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ALDI for Callan - again!!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    Sorry about that, but your comments are making me think big time as well...

    More great ideas! would love to know more about cooking...

    I have another idea for bridge st, close it right down to the KCAT turn off and use it as an open public area for the Art's/entertainments, we could have a farmers market on it every week and other things...

    Yes I know the walking is also another issue but new developments have to take health and safety into account.

    Talk soon....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I would really like some sort of indication from our elected representatives as to where they stand on the subject, so far they have been almost non existent in comment's.
    After all they were elected to represent the people, all the people.
    We can, spell out the reason's for having Aldi in Callan, equally the objector,s can do likewise.
    There is in fact a much broader situation which should be addressed, who is looking after Callan, who is making decisions for us in our town?
    If we get Aldi do we want anyone else, Lidl, Dunnes or even Eurospar.
    Should we be getting a monthly newsletter, I object to having the "People" as the official mouthpiece.
    Let's hope we get some official information shortly.
    Have a lovely day and take care, sincere regards Foxy:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    Hi Teddy

    Out of all the great things you have said in this post, that has to cap them all!

    Well said!

    Yes who is, we have lots of people doing things like arranging a festival once a year but once this is over BANG! everyone's gone. Some/Many may not like me saying so but that's more about vested interests than anything else (IMO).

    Did we have a public meeting about this Teddy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Callanfoxy, people might not like what you say; but no one can refute your opinion.
    The turmoil caused by Tesco and now Aldi, is un-natural. Below the surface there may be thing's which have not yet come to fruition.
    It is possible, the Aldi site was ear-marked for an alternative development.
    So perhaps, it is wise for our elected representatives to keep their heads down, to avoid up-setting certain elements.
    Aldi on that site would be infinately better than it currently is.
    In my opinion as we have moved into the electronic communications, there is no reason our elected representatives cannot inform those who elected them of what was actually taking place in the great debating chamber's, in as far as our town is concerned.
    The lack of information smacks at............. does it not.
    We are in 2012, not 1912, freedom of information?????
    It is time we had a Callan web site, that was not run by parties that had vested interest's elsewhere.
    We may be treading on some very touchy feet, so...................
    Have a good night and take care, the clock is ticking, Foxy:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Will we or won't we get Aldi in Callan, that is the big question?
    We know of course, the objector's for reason's unknown, do not want any competition to the current set-up.
    So what about the vast majority who do want an alternative?
    There are many reason's why, one is Supervalu does not provide sufficient choice, one does not have the freedom we demand in this day and age to choose where you shop.
    There are people who have no car and therefore to get into Kilkenny or Clonmel would be expensive, and as we know shopping without a car is an aggravation, and almost impossible.
    Then we have some that do not want the stress involved in parking in Kilkenny, the multi storey or the market yard can be a nightmare, market cross well choose the wrong time and it takes ages to get out.
    In respect to parking, Clonmel is slightly better, Lidl, Aldi and Dunnes are free parking and are easy to negotiate, the Showgrounds is another kettle of fish, yes Iceland and Marks and Spencer beckon, the car park is free, though a little confusing.
    What about McDonough Stn, I hate the place the entrance up a slope, deadly and finding ones way around even worse.
    For those who say Supervalu will lose out, well in this day and age you have to go the extra mile, I would suggest to management they clean the checkout's and move the ATM the rubbish down the side of it has been there all week, if this is what the public can see, I ask what about what the public can't see?????
    Sorry, but Aldi appear to have a very squeaky clean shop.
    So objector's why do you not want Aldi?????? Was the site earmarked for another venture, I do not think so, unless by coincidence the Tesco site was wanted for other use.
    Or looked at from a different perspective is there some jealousy as to the amount of money being paid to individuals and it is quite easy to stop that, but rather nasty and tacky.
    Perhaps our paid elected representatives could advise us, it is time we had an official Callan website with council news affecting our town.
    In 2004 we know the representatives were getting 25 thousand euro plus, what are they getting today?
    What is even more important-what are they doing to help Callan get an alternative, but necessary alternative???
    We wait and see.
    Have a really lovely day, sincere regards Foxy:eek:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    A local web site would be a great idea and yes we do need to have an independent group of people in the town, a group that stands back from personal interests and speaks out for the general good of the town.

    Sometimes it feels like the town is being controlled by groups who can speak the loudest and have the most to benefit from doing so and the most to loose if they do not.

    For sometime I have been praying for an opportunity to say that! FEW!

