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ALDI for Callan - again!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,074 ✭✭✭Shelflife

    It may keep extra business in callan but that extra busines wiil go to aldi, aldi will also take extra business from supervalu and joe lyon and john the butcher which will result in job losses and possibly the closure of john and joe.

    there is nothing stopping people from shopping with john and joe at the moment, all that will happen is that people will transfer their business from john and joe to aldi and john and joe will close down or lay off staff.

    if they close down you now have less choice, and aldi will bring in far less jobs then will be lost in the area.

    i went into an aldi on tues night in roscommon for a look around, the thing that struck me most was that fact that there was one girl on the shop floor covering the whole outlet including the tills. i wandered around for 15mins and only saw one member of staff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear shelflife
    No won't happen, John and Joe sell better quality, Aldi can't compete with them, all this packaged stuff, is a nonsense. I trust the people of Callan not to change allegance.
    Got to say this I really enjoy shopping in Supervalu, I really appreciate the staff and Dermot and Martin, it is a fun shop, you won't find another like it.
    But it does not stop me from wanting the freedom of choice, there are people who hate the place and would sooner go to Tesco or Dunnes, only god knows why.
    You are right about staff in Aldi, I would not be surprised we don't see robots in the near future, I am a Dr Who fan.
    Any way I have work to do, but beware Angela might be taking over, zee jermans might not have a sense of humour.
    Take great care and drive with due diligence,;););) Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Given it is only the 2nd March there appears to be a lot of things wrong, isn't March the silly season or something. Withme it is all year round.
    Right Aldi, no mention that the lads have made any move to rescind their objection.
    Honestly what do they expect to achieve, unless they have plans of their own and intend building another store on a different plot, they might own land close by and expect to get planning permission, selling it to whoever so that they get the profit.
    Now I am certain that is illegal, if it can be proved, at the moment of course it is only a suggestion of what could take place, but of course no such thing will happen, very silly thought.
    Back to achieving or not achieving, so can anyone suggest what the objector's plan is, you can't deny people the right to choose just for the sake of it.
    I know their are some who fear for the small shops if Aldi come or Lidl, what happens if it is Dunnes instead? Irish Company, profits stay in Ireland, employ more staff than our continental friend's? Are you going to say No?
    The whole scenario doesn't make an ounce of sense.
    I am going to Kilkenny to shop for a change to-day, I would have stopped in Callan had I had a choice and spent my money locally, but when I am forced or told I can't have a choice, just watch this space.
    Still waiting for our elected representatives to make a comment, or perhaps we didn't elect them to do that.
    Sincere regards and have a nice day Foxy:confused::confused::confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Just seen an ad for graduates by Lidl's, it would seem they are putting money back from where it came.
    Have you seen any ads for our esteemed home grown supermarket's?
    Suppose Lidl for Callan might be a good idea?
    Still cannot fathom this thing out, why on earth does grown responsible people want to limit the freedom of choice of Callan people.
    Understand the small shop problem, but if like me from time to time these other people travel to shop elsewhere surely the small shops are losing out anyway.
    If they really care what about improving the schooling of our children in Callan both the girls and boy's school should have the latest technology, not something out of the ark.
    Challenge you lot, but guess you will all sit on your backsides and laugh at the idiots trying to do something for Callan.
    Do have a lovely day, my thanks to the many, take great care , Foxy:p:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,074 ✭✭✭Shelflife

    Foxey its good to see that you appreciate the quality that the likes of john and joe provide, unfortunately not many appreciate that local butchers and bakers use better quality products and methods and provide a much better product, many will simply be fooled into thinking that they are getting a bargain when all they are getting is an inferiour product.

    Its also good to see that you genuinely care about your locality, if only there were more like you that gave a damn.

