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mushrooms, judaism, and enlightenment: one individual's outlook

  • 17-04-2011 2:47pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭

    you know i think ill be okay, a lot of my problems are a lot more common than i realize and a lot less significant in terms of the big picture than i have been feeling sadly these things can distract me a lot it all may be based in misunderstanding
    a lot of my inner world i put out there and thats interesting

    im surrounded by people who seem to care, even though sometimes you would not expect that from their symbologies
    still difficult to leave house still feel royal feel watched
    unsure of the truth
    the truth is like a tree in the fog sometimes it is clear to see
    sometimes i wonder is this me
    my thoughts go fast i dont remember much but i dont care how im viewed
    not quick enough to change it, the variables too endless
    my mind has detoriated, i pray for tree abuse in the world to stop
    yet i consume cannabis
    i wonder if this hurts the plant
    i wonder is my cannabis use really medicinal? i think so... but its also kind of my way of life... i dont jnow why i freak out, hard to tell anything when you take it to the ending point, the tree near the temple
    who knows what is true, what it means, is it the patriarchy, has virtue been miraculously restored, does it really all revolve around me, is that what everyone has been afraid or unable to say, we are all in charge of our own lives
    i dont know if i'd say this is schizophrenia, i'd say i have an active imagination, jump to conclusions, am interested in spirituality and pursuit of enlightenment and end of suffered and because of this I different view of the world that i guess is hard to relate, i think that God heals racism, God heals sexism, heals oppression and division and God lives in and protects the trees and all live, thats all many people need to hear, and then so many more could come together, if it weren't for the confusion which makes God seem horrible, but we have to trust our own vision of God and the world, then it will come, when we see for ourselves, and we see the we ourselves are not our characters but in essence we are the holy spirit

    i feel like im at a specific point, thats just a bit funny is it like this everywhere, i believe the answer is yes, call it the magic of the divine, it seems the street and everything speaks in a way, the deep conversations we get into with the woods are we travel through it can be engrossing reflection of the spirit.

    i am alright with being humble, for me, its kind of become something i do no one has ever recognized me really, but i have what i have, not that i even know for sure what that is, bizarrely but i do have it, i am fairly certain.

    it would probably be cool to be recognized but i dont know if i should be, if its good in the long run or if it matters, or is meaningless

    ultimately it is meaningless, its a refraction of God,

    i have no plan or anything, i just pray for nature and all creation, as we all do... life is interesting.. maybe theres a lot more out there...

    i guess im interesting unique and bizarre in my affairs, because i dont care about convention, but i don't go out of my way to avoid it... i love when the mushrooms come up each year... i love the spring, i love the fairies... that is heaven to me, i feel like a wildness is going, which the mushrooms once had, i feel like they are going away, because of my growing knowledge of the world around me and the symbols but the symbols are pointless
    they are both alive and dead, perhaps its all part of the teaching
    deeper than any of this we usually live from,
    but a place i wish i could always live from
    a place where the yomo lives, a place of god

    sometimes i have visions and i see them, later so i know im slightly psychic or all this God stuff is real
    but i never really doubted either i suppose, is it special is it even different, im thankful.. im writing stuff...
    i have food, i try to give, honestly i feel like im being held on up a i different? then i fall into solipsism
    but i really love it all, unconditionally, i mean, i just dont know what it all is, i love the mystery
    i feel it coming back to, i pray and love deeply into the mystery and it returns not from any person, but from the whole, is it the mushrooms which do this? everything does this, everything is reverent to it naturally, its the seasons, its the vibes