    A healthy town is one where everyone gets a say and much more than that, this say has to produce a balanced result, in callan this is not happening (IMO). People to often say they welcome peoples opinions when what they mean is, go on say it (your opinion! ) then we can move on as quickly as possible and walk all over what you just had to say, after all we know much more because we are on the committee.

    I have to be honest, I don't trust many of callan's committee's, they all appear to follow a route back to some vested interest of some kind. They only want you involved when the plans have already been made and are final - Final before you even know about anything to do with them . They just want free labour to help them achieve their personal aims, ones that completely advantage them and leave you with nothing more than a feeling of having been used! Again FEW!!!!

    Good people give their time to their local surroundings while putting their personal interests last.

    Now maybe that's just the impression they give out to me, however I would follow the old adage, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and sounds like a duck - well it probably is a DUCK!

    IMO this town needs a group that just want's the best for the town....

    Again I understand why you want a new supermarket Teddy, and from your last posts you could be bringing me around a little. Not all of the objectors have something personal to gain however, some may loss out a little from not having Aldi or any other store.

    Sometimes in life when people have not been told everything they need to know they feel the only option they are left with is to say NO!

    We have gone through the questions I do have and I feel they are very honest ones but even though I have tried to get answers no one can or is willing to give them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Callanfoxy, well done, I need to digest the latest post, will come back later, have to pop into supervalu.
    You are so right, you are heading in the right direction but there are a lot of pitfalls on the way, tread carefully.
    The Aldi issue might bring it out into the open, though I fear; they will try to supress any adverse comment.
    Enjoy lunch, will communicate sooner than later.
    Regards and a plate of sausages with pickle, Foxy:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Aldi jobs? The possibility of jobs for Callan people hang's in the balance.
    The clock is ticking-the objector's are no doubt rubbing their grubby little hand's with glee:
    We will stop progress-unless it is for our benefit, and as Callanfoxy said yesterday, they are trying to control Callan.
    I note that Supervalu have decided to give Aldi/Lidl a bashing, by putting the same price notices on certain items, so does that indicate that the items without a notice are dearer in Supervalu?
    They have also put in a PA system telling us the same as Dunnes do, one reason I don't shop in Dunnes very often and probably will only use Supervalu as a convenience store from now on.
    Background music can be very theraputic, beneficial in fact but to listen to what is on offer etc, boring.
    It is a pity the trolley's can't be kept under cover, who wants to use a soaking wet trolley.
    If our objector's think they are clever or even brilliant, they are not, the loss of possible jobs, even Supervalu would have had to hire more staff; did they think of that, no, of course not; they are wrapped up in their cosy little world, and the people of Callan can go to hell.
    So we are stuck with a supermarket which is not large enough for the community it serves, though fair play to the management, they are trying to squeeze more and more stock in the store, but there is a limit.
    Of course you may not agree, and unlike the objector's I appreciate and understand, we are supposed to live in a free and democratic country.
    As Callanfoxy put it Callan has no direction and needs an unbias committee, we should have our own Mayor and town council, and not be at the receiving end of whatever Kilkenny wants to dole out.
    Let's hope our current elected representatives do not apply for the job's.
    Well off to Aldi and Lidl's and probably Supervalu in Loughboy, I shouldn't need to but-thanks to the objector's that is how it will be.
    Have a nice day despite the inclement weather, sincere regards and thanks Foxy:cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    That's not what I said Teddy.

    I said I did not often trust that the committee's in the town were neutral.

    I do not trust that they have the overall interest of the town at heart and that they are not just in it to promote self interests.

    I do not trust that they are not just taking government money to promote self interests and wonder how much the town benefits in the long term. I.E all year around when the festival period is over!

    I often wonder that if this cash were free for other things than dancing painted people in the month of July - what else it could be used for, A pavement down the bypass for example so that people could exercise safely....

    I am taking a very neutral stand point on Aldi and still have some open question about the long term effects on the town.

    Again I am Very Neutral in my standing so please do not imply anything other than that!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Sorry Foxy, I am having to balance Aldi and Callan. I think we need another thread, despite there being an inter-connection between the two.
    I appreciate how you feel about Aldi and try not to influence you or anyone else, by my opinion.
    My sincere apology for the mis-interpretation, I would not wish to cause you any possible worry.
    Once again public apology mate, regards.;)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16 callanfoxy

    None taken at all, just wanted to make myself clear.

    Yes maybe two thread are needed and I don't mean to go off topic at all...