    Dont be fooled by the lidl recruitment ads, they have a very high staff turnover because they work their managers so hard and really dont treat them that well, its not new jobs as such they have merely worked their old slave to the bone and need a new one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Dear Shelflife
    Appreciate Joe and John and Billy the Baker, look the produce they have is in the main local, apart from thing's like bananas and oranges etc much of Joes veg comes in from a local source, I actually wonder if he grows it himself, serious it might travel 25 or thirty miles, John will source his meat locally you bet, Billy I think uses Kells Flour.
    Now where does the food in Aldi or Lidl or Dunnes and Tesco come to that, it has probably been on a tour of the country before it arrives in Callan or Kilkenny/Clonmel.
    I, just one instance purchased a bag of Irish Rooster's, doing my duty buy Irish, I looked at the bag the other day, grown in Northern Ireland, I do not have a problem about that but as far as I was concerned I was buying Rooster's from one of our farmer's, not helping the UK economy.
    Another example I refuse to buy cheese which say's Irish and then goes to the UK to be packaged, check the little panel which indicates where from, if it hasn't got IE then no thanks.
    Yes of course Joe and John and Billy might cost more, but what are you getting top quality, Billy's bread is a typical point, what is the difference between supermarket bread and Billy, water, water is put in to make it last longer, Billy bread will keep for about two day's max, supermarket might stay soft and supply for nearly a week, then compare the taste one is soft and gooey, Billy that luxury taste mmm, same as cakes check the sell by date, some of them last months rather than day's why, chemicals or whatever they call them, preservatives.
    Then the old catch Home Made, it just isn't true but they are allowed to use the term.
    If you want to see traditional baking go round to Billy in Bridge St, Joe for honest local food he will know where it comes from and so will John.
    Don't take my word for it go and look at the Supermarket potatoes, check the price it will depend on what size you are buying, small bags can be out of this world price wise, 1 euro a kg, oh dear no.
    How often is food checked for freshness? How often have you got home to find a Clementine squashed or moldy looking, pears can be a right problem, soft fruit needs a lot of looking to be sure.
    Sorry I am n ot the normal shopper, I do want a clean store in fact spotless, I am going to eat the food, if what I can see isn't 100% what about that I cannot see?
    Right have a lovely day enjoy shopping it may take longer but it is more fun, don't forget our three will you, and of course you can pop into the charity Shop,quite useful just across the road, but mind the road it is dangerous, councilor's please note and do something about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Saturday again, time just flies, at least the sun is shining, and the birds are singing.
    Now this might not actually please some people, there are flawed arguments and in some cases the plot has changed.
    Put things in the right perspective, we know without labouring the point, that Joe, John and Billy provide quality food and quality service, they are not supermarket's, they cannot buy in bulk, and therefore you will expect to pay more, though having said that, in the long run they well might be cheaper.
    Then we have the pro's and con's regarding supermarket's, we have one already, and very good it is, for what it is, small, in desperate need of updating.
    The staff are quality people, price wise it looks cheaper than our little shops, but do not be fooled by all you see, remember all that glitter's is not gold.
    Somewhere the supermarket has to make a profit, so there will be offer's but what about that which is not on offer?
    Also are the offer's good? You will see the latest promotion a third cheaper than the big brands, why, how do they do it?
    Then we come to what is the root cause of the problem with our objector's, those who cannot bear to see Callan go forward, lets all live in the past.
    Aldi, if you do not go and shop in Aldi you will not understand, I am not being rude but there is no arguement, it will only be an opinion.
    Aldi is German and operates on the teutonic principle, ultra efficiency, it is a very unIrish approach to life, there are no frills the staff do not spend time discussing the weather of how Mrs Homer's problem with her feet is.
    You cannot even put your shopping in a bag at the till, there is an area for that, before the assistant has put all the items through the till you are asked how you are paying, card or cash?
    There is no reason why they want to know, it is to prompt you to either find the card or the cash before completion of the sale, it is a mental jog to you.
    They love me, I don't know if I am going to pay at all is my stock answer, but the guy on the till is assessed by how long it takes to get us through the checkout.
    The quality of the food is no different to supervalu, it may well be cheaper on something's, it is something I will no doubt do a comparison on.
    Now here comes the crunch, I am not really bothered about price comparison, because one should also do a quality check as well, and importantly weight for weight check.
    However, for some people and these are the one's that have to suffer, price is most important, is it good value.?
    Some people have to balance their books every week, they cannot afford to go to our small shop's no shame on that, there are times when I cannot afford to go, and woe betide anyone who says I should.
    It all comes down to freedom of choice, the ability of saying to yourself I will go there or there.
