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ALDI for Callan - again!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    If the objectors think they are so right in blocking Aldi coming to Callan,why do they not hold a public meeting, they paid for the objection so it would appear money is no object.
    Or they could have a petition signed for and against, sitting in Supervalu would be ideal, no doubt some of the other shops might be willing to have a petition for signing, perhaps the banks.
    If they came out on top we would have to accept the decision, if it was the other weay round would they withdraw?
    I hope they will give some thought to the idea, no one must forget it is our town, our jobs are on the line, and of course our children's future.
    At the moment the future looks bleak for the lads and lasses leaving school, no parent really wants to see them head off to Britain or Australia, however there is nopt much to keep them, is there?
    So it is essential Callan booms, people might not like it, you cannot stand still or go back and who in their right mind would want to see Callan as it was, we want shops, we want jobs and opportunity for the youngster's.
    Come on make it a town with a difference, get the factories filled get more shops, a plug for MacDonalds, well think of the jobs, not perhaps the most exciting but better than being on the dole.
    Why isn;t our elected representatives pushing for urgent action or is it once elected you can rest on your laurels.
    Okay enough, many thanks for your support and please take care, by the way Green st looks very oily this morning so drive very carefully, regards

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Well it seems the objectors prefer to be undemocratic, they obviously know that the general consensus is that they should have left well alone.
    With the way we are being squeezed wirth money any saving is welcome, one might have a holier than thou attitude but it don't pay the bills.
    It would seem our band of merry objectors have sufficient money not to worry over cost's, nice eh.
    Will they get it into their heads that even with Aldi the supermarket and the little shops should be safe, it is not the same scenario as Tesco, Aldi and Lidl trade at a different level.
    Now Saturday afternoon shopping in Callan or Sunday come to that are deadly, as much as I support Martin and Dermot, their emporium leaves a lot to be desired in way of availability of food, now before you jump down my throat, why would you when there are so few people around.
    I agree and understand the position, but why not attempt a coup, have Saturday afternoon specials and Sunday as well, encourage shopper's not to go to town.
    But you have to advertise them, put a big sign by the bus stop, "Is your journey really necessary" Come and see the offers at:-, don't give up fight.
    If all the shops had the same sort of campaign, and if we could get a proper street market, not the just local produce, real market trader's, make Callan somewhere to go and see, the cafe's would do a bomb, though one doesn't bother opening on Saturday, no one around.
    Callan needs work, though driving in I see signs for things that are long gone, and that sort of typifies Callan, tired, can't be bothered.
    If you want success then you have to work at it, tell them fools to get lost, I will tell them, we don't need you we didn't ask you to interfere so don't ruin our town, our town not yours.
    As always I thank each and every one of you good luck and take extra care regards Foxy;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I am sitting here debating whether to cook pancakes or run round to the supermarket and get a French stick, some unsalted butter and west cork marmalade, I will make up my mind shortly.
    Well there once again is no further news on Aldi, time is marching on and decision day looms.
    I was wondering if our democratically elected representatives are working like beaver's behind the scene to ensure Callan can move forward, they no doubt would be reluctant to let it be known, equally we have no idea of the power of the self styled unelected representatives who are trying to move Callan back to olden days.
    As it is Saturday a little light hearted chat, Kilkenny County Council appears not to have done a great deal for Callan, nice lamps on the bridge, and the pavements are fine, not sure about the pump though.
    We really do need something to put Callan on the map, shops, yes that will drag more people in.
    Some other towns have Conker festivals, Wellie boot throwing and Kilkenny has all manner of festivals, though I do not really support any of them.
    For a start facilities in Callan are not that good, the public toilets seem to have no set hours, luckily I don't have to use them but visitors would, what else, the fair green and that is about it.
    If we get Aldi perhaps we could hope to get some sponsorship, it might well be that the council could spend some money on Bridge St, at the moment it really is the pits, is there no hope for those little shops?
    Back to Aldi, do not run away with the idea that you will get all your shopping there, you won't, thankfully Martin and Dermot will still be on hand, hopefully and with their super staff.
    What Aldi will do is give you a choice, freedom to choose what you buy, of course some of Aldi prices are lower, whilst not knocking the two lads they can only charge what the wholesaler charges, their hands are really tied, not sure if they can undercut Musgraves prices, they are in effect Supervalu, perhaps one of you might know?
    Again not knocking the other supermarket, well is it really, can't make up my mind but the prices are far too high to be competitive, odd items okay but trying to do a weeks shopping would soon bankrupt one.
    I know it is stupid but one item Jelly, Hartley's on e shop sells them at 1.10 euro, the other at 98c, Aldi 49c why?
    Well it looks like the pancakes have won, take care and as always thank you for your support.
    Regards Foxy;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    What a surprise yesterday, our Supervalu was crowded at 5pm so much so they could have opened another checkout, well done.
    Of course you know it is the year of the Dragon, well Chinese new year, what a shame we do not have enough Chinese to have a small festival.
    Aldi and Lidl have caused Supervalu to start reducing prices and pushing a "Daily Basics" brand, well any reduction in prices is good and backs up what we have said competition will bring prices down.
    Our objectors take note please, apart from the obvious freedom of choice, which is a democratic right, the majority rule prevails, so will you please get your act together and withdraw the objection, you have no sensible reason to keep it up.
    A town of Callan's size need more than one supermarket, which in any case as Dermot and Martin will agree is far too small, if you think of the one on West St, it is not a supermarket, convenience store, yes, and very useful but it does nothing for the freedom of choice for the weekly shop.
    We will think more of you if you stop this action, at the moment you are just about the pit's, we really don't want you putting the stop on Aldi or any large store, you must see it is ridiculous.
    Come on Callan first and foremost, what does the sign say "Give your heart to Callan", you are in fact making tears for Callan wanting to watch it die.
    Well it is Sunday and I am ging to have my Kipper's for breakfast, come from Cork if you can get some they are top's Carr's, Supervalu sell them.
    Well have a nice day enjoy the weather and most of all take great care.
    Regards and thanks again Foxy;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    What a fantastic weekend for weather, if this is the result of the Chinese New Year perhaps we should celebrate the "Dragon".
    I have been giving some thought as to who on earth would want Callan to become just a dormitory of Kilkenny?
    These objector's must have no regard for the people of Callan, so perhaps one can understand why they shelter behind a company, they are the sort who were maybe "Bully Boy's" at school, we all know the type "It wasn't me".
    It matter's little to us whether it is Aldi, Lidl or even Tesco that arrives, Callan deserves more, the people of Callan deserve better, in fact the more shops the better.
    I know both Carlow and Clonmel are larger than Callan but the activity in both places was brilliant, all the shops were buzzing. Given the chance I would have a large shopping mall, perhaps that is going too far.
    Yesterday I was telling you about Supervalu rolling out it's "Daily Basic's brand, which is already in the shops, the ad said bread would be 65cent a loaf, which I think you can get the same price in Aldi or Lidl.
    Think about it please, look at the price of The other Baker's, apart from asking why has it taken so long to get bread down to this price again, what is in it or not in it, say no more, however if you are tight for money a welcome price drop indeed.