    All the best! come on Ireland!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    The time is running out. No doubt the objector's are rubbing their grubby little hands with glee, expecting, of course, to overturn the council's decision.
    It is a momentus moment for the people of Callan, and future generations of Callanonians, (I rather like that title), will Aldi be allowed to come or not, to some people it will not matter one iota, me, well I will shop elsewhere.
    As much as I want to see the money stay in Callan, there is no way the little band of fools are going to win, they might score a moral victory, and walk away saying, "We beat them", but how will history judge you?
    As I have said before you can sit and ponder the fate of our, perhaps it is your town, as it crumbles before your eyes.
    It only needs Supervalu to go, they did in Nenagh, then where will you be, up, what is the name of that street.
    So my friends, I think it is time to leave everything to the decision on the 24th, if we lose, congratulations to the winning team, enjoy and savour the victory.
    Pity you didn't have the courage to come out in the open, perhaps you will have a festival paid for by the council.
    My thanks to you all for the support, you have been terrific.
    Keep you eyes open for a Callan thread in due course, yours Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 41 homestyle

    Still nothing from your local scribe. I think its obvious now which side he's on.Wait for his ranting if planning is not given.Enjoying your posts reading from a distance but i'm home as often as i can and stock up in kilkenny on my way ,as more often than not i cant get what i want locally.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear Homestyle, thanks so much for the post, twas appreciated very much. Hope you are home soon the 24th is the day.
    Perhaps we should initiate a save Callan day? Take great care, sincere regards Foxy;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Still here, watching the time slip by, not long to decision day.
    Will Callan vibrate to a new and exciting future, will the children in years to come say "What a brilliant place to live".
    If Aldi does not happen, one wonder's what the objector's have in mind for the town, our town.
    You cannot object to the future without a plan for the present, I suppose they could fill it with charity shop's, or have people sitting on street corner's with begging bowl's.
    To see the amount of property for sale in Callan is enough to tell one that people are struggling; struggling to make end's meet, to live.
    Can you imagine the stress some people are under, I doubt it, if you are an objector.
    At least Aldi will provide food cheaper than Supervalu, fact, though in fairness Supervalu prices in some cases are coming down, is that the threat of Aldi coming?
    There are some thing's I do not like in Aldi, Coffee for one, I was always a Nescafe lover, and at the moment the Fine Blend is a steal at Supervalu, but beware if you bake, Stork gold block is only 65c over at Londis, come on Dermot and Martin why are you charging 93c for the identical item?
    It is easy to write about the difference between Aldi and Supervalu both have good and bad point's, however the crux of the matter is "Choice" the freedom to choose where you shop, without spending a fortune on petrol to get there.
    Take Clonmel a food shopper's paradise, not a bother to park the car, wonderful, I am not saying we need to go that far, however it is not your choice is it.
    What do the youngster's of today want it is their world you are tampering with, and anyone over fifty is too old to put themselves in the shoes of youngster's.
    I bet the objector's must have zimmer frames, hearing aids, definately false teeth, get with it lad's, give the world a chance before it is too late.
    Do have a really super day, bet the objector,s were too mean to buy their partner's roses, Joe loses out again.
    Be careful, sincere regards, roses are not for ever, diamonds are. Foxy:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    You might think I have a down on the objector's to Aldi; the basis of the argument is the taking away, or rather, not permitting the people of Callan the freedom of choice.
    One problem is that old people like the objector's, dislike change, anything that disrupts their daily routine, though I fail to see Aldi doing anything of the sort.
    By chance to-day I had to go to Loughboy, so instead of stopping off in Callan on the way home I went into Caulfield's Supervalu, I had to go out and make sure the sign said Supervalu.
    I can state, the objector's know exactly what they are doing to the people of Callan, is it some sort of punishment for something that happened many years ago, retribution?
    Well, apart from being very busy, the shop has all manner of thing's, such choice, even Tesco would be hard put to keep up with the Loughboy store, and that is not all, the staff they were friendly, smiling, happy looking people.
    We have got to put our foot down either you let Aldi in or you refurbish and enlarge the Callan store, compared to Loughboy it is light years out of date.
    Don't take my word for it, go and try it yourself. By the way if you have purchased Oakpark Bacon rasher's with a 2euro sticker on, check your receipt mine shows I paid 2.99, I cannot afford to pay over the odd's like that.
    Don't forget Diamonds are for ever, regards Foxy:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Seven day's to go; will it be yes or no? Frightening to think the future of a town rests on the shoulder's of a bunch of small minded old men.
    What will we tell our children in year's to come? Sorry there are no shops in Callan because some old men got together and decided we would have to go to either Clonmel or Kilkenny to shop, because in their opinion Aldi's brand new supermarket, would spoil the town.
    A possible scenario between mother and child, "so where did you buy your groceries mam"? "Well dear we used to have a Supervalu". "Supervalu mam, so what happened to it". "They never kept up with the times child" "So then what happened Mam"? "They had to close it because like the rest of Callan it might have fallen down" "Like Bridge Street mam"? "Yes dear and Mill Street and Newmarket Lane" "So what is that site in Chapel Lane mam, where all the wild weeds and bushes are growing"? "That is where Aldi was going to build a new supermarket". "Would it have looked better than it is now" "Yes dear, but as no one has any reason to come to Callan it doesn't matter". "So we can thank the old men Mam"
    Nice one lad's, hope you feel really good, take a long look round to see what you have achieved; and whilst you are at it, perhaps you will take our elected representatives as well.:
    Have a nice day everyone else, take care sincere regards Foxy::