    but yeah also i think all gods are aspects of the personality and of the spirit, which isnt just us its everything, because our spirits have infinite circumference but the center is us as we commonly think of it i guess, but the gods are not even against God, they are part of God, Cybele made me realize this in a strange way which i forget...
    but also
    its the fact that people still follow such a crappy book, that no prophet has stepped forth to end it in a definite way
    all gods are aspects of God, and God is the complete us, but they are like waves, and sometimes there is just God, really thats the point, its about breaking through a certain wall, even in wanti or whatever heavenly realm, a wall to something that cant be called anything
    nothing is against god, everything is a part of god, god is just the pattern, and god is alive, but god is like the first aspect of us... which is real and honest, and limitless and loving because by being there its loving... yeah
    and thats what awareness is always doing, and all this other stuff, isnt even other stuff, maybe it comes from other words, maybe even words and talking and moving do, i am unsure,but awareness is amazing... awareness is god and we are awareness, the thing that happens in the temple of each moment


    what if my life is dependent on the mushrooms and if they die so do I? what if the goodness and potential of the universe is dependent on them because they are energy crystals kind of and our treatment of them is a sign. I believe this, though they are not the whole of Yahweh, they are a big part they are something especially sacred, in their ability to really point directly. I feel this should never be obscured, and why has it been obscured in our cultures? how long has this happened? how long has it been something supposedly underground, but not even truly, something of divine workings...
    forever? because the true ancient, the true center of all of this is not the books but something inside ourselves, because the world is so wierd.... i don't know, meditation, helping the trees, making art. its life, yeah

    when i meditate on the shroom i know it is divine, i know it is not only itself, i know it comes in a thousand faces, and with no face, i know it is the ancient, it is the within without, it is the earth and sky, it is God, i know that it dances in a realm of cyclical sacred truth, which is this existence and nonexistence

    humbling, funny, enlightening, oddly indescribable our friends who are perhaps ourselves, the mushrooms,
    its interesting how universes come together to help each other, opposites attract, everything is related...
    or is it? is it pointless?
    are these merely empty words? they mean something to me!!

    its just a process its a yoga, its all happening in emptiness, all of it is just light going into light

    darkness is light and light is darkness

    and herbs, plants contain wisdom because they resonate with things inside of us, a magic lives in them or a deva, or devas, when we return to our true self we are continuously destroying our self and being born to our self, this means that we have returned to the plant,
    the source of the world, the heart of the universe, all plants are one universe and they have their own universe,
    religions try to capture these spirits and put them in a box but they are hyperdimension as a whole and never fit, even jump from the words, they make fools of those trying to explain, and those trying to understand, they insist on direct experience, to our extended bafflement they insist of a wild and wreckless love, the love of bandits, and tillermen. (just kidding here all love is good)

    i also dont want my life to be an act or a show and sometimes i feel like that is what is expected of me, as a shaman
    i feel we should explore our own rooms because often times there is so much there we have never even noticed or seen before then you think about the world and its amazing
    its been hard for me to explore lately, i feel like i might get in someones space or someone is watching me, i feel ushered on, but i guess i have to just accept that when exploring i too will also be explored, to some degree, isnt it great to lose yourself and just not care
    dare not to care, love ilogically, intensely, 'like a thousand mambas', be alive in every moment, take full advantage of it, even the inaction, is packed with beneficial life enhancing qualities that protect us from, well i dont know, though honestly, i need to get the breathe of life back in me, volunteer i guess, be active daily i get bored and frustrated, its immature but its true, my life is pretty small, pretty inconsequential, i take solace in that
    i love flo forever, and i love you for sticking in there too i love everyone even though they bitch at me for trying to make things better for all, even though i fall into the celtic otherworld, though they seem to perpetuate this,
    no one seems to really care whats happening in a way it all feels like a dream, some wierd purgatory, when will be the day i come out in naked truth, and revolute, not to any meaning to the feelings deep inside, when will be the day i take their gazes and make them the gaze of the sun, when i disregard judgement and let loose, like in the woods, i dont care what they think of me, i dont even know what to think of it, i just know i must do it, i must develop this mind, not let my true self fall wayside... its more difficult than it seems, but its so rewarding... its all we have really.. i know im not saying too much but it is what it is