    In Callan there is no choice, unless you have plenty more money, it is supervalu or nothing, or do what I do travel to Clonmel or Kilkenny, no one is going to dictate where or how I spend my money.
    There you go, that is it in a nutshell. So enjoy the weekend and do drive with care and if you walk the ring road make sure you can be seen.
    Perhaps you could also think of the charity shop and the people it is supporting, can't help this, University of Science for Callan.
    God Bless and thanks,:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Good Morning, what a fantastic morning the sun is shining and it is quite warm, spring, the bulbs are breaking through and soon we will have the primroses to enjoy.
    Mark you the Callan objector's probably are trying to find way's to stop us enjoying nature at it's best.
    To the people who are hell bent on causing even more financial hardship on all of us, what on earth are you trying to achieve?
    There are many good causes to support, but stopping progress is not one of them, you in all honesty really cannot want Callan to stagnate.
    The opportunity of another supermarket, in this case Aldi but it could be anyone, it is a chance in a lifetime to do something positive, not much happened in the past 800 years so why not try and make up for it.
    With the rocketing price of petrol people on minimal wages; or those with mortgages will not be able to afford to drive to our nearest town's.
    So you in your ultimate wisdom are telling, dictating, to those people you will shop in Supervalu like it or not.
    So much for freedom and liberty, it doesn't exist in Callan that is for sure.
    What will happen if the price of petrol comes back down? Tell you the people you have trapped with your stupidity, will run to every supermarket away from Callan.
    We have two men who have put there money, invested in Callan, hard working and genuine men, and you the objector's are trying your hardest to make life difficult for them, shame on you, pity they do not bring back the a stocks.
    To everyone else have a Super Sunday and drive with care, and of course my sincere regards and thanks:(:(:(Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Good Morning Callan.
    I see there is no response from the old men of Callan, it appears they are still intent on stopping progress.
    What a great shame they see Aldi or Tesco as a threat, they must have a very good reason for making Callan people travel to have a choice of shopping venue's.
    I was in supervalu in Loughboy yesterday, the place was hopping with people, then going past Lidl and aldi the car parks were both busy, then come to Callan, dead, why? who only wants one shop in this day and age.
    There is so much one cannot buy in Callan on Sunday, where as Aldi provides an interesting selection of non food items, there might not be anything that I want but on the other hand I might well do, at least I have the choice.
    Freedom, Choice, Liberty, Democracy, these people do not seem to have heard of the words, how narrow minded they must be.
    I would like to know how they managed to let a charity shop open, one wonder's why they did not try to organise some sort of resistance movement, perhaps they were too busy trying to stop progress with Aldi they missed it.
    Yes and it is another venture that needs supporting, okay.
    So enjoy what looks like to be another sunny spring like day. Remember drive with care, it is better to be late than "The Late". Sincere regards to all.:cool::cool::cool:Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Hi Callan t'is a frosty one this morning.
    Well we press on with no response from the old men of Callan, regarding Aldi. However we don't care, there is a rumour circulating, so far it is uncomfirmed that Tesco is coming to the old mart.
    So do not start jumping up and down in joy at the opportunity to shop in a proper store.
    Just watch the usual suspects try to talk it down, it will ruin the High St and all the normal rubbish.
    Truth is if they molved Argos, Boots and Monsoon what is left?
    Back to Callan our home town, though I would think Tesco in town would make a difference to Callan.
    Apart from being easier to get to than Clonmel, it is the freedom of choice, you silly old men, do you not understand, us the younger generation, have had enough of your wingeing and do not want change.
    We want to enjoy life and be able to buy what we want when we want in our own town, not in shops that are about two centuries behind the rest of the world.
    Have a lovely day and as always drive that car with care, and mind the old men of Callan, sincere regards, oh yes charity begins at home, don't forget they are open today. :cool::cool::cool:Foxy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    In case you was not aware we have lost the greengrocer, Farrells, but the good news is the shop is going to be a restaurant, we wish the owner's good luck.
    A very plucky move, but knowing the people concerned, they will have done their homework, so look forward to some good meals.
    If anyone says Farrells is to do with a possible move to Callan by Aldi, take it with a pinch of salt. A consensus of opinion say's one, it cannot compete with Supervalu, and secondly no where to park near the shop, no one wants to be dragging heavy bags far.
    Last week, I was saying all that glitter's is not gold with special offers etc, well I like coffee, and like many buy instant.
    If you think buying a large jar, what is it 200gm, is cheaper than two 100gm jars, just check, by adding the price of the two small ones, you might well decide you have no wish to pay extra for a large jar.