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I guess we had better make the most of the time to the run up of the decision on Aldi. The truth of the matter objector's; it is our future you are playing with, and our childrens, in addition you are also depriving Callan people of job's, yes job's that pay bills and feed the family.
    With your negative attitude to the future what firm is going to even attempt to come to Callan? It is not just one Aldi store we are talking about it is the whole future of our town.
    Another scenario:-"Mam how can these people you call the objector's stop progress", "well dear, easy, they pay some money to a firm that will lodge an objection against Aldi", "but what have Aldi done for someone to object", "nothing dear except they sell food cheaper than Supervalu", "so it isn't as good as Supervalu's food", "yes it is, and that is why Supervalu are putting up notices saying same price as Aldi/Lidl". "But they only have those notices on some of the things", "That is because they are the only items they can compete with".
    "Surely we live in a democracy where the majority rule, well that is what they teach at school", "That is supposed to happen dear, but sometimes money talks louder than the law". "We have plenty of empty houses in Callan", "yes mam, why is that". "Some say they were built under the brown envelope system". "So why can't Aldi build under the same system?" "Aldi is not that sort of firm, everything must be straight and above board".
    "So are you saying there is something wrong with the brown envelope system?", "so who benefit's from the brown envelope system mam", "elected representatives normally". "so do they declare this?", "glory to be child, we wouldn't have a politician if they had to do that". "Mam, is it like what that Harry fella got charged with". "Eh, yes dear".
    Time marches on, still no word from the objector's or elected representatives.
    Have a lovely afternoon, take great care, sincere regards, Foxy:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    The countdown continues, no response from the objector's; I wonder why? Are they ashamed of what they are doing to our town? Perhaps they are ashamed of Callan and would prefer if people did not visit, interesting.
    We have to let them know, what they are doing is for themselves, and not for the good of the people of Callan.
    Can they not see people are crying out for job's, and the only way we will get jobs is to expand, or even get back to where we were a few years ago.
    No one is going to invest in our town, not unless our elected representatives can actually do something for the people who elected them.
    There isn't even a decent restaurant to go to for a night out, no chef worth his salt is going to open up in a decaying town, wouldn't it be nice to see people coming to our town, you might get fed up with that, but the objector's need telling it is not there's to do as they want.
    I keep saying Aldi is only the motivation, it could be Lidl or Iceland, Dunnes if you like, we need more than Supervalu.
    With no choice, I bought a birthday card, a very simple card, 2.80 euro, what a rip off, there was a Pizza for 4.99, in Londis, Tops they sold the same Pizza with a tub of Carte D'or Ice Cream for the same price, something is radically wrong.
    Give us our freedom to choose, perhaps someone is scared to, perhaps they know why, I don't care, freedom or I will boycot, dictator's have no place in this state.
    It is a lovely day, I got completely lost in McDonagh Station Car Park, but it was fun, take care and drive with care, sincere:pac: regards Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Not long to go, time is running out, Aldi or decay? What a choice for the objector's, do they enjoy seeing people looking for job's..... and they are depriving them.
    Will they enjoy seeing our children having to leave home, through narrow minded individuals decision's to stop our town expanding.
    One wonder's how they allowed the charity shop to open? Surely they could have raised an objection.