    just do what makes you happy, this is a beautiful philosophy, it takes virtue though.. it really does, im starting to think of life differently... on a more personal level, though i cant disregard other people or being completely and dont want to
    just do what makes you happy even if you fade out, i dont have the conventional set, but i have one i like, and now i have less to worry about with cops and stuff, cuz of the changing laws, long as i dont write too many words or pictures on wierd places
    so yeah... and i usually only do that in response to other words
    just do what makes you happy

    and israel and palestine are at peace now, maybe much good will happen will it effect me, is it because of me? who cares, war is dumb, it helps us all when it stops, imo, israel is anywhere mushrooms grow, anywhere something sacred happens and its people are the ones who understand who love who know God in a personal way, and who doesnt?

    i have to meditate more i cant be distracted by forms or appearances just meditate purely, with everything, that is my will
    theres no diference between meditating and not its not a cop out its just reality.. i just feel like i should attain a certain state, an energetic state, but even that is a appearance, everything is an appearance and a form illusion so buddhism asks for nothing but letting go of those...even ideas of compassion, at the height of compassion dont exist because in truth there can be no giving, no taking
    but as soon as we let them go, we take them on in some way, as long as anything seems to be so
    this is all zen, like a zen monastery, zen paganism... thats something from maryland, maybe, see lately i do feel like those folks... its really just life.. we cant be distracted by the temple, but everywhere is different, you just have to go outside, adventure, live, adventure still lives, passion and meaning still lives, all experience is but only seems to be, new things happen, part of it has to do with being open to it, we all find our equilibrium seeking and just being chill, not ever being brought into a group is actually not a bad thing, everything is the group mind to some extent, we just have to make again the path out of it, and we will find the equilibrium, look a meditate and intend and it will become clear. but yeah whats in words what makes words acceptable or unacceptable wise or foolish. also just from creativity and how we allow ourselves to be with ourselves, in the dream, in life the world is a spiritual interface, the world is literally a dream, even down to the experience of personality and others personalities thats something i wonder about alot but if our personalities are dreams what gives us our intentions and tendencies, it all comes from God, God will show someone a way of life, cause them to find it in themselves, because it is them, it cant even be said to happen because it happens no where, when something opens up inside your heart and you are beaming at something or someone, because we know we are them, sometimes theres a vision of trying to catch the ego, just like the idea leaving us, to live egolessly, and just pour forth, not really making any kind of real sense, if you really think about it, but thats part of the genius of it, and the transience of the whole thing, i suppose.
    or maybe we should rejoice, rejoice and bask in content with the knowledge that everything is resolved

    lol my fake dad is like the pope in every hypocritical horrible destroying people with stupidity way, even the dumb hat

    nothing exists but we still love ireland!

    don't deny ireland man just let the spirit heal you, because ireland has been mad chill for so long, no one even understands, how much it would just be love, for everything

    the cows are coming home, they do that

    they don't not come home
    bless these cows!

    cows need weed too

    cow spirit &
    the spirit of ireland

    the spirit of ireland raved on cow spirit deeply in
    the throes of the morning, the light seeped everywhere even stealthily where unseen
    to leave heer pine of the swallows song, an empty net of nothing woven in our moon eyed dream
    and where i piss and go awalking, the sun will rain and the rain will rain
    miracles, and spirits which live in all the life gathered round, new again
    oh being, love
    heart of dreams and round the tub, the lake, the puddle whatever it was, everything was growing, growing over us as we spoke, we grew into eachother like many a water
    catsip, the lake oaeirnae growing fair cry, light all the little dances of the cut out patterned people, people of the seasons,
    sprites of God, and that holy trickster, spirit running in the bran, naro, naro
    swinging splunfories, every oak was full of them and wrought a hollering song in the morning
    oh the psychosis of the masses, a muck and awakened our magics have done some help
    we think the hill smiles again, like the brisky morning or moon guppies do show
    in their calligraphic waves like the prophecies of truth come
    our spinning attributes affixed like devis,
    the trees had worked it in peace and sent it through creation, the sun had let it grow in her from a place wild from the edge, a great doorway to say the least, to wanti, but simply an orange, to a more witting beast, as the shroom, our symphonies our harmonies, is that the reason we have formed thus, are we simply moved by the spirit, and catapulted upon our way into the truth of the ultimate mystery which is true love
    which is the true aliveness
    centered in ourselves we floated in ballet through ther fairy worlds
    like unhinged immortal rains
    everything unto eachother all the elements at play in their metamorphisis