    One some of the price ticket's it tells you how much per kilogram, but supervalu seem to write it so small one needs to go to the shop that sells spectacles, Tesco are quite good and Superquinn, it gives you an idea whether or not you are paying over the odds.
    Depending on how you feel, there is a notice saying 67% of our vegetables are grown in Ireland, now seeing they trade both sides of the border, whose farmer's are we supporting?
    It is our farmer's that need support. What a crazy world and even crazier advertising, no such thing as the truth or even the whole truth.
    Would Aldi make a difference? We hope so, but we need to keep our finger's crossed.
    By the way there is nearly a euro off a tub of connaught gold low fat butter, in supervalu, you will have to be quick though.
    That is it for today, happy shopping.:cool::cool::cool:Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I am thinking it has gone very quiet regarding Aldi and Callan. Naturally the perpertrator's of the objection are keeping a low profile, as anyone would who is trying to hold Callan back from the 21st Century.
    As I have said all along; the day of the small shop has gone, sad, but a fact of life.
    The loss of Farrell's underlines this, someone said they could not compete with supervalu's prices, there is another factor, the lady who looks after supervalu's fruit and veg is brilliant, it is when she is not there you can see the difference.
    Selling is not just throwing things on shelves, it is presentation. Go to supervalu Loughboy, there, quality control is a way of life almost, and it pay's off, the same with Aldi and Lidl.
    Another point, okay we are not perfect by any mean's but I do demand my grocer keeps a clean shop, squeaky clean, it is important.
    Watch out for some comment from the old men.
    Have a good day sincere regards, and thanks, Foxy:eek::eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Another day, good morning; one wonder's what the day will bring?
    Of course, there are no messages from our crazy old men from Callan or even our esteemed politician's.
    It is strange that they can all be so quiet at times like this, then when they want votes become very vocal.
    I find it bizarre that when there is an opportunity to provide more jobs, okay, Aldi is not going to employ a lot of people, why these people are making sure that the unemployed will stay that way.
    In fact; I think they are trying to make more unemployment by driving people away from shopping in Callan.
    I look around Callan each morning, what are these people on? Why do we only have one shop?
    Without saying too much, but before long something will start growing beside the ATM, the express counter is about the same as the checkouts, come on take a hint someone.
    If we are going to be a one shop town, then let's make it worthy of Callan
    clean it properly.
    It might be a good idea to do price comparison's, to see if we are being ripped off.
    Tell you what do a comparison with a cheap loaf of bread, and one of Billy Kehoe's loaves, if you have the money you would never buy another cheap loaf, but do not expect it to last a week, it is not full of water and whatever else. It really is tops.
    So all is quiet at the moment, hopefully we might get an answer from the old men, just tell us why, please, think jobs for Callan, think Callan people,
    think Charity shop, how did you miss that old men?
    Have a super day and do drive with care and if you are on your way to Kilkenny remember the camera van at Parkmore, where's Parkmore? Just past Cuffesgrange on the bends the council has not managed to sort out in 15 years.
    Sincere regards and thank you,:confused::confused::confused: Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    It is hard to believe it almost the weekend again, how the time flies.
    The count down is back on, will it be yes or no?
    I have come to the conclusion our old men of Callan, the ones who want to keep our town in the 1900's, are delighted everytime a shop closes, given time Green Street will resemble Bridge St.
    It reminds me of some of the old western's; where the place is deserted and the tumbleweed is blowing through the town, the sign's are hanging at all sorts of angles, their Callan, and they can stick it.
    It is not often I make the trip to MacDonough, yesterday I did, it might be a good idea to ask Dunnes to come to our town, it was clean, bright and so well stocked. There were some very good offer's and of course price cut's on a variety of goods.
    It was the choice, that was impressive, I would not expect to make much of a saving over supervalu, with the selection of item's, I would have probably spent more.
    That is what is lacking in Callan, the supermarket is so old now, it just cannot compete. One would spend more if it was larger, with better selection, apparently the younger element of shopper's will have to suffer for the old men.
    What a pity we cannot have a proper shopping mall?
    An aside, driving through Callan to get to school, one see's mothers dropping children off, some should not be in the front seat at all, other's in the back with no seat belt's, aren't these youngster too precious to take chances with? Why can't our Garda just give a gentle reminder, not a ticket, be there and give the mother's the benefit of their experience?
    No ticket's, just advice, or even being there might help, you cannot bring back to life even in a silly accident, don't take chances, Callan for the young at heart.
    Let's sweep away the past, Callan for real people, Callan for now and the future.
    Have a really lovely day, you never know that Lotto ticket might just win, and the Charity shop anything to go.
    By the way I am told the Chinese take away in West St has changed hands, any comment's?
    God Bless and sincere thanks, Foxy:cool::cool::cool:

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 24,056 Mod ✭✭✭✭Sully

    Lets give the trolling a rest please. If you have nothing useful to contribute to the threadm don't contribute at all. This isn't After Hours. Topic Cleaned

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Good Morning Callan:-
    Well I have a few mixed feeling's this morning, Aldi for Callan, but is it all about Aldi?
    Short answer is no, it is about the rights of the individual, singular or collective. Aldo the freedom of expression, choice etc.
    As far as possible, it is understood the objection to Aldi is not an infringement of an individuals rights, it is to block competition by another.
    To prevent individuals from being able to exercise their democratic right to choose, is abhorrent, it smacks of dictatorship at its worst.
    In truth, the people of Callan are being held to ransom by a small group who want to monopolise the sale of items in the town.
    Thank goodness we have a council that has not seen fit to allow protest's in the city, and have allowed free trade, this in effect has been beneficial for the supermarket's.
    I am sorry to say we will get people shouting "What about the small shops", which is understood, but we are all aware these retailer's are never going to recover the position they once had: the shopping scene has moved on.
    No one wants to return to the days when one had to queue in a small shop, then move to another one for other things, and again for something else, and carry whatever you had, no shopping trolley.
    As much as some people decry shopping malls like MacDonagh or the Showgrounds in Clonmel, the whole experience of shopping is elevated to a new level.
    If someone wants to walk around in the cold or pouring rain, do so, but don't force other's to do the same.
    The simple answer is Callan needs some new blood, so to speak, we have people who want to live in the past, let them, but don't make everyone else suffer for your ideals.
    I enjoy shopping for food, so in my mind it should be a pleasure and not a chore.
    Thank you for reading, and my sincere regards, Foxy:(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Good Morning:- It looks like it could be a nice day, though the weather forecast was not hopeful.
    Our old men of Callan are still very quiet, no doubt they are out early this morning; saying this is how Callan should be every day, dead.
    I find it hard to believe that, okay they are obviously from an old generation, there are people who are intent on stopping progress in this day and age is unbelievable
    One does not necessarily have to agree with the progress, provided it does not infringe on your individual right's, should you interfere with the right's of other's?
    We know the answer is a resounding "No".
    The coming or not coming of Aldi, how does it infringe on the old men of Callan, truth is it does not, unless there is a commercial reason, and that being, to have a monopoly situation.
    Genuine reasons for not wanting an Aldi store, or anyone else, must be valid, not some wishy washy made up rubbish. What was it, the heritage of Callan, absolute tripe, an insult to the people of Callan.
    So we have one store, we should call it the village store perhaps, though as a village store it is not the friendliest place in the country, the staff, no one can say a word about them, they are brilliant.
    If you use the car park and it is raining, use the pavement and you get drowned, it is not a new happening, no attempt to repair the gutter's.
    Have you tried pushing a trolley fully laden back to the car park? Mine always runs into the road half way along, perhaps it was meant to do that?
    Fergal Quinn, when he owned Superquinn, when visiting a store would stand at the entrance and greet customer's, without them he would be out of business.
    Shop owner's do need to remember who keeps them in business, yes the customer, us, without us, ah ha another empty shop.
    So why block competition? It is said to be healthy, no one objected when we had three betting shops, how about two hairdresser's, perhaps they did not have the so called clout of a large greedy store.
    A problem I have, is when I have shopped in either Clonmel or Kilkenny, I find it difficult to come back to a small store in Callan, but having a choice of where I can shop, I would have probably not gone in the first place.
    So have a lovely day, enjoy the rest, thanks as always, sincere regards to everyone. :pac::pac:Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    What sort of day today? Had some thought's about Aldi.
    Perhaps those blocking or trying to block Aldi actually want Lidl's? Now how is that for a scenario?
    The other thing, I went to a supermarket and a convenience store yesterday, not the best thing to do on Sunday in Callan.
    I actually felt quite ill coming out of one, seeing the way the bread was scattered all over the shelves, and the other one was the dirt on the checkout.
    Now there is a belief, not that there is any positive indication that we might have possible objector's to Aldi, I am not saying this is true, however in both cases it would be a disaster for an objection to come from stores who cannot keep their own house in order.