    My favourite is sausages, check the percentage of meat, what does the rest of it consist of, oh yes bacon, I hate the white stuff which is apparently water content, dear water eh?
    Have a nice day, take care and as always thanks, regards Foxy:rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    It is believed that the objectors to Aldi are doing so on the basis of protection for their own business, which on the face of it is not unnatural.
    One has to remember the retail trade is ruthless and cut throat, now we do have as you well know a few small shops, apart from the two garages.
    The small shops have managed to stay in business despite Supervalu, I might be wrong but we could well have a holier than thou situation.
    Supervalu has rolled out it's "Daily Basics" range of products, which they tell us is 60% less than "Big Brands", our little shops do not have access to such cut price goods.
    Luckily these cut price products appear to be identical or very similar to the last attempts, "Nice Day" which can still be found on the supermarket shelf, mainly at the end of the Dairy Products.
    In addition we have own brand products, considerably lower in price than "Big Brands", then there is another range which is up market.
    This all looks and sounds very cosy, As a point Tesco and Dunnes try the same thing from time to time and for what it's worth Superquinn also.
    Aldi or Lidl do not resort to various methods to boost sales, their prices are in the most cases lower, even some of the " Big Brand" items.
    Both Aldi and Lidl buy a considerable amount of Irish produced products a point that should not be overlooked, Irish Jobs very important factor.
    Now an interesting situation, who should the little shops fear the most?
    Our best baker cannot compete with a loaf of bread selling for 65c, where does it originate from? Thankfully Callan people know quality is preferable to quantity, in any case how long will it stay at that price. We have had permanent price cuts which seem to have disappeared.
    Greengrocery is another contenious issue, both our greengrocer's seem to be holding there own.
    Nothing has been done to stop little fingers running over the fresh rolls, why not surely it is a food safety issue.
    The coming of Aldi becomes more important each day that passes, no nonsense, straight forward, the only thing lacking is the quality of the Supervalu staff.
    Pity no mention of Iceland, though I am not a fan but can you reach the top shelf on the wall freezers?
    There you go for another day, enjoy it and take great care, regards foxy;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Isn't it sad that a small group of elderly men can hold a town like Callan to ransom.
    They are very akin to the Mafia, you will do what you are told, you will have no alternative but to shop in Supervalu, I must make it clear that no doubt the owner's of Supervalu are worried as it makes them appear to be the ones responsible.
    I would say that both Martin and Dermot are completely innocent and in fact would welcome Aldi to Callan, it would take a great deal of pressure off both of them regarding extending and up-dating the present store,
    One of the problems when someone tries to dictate people tend to do the complete opposite, we have shops in Kilkenny and Clonmel and also Carrick.
    Strangely Carrick might be similar to Callan, it has, sorry to say this, a large well stocked Supervalu, Lidl and Aldi and I think it is a Eurospar,
    for burger lover's it has a Supermac, in addition there was a Friday Market just off the main street.
    You might have picked up on the elderly men, well no woman would be as stupid, they have more sense, much more savy, okay.
    I would have thought this group would by now appreciate that the people of Callan are crying out for the chance to decide for themselves where they shop.
    Most would dearly love to spend their money in Callan, it is in their interest, especially with jobs and children growing up, but no you have to travel if you want something different.
    Probably these people have lived very narrow lives and have never experienced the joy of going from one supermarket to another for odd items, yes, even Tesco and Sainsbury do not necessarily carry every conceivable item.
    Surely they must see the harm being done to the community by this attitude and whatsmore the amount of money being spent elsewhere which could stop in Callan.
    Please think again, even though you might think we are wrong, remember Callan Jobs, Callan children and the brilliant staff at Supervalu.
    On a lighter note do you think someone could take down that picture of Dermot facing the entrance, it frightens the life out of me.
    Well have a nice day and take care in this wind, as always sincere regards Foxy;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    It is a sad state of affairs when a small group of old men hold a town the size of Callan to ransom, bizarre and why on earth are we bweing condemed to only having one grocery shop?
    We have asked for harmony so that the town can progress, but as you know we have not received any indication as to the withdrawal of the objection.
    This whole exercise must be embarrasing to our supermarket owner's, who have their hands tied like us until the decision is made late February The objectors are really clever people because for whatever reason they have, they are making it appear as if the supermarket is responsible.
    We know, of course that is not the case, they are entirely blameless, and honourable, and deserve as much support as we can give them.
    I do have a slight problem, it is getting so busy at certain times they actually need another checkout operator, yesterday people were complaining about the delay at the tills.
    We are thrilled that this is happening and even with Aldi it is not going to change.
    You have to remember that the lads have to work within the franchise rules, the lower prices are a definate incentive to shop local, even if we have no other choice.
    Note the cost of travelling to Clonmel or Killkenny, if you don't go into town or MacDonagh there are no parking charges, then compare what you have spent to what you would have spent in Callan.
    I think you could be surprised, okay one might buy different items but that is going to happen anyway, and you will see items which are cheaper, but not necessarily daily items.
    We won't mention the new line rolled out which appears to be a re-vamped old line.
    Despite all the good points we still need Aldi or Lidl, we need the freedom to choose, we do not want to be restricted by the whims of a group of old men who have no interest in the future of our town, our jobs and our children.
    I suggest they go and find a nice cosy nursing home somewhere in Connemara and leave us alone, you weren't elected to dictate, and we don't want you.
    That's told them, so have a lovely day but do take great care and wrap up it is bitter cold out there, as always my thanks and sincere regards Foxy:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I was doing a research job yesterday, you probably do not know that Supervalu in nearby Nenagh has closed and the building purchased by, oh dear, Aldi, Aldi was rejected previously by the power's that be.
    Objection was, as in Callan, the store was not in the centre of town.
    Neneagh has a Tesco apparently though it according to reports does not have a petrol station attached.
    The people are complaining had Aldi been allowed in Supervalu would not have closed, and they reckon 25 jobs were lost by the closure and a similar number by not allowing Aldi, 50 jobs, just think of that.
    The objectors were described in more somewhat different terms to us, Gobs...s, not our way.
    Thankfully our Supervalu is doing brilliant trade, as people said they dearly wanted to do all of the shopping local but were forced to go to Limerick.
    I guess it is similar we don't need to go to Kilkenny or Clonmel for daily shopping if the un-elected mafia of Callan would leave the town alone.
    What on earth do they think they are doing, I bet they are not putting mo ney into a St Patricks day event in Callan, I reckon they should put their money where their mouth is.
    One pity is we do not have a mayor, I frequently wonder if we have any elected representatives either.
    We can't as suggested get Aldi into the centre of town unless we knock a lot of it down, where the plans are is brilliant, as it should not cause any more traffic problems.
    A lot of the traffic problems really are caused by buses and heavy goods using West St and Mill St, if parking restrictions were in West St it would ease that part, I know what about Joe and the Butcher and the chipper's.
    If Bridge st was one way that would go a long way to solving some of the problem's, ah the Bridge st trader's might be up in arms, there are none, stop the parking and run the buses in, not part of this I guess.
    However one does have to look at the overall scene.
    The most important aspect is jobs for Callan, more shoppers for Callan, Callan for the future.
    Have a nice day and as always take care, thanks Foxy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 209 ✭✭justbored