    the dieties peaking through in their beautiful axis like a rainbow, melding into one, with us all, equal and as limitless, all, bestowed anointed in ness, like the tea of the reishi, yet even more subtle.

    and the cow spoke of the endless lands and fixtures, and their visionary points and junctions angles with a wisdom and compassion and downright amazement and knowing that i'd never heard before, like speaking of something not of this world and yet so familiar, for i had seen it myself, like that, in a way long ago, in a way i fall into in the silence and grasp like a peice of fair weathered ice, ice not cold nor warm,

    like solid air,
    a moo to that, the in the clouds you've come, what humor, what joy, the sunny moony one, harkening these, the world is a love song, the choruses are hugs and kisses, whatever form they come, I smile to you, and like the dove, everywhere, there is, oh the imaginations, and the tao, their meaning, their connections together, the energy goes on, and on, and we are all of this. Ireland has touched me in a deep way realizing it is my home and further wanti. where there have been them who've realized this, a path these paths lie mostly everywhere, and they pull one, that is the meaning of astrology, no? the reality of this gravity of aspects of the soul!


    within us all, we have a part of it, a part of this beauty, a part and a purpose, it doesn't matter being perfectly in synch or to anyones schedule of conception, we all find it eventually, sometimes we are out of it, or believe ourselves to be for a long time, but actually it is not so, we are mysteries even unto ourselves, but the love, the love goes on.

    we all sat there in a way which I hesitate to but can describe adequately in no way other than sexily while enjoyinng the nuances of passing moments and the slow burning of the candles of our alloted lives.

    the trees brushed in the wind,
    i loved those trees. aigy shalom trees
    acomala aj nedraney arin haisa to

    it excited me to know that the ness lived yet, and would live eternally... that life was really so simple, its so easy to be happy, but we must know it all, all of life, its all beautiful, its all such a..thing, it is a blessed thing, a blessed vehicle.

    fuel of dreams

    everyone orgied forever in every sense of the word, and miraculously appeared and disappeared

    dont get me wrong, it wasn't all daisies and moonshine, there were times of strain, times of sorrow, rage, frustration, imminent danger profound wisdom and overwhelming lack both physical and othersize and theres never a bad time for candles as they say, we're just choosing not to go into worded detail about them

    that was when the irish samurai Liamorel came into our leaves, he was ambling slowly along one of the byways between Connacht and Leinster as we soared above him and he saw us, we tried to return the swords to the store but then settled down in the park, we noticed by Aine's blessings that the large penis had been removed, along with the diabolical symbols upon the church things seemed to begin to flow in some right fashion again, it was as if the symbols did live, in some sense and now, we were all scattered, this must be what it is to rule by tao, no one cares, no one listens, no one can comprehend another, but it all makes some kind of, gyration, in the thick of it, life that is.

    We were confused, and a bit happy, through living metaphor, we had realized a deeper part of the inner self, in this outside world, there was a real vitalness, a real truth, which the inside only seemed to manifest, I always had freckles on my arm, and a spark of green, there, what did it really mean, was it just a bit of a celestial joke? All of it gathers here anyways, again and again, the best sword is no sword, I cut through the rain, perhaps it was me, alive again, us, in some kind of percussive life of vibration, we all walked together in magic and adventure through the hills, of the forest, the mushrooms, gathering in the grassy seats of rooted trunks, with branches that stretched and made the sky mosaic, still alll the little rain was warm enough to just bring out a liveliness and Flo loved it, Liamorel spoke little, and I took deep breathes, ireland was here, it breathed from all around, maybe it is just who I am, the spirit of ireland said. We turned around, sharpening our spirits on and on, thats one good thing about a sword, it lives, it has true meaning, these warriors, they had passed through my life, these folks of virtue, rarely does one encounter them in these days, yet it can come again, and the whole of creation feels it, when we open our hearts in reality and know ourselves, know non being, light as a pebble of fog on the horizon singing an old traditional, and all who could come and gather around in the evenings, all them crickets, and cows and things, herding eachother on, because out of it, comes an ever changing rhythm that is so vital, living, just living.