    Scenario:- "mam wwhy is there a cardboard cut out of a Garda outside the old empty building which used to be a bank?" "Well dear we can't afford a live one." "Whose fault is that mam." "The objector's dear". "Do they control Callan mam". "Yes dear it was because of them that people stopped shopping in Callan", "Why mam". "They objected to another supermarket coming." "Surely that would have been good for the town mam." "Yes dear we needed Aldi or Lidl", "is that why everyone shops in Mullinahone now at the new Mall" "Yes dear". "But Mam why didn't supervalu go there as well". "When it closed people just went to Loughboy or Carrick".
    True or not of the future, but unless someone doesn;t do something to the store it will be downgraded to a Centra and we wouldn't want that, the one in Killanall is probably the same size as Callan.
    So objector's think hard and long our town or your's?
    Are the elected representatives coming to our rescue; or have they forsaken those who elected them............... no further comment needed.
    So the sun is shining, oh happy day, take care if ouit on the road drive with caution, sincere regards foxy:pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I have just come home from Supervalu, the tears of joy are still running down my face. I f you haven't been into Supervalu since last week, go now or as soon as possible.
    You will not believe the amount of groceries that have 50% reduction on them, there is a shopping trolley full to the brim telling us....all this for just a fraction under 70 euro.
    I was thrilled for the people of Callan, if the threat of Aldi coming has done this, then so well and good.
    But, there is always a but, if Aldi do not make the final hurdle will our friendly shopkeepers put the prices back up; something that need be monitored.
    I would also say somewhat sadly, why did it take the threat of Aldi for the price cuts to come about, 50% is substantial, and if you are still making a profit; what was you doing before?
    Even if you had gone half way, say 25% your store would have been buzzing.
    You do have a problem, you need more staff, jobs for Callan people, definately the tills can be understaffed.
    But having said all that, it is a pleasure to tell the world of what has happened at our little Supervalu.
    As you all know the 24th is the day, but for goodness sake do not run away with the idea Aldi will solve all the shopping problems, it is a different sales process to Supervalu, yes, some things are cheaper, though with all the price cuts you had better do some homework.
    There are things that Supervalu stock, Aldi doesn't, fresh fish, Supervalu brilliant, Aldi all packaged, not a problem but you can't beat fresh, same as meat, but then we urge people to make sure Callan's butcher is looked after, as is our greengrocer's.
    Not knocking anyone, but we need to look after our own.
    I suppose it is a change to be so bouyant, pity about the government and the banks, guess we can't have it all.
    Right it is pancake day, if you don't make them normally have a go, they are so easy, and once again fresh is best.
    Here is an easy receipt, 4ozs plain or cream flour, two large egg's, 7 fluid oz's milk and 3 fluid ozs water, put them in a bowl and whisk away until the lump's have gone, now you need a spoonful of butter for each pancake, naturally a smallish fry pan, non-stick, put a spoon of butter and heat it until smoking, well you will see the butter bubble then pour a small cup of the mixture in and swish the pan so it covers the bottom, within a minute or two keep the pan swishing so the pancake is moving around and gently lift the edges with a plastic slicer the bottom should be having browny streaks, right the dodgy bit turn it over with the slicer and cook for about a minute or so until it browns not too brown, slide on to a plate caster sugar sprinkled with lemon juice, delicious repeat as many times as you can eat, don't worry if the first ones are a disaster, mine were, whats the word tenacity.
    Have a lovely super day and take care, sincere regards Foxy the pancake man:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,260 ✭✭✭✭Autosport