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear Justbored
    Comment appreciated, many thanks.
    I will try to find the web site for petitions, one of the towns up on the border had the same problem we are having with the Callan Mafia.
    Their efforts were successful, they got either Lidl or Aldi.
    Will have a go tomorrow morning when it is early, no Dad I need the computer, or what's the password for this or that, though I did draw the line at PayPal.
    Thanks once again, take great care regards Foxy.:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    No sign of the "Callan Mafia", capitulating or even a willingness to discuss the pro's and con's of Aldi coming to Callan.
    From the research there is a consensus of opinion that Aldi actually compliments Supervalu, you could almost put the two shops side by side.
    Of course our dissenter's would no doubt be up in arms, however these poor people must realise Callan like the rest of the country needs to move forward.
    We cannot and do not want to live in the past, lets put it another way, at one time Callan was typical of a small town anywhere in the country, small shops, in fact a variety of shops, then suddenly Supervalu arrived, yes they started the end of the small business, and their dominance went unchallenged for a few years, in fact in Callan there was virtually no alternative.
    Then the discounter's from the continent arrived, their aggressive selling means lower prices, Supervalu had no alternative but to start cutting their prices, the cosy attitude no longer viable.
    Grocery retailing is now Dynamic selling, no frills, less lines and bulk sales,
    with 8000 shops world wide, they are buying at very low prices and the customer, you and I are benefiting, Supervalu have no alternative they must follow suit.
    Notice some of the branding now say's on Supervalu goods "Musgrave Retail Partners", we know they are into the UK by way of Budgen's supermarket's, and we know they don't just buy Irish products, we have tinned goods from Asia, my pet hate is seeing Tinned chinese Strawberries on the shelves, where are our own, the best in the world?
    Aldi doesn't make claims, if it's Irish it carries the flag and quite a lot of their products are Irish made, think Irish job's.
    So with all these plus point's why isn't Aldi or Lidl being allowed to come to our town, you cannot deny it is the future, if we are talking future expect to see larger stores before long.
    Up to recently legislation has prevented supermarkets building in excess of a restrictive size, this is why a lot of town centre shops are closing, there is not the capacity to extend, and when "idiots suggest putting Aldi in Green St they really need to change their occupation, there are no places for time waster's.
    By the way Aldi do a nice sandwich for 99c, ideal for kid's sorry student's lunch box. Another rip off hate, shops exploiting the school children, another thread perhap's.
    Right now it is pouring with rain. but nevertheless have a lovely restful day and hope our elected representatives can help us.
    As always my thanks to each and every one of you, sincere regards Foxy and another thing take great care, :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    :pac:Still hoping to get some sort of reaction to Aldi from the objector's, even if it is a negative response.
    How can any one want to deny the people of Callan a choice of supermarket's? How can anyone want to see the town slowly but surely die from the lack of trade.
    One of the point's being used is that Supervalu is an independent trading store, technically it is, Dermot and Martin own the store and they can decide if or when they want to stop trading.
    However to trade as Supervalu they must comply with the Musgrave company terms, you will notice even the paint is the same shade as all other stores, the layout and fixtures and fittings virtually identical and of course all the stock is supplied from a Musgrave warehouse.
    So what is the difference between Supervalu and it's competitor's, Aldi, Lidl and Dunnes stores are company owned, each store is run by a manager, who does not risk his or her own money, whereas Dermot and Martin have and are risking their own money.
    I suppose we should also throw in Tesco which is company owned, but having said all of that there is considerable pressure on a store manager to ensure the viability of the unit, otherwise they are going to get the chop, or worse the store will close.
    So in fact they are both very similar, Musgrave supply stock which has to be paid for and they also dictate the selling price, so there is an incentive for a Supervalu store to sell more of everything to make a profit.
    Now sometimes you will find certain items not on sale, because the owner's have tried them and they are left on the shelf, critical where there is a sell by date involved like Dairy and I believe these are non returnable, which of course erodes the profitability of the store.
    Your Aldi/Lidl and Dunnes etc do not have that problem as such, obviously they are not stocking food that doesn't sell but are more likely to carry slow moving products like exotic fruits for instance.
    Our true Independents are the Joe's and John's in Callan and Billy, must not forget our baker, they have to source everything themselves and they stand the loss for products that do not sell or have gone past the sell by date.
    With that knowledge, no doubt you are saying we knew that, we still want a choice of where to shop.
    Whilst we are on technicalities, another thing thrown into the pot is Irish made and Irish sourced goods, luckily most of the Irish produced foods carry the flag and will state where it is made, West Cork being a favourite place for pickles and jams etc, Monaghan is the egg capital and you should find that on most egg boxes though we do have eggs organic and Free Range in Callan, there are many Irish made cheeses./
    Now Irish sourced, dodgy subject, take one item Honey, especially blended honey, from an Irish blender read the label the honey comes from countries inside and outside the EU, you haven't a clue where it comes from.
    Biscuits, love them look at some of the packets made in the EU, it is a big place the EU, so many products that do not give the source, another dubious one, chicken dippers/nuggets made in the EU.
    Not everywhere is like Ireland, remember the Turkey from the UK which apparently so the story went really came from somewhere else.
    So we wait to see if we can have our Aldi store, come on get real you who only want one supermarket in our lovely town, let our children grow up in a town bustling with pride, would it not be nice for people to go round saying "Of course I come from Callan we have a fantastic shopping experience" in fact that could be better than "Open your heart's" which sounds like we do open heart surgery, "Experience the Callan effect".
    You never know we might just get MacDonalds, that's a franchise too.
    Have a nice day and as always thanks for your support, sincere regards Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Isn't it sad that the unelected, unwanted anti Aldi group cannot see their way clear to allow the people of Callan to have a choice of where they shop in their own town.
    We hope our elected representatives are going to support the campaign for more choice, be it Aldi, Lidl or Tesco, whilst they were elected to support the majority I do accept they have to protect the minority.
    Of course our unelected fellowes might well carry a great deal of clout which our elected representatives could be fearful of upsetting, so much for democracy.
    So our Aldi site remain's undisturbed, one hopes the objector's or their families shop only in Supervalu Callan, perhaps they sneak off to distant places where they are unknown, I hope not, equally I hope the objector's all live in Callan?
    Interesting thought that, I would be upset learning that someone in Cork was objecting to Aldi in Callan.
    Now, Bread, Supervalu bake rolls etc on a daily basis, if you catch the baker putting the hot rolls out, it is quite safe, it really bugs me to see little finger's grabbing the bread, though I have seen older more informed people squeezing loaves.
    Aldi unlike Lidl does not bake bread, in fact another of my hates I am unable to tell from the wrapper where the bread is baked, it could well be hauled from over the border, I have no idea, some of Lidl definately does.
    Should it make a difference, well think Irish job's, when I buy Billy's bread it is Callan job's.
    It is much the same with fruit and vegetables, where does it come from?
    Fruit juices can be a mystery especially concentrated, in particular orange, it is a quoted commodity on the financial market's, you probably get irish water added.
    Well the countdown is underway, we will know in less than a month what is happening to Callan Aldi.
    We want freedom of choice but we must also remember our Supervalu staff, best in the business, they deserve some sort of award, what does Dermot and Martin say?
    Right time for a break, so do take care, we are going to get a charity shop, at last, that is something to look forward too,start sorting out your bit's and pieces, enough have a super day and my thanks to you all regards Foxy:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Summer is coming, that is definate, but is Aldi, finger's crossed.
    If only the old people would say they are removing the objection, I am convinced the objector's are old, no offence to old people, it is a situation we will all find ourselves in eventually.
    Young people, middle aged, would welcome any improvement in the shopp[ing facilities in Callan, not that the situation is dire, it is not, the boy's at the supermarket have turned up the throttle, there are more bargains and the store looks welcoming.
    No offence to the boy's but without the current staff where would we be?
    One cannot praise the girls and fellowes enough.
    Back to Aldi, it would make shopping so much more fun, and there would be saving's both in Aldi and Supervalu, perhaps we could get rid of the stupid signs telling us that this product and that product is the same price as Tesco or Dunnes.
    Personally I don't care if Supervalu is cheaper or dearer than either Tesco or Dunnes, I am not about to rush out and catch the bus to town to save the odd cent or two, the more infuriating is "Same price as", if that is the limit of Supervalu advertising then it is time they changed their ad men.
    One of the things that bother's me is whether the children of Callan are getting enough food, perhaps we have not yet sunk to poor-house level's but with all the extra taxes and cuts in this and that are some parent's finding it difficult to manage?
    Personal pride may well stop some saying they cannot really manage, as Camp Hill are opening a charity shop one wonder's whether they would provide free or cheap to buy soup at lunch times for the students, the weekly cost of buying a lunch must in some cases be a nightmare, just a thought.
    Right we watch to see what happen's over the next few day's, but in any case my thanks as alway's to you, take great care. Sincere regards Foxy.:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    It could well be that our objectors are going to bring about the death of Callan as a shopping town by not allowing Aldi or whoever to open
    What they are not taking into consideration is the changing scene in the grocery business, perhaps they do not want too, what is at this moment will not be in the next five to ten years hence.
    Who would have dreamed that the small shop keeper would vanish from the scene, even tobacconists and newspaper shops have not got a long life, after all who would buy one as security?
    There is no guarantee that Supervalu will still be on the scene, well not in it's present format.
    One has only to look at the success of the Showgrounds in Clonmel and of late Macdonagh station, shopping malls, not like the Kilkenny version, both in the High Street look doomed, if it wasn't for Superquinn Market Cross would probably have gone.
    An out of town shopping mall in Callan would bring the town back to life, Aldi the first step, no doubt Lidl would follow, yes it would have an effect on Supervalu, that is inevitable, but this is where the skills of the owner comes into play.
    If you take the UK, supermarkets have come and gone without trace, most of them were at one time nationwide, Finefare, Gateway, Safeway, International to name a few.
    Even in Ireland, Quinnsworth, Crazy Prices have gone for ever so do not runaway with the thought of Supervalu, Dunnes all being here in five or ten years.
    So perhaps our objectors will look again before it is too late, apart from the fact that we did not elect them to speak for us, having said that I haven't heard from those who were elected, which is best, hmm.
    I guess if the expenses are that good you are not going to rock the boat.
    Well on that happy thought I will say my usual cheery good day and thank you all for the support, so have a nice weekend, it is supposed not to be quite so cold,
    Sincere regards Foxy:pac:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    "It could well be that our objectors are going to bring about the death of Callan as a shopping town by not allowing Aldi or whoever to open
    What they are not taking into consideration is the changing scene in the grocery business, perhaps they do not want too, what is at this moment will not be in the next five to ten years hence."