    Liam was a dude who could coax new life from a blade, from a noose, and from a bucket of dry oats, so somehow like a mother, joining us spry priestesses in this fair land of the dream, what could come? Flo stretched through the sky sometimes and sometimes came from below, all these astral folk, are sure to turn anyone around, and we're even relatively quiet here, but the sacred thickness of the water temple still rang in my being and I cried when I saw again those video clips on the screen, the buddhas danced to and fro and came together, it was all the faults which were only visible, but slowly upon those faults grew a divine mold.
    we gathered in thickets of wild grass, and bursting with the unknown, we shouted and made love thickly, damp and almost falling, but hugged by the sky, like the stars, cept more impatient, and encountered them all, it rang in my head, in some sense it was a dream, careful, it was just a disguise, those shamans!

    at least we'll be going on now, some things can bother a person, mistruth, a world lacking knowledge and yet when love flows forth it transforms everything, it all seemed rushed as we rush indeed, unto love, the annihilator of all, is bliss, washer away of sense, silent visions, bursting dreams, the devas of the purple flowers and dull green diamond leaves that fuzzed on the roadside, it was ireland, it was something amazing, something real, something in the shape of things, coming out and rocking, priestesses indeed, pushing some spirit through the channels of existence, forming the very reality, it all seemed fixed though, as much we were rocked by it, and perhaps the snakes did really mean something, yet there was good cheer and love everywhere, there was nonsense and eternity, everyone and no one, something that seems to always be there, but seldom realized, truth.

    the act of love is so dangerous because it is infinite, and it knows no bounds, but it is miraculous because it does no harm, through all of our wounds which we hold, yet compassionately the suffering is gone, because of the simple sog of the yomo, the simple song, it is a world of words, an energy of letters purely i deal with now, so fascinated that is to me, i forget to remember that nothing is really happening, all of it tells a story, but its nothing, to one who lets go, suddenly everything is here.

    you say this in the warmth, but we meld in all the elements, all of it formed on its own, in its own way, it never changed, taking the time to let everything sink in, even going on, real emptiness, real insignificance, really not mattering.

    we are the plants we are just the vibrations, i'm dull like the bare part of the mountain, flo cheers me and rubs my stomach sometimes, i try to suprise her, with the stars but she usually knows, she never knows when i bring flowers though, its just love, its just going, theres just people, its come to this, we are all trying, we can only do what we do, if we can just stop and look at it, observe it from outside, its not at all so terrifying, because by doing that, we bring peace everywhere. planting when we can, life is not something which can be stopped, everything in the world is together, give to life, and you will have no regrets... life is the first magic, and the first art. worship me with seeds and cinnamon

    and it brings me here, now, maybe it was just that we all wanted to be, around the campfire, stoned, doing orgiastic kung fu, movement, vibration, love vibration, shining in the shadows and light of every leaf, suddenly it made sense, like the vision of one, across an ocean, thus the world is, and the universe, for every place has its own feeling, and still we keep floating in nothing.