    If I go to Castleinch Car Boot Sale I would not expect the same standard of hygiene as one would in a supermarket, though there is always a duty of care, wherever one is selling food.
    Maybe the Aldi coming to Callan will raise the bar of food care, we can knock the Teutonic efficiency of the discounter's if you like, but only if you have equal or better standards.
    Marks and Spencer have no equal when it comes to selling food, perfection, staff training. How often do the staff in Callan get staff training?
    Hang on no blame rests with the staff, it is always the top which must bear the brunt of criticism.
    In retailing, if you cannot achieve perfection or near perfection don't do it. I mean, the Banks have a special morning for staff training and look where that has got us.
    Seriously staff training is essential not just once, but on a regular basis, food is an ongoing business, it is not fair to staff either. Nor is it fair to the customer.
    Well on that merry note, I will say have a nice day, and I will get ready to have a quick run round Callan.
    As always, thanks, Foxy:cool::cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Progress is unstoppable, we all march by the drum. I like that, it has a ring about it.
    Quite true you cannot stop the future, no more than our objectors will keep another supermarket out for ever, they could well spell the end for Aldi, but eventually there will be change.
    At this time, the belief is to create a monopoly situation, unfortunately such schemes usually backfire. If only they would realise we need a supervalu, no one wants to see it go, but equally we need choice.
    It is an opinion of many, that the current store does not provide sufficient choice, not for the want of trying, it is too small in this day and age.
    Progress, yes, if a store stops progressing what happens? It loses customer's and then it is unable to expand.
    Customer's or potential customer's are already using the discounter's in Clonmel or Kilkenny, choice my friends and in some cases the prices are not compatible.
    I personally would not pay double for item's, for instance
    there was only 6 pack of Oxo's, I think they were 79c, Lidl had 12 pack for 1.27,, sorry and all that but money is important to me as it is to the store.
    Jelly why on earth does one store charge 98 and Aldi charge 49c.
    But on the other hand there are items neither Aldi or Lidl stock, also they do not have a butcher or fishmonger.
    There is room for Aldi or Lidl, one of them would supplement Supervalu,
    I would not like to see both at this time.
    If the rumour has any substance that Tesco is coming to the old mart there will be another shift in shopping habits, you might wonder why, that word again, choice.
    Tesco is very similar in pricing to Supervalu and Dunnes, but the variety and the choice, they have progressed and even now they are not standing still, but our little store is, it cannot cram anymore in.
    No one is knocking supervalu, we want to see it grow, we want to see the place crowded with shopper's, it offer's so much more than a corner store or a convenience market.
    As for the reason's given for not wanting Aldi, people are not stupid, the heritage of Callan, what heritage, nothing has to be knocked to accomodate Aldi, it will greatly improve the site which is heading for a wilderness at this time.
    Let's be honest no one is going to donate it to the town as a play area or even grass it over.
    Aldi is not going to suck the life out of the town, there is nothing to suck, it is not a bustling centre of commerce, unless you count 2 betting shops, 2 banks, 2 men's barber's, 2 Chipper's, 2 Chinese Shops, 1 newsagent and 3 Chemist's./ Aldi is not going to make the slightest difference to them.
    Come on give Callan a chance, it needs it badly.
    Well that is not bad for this morning, thanks for reading and as always sincere regards, have a nice day.Foxy:P:P:P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    There does not appear to be any response from the objectors to Aldi coming to Callan.
    Can anyone be so out of touch with life, to continually ban any competition in Callan?
    There is always the possibility someone could use "Restraint of Trade", against those who continually block progress, especially if by doing so it creates a monopoly situation.
    Though from a man on the Dublin bus point of view it would appear that is exactly what is happening.
    You might wonder how a Dublin bus got into this, well it is an expression referring to the average person.
    I personally think, the objector's need to do some homework, go to Loughboy and see what effect it has had on Supervalu, the place appears to be flying.
    Then the question no one has even mentioned, what would happen to Aldi if it turns out to be a damp squib?
    In retailing there are no guarantee's of success, equally disaster can strike at any time, customer's are a very strange breed.
    Enough to think of for the moment, breakfast beckons, porridge with honey.
    Have a nice day, as alway's drive with care and remember Hunter Gatherer it is for a good cause, :cool::cool::cool:Foxy