    - That's not if you have your way!

    "Who would have dreamed that the small shop keeper would vanish from the scene, even tobacconists and newspaper shops have not got a long life, after all who would buy one as security?"

    - What are you on about? you appear to both pray for and wish for the day when the small businesses will be crushed by the big boys and same time think your voice and wishes have nothing to do with it.

    The small business in the town need to be defended not wished away, once gone they will never return. You appear happy that their income get handed to the German Multi-nationals?

    This is not about how good you feel walking into an Aldi compared to the small shops in Callan, its about defending the rights of independent traders against the multinationals.

    Its the same as defending the independent small holders and crafts people against the mill and estate owners in the 1700's.

    What's the point in Aldi for Callan if it ends up with the small business owners of the town being shut down and having to work for Aldi for one tenth of the income?

    Just so you can enjoy something new!

    "There is no guarantee that Supervalu will still be on the scene, well not in it's present format."

    - Not with Two German Multi nationals taking over that's for sure.

    "One has only to look at the success of the Showgrounds in Clonmel and of late Macdonagh station, shopping malls, not like the Kilkenny version, both in the High Street look doomed, if it wasn't for Superquinn Market Cross would probably have gone."

    - Callan is a small town with nothing like the numbers Clonmel or Kilkenny have, living locally or visiting!

    "An out of town shopping mall in Callan would bring the town back to life, Aldi the first step, no doubt Lidl would follow, yes it would have an effect on Supervalu, that is inevitable, but this is where the skills of the owner comes into play."

    - If you want to live in a big town go live in on, get real callan is callan its never going to have something called a Mall! LA and New York have MALL's

    - What possible business skills can you have to stand up against giants, you need Money and how can you have more than Aldi?

    "If you take the UK, supermarkets have come and gone without trace, most of them were at one time nationwide, Finefare, Gateway, Safeway, International to name a few.
    Even in Ireland, Quinnsworth, Crazy Prices have gone for ever so do not runaway with the thought of Supervalu, Dunnes all being here in five or ten years."

    - Yes and during this war of the supermarkets most country towns in the UK - about the same size as Callan have been reduced to nothing more than one pub if lucky and an oxfam shop.

    "So perhaps our objectors will look again before it is too late, apart from the fact that we did not elect them to speak for us, having said that I haven't heard from those who were elected, which is best, hmm."

    - Who Elected you, to dictate to everyone in the town? Just because you think your correct it has nothing to do with reality!

    "I guess if the expenses are that good you are not going to rock the boat."

    - If your talking about TD's expenses, they are paid to then to listed to and take into account the needs of all concerned, God help us if you became one, we would only get what you think is to be done. God know we have had enough of that kind this last years.

    "Well on that happy thought I will say my usual cheery good day and thank you all for the support, so have a nice weekend, it is supposed not to be quite so cold,"
    Sincere regards Foxy:pac:

    Yes have a good weekend, at least you don't need to lose sleep that next few night about the Germans at the door all you need to think about is the new Mall Arhhh! how lovely it will be.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Brilliant Post, all your points were salient to the situation, however, have I not said we need to support the small shop keeper, yes and I repeat it for everyone, if you can afford the price the small shop keeper has to charge to make a living, many people including me cannot afford a price hike of 20, 30 or even 40%.
    If you can you are a very fortunate person.
    Ever been to Kildare Village? If not try it, the place is mobbed, bargains galore, do people care a hoot who the profit is made by if they get a bargain.
    You pick on the German discounter's, fair comment, tell them to go away and then watch our dairy and farming industry suffer, they are provider's of Irish Job's.
    Comment on Irish cheese that has to go to the UK to be wrapped, ever taken the trouble to see where some of Heinz products are coming from, The Netherlands, then look how many other products state they are made in the EU, it is one hell of a big place mate.
    If you are quite happy to see Callan as it is, fine, do you think Bridge Street is a shining example of the future prospect for our, yes our town.
    Do you not think in five to ten years trading will have changed?
    A mall shock horror, go and live in a big town, not the answer is it, would you not prefer to see money come into Callan rather than money going out?
    Why do people shop in Kilkenny or Clonmel, because they can't get what they want in Callan.
    There are people who won't shop in Supervalu, for reason's better unsaid, did you complain when Supervalu first came in, bet you didn't and did you have feelings for the small shopkeeper?
    I think your post as I said was great and from the heart and much depends whether you won't to stay as we are or move forward with the times.
    Children need jobs or will do in the future, before going on take a look at Mullinahone, Ballyragget and Durrow what opportunities exist for not only youngster's but older mature people, I suppose there is Urlingford, hmm.
    I am not knocking anyone, my heart goes out to Callan and the people.
    You before closing, you mention English villages, a charity shop and a pub if they are lucky, progress the village shop couldn't cope with the needs of today's custmer's.
    One final question where do you buy your milk? Supermarket or Milk Roundsman, would I be right Supermarket or maybe small shop, do you not have thoughts for the milk roundsman?
    Have a good night and thank you so much for your input, kind regards Foxy:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear Callanfoxy, I have given your comments much thought since last night, at least we now have the voice of our objector's, right.
    Please bear with me, firstly I am not talking for the people of Callan, secondly I cannot interfere with the democratic process, nor would I want too.
    Kilkenny Co Co gave planning permission to Tesco and then Aldi, you have with success stopped both stores with your objection's, my part is that I can plead the case for Aldi or Lidl come to that and the reason's why.
    What was missing was your real reason for objecting, in fact that is a still a mystery, though I can hazard a guess, we do not want competition.
    You say I am indicating doing away with the small retailer, perhaps you would give me a clue as to whom the small retailer is?
    I am talking serious shopping not glorified convenience stores, some of your small retailer's if I am reading you correctly are not much more than school tuck shops.
    My concern would centre around West St and Billy Keogh, there are three shops that have no equal, the butcher who sells the most fantastic meat, Joe next door, who offer's a brilliant service, but fruit and veg is a very tricky line, unless you sell a great deal, one cannot afford to have it sitting around, so if you don't support either, what can one say.
    Then we have our Baker, how do you expect him to compete with loaves of bread being sold for under one euro in the supermarket up the road, and can you not understand that many families staple diet is bread, so you cannot blame them for buying the cheapest, it will not be the best bread.
    Then we come to our Supermarket, yes we need to support it, but as an aside is it supporting other independent retailer's like John, Joe and Billy?
    After all they are reputed to be independent themselves, on Musgrave's.
    Did anyone shed a tear when Supervalu arrived Callanfoxy?
    You also mentioned Tesco decimated many English towns and villages, well if you look backm the writing was on the wall, the horse and cart days were over, people acquired car's, a new store opened a few miles away with prices much lower than the village shop's.
    I gather from what you write that money is no object, lucky you, but when you find that supermarket can save not just the odd cent but euro's what do you do? Oh dear I must make sure my little store has enough money to keep them in the style they have become used to?
    Then you found my vision of the future, not sure what you thought except that I should runaway and live in a big city with shopping malls etc.
    Well that is a fair view, however I try to keep this in proportion but you sound like an elderly person trying to preserve the past, can you not move on with us the young of today who want more from their life than a town of nearly dead shop's and a lack of anything slightly modern.
    Yes we need a competition, it is not healthy for Supervalu to be going it alone, we love the staff they are brilliant as I have said many times, Aldi isn't Tesco nor is Lidl, they tell me Loughboy Supervalu is booming since Aldi and Lidl arrived.
    But you my friend obviously cannot see that, so why do I and many more Callonians shop in Kilkenny and Clonmel?
    Would it not please you to see Callan full of people, the cafe's doing a roaring trade, queue's in Supervalu, the butcher and Joe run off their feet.
    I reckon if we had a small mall and Boot's and Argos arrived you would be in, I don't bear to think of it.
    By the way you made no comment about MacDonald's.
    Anyway take care and best wishes, also to those who support some competition in Callan our town, regards Foxy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    Thanks for your replies.

    You cover very well all of the current issues that relate to the food trade both nationally and locally..

    In your last post you almost imply that in order to take the ground I do, I would have no money worries!

    Hello!! this is Callan - Ireland, I am living in - in 2012!

    All of us have to think about what we spend and will have to do so for many year to come.

    I think you have some very good comments covered in all your posts!

    My main feelings about these issues remain the same however, they are:

    - We are the customer's of the future and as such should think hard about what we want and need. These day most people think they need things because a marketing department has convinced them that they do. we need to get are own minds back, turn off the ad's and find out what we really need to live.

    Most customers have lost complete reality as to what they bye and consume. bringing home foods that are not good for them and wasting most of it because the get to much...

    - If we hand our small towns over to the big multinationals we cannot go back. they can afford to discount, discount and discount until everyone else has gone.

    - It also not just about the current stores going, its about the future prospects for new businesses in the town. It ten years time who is going to bother or take a risk?

    Then our only option will be as low paid worker for the Germans!

    - If you lost small shops you will also lose local hands on services that Aldi will not provide, some of the small shops in the town provide special services. If they go , because they cannot compete in the main stream areas you will lost hands on local services that the big boys will never provide. The older people of the town often get things taken to the door, will some 18 year old working for next to nothing make this effort?

    - Re Tesco's back in the UK, No the writing was not on the wall, The UK Co-Co's through misguided planning permission handed the writing to them. Most people never asked for what happened and had no direct say in what did. Ireland is one of the few countries left were we can possible stop the wrong thing happening. Re my comment yesterday about - who elected you. We all need to say what we think while we can, go live in a country like the US, first thing you know the MALL is being built in they back yard and nothing anyone says will stop it!

    By the end of the tesco's out of town take over process even your doctors prescription would go directly to Tesco's from a link between the doctors desk pc and the Tesco's server. I never asked for that, Tesco's paid my Doctor to do it and if I wanted to keep my local shop open I had to move doctor!

    What we need to do is see the writing that is on the wall and say NO THANKS!

    - Re Local and national food providers, The smaller the store the bigger the chance the customer has to demand local provision. Who are you going to talk to in Aldi when the move to some other country for goods to save money - in all of their irish stores.

    - I would not be in Boots, I use the health shop and local medical providers. it kills me half the time that I don't even getting into Kilkenny as much as I did - shopping being a big reason.

    I know it costs more to shop local, but most of the time being in the bigger shop's you only come home with more than you needed or something you never needed in the first place...

    I am not talking personally, but if most of us eat only what we should and not the kinds of foods that the supermarkets have invented for us we would save much more than we could believe. Whats the point in cheaper foods if they are rubbish foods !

