from shopping at Aldi".
    As you know these people were not elected to speak for us, though having said that our elected representatives appear very quiet on the subject.
    As it is easy to nit pick about our local supermarket, despite my support for management and staff, I try to visit as many supermarkets as possible.
    Yesterday it was my very favourite and one that I would be bias in favour of, Superquinn, though it is now owned by Supervalu, no doubt we will eventually see the results, but at the moment they seem to be trading as before.
    I looked at the offer's, the packed shelves, okay it is dearer than the german discounter but it stocks virtually everything one needs for a weekly shop.
    Perhaps our joker's will eventually bow to public pressure and withdraw.
    If only they will think of jobs for Callan people, help Callan people manage their money and most of all think of our town, lets go forward together in harmony.
    As always take care, Foxy