    SHAMAN DANCE! Wanti, is here, the names no longer mattered, it broke out all over, the ridiculously over spilled, maybe it was the music, or the planets, or the way the cars moved and sometimes scattered the birds but sometimes not, but suddenly, there was a silent joy.

    all of it had always been that, it is a sense, it is an aspect of the enlightenment which is innate to existence, friend I know not the height of your ecstasy, nor your insanity, but have not we the creation come together and done such, in all these times, pretending to know truth all the while, we are spurned forth, this way and that, like those cows, but in some flip of humor, for it is humor itself, which is their characteristic, we are them, they are a deeper part of us, the spirit of everything is actually one, this is the ultimate vision and it was coming from those trees, the shamrock the mushrooms, the pure conscious existence.

    I was shocked. Many hobbits, had come and joined us by then. adventures are varied in scope and in texture. The adventurers guild, we had finally come across it.

    It was painted red

    did it have to do with the placement of the texts?

    what was really going on?
    why had this been written?
    and what is ireland truly?
    what is wanti?

    I thought about all the people in my life and I just cried, some i didn't even recognize in a way that would be recognizable but just the same we were all here, i thought of other shamans

    i thought maybe the houses are above ground, because people live in them

    i thought theres a lot we really dont know or understand about the past.

    but they are all basically following me in the now, asking me if i have weed. Weed is wierd it brings a certain kind of connection, it must have been done purposely, how all the names link up, my friend who is twice talked about the pleidians...

    who were they, mysterious, maybe its just nature or the spirit, to show you something beautiful, a higher nature of people or something, ufos beamings down and wierd feelings wierd states of being, people and figures who walk through the clouds always showing up at the right times, flattened as they try to make it, they prove almost everywhere, there are spirits, wakpa wiccone, cloud beings and even others.

    all of us swirl and meet here, in the spirit of life.

    even knowing that I have failed I rejoice, i speak from my heart, following the guidelines of nonviolence and my feelings.

    if i must die for it, then i must die, until then i'll be nourishing and adding to life.

    when I'm alone I speak a strange dialect


    anonymous ('two spirits person', of the o'murray clan of the circle of life, winkte warrior)

    We travelled even further though... through a series of light bicentennial naps

    into the fogs, where would we be when it cleared up?
    you decide.

    a giant hamster had fallen through the clouds of fog around and landed on what appeared to be a nearby branch though it was obscured in the vapors. It gathered itself rather quickly, and began to speak,

    the pen is a sacred vessel gentlemen and women, as we travel through God we must realize all our chips are like fly soda, wind rain and the monk of lia seemingly rise against us but actually secure our victory, the road will be hard, but as we pass through time, through space, through love, we will be seasoned by the spices of life and nothing will stop us, I am Nela, and I would be pleased to join you, I have come falling from wanti,

    Wanti, I said wow, thats where I am from, you know of wanti?

    of course I know! said Nela, and we both beamed a little bit.

    Why is everyone always falling out of wanti? I asked

    Its all the rage, really, most folks think its the meaning of life, just for the adventure, thats all really, just for the fulfilling feeling you get, as your going through the layers of worlds like a hand-me-down sandwich and crossing the lines between scenic and unreal, you begin to see the truth, thats why I am here in old ireland, in this fog, at this moment, among you friends, and the fog clears up a bit then and we can look at to see,
    but lo, this is not where we layed down to rest, our friendly little camp, outside of Treetown.

    Are you from the future?

    and i was shaped like the cloudy one before the rain came down
    and i sang like him realized he sang
    as i sang
    yomo yomo yomo yomo yomo yomo yomo
    and there was a darkness on the mountain all around in the sky all deep colors
    in the darkness and a dry wetness, even typing this
    dancing through the sky, we where,
    and you could yourself as a character drawn in and you could the source, and true way it was, drawn by ourselves, from levels beyond,