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    Dear Callanfoxy, I have given your comments much thought since last night, at least we now have the voice of our objector's, right.
    Please bear with me, firstly I am not talking for the people of Callan, secondly I cannot interfere with the democratic process, nor would I want too.
    Kilkenny Co Co gave planning permission to Tesco and then Aldi, you have with success stopped both stores with your objection's, my part is that I can plead the case for Aldi or Lidl come to that and the reason's why.
    What was missing was your real reason for objecting, in fact that is a still a mystery, though I can hazard a guess, we do not want competition.
    You say I am indicating doing away with the small retailer, perhaps you would give me a clue as to whom the small retailer is?
    I am talking serious shopping not glorified convenience stores, some of your small retailer's if I am reading you correctly are not much more than school tuck shops.
    My concern would centre around West St and Billy Keogh, there are three shops that have no equal, the butcher who sells the most fantastic meat, Joe next door, who offer's a brilliant service, but fruit and veg is a very tricky line, unless you sell a great deal, one cannot afford to have it sitting around, so if you don't support either, what can one say.
    Then we have our Baker, how do you expect him to compete with loaves of bread being sold for under one euro in the supermarket up the road, and can you not understand that many families staple diet is bread, so you cannot blame them for buying the cheapest, it will not be the best bread.
    Then we come to our Supermarket, yes we need to support it, but as an aside is it supporting other independent retailer's like John, Joe and Billy?
    After all they are reputed to be independent themselves, on Musgrave's.
    Did anyone shed a tear when Supervalu arrived Callanfoxy?
    You also mentioned Tesco decimated many English towns and villages, well if you look backm the writing was on the wall, the horse and cart days were over, people acquired car's, a new store opened a few miles away with prices much lower than the village shop's.
    I gather from what you write that money is no object, lucky you, but when you find that supermarket can save not just the odd cent but euro's what do you do? Oh dear I must make sure my little store has enough money to keep them in the style they have become used to?
    Then you found my vision of the future, not sure what you thought except that I should runaway and live in a big city with shopping malls etc.
    Well that is a fair view, however I try to keep this in proportion but you sound like an elderly person trying to preserve the past, can you not move on with us the young of today who want more from their life than a town of nearly dead shop's and a lack of anything slightly modern.
    Yes we need a competition, it is not healthy for Supervalu to be going it alone, we love the staff they are brilliant as I have said many times, Aldi isn't Tesco nor is Lidl, they tell me Loughboy Supervalu is booming since Aldi and Lidl arrived.
    But you my friend obviously cannot see that, so why do I and many more Callonians shop in Kilkenny and Clonmel?
    Would it not please you to see Callan full of people, the cafe's doing a roaring trade, queue's in Supervalu, the butcher and Joe run off their feet.
    I reckon if we had a small mall and Boot's and Argos arrived you would be in, I don't bear to think of it.
    By the way you made no comment about MacDonald's.
    Anyway take care and best wishes, also to those who support some competition in Callan our town, regards Foxy

    PS I am moving on, its just my vision of the future is not based on the America nightmare but the the rights for individual to set-up small businesses for themselves and gain personally from doing so. Not be simple wage slaves to the Multi Nationals.

    Big Multi national business appears to have almost taken over your ideas of the future?

    What happens when you wakeup one day and realise that you don't have a chance to create anything for yourself because the world you live in only has room for big businesses and your to old and cost to much to work for them?

    A world where the banks will say they will not invest in your idea because Aldi and Tescos are to big for you and you cannot compete. A world in which only the 18 years olds get the jobs because the mutl-national find them cheap labour.

    I am moving forward, but something we have been doing well - should come along with us!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear Callanfoxy, you are really down to earth and write exceptionally well and no one could argue with the point's you make, except me, seriously though there are problems.
    Not sure where to start, okay take Tesco, you say local trader's will provide services to people in the vicinity, yes but so do Tesco and Superquinn, home delivery, be honest we could not fault it, but I know what you are saying.
    Boot's the Chemist, presume the same applies to Sam MCauley, you only have to look in on a Saturday so many people love the stores.
    Advertising and Food's, this is a wide area and encompasses so much, I try not to judge people by what they eat as long as they do not ask me to share it, in the main the advert's have little or no effect, it is akin the buy two get one free or 50% extra free, I don't necessarily want it.
    Sensible price cut's okay, the other day Supervalu were doing Chicken Breast for 3Euro and best mince for 2.50, fine good buy's.
    They do deals on fruit and veg, we are great on fruit salads and stir fries, left to us the chipper would go out of business, every product is checked to see if it contains Hydronated fat, no way will we accept it.
    Aldi or as you say the German's, actually does not do you credit, you are very articulate and despite the past we are Europeans, all of us striving to live in peace.
    You see if you go the other way what do the English say about Budgen's profit going to the Irish, and the Spanish with Dunnes, Musgrave, and I think Penney's, it is a global market, you would no doubt be hard pressed to see who actually made the profit.
    Shop small to ensure local produce, excellent idea, the grocer has not a clue how to provide only Irish food, it comes in and can be labelled as coming from wherever you like, my pet hate is Supervalu tinned chinese Strawberries, apart from the footprtint it is an insult to our producer's.
    We have a thriving dairy industry so we get yogurts from the continent.
    It goes on and on.
    Then the health shop, our one in Callan absolutely lovely people and long may they last, but having said that do you not think this is a partly unregulated industry, say no more.
    I am going it's time for lunch, by the way don't forget the Hunter Gatherer, I know you won't. Talk soon regards Foxy:rolleyes::o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    Dear Callanfoxy, you are really down to earth and write exceptionally well and no one could argue with the point's you make, except me, seriously though there are problems.
    Not sure where to start, okay take Tesco, you say local trader's will provide services to people in the vicinity, yes but so do Tesco and Superquinn, home delivery, be honest we could not fault it, but I know what you are saying.
    Boot's the Chemist, presume the same applies to Sam MCauley, you only have to look in on a Saturday so many people love the stores.
    Advertising and Food's, this is a wide area and encompasses so much, I try not to judge people by what they eat as long as they do not ask me to share it, in the main the advert's have little or no effect, it is akin the buy two get one free or 50% extra free, I don't necessarily want it.
    Sensible price cut's okay, the other day Supervalu were doing Chicken Breast for 3Euro and best mince for 2.50, fine good buy's.
    They do deals on fruit and veg, we are great on fruit salads and stir fries, left to us the chipper would go out of business, every product is checked to see if it contains Hydronated fat, no way will we accept it.
    Aldi or as you say the German's, actually does not do you credit, you are very articulate and despite the past we are Europeans, all of us striving to live in peace.
    You see if you go the other way what do the English say about Budgen's profit going to the Irish, and the Spanish with Dunnes, Musgrave, and I think Penney's, it is a global market, you would no doubt be hard pressed to see who actually made the profit.
    Shop small to ensure local produce, excellent idea, the grocer has not a clue how to provide only Irish food, it comes in and can be labelled as coming from wherever you like, my pet hate is Supervalu tinned chinese Strawberries, apart from the footprtint it is an insult to our producer's.
    We have a thriving dairy industry so we get yogurts from the continent.
    It goes on and on.
    Then the health shop, our one in Callan absolutely lovely people and long may they last, but having said that do you not think this is a partly unregulated industry, say no more.
    I am going it's time for lunch, by the way don't forget the Hunter Gatherer, I know you won't. Talk soon regards Foxy:rolleyes::o

    The same back to you! enjoy your posts even if I don't agree with you in many ways!

    I tell you who gets the profit, the shareholders do.....

    The Farmers don't and the Aldi staff don't and the local communities don't get to see a cent.

    I understand how hard it is to keep stock local or irish, but local shop holders will do what they can, the Aldi purchasing managers up in Dublin well will they?

    If they come it won't be the end of the world tomorrow or even in a years time, but remember they are here for good. they have all they need to keep every other trader down or out.