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    The sun is shining, it is warm for the time of year, what could one want, apart from Aldi or Lidl to come to Callan.
    We were told at the start of the thread our objector's will continue to throw problems at the project, until the company get's fed up and goes away.
    Two of the main objector's do not even live in Callan, they are companies employed by a business to object to every move to have a second store in the town.
    Now anyone who lives or works in Callan will be fully aware of the short comings of shopping in the town. Worker's will frequently go to local shops to where they work to pick up food for dinner or whatever.
    Not knocking our one supermarket, but the choice is limited, despite the owner's trying to cram in as much as they can, though yesterday was a good point, the choice of prepacked meat was not good, there was only a small amount on display.
    If you are limited for time, one does not want to have to rethink whatever you was going to do, so what am I saying "Choice, we are being told that is all the choice you are going to get, take it or leave it."
    Do these people realise we are living in 2012, not 1912, not even 1992, we have moved on, progressed. One only has to see the number of supermarkets in both Kilkenny and Clonmel, truth is we might have more than some people would like, but what is their function "Choice".
    I personally do not like Aldi's washing tablet's, so I buy another brand, yes my friends "Choice".
    It is also progress, we no longer need telephone boxes, we all have mobiles, yes progress.
    I read even Bunclody in Wexford has an Aldi store opening next week, they are embracing the future, though the future is not always what you expect, you will never know until you go there.
    Getting a firm to complain is really the pit's, but, as we think the whole idea is to stop competition, I guess they have not got the courage to say we object, pity; but to a degree understandable, what would people think?
    Why would anyone object to progress, one word "Money", negative thoughts, perhaps they should look on the positive side for once.
    We want the supermarket, larger of course, and ensuring we get all the offers Musgrave does, do we now I ask, are there items we cannot get, yes laerge Oxo packs, I dam well object having to buy small ones which if you buy two is considerably dearer than Lidl's one.
    I said it before Jelly kids love the stuff, grown up's too, so why am I paying double the price for the same jelly in Callan, and Tesco come to that?
    Tinned tomatoes, I buy rather than manufactured sauces for Bolognaise, at least I know what is in the pot, I won't name the brand but the price of tinned tomatoes was ridiculous, the Daily Basic's just about saved the day, otherwise I would have had a quick run to Clonmel, yes it would have cost me more, but it is the principle, I am sure Supervalu do an own brand, as they do on a lot of things, but we haven't room to stock them.
    Well enough of my ranting on, come on you lot put away your tissues and get with it, progress for Callan, jobs for Callan, our Callan, ikf you don't live near buzz off and leave us alone, nice one Foxy.
    Take care and as always do drive with passion, you can never tell where the camera vans are.
    Don't forget charity starts at "Hunter Gatherer". See you soon, Foxy:):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Hi, cannot believe St Patrick's here again, it really does not seem like a year ago, sure he is coming twice a year.
    Well, sad day yesterday, I ended up in Loughboy, Supervalu, I kid you not the place was doing grand business, why not one asks, the Choice unbelievable.
    One or two points, bread, now I have a thing about bread, the sell by dates ranged from the 16th through to the 20th March, indicates that someone is putting short dated bread on the shelves, very poor practice,
    The other one is OXo's, yep they have the six packs, so it would seem the wholesaler is responsible.
    Aldi, no I did not go in, nor Lidl's for that matter, I just needed a few items, not a proper shop.
    Perhaps those who think Aldi in Callan will hit the profits of supervalu, yes for the better by the looks of things, which might even mean more jobs for Callan.
    It may well do these people to take a ride to Loughboy and see for themselves, all three supermarkets were doing good business.
    Naturally we have not had a sign from our people who do not want progress, that they have had a change of heart.
    I sit and ponder why? Though it is based of course; on the principle we do not want competition. Very selfish, very short-sighted, and a sure way to encourage shopper's to go elsewhere.
    It won't happen? Remember the outlet stores in Rathdowney? though there is still something going on, the crowds have disappeared, haven't been there for years, apparently not much point, so it does happen.
    Perhaps, over the holiday period, the old people might meet up and give some real thought to what they are doing to the people of Callan.
    Not just the lack of choice, that is bad enough, but to deprive an area of jobs is even worse, what sort of people are they?
    The town is going to stagnate, evenmore, eventually Bridge St might fall down, perhaps, though a riverside walk could bring some life into it.
    The council seem to be spending an awful lot of money, "on the not really a ring road" in Kilkenny, what about Callan I say.
    Come on Councillors do something for your electors, even if it is painting the road junction, or filling in pot holes.
    Well, will be a nice break I suppose we are not getting a parade in Callan?
    No doubt the old men put a stop to that, can't have the people of Callan enjoying themselves, whatever next, they will be wanting Aldi and Lidl and Dunnes, oh no nothing like that, perhaps you can think of a word to describe them, I can but cannot put it.
    Have a really lovely holiday and enjoy yourself, but remember to walk round Callan with no smile, they would not like it.
    Sincere regards, Foxy:(:(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Good morning to all, it looks like being a super day, ideal for the various parades.
    It would just make the day perfect if the old men of Callan had the courage to say, we have change our mind, we no longer wish or want to stop progress. We would all be thinking jobs for Callan.
    In essence, jobs for Callan is as important as choice, especially if you have not got one.
    Whether or not you agree with Aldi coming to our town, there is no denying they do provide Irish jobs, the company buy's a great deal of Irish produce.
    Every day is an Irish day, but none moreso than St Patrick's, it is our day, the day we say to the world, this is Ireland calling, it is also the day that those who have left our shores, think of home and all things Irish.
    There must be many Callan folk wishing to be home, even for just the day.
    So just for today we will put behind us the wimp's and those who cannot bear to see Callan progress, to one side, and enjoy being Irish.
    Have a really lovely day and enjoy your family and friends, if you have someone abroad give them a ring to make their day, or better still use skype.
    Talk again, till then all my sincerest regards, :D:D:D,Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,091 ✭✭✭brian plank