    "and there she is smiling at me"
    yomo yomo yomo yomo
    "and theres the shroom"
    yomo yomo yomo yomo
    yomo yomo yomo yomo yomo
    "you're dead"
    it was my dharma
    take a bet
    we're calling you
    your adorable
    its not for a picture
    were not shrooms
    were everything to oyu
    thats a strange way to do it grandma
    dont feel bad

    a long silence
    rattling like a snake but much more melodic and high pitched and pure and angelic

    im healing the world
    this is what its like after in here

    why trying to say that if you want more mushrooms
    do everything you do
    everything is perfect everything is always ready

    and i fell back and grandma was there first
    and yomo yomo
    another word and we were eachother in a long line back to the source
    the yomo was that source
    and all around there were ghosts, the deer, and in white, and gold, some snakes but sacred winged healing like quetzacoatl
    and some more like people, with hats like headdresses and some just hair, just there it was wanti, a feelng burst into it all
    it was death, it was family, yomo yomo yomo just from that word spiralling from nothing like the milky way healing in all lands, in every way, in every thing,
    all of the things i'de she shed been showing me, she was flo also, and they were all in one, and with great wings, and like a butterfly, in the shimmering prismatic bright darkness.

    you have to remember no one understands this, but its here always, no one sees this but you, she said early on, yet how many you's how many forgotten places, not in words but conveyable.. everything this spirit, the yomo had set through, created shown a path through, guiding like aeris like that one from so long agp shimmiering in lifestream healing all ancient... all the plants all space the way yomo yomo yomo

    it was a great party, a great gathering, all the corruption had been circumvented, even the old centaur had come, even olan dita, here, again, even my family, in truth here, everyone, love, this is real, this is the rainbow, in trickster form, yet our hearts know its right, more and moreso, it will simple come true and full and real, as we end our foolishness and enjoy life as it was meant to and til then, these secret fairy meetings are beautiful, maybe its the meaning of it all, when the spirits are aligned, it comes through us, Yahweh, the divine, this love, this goodness, blessed be all things.


    i had known it was coming almost but in disbelief, they said it right before, like a sweatlodge... that i have not felt in long

    I'm from the timeless presentless room



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,257 ✭✭✭hairyheretic

    Limra, if you're going to be posting in here in the future, please try to keep your posts a little more focused.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,354 ✭✭✭Urizen

    Never in my life has the acronym TLDR been more appropriate...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭limra

    We'll try to Hairyheretic. I think it is worth reading though, if you have the patience

    Urizen, what does that acronym mean?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,257 ✭✭✭hairyheretic

    I did read it, and check out the links too. That's why I'm saying you want to focus your posts more.

    TL;DR - Too Long, Didn't Read.

    You may also find that shorter posts work better than long rambling ones.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,427 ✭✭✭Morag

    Maybe you need to get a blog.
    What has that stream of conciousness post entitled Judaism, which mentions Yahweh got to do with paganism?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭limra

    Maybe watching this video will help you understand


    actually Christianity is deeply rooted in paganism, I'm told this movie explains some of the connections (though I haven't watched it yet, about to), theres other many videos that do also, and websites, books, even Easter and Beltane are both holidays calling upon the same primordial energies of restoration in Spring, not so different. As a seeker, and someone who tries to see the unity of things, I am interested in the similarities and synchrocities between paganism, or what I'd call nature religions, and christianity (though not quite sure christianity and judaism can be said to not be nature religions, depending on one's interpretations) and also any synchronicity between spiritualities and various other methods of truth, the reasoning being, if multiple people using multiple methods are coming to the same conclusions and agreeing in certain areas even without knowing of the others work, then these things must be the real universal truths, the real eternal spiritual truths that are able to seep in through the renderings of the ego, imperfections in our language, etc, I believe though we are bound to be muddled by these distractions, realization has a way of slipping through where intention is pure.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,159 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Zeitgeist is so far beyond any scholarship of either history and/or theology it's almost entirely inaccurate.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭limra

    sometimes its about feeling something with your heart, not so much the intellect alone, friend :)

    spirit works in mysterious ways

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,354 ✭✭✭Urizen

    In that case you probably shouldn't rely on a video that attempts to appeal to the intellect. Especially one you haven't yourself even watched.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 93 ✭✭limra

    well you know ol limra...

    im just not a probable kind of person :rolleyes:


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