    The other thing is they (Aldi) are less interested in Callan shoppers than the passing trade from the bypass, People working in Kilkenny from Clomel and the other way around. I think this is a big point that relates to the out of town location comments, Yes its close to the hart of Callan but its on the bypass and they know fully well they will get massive passing trade, why do they care if over the next 20 years the hart of the town become a ghost town - so long as they have such a visible location. Even the Clonmel and Kilkenny stores are more hidden away than the Callan one will be!

    Plus the other local towns will lose trade because people will drive into Callan for Aldi have you considered that?

    Love the Germans - well some of them, the ones I have known both present and passed, hate their banks it them who got the European interest rate as low as possible, making it possible for cheap money to flow into the country. You know the rest of the story! or you will very soon!

    Enjoy your lunch!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    If one takes on board all of your comments, which were well thought out, what do you expect next?
    We agreed that supermarket's encourage one to buy un-necessary items, they are designed to do exactly that.
    An experiment, we decided to use only the three local small retailer's for the week, one is badly stocked but we will go along with what we can get.
    No supermarket, so where do you see Supervalu in this, if more people join in, what happens to the staff?
    I understand your objection to Aldi and all the drawbacks of passing trade, so what in your opinion will out way, the benefit's to the community, if any.
    Given enough people decide to shop in our small retailer's and Supervalu are forced to close, what then.
    It is a what if situation and probably unfair to ask.
    Regards and thanks Foxy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    No I think its a fair question.....

    I don't however think the local shops are badly stocked, but that's because I personally can live of very natural foods and can help cook our own for most of the time.

    In an odd way its only having supervalue in the town that helps me with this.

    Now, I don't expect anyone to change what they do, my comments are from a very personal point of view. I can live off the Local Fruit and veg shops along with supervalue , we make bread in the house very often and the Local meat shop is more than ok when you need it. We eat oats for breakfast with irish wexford honey and I have the odd bear when I do sit in front of the TV..

    So I don't mean to be hardwork for you but I already do what you say we could...

    I do fully understand that not everyone would be happy like that but its something I have slowly grown into. I kinda like it now and wonder what I was doing eating ready made meals every evening. I think Callan helped me get away from all that kind of food and I am happy about that.

    Again I don't even think about if its good or bad, if it help keep local profit for local people I could live of almost anything that gives you the basic's you need.

    If ( a Big IF?) you believe the climate change end of worlders, we are all going to have to live off the local land again at some point and stop driving/flying plastic food around the planet.

    We are going to have to get use to going through all the fruit and veg to get the good ones again - remember that? Its going to become a part of shopping like it use to be.

    I know what I say is not going to be the way everyone thinks, but I still think that Callan should stay with its great local business and local profit for local business owners etc...

    I don't think handing a big % of the possible local income over to Adli or any multi national super-market is the way ahead, I just don't see it being for this town. In a few years time new local people can build new local shops, with the big boys in the town however all they are going to be able to do is collect baskets and pack shelves...

    "He predicted that the South-East - the heartland for Tesco and Sainsbury's - will be the future battleground for supermarkets as Asda and Morrisons expand.

    But a report by the parliamentary Small Shops Group suggests that independent retailers and wholesalers would lose out as a result and disappear by 2015.

    It called for a moratorium on retail mergers and takeovers, as well as an independent regulator.

    'The loss of small shops, largely the result of a heavily unbalanced trading environment, will damage the UK socially, economically and environmentally,' the MPs warned."

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Callanfoxy, thank you for your honesty and integrity, it has been a pleasure communicating, you have helped enormously with the Aldi for Callan saga.
    The small retailer, we came to a conclusion the stock for the little shops came from a Wholesaler, who in turn supplied the shop, the manufacturer had to make a profit, the wholesaler had to do the same and then the shop keeper, in that scenario there is no way you are going to get a bargain.
    I am afraid the chances of supporting Irish industry are remote, equally who get's all the profit, obviously that would depend on who owns the wholesaler's.
    The fruit and Veg man, yes you stand a good chance of getting fresh vegetables direct from the grower, when they are in season, bear that in mind because out of season, the food will come from exactly the same place as the Supermarket, also you are less likely to get exotics due to spoilage etc.
    The butcher, has a clear run, offer's superb service with high quality food, no one should buy from a supermarket when we have such a man, we ought to be queueing outside the door. Long may he be with us.
    Now the crux of the matter, Supervalu and Aldi, if Supervalu are promoting "we are independent retailers", then they are buying produce from Musgrave's, the same way your small retailer is from the wholesaler.
    Someone is bound to throw up foot-prints, Supervalu will probably be supplied from Cork so most of the food is trundled around Ireland to Cork and then shipped out to the individual stores.
    One problem, each individual Supervalu really has not got a lot of clout with supplier's, Musgrave's are the people who really decide what and where to buy from.
    So we do get Irish produce, but do not run away with the idea they are a charity, the name of the game is money.
    We finally get to Aldi, yes, the firm is German, but we are all European's, didn't they see our budget before us, no comment eh.
    Aldi is big business, tremendous buying power, and have the sense to buy as much as possible from the host country, what ever the price they pay is no different to any other wholesaler, sorry.
    Their method of operation differ's from all the other supermarket, except Lidl's, there are very few special offer's, the price you will pay is low enough not to need inducement's to buy, there are no loyalty cards, is the saving worth it anyway.
    Aldi or Lidl will not swamp the other stores, the profit's well that is what business is all about.
    Though I am not a fan of Tesco, if you realise it all started with bent tins, if my memory is correct Cohen who became Lord Cohen went round shops and bought all their bent tins, most people tend to leave them on the shelves these day's, but no, he had a market stall and sold them dirt cheap but made a profit, now look at the profit of the company.
    Marks and Spencer's had equally humble beginnings well not as bad as Tesco.
    So there you have it, well almost, when you go into a supermarket you get bombarded with bargain's, if you really want to save money, make a list of what you need before you go out, take it with you and do not buy anything that is not on the list, however tempting.
    Also if you put the price down you can shop to a limit, say 70 euro, keep a running total and when you reach your limit, checkout.
    Now keep the list for the next time and watch prices.
    Supermarkets will hate you but you purse will love you.
    Have a superday asnd once again thank you so much Callanfoxy, take care Foxy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    Hi Teddy,

    Some great points again!

    The super market cat is out of the bag, has been for sometime it can only be controlled and not put back in.

    We can only do what we can, Re: the growing season, if we bye local while its in season that's all we can do and its not going to damage the local providers if we then get produce from another source. Its remembering to ask for the local produce again once its back on the shelves. For me the only way to do this is keep shopping it the small shops so that it happens automatically.

    Re the UK Daily mail article:

    500,000 small shop owners in 1945 to 35,000 today and 2000 still going per year due to the current supermarket wars. 5 supermarkets per person its just nuts. In some location one company owns all the different chains involved, so that when one store offers as a discount on a product the other raises the price to keep the profit the same if not more.

    All that local skill gone, business skills to shelf packing skills. Business running skills to jobs that only a student would be happy with in the long term. How many people would work in a supermarket for a life time?

    You asked me what I think the options are, How about the government doing what they should be doing and getting the banks to give back some of the tax payers Billions by investing in and developing small businesses in small towns like callan, so that the small shops can look good and develop.