    When do we find out if Aldi gets the green light???? Forgot it was pancake tuesday but i'll use the receipe over the weekend :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 68 ✭✭mefynn

    friday 24th

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Hi, right 24th is the day, now we do not know if there is the possibility of another objection by the same people, keeping finger's crossed there isn't.
    Also hope Aldi haven't changed their mind about Callan.
    Enjoy the pancakes, had mine tonight, two pans going at same time, but cannot toss them.
    Have a good night, and as always thanks a million......:cool: foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Good morning, if you are early bird it is Ash Wednesday, give up smoking day, that can be difficult, very difficult. However for your own sake, and the children.......go on have a go. you will no doubt be in foul mood for a couple of day's but it is well worth it, been there so experience talking.
    Of course it is Ash Wednesday, hope you enjoyed your pancakes last night.
    If you have a deep fat fryer the batter for pancakes, but jusrt a tad thicker is ideal for coating fresh fish, the difference between fresh and frozen words cannot describe it.
    No not chipper breaded and part cooked, no go to Nigel in Supervalu, a nice piece of Cod or Whiting and do it indoors, it is healthy option, it is that or Irish frozen fish......go for it.
    Yes, I was getting round to Aldi, we are counting the hours to decision time, whatever way it goes let's hope it is a victory for Callan and the people, they are the important one's.
    At the moment I am delighted with Dermot and Martin, the cut prices are brilliant, well done.
    Time to make the porridge, Flahavan's every morning, will be back later.
    Have a nice day and for goodness sake take care, sincere regards Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Time is fast running out, will it be yes for aldi or a definate no, only time will tell.
    To a degree it matter's not, the people of Callan have won, not that I like the word; but supervalu have made a great effort at reducing prices, and that is what it is all about...............value for money.
    We are very lucky the staff as has been said many times are brilliant, nothing is too much bother. The amount of shelf filling is unbelievable, though I do wish they would not stack bottles on top of each other, I am scared the lot will fall on the floor.
    I meant to add the other day, the only shop that has gained in Loughboy is, yes, in one, supervalu, so I should not expect any difference in Callan, though Dermot and Martin will no doubt need more checkout operator's.
    Callan jobs? Must admit I would say it is a pity our two lads do not get more involved on the floor, walking round is a bit naf to be honest, in this day and age when we are fighting for every cent.
    But, let's not rock the boat at this stage. Go on and enjoy the bargain's, they had better not put them up again we have had them noted by our special agent's
    Have a great day, it might just stop raining, sincere regards and thanks a million, Foxy:):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,260 ✭✭✭✭Autosport

    Fingers crossed it gets the green light, it would be a great boost Callan and lots of jobs created :) I must pop into Supervalu in Callan to see all these bargains, havent visited there in a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Thank you all for the support in our quest to give the people of Callan the opportunity to benefit from cheaper prices for quality food, which to a degree has been achieved by the massive turn around by Supervalu on the price of many item's in the store
    We must also thank Dermot and Martin, we need to remember all these things are two way, reduced prices mean both the lads will be getting less for their investment.
    However, if and when Aldi make it to our town, apart from the initial drop maybe, in sales, when the store opens, if it opens perhaps sounds better, Supervalu will reap benefits that could not have been expected.
    But do not shed any tear's for the lads, they are doing very nicely thank you, so put away the tissue's.
    I guess time is running out, well we have tried our best, played fair, that is all one can do, the slashed prices, well I hope it gives some families the opportunity to benefit, without having to trundle into Kilkenny or Clonmel.
    There is a fun side to all of this, provided we get Aldi and Supervalu keep their prices like they are, is to go to say Tesco and or Dunnes, walk around look at the prices, why do I need to come it's cheaper in Callan.
    The pride of being able to say it is cheaper and better in Callan, brings a lump to the throat.
    If there are jobs for Callan people even better, a sure boost for morale.
    The other thing, I will miss our daily chat's, also your support, I will be back either later or tomorrow so from the bottom of my heart to each and everyone of you, friend or foe, thank you.
    Sincere regards and good luck for tomorrow and the rest of 2012.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Back again, took a look at the Aldi site this morning, well the possible Aldi site let's say, to be on the safe side.
    I wasn't too happy to see the new children's hospital at the Mater got turned down; there is a lot to be considered.
    No news from our objector's or elected representative's, very strange one would think the later would be stirring things for more votes, next election.
    We wait and see what they have to say after the decision.
    I am told that KCLR should have the news, or perhaps log into their website, one presumes it is updated frequently.
    Hope you have been making the most of Supervalu bargain's, just in case prices go back up if the decision goes their way.
    Well nearly finished, but will be back tomorrow one way or the other.
    So enjoy the rest of the day, it is almost like spring, especially with the daffodils bobbing around.
    Drive with care; yours sincerely, Foxy;);)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Good morning Callan, it is a very nervous start to the day: will we be disappointed yet again?
    We did at least try, but if we haven't succeeded then I am very sorry.
    I hoped our Callan would blossom into an oasis in a desert of despair, the towns around us; shops are putting down the shutter's and trader's are moving on, through the lack of business, lack of investment, lack of commitment by successive political parties in both local and national government.
    Callan need's jobs, it is a lovely place, so much so as we said before two of the world's largest retailer's want to come to our town, our town, yes to see Callan on the map.
    People say well you have Kilkenny or Clonmel, I don't care about either of them, they are not our town, Callan is, and it is Callan that can grow, a place for all of us to be proud of.
    It is not just Aldi, that is only a small part, we want investment in our town, will someone just do something about the cross, it is a disaster.
    Truth is we really need a Callan Council, with people who care, not the elected representatives we have.
    Here we go again, finger's crossed everyone and thanks for your asupport, will be intouch later one way or tother, :confused::confused::confused:Foxy