    I read even Bunclody in Wexford has an Aldi store opening next week, they are embracing the future

    you know its bad when you wish your town was more like bunclody.
    I personally do not like Aldi's washing tablet's, so I buy another brand, yes my friends "Choice".

    couldn't agree more. i took two for a headache, ended up with a pain in my stomach and still had the headache.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    What a glorious start to the day, let's hope Mother's are treated well, do they not deserve it, make Mum's day, do things you don't normally do.
    Right Aldi, time is as always running out, and naturally those who are not looking for progress, have not had the courage to come out in the open.
    Even to discuss the subject would have been a bonus, we had two very articulate contributers, whose views were well respected.
    Meeting of the mind does help, however it this all promoted for greed, there is not much to discuss with them. What a great pity.
    As always think Callan, our town, our people our jobs.
    I guess as the council spends more and more money on Kilkenny, we will hardly benefit from that, you would not think we have an abbey, historic, the church in Green St another attraction?
    Though anyone coming in through Bridge St would probably keep on driving.
    Aldi or no Aldi is the vital question, lucky Bunclody, at least they can benefit from having the opportunity to use a discounter, magic word Choice.
    Well lots of chores today, so must rush, to all enjoy Mother's Day, and my sincere regards and thanks a million.:cool::cool::cool::cool:Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Hi, what a super weekend, brilliant parades, mother's day and Kilkenny beating Dublin, pity about the Rugby, weather wise we have been very lucky.
    The time is fast running out for the decision regarding Aldi and Callan, I have a feeling there is little more we can do.
    Apparently, and there is no substance to this comment, but greed seems to be the motive behind the blocking of Aldi, stop competition at all cost's.
    The people of Callan apparently are of no interest to those concerned, if they have staff do they treat them the same?
    We have seen the greed aspect over the last couple of year's, those who have it, have made sure those without are not going to get a share.
    There was a supermarket in London, quite large, where the owner did not believe in giving staff a discount, on any groceries they purchased in the store.
    What a silly owner, he lost a lot of money, staff would shop elsewhere, customer's would meet them in other stores and ask why they were shopping in another supermarket, they would not believe the owner's were so mean.
    He was very lucky they were honest staff, to make it worse he had even gone to the lengths of having security camera's trained on to the tills.
    One still hopes these very greedy people will change their mind's, however such people seldom do, they are right and everyone else is wrong.
    We cannot even discus the matter as they are hiding behind a cloak, sounds like Harry Potter, when you think of it; or something from a Bond movie.
    Bags I the Aston Martin, go on and have a really lovely day, whatever you do, drive with care and look out for speed camera's. Sincere regards and thanks:):):)Foxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,091 ✭✭✭brian plank

    There was a supermarket in London, quite large, where the owner did not believe in giving staff a discount, on any groceries they purchased in the store.
    What a silly owner, he lost a lot of money, staff would shop elsewhere, customer's would meet them in other stores and ask why they were shopping in another supermarket, they would not believe the owner's were so mean.
    He was very lucky they were honest staff, to make it worse he had even gone to the lengths of having security camera's trained on to the tills.

    that didn't happen did it?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Have you noticed the television advertising from both Aldi and Tesco, is placing great emphasis on providing Irish Jobs and protecting them?
    Not to say, of course that the other major supermarkets are not doing the same.
    So why is there this blockage in Callan, preventing the town from going forward, is the current monopoly going to provide more positions for the out of work?
    Somehow, I think not. Without doubt they are, and probably will, stop any more competition coming to Callan.
    However they have not managed to stop the new Deli opening where Farrell Foods, vegetable shop was by the Big wheel,.
    I am told the opening is today, the lad who ran the Old charter is the owner, so here is a chance to get one over on the "Greedy Mob". Let us hope it is a great success for him.
    Callan People, Callan Jobs, and will they please remember, they might be able to stop Aldi coming, but they do not own the town, it is there for all of us, the difference being we want to see the town and the people progress into the twenty first century.
    Indignation before Stagnation.
    Have a lovely day, we might just meet at the Deli,:P:P:PFoxy

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,091 ✭✭✭brian plank

    Callan People, Callan Jobs, and will they please remember, they might be able to stop Aldi coming, but they do not own the town, it is there for all of us, the difference being we want to see the town and the people progress into the twenty first century.

    they may take our town but they'll never take our chicken fillet rolls!! :mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    I search the news with a hope, that perhaps we might just persuade the objector's to change their minds.
    But, seemingly they are sticking to their gun's are going for no competition in Callan unless we say so.
    How can anyone be so prejudice that they are going to deny Callan people of the opportunity to save money, they are actually going to cost people more in both time and money, if we want the choice, of what we buy and where we buy it.
    One see's more and more Callan people shopping in Kilkenny, and Clonmel, probably no one want's to travel unnecessary distances these day's, but you cannot dictate where people are going to shop, especially when you can only provide a limited service.
    We need a larger store in Callan, you cannot keep trying to squeeze anymore into the space available.
    The no competition, will backfire, and then where will we be, you are putting in jeopardy the jobs we have, it is more we want and not less.
    The Tesco rumour seems to be gathering momentum, so what happens then, too late, we will probably end up with a Centra.
    Come on, before it is really too late, think Callan.
    Have a lovely day and drive with care,:D:D:D:DFoxy