    How about we have our local business development officer back and he or she helps to develop the local business base with the Banks Money (Our Money) so that new businesses can develop in the town, or is the only plan that we all work for Aldi?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    What appeared to be a straight forward issue has become complicated, Aldi for Callan and before Tesco for Callan.
    One must ask the reason why both of the largest grocery stores in the world want to come to our town.
    You cannot say Callan is bursting with money, the population not massive so why?
    Then we come as always to our objector's, why the objection.
    My research, there were more Callan people shopping in Tesco in Clonmel on Saturday last, why?
    For Aldi and before Tesco, the lure was and is still the catchment area and the location, they both sense the one thing, money.
    Is there an advantage to us the people of Callan, of course, now that Tesco is out of the frame, Aldi will provide, given one shops wisely, a considerable discount on the weekly shop.
    However, there are many items Aldi does not stock, which mean's one has to use Supervalu.
    There is a school of thought which say's we do not need Aldi in Callan, forgive me here but the reason is Supervalu, I will explain as I see it.
    When the store was first built it coped with and was adequate for the demands of the shopper's, at one stage is was slightly enlarged and the car park came into being.
    I might be wrong but virtually no money has been spend on refurbishment, the checkout's are ancient by today's standards, the express checkout area is a disaster, the shelving and stocking leaves much to be desired, when was it last decorated.
    One could go on and on, some of the units are not user friendly, putting crisps by pushing is the last thing to do, bottles on top of each other is a nightmare.
    Permanent price cuts and some promotions are, well let's say, not exactly what they seem to imply.
    The shop is now far too small for the town, expand or, has to be the word.
    I watch people walk out because the queue for the checkout is slow moving, especially in the early morning, to get help the operator has to come ouit and call the office to tell them there is a queue, o deary me.
    Also we want the freedom of choice, quality at a lower price.
    Whilst saying all this, I am told that there are times when delivery's are arriving late, a friend said Friday morning especially.
    Okay once now and again one must accept, but if it occurs on a regular basis surely Musgraves must be told we are running a supermarket not a pantomine.
    Aldi appear to deliver outside shop hours so that when the store opens, it is fully stocked and the situation monitored through out the day.
    It has been muted that once Aldi come in they are there for life, not trued, they have just closed down the operation in Greece, 38 shops apparently the trading conditions were not right. I actually witnessed this in Swansea, the council put in a road system past their store which made it very difficult for both deliveries and customer's, shop closed and gone within 24 hours.
    Well that is a lot to mull over, do you know Rathdowney? Why did Dunnes build a store their, they already have Supervalu????
    Go on have a nice day and please take care, don't forget the charity shop on the square.
    Sincere regards,:rolleyes: Foxy

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    Hi Foxy,

    Again you have some very good points....

    I would answer as follows:

    .. I think they want Callan for the passing and driving in/call in trade, I don't think they see callan form any kind of social development stand point. As such I don't think they care about any long term effects on the town..

    I understand that supervalue is not the best store in the country, however if Aldi comes and we all move to shopping on the edge of the town whats going to happen?

    Will supervalue somehow find the extra cash from what is less and less money to upgrade all the things you list or as is more likely in the current economy, the store becomes even more run down or closes all together leaving another part of the town in a mess?

    Do you not think that supermarkets will always have problems pleasing everyone all the time, is it not the same process no matter which one you go into. As you know I like small shops but from the last time I shopped in superquin many months ago, they had moved all their express checkouts to self service and even though I have used computers for years I personally cannot stand them and will never shop in the place again even though I could still use the ordinary checkouts. Just the very idea of removing a human from the process got to me so much!

    Is this not an example of how what one person may like the other will not?

    My honest question would be along these line i.e.

    If there is no such thing as the perfect supermarket, are we at risk of messing up the town, building a new one just to see if its better - only to find that the process is the same at the end of the day + the main street in callan will be looking worse ?

    If Aldi increase the traffic visiting the town, well the end of west street anyway, why do you think its going to be a faster process in their store, west st and chapel lane will be packed, you may get parking at their store and its not going to be that fast inside because if they get the volume of people they need to make it pay they will have lots of people at the check out to clear.

    I know you think people are just objecting to something thats possible good etc, but for the most its because people have honest questions, Like whats going to happen to the bypass traffic, unless a round-about is constructed on it, It already at sometimes of the day take 5 min's to get out of west st on to the bypass. What's it going to be like when you are competing with all the aldi traffic. If you live on chapel lane or west street you will have two options, crawl through the town ( which will have increased traffic coming form the other way to aldi) to the windgap road or the top of the town or sit at the west st exit and wait for ever to get onto the bypass at aldi.

    Chapel lane will be un-walkable as it's not got enough pavements.

    One other problem, have you seen the number of people who walk the bypass every night, I went into kilkenny yesterday evening lots of people walking on the bypass as I left and just as many on the way back three hours latter. This show a more important something the town is lacking other than just another place to shop!

    All these people are putting themselves in danger each evening, they are doing the right thing by walking but what's it going to be like for them when all the extra Aldi traffic arrives?

    Will the KK-Co-Co provide a safe location for the people of callan who want to walk, A safe place at night and safe from traffic. The friary green has been usless for this from day one. Its not safe as in it has not lighting on winters evenings and its to short anyway. Why this is on the Kilkenny trails list is well beyond most peoples imaginations!

    I know one day I will read in The KK people that someone has been killed on the Bypass and the Aldi traffic will up the odds!

    Big questions no one is answering, great better shop but at the cost of a worse Callan to live in?

    Like I asked before, do Adli care if they have the location of the by-pass and all the stopping trade that goes with it?

    Lastly re your point about Aldi my go if its not working for them, I don't mean to be hard on you but! if they do and supervalue close due to them etc - Great we will have to empty supermarkets! - I know that's just picking on your point but people are not just objecting they have many valid questions....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Why do you do this to me, you set my brain working like mad, funny enough I was working away thinking of Supervalu.
    Down the road we have one of the best chef's in the county, why do they not have a cookery demo once a fortnight, the name should be enough to get people in.
    Okay there are a lot of old age pensioner's in Callan from what I have seen, suggest an old age pensioner day 5 or 10% discount on production of whatever they give them to collect the money?
    There are a lot of mum's with toddler's around, discount day for baby products, we are in difficult times, and instead of parading around the shop why doesn't martin and dermot get their coats off and talk to the customer's, you find a lot out when you come down off your perch.
    With the clock ticking yes or no to Aldi isn't far away, now traffic I obviously go to Loughboy and there has never been a problem getting in or out, but see your point about West St, have possible solution make Bridge st one way, including buses in this have a roundabout at the square, might think of West st one way and chapel lane the other way.
    Yep roundabout on By-pass irrespective, seeing who opened it you shouldn't expect too much.
    Walker's frighten the life out of me should have something done, perhaps after the Aldi saga is over we can do Callan, our elected rep's will probably be having kitten's.
    Think what you are saying hits right at the crux of the matter and should be in a new thread.
    Don't take this serious but if Supervalu did close perhaps they could sell it to Lidl??????????????????????????????
    I will do some more thinking later, you are a great person to have around,
    sort of makes me proud of Callan and the people.
    Go careful, be in touch sincere regards Foxy:)
